Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Dec 1905, p. 11

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Thickness- that wear well. ais light. casy ¢ \e feel, : = One pair of ANBY UBBERS Ast as long as two , of the poorer kinds Shy fo wear, A lo wear oul, ---- - 2 WEAR LIKE [RON Ss (ifts! he people of Kingston. Leather Shoes: Felt and fancy colors ; Kid Slippers, ber Boots, and many other omen and Children. land & Bro. BARGAINS Boys' High Class Overcoats. . OVERCOATS at great sacrifice need of ready cash We put the \ND ALL THIS WEEK orth $18 and $20 at the low $10.00. th $12, and $15 at the low $8.00. he low $5.00. of the rth $8 and S10 at lass, well-made Over to look at them. ( if Not Satisfied. Up-Town Clothier ands. ., 20c. and 3oc. per dozen" ORIDA GRAPE FRUIT. ¥ go LOCAL Effect Oct. Sth, E TABLE 1906. cave and arrive at City arlus, wil g Johnston street, pple = GOING WEST Lve. City Arr. City | 1245 am. Ll5am 2.26 a.m. 3.05 a.m 9.15am, 9.47 am, BRANCH TIM Local k % 1) latern'] Ld12.16 noon 12.46 p.m « 7Mail .. .. 3.19 p.m. 3.51 p.m. « 15 Local ... : 7.08 p.m. 7.38 p.m. Arr. Cily 2.22 a.m. 3.05 a.m. 8.47 a.m, "12.46 p.m. 4 Fast p. 1.00pm. 1.29pm « 12 Local .. 7.03 p.m. 7.38 p.m 2,3, end 4 run daily. Nos. 5 ok dally except Monday. All other trains daily except Sunday. Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, ginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec. Portland, St. John. Balifax, Boston and New York. For Pullman Accommodation, Tickets, and all other imformation, apply to N. P. HANLEY, Agent. Cor. .Jchnstoy and Ontario streets. Kingston, Ont. -------- At CCA LA: IVAN IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON :-- 12:39 p.m. --Express, for Ottawa, Mon- weal, Quebec, St. John, N.H.; Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago. Denver. Ren few, Sault Ste. Marie, Omluth, St Pau', Wianipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco 5 p.m--Local for , Sharbot Lake cotnecting with C.P.R. east ana west 9:10 a.m. --Miz=d, for Rénfrew and in termediate points passengers leaving Kingston at 12:30 m., arrive in Ottawa at p.m. Petervoro. 512 p.m.: Toronto, 7:30 pm; Bosten, 7:30. a.m. St. FR, 11.55 a.m Full, particulars at K. & P. and C. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F, CONWAY, 4F. A. FOLGER, JR. Gen. Pass. Agent Gen. Supt. Biv of Quinte Railway New short line fer Tweed, Napane. Dwerento, and all local points. Traim fave City Hall Depot at 8:35 pm. ¥ OONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiamstea emer emote eee ere: LIVERPOOL an" ALLAN LIN LONT ON )ZRR) ROYAL MAIL STEAMEKS. From St. John From Halifax. Sicilian, Sat., Dec. 2 .*Mon., Dec. 4 Virginian, Christmas Steamer Dec. 11 Tunisian, Sat., Dec. 16 Mon., Dec. 18 From St. John. From Halifax Corinthian, Sat., Dec. 28. Mon., Dec. 25 BOSTON TO GLASGOW. Mongolia . Sat., Dec 16 HALL TO LONDON AND HAVRE. Sarma a .. Sat.; Dec. 9 Jy P.. HANLEY, Agent, G.T.R. City r Depot. J. Py GILDER SLEEVE, Clarence Street. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. STR. "ALETHA" Laves Kingston dally except Sunday st 8 p.m. for Pictom and intermediate Bay of Quinte Ports, Full information from J. P. Hanley, J Py Glidersleeve, Jass Swift & Co Agata, EB, E. HORSRKY, Trafic Managers MONEY AND BUSINESS. em < JVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire lamurence Company, Available wasets $61,187/315. la addition to which the poli holders have fo: Security the unlimited lability of sll the stockholders. Farm and cit) at lowest possible Fates. Bow business gel rates from & Strange, Agents. ---- RYN WR POLICIES COVER MORE OM ildings and centents than any oth or company offers. Examine them at dwin's Insurance Emperiam. Mark *t Square ARCHITECT, OF fice, second floer bver Mahood's drus Store, corner Princess and Bago! Streets Enterance om Bagot street ephone 608. --------------------------_------ MRTHUR KELL:s ARCHITECT, OF- 8c site of New Drill Hall, near cer Ber of Queen and Montreal Streets. -- A Ome Tues. POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER 'ehadt's Bafk Building, corner Brock sad Wellington streets. tPhome 313 ENRY " B; aSTIL ARCHITECT * nchor ullding, Market Sauare. 'Phone, 845. . FOR SALE. ORGANS, Sewing Machines, i ® new *cond hand, all cheap at 114 Gore Street. Joseph (George. ----------. THE ROTHWELL FARM, LOT 88, 1ST rossession, Ernesttown, on the Bath oad 3 miles West of Collins Bay. Containing about B30 acres. This is aii endid dairy farm, well watered, - shade groves, good cow stable ho other buildings. The house is a Jarge brick residence in first class ery also a cottage, hoth close to X road. At the rear is a swamp lot ontaining a large quantity of cedar nd Diber markable timber and cord yo To wind up an estate this Teparty will be sold reasonably. Ap- HLA R. Easton Burns, 41 George Bal t, Kingston, or to T. D. Fair 35 dPnext farm to the West of Lot, ET r---------- MEDICAL. o McCARTHY, OFFICE Yecupied by Dr. R. tal and B strosts. DR, t LATELY Corner Mon- bi ®VILLIAM |@TRSON, PHYSICIAN, . Late - Resident House Sy Kingston General Hosnit- Ba. x ce--212 King street, opposite ak of Moptreal. "Phone, 4 fr ---------- B000000000000000000008 Clean 0 0 AL Honest Set is th kind we sell--The " ould bu! » * mtistaction re ™ if you want We are fling orders Vater Supplies. Yours yet 3 now Tor les. Have you ordered Phone No, 138. BOOTH &CO. 39900000000000000000< RUSHES You donotgetthe genuine Boeckh brushes unless the name is stamped plainly on the handle. This famous line give such satisfactory service that all over Canada they are preferred to the products of foreign workshops or prisons." Insist on being supplied with USED MEN AT THE OFFICE UP WOMEN IN THE HOME CHILDREN AT SCHOOL Bvery day in the week and every week in the year men, wome: and children feel all used up and tired out. TIRED ouT The strain of business, the cares of Home and social life and the task of study cause terrible suffer- ing from heart and nerve troubles. The efforts put forth to keep up to the modern "high pressure" mode ¥f life in this age soon wears out the strongest system, shatters the nerves and weakens the heart. Thousands find life a burden and others an early grave. The strain on the system causes nervousness, palpitation of the heart, nervous prostration, sleeplessness, faint #hd dizzy lls, skip beats, weak and irregular pulse, smothering and sinkin, Is ete. The blood becomes weak an watery and eventually causes decline. Milburn's Heartand Nerve Pills are indicated for all diseases arising from a weak and debilitated condition of the heart or of the nerve centres. Mrs. Thos. Hall, Keldon, Ont., writes : ** For the past two or three years -I have been troubled with nervousness and heart failure, and the doctors failed to give me any relief. I decided at Jast to give Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills a trial, and I would not now be without. them if they cost twice as much. I have recommended them to my neighbors and friends. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills 50 cts r box or 3 for $1.25, all dealers, or The E Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont _ CURE Headache and relievo all the troubles incl dent to a bilious ststo of the system, such as Sick Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eafing, Pain in tho Side, &c. While their most ble success has been shown in curing SICK Resdache, yot Carter's Little Liver Pills are equally valuable in Constipation, curing sud pre- venting thisannoying complaint, while they aise eorroctall disorders of (hestomach stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only ~ HEAD Ache they would boatmost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortue nately theirgoodness does notend here and those who once try them will find these little pills valu. able in so many wavs that they wili not be wil: ug to do without them, But after allsick head ACHE She bane of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pillacureit while Hers do not. or's Littlo Liver Pillsars very small and wery easy to take. One or two pills make a doc They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe ox rae, but by thoir gentle action please all wha Te them. In vialaat23cents; fivefor $1. Sold Ry druggists everywhere, or sont by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York, Toa) Al Smad Doss Small Prica p Dizziness, X comfortable. If you Christmas present from our as sorted stock. Ladies' und Gentleman's Chiffoniers. Velour. Suring Edge Couches. Also Jardinier Stands, Screens and Easels at sale prices, The Leading Undertaker. *'Phone 147. Open Nights. revelation kiln to China Painters stand boiling water. YOURHOME Will be more beautiful and more buy a Ladies' and Gentleman's writing Desks. Velour Reversable .Cushioned Morri Chairs Eas JAMES REID TEACHER OF CHINA PAINTING WATER-COLORS AND OILS, CHINA fire, Materials for sold. China wended to Your patronage M. M. 'Brophy. 59 Well . THE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1. A GOLDEN LADDER HOW PRINCESS OF WALES NEWS OF NEIGHBORS NHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Vaious Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. A -- Factory Still Running. Elginburg,. Nov. «30.--The Elginburg' dairy factory is still running. Mrs. Lawson and: Mrs. J. H. Lake, visited friends in the city recently. Mrs, J. Curran, ill for some time, is able to be out again. W. Moore will move to the Clyde farm, Cataraqui, next week, Mrs, J. Smith purposes: moving to Kingston for the winter. Miss kthel Tolls ia spending a few davs with Mrs. A. Buck, Kingston. Death At Mountain Grove. Mountain Grove, Nov. 30.--Some of the farmers are still ploughing. S. Ab bott received a telegram that his son was ill with typhoid 'fever in Winni pathy of the community in their sad bereavement. Sever farms have changed hands 'of late in this vicini- ty. Lombardy Tidings. Lombardy, Nov. 30.--Edward P. 0': Mara is confined to the house at pre. sent suffering from rheumatism. Miss Frances Klyne is also on the sick list. Mr. Ace Byee, cheese maker at Mor ton, returned to his home here on Saturday. The death occurred in Bur- gess, of Mrs. Timothy O'Mara, on Wednesday last. Deceased had been ail- ing for the past couple of years and death in the end was due to an afiec- tion of the heart. Mrs. O'Mara was a member of the Roman Catholic church 'and leaves to mourn her loss her hus- band and a family of grown up child- ren. Miss Erma Bellamy entertained a number of her little friends to a party on Saturday last. Music and games furnished amusement for the wee tots, supper was served at four o'clock. ------ Young Man Nearly Drowned. Qharbot Lake, Nov. 30--Anniversary services in the Methodist church were held on Sunday, the 26th. Rev. Dr. Benson, of Perth, preached excellent sermons morning and evening, and addressed the Sunday school in the afternoon. A thank offering was taken at each service, The annual tea was held on Monday evening. Dr. Benson delivered his celebrated lecture on "Men Wanted," which was both enter- taining and profitable. Edward Doyle; son of the proprietor of the Union ho- tel, when out shooting ducks one day last week was nearly drowned. He stood up in his cande to sheot at a flock of ducks and the recoil of his gun knocked 'him backwards into the water, Ho clung to the overturned canoe until he neared shore where Frederick Avery, who witnessed - the accident, rescued him and carried him in an exhausted condition to the nearest farmhouse. His gun, a good is. on the bottom of the lake. one, . Canon Starr, of Kingston, de- ered a missionary address in, the Anglican church on' Tuesday evening. M. Avery, M.P., leit last week for British Columbia. Taxes Much Higher. Ameliasburg, Nov. 29.--Local option campaign is booming in our midst, Mr. White, assisted by the Pare or- chestra, gave a very interesting en- tertainntent in the town hall, under the auspices of the Workmen. Mr. Stubbs also gfive an entertainment consisting of moving pictures, phono- graph, ete, in aid of the Sunday school, which was well at@nded. We are glad to welcome Joseph Nightin- gale and W, H. Wood, new residents in our midst. A Sunday school enter- tainment will be given by the chil dren of Mountain View in the near fu- ture. Our grist mill is again booming, and the farmers are coming from every direction. Charles Wood has taken the farm of 8. Vancult, Mr. Kerr moving out to Hillier. Walter Nelson has another year. Taxes are considerably though we expect to have some warm contents. Mr. Root, teacher, at Moun- about to move in the United States minister, has protested to Mohammed El Torres, representa- tive of the sultan for foreign affairs, against the seizure by the governor at Tetuan of a house, with its entire contents, of an American citizen, who held from the government a tobacco monopoly for Tetuan for two years His contract expired yesterday, where- unon the government seized the house, giving no reason 'for its action. Mo- hammed Fl Torfes promised to send to Tetuan to verify the complaint. Mr. Gummere is awaiting the result. He will' insist upon compensation if it is substantiated. Father Of Wall Street. New York, Dee. 1.--E. B" Wesley is Wall street's oldest veteran. He is ninety-four years of age, still perfectly sound mentally, and visits Wall street s| two or three times a week. Mr. Wes- | ley is the oldest trustee of the Union Trust company, of which hg was the 11 thinks Russell Sage is spring chicken, a regular Fall Importation. Prevost, Brock street, has received all his fall importations for order work; consisting of Scotch and Eng lish tweeds, blue and black serges, cheviot and venetian for suitings, a great variety, nine , splendid assort- ments of black" and blue beaver and fancy overcoatings. A splendid as- sortment of panting at prices that shlicited. Miss on elreat. Smart Waterproof For the School peg, and was very low, Mr. Abbott Those novel water-proof materials left at once for Winnipeg. Mrs. T that the trade designate as griffon Armstrong, who had been in poor ettes come in weights well suited to health for the last year, passed away cold wenther sas ay design o Wednesday. The family have the sym that pictured, in which the needs of taken the farm of David Lambert for higher than usual in this township,|, o owing partly to a different ratin There's a' need in every home of a and partly to improvements on hall medicine that will promptly cure bili- and sidewalk. There is little stir as | ousness, kidney derangements and con- vet in municipal election matters, al" tain View, is house of Gregg Titus. W. Way has! by so dping prevent fevers, colds and bought the Oliver Young farm. such deadly discases as dropsy, dia- -- betes and Bright's disease. Seized American's House. No medicines satisfies this need so Tangi-r, Dec. 1.--Mr. Gummere, the well as Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pill. peoviver inthe panic ob H873: Ha FASHION'S FORM. a Girl. the school girl are taken into consid- eration. The coat ia loose-fitting back and front, two stitched box pleats in the back making for the necessary fullness, which, incidentally, is much emphasized in gafments of the latest cut. The fronts, however, are left plain, the shaped belt serving to hold them in position, and the double- breasted fastening making for warmth where it is most needed. Patch pock- ets are both modish and convenient. The shiny shoes, too, are water-proof; and the gaiters of the same material as the coat are included in this rainy- day outfit Heavy Loss By Fire. Mount Chesney, Nov, 29.--Many fro, here attended the Farmers' Institute, | which was held jn~Sunbury, on Tues- day evening; a large crowd was re ported. Un Sunday afternoon a fire broke out in William Hogan's barn, near the High Banks. His loss is a very heavy one, as all his hay and grain Was burnt, John Stokes had a ploughing bee on Monday. Many teams made light work, and the weather was indeed very favorable. A few from here attended the wedding of Thomas Free- man, Battersea, which was held in the Salvation' Army barracks, Sun bury, on Tuesday evening. It was quite interesting as both are colored people. The bride came all the way from Texas to meet her dusky sweet- heart. Mrs. P. Fowler received a tel gram, last Monday, telling the news of the death of her brother, James Dillon, who lives in Michigan, Mrs. Fowler and son, started imme- diately. All extend deepest sympathy in her sad bereavement. - Visitors : Miss Aunie Murray, Barriefield, at her uncle's, James Fowler. Miss Josie 0'- Neill, Toronto, at, her uncle's, John McGarvey's. John Black and Edward at James McGarvey's: John Brown, Kingston, at M. Fowler's. William Me- Kendry, at A. Sharpe's. Put Out Of His Pulpit. Cortland, N.Y., Dec. 1.--Without a single dissenting voice the official board of the Memorial Baptist church voted to oust Rey. J, C. Auringer from the pulpit 'which. he has occupied for the past two or miore years. He was guilty of the basest of immorali ties, To save a coat of tar and feath- ers he fled from the town, Auringer is a graduate of the Moody School in Chicago, and has been prominently identified in revival work. He hasa wife and one small son There . was also talk of taking mgdsures to have his license revoked To Enliven Kidney and Bowels--To Disease By Prevent Cleansing the System~--You Must Use Dr. Chase's stipation, A medicine that by cleansing filtering and excretory organs will the re move all poisonous waste matter, and This is no idle boast, but an abso- lute fact that is backed up by the testimony of a liundred thousand homes, The reputation of Dr. 'A. W. Chase as author and physician is the guar- antee which first made this great me dicine popular. Now it stands on its record of cures --a record which has seldom, if ever, been paralleled in the history of medi- cine, © As a treatment for backaclies head. aches, indigestion, aching lhwbs, liv- er derangements, kidney disorders and constipation, Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills are prompt, thorough and effective. is "Once their merit is tested they are kept in the house and relied on in cases of emergency. By keeping the liveg, active and the bowels regular they positively * prevent serious di- sease. Mrs. Georee Lawson, Consecon, Ont | writes ©: "Dr. ' Chase's Kidney-Liver THE made a well woman ey eens plotely éuring me of constipation, rheumatism. stomach troubles and a very severe kidney trouble after years of suffering. I am now sixtveirht years of age, and very grateful for what Dr. Chase's Kidnev-Liver Pills hdve done for me, and for the re markahls cure of mv husband by the use of Pr. Chase's Nerve Food." One pili a dose. 25¢. a box, at sll Aeglore, or Edmanson. Bates & Co, Toronto, Dr. Choe's Backache Plas ter, wromptlv eradicates pain and may defy cowpetition, r Beauty Bedecked With Jewels) ception of the Princess of Wales the Liver Kidney - Liver Pills MET THE WOMEN OF INDIA. Greeted the British Princess-- To the Tinkling of Anklets and Silver-Note Bells She Was Made Welcome. The London Daily Mail publishes the following from its correspondent at Bombay : "By far the most splendid ceremony of the week has been the re- by the women of the Hindu, Mahomme- dan, and Parse communities. Through streets thronged with. enthu siastic multitudes, her royal highness arrived at the town hall, which scme magician hat transformed into a pie: ture that might have been painted by Burne-J ones. Up the centre of the broad stairs ran a carpet of cloth of gold, like a golden ladder, ascending among beau- tiful women clad in flowing robes of white gnd delicate tints of mauve and blue. Under the Grecian partico, where the golden ladder faded in light, stood a group of children like a posy of pale roses and tulips. Chaplets of pearls bound their dark tresses, among which were entwined swect-scented jasmine. In their hands were baskets of jasmine flowers to scatter in the path of the princess. In the clear light that precedes the sun- set the picture was surpassingly beau- tiful. Ascending the golden ladder, the princess paused midway to submit to the ceremonial with which Parsee wo- men ward off evil and secure good fortune. An egg and a cocoasiut were passed seven times round the princess' hegd and then broken. So evil was | t turned to good. Rice was scatternd that her roval highness might enough and to spare. A few more golden rungs, and the Hindu ladids went through a ceremony which brings light and brightness to life. Then the princess passed to the Ma. hommedans, from whose hands show- ered gold and silver-leaved almonds, | « emblems of peace. A cocoanut was presented in order that the royal guest might never lack food, . water, sholtor, er furniture, all of which the nuts yields the thrifty Hindu. Conducted to the peacock throne, the princess found herself in another fairvland palace of Aladdin. On the walls hung priceless carpets from the looms of India and Persia. Between the massive pillars stretched gardens of flowers. And the company was of women and children clad in white, mauve and blue. Pearls and dia- monds shone and sparkled in their dark hair, and upon some of them ancient embroidered garments showed more precious jewels. * Seated on the throne, queen among her ladies, the princess received ad- dresses huicome in three languages, and made brief and fitting reply to "her sisters."" Music. succeeded the speech. To the jingling of anklets silvermote bells, Hindu maidens ap- proached bearing vessels of gold on their heads. They sang a weird folk- song. - The Mahommedans came next, with more music and songs, succeeded hy the Parsees holding the sacred flame, about which they circled gracefully, Food and flowers were then given, and her roval highness departed greatly delighted with the novel and pie: turesque ceremony. LATEST SCHEME To Have Milk Testing Stations to Determine Values. At the dominion government coohng station for cheese at Brockville, Prof. J. A. Ruddick, dairy commissioner, held an informal meeting with cheese makers, salesmen and patrons who have patronized the station for the past four years of its existence. He stated that the government had al most practically decided not to keep open the curing station here and else where another year, but after his re cent visit to England he had stated such action should be reconsidered. He found that English buyers were just beginning to awaken to a realization of the fact that cool cured cheese were of belter quality than others. Mr. Ruddick is desirous of interest ing the dairymen oi that district 'in the establishment of a testing station at which from the result of continued tests it will be possible to ascertain the exact value of the milk produe- tion of each dairy animal and to know therchy whether it pays te keep it or not. In Denmark, which is ad- mittedly the most scientific dairying country in. the world, tests are made the year round. Mr. Ruddick, is ready to give all the encouragement sible to anv district wishing to take np this work. The only conditions are that there must be at least twenty patrons who will provide the necessary test bottles, and scale for weighing, the cost of these about $3. The Hirec- tion of the work and the compiling of results will be undertaken by the de partment. The opportunity given to dairying districts to make these tests follows upon the good re sults obtained from the limited num- ber of experimental stations estab- lished in Ontario, Quebec, and the maritime proviness, during the past two years, pos ------ Ended In Murder. Quewe, Nov. 30. ---Gunner Richard Kydd, alias Hall, the victim of Sun day morning's shooting at the Cita del, died, Wednesday night, at the Jeffery Hal: Hospital. Deceased was a native of London, England, where bis parents reside. He deverted from the craiser Drake while she was here, He went to Montreal, but after the de- parture of the squadron returned here und enlisted in the artillery. Gunner who is-chatged with - the shoot ing, is a native of Ireland, and former: ly served. in the Munster Fusiliors, While serving in India he is said to have suffered from a sunstroke, which affected kis. brain. He will now have to answer the charge of murder. Decided At Last. Santa Claus has decided to make his headquarters for eakes, candies, fruits, ete, at Hamhrook's, Madoe is om Holder of An Ancient Office Has master of the king's bench, has have | signed his office. ter of the king's bench since 1874. brancer at the present day are very courts for the pricking of the sheriffs, acknowledges homage from the hold the swearing-in of the lord mayor, he has done nearly all that is asked him, an important official of the king's per- sonal exchequer, with a host of minor officia's who bore quaint titles at his beck and call. : of the pipe, the surveyor of the green many others. officials were abolished and their du- Remember the with any because of KING'S REMEMBRANCER. Resigned. . London, Nov. 30.~Lord Dunboyne, he king's remembrancer and senior ro. fe has been a mas- The duties of the king's rémem- not onerous, 1f he attends the law rs of crown lands, and is present at of But there was a time when he was There were the baghbearer, the clerk wax, the clerk of the nichills, the foreign opposer, the clericus breviam, the pesour, the fasour, the flacer, and But in William TV's reign all these ties merged in the person of the king's remembrancer, Lord Dunboyne was called to the bar in 1869, and has sat in the Houge of Lords as an Irish * representative peer since 1901, An important social event' on Wed- nesday evening, at Mapleleigh, Carle. ton Place; the home of James Gillies, was the marriage ' of his youngest daughter, Miss Florente, to Dr. K.-€/ Campbell, Winnipeg. A company is being formed in Stirl- 'We invite comparison of BENSDORP'S ws. COCOA every point, and is most economical Use Bensdorp's Cooking CHOCOLATE (Blue Label}. 'ROYAL DUTCH other make. It leads at its double strength. CHARGE OF HERESY. Denying : 'the Divinity Saviour. : Halifax, N.S., Nov, 30.--The pres- bytery of Inverness 'is ing a case to try Rev, J. W. Ni of the a Presbyterian minister, of Cape Brat on, on a ol eresy. It is ed that eis the 'divinity of Christ. He js a uate of Dalhousie i Pineblll, studisd nde Hare . rack at , Germany. at one time had a call from Calvin church, St. John, Nicholson denies the_charge of heresy, as it has been formulated, : Charge Against Militia Officer. Ottawa, Nov. 30.~It is stated here that if the . logation is that $60 was charged and gon at camp when no such were rendered. Hope is ex the. officer in question be properly filter the blood, and sult is a disordered condition the entire system. Peok's Kidney Pills meet the need of a reliable kidney and bladder tonic and regulator. In hoxes, 25c. For sale only at Wade's Drug Store. Money, back if not satis ing to build an open skating rink. factory, exists March, still exceeds the supply lot us know PHENOMENAL GROWTH Canadians are not slow to recognize superior merit wherever it 1904, production, December, 1903, production, 3,400 pairs per day. Thess two lines tall graphically the wonderful growth in the production of Merchants Rubbers. and the demand The people have recognized. the superior merit of theses Rubbers over all others and honest workmansi duce an honest Rubber it your Shoeman doesn't sell them, Branches at WINNIPEG, TORONTO, » OTTAWA, RCH 7s, MONTREAL. RUBBER BERLIN 300 pairs per day. Honest materials ip wre combined to pro. Merchants Rubbers. LONDON, the tad vitality, Write for sample sent FREE HELP FOR MEN which will Positively cure lost manhood is* ohr. Itiscontrolled in this K Mi Com, Some standing in relent 'worl Beto scaled in plain wrapper. - Address DR. KOHR MEDICINE CO., P.O, Drawer 1, 2341, Montreal. The onty remedy known to scien German Remedy discovered by ¥ money, Cor:esponidence t: Stestemeint ct free with have failed With: of} regularly used in t oN ae Somat doe ee Sepa, iat, nd ® be w «dd on iy part of the body. =» Mado to have a skating tink this winter. * 00 C000 0000000000000 00000 S THE CANADA METAL CO. To BABBITT SPECI : Write for "All About ESIALISTS: i PE PLILIILLILL0 00 Dragoons ishment willv be dismissal from The militia force, The is that of ob fe money under. false The paid for the use of a team and wag. services . a

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