a - CL een | Blankets -- Than which' in Canada. The weights 8, 9 pounds, and we can , that if you are wise you of, as we secured a large ivorable price. se Blankets and note the ers ets. %, scoured wool, soft and f Handkerchiefs, orning, 9to 11 ured a remarkably good nd will share it with our roing : ES' PURE LINEN HED HANDKERCHIEFS h one-quarter and one-half /alue of this make is $1.20 this lot at a price that en- > To-morrow at Sc. Each. lozen to a customer, as we ers to share in this bargain. bons at our Ribbon counters, omen rely on us to supply we want all who require ork to see of assortments anted shades and widths. orded Ribbons, Shot Rib- Ribbons, yols id Wools, Germaitown Angora Wools, Sheiland the above makesiw: have and many scarce shades stock just now. ise Slippers en and Children i from France, Germiny, ; and Canada. We have nes to the Jaeger & Dolge 1d $2. For real comfort, men, buy the Jaeger at Il last for years and a . - . oe : : * * + nimi iam 1 - SHOE STORE | "YEAR 72. NO. 278. BP. Jenkins Clothing Co, Saturday's BIG SALE Overcodts Was due to the superior our, hand- excellence of tailored garments. "HIT-REFORM" Is the peer of all others. B. P, Jenkins Clothing Co. Finger Rings , and beauty of de- emphasize the efforts made, to have our RING Stock, second Our $20 and $25 Diamond Solitaires ¢ enerous xamples, and have proved but we have many to choose from at far greater cost. SMITH BROS. 350 King Street. ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Perfect Workmanship Choicest Materials A combination to be had in Wear '"Allen's" Military Bootmakers Sign of Golden Boot For the Best Insurance in all its branches go to REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENDY hn BE SOLD of first elas Hall Carpets, everything ar than usua al TURK"S SECUND-HAND STORE 393 PRINCESS STREET ' FUR LNisueLs. APPLY TO JOIN Thomas Galloway's, Also bring your old ones and 33 day, HR two months in- busi al usin half School Convenient to Station stating salary to a aE ta ae nit AND DISTRICT AGENT, Greatest Nurseries. prepared to make a iberal rep sl n Rh country. ® oman)' for this county piv! ane: ent. No investment or experi- required. Write at 'once for full rticulars pind Juclose sell afdrguand bar 4 132 Lake pil Cry BR ROOM OR DWELLING BOURSES Mins Sistas Millinery, IN 00D. LoCALITY, oN Ren Furnisher, Ki ing ¢ eu aT i stop P AND RESIDES an Prin presen JNovenber Steacy. Prhet ine and Brock Sta eCann, 51 Brock treet. ] "arab Bernhardt is ses at Mobtrenl. notwith- 2D "7 'DAILY MEMORANDA. 1 Best Place' In every City to buy Furs, In Kingston, it's Campbell Bros. C.0.F. Concert, City Hall, 8 p.m. Board of Works', 4 p.m., Thursday. Dignity 'carried to ekeess is a malady. There is no such thing as the good will of a bad dog, "The -¥ye Witness," Grand Operd House, 8.15 p.m. The sun rises Thursday at 7.12 a.m,, and sets at 4.25 p.m CRU Santon alter cases--especially reduced circumstances. It makes a man a good del madder to be called a liar than to be one. Common politeness seems to he some- thing that is none too common. To have to don prison stripes is enbugh to make any man feel streaked. Rev. C. C. McLaurin, on North-West Missions, * First Baptist Church, at 8 Dan. When a woman says that her cook is just dying to stay she means may not go till the end of her we Thig day in 'history --Fi st Canadian troops landed at Cape Town, 1899 Cardinal Wolsey, died. 1530 ; Polish revolution, 1830. Why does a kiss intoxicate ? The philosophy" of this is, - One fizz will set most people up, In a Kiss there are two phizes SPECIAL ROAST TURKEY SERVICES Fashion says : The Turkey on Christmas, and 'other holidays, shall be served on special dishes --v~on a regular Turkey Set. We have just received some ex- quisite designs in game--Beef and Turkey Sets. A delightful Christ- mas gift, and cheap. Just come in and see. ROBERTSON BROS.. MADE-TO0-ORDER Persian Lamb Jackets Select Your Skins, Quality, Style and Fit Un- equalled. McKAY FUR HOUSE BROCK STREET. MOZART SYMPHONY CLUB Under the Auspices of A.0.H. Thursday, Nov. 30th Plan now open at McAuley's Book Store, Tickets, 25c., 50c., 75¢. die: 000 Reward I will pay $1,000 in GOLD for infor- mation that will lead to the recovery of the FURS Stolen from my FUR HOUSE Saturday night, November 18th, consisting of Otter Skins, Mink Skins, Persian Lamb Skins, und Persian Lamb Jackets. All Fur Skins are stamped For any pate of ° the above lot, 1 will pay 50 per cent. of their full value ' JOHN McKAY, Kingston, Ont. To come to the Cor. Princess and University Avenue, for first-class meat at reasonable prices. 45 In Chorus Will be given in At 8 o'clock: : Y. W. C. A. And Sale of Candy for the Library Fund from 4 to 8-o'clock. Admission, 10c. LOST. Princess street. Verdict Of Jury: own hand while in a his throat in Jail a week ago. Drug Store, Keep your temper. Nobody else wants YOU ARE INVITED NEW MEAT SHOP C. H. WILLIAMS. "PHONEG 39 \CANTATA OF RUTH SYDENHAM STREET METHODIST CHURCH THURSDAY, Nov. 30th Silver Collection, 10¢. and upwards THURSDAY AFTERNOON TEA BLACK COCKER SPANIEL PUP, about Mine months oid; bas white tip on one of his. fore "pags | answers to the name of "Ted." .Reward will be given for his return to 4504 Barrie, Ont., Nov, 29.--"Died by his | it of temporary | insanity," was the verdict of the cor: | oner's jury, last night, concerning the death?of Alfred Carseadden, who eut | | A MASSAGE Of All Officers by Sebasto- pol Sailors Reported. WILL GIVE BATTLE DECISION TO FORCIBLY SUP. PRESS MUTINY. Squadron and All But Two Forts Held by Mutineers--General Post and Telegraph Strike -- Bourse is Panicky. London, Nov. 20.--The St. Poters- burg correspondent of the Times says that the government has decided to suppress the revolt at Sebastopol. The mutineers were given until last night to surrender. Meanwhile, a state © of siege was proclaimed, and unless eon- trary to all expectations the insur gents give way, Gen, Neplinoff, who has been appointed commander-in- chief, will have to give battle te day. Judging from the information avail: able here, the issue will not be favor- able to the government, The 'mutineers hold all but two of the forts, and the best part of th® squadron, which re fused to obey orders to put to sea. It is the evident desire of the mutineers to preserve an outward semblance of respect for the imperial family. This is attributed here to the crafty coun- sels of their revolutionary friends. -- Reported Massacre. Paris, Nov. 28.--The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Echo De Paris telegraphs that the sailors at Sebas- .topol have massacred all their officers, Telegraphers Threaten Strike. 8t. Petersburg, Nov. 29.--The tole graph operators of Moscow sent a telegram = to Count Witte, at noon, yesterday, stating that unless their comrades, whom Minister of the In- terior Durnovo dismissed for partiei- pation in the recent strike, were re- instategd within two hours, they would declare a' general strike of telegraph ers throughout the empire. They had not received any reply to their de- mands up to last evening, and ac cordingly stopped work. They will at- tempt to bring about a general post and telegraph strike to-day. Troops surround and occupy the Moscow offices, Telegraph operators in the Warsaw telegraph office struck last night, The telegraphers at Odes sa, Vilna, Rostofl, Kiefl and many smaller plates struck | earlier, The bourse--was--panicky--yesterday--he prices. of 'many stocks fell -heavily, Count Lamsdorfi, mifister of for eign affairs, has officially - expressed profound regret for an attack on Mr. second secretary to the Am- legation. It is said that the incident likely will lead to combined diplomatic measures for the protection of foreigners, Exceeding Grave. St. Petersburg, Nov. 20.--The situa tion is exceedingly grave, The Russian capital is shut off from te degraphio communication with the interior. The workmen's eouncil is « deliberating whether to declare. a general political strike. throughout Russia, tomorrow, protesting against the alleged unwar ranted arrest of the members of the also calling on the people to compel the employers of St. Petersburg, who locked oft seventy thousand men, to open their doors. The telegraphers' strike is the direct outgrowth of the government's circular prohibiting tele- graph operators from johiing a union, A VERY OLD SHOE. { Found in Woods Near Sault Ste. Marie. Sault. Ste, Marie, Ont., Nov. 29.-A here in the woods which contained | brought to this city ; no other sign of | the body was left. It is believed to be the part of the remains of some explorer . who went into the woods nearly a century ago, as the oldest settlors say they cannot remember when shoes of that kind were manu- factured, although they can remember one or two parties that wore these a wire. An iron runs around the sole arid -heel, fv bom---- Telephone Gossip. Winripeg, Nov, ' 20.<The Bell Tele sphone company i to have govern Re nt oppositio n in Manitoba. Premier Roblin says: "The government is islatuve | the establishment of a leginiuus system in the province of V. anitoba, to be owned and eontroll- od by municipalities and government jointly, as may be found most ad- vantageous to both." m---------------- Kills Wife And Hifiself. Dorothy, a little mining village. The two were married three months' ago, had threatened to kill hig. Misery Indescribable. Is what the astamatic must suffer, | zone can only be told by the cured ones, But cure is certain and lasting { wherever "Catarrhozone" is used. The best place to buy Christinas | Deantiful oases of perfumes for perfumes is at Tihson's Red Cross i son's Red Cross Drug Store, Gtr eis peasants' congress, at Moscow, and | shoe found twenty miles north of | the skeleton of a man's foot, has been | when they were boys. The sole is *of | soft wood fastened to the uppers with | new prepared to recommend to the } Latrobe, Pa., Nov. 20.--Goaded by jealousy, Steven Czintel killed his wife and then himself at their home in CURE. APPENDICITIS, Physician Successful With Silver Soluble in Water. Munich, Nov. 29.-lr. Moosbrugger, of Leutkizeh, wlates in "the Medical Weekly Retiew that by the use of "collangol,™ which is described as a form of pure silver soluble in water, be has achieved exceptionally good ts in the Weatment of appendici- tin without the hecessity of opération on the patients, Within twe or three days of the commencemett of the tréatment he found a decided improvement in in cipient cases, Where the inflammation of the peritoneum had already taken place the cure was very slow, often necessitating both internal and exter nal treatment for many weeks, Of seventy-two cases which came un- der his treatment all but two were cured without surgical operation. The exceptions were both sevire attacks, G. N, PIFER, A photographer in' Cleveland, O., has invented a process of making photo- graphic positives : without the interven- tion of nekatives,' as in the present vhotographic method. DYING OF TUBERCULOSIS. Suddenly Draws Revolver, Firing Fatal Shots. Brussels. 'Nov, 20.-A terrible mur of and suicide has oocutred in the Rue Krone burg at Antwerp, A voung man employed in the enstoms office. had obtained three months' leave through sickness. He was in the last stage of consumption, and knew that his end was near. During yesterday hie' never spoke a word. In the evening he sat in an armchair in his rom, his sweetheart making attempts £6 pot him to speak. Suddenly he rose from his scat, opened a drawer, and, seizing a re volver, aimed it at the girl, why, was | too stupefiecd at his action to rum away. He discharged two shots, the bullets sfriking th§ girl in the "breast and 'killing her. He next aimed the wespon at his head and blew out his brains. CALLED A HALT. Constantinople, Nov. 29. ~--Until the end "of the feast. at Bairam, which began yesterday and will come to an end on Thurs- day, the International fleet will take no action. If in the meantime the Porte does not yield to the powers' demands regard- ing Macedonia the fleet i» will occupy the Island of i» Tenedos @» + WRECKED IN THE STORM. Reports to Hand From the Up- per Lakes. Chicago, Nov. 29.--Reports received up to early to-day, show that ecigh Is were wrecked in the storm; five vessels are reported missing, A Schooner Sunk, St. Paul, Nov. 2.--A special from | Duluth says the schooner George Her- | bert was sunk off Two Islands, on the | North Shore, and it is reported five men were drowned. The Steel Corporation's steamer Mariposa is said to be ashore at Lit- tle Rock. The damage by the storm" is estim ated at one million dollars, Nine Are Drowned. Duluth, Minn.. Nov. 20.-Nine of the steamer Mataafa, including five wen, and engineer, have been drowned. The steamer is going to Pieces, ABANDON ATTEMPT To Release Schoomer Alta, Fast on Reef. Sarnia, Ont., Nov, attempt to release the schooner Alta, wrecked on Grand Island, near Mun- icing, in the big October' gale. The Al- {a is fast on a reef, and will probably soon go to pieces. Mokt of her deck load of 25,000 fect of lumber has drifted ashore, and has been picked up |- A hy men who refuse to give it up un- How pleasant the relief from Catarro: | Christmas English and French. Gib less paid one-third of the appraised Czintel © was twenty<three, and his | value, , . wife, a widow of six months, was | twenty- six. The husband. was 'insanely | jealous of a butcher, of Allegheny, and | --n ps Just Nineteen Litt. Toronto, Nov. W.--0f the .101 i: | cose inspectors holding { the late government, only nineteen re- main. It is interesting to note that {| neither Hon. W. J. Hanna wor "Hon. | Dr. Reaume has caused «the inspector 1 in his riding to be removi i. A very suitable Christmas gift, sho | ny military hair lwushés. - Gibson's Red Cross Drag Store, Steps are being taken to establish an Australian military Soflege for the training of Pons: FI EVIEI VEE F HE, office under Y BRITISH KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER. 29, \ 1905. Despatches From Near And Distant Pi Places, ; ' NEWS OF THE WORLD GIVEN IN THE Bm BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM, Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little Of [Everything Easily Read And Remembered. Twenty thousand workmen made a demonstration before the Austrian parliament to emphasize their demand for equal sufirages. A deputation of farmers, at Guelph, presented strong. arguments to the tariff commission in favor of lower duties claiming that high tariff en- couraged the combines, The office of chancellor of Trinity college, vacant by the death of Chris tophey Robinson, K.C., will be offered stice "Osler, who has been one of of i trustees for many years, Premier Whitney defend the dismis- sal of the Toronto license inspectors and characterizes the action of the commissioners in resigning and issu- ing worded protest as 'simply aston: ishing.' At Gloversville, N, Y. .» & baby boy was born with two perfectly develop- ed heads, four arms, two chests, with the body and logs of one person be- low the waist line, The child had two hearts and was apparently healthy when born, but after breathing sev- cral 'times expired. At Rochester; N.Y., Father ¥. H, Sinelair, rector of Saints Peter and Paul's Roman Catholic church, assert- ed that wilful failure to bring child- ren into the world was in the sight of God equivalent to murder and would be punished by the imposition of a penalty as severe as for murder. The grangers of the United States have run counter of the labor unions, which demand an eight-hour day. The | grangers resolved that "it is every man's privilege gto work as many hours as he wills for pay; that ener: gy, thrift and activity are entitled to encouragement, and should command vightful compensation for services ren- dered. CAN MASTER DEATH, Ril HS Taking Place of Live Wire on Circuit. Now York, Nov. 29.-1 do not be | lieve it is Dossible for me to live for- | over, because my education ong the { correvt scientific 'lines has necessarily begun too late, but I feel sure if a | child with a good mind was given in-. to my care, and would learn and fol- low the truth, there would be no rea- son for its ever seeing death." This was the remarkable statement made by Martha Craig, Labrador ex- | plorer, and disputer of the theories of | Newlon, and Darwin, after her lecture | on "Death a Mistake," at the Lock- | wood Academy in Brooklyn, last ev- | ening. Miss Craig demonstrated her theory by using her own body in connection with the telephone and | wireless telegraphy apparatus, The young woman took the place { of the electric wire and transmitted | both through her frame messages sent | both by wireless telegraphy and the {- telephone, The lecture last night was the sec ond of a scrics of three which she is giving at the Lockwood Academy. Elaborate preparations had been made and a complete wircless telegraph re- ceiving station had been installed, as well as telephone apparatus connected with the general city system. In both instancee, the line to the receiving in- strument was broken, and it was here that Miss Craig interposed her own body and allowed the currents to pass through her and make the complete circuit, There seemed to he no doubt; that Miss Craig's body sérved as capably as the wire to conduct electricity, and | she declared she felt no inconvenience | from the contact. "It is the body that has hampered mankind in his seeking for immortali- ty," the lecturer said, "and as soon as we learn that it is merely condens- ed air, when wo shall learn that light can 'pass through the human body, | as the X-ray has demonstrated, and certainly heat can, Now I have shown J that electricity can be sent through the hody quite as easily. The body ig, in fact, the most immaterial thing in the world, and there is no reason why the trained and educated mind cannot some day throw off and put it on at will." | RETRAYS MURDER IN FEVER. 20.--~The Reid |. Wrecking company has abandoned the | Confesses That He Committed Crime. Berlin, Nov. 20.--~The mystery of a mugder committed in a forest near Oberkaufungen seven years ago has just been solved in a curious manner, dead body was found a Swisy employed on the estate, rok ap- parently, having heen the motive of the crime. No trace of the murderer could he Tound, and the crime was al- most forgotten. On the sameé place where the Swiss was employed handy } a smithy, The smith became ill a | short Hime agd and was removed » | 'hospital, is delirium he spoke of the ial, In and confessed that he had committed the crime, His story was investigated, with the result that when i he recovered from the fever he was arrested, and is now in prison. Jia man asks a girl the solo of her baby's sister's eves she runs and' tel's her mother fi 1s trying 10 pre: pose to her. POLICY WITHOUT PAYMENT. Agent at Philadelphia Held in ance company given a 3 before a magistrate. aa held in ad 500 bail, issued a $100,000 Warnick, for hi th the latter did not have to pay t year's premium, amounting to $2,505, The Wi . He said a man named E. Reilly eamo to him and told him he he would get him (Warnick) a $100, 000 policy through Peirce without cost- ing a cent for the first year's pre mium, ta po thus get more commissions than he could otherwise obtain, i No Further Attempt to Float the the stranded steamer Bavarian have | fniled: 1 was _ decided _ to make axl" To final attempt, last evening, when . tide would reach its highest and, if | MOFOL unsuccessful, to abandon the wreck decid until next spring. This new, and last, Y . pay attempt did nat succend more than [opportunity which he others. 8 ay a noon, not . : withstanding the fact that there was comes to you at this time a strong easterly wind, he tide did of the ha iv not rise high enough and, therefore, x no further attempt was "made to float the steamer off. It is prohable that the vessel will now be dismantled and all portable material brought up to Quebeo, With the heavy snow storm, last night, it is evident that winter has fairly set in and further attdmpts to float the ship would be use less. attempt dic -- The Local Option Men Will Try a Whi! two hundred ra yers who were in censed at the action of the Artemesin council in refusing to submit a local option by-Jaw to a vote, 'met in the town hall, last night, for the purpose of selecting candidates for reeve and councillors who weuld Be them: selves to support the measure. Great enthusiasm was manifested Pa number of spirited addresses were de Tyuu These om tamen coungillors who supported and Alexander White -and- Henry Mc Loughy. A warm contest is anticipat: ed. NEW CHAIRMAN APPOINTED In Place of Man Who Mysterious. Campbell has been appointed chair- man of the Windsor board of eduea- tion, in place of W. A. Millard who disappeared mysteriously a week ago. pire {orm if Millard does wo! Destroyed by Fire on the Huron Huron Line, south of here, last night; wa# of brick, one of the first in 39,500 Bail, Philadelphia, Nov. 29.--Charged with unldiviul acrinunntion in favor of iin &. Yonik 3, Woh aro ree, delphia for the Now York Life Tnsur- Peirce, it is cha caused to be on the life of pal witness fn the sass. Js , Reilly explained, Warnick said, that by Siiaining this policy Peirce "would special bonus from the company WILL BE ABANDONED. Steamer, Quebec, Nov, 20.~All efforts to float A WARM CONTEST: Flesherton, Ont,, Nov, 20,--About nn. ly Disappeased. i Windsor, Ont, Nov, 2-J. A. Mr. Campbell will fill out tl nes turn. EARLY BRICKWORK. Line. Sandwich, Nov. 20.--Fire destroyed the home of Hypolite Milloux, on the the loss was $3,000, The structure Essex county to be built with that material, Cruiser's Armor Pierced. eight-inch armour piercing shell fired at a distance of 1,500 yards will do to the side of an armoured cruiser, protected by a five-inch armour plate and a protective deck nearly furor inches thick, was demonstrated a test at Indiah Head, Md, on Tues: day. The shell pierced the five-inch plate, went through ge incliped protective deck and buried itself in the coal bunkers, -------- To Abandon Football, New York, Nov, 20.--At. & meeting last night of the Columbia University committee on students' organizations it was decided to abolish football as i itd. Butts uf Se THE "Hit WITNESS A $a of Scenery reduired to prov Tr en en 25-35-50 jdzge Seats Go % 8 Friday, Dee. ------_-- ne -- eee New pool, Toren prices, at Mullin's, JUST A Womo! OR TWO i ile EE Jams Jost ote. tam ile Mr. Pardee's Majority, Sarnia, Ont., Nov. 20.--The official figures of the returning officer in West Lambton election give Mr. Pardeo a majority 'of 246. Total, Pardee, 2,848; Lesueur, 2,602. the stro out, ant Tro oll Td product at able 4 you get about tw ther 3 on which entitles You en to King," the well. oa sa} Dugne 52 gives you i and id why we can give it in "solution of Ozone, the co 5 hc Turnishon Jou with *Catoey Rings . "OULMAG B-RELDY Nita MORRISON Sal 22nd 1 oronto papers please copy.) She left this wund witheut. a tear, + o 4 Save for the friends sl Washington, Nov. - 20.--What ~ an | t5" heat their sorrows: Lo escen And to the friendless prove a friend. Some When You Buy--Buy Right. Government. When you buy Ozone, buy "Solution | f0% of Ozone (the , coupon kind)." It is | throughout the coun: Samples pi a from hr market, is sold as a commercial | store Aud in'every easy they. wore must always be |g worthy of the soos > own E Colery ry Jas. sons jos. ( a Ban wil be glad to kind)" contains about twice as on to get ready | :