ADA AL GREEN TE A on Ce return to the adulterateq 10c., 50c. and 60c. ard, 8t. Louis, 1908. us By all grocer, ) FOR YEARS in ind bottled un- upervision. "co.. Montreal, 's Wear Store--BIBBY'S -- g DUR HORN § 1 doing it. town. o much f our Suits. We want to catch the eye This. store has a reputation $8.50, 10, 12, 1250, $850, 10, 12 v lines arriving daily 1.50 Trousers ? 1 Underwear ? hirts ? in newest shapes 7? s and our Prices af the same time. Sweaters, new colorings, new weaves; Cardigan Jackets! Galore ! Gloves! BIBBY CO, Wear Store. EVER READY « | $5.00 Safety Razor, - blades, for .... | Star Safety ........- Gillett's ... Curbo w ith 7 $1.50 1.50 5.00 1.50 Magno Guaranteed to shave the hardest face or money refunded Sold only at W. A. MITCHELL'S HARDWARE L , ols The Polish that wom't went wil' Take A ote R péeting There was a I Ki n_ston council of th ship uo Cp the to consider a a by-a® submission of a toto 'The council dec + 1906. on te€ taken on January question. dm Make your selection from, Aon's play of Christmas goods a wil fed Cress Drag Store, and ! delivered Christmas m™ HER PHYSICIANS DESPAIRED. Pe-ru-na, Used as a Last Resort, Cured Her of | _ ADVISED CHANGE OF CLIMATE. | CANADA HAS LARGER AREA THAN THE DAIL LY OUR COUNTRY'S FOREST | N t MRS. IDA CALDWELL. +00 The Sensational Cure of Caldwell Is the Talk of Her Acquaintances. Mrs. Mrs. 506 Pearl, street, Ida Caldwell; Sioux City, Ia., Vice-President Order of | Washington, writes: "I suffered with catgsrh of the piratory organs off ing jon for the last res- three years until I thought it chronic. My chest and lungs were ir- ritated and I had to use the care not to expose myself to chilly or dampness as itincreased my troubles. "My physician advised me to try a change of climate, but I was unable to leave my family. Reading of the won- derful cures performed by Pertna, | bought a bottle. «It was with the greatest satisfaction that | found it the one medicine amoag them all which cured me. 1 was re- lieved within three days and after two months and a half the irritation was gone, my lungs perfectly healed and my health restored."'--Ida Caldwell. Thousands of women owe their ives | Hundreds of thousands owe | Hundreds of | thousands are praising Feruna in every to Peruna. their health +e to Peruna. state of the Union. We have many thousands of letters from grateful women, with permission to use them in public print, which can never be used for want of space. Catarrh would not be such a curse in this country if the people thoroughly understand its nature. treated at once to prevent it from mak- ing inroads upon vital organs. If you suffer from catarrh, buy Pe- | rana to-day, for a day gained on the enemy, catarrh, means a day nearer | recovery. We have on file many thousand testi- ! monials like the one given here, We can only give our readers a slight glimpse of the ment sician volume of enthusiastic as Dr. Hartman for Peruna. Severe Attack of Catarrh of the Lungs. I t array of unsolicited endorse- | are receiving. Noother phy- the world has received such a |, letters of thanks | tr In b 8! s t t mast be | [ i | out that a couple of centuries must | pirgt, the greater need of small public | elapse before it is fully restocked works in this country; secondly, pat- | These fires are of annual occurrence | ronage, happily removed' from the | and occasionally burn throughout the | sphere of political action in Britain ow- | entire summer, destroying thousands | jpg to reforms in the civil service, was it Women Dr. Hugo's Health Tablets Hit the Right Spot. When a woman gets all run down, feels tired and out of sorts it is pretty hard to tell what part of her peculiar organism is caus- g the trouble. She takes different medicines, but they do her little good. They don't hit the right spot. Itis useless, for example, tak- ing a stimulant to heal inflamma- tion or correct an irregularity. Whit the exception of Dr. Hu- go's Health Tablets for Women, no compound remedy for the fe- male sex exists to-day. By com- pound remedy we mean one con- taining the alterative and tonic medical ingredients necessary to regulate and strengthen every organ of the female system. And that is just what these tablets do. In taking the ordinary reme- dies you may miss the very ingre- dients. your system requires. These tablets contain every in- gredient. They go tothe weak spot wherever it may be. © Gg It is not necessary to guess at the cause of the trouble and per- haps take the wrong medicine half a dozen times. It isnot nec- essary to even know exactly the cause of the trouble. Dr. Hugo's remedy contains something for every organ of the female system; something for the stomach to help indigestion-- for the bowels to cure consti ipa- tion--for the n nervous system to tone up the nerves--for the Iver and kidneys to make them active in carrying off impurities--some- thing for the uterine system to stop alldrains, allay inflammation and make women regular. . The tablets are sure to go to the right spot and get there the first time, The remedy is now recognized beyond doubt or question as the best adapted to the special needs of sick and run-down women, no matter what the cause. £5 at dealers or by mail postpaid N. Robinson &€o., Coaticool k, Q, ELECTORS ng served i in the OF r five re Jest 2 to ion for the Mayo walty, 1 eloetio myself a candidate for Yenerqiv in the hope that the citizens, ar HY crediting me with honest and to > evade none of the oblizations of a nr uscharge faithfully all the duties turn 'german, will be willing to re- me to the Council. as Mayor in Austrian FIFTY-SEVEN YEARS. En: peror Has Been on the Throne. this position the Dominion holds to-day Dominion the reason stood The area of forest lands in Canada has 700,000,000 acres and 800,000,000 acres, although of this only one-third is covered by ture forest, remainder being burnt oyer land, eith- ous stages of 'forest area country in the world It has been figured that the northern forests area about forty- recovery possessed by with four times greater threatening this timber. have | has at be | ern Quebec the immense forests of those districts have suffered dreadfully from fire, and ANY LAND EXCEPT RUSSIA, orthern Forests of the Dominion Cov- er an Area About Forty-Four Times Greater Than England -- Serious Dangers Which Threaten Timber-- Suffer Dreadfully From Fire-- Causes of Forest Fires -- Forestry Convention. The value of the forests of Canada is | being realized more fully with the in- | creasing products, It of lumber and forest is therefore opportune at a Forestry Convention should have price been called by the Premier of the Dom- inion to meet in Ottawa in January ext to consider how best to deal with important national asset. Canadians do not realize the large in » eyes of the wopld. But if we con- ider for a moment what immense tretches of forest land there are in the may be under- be the case why. such should een estimated at between or say 250,000.00 r entirely waste or in va This is the larg¥s any the exception of Russia f (fanada cover an than England. however, There are, re mainly easily burned. but woods with their re the soft | sinous leaves and wood are a most in- | viting fuel. | who traveled our northern districts and | 1 As has been stated, made close obsérvation of ftuation, different times run hirds of the country. the case again the orests may easily be dissipated. A recent writer and Labrador states tha n many places the vegetable part o the soil has been so completely burned of square miles of valuable timber to he south of the central watershed. Tt he would willingly see Canada follow s authoritatively stated that at least | in this regard along the lines of Bri- yne-half of the forest area of the in- | (3in and the United States, and take | terior of this part of Canada has been | totally destroyed by fire within th | past twenty-five or thirty years. | part of the northern forest area of the Dominion, from the Atlantic to the Pa- cific | % | pointing a moral. "In the first place." Prof. Blacki 3 ; Vienna, Dec. 2.--The fiftv-seventh an- | Scotia or New Brunswick or Ontario | he said, "a.very 'great responsibility is rof. Blackie was said to have said n of the accession to the | will see the devastation which the fires | sagt upon the press of this country, regarding consumptive homes--it was { i" Emperor Francis Joseph was | have made. Northern British Colum: | the fourth estate, whether it be Lib- | ™anuring rotten potatoes and we u all parts of the mon- | bia has suffered in the same way Re- | eral or Conservative. But there is a far | Were tiroiped at the expression, but are to-dav. It as 2 the 2nd of | ports show that what explorations of | greater responsibility cast upon the this is worse: hen we think how December, 131%, when the young prince | SOme years -ago indicated to be areas | electorate, which should be alive to | london and Glasgow and Dublin x proclaimed emperor after his of splendid spruce forest, are now large- | check a Government." take in the ofi- scouring of to cope with the situa-1 1 depleted and burned over. That brought him to a text from | the earth and say nothing about it, + revolutionary uprising The question arises whether any | which he said he often preached. He | but work away living and let live, rable vear, hal abdicated | NDE can be done to prevent further | gynded to that duty which fell to every | and when we realize that "poverty," the throne and sought safety in flight destruction In these forests. Tre an' citizen io contribute. to public life. Un- | as 'a professor said (bo me the other from t capital. During the 1 swer depends somewhat on 'the CAUSE less each man contributed a little of | day, "poverty is not the line of erim- 2 h Austria: has of the fires. Unquestionably fires oc- | pig time to that line of duty we never | inality. for the criminal class is rich J = cur through natural causes. Lightning { could have those high standards in | ,¢ ol 4 a a serious Crisis Svctn 4 ar Ve a } = as well as poor," and when we real is not infrequently a cause. It is some public life which were to be found in » al th God is fath emperor Was never | gona surmised also that the 'friction of | British institutions, ize also that God is father of all, and his kindness and | one tree against another may be suffi- - our Lod came to call he "sings! him the univer cient to cause a fire, or that a globule : to repentance, we professing Chris: his people and en- | of resin may be formed in such a way Birthrate In Canada. Ltians should have more faith, Dr. Her. ie the ship of state] as to act as a burning glass. Much the The large birthrate of French-Cana- | ridge once closed a sermon on heredi hrough the storthy political seas! larger number of fires are, however, dians is receiving comment on account | ty hy saying, "lf we go far enough it} t serious trouble Few rulers! occasioned by the action of man. It } of the recent repeal of the law which | back we get to God." A. re universally loved | is along the IE ae and the routes ! in the Provines ot Quebec gave 100 w-- than Francis Joseph! of travel that the fires usually start. | acres of forest land to each man who 2 1 hick obbed I The placing of warnings against fire bad twelve children, save American VESSELS DRIVEN SEAWARD 1 nil conso along such routes and the presence of | Medicine. he desire to be more popu- : ad only. on i) il | fire Ts patrolling on will do | lous has led the French-Canadian oft Newfoundland Coast in Thurs. od pn il ted the bonds | much to help. But the public who may Government inte several schemes, most- day's Gale. f sYmpath existing between the| travel through these districts are care- ly to facilitate immigration, although, St. John's, Nfld, Dec. 2.-Ton ves Sm or at X his Boon | less in handling fire, and if the Fores- curiously enough, the flow of popula- | sels, with crews aggregating 100 men, Fhe bells of all * churches were kept | 1¥ Convention arouses public interest | tion has long been out of Canada Into | hound from St. John's, to various : } in such a way as to help the preven- | the United States, as though the north |}. ore arouml the coast, were driven Hin early this | ive work It will do much good. were overpopulated. Tt was this exo- | 0 ward in fierce: wale, on "Th : i the anniversary. | "pg oo be another direction from which | dus which alarmed the Quebec auth- | j= Mych rat i | danger may come The Dominion is orities, who thereupon revived their their safoty x u expanding and is now preparing to traditional policy to stimulate the birth- y , AS build a transcontinental railway which | rate-by rewarding a large family, act- f § Sront will pass largely through the northern | uated no doubt, by a desire to make Widow Remarriage In India. ne forest districts. The history of rail- | this part of Canada solidly French. It | Lahore Tribune wi way construction in Canada has as a | has been learned that the land grant A widow remarriage was celebrated t rule been the destruction of the for- | was of no use to the father of such a | at Ahmedabad on the second instant, \ ests along the route. So important is large famlly, as he was anchored on his | under the auspioes of the Widow Re t The emperor at | jt in these northern districts that the' | own farm and could not break a new | Marriage Association, The parties be 1 ice in the morning | wood should be preserved that it is to | one in the wilderness. The grants were | |. 1, the Modh Chacharvadi Brah cabinet, and members | he hoped means will be devised to pré- consequently sold to lumber companies mah. caste The bride; Bal Parvati of the imperial household later in | vent a repetition of what has so often | at ridiculoulsly small rates, and the] , rhter of Trivedi: Motivam nl Beda | occurred before exodus of- the younger element con- Juin au resident f Ak lal 5 rmination tinues. It is now openly stated that ft -- Tha bhendianlii wv wg wit . sl 3 y - A St John's Sensation A Destructive Fish. is no longer possible 10 JUpPOn thee come a widow at the age of eleven. St. John. N.B., IN ) Dr. Edward The Perth Expositor tells some re- | formerly, for a large farm could be the bridegroom, Paul Ishwar Naran, i¢ A. Prest ens arrested hore. He is | markable stories of the voraelty of | giyjged among the children, but the | 8 resident of Jaspar, in Kalol Tain" accused of perform criminal qj that inferior fish, the lyng, which does | jater subdivisions have made the farms | ka, f the Baroda state. His age is jons that resulted the death of | 0 much injury to game fish in On- | {4 small. Migrations were necessary, thirty. This is the ninth widow re two voung women--baura Eo Jer tario waters. Some time ago, The Ex- | oq the easiest way was toward the | marriage celebrated at Ahmedabad nings, aved cighteen vears. and Edith Bot sak Mr Robert Sa ran south, to get employment in the fac- od ; { t vou granted a license lo net b jes. A large birthrate, then, is no i oyd Clarke, aged twenty-five, yea Chrigtie's Lake, and the other day he jories. a oe to Canada, and is, in- : Bread Dropped In Price. = | brought to The Expositor office one | geeq rapidly diminishing. It 1s also | Toronto, Dee. 2 ~The price of bread 7 Excursion To New York { large lyng caught in the lake referred | (i 104 that the death rate among the here has taken a drop. To-day the Holidav oxearsion to New York and | to, and it was dissected. This lyng had | hy iodren has been inordinate, because | retail price iv cight cents per loaf, in- return. via N.Y... and H.ILRR., Fri swallowed a pike "which measured al- | {i not possible nowadays to give the [stead of ten cents and the wholesale . Tickets good up | Most fourteen inches in length and al proper care and attention to the fn- orice is seven cents instead of eight Sundar. Tiecomher | 80 a full-sized sunfish. Mr. Ephraim | go so that no matter what the Jeents. This decline, the bakers say, irther par- | Deacon, the fishery inspeetor at Bol | pymper born it will never be possible | is the redult of competition. < rer. NYC lingyooke, called BN - «40 rear as many In one family as for mismo make an inspection erly. It is now rec ized that Can- i fisherman with quite a number of cat- marly. not. suffer Sogn population i Contagious Disease Cases. : ev ---- fish, dozens of lyng, but no protected | (\o present reduction of the birthrate During November there were the fol Mechanics, Farmers, Sportsmen. | gun Three lyng were dissected, with § a..." ,ntinue--her emigration will be lowing contagions disease cases in the To heal and soften the skin and re the following result: One contained jose. Indeed, it is also recognized that 'ity : Diphtheria, fifteen; srarlet av ase, 'oil and "rust stains, | three whitefish, eight inches long, and | 4. ty of population depends solely fever, two, Of the fifteen diphtheria paint and earth, ete, u "Mas. | one bass: the second one had recently | pn ability to make a living and the | cases five were in one family snd two ter Mechanic's far Soap, Albert | vallowed 39 pickerel minnows and | ony way to increase it is to stimulate } in another, Toilet Soap Co., Manufacturers, :]*thrge bass: and the last one opened | ha productivity of a country--ihe pres- oh Ee Tp : ; ud 10 Sonu Jase Sune ent Canadian policy." He who makes | No Compact. i. ¢ any 0 $ RL. ~. des-of 8 Fro Ww 0 noma. PO - fh Rta: > Ihe fiftieth year of membership in | 'hows and ten recently swallowed. iii Figo Wary Ihe Winnie, Dec 2 =AFehbishon Lange] o Temperance, of James brings infants into the world but can He inanord an Snequitocal Senta) Yi Ww, was bv A % hem = on, : + La, aultain's charge that : " An Interesting Old Badge. not feed them. a. oc ot exinted Detvien hin gn W OT ee on Tal, Yo mager Orr, of the National Ex- u . S a Kime ho tion hie Stace nd the he ro pres nted with a gold: hibition has feceived from ne wales N doth th gerSaiuty: Oh. BaWS -------- ' 3 ick a badge o e Provincial Ex- | Now doth e seas: 5 i cane. Mr. Ward is a promin- | Rg held in Toronto in 1852. Mr So full of harrowing doubt. : Given A Bosition. : San i 1 \ | Barwick found it when looking over | It's much too warm with steam turned Toronto, Dee. 2. 1. Langley, To- ght soap is better than ot CT | ome papers of his grandfather, Col. on ronto, has been appointed permanent hi ich ia bet whtn need ir, thei 2 John Barwick, of Woodstock. And much too cold without, Siuidator of the National Mercantile sgnlight way uy: Sunlight Seap | --_-- renoy "and follow dircationa. | re gene a Thomas Boyd. formerly of Lyn. is | 1t will pay you to huy your sash, ¥.M.C.A®President. Jead, in Gananonue, aged sixty (ne. | glass, putty, paint and bils at Yel London, Dec. 2.~Lord Kinnaird has His and, wife, i». Sawily/ 2 low Hardware Store, next to Wind: | been elected president of the Y.M.C. font grown up ¢ on os e | r Hotel . 8 wa bigots of the 2.0.1 x is on. Archdeacon Sweeney was eleet A. in place Be Guorge Wiliams. raw bax te seve 0 ed in "Se we ed president of the - Toronto Humane } 74 conquer evil you must hate it, through the forest districts of he same is largely true of ever travele: Nov Any one who has ma- cres, the serious dangers The northern composed of coni- spruce predominating, and Hardwood forests offer considerable resistance to fire, those | oq that debates in the House had little the make the statement that fire over two- If such should wealth of these speaking of North: Ww HIG, Mr. R. L. Borden Points Out Some et Its Defects. Mr. 70. L. Borden, leader of the Op- position in the Dominion Parklament, who w@s the guest of honor at a re- cent luncheon of the Empire Club, To» ronto, spoke interestingly on the de- velopment of Parliamentary institu tions in Great Britain and Canada, His address, which was, of course, non-poli- tical, was frequently heartily applaud- ed by the large audience. The party system of government in Great Britain and Canada, he sald, was often treated as if it were a rather discreditable sys- tem. Yet it was to a certain extent the basis of the institutions under which the people of bothacountries liv-: ed. Until some better method could be found for the purpose of carrying on the affairs of the country the people would have to submit to it. However, it could be said that representative Government in Canada was at least more in the interests of the great mass of the people than any other system devised up to the present time. The Cabinet system was an essen- tial feature of party government, and there had been a tendency in the last sixty or seventy years, and more ee- pecially in the last thrity or forty years, to shelve the power formerly vested in the Crown and transferred to Par liament upon the Cabinet. The latter, strictly speaking, was not a commit- tee of Parliament, because it was a partisan committee, and not only a partisan but a secret" cominittee. A further development in this connec tion was the formation of a conclave of the Cabinet--a Cabinet within a Cabinet, so to speak--so that all the Ministers of the Crown did not po equal initiative with regard to policies of administration or measures which were brought down, A striking development "In Canada was the party caucus. The important debates upon gredt questions in this country, the debates that settled the fate of measures, were those = which ~ | took place in caucus/ The experience of the last fifteen or twenty years prov- or no influence. One result of these de- velopments was to aid in giving the head of the Government the power of a dictator if he was a strong man; if he was not a strong man, one or two of his Cabinet would control him. - An- other result was the obedience of the members of the parties to the decision t } of the majority in caucus. The power of the Government, Mr. Borden proceeded, was certainly not f | less in Canada than in Great Britain; perhaps alittle more, for two reasons: an incubus in Canada. For 'his part, away from political parties the power € | to deal with many important matters of patronage, y The speaker, who quoted freely from Sidney Low and other British public- ists in support of some of his conten- d | tions and conclusions, summed up by SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2. SE -------- covennuenT BY PARTY, ol A "F ATAL SEASON ONE HUNDRED A AND FORTY. NINE LIVES LOST. Nearly Seven Million Dollars of Property Were Destroyed -- Steamer Western Star, Bound for Fort William, Went Ashore at Fourteen-Mile Point. Detroit, Mich., Dec. 2--~The Journal says 119 lives have been sacrificed, over seventy ships wrecked and a loss of nearly 37,000,000, has been sus- tained in the three big storms on the great lakes this season. That this is the most disastrous season. in the his- tory of shipping on the lakes is be- yond doubt. Ship Went Ashore. Murquette, Mich to load grain, went ashore, two miles edst of Fourteen Mile Poiot near Ontonagon) after all bearings had bean lost in a struggle for hours in a terrific sea. The crew is reported safe. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Some Things Concerning the Fo man's National Council. Kingston, Dec. 2.--(To the Editor) : If a man wants a wife he does not ob- ject to her being a member of the wo- men's council and 1 wish 1 saw more voung blood there. Young ladies have time to gather statistics and get names to petitions, ete., and so save the hysical strength, time and brains of their "mothers in, Kingston.' Apropos of our last meeting, in list ening to Miss Machar's interesting talk about the meetings on emigration in London, England, | did not "object" to anything, There was no discussion. 1 merely made a re- mark which struck me at the moment, Miss Close, in London, asked, 1 un- derstand, or proposed to ask the do- minion for one farm in Nova Scotia, one in Ontario and one in the North West for a home for children, of two or three years old so that they might grow up Canadians and, therefore, be good settlers, and the idea came to nothing, 1 thought, well, it wouldn't be much to give one farm out of the whole of Nova Scotian and one out of the whole of Ontdrio, ete, for the good of our own country. Should we not look at this matter and other matters concerning Britain as we would look at one eountry ? We can soon go. across in five days. Be- sides, we have got some of our best men from the old country; Sir Oliver Mowat and others; and given men, too, for Prof. Tait's chair in Edin- burgh, University is. filled by a Cana- dian. There is a Word detest in this connegtion--1 heard one of our own ministers use it once in Convocation hall-<*'dumping-ground." It seems to speak of God's creatures as manure. J society: Murguette, } ich., Dec, 2M steel steamer Western Star, bound fe 3 William i 28 { New Belts, plain silk, gold medallions, white kid richly embroidered... 26c. « Rich Lace Collars........coomnnuiitmaisian ses Embroidered Collar and ult sets.. evs WR Tab Collars from... wainuardes leito Cream Lustre and Serge Waists..ovvves Lustre Waists, in black and brown...... Black and Cream Silk Walsts, Black Dress Caps, Widow's Caps. For Children Tams, toques, hoods, bonnets, hats, toque, sash and mitt set, cloth. coats, white fur coats with tams and hoods to match. SPENCE'S, WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. President Married Nineteen Years Ago. Washington, D.C., Dec. 2.~Nineteen | The idea that in remote rts of tha years ago, to-day, at St. George's } tropics, amidst t the dark-sk in church, Hanover square, London, | there exist mysterigus a Canon Gutheric performed the cer mony which made Theodore Roosevelt, ' resident of the United States, Miss Edith Carew, of New York, Canon Gutheridge was selected, because he was a cousin of the bride, who was then travelling in Europe with her mother and sister. The anniversary of the day was ob- tribes bearing a strom, nti to Europeans has long possessed curious fascination for the old The early adventures in Central 'and Southern America brought ie tales of extraordinary cities des the monntains, dnd vi afloat in South Africa forty wears ago furdished Bors gard with a theme for one of now and man and wife. served at the White House in the usual, quiet manner. The president | known novels. Yot so strong' a hold attended to his official duties as on has the idea gained, that even 'at beginning of the twentioth 'century the he possibility of the' Ixistente of a genuine white race is not altogether scoffed at. Tt is less than four 'years ago that an American officer any other day and had several con- ferences with members of the cabinet and other officials. Members of the cabinet and many personal friends of the president remembered the day by sending flowers amd congratulations | in operations agains the Monros in to the White House, but there was no | the Philippines collected attempt af a formal celebration. It | substantial evidence relat to a' is rumored that President Roosevelt | mysterious white tribe in o Jolgnd again followed his usual custom = of | of Mindano. The officer was y * prosenting Mrs. Roosevelt with a | pressed that he determined to conduct handsome addition to her collection of jewelry in honor of the anniversary. In the evening a few intimate friends of the Roosevelt family will dine at the White House an exploring partly across the Jaulte of the "island. But' apparently mysterious white folk for the world up to the present has heard nothing of his search crowned with success. Bringing Out The Shoppers. Philadelphia Record The streets in the shopping district Getting Ready For Congress. Washington, D.C., Dee. 2.--Senatord have assumed their customary hali- | and representatives ave arriving here day aspect. They are crowded. in lgrge numbers and ev is. Also the holiday crowding has be- | getting ready for the g of Con~ load- gun in the advertisement columns of the newspapers The comnection between these two facts obvious that it hardly needs to be pointed out. { The shoppers are drawn to the stores that advertise as surely as steel filings are drawn to a magnet. The greater the vohune of "'ads." the greater the number of buyers. BR gress, Many of the members are ed down With bills, which they intend to introduce at the earliest opportuns ity. The democratic members 'of house will hold a caucus this afters noon to nominate officers of the house! The republican caucus will be held this evening. a---- Health Means Success. Y It's impossible for a man or woman is so Decided At Last. to be a business ° success Santa Claus has decided to make | health. A strong body and an his headquarters for cakes, candies, | mind go together. Wade's Yon fruits, ete., at Hambrook's, Pills give both. Try them. In 25c., at Wade's Drug Store. back if not satisfactory. ba -- Willing, Kelliher, an employee. Bellovilla Cement company, 'bad } broken in the factory, A married man always has a hard Juek story on tap when his wife asks him for money. Science is like fire--it burns away dross. ? SBVCO00000000000OVOOO00T : o FINANCE'AND INSURANCE Lf G.A. BATEMAN Insurance Broker ALL KINDS OF FIRE INS ANCE AT LOWEST RATES District Agent Bun Life Assur- ance Company of Canada. 69 Clarence Street, Kingst For Real Estate or Insurance Consult with GEO. LIF vere veng b at 85 Clarence Street. i 00 and lav DOO0000