Men's Wear Store pipes has a "him" or two to buy for ims." "Perhaps our suggestions h just what he needs ang just 2. If you can't find something tmas here, where in the world ng it ? gestions swear Hosier: h Robe Sy fFlors Shipenders ves Collars dian pn nderwear «lined Coat ¢ Robes Sweaters y and rightly priced. No fancy J). BIBBY Co, Y' 5 Wear Store. ID GENTLEMEN agnificent line of CHRISTMAS GOODS u will find here the grandest array of use- Fistmas Shoppers. Space will not permit | appropriate articles, carefully selected for I, without doubt, be the most appreciated ecipients of the same. s' and Children's nd Overcoats You can't make a better paving invest: r stock here. coats are new, right out, and tailored e- h there is immediately before Christmas, ake their selections early. The People's Clothier een Redden"s and Crawford's Groceries. -- "HOCKEY BOOT BOOTS I? you want the best try a Pair of the " Invictus "Mule Hide Hockey Boots Men's in Black or Tan. > 0 I0, - $3 00 0!" 6, - $3 00 lo 5, - $2 50 for men at $1.50, $2 and $2.50; 1.75. ar Shoe Store REE. ee MEDICA ¢ | 13): OFFICE ATELY . Br ee ocA by or Ryan, rer treal and Brock streets. = WILLIAM guunoN PHYSIAL a Surgeon, etc. Late Residen apc 4 $ K ton General He wll 2 oy, street, oppost {i a Phone. 48. FOR SALE. , THE WW!" 2 . Mot ia ard.' AT Capt. Johs ¥€ re Cullough, Napa: sn ONE | ee a oy hey | PIANOS, «OR ANS NELODEOXS the and . Sewing Machines, 37 29% Gore . second hand, all cheap he to street. J oseph (ieorge. a - ates 800000000 fer] OR. J FREE, paar Bitimates given tor 'all BJ . of : Wi laste - in mot Work. of ali des cription' £4 Division St. Chinese Restaurant 83 PAINGESS "The. egotist need not BAH to be aun 1 specialist iff ing wff ye Tah CUBED BY PE-RU-M. Cold Produced Catdrrh of Throat-Attack Was Severe. Miss Lottie Hollingsworth, Prescott, Ont., Can., writes:. «After suffering for weeks with a cold, it left me with catarrh of the laryax. My voice was so hoarse that 1 thought I would loce it entirely, my neck was swollen, and altogether my condition was very serious. "i "botight, ome Péruna after I had used other remedies without relief. In a"few days my voice was clearer, it did not tire easily and I began to see re- lief in sight. «| really was surprised to find that 1 was cured so soon. | took only four bottles o1 Fora, and it is certainly well worthy of cadorsemeat." Japanese Headache Cure Which cures any headache in 20 minutes, is purely vegetable. One of its ingredients is old-fa- - shioned, soda; The other in- gredients are. just as harmless. Zutoo should not be confounded with the drug cures. x CAPILLI FORMA A clean healthy tonic. Guaranteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair, ensuring one inch per month. Prevents falling: and grey hair. Is a vositive cure headaches, neuralgia dandruff and a. Ixeellent for moustaches and other tonmsorial purposes, Received the hirhest recommendation ym the United : Health Reports. Satisfaction or money refunded. bottle of this famous Hair Tonic will heé given away with each cash order for Dressmaking, test city references Manufactured and sold by MME. E. BLDER. 258 Princess Sireet KINGSTON. NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. Supplied by W. F. Dever & Co. 18 Maiket Square, Kingston. December Gth Open Clc tchison 7 «Copper Baltimore & Ohio Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian. Pacific i Illinois « Central Louisville & Nashville Metropolitan M ssouri - Pacific New York Central msylvania and Pacific ed States Steel vd States Steel GRAIN MARKET, "at 57k ROA a0 July 841 854 CORN-- . 45% December 45k 9% May 45% 45% Taly 45¢ Glenvale Gleanings. Glenvale, Dee. 4.--Owing to the in clemerey of the weather, very few at- tended the quarterly service, in the Preghy t rian, church, on Sunday. Miss Ethel Gibson ix visiting friends at Bath. Miss Lizzie Ellerbeck is spend- ing a few days with her sister, Mrs. W. Amey, Kingston. Leonard Gordon « able th be about again, after suf- fering from blood-poisoning, which de- veloped from a scratch on the finger. John Castelle is enterfaining visitors, a baby girl. Mrs, BE. Gordon is spend- ng a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs A. Tevin, Murvale. T. Hawkey intends leaving, this week, on a trip to England. Russell Ellerbeck has gone to Watertown, N.Y.. where he has secured a sitmation. D. Babcock has moved to a farm which he lately vurchesed at "Desert Lake. J. Me Knight, assistant checsemaker. returd- «l to. his home at Bedford Station. Vis'tgrs © Mrs, (Dr) Wartman, Napa nee, and Miss Montgomery, Wolfe Is- land, at J. Loonprd sa; Mivs Florence Bonington, Glepburpie, at her fath- er's. Miss I. Ashley,. Kingston, at &. J Watts Ross Walker, Bafialo, at. K. 1 Walker's, Best Tn Canada. : aye' sausages, 19¢, and 12ic. per n Last. Christmas the fancy perfume A was something enormouk at Gibsin's Red (ross drug store. Tt will be greater this year. No fancy prices there, | At Next Sitting 'of the | terest in the case had not abated in | the city all day; WILLIAM FELDMAN COMMITTED BY M BY MAGISTRATE - FOR TRIAL High ~#Court--Buffalo Man Saw Three & Wen Scouting Around Me Kay's Place on Night of Robbery. Wiliiam Feldman, char ged with steal: ing furs from John McKay's 'establish ment on November 18th, was com- mitted for trial at the next sitting of the high court, by Magistrate Far- rell, at police court this morning. In- the least, and the spectators were many. Mrs. Feldman and her baby were jn the court room. She was well dressed and wore a seal coat, and the child a "long white fur coat and bon- net; there was every evidence that they | were. well'to-do. The prisoner tented much pleased to see his wife and child, and smiled when the wife sitting in front of him, lifted the in fant up' for: the father to see, The case occupied the attention of the court for two hours and a half. J. L. Whiting appeared as crown pro- secutor, and W, I. Nickle and A, B. Cunningham in the interests of = the prisoner. The appearance of the pris- oner has not changed, save that he has grown 'a beard. * The first witness was John McKay, owner of the furs, which were stolen November 18th. "His establishment was closed at 9 p.m., Saturday even: ing; theft not discovered until 9 a.m. Sunday. Ladder placed at back win; dow, Bp which robbers had evidently gone to enter building. If wrapped up in bunales some would not be bulky, but the three coats stolen, would. Some furs were found outside and were covered with snow, To Mr. Nickle witness said he found cord, which led over Vanluven's fence. Furs were marked "J. K."" perforated stamp, mink skins had a double stamp in indelible ink, "J. K."" in a cirole. Henry! O'Brien, night clerk at the Randolph Hotel, testified that he was on duty on November 17th. Recogniz- ed prisoner, who came to the hotel that might between 11.30 and 12 p.m. There was a man with him. He regis- tered, " Harris Smit, Toronto, and Yak Thompson, and Henry Burger sighed "fiext. 'Burger had been there, and had same room night before. + (To Mpa Nickle) he signed Yak Thompson. Burger came in 1.30, Friday morning ; did not see him after he went to his room. Did not see the three converse together, but saw Smit and Thompson talk together in brok. en English. Smit and Thompson were in room together. Burger had a room alone. He only knew from ledger they did not breakfast. Samuel Welsh, a bell-boy, at 'Ran- rr Hotel, testified he saw prisoner on that Friday night. Two men came in with them. Showed prisoner and an ather man to room No. 18, The man fram Nos 9 icame up to No. 18. Wit- ness met man from No. 9, and he ask- ed where the other two men were, and wittles€ 100k him up to No. 18. Feld- man came to the door. The door was then shut. Never saw prisoner other than on that night. Saw Men At McKay's. Mr. Macpherson, Canadian represent ative of the Buffalo Horse World, was called. He was at the. Windsor Hotel, November 18th. Recognized prisoner, but mot in the present clothes. Was going over to McKay's store at 10.30 o'clock. A stout man, whom he had seeping 'the: Windsor Hotel, on Mont real strect, was talking to a girl, To Mr, Nickle, he said, he saw two men m Windsor, whom he later recog- \ nized near McKay's, but never saw prisoner with them. Prisoner was be hind a post near the church. All was quiet and dark at McKay's, so he left. Another man was near a post, across the road irom McKay's. It was a dark night. Could not distinguish the man except that he was a big man. Prison- er was standing in shadow of a door way, when witness was returning to the hotel. Man had on a dark and a stiff bat, * *J: B. Crows, jeweller, the next wit ness, said, he went «to Montreal on November 19th, at 2 a.m. Saw prison er at outer station, talking with two others. The were foreigners, them later on the train. Saw them twice converfing. Une had a small grip, another a telescope, and a bun dle tied with a strap. A stout man had a bundle three feet wide. Prison er had a small grip. Prisoner got off at Montreal, other two at St. Henri William Boyd, a cab driver, first saw pusongg on the Sunday morning. Saw i * hetween one and two o'clock. at the city station, Prisoner was. talking to another man. The oth- er man was a foreigner. He drove to outer station.. Saw prisoner with two other men. Had two valises and oil cloth. bundle. «*, 'H. Carpenter, sergeant detective in Montres! police force, was also a witness. He testified that he knew Feldman about two years. Had a con versation with prisoner about matter. Prisoner said 'he had not been away from Montreal on 17th to 21st Novem- her. coat, Saw Story Of The Prisoner. Police Constable Craig went to Montreal, and brought prisoner back. Had a talk with prisoner November 23rd. Read warrant to him, Feldman said he was not guilty of that offence. Witness said if he (prisoner) was not guilty of that offence, he should not be afraid to tell what he was doing in the city. Prisoner told that he came to the city on the midnight train, and got off at the outer sta- tien. Asked if be rode or walked in he did not answer. He knocked about met another fellow and they went to thé Randolph Hotel. He signed register for both, did not know what name' he wrote, not his own. : While there he found out that his room'mate was acquainted with another fellow. They all went to the Opera Hotise, came ont during one act, didn't say where they went. After the show returned to hotel at mid" night, that night (Saturday). They had ne bundle but, perhaps a small it. "Other went on ain' 1< -- on The other tw Fa off at St. Henri. went on 10 Montreal. Prisoner, later saw one of them in Montreal, who said to 'him be, wis hard-up. and sold to him (Feldman), a gold ring. Witness asked 10 see ring. Prisoner said the follow came along later with lots of 'money and redeemed ring. He would know fellows again. Prisoner believed that they were the fellows that stole the furs, J. L. Whiting--That's the case, and 1 ask for a committal, W. F. Nickle submitted that the pros secution had not shown a bit of evi- dence that Feldman was concerned in the robbery. There was not a bit of evidence before. the court, that the men with whom Feldman was associated, were the thieves J. Le Whiting pointed out that Feldman declared, he thought the oth er two men were guilty of the theft. Magistrate Farrell said, "I am satiss fied that the non- contradicted evidence is sufficient to commit the prisoner. His registration under an assumed name, and his being with the other two .aen are suspicious. Later, accord- ing to his own story the show. Then according to the Buf. falo man, he is seen 'scouting' about McKay's. Then he denies' in Montreal, having been in Kingston, when it is shown that he was here." W. F. Nickle.~~] am willing to let the case go to a higher court, and sg the magistrate decided. Arain Feldman © requested that he might see his wife, to talk on mat- ters of business. After much discussion Ju#L. Whiting finally agreed to allow thé husband aud wife to have a talk in German, in the presence of Police Constable Timmetudn, at three o'clock this afternoon. PITH OF 'THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Rev. John W, Gilpin, Aberfoylé, is dend. 8, J. Moore was elected president of the a 'tropolitan bank. Property on Yonge street, was sold at 83,000 a foot. King Edward has left London to visit Lord Alington at Crichel, Wim- borne. . The display of Canadian appled in London is said to be the best ever seen in England. ] Martha Graydon, a young woman of St. Thomas; swallowed carbolic acid because her lover jilted her. Fragments of a vessel have come ashore at-Carovanah Point, B.C., and may indicate a wreek at sea. Frederick Howard, a mulatto, was killed by a wheel of his waggon pass: ing over him in Toronto. Fitchburg, Mass, after Toronto, a year of liguor sclling, once more decided against the sale during the coming year. James McShane says that he is not only a candidate for mayor oi Mont- real, but that he has the people of the city behind him. Eleven lives were lost as a result of the striking of the steamer Lunenburg on the reeks offi Amyerst Harbor, near the Magdelen Island ' Gilbert Putnam formerly of Adams, N.Y, shot himseli dead in bed. A father, aged eighty-four years, and two daughters sarvive. Woodbury Kane, widely known 'in social, yachting and. club circles, died suddenly at his home in West Forty- seventh street, New York. Gustav Dinscr, New York, was sent: enced to Sing Sing for life for killing Gertrude Hyland, the _tfiveweariold daughter of his common law wife. Oscar Harrison, Kingston, N.Y., was found in a negro's cabin, with skull crushed in. The murdered man was son of superintendent of the whter- works reservoir, Albert Nulty, found tot have been the man who entered the Harnois cot- tage at Grinnell Island, was found guilty of burglary in Watertown, N.Y. Sentence withheld. Charles A. Peabody, banker, rail road man and representative of the William Waldorf Astor estate, is slated * 1 as sncecssor to Richard A. McCurdy as president of the Mutual Life Insurance company. United States - independent window glass manufacturers organiaed an as- sociation known as the United States Window Glass Manufacturers' Associa- tion. The membership will represent 1,610 pots. 3 W. A. Dixon, a well-known New York Central passenger: conductor, died at Ogdensburg. N.Y., aged fifty six wears. He had "Been ill with Bright's disease for several months. He was born in Syracuse. Two necklaces, said to be part of £200,000 worth stolen in England, have "been discovered in New York The victim of the robbery was Mr, Glottauer, of the firm of Glotiausr Freres, jewellers, of Paris. The rob- bery is alleged to have occurred last March at Birmingham, England. Wilton Walfts. Wilton, Dec, 6.--~Communion service was held in the Presbyterian church last evening. Mrs. Switzer spent a few days in Kingston, the guest of Mrs. Robert Miller. Miss Hottie Lake, King- ston, is. visiting Mrs. Alfred Miller. While here she and Mrs. Miller visited the latter's parents at Adolphustown: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mills have gone to Campbellford, where they expect to snend the winter with their daughter, Mrs. W. Jordan. our public school teacher, has resign- ed, his resignation to take effect at the end of the year, after which time he will attend Queen's. Miss Mowat has returned to her home in Kine- ston, after a visit of several weeks iwith Mra. R. K. Ovens, Mr. and Mrs. RB. Caton, Odessa, were visiting at C. A. Neilson's, on Wednesday of Inst week, A Really Fine Record. Hamilton Times. Kingston's tax collector is in the happy position of being able to report that the tax rolls are closed, with the exeeption of that of the present year, and on it only $5,000 is due, and will he collected with a five per cent. im- post upon it. This is a very creditable showing. There are few Ontario towns or cities that can présent as .CJean a financial bill, = valise. Priscoer left an hall an bour later, and saw other two men at the 1 5 they attended : od that she R. Coghlan, Bath, | vELNESDA RS AID THEFT! STOCKAN-TRADE OF AN wo, ADVENTURESS. A Pseudo-Couhtess Palms Herself Off as Widow, and Gets $2,000 "In Notes and Goldw-The Thief | : Caught. Paris, Dec. 6.--Widow's weeds, ; a Ban Tn at est n trade of an adventuress calling herself the Countess de Lig | nettes, just arrested. M. was in his stedy. when a card with 0 eduntess name; was | brought to im, twas followed by woman in the deepest mourning, he | threw aside her heavy veil, revealing a pretty face, and a paroxysm of weep. ! be almost. fell into his arms, | he had consoled her, 'she sob- | bed ott that she was the widow of | his brother; who had just died a few ! days before. "But my brother iE wa up" married," expostulated M. "I was his wife ! I°was = wife 1! sobbed the countess. She then explain- had come to ask for the return of the letters she had written him, saying he bad told her he al! ways kept them in the left-hand lower | drawer of the writing table. M. G-- happened to be sitting at & table in question. He searched the wer, but found nothing more in- criminating than an old newspaper. He next suggested that the letters might be in another Mable upstairs, He begged ber to wait while he searched. She did not wait, but de camped with about $2,000 in notes, and gold, which. Mr. G-- kept in a | drawer: He telephoned to the police and | they found the countess later in the | day in a bar in the Avenue du Main. MADE MOURNERS SMOKE. Hollander"s Love for Tobacco Showr After Death, There are some famous smokers in Europe, but perhaps none equal ad Austrian and a HoMander, both now deceased. An old man who died in Vienna kept a record of his smokin sine Be was twenty-seven years ol In forty dns years he smoked no fewer | than 628,713 cigars, or 13,971 a year, giving an wverage of thirty- -eight day. Out of this gigantic total 43, 500 were en him at various times, leaving Shen which, although this | Austrian devotee at the shrine of My | Lady Nicotine never paid more than a | uenny for each one, cost nearly ne 500. But evén this marvellous is beaten by that of Mynheer Kiaes, known by the nickname - "King of the Smokers." He was eighty-one at the time of his decease, | and sometimes smoked as much as ten | pounds of Tobacco in a week. How | strong with' him was the ruling pas- | sion "in desth was shown by his fu-| { néral. - At his express desire | he was Placed in ag eoffin lined with the wood | of old cigar, boxes, By hig side ere | thid his favbrite china-bowled pipe; box 'of matéhes, flint, steel wid pid der. Around=-his grave was gathered | a dirclé of "Rotter Sin smokers, each | with his 'pipe, from which, at the | words, "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust,' he shook the ashes onto the coffin lid. To each of these mourners the de | ceased left ten pounds of tobacco ond | | { i two pipes bearing his arms. Teath Of Miss Williams. The death of Miss Florence Evdrn Williams, ddughter of the late J. Williams took place at her ie residence, "Roselawn,"" Goderich, on | Thursday, last, St. Andrew's day. The | voung lady was very clever, receiving her first class certificate at the age of sixteen years, and taking a I onl a { on the Goderich Institute staff, Later she became a teacher in the high | school at Napanee, but receiving an | attack of la grippe, Miss Williams re | turned home and was under medical | treatment for many months, Feeling | much improved in health, the next vear. Miss Williams joined the hich ! school staff at Orillia, where she ro | mained for five years, but was later | a patient at the Toronto hospital. | Last year she served Central school =taff, but suffered at intervals from the grippe. which compelled hor resig- nation at midsummer. She returned home to be cared for by her mother, Buddha's Decalogue. Buddha, the great religious teacher of India, has at about 300,000,000 followers. Conden seed into ten short precepts, his trines may be given as follows : 1. From the meanest insect up to man thou aver 2. Thou 8. Thou 1. Thou is false 5. Thon shalt drink no wine or any thing to intoxicate, 6. Thou shalt avoid all hatred and bitter language. Halt not steal. shalt box? s goods. 9. Thou shalt not harbor. price, envy revenge, or malice, nor desire the death or misfortune of thy neighbor 10. Thou shalt not follow the doc trines of strange gods. Goderich Notes. Sleighing is excellent. Mes. Crowe, of Ernesttown, was a guest at the wedding of Mrs. Nora Dean and Wil liam Kearney. On November 25th, Le: na, daughter of Dennis Neville, form- erly: of Napanee -and Kingston, was wedded to Captain W. McCarthy, of the steamer Edward Blake. The bride is organist of St. Peter's church. The new breakwater 4s di ing bit by bit, the storms having been. severe on the work of the whole summer. * Ce.tbrated Mincemeat. Pavies' homemade, to old English receipe, 10c, per Ih, Whe! opivion would a lady have of entléeman ®ho would send her an fa ior or cheap quality of candy for Christmas, It's good poli to send her the best. $ pi p---------- % Davies" Ceylon Tea, $e." quality for 23. per Tb, key" s are sold only at. Gibson's Cross dri stove, . but it was but to die in loving arms. | the present time doe | shalt kill no animal what ! } | { shalt not commit adultery. | speak no word that { made according | Li DECEMBER 8 | HUNGARIAN NATURAL APERIENT WATER, 4 USES. and Hoods of ters: wins | FOF occasibnal of habitual constipation. As a safe, ordinary, and gentle laxative. | Ta relieve the kidneys. = | In bilious attacks and disorders of the liver. For improving the complexion. F disorders. In fatty degeneration of various organs, Against undue deposition cf fat in gen- eral, and the evil consequences of indiscretion in eating or drinking, ORDINARY D 3 A Wineglassful CHEAP, EFFECTIVE, PALATABLE. 0 ERGOATS: : ELEGANT FOR MEN or persons inclined to inflammation, congestion, a and gouty or rheumatic a he add AND BOYS For very little money during our Great Alteration Sale| We can show you 7 he newest fabrics, made up as "| only first-class custom tailors make, in all. the latest styles. | We can save you from $3 to $5 on your Overcoat or Suit. 'WHY NOT INVESTIGATE our statements. gh | before you purchase. We mean business. eckwear for Christmas trade. New Mufflers for! Christmas trade. New Gloves for Christmas trade.. ders, New Shirts." New New Sus All ordered. da be sold at sale prices. | Co Roney for Holiday. Sradgand all to me in & Co. 127 dL Street. The Store That Sets the Pace. GEPE LIRR EPILELL ELEN LOY * ® ® ® THE CANADA METAL CO. Toronto, Ont, BABBITT SPECIALISTS. Write for "All About Babbitts." 0000 2999999930000 s0000e { MADE-TO-ORDER] PERSIAN LAMB JACKETS Select Your Skins « McKay Quality, Style and Fit Unequalled. Fur House Brock Street. anger, | 7. Thou shalt not indulge in idle or | vain talk. 8. Thou shalt not covet thy neigh- | FINANCE AN D INSURANCE ANCE AT LOWEST RATES y of Canada. {8 8 Clarence Street, Kingston | For Real Estate i 1 '% or Insurance { Consult with GEO. CLIFF before Lnying | Street. G. A. BATEMAN Insurance Broker ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR- District Agent Sun'Life Assur: ance Company If You Want a Home Or Insurance, have a talk with George Tagen, C42 REAR i. FinwCless | Youd, : ¥ RANCE Vill in Eastern for selling. "For particulars apply to Td OGL, Real Bete Agent Street