~ | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Advance FF ristmas News hat! Christmas ta) al- y, why there's heaps of yet | Maybe not so myc ou would think ~ Take 1 the Almanac apg count veeks on it and you'll find nt so far away a5 you ght. This isn't the real stmas alk yet--mey, rumors, foretaste of the to come. YEAR 72. : KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1905. NQ 275 -_-- v Cy . : 2 5 N ps interest the woman | arranging her, gifts as | i en--New lot just received, : les, guaranteed coverings, 50, 30 A very choice lot just receiy- handles and first-class cov. 2, 2.50, 2.75, 3. . (ERCHILFS ched, Pure Linen, 5¢C., IoC. 25¢. . |X HOLIDAY SEASON BRINGS WITH IT THOUGHTS OF GIFT-MAKING. oN loc., 12%c,, 15c, 20c., 23¢. C. up to 7sc. chiefs from 10c. up to §3 arge assortment between, en Hemstitched Handker. y 156, 20¢., 25¢C., 35¢., 490 en Hemstitched Handker- 5¢. each. ' Neck Arrangements Very Popular as Presents, and Are Easily Made--Transparency at Throat - a Necessity. x The coming of the Christmas holi-- days with all their at int gifts iving, makes the needle- woman tol that she, not her purse, it-is that can command the situation. With hand work of every kind and -- 4 Te character | the fashionable pro- URS cession, the skil noedlewoman be. thinks hersel early her' duties in the purchases are made the counters ave cy can have full ong unbroken lines of | in 'the season of tin, Thibet and many other ri fs, Collarettes, Muffs. These ST = ranteed by the two leadino ntreal and Quetec, and sold with a very small prot, women now realize the sav- intage. r Muff you may select can juired if you so desire. d Novelty Neckwear just of the designs shown now d later this season. up w nection, and those feather dations that are on sale at all of the' notion counters are a vast help in v { > ) h 2 i : | both planning and making those dain- 2 JU y : ) 3 4 . 4 \ . i ty conceits. The lace is first tacked to p ; 220 2 : : the foundation, such piecing and join- ings as are necessary are made, and then those fancy #titches that scem to be inseparable from the latest con. ceits in this direction are put in. One can never have too many smart collars and jabots and chemisettes for : the present styles, and' further addi: ---------- 0 the stock -arealways wel: --~ N NWN : : SE ED. come, Transparency: at the throat is "( eoxetl | | -vHY WIDOWS DO NOT READ, | DISPOSING OF THE AG come sparency Al poin a Pa \ p) A ot of very pretty designs just and Paris Silks, novel fast- ce from $1 to $3 each. Helousdy be ted F wear] some reference to the. approval with | almost a fundamen int of recent Fe \ I the afternoons, but the received. | productions, and the cascade, jabot, { { wa: | which the Cl e eonts ty are evening wraps, pure and | They must be verita garment { ooo : to Give Time to |How the Natives of Congo Free chemisette or such other design that is a jority arc g I i ) foo Busy x imple anc not supposed to see Jof the mal tailed citizen of the | i State Do It. selected for a finish must be as fil ~~ . . i simple and Se tie Books. 3 2 Moj xz ked Cashmere Hosiery ---Light The wrap is nowadays indispensable | amateur unless she be marveliously | daylight dur their hriel cnpeer, i f celestial Y smjire; BO Wh ; po al After dinner the woman called on News hax been received rom.) BJOF ell and oka in character as a. 3 ~ a , N yo 5 apt to The modes he first & the copy will « Ihe richest ol satins, | ' ¢ , 'ho set out ast year well may be. e 1 to the street or outdoor toilette of | gifted the finished garment' is apt te The mod ' by 3 he niches o friend oy were jed © sowell Cotton, who s i rs : : e, in Tans, Navy, Cardinal. atiy description. What, with the. ex. { presenta - nisht carance. - There J second, empit displayed in! gitks and or we' employed, and | two friend Th - E * netted Sou. on an African expedition from the Nile] With the surplice waists that have | S-------- trend. vogue of dressy lines in gowns, fare some tricks of the trade in thi favor min win. i those are © wht and a they had not heen x y to the Zmmbesi, During his gravis, lost not a whit of their wodishnsts , : ¥ Yasur increasing severity of the | connection that. are kept, a profession ar that arg sunply 5 Me wi . avs the Scientific American, he has| singe the spring, one must have quite 1ICS€ new things. Never it takef a wrap of some sort | al secret, and one of than is the em that shortwaist old blues that charac Je tiiey whe wit Suing from » herd interesting information. con-| a repertoire of chemisettes, and now epared to buy "It makes ntiate the house fronr the | ployment of ¢ veirht hair-cloth popular as the reclains are in the dig, sul, a had on a red kimo. | cerning the methods adopted by the | that guimpes are added to the ward- : . street toilette. in tht lv part. This or ig the the work upon those. the. pillows, She hat of "with red to | natives of the innermost regions of| robe of the grownups, as well as in ICE, you are just asjwel- Charmingly picturesque the lin S I best form and | belongs solely to the first empire, tints. The veritable no. Sh "her chooks. In: her bands | the Congo Free State for the disposal | {hose of the wee folds of the nurséry, r tl hioh most favors for th in the v. that the | that the fashions of the secand ea ¢ is eft unto hed, th pa y we « k It hap ened to be the | of their -aged members when they be- | smbroidered and hand-made gFumpes de items of the wardrobe, | skirts of the coat shall sink in after | that came wer a half 4 century | garment har n straight Ruel OOS Nas hr a th FaDpet which was | come a burden. The infirm and aged | will prove a very welcome gilt to variety to chaose from is so | the clever fashion = already described. ] later, w thei folds fre the shoulders, the fronts yi = ri ila ched to her book was | people are rendered unconscious by many a girl who has not time--or that eve he 4 difficult and | Sponging and shrinking both have | the Empres Fugenis double-breasted, with a slightly | also pretty, Atta - Tnoans of a narcotic, and in this com- nerhaps skill enough~to fashion them : oh the mast dilienis ane much to do with this shapink of trong in fashionable fay winded neck, the side ses are | a tiny little electric light, with tuse condition are wrapped in a fresh | ror herself. S taste is'sure to be pleased. he tailors: pose 18 d . fit o traditional design. | shade. The battery lay by her side. n er hie garD they are hersell, g 4 who is somewhat vain of | nings, and 4h tai lo) gogse J 1 son. same square fold a The h 1 reseated himself at the antelope wiih, In : = { the fa- Vests and waistcoats, too are. items ons will sclect instantly | led quite after the, 'prolessional man One ve ved ia wear. ahd] cmtre® By his side was an open | then hurried by the en ar ie vill. | that will be gladly received. First find ng those lope and fitted | ner . . mem : ry y with k keeping the | mily to a point reniote from out, though, if the coats or gowns of g Dy Bam I . ideries "wander all over the | hook, with a paper knife keeping th 'and abandoned in the grass near " those that clearly and sharply € | and is n characteristic fashion. place for him. It was under the read Age, oe - " the proposed recipient are such as the svelte carves of the figure fortune he ocial possibilities are | ing lamp. : A es ntave that passes the spot will immediately utilize such posses- oftentimes quite upon the Hot | : EY not al | look with favor up| "How long luve you heen married | The Test BENE EU ji to bo an | tions. Tho best shops are displaying f the stylis ok Cot at ? vers-- this ever dre Ler « t . v ) . iscove J . f i % 3 J stylish ir k ont that hint of its utilitarian purposes; and j ion hee bit ek | a smart design in Persinna, a Por | dow ed the woman as she took rtelop, and promptly dispatches it stamped and outlines on Heh Mhepcars With such n swag {ce all of the modish colors upon | wkd BOF CC, 'Chen they demand § sian lamb cloth that has. dll the beau- [ Her sat in a big arm chair. Lao The mambots of the {silk and satin tq ht wtought after Ed he may. fo ow the : Some 1 the calendar are to- he had In it, 2888 JOELL dor | tv. the gloss und curl of the veritable | © "About six months," cid they sim- | WO M0 Toe family then sorts of vio: Silk an: fn ove » redingote idea; or i ? al : gowns and v Temp er, » ANE g . ' HERS : p! adour and 3 the one : np bi 3 re | there ix no reason why it « vomld not AY ich ope of the first or | fur, and costs but a fraction of what | ultaneously, emerge from hiding near by, and ex- broi eres, t 080 pom ur are he true mode of the Directoire fashioned . aftor the very latest | th : v hey wed . an] Oh fries . Furthermore, it] 'The woman who had just come from ess open horror and surprise 'at the Antoinette dosigns that call for tiny nt Whith Yeproflies the sof the mode the se od; in the ath she | lends itseti- well to the manipulations] gay dinner-party where she had a incident. though inwardly ribbons, heads and spangles to their ; i vuat Tero, Nowsver rment that hespraks 'Parisian | F200 S00 Tole from both periods | of the dre r. and a smart wrap | lnoghed for two hours with a lag of | W0 OFFEEE Re OF he elves upon the | achievement: wool and. worsted work h an woman's' dx and maki fashioned after the old-time pha an To int he cation the] that may bx rn with equal distine: | friends, glanced quickly from ond to | T80ECC TL Lin which they have and what not, all 'according to the but att slender, at hate is a bins | L12P AY #9 a tion day or evening may be evolved | the other, taking in the hooks, . the | [UEEC 0 aT iheiy burden. use to which they shall be put when theless, © ittle, ghorfwaisterd scam down the centre of 1 | are win wraps at a comparatively small cost. 'The | lamps, vir attitudes of repose, the When last heard of Major . Powell finished, are offered for the. skilled H. : por 4 cut after 'the. same lines, 1 ol 78g e's modes he first empire make up ; om, the air @f having | 00 pug 1a for the Stanley forest. needlewoman s attention. ; olla : that same Shagiyvistad full ard wide. The fronts are ws those ¢ Pall Jace most lux Iv in this fabric; and 1 t gether, : Embroidered bags and belts to Dok Jif one. of * the best cards in voluminous. and stitched howe 'of 2 1 the bre. Jthe fod' sideries wrought directly "1 ace.' said she, "I know haw it ET tion match are, among the latest fancies all of "ashion's hind this season, and | 0 letine every seam and join. | $0 LC Gn cates realq upon fars of the most éharacter- | is. | used to be married. I pend 'then Circulation. and there" are even ribbons stamped a cei exelusivesand incidentally 13.0 "He chonldor seams is so clever iri h crochet or real Cluny for the } istic fads « present season--may | and read and read. I nearly put 'my | Philadeiphia, Press wv thet siranor for embroidery that are intended an hee ip proartion . to the 110 handled that the plain but full F200 Sl FL Ge garment, and a nar- | be beautifully carried out in this with | eves out reading. [read sometimes Who sid gin ay that, si RCE | border kimonos and dressing sacques il --~ estlusivances displayed tailor o to peop from the | BEG ciennes for edging, with per | delightful results, till three o'clock in the magning and | Was 1 08 rkinbin Y oplied: the | of sheer henrietta, cashmere and oth- wnkeryg s tailors. !; i ¢ wt itself TO u ging, E vs 4 a n 5 5 makety, ne ; high.« 158 tat or «dull folds p for the cont itself Ei soattored: motifs of Mussian: gui after Pd : ; J qua dp ore er soft and comfortable goods. ! t what RY a 3 isso managed - that it Yiciocts be | pure, Ttalian filet or some other ex The Old Standby. > "I do that now," smiled the wife. ro well © Why, that's the name As for the belts of ribbon and silk, Sma, is ak as "la mode |v ,nd the sleeve at all points I'he Rahsive 'web of marked in Tolaxach ditof: "Cosh! I dont "Re ally," went on the woman, I i . 3 ua ahi aT they call for = embroidery and = much this sh yr Aeon > hte employing | irqufs are double-breasted, fastening | Y Cguality Lore gry rg lo for news to-day. All] think there wasn't a book that came Oo Dent oy 4 Wat's the name o' | handwork if they are to com i Shartwailstec elect 1¢ most Po ¥ ore elve \ gases fd . > Know wha y do 10 ews Lto-da ) + ' i ' > ay Oo 2 ~ . .: harming results." Not that the Bere with hard i this t J} a o. |" Shirred and bouillinpe ribbons, too, § quiet in Russia. Nothing doing in ag then k Bida't 3 ad, 1 devoursd the other ono?" ' the best that the ops disp 3 8 foreshorteind by any means. Rather bast rd = the « ny he f shows the { are among the trimming schemes that § Mancha. Not a ripple in - South SA: eh id they SE A elt the ia t og Ik tha , Ta i "mv repealed Ya Be | s v o excellent advantage upon 3 STC « § o do Mu nh Ha gh Y . . of fo in al ted th oy part is abbrevia- Ip pe embroidery as the huttons.: | show up to ex h San times the Ame a ie : aol, cant oh The woman smiled serenely at them Of 'course, you know about sides, and again in front, these last a ind the's irts of the garment so | Aj thing more modish, smart and at Th ot hen Managing . a ' from the recess of her big armchair, . Vi shallow "#6 that the cein-- Iv handled that they sink in] a ig Gott subtical sould atin lining----for{ qv there's trouble bre g in th en ! 5 1 ery ones, Al 8 A over a ahiiat . they sink Mf ihe same time strictly practical could | BLP TST ded (silk in this Te FBolkans ? What, Kind of a newspaper] Now.' suid she, "1 never rem 8 ture hugs the waistling tightly and tral waistline i ity Yn hardly be imagined. 1 pRImen' b lepoet--or- it may. matgh the lace: or} are vou, gnyway ?" : ingle hook that's on the market. | vet holds all of its smart shave. he trhingly n an 1 ir : th : ~ plain. souk and utili Shak Honore x tier still, it may be n f the new nan are Tr I 4 don't | w what's come out and 1 - As for the em shirtwaist ingly more slende on i cal -- » ' griffonette etter still, it me une of 1 ---------- bro tently is. Hob Men J for rainy day purposes (the griffonelt raha ribbons that have floral-designs : of oh win) ORL. € I go by hookstands from patterns, thei name is legion. In ad- though, 16 handle thi SE ou i ( Pring absolutely a inl be ening} embroidered Swstead of Fountain syringes from 5%. 10 ¥2.50 | 0 year's end to the other and never dition to the. ones - of lingerie E ¥ « p is mode to its [ . : akon a suitable after. | weet zy HC ery : s drug = . i on." os % best results, mud-in the hams of the i ver eat makes the dic. | printed on them, ns heretofore. A 8% Wades drug stgre. | think of them ssion there are some mew ones in a ¥ | no h : ' » age Ra Brides | Tinted chi her plain or plisce, Wh 9 shed they. op hiv silk warp henrietts, in eolenne, a Te 4 CRE A gn | : ad tH 0} "I'm no longer married." wxplain silk voile and sheer. woolen fab ' ill=hring it inte the quieter and | 18 oftentimes ployed to veil the lin 1 ' REO . t or: W en Ia we How's This ? wir Nas ab o% 4% wraps general: | ing, snd a full o ale of this in posed the omen. "1 no Mnget vou tat aud y rics that will nr up' delightful for or ar ne Hundred Dollars Reward || { come inches above the hem; the two : e ar Oo read f Pe ane . : . ) cold 'weather wear. 5 ¢ tured by Haith atareh that cannot bé| Woe pf (he season's modish | hems being then identical, and an now," whe added. . Vou know there is nothing Bon velvet tho. 'whos' hand: wm a P. hg . 2 x GTS PF. J, CHENEY & Co. Toledo garments are not so. practical cor se | other ef ing ite. way down _eithe . te so bad for health as a Dis- | broidery beautifully, and many a clev. Chee the undersigned have known ' jan as that just quoted. There | side of the front faste That the | ou In Merely A Question. ordered Stomach or Liver, . | néedlewoman is her wn ombroid him Boer the last 15 years, and believe »Sexquisite ones in chiffon vel ! to 'all of those oats are . not Mr. Jackson: "T understand that here her best nRactions and a! rs vot of delicate tint that employ beau- | attached at point exept he feck t voung. man wha comes 10 see You know, too, there is ly able } : : > . deme ahi . g : A out any' obligations made by his | tiful hand embroidereries ot Fiblns, | and the ert) goes. with. |} Hammer blows, steadily Applied, o often is apxbons to become an | nothing so good for Bad Cw 3 silks, tiny beads and spangles to their | oftentimes tly inserted) goes Cou actor" : - 2 . WALDING, KINXAN & MARVIN, | adorning, and yards upon yards of {out saying, many instances the His dnighter :. "Yes. sire. He wants Stomach and Liver as Wall's Wholesiie Srarists Toledo, 0.) real gees, all of the hasdmadle Sain { fining, en * inches 3 oy * ! he to appear befors the footlights." ABBEY'S SALT. y arr "ure is taken interns ties go do their arther embellich cont wre wr M i 3 » etl apon, the Mopd Sod mei That these ore intended ior | stifiness or' any wet shape lo the hang 5 : . . | - it - It's 'a habit of health to Ther | evening wear of formal character is | of the garment. A stitel in. time ay save ning; i take AsBey's SALT. porirayed in thei every line and fold. A review, however, rapid, of those vou den't have 16 look for a neidle mn 240 AW) 600 A BOTTLE 3 ooaa Sowe ) darker colored ones nay | dainty © a hasstech, wraps must include |