"The Perfect Food" A perfect breakfast is im- possible without it and it's just as good three times a day. It gives you réal nourishment and renewed vitality, For Malta-Vita is rich in nutrition--every nutritive element of the best white wheat and malt extract. The malt extract, mixed with finest barley the flaked wheat, converts the starch of the wheat into maltose, or malt sugar, makes it easy for even the weakest stomach to digest Traing tawa, For i 13:89 Gen, DONWAY, ALLAN ROY Tunistan, Sarmatian Mongolian Passen SLEEVE, + Px Glide Agents, Be B. low, your No from Depot, Fogt "No. 5 Mail ... No. 8 Nail Halifax, Boston and New York, - P Accommodation, Tickets, and all other imformation, apply to Agent Cor. Julhuston ullman J. PHA Outari KiINcsToNS PemBF Pass. § Parisian, Sat., Nov. 23 Sicilian, Sat., Dec. 2 Virginian, Christmas Steamer Doc. 1 { From BOSTON will Jeave and of Johnston GOING treet, WEST Quebec, Portland, St. NLE BY, 0 streets. Kmgston, Ont. RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON :-- P.o~~Expross, for Ottawa, Mon- St. co, Ontario Street. AY, F.. A. FOLGER, JR. Agent Gen. Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagsten. LINE LIVERPOOL and TITS SYSTEM E TABLE 905. Supt. Bay of Quinte Railwa Dessrento, and all local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 8:35 p.m. ¥ LONDONDERRY AL MAIL STEAMERS, From St. John From Halifa Mon., Nov. 9 . Mon. Dec. St. John Dec. 16 From Halifa Sat. Mon Dec. 1 - Sat. TO GUASGOW, Dee. 1 Dec Depot. J: P Clarence Street. releeve, HORSRY. Trafic Manager w, while prices are is the time to fill coal bin with best quality SCRANTON COAL P. Walsh's Yard BARRACK STREET. xX. 7. 4. 1. x: 8 HALIFAX TO LONDON AND HAVE 9 O Jy P. HANLEY, Agent. G.T.R. Oity GILDER- oind adds a pleasing taste which cannot foods sweetened with su, gar, glucose or syrups. Try Malta-Vita with cream or fruit, All grocers, now Joc. rive at Ciny Lye, Uity 'Arr, City «1245 am. Lid a.m 3 Express ... 296 a.m. 3.05 a.m. " HN Local i... 9.15 a.m. 9.47 a.m "1 Intern] Ltd12:16 noon 12.46 p.m 7 Mail 3.19 p.m, $51 po, 7.03 pm. 7.88 p.m, GOING EAST Lye. City Arr, Cit 148 a.m, 222 a.m "7 2 Fast Exp. 226 a.m. 3.05 a.m. 16 Local... 8.47 a.m, "OB Mail .. ...12.16 mon 12.46 p.m. * 4 Fast p. LOO p.m. 1.20 p.m " J2%00nl ...... 7.08 pom, 7.38 p.m Nos. 1,2, 8, and 4 run daily, Nos. 5 and 8 run daily Sxeept Monday. All other trains dujly oxcopt unday. Direet route Toronto, Teterboro, Hamilton, Buftalo, London, ' Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, ' Saginaw, Montront, John, (dat *l treal, Quelwe, St. John, N.Is.. Halifax, Boston, "Turonto, Uhicago. Denver, Ren- frew, Sault Ste. Mare, Duluth, Si Pauy, Wiani , Vancouver, Heattle, Portland, and San Fr A pmo-Local for Sharbot Lake connecting ut CP.R. east and wost Y10 aan ~Mivsd, for Renfrew aud in late pointe Pi ® leaving B880n 01 Kingston at 12:30 Pin &Frive in Ottawa at 500 p.m; 0, B13 pm: Toronto, 7:8 Rh Bocten, 7:80 am; Pull "partisanre at K & uw culars a! v k Ticket OM: 2 DONW 0 John, P: and O, P, eat ---------------- Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Stoamboat Co., Limited. STR. "ALETHA" Leaves Kingston daily except Sunday at 8 p.m, for Pleton and intermediate Bay of Quinte Ports, Full information from J. P. Hanley, J, Jas, Swit & Co. Prevsesssssasscsscsracal "THERE IS A TIME FOR ALL THINGS." be found in grain ee -- HER OWN ORGAN, She Runs the Paper and is Busi- MRS. IRMA TILDEN. San Francisco, Nov. 25 --Becauss none of the San Francisco bapers would give space to her very indivi- dual thoughts, Mrs, Irma Tilden, a handsome Young woman, started her own organ under the name of "Daily Sunset Herald." She is her own editor and also looks after the Lusi- ness end of the paper. -------- Quaint English Custom. Among the lost customs of morry England is the milkmaids' procession, a May day obsefvance. They borrow. ed a great quantity of silver plate-- not sham plate, real gold plate--dishes: butkr boats, cream jugs, tankards, ete. They built up the plate round an obelisk, crowning tho whole with a tea urn. They arranged the most showy flowers hetween and about the silver This obelisk was carried by two chair: men in gold laced hats and followed by a troop of milkmaids dressed in pink and blue gowns, "drawn through flat "Woflington hats" covered with ribbons. A fiddler went first in a sky blue cont and hat adorned with rib bons. The procession stopped beforo the 'pocket holes," whatever that means, with high heeled shoes, mob caps, lappets of lace on their shoul ders, nosegays. in , their bosoms and milkmaids danced, . A Decaying Church. An artist was asked to paint a pie- ture of a decaying church. Instead of putting on the canvas an old, totter ing ruin, he painted a stately edifice, of modern grandeur. Back of the open portals conld be seen the richly earv- od pulpit, the magnificent organ, and beautiful] stained. windows. Just in- side of the grand entrance, guauded on either side by a "pillar of the church," in spotless apparel and' plit- tering jewels, was an artistic shelf containing a plate ofggoodly work- manship for. the offerings of the fashi- onable worshippers, Directly above the the plate, hing a simple, square box, bearing the legend, "Collection for Foreign Missions," But right over the slot through which contributions ought to have gone he had painted a huge cobweh. The church that has not missiongry life is dead, though not conscious of it. Celebrating First Jew Settlement. New York, Nov, 95. The Jews in all parts of the United States began to- lay, the: cebbration of 250th anni. versary Of the first Jewich sot tlement In this country, Wherever there are Jewish committees this memorable day will be celebrated in an appropri ate manner, by religious services in the synagogues and public meetings, in which prominent Jows will voview the history of the Jewish rane in the United States and speak of the portance of that 'memorable «a: the history of the race. im. in Must Have Another Form. New York, Nov. 28.~There seams to be little doubt that there will be a sharp and decisive camoaign against the present form of ballot, and that the. legislature will order another form to be used. The present ballot the sole purpose of putting in the honest citizen's vote at risk, not only but also putting all possible obstacles in the wav of his costing his bhatlot properly. Itis the most: abenrd ballot that has ever Teen used by voters anywhere, In borrowing money. my friend, The fact often strikes me as funny That the people most willing to lewd Are the people who haven't the money If you forget tn ' be aficctionate with. a woman she will be mad with would seem to have heen conceived for | BROADBRIN'S Sssbebsnniin Letter From Greater New York. WAS TALL THEIVING AMONGST THE BIG LIFE IN- SURANCE MEN, Nemesis Hughes Making Them Disgorge Their Jligotten Gains ~The 7 Great Horse Show Called Out the Four Hundred. Special Correspondence Letter, No. 1,489 THE DAIL Y WHIG, SATURDAY, 'and a scene that will not soon be forgotten by those who were present to enjoy it. There is no denying it. the annual horse exhibition is one of society} choicast and most treasured fads. ciation have adopted a special dress or 'uniform, which, while not exactly horsey in its character, is unlike any of their other costumes. On the prince's visit the "four hundred' turned out in full force, the army, the navy and the diplomatic corps had each a marked representation and the army of beautiful women was second to nome of the grand functions given so far this holiday season. The rea- son for this preference is plain; { the horse is the afistocrat of the animal creation, representing pure blue blood and pedigree as it is represented by no other creature among the living or the dead. He is man's natural and inseparable companion, one of the truest, best and most constant of his anjmai friends. The fair of this year has been the most successful in the history of the New York, Nov. 24.--The life insur- ance investigation which bas been pro- gressing during the past week, as re- association; financially and socially, and in its personal'it left nothing to be desired; at no time was favoritism NOVEMBER: 28. . The leading ladics of the asso} Quoth Jack Canuck, "I proud to be Behind this here Red Feather Tea; So rich and fragrant in the cup, So free from dust, so well put up, It holds Dominion .over me, And always will, I'll guaran-tea, #4 Treat from Ceylon One Price --40 Cents. ported in extensio, by the Men who for years have highest places of honor 'and that it was in the out of the ' ordeal acters very little above the ethics of a common thief, who have occupied positons of th most important public as amon, our the most unquestioned wwlti-millionaires, a large amount of money, each these financial giants sat in the wit ness box, and committed as rank per jury as ever sent a burglar or high way robber to state's prison. out the chaos of crime, gloom promise, as long as and fearless press entrenched and screne defending avenging Nemesis Hughes remains like alive this world knowledge; statistics,, 1 thin warrant me in asserting are more averagely decent people on the globe, than 'there are roughs, , will too weak to do his own fighting can generally find a champion to fight is battles, and he need not fear an- nihilation no matter how strenuons the power ayainst him as long as the earth holds a majority of "God and one." A distressing and shameful fea ture of these life insurance investiga- tions has been the utter absence of anything like conscience among these Pious robbers when Nomesis Hughes compells them to make restitution of their ill.gotten gains; one disgorges a hundred thousand dollars, another financial 'scoundrel planks down a quarter of a million, and it now looks as if life insurance thievery would scarcely reach the high water mark till some conscience-seared life in surance sinner, appalled at his own villainy shall add a million dollars or more to the glittering pile of stolen soul, like the first murderer, mighty God forgive me, ment is more than I can bear." If the money which was paid back to the conscience fund by any of the life insurance, criminals was honestly theirs they should have kept it and no power on earth could have justly deprived them of it, and any party who compelled them to give up that which was rightly theirs by preying on their fears with threats of exposure and prosecution, would have fanded in state's prison instead of the vie tims they were endeavoring to des- stroy. "Al- It is with a feeling of supreme satis- faction and relief that 1 our criminal courts with their records of shame and sin, to horse show, where the gilded sons and daughters of fashion have held high carnival during the week just passed. It was a grand exhibition. and for once, the carpers and crities were com pelled ta hide their claws and the horse show of 1905 was greeted by all our great journals with whole columns of unstricted praise; there was no claptrap or nonsense ahout it, from beginning to end it was conducted on plain business' principles and where- over the blue ribbons fell or the gold and silver medals were every instance thoy were the mead of just deserts. The visit of Prince Battenburg to the horse show was one of the great events of the week and although it was not set down in the programme of marked entertainments, it was, novertheloss one of dazzling splendor COD LIVER OIL. It almost makes you sick to think of it, but it isn't nearly as bad as it used to be. Theimproved method of refining dark take, and when made into' Scott's Emulsion almost every ong can take it. Most children like it and all childreft that are not robust are benefited by it. When the doctor says "Take cod liver oil," he generally means Scott's Emulsion; ask him if he more easily-digested and you so von will have to' kiss her to make it pi--New York Press, better than the plain oil. SCOTT & BOWNE, Toronto, Oat, or . daily press has not been pleasant reading, | 8 occupied the | confiding people to bestow have come | with reputations | clouded and smirched, and with char- moral Two men were in evidence this week trust. They had accumulated colossal fortunes and were rated in. the temples of finance of yet upon a simple question of fact, not involving of | f From and sin, come visions of rare and golden an independent holds the tribune the | rights of the people. There is a never | failing hope, oven in the darkest and most trying hours that as long as one Charles E. of ours will not be such a bad place to live -in, but, good or bad, it is the only one of which we have any present that there toughs and criminals; the man who is oot, exclaiming in the agony. of his | my punish- | turn from | the | o | awarded, in | it | makes it much easier to | doesn't, They know it is | scen in the rendering of the awards very gratifying feature was of judgment for the horse as man's useful &id dud éompanion has not vet IF ert = rap e SUE SMITH, Employed ns w saleswoman by a Brooklyn florist, has been offered a munificent salary to sing on the Vaude- { ville stage and "made a decided hit up- on her first appearance. She has a fine voice and it was the latter which at- tracted the attention of nn theatrical anager, who hought a bouquet in the florist's* shop, where Miss Smith was employed. | come. You may multiply your auto | mobile which sweeps over the ground jot the brake-neck rate of sixty, venty or perhaps one hundred miles {an hour, but a the last automo- hile in a desperate trial of speed shall have dashed out whatever brains re | main in a future generation. the horse will still remain with unshaken hold | | on our affections even though perfect se- {ed balloons should be realized in | | acrial locdmotion. | Trouble multiplies in Europe and | Asia and not only is Russia in de. | | sperate straits but Turkey finds its | rule in peril when the united fleets of | Europe may be thundering on Con { stantinople. Fresh stories of Jewish | massaere horrify the hearts of the | | civilized world and not only the Jews | in the United States but also those of England, France and Germany have poured forth their wealth to as. | sist' the Jewish population of Russia in éscaping the. murderous mobs; it | looks as if the only 'real and perman- | ent benefit to thove who afe now in | such deadly peril will | from the government forth no help to alter, It is impossible at the present time | to cast a horoscope for Russia: if the | army is united in defence of the czar | it will be a murderous menace to the | people; the strikers represent several { hundred thousand which are hopeless- | { ly divided as to how to win their de { | mands; there is an immonse body of | | anarchists who want no law what ever, whose hope of existence is in [riot and carnage; they may be shot | down by thousands by the murderous | Cossacks or sabred till the strects are | lowing with their blood, but they | cannot be annihilated, and their plots are a constant fear. Poland is ripe | for rebellion but she fears the inter- | | be to escape which holds them here or here- vention of. William of Germany, whom she hates with a greater detestation { than she feels for her Austrian con- querors. Une of the most vital ques: | fic at the present time is finance. Money will not be loaned where there | i8 no positive security, and this. Rus { sia, at the present moment, is not | preparéd to give. Prime Minister { Witte, who figured so conspicuously Lin the Portsmouth peace conference, | has now been granted almost dicta- f torial power;'the army hates him, the [ancient aristocracy detests him. and the tenure which he holds may be {ended at- any moment. The United | States can do nothing but watch and | wait. and out of the trouble there is {no hope or guide, but in Him who | marketh the sparrow's fall and who holdeth the sea in the hollow of His hand. ~BROADBRIM. A Miniature Parish. The death of Rev. Bartholomew | Rlenkiron, for sixty-two vears vicar of Cqates Parva, in the diocese of Lin- | colt, England, ocurred October 27th. The living was worth $370 a 'ear | gross. the population of the parish be | ing sixty, and the church accommodat- {ing fifty-eight, Had Enough. { "Have you ever read { Friend 2 ** = { {| No," thundered thé iradscible citi-! { em, "nor do I propose to. 1'have no) desire to read anything further about | any life insurance: papple," the large representation of ladies on the trust | different din mitiees and 4 power of an over | Mage by them were among the very ! ne | best stock in the exhibition. The day the cntries Write for Sample--Red Feather Tea Co., Toronto, (6 = 1 Q NOU LIGHT TH WE po' THE a | The eet tsetse eee eee | | toria Hotel. | and some other boys, do, he fell | love with pretty May Reifly, | conceivable thing, besides gold, silver 3 ter, but not may say that my 'Our Mutual | Bian hea Soe oe wap i hy 11744 big 5g d& 14, EP» 0 5 7H ARSE A THE UPS AND DOWNS An Elevator Boy's Life--One Boy's Success. New York, Nov. 25.--There are many up and downs, to be sure, in an cle. Of vator boys life, but sometimes he strikes it rich. Joseph Goss was above the common sort, as he-was educated for the priesthood in Ire land, but found it expedient to come { to this country to carn his living as an elevator hoy in As the Waldorf-As- most elevator boys, in who also the Astoria, in the Hotel to marry, was im the employ of having heen a checker Sstor. When thdy came Joe's pockets were bulging with gifts that patrons of the hotel showered upon him. John F. Gates carried two hundred shares of Rock Iéland stock for him, and Charles M. Schwal) agreed to carry twenty-five shares of any stock he cared to buy. "He had two gold watches and one silver one to tell him the time set for the cere mony," with orders for almost every eurrdney and cheques. The rle numbered among their personal friends titled men and million aires from all parts of the world. young eon- Bishop Gailor, of Tennessee, - has spoken out to his people strongly on divorce and the purity of the home. Bishop Potter has condemned the book, "What God Hath (Not) Join- ed." by Orr Konvon, on this subject, Cured of Drunkenness 3 Hig $6 you can use this let: My Bame yet, Free and pamphlet giving particulars, testimo and price sent in plain sealed envelope respondence sacredly confidential. 4 TE) 2S > ited Manufacturers Wm : HAMILTON | WINNIPEG TORONTO VANCOUVER Wy) Our personal guarantee as well as that of the makers goes with every stove. Call and see the Souvenir Ranges. S. J. HORSEY, Kingston, Ontario. ---- Ee ------ Fn, Ly Yr. v \ | spe , DOUVENIR | A' RANGes | Ss ee Seathe fie is a in I i I . . ert oy The fire box, it will kee Ik qoing with very little attention The Souvenir Rance is 50 simple in construction Thal -- There is no uncertainty as To how: E FIRE iT will at during cooking Time REST USED IN THOUSANDS OF CANADIAN HOMES GURNEY, TILDEN COMPANY THE PICK OF CANADAS ENORMOUS WHEAT CROP IS BY SPECIAL PROCESS WAL CONVERTED INTO THE MOST PALATABLE OF BREAKFAST CEREALS - Taw LE] TN ORANGE MEAT BY THIS PROCESS EVERY LIFE-GIVING ELEMENT OF THE GRAIN 1S UTILIZED ORANGE MEAT NOURISHES THE INVALD AND KEEPS IN GOOD TRIM STRONG MINDS AND BODIES EASILY DIGESTED LOOK FOR THE NEW PREMIUMS. COUPONS IN EVERY 15.. PACKAGE. AWAY Do not Jet King Frost worry you this winter. Geta FATIOUS HEATER coPYRIgRT And keep him away. Itis the most powerful aid economical heater on the market. It has two air fas tes it, which takes the cold air from the floor and distri ve it heated around the house through the top of the s Call and let us explain this heater to you. LEMMON & SONS 351 AND 358 KING STREET. "PHONE 388. Will tell that LABATT'S ALE Is superior toall other brands. GOLD MEDAL and other awards of its purity guarantee the quality to be the best. When ordering ask for § LABATT'S. : 339 and 341 King St. THR SAMARIA REMEDY sy Chambers, Jordan St., Toron! nada, Also for Heury "Phone 274] JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT -- OF -- Overco Was due to the excellence of ou tailored garments. "HT-REFO Is the peer of a E. P. Jenkins Clo \ Finger K variety, style, and effo sign emphasize ne made, to have our RING to none. Our $20 and $25 Diam are generous examples, an decided successes, but we choose from at far greate SMITH B Jewelers ¢ 360 King Str ISSUERS OF MARRIA WANTED. The Fl R FINISHERS. APY McKay, Brock street. JUNIOR CLERK. AP} Faul, Kingston, Carpe A GOOD DINING ROC the Lake View Hotel, and Ontario streets. A STRONG AND WiLL work in warehouse. Co Ontario stree 8° O'shock Vashon Roe RL TO T A YOUNG G of a baby, for the @ ply to Mrs. (Dr.) K IMMEDIATELY, AN 1 for Gent's Apply to F King and Prince YOUTH TO DRIVE waggon for a short work around gr Apply F. Ostler, Cor University Avenue GENTLEMEN Overcoats Thomas Galloway's, Also bring your old them repaired. Style guaranteed to please MEN AND BOYS earn $5 day, after struction, position Special tuition half only. Coyne Bros. Schools, New York, St. Louis, Mo. (Fr A LOCAL AND DIS for "Canada's Greaf We are prepared to offer to a reliabh salesman to represe ston and surrounding tory will be reserve man, Write for fu Stone & Wellington, By CHICAGO WHO | order house, at or woman) for Ww territory s paid weekly d. Work pie inent. No inves required. Write articulars and ench velope. Cooper & © Chicago. 111 TO-LE1 ROOM OR DWI over Miss Greaza's to J. 8. R. McCann, OFFICE, IN King street. Forrest, Gents' GOOD Rent | Fu BRICK SHOP AND R 851 Princess stree Possession Novembe Steacy & Steacy. WITH DWEI two dwel G. A t.. Kings BE. OVER _ Store, Corner' King two well lighted a Apply to McCann, THAT No DESIRABLF 138 Wellingt by occupied hace and all s. Apply to ice street, cit FOR SA ' ORGANS Sewing Ma second hand, all c ~Street. Joseph Ge THE ROTHWELL FA Concession, Ernest road miles We containing about a splepdid dairy f with ade groves and other building large brick reside order, also a cot the road. At the r Containing a large and other markab wood. To wind vroperty will he s o Ply to RB, Easton Street, Kingston, Sau, neXt farin t