Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Dec 1905, p. 7

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Examine (oy Christmas Goods --Sceing is belie cast your eve ow of Christmas Gifts you doubt say there are , tier things here than vou h elsewhere. We do not expret oh ig ¢ome to look around to re, rho ask is that YOu see our stoek Me vompare prices before YOu make ad Christmas purchases We kn, ie your your decision will be, for w ed hat largest and Ji; wndsomest dis ile Toilet Caos, Manicure Cas ey " fumes in Fancy Cases, otc thy . be sean anywhere and at vg te reasonable prices, : Jost --Make your selections early, putting aside ving If you will Our immense gtoel will. withoy more and prey We are ry day, The Best Drug Store L.T. BEST, Chemist and Optician 124 Princess Street. "Phone 59 WEN AND omg, Uso Big 6 for oa inflam na goods e discharge i or ule HIUCOUs membr Painless, and not = Reut of poisonous, Sold dy I The Polish that' won't wear offs Sold Only at Strachan's Hardware Prompt delivery | | | S = rr PPP PRPPPOPPPORLePPOPOPed eS JAMES SWIFT & C POPP CLOP0P0P0E200 OPPO &» : & i Sv wie] SS = A 13 i AL SETS, OATS rT PRICE s for Ladies, and 34 for Children, being a ice Saturday morning , Viz. : $5 Coats $2.50, its $5, $6.25, Etc. me to buy the very e Coats for almost a 'Y MORNING, from exactly Half Price. ls i in Dress ds yard. See them. & Shaw = : : i : ' : THE DAILY THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE Blanket 'Bargains [isatu rday ¥. Quality Domet (Flann clette) Blankets, ov. Oh Saturday we give you the pair worth 81 for 69. You may possibly question their being first quality. We guarantee every pair and refund the money if a flaw is Tound in any pair. YORK COUNTY LOAN ANXIETY OVER F FUTURE OF THE COMPANY, President Phillips Takes An Opti- mistic View in Speaking of the Assets -- Statement by President of the Dominion Permanent Company. In Toronto the offices of the York County Loan company were the Mecca of streams of anxious shareholders, eager to find out how they stood in their relation to the company. Most of them took their pass books with them, and were prepared to receive the amount of their savings if the com- pany would pay them. The company, however, only paid such certificates as were matured, and demanded the thir- ty days' notice required by the by- laws for other sums. The clerks ex- plained "the situation, and most of those present were satisfied with the statement that they would receive a certificate for the value of their shares after January 11th next. Those who are making weekly payments on shares were doubtful whether they should continue, but were told to keep "10xd size, White and $1 Blanket, Saturday 6gc. pair. Jor of 2 pairs to each customer. er. 25 "Heavy Domet Blankets, Saturday, 8gc. pair 60 pairs, 11x4, Whité and * Grey, every pair guaranteed Srsts: iar vess WaAVAL AVIS akan Rarer is nested 89¢c. pair i. $4 60 x 80 White Wool Blankets, $2.69 pair Heavy Large Size Wool Blankets, regular value $4 pair. 2 dozen pairs Sat- urday $2.69 pair very large size Saturday. ae sas vas B evaaes soc. Women's Underwear, Saturday. 2 for 75c. Heavy Ribbed Undervests in Wool, also Grey and White, in heavy and he Er By 'doing they double fleeced lined, regular 50c., 2 for .. Shrine tariineinans aireininee HOM would a shui es A l , ' > " . j M. Holland, general manager of Women's and Children's Stockings, 19c. pair ~~ i TE Forman pou Not say what the value of the York Loan securities would be until after a valua- tion had been made. Such valuation would not be 'undertaken until it was known whether the transfer would actually take place--a matter to be settled by the shareholders in Janu- ary. "We won't value the assets until we know we are gojng to get them," he Wool Heavy Ribbed Woollen Hose, also' Plain Pure Saturday Cashmere Hose, all 19¢. pair. EVERYTHING HERE IS SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY. SIZES. The James Johnston Store said. J. R. Stratton, president of the Do- 180 WELLINGTON STREET. minion Permanent, explained that permanent stdek of his company at par would be paid to the York Loan for division among its shareholders to an amount exactly equal to the value of the assets of the York Loan com- pany, » as ascertained by valuation, and after paying all delits to creditors of the company. This Stock pays six per cent., --and holders would share in the advantages accruing from any in- crease in value of the aseets under judicious management, The holders of t rminating stock have, under certain conditions of this provisional agree- ment, the right to take debentures or Closing Out Sale Rudd Harness Company Retiring from retail business in Kingston, offer exceptional BARGAINS during December. Store deposit receipts 'payable in instal- 1 ments covering a certain period, in will be closed up January 1st, place of the permanent stock that they would otherwise have received, This condition is for the purpose of Harness meeting the wishes of the shareholders f th 5 k County. The agreement is e York Coun Horse Clothing bist to the approval of two-thirds Robes of the shareholders of the York C. Wi ty Loan company, and consequently Trunks the completion of the agreement is en- Valises tir dy in their hands. York County President. Joseph Phillips, presi'ent of the York Loan, wa& seen as to' the prob able value of the certificates of share holders in January, based valuation of. the company's assets. It appears that the real estate is the item of assets most in question; and ji appears in the last balance sheet | at £010,909. Mr Phillips declared | that this was the actual cost price of I URE | the real estate at the time of its prests gg »NO ACCIDENTS; IN NAT ? | purchase four or five years ago. Headings Se "We have a large amount of pro Every Calamity, No Matter Hcw | perty," he said, Several niles, of : street frontages, purchased when land Great, Has a Definite was selling a dollar a foot. It was ning. a question with us, then, whether we | should stop taking money from share- holders, not find oppor- ~All far below the regular gelling' price. Remember..Everything Must Go. RUDD HARNESS CO0., 143 Princess St. EMBOSSIN for Paper and Envelopes ENGRAVING Gers Begn- Cards and There are no accidents in nature. as we could Letter Heads | The 'avalanche that without a mo- | ceed "ro investment. The govern | meat's waraing rushes he adlong down | oo objected to. our invest- Besides all classes of Letter Press the mountain side is not an accident. ing in land, = and we have al Printing from a card to a volume, For Vears previous tinv-atoms have ways kept the value down to what [ bern crystalizing, and adding their minute Weighe to the mass which left its base when the accumulation reach- ed a certain point. we purchased it at, so as 'not to make the accomnt look too large. An engineer, two real THE WAHIG,. Kingston estate men went over it PERSONAL, Neither is baldness an accident. The | some time ago, and estimated it as ay ELDER'S DRESSMAKING | infinitesmally small germ which is the | worth $10,000,000. arlors, 253 | Princess St., Corner | cause of Dandruff and Baldness, feeds " 1 Sydenham, Tailor-Made Gowns, | il.ntlv 'and: long helore: the result. i 'It will take nmiuch money to develop oats and Wraps, Shirt Waists, |° pi y se . : ® | this land, and Mr. Phillips said the 8, dinner "and evening costumes, { S(€n. v rk County companv wasn" ) trosseaux, ete., made-to-order. Cash The small germs which thrive on the York } 4 ny } Sonia Toh t iy ng prices reasomable. Best city refer sal 1 which he § Bald enough Jof the job, anc the amalfgs ences tCalp andiw het are the cause of Bald: | 5 tion with a company with money Mm---- ne s and Dundrall sunino, exist, how | was to save the sharcholders from " ™ wer, when Newbio s crpicide 1s a y 3 vs ise [he New York flyer, on the Jersey : liad 8 i 8 P| any : Jobs theb might othe Twine be un 3 ntr aL Pe y it 5 . | agains he assets n » fi ot Ni railway, jumped the Sold by leading druggists. Send 10¢ | e sacrificed Al any ump sa ack at St k. Pe i : Tho Oh ead : * and t} oney Creek, Pennsylvania, | in stamps for sample to The Herpi "With your knowledge of the busi- wee day coac hes plunged into 3 cide Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W. Ma ; ness, hood, special agent. do you think the sharcholders' certificates will be Worth more or less READ OUR "ADS." Fhey will prove to be Worth your while, EY i started off with the liveliest trade we ever had, the Lehig oh river, sooper or later, in Dollars and Cents. Our Great Alteration Sale and the fact that the, rush still continues, ix the most con- vincing fact that we are doing just as we $i viz: SELLING CLOTHING AT THE LOWEST PRICES EVER REC ORDED' FOR HIGH GRADE GOODS. ' Men's, Youths' and Boys' Overcoats At prices that Wear 3 a km to vou. Fur Coats cange in Wambats, Bulgarian Lambs, Calf Skins, and Coons, You can save from 25 Mo 87 here. If you are thinking of a Fur Coat, be sure to see ours. oka... ian Another Big Snap In Men's Soft Colored Shirts, just received this #horning 97 Dozen ito Shirts, some Stifi Bosoms in the ot The manufacturer 'sold these goods to the trade af $9 and 810.50 (=r dozen. We have secured {hem 3 a prjee. THEY 60 ON SALE SATURDAY MORNING AT FIFTY-NINE CENTS EACH. (A limit of two © each customer, Le "Winter Caps 3 ig Shipment of Men's and Hoy 8 Winter tags all' stylen, openal this morning 8 paces, ' to be sold at manufactur- a It will ue Reb bay you to come here for your winter 'outfit. RONEY & CO., 127 Princess Street, The Store that Sets the Pace dy ES ---- or equal to their face Phillips was asked. "1 can't tell the vile of the certi- ficates till the assets are gone over! but I think the shareholders will realize every dollar they : invest: ed;" was the reply. Mr. Phillips repudiated any insinua- tions of crooked dealings in any of the company's affairs and said the shareholders would be entitled to every consideration in transferring their interests, There are forty or fifty thousand shareholders, the company operating from the maritime provinces to Van couver. Voting will have to be done chiefly Ly proxy, and Mr. Phillips thinks when the shareholders under stand the situation there will be no hesitation about ratifying the merger, There is. he said, cash on hand to pay all liabilities maturing before the meeting. value 2" Mr, What Is Promised. Nothing can be done by sharehold ers until January 11th. They ean then vote for the proposed mergor with the Dominion Permanent Loan company. cither personally or by proxy. No payments é¢an be 'made on nnmatured certificates, Matured certificates ave paid in full. Children's savings bank accounts are also paid, less five per cent. deducted for expenses and with: out interest. One of the regulations of the com: pony is that, by giving fifteen days' notice, a shareholder' may fake a "share loan" equal to half his pay- ments. These loans are not set off against the shareholder's "accounts, which are simply held as security, but the loans' bear eight per cent. inter est, and are collectable by law, Many of the women shareholders adoptal this plan "to get back a portion of their nayments. Transfer Of Assets 3 on the a bank manager, and ohe or Dr. J. Howard Emter, inspector of insurance companivs and registrar of onl companies, said, in reference to the proposed transfer of assets of the , York County Loan and Savings com pany, to the Dominion. Permanent oan company, that an amalgama- tion or merger of such a nature was more beneficial than attempting to wind up A company. It would he ruinous sacrifice of the assets of a company to close its affairs under a winding-up order. There had bern in stances cnough of that kind to satisfy auy thinking man as to the truth of that. The usual procedure in mergers such as the one proposed was for each company to appoint a valuator two then asked some competent per- son, generally the coumty judge, to appoint an umpire. The three valued the property of the transferring com paby, and the purchasing company. according to that valuation, disposed of it among parties entitled thereto. This division was made pro rata. A person who had invested 8500 in the transferring company would naturally rank higher in the division of assets than one whose mvestment was hall that amount, and ®o on, That was the only fair way * The York, County ings company, as is prétty gencrally known, is an organization which is suds terminating shares. In 1900, Dr Hunter pointed out an act was passed prohibiting further incorporations in Ontario and loan companies, with such shares, and forbidding the re gistration in the province of outside companies doing husiness on such a basis. A series of acts had previously been passed, all tending the same way, because it was ovident that the people were 'getting into the iden that they were making deposits with these companics that they could with- draw at any moment, instead of realizing that they were investing in These Loan anil Say- terminating #hares, and must con- form to the regulations of the com- panies. How could the company be prepared to pay back at once the money which was being loaned out for building purposes ? There 'was #0 much misonderstanding shout the' matter that it Ww thought the easiest wav to settle the difficulty would be to discontinue to incorpor ats terminating share' companies, The old building societies system, the doctor said, had done a lot of good work, but had outlived its useful ness, Some Unique Fads. Japanese women gild their teeth, In Greenland women paint their faces blue and yellow, The ladies of Arabia fingers and 'toes red. FrrFockin the - wrens ob three righ] castes paint their teeth black, Borneo wopén dye their hair 'in fan- Aastie colors--pink, , blie and scarlet, A Hindu bride is anointed from head to foot with grease and In New Holland sears made carelul- ly from shells form elghorate patterns on the ladios' faces, In some South Ruaieon tribes the women draw the frong feeth rite as an ornament thie In. New Guinea nose rings, piercing, the nese in the same fendish was that civilized wo men pierce the earls heme Ra stain their Plain Tips, 15c. per box. A Strange and Gruesome Device 'WHIG, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1. te ---- ---------------- ESCAPED IN COFFIN. Employed. A strange and somewhat gruesome | device, by which a wan named Baker, | charged with fraud, succeeded in once | evading arrest, and a second timo in| dodging a summons, was described at the West Ham court, London. On one oceasion, when wiinted, Baker was un- derstood to be at an undertaker's shep at Manor Park, and the officers of the court went there to apprehend him But he could not be found, though the place was © thoroughly searched. On tréstles in the shop was a coffin, in which the police were informed: there lay a body. In the presence of the of: ficers the coffin was screwed up and taken away to, - was intimated, a public mortuary. A day or so later it was discovered that the supposed dead man in the coffin was no other than Mr. Baker, whose friends had collabor- ated with him in this way of evading arrest, On the second occasion a judgment summons was to be served. This time a lady .at the house said that Mr, Baker was very ill, and could not be seen. - When the officers next called the blinds were all down and they were told that the defendant had died that morning. Then came a cof- fin, and the "body" was again re moved. After each of these adventures Baker started business in another A of London. He was now sent for trial on the charge of fraud. A Long Cold Winter. Is ahead. Had you not hetier se. cure one of our wecliable well-made Pegsian lamb, Russian lamb, or fur lined jackets. They are both stylish and comfortable, and our values aré unesceded in Canada, Campbell Bros., the manufacturers of reliable furs, a Police Court--Friday. W ho have not; as yet, bought their Winter Manttes 'and Walking Skirts. The Montreal Bankrupt Stock Will Offer To-morrow: 55 Long Mantles at Half-price, as Follows : 3 Mantles for $5 To-morrow. 15 Mantles for $7.50 To-morrow. $18 Mantles for " $4 Walking Skirts for $2 8 W Walking Skirts for $2.50 To-morrow. Walking Skirts or 3 SomorOw. Walkin irts for $3.50 To-morrow. 3 aboveare:the latest style and are all tailor-made [Bargains for To-morrow Night, ' 19 Men' s W nter Suits, regular prc: $io, for $s To- morrow night. Men's Fine Winter Suits, To-morrow night. x '29 Overcoats at $12, reduced to $6 for To kisow ni 16 Extra Heavy Overcoats at $18, reduced 10 To-morrow night. PANTS ; 33 pairs Men's Winter Pants at $2, reduced to $1.25 for To-morrow Night. 20 pairs heavy Tweed Pants at $3, reduced fo $2 for To-morrow Night. SUITS 44 Boy s' and Youth's Suits, regular Prices $4 50, $ 5 $5 50, all nd to $3 for To-morrow Night KNICKERS 59 pairs Boys' Knickers, regular 65, all 30% for To- morrow night. Hundreds of other Bargains, too numerous & to mention, will be sold at reckless prices z To-morrow Night. 'Remember the place Cor. King and "Charles Murray," you are charged with being drank again," said the court. "I have a chance to go to the country for work, your honor," plead ed Murray, "$3 and costs or one month," was the reply. Blaming The Devil. John Shinn, a laborer, was sentenc- ed at the Suffolf assizes to seven years' penal servitude for firing at a stack of straw at Somerton. He gave as his only reason for the act that "the devil was in him," ee es a A Great Physiologist Once Said That the Way to Keep the Stomach Healthy is to Exercise It. But He Did Not Tell How to Make It Healthy. Se The muscles: of the body can be de veloped by excreise until their strength has increased manifold, and a proper amount of training each day will ac complish this result, but it is some- what doubtful whether you" can in: crense the digestive powers of the stomach by eating indigestible food in order to force it to work, Nature has furnished us all with 4 perfect set of organs, and if they are not abused they will attend to the business required of them. They need no abnormal sirength. There is a limit to the weight a man what the stomach ean do, and many similar diseases is that the | stomach has been exercised too much and it is tired or worn out. Not ex- ercige but reat is what it needs, To take something into the stomagh that will relieve it from its work for a short time--something to digest the food---will give it a rest and allow it time to regain its strength. The proper aid to the digestive or gana is Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, which ere dyspepsia, indigestion, gas on the stomach and bowels, heartburn, palpitation of the heart, and all stom- ach dicvases, Rest and invigoration is what the stomach gets when you use Btuart's Nyspersin Tablets, for one grain of the active principle in them is suffici- ent to digest 3,000 grains of food. The Tablets increase the flow of gas- tric juice, and prevent fermentation, acidity and sour eructions. Do not attempt to starve out dys. peg#is. You need all your strength The common sense method is to di Feet--the--food for give it a rest. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do not make the eure, but enable the organs to throw off wphealthy conditions Perec digestion means health, for finder these eonditions only do the different organs of the body wark right and receive the building. up material found in pure blood Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are a natural remedy and are a specific for stomach troubles. The ablest physi- cisns prescribe them, The Tablets are 'pleasant to the taste, ond are composed of frait and vegetable extracts, golden deal dnd iY nl The best biscuits in Canada st den brook's--C heisties | } At all drag stores fifty cents per package, * can lift, and there. is also a limit to | The cause of dyspepsia, indigestion | wtomaety ypu IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT Bissell's ove, Sweeper Bearing Solves the perplexing question of what to buy at a reasonable cost that will be certain to pleuse wife, mother; sister or friend, It will be a constant reminder of the giver for ten years or more, and will contribute more real pleasure and comfort during all | thig time than many othe articles | at the same cost possibly could. Price, $2.80 to $6.- 'McKELVEY. & BIRCH, eet | will all around. | M:DERMOTTS * "Transfer Cases. Card Index Outfits. and Dentists. * 0=-MmOrrow. $22 Mantles for $11 To-morrow. Also 88 Walking Skirts Reduced to Halt-pice F. X. COUSINEAU, General Manager. ® {0908 COPV0EVE® PEOIEOEE: | Jn Hot Water Is a good place to putcol d feet, but when a man | ® wants warm, dry feet witout this trouble, the place to put them is inside a pair of The most popular shoe for winter is _ Royal "Viseolized Soles" With storm calf uppers. a shoe as near waterproof as it is possible to make them. Try a pair and there'll be harmony and good | Spécial 'Patient's Record" Cards for Deetors | Typewritér Ribbons and Catbon Papers. To-morrow. regular price $18, for 1.0 . Princess 69 and 71 Brock st. aterproof Shoes. Viscolized Soles make |

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