paig prisoner, it was the scene of tl battle ground, have met with great There are t A great deal of money Js spent Is hi his whole campaign. The campaign was skilful. ly planned and eminently successful: it not true men Wo ways for the sceptics. ds, from Fort Wiliam, $i heat. It is a very significant fact that t 'raig's wharf : lor Michigan, kings were beaten in their own Res | up; Saturday night on her last trip. tle ground. Warfare, then was on dif- | SS, HM. Pellatt, from Fort Wil ferent principles, than now, and con- | liam, is unloading grain at the Fron- sequently the open plain was the best | tenac Milling Co's, elevator. - Mishap of the Local Wrecking Steamer from Oswego, with coa Richardsons' elevator : Schooner Queen of pany. The schooner clear to-day for selessly every Christmas, You|BUT GOD WILL NOT HELP ming from Brockville to = i : : I ast night steamer - could avoid that by buying from THE RECKLESS. 5 pa aaa tab, the at Grontham, our choice - : : : Ec n---- : went ashore near Alexandria Bay. E a BE And Those Who Run Into Way of [The night was very dark and also Temptati n-~TKeep ay Fro misty, a ire LK Away rom At noow, Sunday, the Donnelly ¢ 3 ep Wrecking company succeded in re. - High Grounds: ngsthe M. T. company barge Mel. - In' Sydenham Street Methodist | rose, 'on a shoal near the Narrows, church, at the evening % sefvice, on |and at three o'clock the Melrose, in ¢ Sunday, the pastor, Rev. C. E. Man- | tow of the tug Emerson, and the ning, preached an in and in- | Donnelly, with the Grantham, sturted structive sermon of par inter- for Kingston, the leading, et to young men. A noticeable and | The latter did not know of the Don- commendable fact was that there was wily istortuve vat + Worvlg, an unusuall large turnout of young |W t to release the san men. y fh wrecking steamer. ; The preacher took as text for his lrove is in the Queen street remarks, Genesis xiv, 10, "And the | 8lip, reaching here at eleven o'clock Vale bf Siddim was full of slimepits ; | last night. 'art of her cargo is in ; and the kj of Sodom and Gomor- | the Grantham. As sgon as the dam- d rab fled, fell there; and they that | 88d wheat is taken out, the barge remained fled to the mountains," {will go into dfy-dock for repairs. CHEFFONIERS The. vale of Siddim is situated in -- Just the thing to please the men--a | the south-eastern Bort of Palestine Movements Of Vessels. ; Arty for all his clothing. and etc., $8.50, | w in the war Lot was carried | Crawford's wharf : Steamer Bothnia, , #14 up. 1 Steamer Jn- the Lakes loft : defeats on battle. | the government dry dock, yesterday, * : rounds of their own choosin 1 Sy, | and Js loading feldspar at Richard. BED-ROOM BOXES |fu.i'tay. "cr, Go hoguing St. | woe} La nice idea, Fancy Cretonne | God's hop strengthens me." The | The tug Emerson will likely go to $3, $3.75 wp, great conflicts of hfe are pot thosgto | Charlotte touight to bring back ; be overcome by physical Bey, buf by coal'laden barge for the M. T. com- the spiritual. Vv Winnie Wing was to PULPIT TRIBUTES THR DAILY WHIG, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27. ' -- TO THE LATE MRS. BRUCE " CARRUTHERS. ui -- i Ministers of Chalmers and St. | Andrew's Churches Speak in Glowing Words--All Good Work Have Lost a Fihe Wcman, At the Sunday miorning service in Chalmers chureh, Rev. Dr. Macgil- livray made appropriate reference to the late Mrs. Bruce Carruthers, who, | { capable .as « ering her aid. She loved her church in a very special manner, and was de- voted and liberal to 'all its interests. | she was cheerful in rend. | In her home life, * she was gracious | and hospitable, and in the circle of | her most intimate 'associates a wo- man of charm and attractiveness, and greatly beloved. She loved life, and btight and assuring." Dr. Macgillivray closed with an expression of afiection. ate sympathy from himself and the | mss i | Spea schoolroum, Canada at UNA SAUNDERS ks Eloquently For Indian Educational Work, uxiliary.. was held, on branch; w#s At four o'clock Miss Una Saunders, | in. St The quarterly meeting of the 'com- bined city branches of the Woman's in the chair, | Miss Constance Cooke, read the min- | utes of; the previous meeting, and sec- | retaries and treasurers of the various | | branches, read full, and most satisfac. tory reports. | finds her way about with words 'w | the ease that marks the cul lishwoman, As is pretty generally known this time, movement to which Miss Saunders be- longs, is that great ten-year-old body, which has John R. Mott for its head, and "The evangelization of the world Miss Saunders At Y.W.C.A. James' | Saturday afternoon, | at hali-past three. Archdeacon' Mac. | Occurrences morineagead the opening pravers, and | Spheres | Mrs. T. C. Wilson, president of parochial id the | rush, THE DA hoc NOTES GENERAL. Interest Remembered. Do it now, and avoid the Christma In R. D. Hunt, Hamilton, is | city' on business, Norman ith | ing a few the Clarence nee, is in i nesday ni H awley days in tured Eng. | day to Picton. i Your ad. should be in the you want Whig readers to kno | you are doing. & Ww. town, Col. F. L. Lessard, Toronto, Lieut.- Col. Gwatkin and Major Maunsell, Ot- Hear Harvey Llovd, Toronto soci : in this generation," its watch word. | enjoyed the many gifts and comforts To the centuries old culture of the | which Providence had conferred on her, "oact must go the highest culture of | tawa, are registered and, though she had much to live for, the west, if' the light of the gospel it | | the stories she complained not of her long and bears, is to shine in the dark corners editors of. the Whig. severe illness, and welcomed, 88 WAS of the ancient civilization, and it is | things to be had becoming. a finely tempered christian ' gor the educational work among In- | them. spirit, the end with its release and dian children, and others, that = Miss | rest, hard as parting from her loved Saunders, is asking the prayers, the comic, at Canadian ones must have been. Under every cir- sympathy and the financial aid of cumstance her joy in her Saviour was i ters' concert and hop, City hall, ght. The 1906 tour for the GI will start from Buffalo J AND THINGS IN The City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Easily Read and in the is ill at his home, he said, had away ofter 8 who is connected with the Student | on Bagot street. mas . long and painful illness, borne With | Volunteer Movement in India, began | C. McGillivray, Smith Falls, was in rare christian patience and fortitude. | por address, and charmed everyone by | the city over Sunday. Socicud ; "Her death will be felt to be a the clear forcibleness of her appeal,| J. G. Hay, Dawson, Y.T, is regis great loss in the many spheres of | und her vivid descriptions of the edu- | tered at the British American. God's work in this city, in which she | cational work among India's women. |, William Baker, Gananoque was in always manifested a deep, practical | Miss Saunders i® a woman of much | town, over Sunday, visiting friends. and generous interest, She was 88 | personal grace and attractiveness, and | W, Mackenzie, who has heen spend. town; returned to- Whig 'if, w what Trimble, o Johannes- burg, S.A., who is visitin g in 'Napa- atthe Randolph, told by the store If there are good cheap they * have ty ores Wed- Order of F lidden trophy uly 23rd, and Y'S EPISODES Sun, Kodaks on tf. Christmas What would m mas. present thar ake a es Chg + Kodak vo SOLE AGENTS The Best Drug Store LT. BEST, Chemist and Optioiay * 124 Princess Street, "Phone HAVE YOU ANYTHING T0 SELL OUTSIDE oF YOUR SINS AND YOUR TROUBLES ? COME To WM. NURRAY, The Auctioneer the Tree fs GIES Nothi | LOCAL fect Oct. 8th, 1908 othing would Sbbn In eave und. GTive '& ated, Prec. rain wil "J ohnaton street. Depots Pictures of the Cly 1 ao A "amily Gathering 3 ive and : . = . joyful timé eve goon, 7 the No. BY -- . > ; . i Le cal .... 15 a.m. KODAKS irom 3 and wp, i foi Ltd12.16 noon Y 2 ~ Mail lL. .« 3.19 p.m. " Shows EB AMERAS es " 7 Mail r = "303 b= a o 3 : "BBL SING EAST Get i(k ) i Lve. City A el one of the Kod, (1h Strate) ae.t 1.48 a.m. : Catalogues. hi No. 8 Mail i 3 « 9Fast Eb "Hit isn't an Fagin Res « 16 Local . Kodak." anit im'y « oMail > " 4 Fas "I it isn't a Kodak it iat « 12 Local ... «. i Eastman.". Mim Nos.1,2.3, and 4 Monday, 4 dal ) mds rit except Sunday. Direct route to Tgenta, Pe Hamilton, " N ¢ City, Saginaw, po Tay ity Portland, St. Halifax, Boston and New York. He Pullman Accommodation, ror other imformation, am 3 " P. HANLEY, Agent. ok and Ontario streets. Kingston, ere R ITLL ad: IT IN CONNECTION W. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL TRAINS LEAVE KINGST o ttay 13:30 p.m.--Express, for de EE -------------- John, : 4 ¥ weal, Quebec, 3 Ch cago. Den: : There was a large attendance at the | continue for a fortnight. Kingston is Cook", Cotton Compound ton, Toronto, Lhicage. 1 a question in your r Frenchman's Bay and congregation for her bereaved and YWCA Yooms ge 15 on ely to be visited, 8 Root 2 for Sn Dah mind. Many choose arguments that await a chance to slip across the lake sorrowing husband and father. The when Miss Una Saunders spoke on the| A large assortment of horse blan: cr pe a otual monthly Pe iand, and" San Francisco. strengthen their arguments. If you tod i to which port he belongs. musical portion of the service "wo. 1 world wide work of the student volun- | kets, halters, sirsingles, halter chains, depend. Sold in two degrees of 5 pm~-Local , 5 ar he are to successfully combat doubts Or the past two weeks Craig's approprigte, the hymns being » teer movement. Miss Rankin Cana. | and horse bits at the Yellow Hard- fy strenuth--No, ) fe % connecting ed for Renfrew choose the best battle grounds. The have tried to charter a vessel to Am My Beloved's" and 'Peace, Per- dian 'college secretary of the Y.W.C.A | ware. Store. ge oe Lt Sox. No. 3 ives 430 dn. Ma young man who is trying to overcoms | PF a 5, cargo of coal, but due to | fect Peace c At the close, "The Dead presided. Miss Saunders briefly touch.| Miss Ethel Ward, who has spent | the Gases, §8 por bor. Sold by ol YU assengers leaving Ringaton an appetite for drink, he may go in the lateness of the season none wish Murch In Saul, was played, the con- ed on the work, which has reached to | past month with friends in Montreal, i Au ae Coors Oot pansy aire ip, Ottavs "Toron ; : ? ' the barroom where 'the fumes over. | 10.80 out. gregation! remaining till the end. China, Japan, South Africa, all the | has returned to her home at Kings substitute. PEUIDOIO ony. 7:00, Sm. | St a 2 . come him, or he may choose places . The schooners Straubenzeo and Sly Major Carruthers, John McIntyre, Europran countries, and indeed to al. | ton Mills, y fhe Cook Medicine Co. Windsor. Ontarias KB 1155 am. K.& P SEWING ROCKERS where local option is in force, Am | Yor vege lving under Rous Mile Poin K.C., and Lieut.-Col. Rutherford, Ot most every corner of the globe. Nhe | Excursions are being arranged: for | = ----r---------- 2 iar Stree! ; Indies', hardwood, $1, $1.95, $1.50. talking to the young man addicted to Inorning, awaiting clear Weather. | tawa, were present, : s presented the spiritual side of the { from Belleville, Brockville, Tweed and Fy CONWAY, F. A. FOLG] : The Straubenzee is bound for Toron- At the close of the moming service EE § . Shar ; ! Gen. Pass. Agent a gambling ? Are you where you can "he 2 work in a way that appealed to her | Sharbot Lake to bring people to sce Gen. Pass. Age hear the rattle of the dice ? God will to and the Collier for Oswego. yesterday in St. Andrew's church, Rev. | hearers, and her wenn will, doubt- | Pernhardt on' December Sth. R J. FREE, CONTRACTOR -- this | not shield him, who never seeks | to -- Dr. Mackie made the following Teler- less, bear much fruit, The Fortnightly Club give their sec- Estimates civen fof all kinds of { te Ra selets | 0 his wa Ten the whe FINED TWO MEN : ence to Mrs. Carruthers, after Speak- At the "drawing-room meeting at | ond dance of the season to-night in Mason, wo, Plastering and Bav 0 mn fails -- is not oe rg ' -- ing of the death of R. 8. Dobbs, a Mrs. George Richacoon's ol bt, | Whig Hall "The cuts sornc je iy ement Work of all descriptions, A Be i yet discouraged, who smber of St. Andrew's. wh ved | Ng oorge Richardson's vto-mght, | pur oe | & 94 Division § Tweed. Brussels are the best {is the greatest hero. For Creating a Disturbance On | emer of iden] i eb 0. puss f | called to hear Miss Saunders, Miss! ing a snowshoe club for the winter. vision St. Phone 402 New short line fer rir) The preacher mentioned some of t Street Cars. away 50 suc only at fe heginning. o Little, one of the national travellin { Mrs. James Lawson, has returned to Omsergato, and all 1 put soecial snaps in Tapestries at | s the weok. He said ¢ g : x 3 B$O000000000V000000000D "ve City Hall Depot at 8:35 and Y slime pits before you men : Trrever- "Walter Shufflebot e " te 3 5 secrétaries of the college association, | ber home in Long Island City, * New 'ave City 1 and 6bc, young or al tom, you are A h f 4 : x i ---------- ---- B.Q. Ry. K ; ner look. whi \ ; Oi gory, different ease was that of | > rear h . York. She was accompanied by her A CONWAY, Agent Store is till 9 o'clock each evening np wit tontempt on 'charged. with assaulting William Webb, Mrs. Bruce Carruthers, in bright, early WW!!! audress those present. sister Miss H Poford Yoo a RU in 3 open sacred things. There is less sentiment | a conductor on the street railway," | T . ---- yp stery Viss aran, Bradford, York- LIVERPOOL ar 5 2s Sol Hat ¥ ) womanhood, taken away. To her 5 - LONI s stored : religious superstition than there | quoth the court this morning ry pointed sufferings great and SCOTCH SOCIETIES shire, England. . 0) 3 « ad x ¥ were nu 5 ®) « { 3 Ary ad : . Turchases bs | until Christmas i Jused to be. Among students there isn | * "Fk am guilty of doing a little, but |v RET pins IF] till De Front Lhd -- Fi Saturday night on Princess strect a " ROYAL HAL, STEAM | : . fener regard for religion. ly 1882 less | the. conductor started first," came the ed her, and they were very many, At St. Andrew's Church Last al 0% Dale a parsnip across fle Yarisian 25 ... Mon States i PT cent. of the United | answer. il found consolation when the eyelid fell | Evening. force, on the IE. a Woman, with full Sicilian, io Mo 11, 8 fi he te ] a Sta wee. were church bers, | « William: Webb sworn said, prisoner on the carthly scene, and God receiv- | 1 he annual se to the Rinast her rie temple. She fainted, but Virginian, Ch ae' Sitenmel in 1901, more than fifty POE cont. were Was a passenger on the depot car, on ed her. Tver Food oa spirit and |g} nua Seton ° the Kings: on her Iriends gave her aid and she soon Las } Tom St.John. Kron church Friday. H 1 Scotch socieiies was preached last ev- | regained consciousness The vy 3 Tunisiar urch members. Nothing rebukes the Yy. He refused to pay and the loyal; ever kind was her heart and , |: tin S ow's church by Rev: | cto vent os, young u ALIFAX TO LONDON AN ALIF godly man so much as the church '| tar was stopped to let him of, but | oder dy. Wan hor: hand MBG in St. Andrew's church by Rev. | ster, who deserved punishment for his HAL Sa standard of Nving: Eu he declined to di to A tussle en. [SCHCTOUS; ever ready was her hand to | yw. 5. MacTavish, Ph.D. There was a | act, managed to meke good his os Sarmanian 70 GLASG( b of living: Fvery | he ismount. ussle en- {undertake church enterprises and carry 1 o aris {3 i / i BOSTON TO GLASG man lives two lives, the one under the | sued and Shufflebottom tore buttons them 't uccessful issue. Her readi- | 8c 'obgregation present. Members cane, ; Mongolian . gaze of public opinion the 'other hid- the conductor's coat and bit his Bese ee in the poll of St. Andrew's Society and the Sons | hin companies at Yarker and a HANLEY, Agent, G. . The ie "al fingers. He could do nothing but let as 3 a' | of Scotland, in company with J, M. rananoque were in a combine with Pi r ~~ Depot. J. Pa tn hing ok ar Tite Ta? he him, ride, 80 . he 'did, getting off at inet ier, i { Farrell, president of the former, oc. Jenkins & Hardy, of Toronto, agree- . SLEEVE, Clarence Street. one. It is difficult to ine if we | Russell street. The conductor made a land the city, and her comparatively | 'Pied the Sentral front seats of the { Ing to five PE nt. premium in re. : L Ontario and Bay o hk i t to he 1 3 church. The opening praise was the | spect of wheels provided the sales . | . Lake On Ioad a true life. It is to be won- headquarters. early removal is reparded as a de ory a reach 8 -Did you buy a Coat for your lit- boat Co., Lim at that there is a standard for 3, Sherring was a passenger on the | fhite loss to the community.; How | 50nd paraphrase, "O God of Beth- | eas hed oo br. 200 ois, one oh Steam . i i A fis durin, the service, Arthur | cent. if they were over 100 gets. They le daughter to-dat ? If not. vou men, another for women. You set a [80 and corrobdrated the previous | oroat and how many the changes, and | ¢» . and gz, Vice, }-als 4 b . a te daughter toda . Bt go Sol To Sun Ta | C3. hh | Lo EAD hae Som AL |G an 1 Bt | vt Rr td et | re STR. "ALET erent 5 a, and sai Pay when ! ; n st; | Jome, S , ody, « Xe- | Rn 2 - Certainly missed a gran . atmo of SST ou | ct i Sg PO N17 wd Thy Ga prt Mo Scot, De Shaan 350 re life nartner; are men who do | Peiendant said ho was going down inability of the Neottish society's "Three Swallows." ity to secure a new gan for Leaves i 23 Ga not lead right lives vet we allow them with Capt. Siew; Grey would not The Late R. S. Dobbs. *huploia, Rev. Prof. aenighton, 1 gi John yEower and Son's "Three : oe rs, Je £ Pie ; to 'mi : yy pay. He wanted to pay but Grey , : : prence | Preach the sermon, owing to ill wallows" Irish Whiskey, famous for about one-half its ral th. Panale with our families. that would not let him. Grey showed -a oy Dr, Maskie ade tiie tara health, and hoped be would soon be | aver a century. Of highest standard Fall information trom J: P. These Carpets are of young man has stn h Mh bill and said, 'There's your fare," day morih Sorvicn in St Andrew's | Teftored to his former vigor. He hini- | of purity. Distillers to Hie Majesty There "are some sizes still on Px Glldersleeve, Jass Swi $ , when' he knows a bit i ks and' then put-the money in his pocket, | 10 is 'sudden teall gn first | S¢!f had been called upon to take the | the King. Agents, extra fine wear and all % : i sug conductor tried to put Grey off. k act Ra : is. | chaplain's place, ------ and if you come early Tuesday ORSRY. Trafic M ; y new more of sin than ever we did, but he would not. let hi shocked us, then on. reflection satis » Taurats Bet Th B B: H . this season's ' tterns vet he loarned it in other ways than | Put he would not let him and a fight fied us. Sudden death is not to be de. Dr. McTavish's discourse was on ore. e Cold Weather Starts. : . EE------------ 4 d po h oP2 h indulging in it. Some of you, now, Saved. He had a glass and it Vas | precated; but fo be greatly preferred Tonendship. Be, shove as el 1 | oe fhe time "yg Fast off hy Sworning we Promise = hr MONEY AND BUSIN an there is enou, may be in' slime vits, do not be dis. \ > Nie ; ur | if we are prepared. No siek bed, no umoLhy tr 16-18, which verses tell of sty done with "Catarrhozone.' ; oj R108. S09 $0 ¢ TE mesa oi ' : g satisfied but make an sffact to Mi Fe iietie did, anh of dying bed, no fight with disease, no the Irlendsiip of Onesiphorus. to Paul. No drugs, no cocane or alcohol, a gain. Prices 1.9 25% HY RPO Lr a hONDON A body and border to fit§ |». Keep _awav from. the-slime pits, | 1 Hed h drink or two. © | strogglé with death, no pain: of part-| do cas found a true friend has | clean antiseptic method thot cures 9. : hssots $61,187,315. Ja | . to 1 a }- 4 keep on the high orounds of life: pive I ad, hag 8 a iT a ith | iID@--but an instant transition. Since find a treasure, and such a ffiend | every time. Ansolutely sure is "Ca- $3.49, just half, . which the policy halde medium ar e th : . y oH John "Lirey was also char, wi Mr. bbs' ti ici did Paul find jn Onesiphorus. One | tarrhozone," and sold everywhere. security the uml k i ' ® g will re of yaue 3ife Ho Seon jd he assault. He said he refused, at first, life, abise Abana ing ol who plays the part of a true friend ---- a oho Skncigers. Eu } rooms; being the size of nm te srugy YOu. | to pay the fare, but offered to Pa¥ [ cenre ago, he. was 8 prominent mem. | Manifests in a very special way, the| A bulletin was posted at Queen's * rates: Before remewing oi The Bishop' half way How: . " : ber of St, Andrew's; prominent in | character of Christ. A writer thas said | College, this morning, warning the k t 9 of Teron ig = your rooms. h op's Opinion. S BRistrate said--1 am satisfiod regularity of attendance at divine | that the sentiment of friendship is | students to be on the lookout for a ow bout lan € S : ----NrAga, LHEuAlS, : 3 He Bishop of Ontario in the course Shulfebottom Sealed the disturbance. ordinances; prominent in generous giv- | dying out. If that is true. the preach- | former collegian, whoy it js alleged, . WR POLICIES COVER" The regular price is § Jo We sermon, at evensorig, at St. | Shufflebottom too Part in the scuffio ing, and prominent in his active per. | er declared, it will be a sad day for | has been windling Queen's graduates, . : buildings and centents th George's cathedral, on Sunday, laid | When Grey refused to pay. I must sonal interest for one of the funds of the world. Scotchmen and Scotch- | His latest operations have been made --We are needing all th Nolompany ofteis. i $1 per yard. Your the Present day withholding from J atest the public on tie strony ears. | the congregation was in his hands for | men's sons cannot afford to let .. the | known here by the chief of police of i : : ul ara ° . : His due of men s time and means, ne ou or ont month . several years, and before or after him, | sentiment of ' friendship 'die. Onesi. | Rochester, N.Y. sible for Holiday Goods, n 8 RS EE choice of all at lo practical unbelief. Th fs To Grey the magistrate said--Youn ) : : 3 I ---------- CTS Hi rit heir ki wig ty Pro as arc charged with refusin, t. your [ Was never better administered. He was phorus friendship to Paul is a true los} Wool Cotton Blan ARGELT hatte Im with their lips, and deny Him © pay 3 a man in whom there was no guile, in | Picture of what real friendship should Ar Y N closing out Wool o: I by their acts, The unwillingness of oh aid in St Wises Ayla. pe | whom "there was a kind heart and | be. The apostle was refreshed by it, | e our erves roti tv "™. NEWLANDS, Anon 70e. per yard jen to speak of religion is due to ae a . 20 i Won'y generous soul, and whose intentions | and it was given without ¥; 9% of any : kets, also Comforts, Tr re ack of interest in it, and to failure five a ki pay. were always good. Last Sunday he | temporal reward. Such should he the In Health ? Streets. Enterance om B to realize the personality of God. No, replied the court. 3 A shirt fries TR : 4 close prices, Telepiione 608. { was in his usual place--there, (point | Spirit of the riendship in St. An | $e. Ss : ¥ en ------------ { S---- . ing to a pew close to the pulpit), : drew's Society, whose members in | Study Mere the Indications of rs AKTRUR ELLIS ARCHI 2 * A big programme at Cénadign Or THE LEVANA TEA. to-day he is in the place prepared extending help to those in trouble A Falling Nervous System. fc site of New Drill Ha , > i : p prep { a R McFaul der of Foresters concert, in City hall, : for him in the Father's home of many = should make that help as refreshing to Dr Ch ' Rei of Queen and Montre : - ' on Wednesday night. Hear Harvey Successful as a Campaigning mansions." the spirit as that of Onesiphorus was . ase S {i G ods POWER - SON ARCHITI Kin ton Carpet Warehouse. ihe Toronto humorist. bo Pentre. to the apostle. Something that show. ress uo chant's. Bank Building, ¢ ; 0 Sun ight "sp is bolter than other | 'The Levans 'tea, given annually by In Her Mémory. ed how true 'was the friendship of Nerve Food and Well'ngton strecta: Bisse snesnannanne | Suniieht we. Buy Sunlight the | tho flourishing society belonging. ta] + A JDeautiful cross, made of roses, | nh ceva: cs the. latter went -- --~500 yards of Dress 2 WENRY P. SMITH, A : and fallow direetions. P| Queen's women students, "was, this | orchids and lilies. of the valley, was | [© Rome he sought diligently and It is surprising what host ~ etc, Anchor Buildin Wills ir . ~ year, more successful' than its pre placed among - the altar decorations | found Paul, in prison. When a man is | surprising what hosts of peo- inches wide, Grey, Navy, Brown, Square. 'Phone. 845. : of iiliam un L Stoo, Horonto, Son | decessors. The reading-room, where it|at St. George's cathedral, on Sunday, | down and needs help, that is the time ' Pp h are Suffering 8s the result of ap ? : \ BUY PROPER a Sines Wher id tbe 4 oh Kings. was held on Saturday, was decorated | in loving memory of the late Mrs. to display iriendebip. It is then that | ie Saery aus stem ant) So not Black, Crimson, price 30 MEDICAL. | y » rried | ron very handsomely and great credit is Muckleston. At evensong, C. B. §. | the test is made as to whether friend. | di ® 0 ir. iment, Ee BL tian, bie uncle," Rev. W, due we Sumunivied. Mrs. Jom Shortt, Harvey sang "A Few More Years | ship is el or not. > [eer bo: Bg J i nights are Tuesday clearing pric: DR. McCARTHY, OFFICE : Ty . an iss Florence O'Donnell, presi- | Shall Roll," as a solo, at the offer- we closing' praise was the 'well. Ye F ¢ day time ru dent. of the Levana, received the tory, and Is to compel 'yourself to save. It is the best way to teach yourself economy, Get the right kind of Property now, at the right time. Watch for the right time sell it, when you can , do it. Have You With weak nerves you are dow of death. Think what it wos family if you were , day ! er. Get Ferrozone likewise for irritable and "My heart Fand everythi "1 was 4 fainting. "Ry . try $230, at all SE ------------ Awful Palpitation, Dizzy, Faint, Weak Poor Nerves--Instant Death May Overtake You! You can't afford to risk it Get Ferrozone your heart str, many a to live a long, useful lite, and will do 'you, re. E. J, 'My nerves "After using Ferrozone 1 strength. My slopt well. The heart trouble disa; SO on' will never health "means "jrone. It eives strength, endurance and to every a Weak Heart and ---- heart and exhausted living in the very sha- ld mean to your to be taken to- any long. at once and make has man, Brooks, of Berlin, says: were weak and I was cross. palpitated like an engine away. ubject to dizziness and gained | appetite improved, || p- made me wel). w what real goad until you take Ferro. organ of the, hody - o> 80e. per box six for guests, and made them as welcome as the flowers in May. pleased to the congregation was well hear his voice in solo work | known hymn, | Ocean," written by "From Ocean Unto a Scotchman, Rev | tle things their tempers are orry easily irritated--lit- them-- they cannot occupied by Dr. Ryan, treal and Brock streets. 5 again. . { Robert Murray, editor of the Preshy. | Concentrate their minds, and find their DR NoLLIAN SON Re The candy booth, cleverly erected ------ terlan Witness, Halifax,.and who bas | mors Talling the i are spells of Surcson, Kingston ae between the four pillars which form a | mst celebrated his golden jubilee ag el ® adache--the digestion is im-, Bug Mees 282 R Pho portion of the room, gay with 4 ig Privo ea peiatio. ved | an editor, e 3 s paired --pains and aches of a neuralgic Bank of Montreal. 'Pho did a rushing business, as may bef ay poo fall ot, ver After the service the Scotch societies Ba ture aftllict them--feelings of diseour inferred from the fact. that more than work, consisting of Scotch and En | mot in the Sunday school hall of the Suinent and despondency come 'over ASBES Sandor. 'a mon a pe i oa Doe a ack Sen, | vk, and nay rach ol of te | looking te dark 03. | 9 GGG S SSS SOS 2SBEST calendars, a most artistic production, cheviot and ven siny Tor hin a | 10 Rev. Dr. MacTavish for his able | YY Of looking at the dark side of é NACE, and that furnace for which the Whig was responsible. great variety, nine riod iy | and helpful sermon. ° things, Race} ILL Thon a eal wie. usin) . dig . | si 5 in y | 'NYO . found jady buyurs from their ven: Iments of black and blue beaver and | -- a-------- will be ae Yous bs Titnoe You ANYONE Ww You are keeping your ors, as did' the ice cream sold in an- fancy overcoatings, A splendid as- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Food, f i Toa ame's Nervi ouig pe cm Ps other corner of the room. As for the tn Panne ot raid as ---- | ¥ood, for this great food cure gets at 1 Should he Sou, - delicious coffee, cake and sandwiches defy competition. Charles Hosmer The Man. i the very foundation of nervous trou: TELL YOU bution of heats © whith re own in with the en ---- es Kingston, Nov. 35.--(To the Editor): | 2 a i {She oly uatural nfl a Vo, Ys covered furmates rance fee, v disappea: as snow Gib. | I read in last night's Whi Hiram | TY: by "ung the blood, revital- MN : igh d ~ v 3 . . + a , m - » . en J ent ear, an before the summer _ sun. For the Lal we hath Sponges at Gib Calvin's remarks to the Sian Jing the wasted nerve cells, and build- UN time oor rh satisfac Queen's undergraduate, irrespective of || ] ros " ore. : | Star. "about .a certain Montreal . 1 © system generally. : that bad pever been fit fe gender, like ever, other well appoint- James . obbs, utcher, . Princess | gentleman, that he possesses a 'sincere | seases of the nerves take different von live in your od undergrad. in the world, has a Street, sold his pacer, to C. Loney, i regard for, who was once telegraph | forme in different people, but they " doesn't this appeal to you healthy appetite, ~ | hverary, on Saturday, for £300. Mr. | operator in Kingston and that he me" slowly and surely lead to nervous A A anant dives in: your As an electioneering ground, the Le-[ Robbs, on Saturday. ought sn for | oir, deserved aman ae Calvin | Postration, locomotor ataxia, or par. Ns ® TE Pons action dud vana tea has long been noted. With hunter from a farmer. The horse has | ould not divulge his name. Well | 21VSiS--to- weakness and helplessness of 'Is the best domes= hose" and easy on fuel ? Oo ords, Shoes She Sy candi. | 8 record. Mr. Editor, when he was here, he was | Mind and body, date solici avor of the fair one, | but more dealers in niadicine. | gentleman, very smart, quick and greater subtloty, does the wilier can- good talker, Every. one who knew hi didaté, buy chocolates creams. and {liked him. He is a big fellow oi™ offer them, With 'lambent smiles. to his é é | ves Charles Hosmer is one of the fair companions in the walks of learn. e | richest men in Montreal. JOSEPH ing, the while he on Juently on m a ! DIX? ¢ every ing--tut votes, the free : in -- and franchised electorate goes home, The sheriff and deput heriff, of sutfeited with sweets of v: ture, N x oy A fputy sheriff, o and later caste its var oe uw -- Thus cried the hair. And a kind |! London, brought two prisoners to the didate who is least far removed from te to the rescue with a || Penitentiary to-day, Robert Fields and | its conceptio of s " i ham Ross, senten to three years ption Apollo, Telle est of A Hair Vigor. The hair I B itencid ree 18 Vie. was saved{ In gratitude, it long { for robbegy. This is their second ter; and heavy, and with sll the | at Portsthouth. Asked as to their of. --. ind." : color of early. life. have | | fence they replied, "Oh we. stole a pig A good buck - saw at 30¢., a good | sold it in ail parts of world for || and it squealed on' ue." 3 ve for 65c., at Yellow Hgrdwate over sixty years. S. Co. . William Swain, niano tuner, SUre, opposite Grand Opera House. received at MeAuley's book store, 3 2 ' & Nay pecially her vote. With a small fellow in size, hut a little { Ont a "T was troubled with vou end caused much su thoroughly cured Orders | hox, H.- Gould, : Purdy, ache which at time { Chase's Nerve this treatmen ; eve that as a o it has no equal' Dr. Chase's in accordance in creating ne and vou can use it wit surancs that every dose some benefit - ¢ | noting von at all Bates & Co, by Food. 1 t most Nerve with the rve force 0 you. T increase in weicht. 5c. a dealers, Toronto. fering. Tt has been eneral system builder Food acts striegly Hastings. Co, s head- painful the use of Dr. CAN recommend highly and be- laws of nature in . the body: h positive as. is at least of Prove {his by or' Edmdnson, ------ JAMES SWIFT & OO. tic coal. We sell no other kind." $6.45 10 Foot of Johnsto Street. i$ 4 : 20000000 + Think it over ! The expeuse--very onc THE SAVING IN FY FOREVER. R.J.HOO 83 Wallington St., } tater TEACHER OF CHINA WATER-COLORS AND Tevelation kiln to , China Painters gold. Ch) nd boiling water. Y folicited. Miss M. M. Br lngton street. C. H, POY CARPENTER AND 03 Rag mo ; ®