pleasing present. Over 40 styles Some rich leather makes, $30 Bac Soe H AN nie, as its est: extra fine wear and all this season's patterns, gand there is enough} body and border to fit medium to , being the size of | joe. per yard McFaul,} Kingston Carpet Warehouse. J it, for it was a portion of the Estate goto 0 'S, 1 Brook St. "Phone 326 or 621 =) Their Dinner Was a Fine Event-- The Music a Feature--The Haggis March, the Toasts and th Speeches. {| Bi. 'Andrew's night was celebrated with heartiness in the British-Ameri- can Hotel.' All connected with the old entered into the celebration with the members of St. Andrew's Society, From t o'clock se AL AS I was alive wi pes. travelling the hallways. They were James Clark J. W. Fraser, 3* i z 5 E E because you make things so lively interests." baid Miss Sullivan, waitress, to the president. Johnston proved himseli a , giving personal atten- wants of the Sanmbly, providing a splendid tepast, for uch credit ie due "the jolly ' iss staff of waitresses was ing, and the tables . The waitresses bows and sashes, by members of the At nine o'clock, the ipers play- ed the atseinbly into oggipees play. President J, M. Farrell, sat at the » A le, with Edw, J. B. Pense, t. George's Society, and Mr. Van Sant, the United States con- sul, on his right, and Dr. Ryan, of St. Patrick's Society, and Rev, Pdn- cipal Gordon of 's, on his left. guests were Mr. Hoch and Mr, Stoelzer of the New York S Club, and R. R. F, Harvey, tributed materially . Grace was said by Prin on. we haggis parade, the event of the night, was admirably arranged by Secretary Chisholm, to whom is due the enlivening of the proceedings. He in a perfoct master of ceremonies, and St. Andrew's night would be dull without him. - 7 secretary preceded he is, waving two silk auth Af "Next came t ipers, followed by the jolly chef, Whose portly figure was draped with a bright tartan, and who carried the precious dish. The J waitresses in a lively merch, brought up the rear. The greatest of enthusi- asm The sotiety PE 5if lai i was fortunate in having William Craig, the Laird o' Glenbur. His celebrated fiddle And didn't he make ! It was like a St. Andrew's night years ago. when the , of Cataraqui, and') earnest cannot thing more enduring. ol be able to tion "The M Junk concluded the toast. = "Ibe Day And A' Wha Honor It, was responded to by D. M. McIntyre. The uninitiated, he said, could not un- derstand the adulation on a St. An- drew's day, and "with vanity, but there was a for Scotsmen praising our sires wha have gone before, ed into reverence. Scotland for liberty and i "Auld Robin Gray," was played Mr. Stoetzel. and Will dered several Scottish airs. The United States Consul. The president gave the toast "Our Guests," couplin, name of Mr. Van Sant, consul. great heartiness and when Mr, applauded. He said : "Mr. President and gentlemen degree of Scotchmen or their ancestors. 1 proceed, a picture on the tho field of Waterloo to victory, shouting Scotland forever ! and gave me courage and enough to fnish my » day that picture adorns the American consulate side by side with the flag of country. (Applause.) nd . a he is the spirit of enduring peace progress between his admirers men of high braws celebrated with that legendary Whenever . and non-partizan, end he has co- bi sel vow the laird playe ' She | workers and, supporters among all : in' Sy = The their et a | nations and creeds--the greatest and f to remark that the laird's bow had lost none of its cunning, nor had J "ihe Chisholm's" 3 och; and Mr. Herr H, delighted] * the diners by their artistic resi tinge of simple national airs and received great applhuse, After the toasts, a ay hour was spent with ithe pipers, the fiddler and the artistic New York musicians who played in turn. There were.a number of reels, and several Scotch songs hy Mr. Dunnett. The table dance by Mr, Chisholm came off according to sche- feet lost any of | fee | Edward VII. (Applause.) the kindliest neighbors dule, and at hall past one o'clock. Piper Fraser played the merry crowd from the dining room. The event was one of the most successful Scotch on- therings held in many years. -- The cast Programme. Just befote the toast programme was begun, Herr Hoch rendered a-cor- net solo. President Farrell, in address. ing the company, thanked the were then read by the secretary. Alter the toast to "The King," president 0" Cakes and the Land © the Maple Leaf." In response to the first portion of the toast Principal Gordon said that he was a Canadian and knew something about Canada, hav- ing travelled from west to east. He wished that every Canadian had same opportunity and privilege knowing his country. If he did would have unbounded faith in it. Canadians had not a past in this land, they had in the country from which their fathers came, and no one whose past was connected wi land would wish to have.i The standard of a nation must measured not by wealth or vastne and so Scotlsnd's value was in her people and what they stood for. The life of the people has made Scotland dear to Scotchmen. It was asked why it was that Scotchmen had' left ther native land. It was because Scotland, with her line s produced far more able men than her small territory and population could provide for, and so Scots had wander- ed all over the earth, carrying with them the principles of their native country. They had part in- the activities of every nation, On St. Andrew's night there were meetings of Scotsmen all over the world to keep in remembrance what they owed to the land of their fa. | thers and to quicken their sense of obligation to Scotland, and the same | kind of life that made Scotland great, | Though Canada had not much of al past in legerids and folklore, yet the | folklore and legends of England, lre-| land and Scotland belonged also: to | he 1 British empire and remaining | as such a i part. It was not well to! hive exclusively in the past. Our faces. must 'be turned to the future, Canadians should strive to emulate | and walk according to the footsteps | of their fathers, to cherish their ideas and ideals, so that Canada may marked by the high tone of life was Scotland. Accompanied by Mr. Harvey Herr | Hoch rendered as cornet solo, "Within | a Mile of Edinboro Toon," and was | called uy to repeat the selection. J. McDonald Mowat replied to the "Maple Leaf" portion of the toast. He spoke of how Secotehmen had ex- plore and developed the Canadian and | be! as | St. Andrew's society for honoring him i choosing him as president, and spoke of the objects of the organization. The greetings from Scotch societies outside | land, Ther | arou ith Scot- | devotions would be t ignored. | men of the faith ss, | London, all | stem of education, haa | taken a leading! THR LAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1. 1841 had: there i £ : "Scot | A DELEGAT N' SUGGESTED duration, but a history ! enture tient endur- ort Today, Can- were apt to forget t man live by bread alone, There was | needed a material prosperity, but the tructure must be built of some-| Then Canada a proud posi- the nations of the earth. cornet and piano Seotsmen valid reason the land of their ancestors. What will en- able us to enter into the heritage but the equipment placed in 'our hands by and should not that gratitude be ballow- stands no Ki Hockey League will this season consist T0 A A MEET! of cignty teams, of which six will be we jin the city and two will be outside. ---- { ihe city teams will be the Victorias, last year's champions, A Palaces, HRamblers, Fhennedys, hind ROM | Strathconas, while the out-of-town r : | teams will be Selkirk and Kenora. ! Last year the league had four clubs, Representatives From Each Union, Jf which, the Rowing Club and Must Meet. if Uniform Rules Gladstone, have retired.' ~ Are to Be Matured. To what stages of imposture and The opinion is expressed bv Jeadinz Winnipegs, ON. | corruption* the big gates" 'and the bitter eagerness for victory, that ap- Tughy mien here that, the only way '0 | pear to be so intimately associated ' atives fro | States, may bring an institution | which ought to be a beacon light of | conduct an idea may be gained by the animous : | story of Winconsin University's foot- ot rs eden sios wal ; ball, told by E. S. Jordan, in Col playing leatets of today. but also of | lier» Weekly: Dick" . lemp, the the older players who were no- | "Pre, is descril as a Si) who, af ted in vears gome by. For instance, | ter being expelled, demanded ¥500 to 6s a Kingston and Queen's deleration | Feturn, and got the money. Albion the following are suggested : Messrs. | Findlay is characterized as a player W. FP. Nickle and J. McDonald Mowat, | Who tried to desert to Michigan just Arthur E. Ross, Dr Dalton, Dr. | before an important game, Captain Es Ath 'and W. H Macinnes, | Vanderboom is listed as a student secretarv-treasurer of Queen's athletic | Who takes oratory, sociology, .consti- each union to get | together and dis- cuss the matter, in a friendly way, and with a genuine dgsire of arriving ence, and Mr. Melntyre spoke briefly along that Kae, i y iam Craig ren- to with it the nited States This toast was drunk with Van ant arose to reply he was warmly of the St. Andrew's Society :--Though I have never made more than three or four public speeches, 1 find a certain confidence and inspiration in addressing a gathering . of friendly re- member on a similar occasion, when ymphony | somewhat at a lose to know just how who con- | to on. to the musical | caught my glance, showing a charge of a Scotch cavalry, sweeping down e brave Scotch laddie boys to the jors, ¥ confidence to- | wall wall of | t Guelph; | my | accepted, but St. James cannit "There never was a-time when the | United States and Canada could ex- tend to one - another more cordial greetings or happier felicitations. v may differ on economic gues: tions, but one of the best sentiments i an the two countries. The name of President Roosevelt car- ries with it the ' spirit of good-will. In his country his friends are legion, are counted among the personal worth, among rich and poor, high and low, 'partizan hest of all being vour gracious King "I cannot emulate my predecessor in . He was a gifted orator and a soldierly gentleman, as well as 'one of | and friends who had lived among you many years. (Applause) His re~ord as sn. Ameri: | i can consul has soldom been olled { ball team, and his name stands at the top for jo : ) duty well and faithfully performed. [ Je game was always _one-sidud, From what T have heard and know of | ae States team being always out- Col. Twitchell, his memory will serve | classed. committee. It is felt here that if A tutional law and football. 'Cody' | something is to_be done towards se- | (lark, it is declared, is a person who | curing uniform Tughy rules, jt muet ADotified the managers that he had to +be done at once, and it is suggested | be "kept." George R. Keachie, it is {that the Canadian Hugby Union | alleged added to his salary as assist- i should immediately. .arren7e for . a A 88t manager by grafting" on con- [meeting of representative football | tracts for the athletic association. | men. ror ere Sin i NEW TELEPHONES Sporting Notes. Installed in Kingston Since Last Hespelor wi y~ plac e wr = el probably place a team Directory Issue. | It is not likely that either McKenna The following new subscribers have Lor McCallum wall play this season on | been added to the Kingston exchange ! McGill hockey team, of the Bell Telephone company, since Smith's Falls wiil have nearly all of | the last subscribers' directory was 1s | last year's players, and will try to | sued. Subscribers should cut this out get into the Federal League, ' and paste it in their directories : The Lower Ottawa League has been | No. 404--Angrove's Foundry, Place | organized, "with Vankleek Hill, Buck- | 4'Armes. : : | ingham, = Hawkesbury, Rockland and | , NO. 380--Campbell, C. A., residence, | Lachute in line, | 189 Brock street. |, The agitation far the abolition of | NO- 3M--Carter, | football is spreading in the United Stuart street. : ' | States colleges. New York University | , No. 339--Dickson, Miss E., nurse, 31 has deéided to drop the game. * | Division street, last five years Michigan has | NO. 402--Free, R. J. played 85 foothal] games, and made a | Division street. 3 [total of 2,746) points, against a totaj | NO: 11--Friendship, Miss., | of 40 points by all opponents, Brock and Nelson strecls. . ' { There will be no. match so-morrow No, 636.--Gallagher T., residence, 7 between St. James and Limestones 11%, Lower Union street, The former challenged, and the latter . 98 Mrs. R. C , contractor, 94 groeer, '-No. $3--Gibson, Dr. W., surgery, 232 get Kipg street. Voi Stiondd, J. A. & Co., broom They seem to be hockey crazy up the | Manufacturers, King street. Ottawa Valley, She hp She tr 70 Hutton, J. 0., residence, 311 building very fine rinks. The tow niversity avenue, | Pembroke is. buikling one 170 py no All--Hedley Shaw Milling Co., with one lery around it. office. Gore street, Some Fr od College's best play- NG. 403--Hedley Shaw Milling com- | ers will probably go to McGill, nota- | PANY, Manager's residence, 119 Wil- | bly Filiatreault, Jones, Brennan and liam étreet. {3 'R. Mcbionald, who intend to take No. 56--House of Industry, Montreal | courses at the Montreal university, Street. Manager Sixsmith of the Pittsburg, No. 688--Johnston, J., | Pa, hockey club, has returned home | 179 and 181 Wellington. from Toronto and other Canadian cit- No, 39--Kingston, Portsmouth and ies, where he went after good mate | Cataraqui Railway, office, King street, { vial. He promises a winning team for | No, 316--Murray, D., residence, 22 | their team together, dry goods, | Pittsburg, i Frontenac street. | . Regarding the. report that Ottaw No. 481--R.C.H.A., Station hospital, intends to go in th Marlboros, of Tete du Pont Barracks, | Toronto, and Wanderers of Montreal, | Ro. Tr arcoti, A. A., shipwright {in 'a new league, ident Murphy of | 80d contractor, Division street. Ottawa ---- i Phy of No. 132 says that * there is nothing whatever in the stony. | At St, Catharines, by a score of 75 {to 12, the Hamilton Y.M.C.A. Lusket Canadian champions, de e Tonawanda, N.Y.. team. the Turner, J. S., résidence, 84 Barrie street. No. 214--Twitchell, ¢ Wellington street. No. 93--Whitghread, John, residence, 196 Union street. E.; residence, 80 -- BOARD OF WORKS. to keep alive his many brave and | In the rugby _ game against North- | Had a Very Brief Session Yester- good qualities, not only in the minds | Western University on Saturday, Min- day Afternoon. of his countrymen, but in the affec- | NeSota crossed 'the Methodist's line The board of works met yesterday {tion and esteem of the good people | twelve times. Marshall the negro end | afternoon. Present: Aldermen Hoag, | of your" beautiful city." (Applause.) | on the Minnesota team, achieved the Sears, Rigney, Angrove and Mallen. "The Star Spangled Banner" was | remarkable given by cornet and piano, the sembly rising. as | ' Sister Societies. | Edw. J. B. Penso, replying for the | Sons of Merrie England, after frater- nal greetings dwelt upon the broaden. | ing sentiment of imperial unity and | the harmonious effacement of the bor- | der line between England and Scot- e had been since the union | just one hundred years ago a real uni. | siok it he the ty for tho defence of the empire and | *'90 if he offered that of "ihe Land | the spread of Christianity and civili- broad- ening as well as aggressive, The zeal for his patron a ho. low in et vir | next month, but will go back to Eng- anniversary was also' the | the day of Anglican intercession for of | missions, the festival day of St. An- be | drew's brotherhood and the day for | zation. The Englishman was | ous Scot had chosen | saint one | and | churches; this If| corporate communion of devoted wo i : The church bells would | Machine, be ringing in almost unceasing strain nd the world, and leading these | the most eminent the Archbishops of ork, and Bishop of the late Archbishop of Western Canada and his present popular successor were men workers, Canterbury and Scotchmen, while sons of Scotia. He recalled men of worth and high respect in and hoped for a continued succession of worthy men, for the good city and the honor of the loved home 1 was sung, with cornet and piano accompaniment. "Rule Britannia" On behalf of St. Patrick's Society, Dr. Ryan also congratulated Mr. For. rell upon being elected president of St. Andrew's and the society upon having such a capable head. He paid tribute to Mr. Farroll as police magistrate of Kingston. as a man in whom all law-abiding citizens had the utmost confidence. Dr. Ryan congratulated St. Andrew's ing alive the spirit of its fathers. It was doing solendid work, meeting at the threshhold incoming Scots. nnd extending to them warm hearts and open hands. The doctor in eloquent words paid tribute to Scotchmen and Scotland, and eave an int ¥ a { land over there, | Tt is said that | Britt and Nelson | Colma, were counted on the picture Kingston man: at iis | t upon he- | ing the only society in Kingston keep. | record of kicking each of | the twelve tries on goal. { Varsity will be represented | Intercollegiate Hockey The session was of ten minutes' tion. The petition of John Carson for a dura- in the League by a | concrete walk on the east side of much stronger tgam than last season. | Clergy street, between Princess and | There are eighteen players available, | Queen streets was granted, also was | and for each position there are two or | the petition of W. J. Nesbitt, and more candidates. others for a tile drain in Aberdeen strect. The petition of W. J. Crothers on behalf of permission to cut down a tree on Queen street, was referred to the city engineer with power to act. y Hugh Cameron & Co., Toronto, wrote submitting prices for street roll ers. They would give $300 for King- ston's old roller, which they said was good only for scrap. The matter was | allowed to stand over. | The executive of the Manitoba Hoc- | key League will ask President Man- | ning to substantiate his charges of professionalism among the clubs af- filiated, under the penalty of expul fails to do so, | Danny Maher, the American jockey, who is riding in England, has ridden | six years, has taken part in 2,174 rac. | es, has won 499 and won place in 724. Maher will return to America there, son. He is still popular | MARINE INTELLIGENCE. the blows laiaden bY What Is Going On In the Business ® World--The Markets. There was a thin scum of ice in the slips this morning, The sloop Idlewild has the other day to decide al As the story goes Britt landed 1,540 times and Nelson 565. Five hun. | red and sixty-four of Nelson's blows | dinaty near Craig's whar, were merely preliminary, i The steamer Donnelly has gone to The National Sporting Club of | Oshawa, to release the schooner Oliy- London, is trying to arrange a match | er Mowat. between' Battling Nelson and Jabez | The large steamers of the M.T. com- White. Jimmy Britt defeated White in | Pany, to winter at Midland, will hold San Francisco in twenty rounds sev. | their grain cargoes. eral months ago. He j& long and ran- | The tug Bronson brought up four gv, fights at arm's length and can | lizht barges to the M. T. company's stand a fair amonnt, of punishment. { wharf, and cleared down light. : Only five of this} vear's champion: The schooner Maggie L. brought » Varsity team will available for | cargo of grain from bay ports to next season. The senior players to | Richardsons' elevator. : graduate this year will Md win, | Lash, McPherson, McInnes, Burnham, + Davidson, Ross, Burns and Reynolds, | Jone into or- EE ------ 12 Hour Cold Cure, a remedy like Wade's Cold © Baliwin and McPherson say they | Tablets (Laxative), simply assists ave played their last game of foot- | ture to do quickly that, unaided, she { Would quire a week to do. It stimu. oe i ha ghd the Ontario Rugby. PRothall Un | nei pomsonras xy Ca tctivity; ex. ions will both be Id to-morrow. ! lieves any congestion that may exist Changes in the rules will probably | 14 o these. properties that also make form the chief topic of discussion at the remedy effective fo 1a gii ae both meetings, but it is not likely | headache "constipation wl In Ere: that either union will decide on a ra- ec. Sold only at Wade's Drug S iy dical departure from its presant sve Money back if not Set oe. tem, : i The Manitoba Amateur Intermediate EE -------------------------- The annual meeting of the Quebec and rabid review of what Ireland and Tr ishmen had done for the world,. . "The Ladies' was toasted by A. M. Chisholm, and Prof. MacPhail res- ronded. The secretary gave a toast to "The Mayor and Cornoration," call- ing upor 'Alderman King, for a res. ponse, which" was given in a harey mamer. "Auld Lang Swvne" and "God Save the King" were afterwards swig. f A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. y-Hebine, blind, bleeding, protruding, niles. Druggists are authorized to re fund money if Pazo Ointment fails to ~The "following were slected 1 ston Lodge, No. 59, LO.O.F., last ev- ening: Noble grand, R. Stafford;, vice Just Landed ? Yr | Kingston Lodge, No. 59, 1.0.0.%. | {one cent pen worn), { grand, Edward H. Ball, Jr; record- If you area laborer, 1 ing secretary, John Pollie, Rohert clerk or man--there isa manadver- | | Diack; treasurer, Sidney C. Smith: tising in * The Globe" for you. Answer | | Physician, Dr. A. E. Ross. The first A gh "The | five were chosen by: acclamation. Excursion To New York. Holiday excursion to New York and | return, via N.Y.C. and H.R.RR., Fri- | day, December 8th. Tickets good up Li tr and including Sunday, December 17th, only R10.20. For farther nor cure in 6 to 14 days, 50c. ly tie lars apply to H. S. Folger, N.Y.C. "agent, sity, re i : Queen street church, for |- i" THE DAY'S EPISODES Occurrences In The City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read and Remembered. Newman & Shaw's "Coat Sale' Do 'your Christmas shopping now. tise in the Whig. few days on business. James Jackson, Vennachar, business visitor in the city. Home made bread, sale Saturday. not politicians, visiting his mother, Ordnance street, ant meeting last business was transacted. Other people never know troubles, but .it isn't because haven't tried to tell them. on the life of the late R. S. Dobbs. A good buck saw at 50c. axe - for 65c., at Store, opposite Grand Opera House. The public Friday, December 22nd, and will ond. H. R. Mimms, to Fort William, Ont., where branch day for the west. the city, Mast young man night, J. Helms, aged penitentiary ifor forgery. W. WH. Grant, Cape "el them and shipped to the cities for sale at good profit. Kingston traveller and he innocently At Monday's meeting of the * hclling of the and the putting of by-laws to the peo this year. ------------------ Yours, On Request. Peter Dawson, the Scotch handsome diary that have, besides Peter beautiful and useful on receipt of -five cents for mailing. Clark's Lunch Tongue. Tender, tasty and ready 'to and appetising. Fur Scarfs. not to be soon elsewhere. Bros., the store of quality. ------ brooks. BIA NNS $3 Coats $1.50, song. To cover the city you must adver- W. Thormton, Ompah, is in town a is a cakes and can- dies at Queen Street Sunday schiodl A few good men for aldermen are now urgently needed. Business men, Jobn Revington; Auburn, N.Y., is Mrs. Revington, " St. Jamés' Club held a very pleas: night, - No special half our we The Independent Order of Foresters, yesterday, paid £3,000, the insurance , 8 good Yellow . Hardware schools of the city will close for the Christmas holidays Son To- open for the winter term on January accountant at the Merchants Bank, has been transferred a hew is being opened. He left to- The sheriff of Woodsteek,. brought to a about twenty-two years, sentenced to three years in the Vincent, N.Y., bought 300 live turkeys about Kings: ton, took them over the border, kill- large The Belleville Ontario states that a went to a livery stable there and dsked for a rig. Tho proprietor asked where he was from, remarked, "King- ston." He was taxed an extra dollar. city concil, the necessary steps for, the municipal elections ple will be taken. There will. be Just two more meetings of the city council distiller, is out doing the calendar advertisers ' in rofal fashion, having issued a very for 1906, containing | views of scenes, buildings and persons Dawson's whiskey, made Scotland famous.: This desk companion will be sent free by Boivin, Wilson & Co., 520 St. Paul street, Montreal, up- | 000000000000000200000000 serve | when you want something extra good Such values 'ag we are showing are Campbell. Order your Christmas cakes at Ham- -- Examine oy Christmas Goods --Sceing is belieying If vou cast your eye over our immense wil of Christmas Gifts You will w otk doubt say there are more a i tier things. here than voy have Prot elsewhere. We do not expect al} es ¢ome to look around (o buy ae ask is that you wee our stock re compare prices before voy Beker Christmas purchases. We. know wr your decision will he, § i for we have the large st and handsomest display of Toilet = Cakes, © Manicure Cases, Pg, fumes in Fancy Cases, ete, that he be sean anvwhere and at the Mos reasonable pri ost prices, Make your selections early. We are putting ery day, The Best Drug Store L.T. BEST, Chemist and Optician 124 Princess Street. "Phone 59 i EN AND WoMER, 'so Big @ fo disc Barges. ia fap maura irtitations or ule of mucous membrane, Painless, and pot astrip Reut of poisonous, Sold by aside goods ey E® or went in plan wre, bs expras, propaid, ta 81.00. or 8 bottlea g.7h, Circalar cunt on requag The Polish that' won't wear offs Sold Only at Strachan's Hardware Prompt delivery JAMES SWIFT & CO. GPOLO L000 0004 28 ONLY Black Coats for 'Ladies, and 34 Assorted Pattern Coats for Children, being a sample lot. Your choice Saturday morning at exactly one half price, viz. : $5 Coats $2.50, $10 Coats $5, $1250 Coats $6.25, Etc. The 'chance of a life-time to buy the very newest New York Style Coats for almost a On sale SATURDAY MORNING, from 8.30 to 12 o'clock, at exactly Half Price. (Remember the hours.) Big Specials in Dress Goods, at 19c., 3oc. and 506: a yard. Newman & Shaw See them. Blank [se First Quality Don On Saturday we § ly question their bi refund the money if a fl Limit of 2 pairs to each ou $1.25 Heavy Dom irs, very large size, 113 . Rs Saturday.....sse + - $4- 60 x 80 Whi Heavy Large Size Wool Blan \ soc. Women's U Heavy Ribbed Undervests wu double fleeced lined, reg Women's and ( Heavy Ribbed: Woollen Hose EVERYTHING HERE | The James Closing Rudd Hz Retiring from | exceptional BARG willbe closed up Ja _ All far below t RUDD HARNES EMBOSSING for Paper and ENGRAVING Printing from a card to & vo THE WHIG,. | Suits, dinner "and evenin New York flyer, on A at Stoney Creek, I and three day coaches pl ------E-- ---- e------------ Phey will prove to be started off with the lis vincing fact that we a EVER RECORDED FO Menr's, | Prices that means | and Coons. You ean si In Men's Soft Colored I The manufacturer A Big Shipment of Men will pay you to col RO] The i