YEAR --l NO. 280, E P, Jenkins Clothing Ce, Saturday' S- BIG SALE Overcoats 'Was due to the superior excellence of our hand- tailored garments. "EIT-REFORM" Is the peer of all others. | ---------= E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. Finger Rings The variety, style, and beauty of de- sign ; emphasize the efforts we have wade, to have our RING Stock, second to none. Our $20 and $25 Diamond Solitaires » generous examples, and have proved +d successes, but we have many to choose from at far greater cost. SMITH BROS. Jewelers Opticians 350 King Street. ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE LICENSES T0- NICH * Fancy work MISS SUTHERLAND, Teacher. FREE TO MEMBERS For the Best Insurance in all its branches go to SWIFT'S -=ean REAL BSTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY WANTED. SLADIES, WITH SOME EXPER- e. Mahood Bros. FUR FINISHERS. APPLY TO JOHN McKay, Brock street. BY A WOMAN, WASHING AND IRON- ete., or rough dry to be done own home. Apply box "'G. z office CLASS PLUMBERS Must be temper- s. Apply at once, Oshawa. \T ONCE. SE IN office or collecting work. take share in grocery. Ap- id Whig office, SITTING-ROOM | bedroom, with State how Address A FURNISHED double and single ard, in good locality. ich per week or month, Box 11, Whig office, GENTLE MEN TO GET THEIR FALL Uvercoats and Suits; made at Thomas Galloway' 8, 131 Brock St. Also bring your "old ones end have them repaired. Style, fit and price Kuaranteed to plea: A LOCAL AND DISTRICT AGE for "Canada's Greatest Nurseries." We are prepared to make a. iiberal r to a reliable and encrgetic salesman to represent us at King- lon and surrounding country. Terri- tory will be reserved for the right man. Write for fuller particulars. St hn & Wellington, Toronto, Ont. MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN PLUMB- ¢ Trade, pays $5 day after com- pleting course of practical instruction t Joma. or in our schools. Gradu- admitted to Union and Master Association. Positions se- yyne Dros. Co. Plumbing ols, New York, St. Louis, Mo., nati, 0. Free catalogue. HY CHICAGO WHOLESALE AND mail order hese, assistant manager or woman) for this county and ning territory. Salary $20 and ses paid weekly ; expense money ed. Work pleasant ; position . No investment or experi- 1 required. Write at once for full articalars and enclose wl addressed envelope. Cooper & Co 2 St, Chicago, 111, ren TO-LET. ------ cLun ROOM OR DWELLING ROOMS, ver Miss Greaza's Millinery. Apply aa - 8. R. McCann, '51 'Brock St. OFFICE, IN GOOD LOCALITY, ON Rent low. Apply a. P. Cents' Furnisher, King St. King streot. Forrest, AND RESIDENCE, NO. 851.4 Princess street ; moderate rent Lonsesston Novern! "1st. Apply to teacy & Steacy. eh OFpP wc B, OVER WADERS' DRUG Stare, Corner King and Brock Sts., two well lighted and heated rooms. Avply to MeCarh: 51 Brock street. LOST. A TAIR OF GOLD RIMMED EYE #. with chain attached, on Avenue, or Bagot St. Finder te rewarded by leaving them at Barrie street. k a "Yy are showing the best value in ony brushes: 1 ever saw," said a lady Th Gibson's Red Cross drug store hursday, All kinds children's warm felt sli Bh oil prices. A good ane for 2c. & 3 Ibs. DAILY MEMORANDA, 1 + , two large stores in one is our only place of business, George Mills & Co., Fur Specialists. It pays best e To buy Fine Furs, At Campbell Bros., the manufacturers. Civic Finance Committee, 8 p.m: '07 Dance in Grant Hall, 8 p.m. Some men make a specialty of flirting with trouble. Great sale of Meats, Brothers to-morrow. Seats on sale Saturday morning, for Bernhardt performance. 3 Science makes believers of doubters and doubters of believers. Ladies' Coats at half-price, man & Shaw's fo-morrow. The sun rises Saturday at 7.14 a.m., and sets at 4.24 p.m. A lawyer isn't necessarily a beggar be- cause he pleads for money. | 1 { P 'by Anderson at New- Larkins and Hawkins' Dance, Whig | Hall, - this evening and good musie. | Hook--I trouble. it dark. Visit the new meat shop of Williams, Corner of Princess street gnd University Avenue. The severest test of a woman's curi- osity is when she returns a fellow's let- ters unopened. believe in making light of my | Nye--If 1 have a trouble I keep | This day in history --Queen Alexan- dria, born, 1844 Canadian troops start for front, from. Cape wn, 1899. SPECIAL ROAST TURKEY SERVICES Fashion, says : The Turkey on Christmas, and other holidays, shall be served on special dishes --on a regular Turkey Set. We have just received some ex- quisite designs in game--Beef and Turkey Sets. A delightful Christ- mas gift, and cheap. Just come in and see. * ..ROBERTSON BROS.. GREAT SALE Of Fresh Meats To-morrow (Saturday,) at Anderson _ Bros', corner Princess and Division Streets. Over 4,000 Ibs. of the best quality woll-dressed Beef, at the following low Best Steak for 25c: ~Best Roast Beel, 10c. 1b Shoulder Roasts, 6¢. to Sc. Ib. Boiling Pieces, 3¢. to Oc. Fresh Pork any unRntity 10c. Ib. Sausages, & Lamb, 10c wikis fie DETAILS Of The Mutiny At Sebas- | that the mutineers have surrendered. \ 4 topol. THE CONSPIRACY WENT ON UNDER NOSES OF THE OFFICERS. Mutineers Made Heroic Struggle, But Odds Were Too Great-- Troops Did Not Support the Sailors; as They Expected. St. Petersburg, Dec. 1.--~The minister of marine has received a telegram from Sebastopol, stating that 1he Black Sea fleet, having overhauled the cruiser Otchakoff, called upon her to surrender, The mutlinous squadron, which had replaced the cross of St. Andrew, with. the red flag, responded by hoisting the signal to engage. The north battery then received order to fire on the squadron, but the artillery took sides with the mutineers, refused to obdy orders, and turned their guns upon "the town, and upon the' south battery particularly. Half the town was destroyed. The Otchakoff also sank the auxiliary = cruiser, Dmieper, while the Potemkine, and three tor- pedo boats went ashore, During this time the Bragsbat regiment took the north fort, storming it at the point of the bayonet. Lieut. Schmidt, mand of the who was in com- mutinous ships, was mortally wounded, and on ascertain- ing this, the mutineers decided to sur- render, which they did at five o'clock. Five thousand men were killed of wounfled during the fighting, The ministry of marine has received additional confirmation of the news According to the Slavo, the muti neers themselves began the attack. The fight lasted for. two and a quarter hours. The mutincers made a heroic struggle, but the odds were too heavy. The Listo says the conspica- cy, which led to the mutiny went on under the noses of the officers, amd that even Vice Admiral Birileff, tie minister of marine who was at Sebas- toncl a fortnight ago, suspected no- thing. The sailors waited until they were assured of the support of the corps, most of whom, however, had refused to go over to the mutineswrs when the die was cast. __ Alarming Bisaffection. St. Petershurg, Dec. 1.The most alafming indication of the spread of disaffection in the army, extending even to regiments near the person of the emperor, was given in the arrest, Jellied a Chipped Suet, Cooked and Try our Mince Meat, Pure Leal Lard, Beef, Sweet Pickles, ISggs, Butter, Cheese Celery, and New Fruits. Don't. miss this S 20 per cent. Anderson Bros. | 'Phone 458. MADE-TO-ORDER Persian Lamb Jackets Select Your Skins. . Quality, Style and Fit Un- equalied. McKAY FUR HOUSE BROCK STREET. Perfect Workmanship Choicest Materials A combination to 'be had in our shoes. Wear '"Allen's"' Military Booimakers 84 Brock St. GARD OF THANKS. 195 Johnston street, Kingston, 1st December, 1905. J. 8. R. McCann, Rec. Frontenac, No. 59, 1.C Dear Sir :--Accopt my sincere thanks to Court Frontenac, Independent Order of Foresters. for their kind. promptitude in sending me the cheque for three thousand dollars, on account of the Mortuary Benefit, for Mr. R. S. Dobbs, my late husband. Believe Me, Sincerely yours, ISABELLA i. M. DOBBS. - AUCTION SALE - A GOOD SIZED HORSE At my Auction = Boome. on Market Saturday, ond. Day of December At 11 0" 'am. WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. Bee's TRUE our goods are Wifighen from what they were last year What they will be NEXT YEAR'I do not know, but TO-DAY they are AS GOOD AS AXY, but NEXT YEAR we will try to} make them STILL BETTER. What to do to make them BETTER we are at a loss at the moment to say, but we are racking our brain and burning mid-night oil EXPERIMENTING, try- ing to IMPROVE OUR GOODS, but we have got to have the BEST that can BE MADE. "Phone 11. W. J. Crothers. The Lockett Shoe 8 ne a wlakis the quart, af 4 I -------------------------------- Five peckages "cornstarch. 25c., to- Fmorrow and Saturday, at Mullin's. Sugar Cured Corned | Yellow-Cuirassiers of the Yyuard, the Poultry | Hussars of the ale as you will save | ge Sign of Goldén Boot | Court | ingston. | at Tzarskoe Selo, yesterday, of a number 'of soldiers belonging to the Guard, and the Life § for presenting a sof petitions, including one against the use of troops for police purposes. The regiments in question | are those which have been specially se [ de sted, by Gen. Trepoff, to guard the emperor and his family, and have been counted upon as being loyal to the last. riflemen, A SENSATIONAL ACT. Tried to, Murder Komura and De- stroy Peace Treaty. Seattle, Wash., Dec. 1.-An attempt to murder the peace delégation and destroy the treaty between Japan and ussin, which was drawn up by the plenipotentiaries in Portsmouth, and was Peing seit to "the. Emperor of Japan, was witnessed by officers and passengers on the Dakota on the night of her arrival at Yokohama. Dr. Wm. L. Opp, surgeon of the Dakota, in speaking of the incident, sai 3 "It happened rival at Yokohama. We Mississippi Bay, just outside of the | breakwater.. All the torpedo boats and -war vessels which escorted the peace commission were drawn up in a long line. The launch containing the delegation and the- treaty left the warship had started for the fanding. Suddenly' one of the torpedo boats, anchored near the end of the line of the battleships, slipped her cable and | started after the launch. Those on the | launch saw the torpedo boat leave | the line and knew what was coming. | In a minute the torpedo boat struck | the launch, cutting her completely in | i iwo, and raced on into the darkness, We could see the men struggling in { the water and clinging to the pieces of . the wrecked hoat. Launches from the battleships were sent to their rescue, and saved all but one. The treaty also was saved.' Serious Fire In Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Dec. 1.--The establishment of Ridout & Co.; and Gilbert's carpet and house furnishings, corner of Main and Pacific streets, in the Brown | block, was destroyed by fire early this morning and other places in the block were badly damaged. The total loss in estimated at $100,000 to 8150, 000. The chief losses dre: Gilbert, tidout & -Co., , Adams & Morrison, boots and shoed, and Porter's China Iratl. - Loss To Oblat Fathers. Maniwaki, Que, Dec. 1.--The large and handsome building which com- | prised stable and barn, with the most modern equipment, the property of the Oblat Fathers, here, was destroy: ed by five, early last night. Loss' es- timated at twenty-five thousand . dol- lars; partly insured. Pire supposed to have origingted {rom engine room. Live stock saved. . Clristinas perfumes Cress drug store. 1t pays to buy at Oibeon's Red This { founder of Mormonism, is almost com- the night of our ar-| were lying in| is the Birthday of 'Queen Alexandra. : QUEEN ALEXANDRA. London, Dec. 1.--Queen Alexandra's sixty-first birthday is generally ob- served in all parts of Great Britain and the colonies to-day. All public and many other buildings are decorated with flags and the ships in all British harbors are f#ying the national flag, Early thiss morning all the church bells in this city pealed forth their greet- ing and the guns ant the military and naval stations fired a royal salute. The king and the queen spent the day in comparative quiet at San- dringham, The queen rechived many valuable presents and hundreds of let- ters and telegrams of congratulation from all parts of the world. As usual the queen received the school childven of the estate and they: presented her with flowers. There was no official pro: gramme for the celebration of the day. The lord mayor of London sent spe cial congratulations on behalf of the citizens of London and the queen sent him a gracious message in reply. ------ PITH OF THE NEWS, - The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Bubonic plague is raging in Yoko- hama. The resignation of the Balfour min- isiry may take place this afternoon. The British ° Columbia legislature will meet on 'the llth of January next. The Grand Trunk railway will spend $0,000,000 in a new station and term- inals at Montreal. The barge Madeira is believed to have gone "down in Lake Superior with a crew of twelve men, The king has 'decided to confer the order: of merit" on hoth Ficld Marshal Oyama and Admiral Togo. The first passenger train left Ed: R., on Thursday morning, : The Equitable Life company has been ordered by the' German govern- ment to increase its premium reserves, A monument to Joseph Smith , the pleted at his birthplace, in Royalton, Vt. South monton for Winnipeg over the C. Nj KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DEC heh 100s, James Patterson, a cattle dealer, was frozen to death while walking on the C. N. R. tracks from Edmonton to Saskatchewan, George House, Stephensville, is ap- pointed license inspector of Welland, | vice F. D. Noble, John Stanton, Whit- | by, is appointed license inspector of South Ontario. It is stated in political circles Dr. A. N. Worthington, M.P. for Sherbrooke, will follow the same pre- 'ton, and resign before the election pe tition against him is heard on its merits, The Grand Trunk railway has given the railway commission = to under- stand that one af the next large im- provements. to which the management intends addressing itself will be the erection of a new passenger station in thereto. Charles Beisert, aged twenty-nine, working on the scaffold of a four storey building, fell and was hurled throngh space. At the first storey a uprights of the scaffold. passed it. his flving coat-tails came in he was dangling in the air. Then the coat gave way under the strain and nded on the ground on his feet, very slightly injured. This in. Brooklyn. WAS A DRAW. . -------- Neither of the Men Exerted Him. self to Win. Mich, Dée. 1.--The result of at Grand Rapids, between "Mike" Wand, Sarnia, and Ryan, Chicago, was not very satis- factory to the two thousand speecta- Detroit, the bout, tors. Ward was four pounds over and Ryan four Rotnds under the stipula- ted weight, 136 pounds. It was, there- fore, agreed that if both men were on their fect at the end of the tenth round the contest should be declared a draw. Straight Marquis of Queens- bury rules were adopted.. Both men appeared to he satisfied with making a draw and appapeéntly neither exeri- od himself te win. Arrived At Halifax. Halifax, N.8., Dee. 1.--~The Allan Liner. Virginian, ' frome Liverpool, ar- rived at 9:30 a.m, bringing twenty- three first, cighiy-eight second and 426 steerage passengers, The Allan SK, Sarmatian, from Liverpool, ar- rived at © am. with nineteen seeond- class passengers. N. E. O'Connor, Kingston, was the nest of 8.4 J. Geash; Brockville, on ednesday "Phone "300, for cakes, <Sadien or fruit. Working night and day, Gite: n's syrup. It cures New goods there, Red Cross ton 2 pe . cedure as that of Mr, Hunt in Comp: | nail was protruding from one of the | As Biesert | Adam | | that | Montreal with elevated tracks leading | contact with it and for a few seconds | happened | | An lIpteresting Case At 70 RECOVER MONEY: WHICH HAD BEEN GIVEN TO The Widow Held to Be Entitled jury | several cases were dithousd of, the principal one being that of Hyman ¥s. Bank of Montreal. action bron, late 8. A, from the drawn by Mr, before his posited in the | tha J. Belleville Assizes. A TRUST. to the Money as Well as All the Insurance Money--The Wil. Could Not Change Designation as Directed by the Policies. Belleville, Ont., Dee. 1.--At the non- sittings hefore Justice Clute This was an t by tho widow of the ymun to recover $10,000 Bank * of Montreal, with- Hyman a short time death, from the savings bank account of Mrs. Hyman and de- Bank of Montreal, in the name of 8. A. Hyman, in trust, not naming the trust, which money was claimed by plaintifi as her own. The plaintif also asked to recover £8,000. of life . insurance effected upon the life of the late 8. A. Hyman, which is directed by the policies to be paid to his wife subject to the terms of his will. The defence was, that the money de: posited in the Bank of Montreal was Mr. Hyman's money and that the in- surance under a will made by Mr. Hyman in 1801 made the moneys pay- able to other members of the family other than the plaintiff, The plaintiff claimed in regard to the insurance that the will was in- operative and ineflectual and could nat change the designation of the in- surance moneys as directed by the policies, Jud ment was given declaring lois tiff entitled to $10,000 in of Montreal, and to * all the insurance, and declaring that the will of 8. A. Hyman was ineffectual to alter the application of the insurance money. rtm. FASHIONABLE WEDDING At St. John's Ohutch, Prescott, on Tuesday. Prescott, Ont., Nov, 20.--A fashion- able church wedding was celebrated at' St. John's Shuteh, dag, when olla iin Knapp er I H. Palmer,' Oo ode yn The ceremony was performed By Rev. Her. bert Patton, assisted by 'al Deas Houston, rector of Trinity - Memorial church, Cornwall, Ont., and Rev. Hugh Spencer, Winchester, "cousin of the bride, The bridesmaid waé Miss Ber- Palmer, sister of the bride groom, and the best man was Dudley Russell Howard. William Franklin Burt and Hamilton Lee Tallman act ed as ushers. The bride was attired in a handsome suit of pearl gray broad- cloth, and white picture hat trimmed with ermine. She carried white chry- santhemums. Miss Palmer wore a gown of Alice blue broadcloth, and a French toque of velvet to match, She Survie chrysanthemums. Mrs, Harry Horwood presided at 'the organ, pod Frederick ¥. Knapp rendered a solo. Following the ceremony d wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's. parents on Dibble street, after which Mr, and Mrs. Palmer oft on a western honeymoon tour. They will be at home after January 1st, at No. 19 State street, Watertown, N.Y. The bride is a danghter of Augustus Knapp, ' Prescott, a prominent attor- ney and president of the Tubular Steamboat company. He is the inven. tor of the roller" boat which gained so much fame in' marine circles some years ago. Mr. Palmer ja the second son of Mr. and Mrs. 8S. F. Palmer, Ogdensburg, N.Y., and is entering up- on a successful business career at Watertown. The Cuban Flections. Havana, Dee. 1.---The geneval elec tions are held, to-day, in all parts of Cuba, and excitement runs high ev. erywhere. From all parts of the is- land disturbances in cuzmection with the election are reported and in many instances there. hav, ve been bloody con- flicts between the "opposing fuctions. Troops and rural guards were used in many towns to preserve the order. A larze number of disturbances occurred in this city and it is feared that the worst jg not yot over. Must Pay Tax. Washington, D.C. with to-day alcoholic beverages, mas- querading as patent medicines are slaced under the ban of taxation, fiver manufacturer of "'remedies" con- taining a large percentage of alcohol must pay a special tax as rectifiers and every person who sells' such reme: dies must pay a liquor dealers tax. The new order, which is based upon a ruling of John W, Yerkes, commission- er of internal revenue, will be carried out with strictness and the trade has been fully warned. ~ Van Horne A Diractor. New York, Dec. 1.5-At the monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Equitable Life Assurance society the following were elected directors : Sir William €, Van Horne, Montreal; Willian €, Brooklyn, and John D. Kernan, Utica, N.Y. -------------- The Best Is The Cheapest. We are headquarters for lamb jackets at To Persian George Mills & Co., mani lao i furriors and fur » 'of ring Dec. 1.--Beginning | for Ch Halifax, N.S, Dec. 1.~The au crop report of the government of Nova Scotia, ure, says the pro- vinee may be ar hares upon re tiful harvest of hast 5 ceiving a boantifu ht oats, wheat : VOTAge, hay a' wes: veuchnd a high cont; oats, Jn ed per nt. toes; ninety-five cen po condom of ho Hh: to the season, during blossom time, le be a. 'a whale tiie, will more t Bix cent. Muth total po ho bly will be 400,000 barrels, with the present high rices at home, $2.25 to $2.50 per wea will mean a cash return to close to one hg dollars. y -------- CASES IN COURT. ay ---- : Decisions Given in Regard. to Elections. Ottawa, Dee, 1.~In the supreme Sourty to-day, judgments were deliver- Count of Halifax election cases; Roche Hetherington nd Saray ~ Hetherington--- ppeals dism tho weasons given by Chief Justice Weatherbe, in the supreme court of Nova Scotia, and the preliminary oh- 'potions to the petition. Stand dis- missed with costs. Cumbarian, Picton wd North Cape Beton, Victoria, election onses, tion to attend minutes of judgments with costs, to be divided mmong the three cases. The Bigelow V. Craigellachie inet ory Co.,. to proceed. tenis WANTED HER x GHLOROPORMED Advocate of Cruel Cruel Theory Desired ,--1 Ii Practised. Cincinnati, 0., Dee. 1.--Miss Anna Hall, who recently attracted wide at- tention by advocating at a Philadel shia = convention that persons hope: ossly Hl or iit be eifotofotmed, wanted to practice DE own mother, atoning Ning: 10° tet ven at a oe of Mrs, ney "Hall Miss ise Hall's mother, Mre. Simcoe, a yetubdes testified that she had y heard Miss Hall beg the atten ng Taysoan to let hor administe her mother's po" sy death was inevitable, and it - was cruelty to prolong her life. MUST LEARN 1 x0 BAKE. are to be taught to bake b with be given practioal in 5 cooking. They will be sent two Tavs time to the school of application for cavalry and field artillery at Fort Riley, Kansas, for a course in the school for cooks and bakers. When they complete the course they will be sent out among the troops to instruct the sold Charges Made, Ogdensburg, N.Y,, Dec. 1.--Joseph Pont, of this city, and Dennis Higgins, Prescott, well-known horsemen, have been charged at Montreal with con: ducting a poolroom at the Delorimier Park race track in that city. They pleaded not guilty and their explana- tion was set for next. Wedneeday. Pont and Higgins are stockholders in the park property and claim a right to sell pools there. F. J. Truaisch, of the Lipton Cale, swore to the complaint. It is alleged that he telephoned to the track one day to lay a bet of $200 on one of the ponies running on an outside track. The bet was and later Truaisch, as Truaisch al: loges, was informed that he had lost. He now claims that when he tel - ed to the track the result of the race was then known and that acceptance of the bet was a "'sure thing" propo- sition, Three Important Needs. Washington, Dec. 1.--Col. Clarence Edwards, chiof of the bureau of insu- lar affairs, in his annual report to the secretary of war, states that the three most important needs of the Philippine islands. to-day, are a mar ket, the opportunity for farmers to horrow money at reasonable rates and adequate transportation facilities. Church Debts Going. London, Dec. 1.--Rev. J. W. Pedley, secretary of the Canadian. jubilee fond in connection with the Con rational churches, states that by December the debts of all the churches ast of Toronto would be paid off. Evening slippers for ladies, new ones ristmds, just arrived, French heels, from $1.50 up. The Lockett Shoe Store. fresh," the infants' foods "Perfectly ® Gibson's Red Cross d drug store. $5.00 . Safety Razor, with 00, Suey Resor, wih 1} Star Salety ........ 1.50 Gillett's ............ Curbo Magno ...... . 1.50 G teed to shave barlet face ny of twen ty-¢ ghl years years" experience. oo