ont in a few hours. Positi ively cures By does not put the disrase to flee, Rake --. Pr but drives We have sceured Leather, styles. about Sil-lined Hay These bought as such, prices fully One-third Less Than Regular Be are Were sure and see this how ecessity. well We are here your Christ a necessity, and bought is money saved to save you mouey on mas purchases These to $4.50 Bags 1: fam x gn rang % from 73 The Best Drug Store L.T. BRST, Chemist and Optieian "124 Princess Street. "Phone uw Tash HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL OUTSIDE OF YoUR SINS AND YOUR TROUBLES? COME TO WM. MURRAY, The Auctioneer Intensely Interesting Is the beautiful display of Christmas Novelties at this store. Articles galore for Child- ren's Presents : White Wool Overalls, 45c. and up. White Wool Clouds, 18c. and up. Wool Bootees, White and Fancy colors, all sizes Wool Mitts, White and cours, all sizes. White Bear Skin Coats, with Tam to match Wool Toques, all colors, 25¢, 35¢., 50c. ikerchiefs, Children's Faricy Han 2c. each and up. Wool Hoods for the baby lainty "as well as )0c. each. Infants' Wool Jackets, 50c. and p. : Still selling the best "Dollar" (id Glove in Canada, worth asily $1.25, all shades, all sizes, rith guarantee. (EWMAN & SHAW Mrs. H.. Roberts, Sharbot Lake, the city, to-day. Three Teams -------- THE DAILY : oT THE SPORT REVIEW [HE LOCAL SCHEDULE OF 0.H.& MATOHES® Entered = Leeal Sporling ~~ Events -- Queen's Students as Pugilista--General Sporting News. cade Hammond (convenor) BE. R. Dobbs, for St, George's, and R. M. : ills, for Queen's, composed the meet- A in. St. George's hall, Wednesday ing draw up the schedule for afternoon to O:H.A. matches. January 18th.--Preachers ve. Ramb- the dutriet Junin schedule of the | lers; Miners vs. Ramblers. The follc January 5th. -- Frohtenacs vs. games : ¢ Queen's 111., Jan- | Preachers; Crescents vs. Miners, A-St Gears oh ue HI. at St. February 1st.--Preachers vs. Ramb- nary January 17th, RM.C. 11. fers; Miners vs. Stars. Gearge By cx 'ehruary 8th. Preachers vs. Cres- a bye rents; Fronte vs. Mine = t RM.C. TL, January | cents; Frontenac TS. B- Winge a. Ti 'at. winners A, Janu: February 15th.--Preachers vs. Min- 2nd; x ers; Frontenacs vs.. Ramblers, wry 35t ' eferecs| were appointed : Dr. February 2nd.--Stars vs. Fronte- 0 3 eA CT Powel, and George T.: nacs. Dalte re The protested game, Preachers vs. Richardson. Creseents, will be played Saturday, the 16th. Pounded In Punched Out. Three aftffnoons a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday from five o'clock until six, Queen's students try their efforts, along a pagilistic line, the. instruction of ough, a Whig hall. What is pounded in"at the college is punched out at these "lessons | } Basket Ball Teams. Four basket ball team have entered Williams' Cup series at the Y. M.CA. No 1.--J. Crawford (Capt.), V. Gil- bert, G. Fiomming, A. Savage, H. As- Crawford, - H. in the selstine, J. "Clough, R. by A. G. Cameron)--Parkhill, 4 feet Steward, Day (Capt.)? W. Pipe; 11 inches; Manhard, 4 feet 10 inches ; a Roe, nick. Wal- { Analgine, 3 feet s inches, 11193 \ I E. Beaupre. yar 8, = aps {record « 29 ker, C; Carson, is ¥ Cant.), H, | Secs, by Z. Gandreau)--A. Smith and No. 3 -W. Newlands ( an "ir 10 FP. Saunders, 18 sec; R. McRae and Rovd;, W. Plaviair, H. Thompson, M- | Asslstine, 18 1-5 sec.: Manhard and R. Filson, G. Smith, S. Licherman, Kearns. . . | Putting 10 pound medicine ball (re- The Indians.--M. Mel ariney, 5 cord 32 feet 8 inches, by A, G. Can Armstrong, L. Meek, i ughes, 1 1 eron)--G. Birch and Z. Gaudreau 30 Dewey, S. Hall, G. Gould. feet 11 inches, A New Schedule Drafted. A special meeting. of the Meadows' cup basket ball series' committee was held, last night, to reconsider the ap- plication of the Frontenac Business College for admittance into the league. PILES QUICKLY CURED AT HOME Instant Relief, Permanent Cure-- Tria. Package Mailed Free to All in Plain Wrapper. Pile: is a feariul disease, but easy to cure if you go at it right. An operation with the knife is dang- crous, cruel, humiliating and unneces- sary. ; Stars vs, Ramblers, and Miners vs. There is just one other sure way to Preachers. be cared---painless, safe and in the privacy of your own home--it is Pyra- Sporting Notes. mid File Cure, The six-day ridets ot New York are We mail a trial package free to all many miles behind the record. who write. Morrisburg has withdrawn from the It will give vou instant relief, show | H.A. intermediate series and Perth you the harmless, painless nature of . takes its place. this great remedy and start you well on the wily toward a perfect cure. Then you can get a full-sized box from any druggist for 50 cents, often one box cures. If the druggist tries to sell you ' Winchester with Dr. Reddick, pre- something just as good, it is because ' gident; Mrs, A. Cameron, vice-presi- he makes more money on the substi-' dent; and C. H. Fullerton, secretary: tut, | treasurer, ; Insist on having what you call for. | A Sault Ste Marie despatch says The cure begins at once and cont- that Dr. Gibson, of Houghton, and tinues rapidly until it is complete and *rmanent. You can the time It is well worth trying. Just send your name and address Pyranii Drug Co., 0534 Building, Marshall, Mich., in a plein wrapper. Thousands eas the priveey of the home. No kifi'e and its torture. No 'doctor and his bills. All druggists, 50 cents. day for a free package. and go right ahead with your work and be casy and comfortable all Pyramid and receive | free by return mail the trial package have been cured in this v, painkiss and inexpensive way, in tional Amateur Lacrosse association. The question of a match between the Write to- The request was granted and a ni schedule drawn up as follows : i December jth.--Ramblers vs. Stars; Preachers . diese. December 14th.--Ramblers vs, Min: ers; ob vs. Frontenacs. Deccinber 21st. Preachers vs Stars; Miners vs. Frontenacs. December 26th. --Crescents vs. tenacs, December - 28th. --Crescents vs. Stars; Ramblers vs. Frontenacs, January lst.--Frontenaes vs Stars; Ramblers vs. Crescents, January 4th.--Stars Crescents vs. Frontenacs. January 11th.--Miners vs. Crescents. Preachers ve. Ramblers. Fron: Ramblers; VS. The basi thall team which the Fron- fenac Busifiéss College has entered in the George B. Meadow's cup series, is composed as follows : T. N. Stock- dale (present), spare; H. E. Law, R. "Gage, forwards; Jackson, centre; H. Warwick, F. Partridge, defence: v pn Athletic Contest. Three events were run off last night at the Y.M.C.A. in the senior indoor athletic contest, to break last year's records. A goodly bunch of spectators witnessed the events, which were keen- ly contested. Running" high jump (record five feet 7. Gaudrean, 18 2-5 sec. T. Saunders, (record, 29 feet 3 in- ches)--C. P. Fee, 28 feet { inch. Two of the remaining events will take place Friday: and the remainder on Monday. : St. George's Colors. No special busjpess was transacted at the meeting, last night, of the St. George's hockey club. The club's colors this year will be the same as last winter, red and white, +» Local Events. (mn Friday eveninag, a Snow Shee Club will be organized among the wenbers of the Y.M.C.AL : At the meeting of St. James' club, , this evening, the subject of interest, will be the forming of a hockey team. to-night, two bas- 'George cup" Toronto University is contemplating the erection of an extensive steel grand stand at 'Varsity field to be ready for use next season. A whist club has been organized at Chaucer Elliott, of : been appointed referees for the inter- fiational hockey league. » tery; vice-president, T. J. Gormley, secrotary-treasurer, Allan Whyte. The Torontos and the Tecumsehs are Canadian lacrosse series for next sea- son and ally themselves with the Na- New Zealanders and a team represent- Kingston, have Armprior hockey clyb elected these officers : Honorary president, Daniel t McLachlan; president, Ralph J. Slat- anxious to withdraw from the semior WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7. Sr - ST ---- -- ed to sail on dJunuary Bike In the interval they may play the All-Britain 180~Wellington Street, 3 THE Imes team. 3 None of 'the clubs in the internation- al professional hockey league will be 3 i strong as during last season. : Sheaper salaries are going, and the rd of ability is not as good as foale, Toronto News : The St. George's will have the . two Clark boys with them this season. These boys come from Kingston with the reputation of heing two of the best men in Eastern Ontario. The "Varsity athletic directorate will present each member of the champion Varsity team with a gold locket, in 7A | addition to the badges and sweaters that they are entitled to. The rugby lleville curling club elected as pu Ladies Tooking for Men's or Children's trons Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ritchie | Men's Large Size Homstitohed..... Abe. "wi : . . and Col. and Mrs. Lazier; president, . Hex will Jd ae fafige up gos. y M. Wright; vice-president, A. E. Low-| Men's Large Size, Pure Linen Hem: Ani : is; secretary-treasurer, Joseph I. stitched ..iicciv Girnbribion 100 dren's Winduor Ties, 'all colors, at ke; 'committee, of 'management, J, : Xe, eac : Arthur MeGie, Dr.. P, G. | Men's Large Size Fine ish Linen Fee, Frank Dolan, and Fred. Hemstitched a Lehabase 2 CENTRE PIECES & DOYLIES Quick. In Pure Linen, also Stand Covers and Montreal Gazette : Ottawa and Wan: | Men's Silk Initial Hemmtitched ...25c¢. Sheng, with runners. to match, derers will probably outclass the other oh . A ai members of their league, just as Vie- Men's Silk, with! Canada and Maple Tent rift Doyties and Centre Pieces, all torias and Quebec "will probably out siz n, from Re, class the. teams of the C.AH.L., and the big clubs do not look forward with : . ' enthusinsm to schedules in which only ¢ one or two of the games may have a { direct bedring 'on the championship. Leaf on the corner in fine colored up. s l< embroidery, snitable to send 3 lim ® Now d away from Canada as"souvenir. 50c | PElow Shams and Table Covers, from 50e. up. WHITE LAWN Spectators at the Fitzsimmons train- | a6 inch White Law for Tic, worth ing quarters in San Frantisco are .. 124¢ getting mich for nothing. "Bob" sails NAPKINS AND TABLINGS in in practice as hard gs he does when | 8 dosen only. Pure Linen Tahle Nap- 36 inch Fine Quality, for 18. worth out for the coin. Monday afternoon, kirs, regular valte Sin pe doz., 1%e. © as a fitting conclusion to a grueling f. r doz. L818 three -- with a big, lank pa or pT do Fine Quality White a. for 15¢., worth 22, teur, both swung their rights to the) 10 dozen only, size 21x21, Pure Trish jaws simultaneously, and each took Linen Damask, ragilasly Worth | ame re a rep pant the count. $2.95 and $2.50, for, doz, .. 1.50 | MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS According to an Ottawa Exchange, . SECOND. FLOOD, the executive of the Rough Riders are |70 inch Pure Linen Tabling, full | 100 Suits, not full range of sizes, any ngt very sweet on the present 'nom bleached, worth in the regular suit in the lot, and there are some de guerre of the ex-champions, and way Xl yard, three patterns, your good ones, worth up to ¥15, we they have been trying for some time choice a 3 Ye. will clear these, without exception, to lose the appelation, which is =o at half price, entirely unsuited to their team of | 72 inch Fall 'Ble ach Satin Damask, ly Men's Overcomts, worth #10, lambs, "Ottawas" is a name more to regular price 8 their liking, they say. for The committee appointed by the Na- tional Skating association of the vard, £14, 815, all to go at half «Se, 25 pod 1] GLOYES club has earned $3,000 for the assoc HANDKERCHIEFS : NECKWEAR : YE! ation this year. o 9 For Men, Women and Children :--~ Men, Women and Children :-- Men, Women and Children :-- Robert Caruthers, who was consider- 3 a u ed the greatest baseball pitchér of hin Ladies' Hemstitched, 7 for .......20¢. | Specisl purchess of Ladies' Silk Ladies' Dressed Kid Gloves, all colors day, and for whoin Brooklyn paid $5, Stocks, made expressly for Christ in stock, "Pewny's", guaranteed 000, is dying at his home in Des | Ladies' Lace Trimmed, R for........25¢. mas Yrede, Ade. de., Te, $1, and every pair worth 1.98, for ,. $1.00 Moines of heart disease. In the season S20, just closed Caruthers umpired for the | Ladis' Lace Trimmed, fine quality a : ~~ | Ladies' Undressed Kid Gloves, in western league. FHor aay _I5c, | Ladies' Two-vard "Long Net Ties, in Black and Colors, regular $1.50, The Prescott curling club has or- : : Cream und White, with fancy em- BOT ciisirin senieensasssanreiseinsatiing $1 1.25 ganized with the followin officers ; Ladies' Embroidered, gith ..p. [0c broidered ends) 2c., 3c. and TS. toh iQ i . : kts president, Wy + hon- ; 4 Ladics' T Pr p Silk Ladies Sik Lined Mocha Slaves, with Al osi ) ah. vs' BP sa LAC ns WO-Vare ok ure A special si ining, nlar 4 pr AA sident, aH Dg Reid: Ladies 2 Taiviflered, Jinex ie. Washable Ties, in ink n hemstitched for ... ng, rep 81.50 president, E. P. Wiser; ay vice * wpe WE and some with eight-inch fringe at i : president, Joseph Dubrule; segretary- | Ladies' Fine Quality Swiss Em- suds, in Black, re and Cream, | Men's Flees Li Lined Mocha Gloves, treasurer, R. M. Keeler. broidered, each | ore 0c. regular £1, for ... rani 1.069¢. Men's Finer Lined Mochas, worth in the regular way $1.25 and $1.50, for 98¢ Men's' Unlined Kid Gloves, guaran- ROBY ease Saami prin Ringwood Gloves, all colors ......... be. SILK WAISTS 25 only Ladies' Black and "Cream Silk Warts, fined throughout, lat- est styles for Christmas presents, overy one in separate box, worth BB, IO er £3.95 12 only Ladies' Extra Quality Chiffon Taffeta Blous=, Black and Créam, sparate boxes for each, lined Jiraughout and worth 8G each, WOOL BLANKETS Large 60x50, Pure = Wool Blankets, warth u Pair, can be shen on Saturday morning for one day only we will offer just 50 pairs at £2.75 pair. Only one pair to each person, and please remember to come early, for our Blankets of last Saturday's sale were all clear. ed out before 10 am. 2 BLACK AND Our special offer Ladies' Finest Qui Zon Bure Cosh Bow, "Lama W Men's Pure Wool Cashmere in Black, Plain ple lot worth up to 5oe Anotherlot of Men's Fine Imp d lack, some with, 8. . and The, for pairs Heavy of C.J, all colors and Half d Ribbed, sam: ta soy. for. 25e yard, varias 4 yards Bonnet's Mesrve, hig Papi 'pattern, 1 yards, Fhespeegen 4 yards Lister's Guatantesd y Silk, in Black, or a choice of different shines, Ma waist put } 4 yards, for Clann ensindl 21 inch China and T ors, for, per yard, ... 27 inch Japanese "Tafleta Lyons finished, worth Boe 'black, for MEN'S umpERwEAR Se the Suit can you on on United States for the revision of the [records will recommend that the re- 'cords made by Champion Morris Wood, the national titleholder for sixty vards, 10 yards and 220 yards, be stricken from the record tables on Wood's own frank admission "th: the tape which measured the course was short, but was the only one pro- | we A - curable at the time." | Above Prices are good until Christmas. other. But you have no men. have no men. 'The feature of the athletic world of FRANK CRITICISM. You 1905 has been the display of football : > as Well, madame, we lave Sir Wilfrid Shh oo. the oid soumry Ty the Rew Mme. . Sarah Bernhardt's Breezy Laurier, "interrupted Mr. Barthe fe We ln The Sh Tae Talk to Joumalists. "whom England and even France have i : . Enel Montreal, Dec. 6.~The newspaper | acclaim. it has ever been scen under English Montreal, . : {i and from all accounts it is in article which led to Mme. Bernhardt J aries 2 Laurier? Well, yes, 1 back division work that the men from | Peng rotten-egged, was the report in heard someone speak of him a little the antipodes excel, that there is a the Evenement of an interview which | yesterday. It rests with yon journa more direct conncetion between the | Madame Bernhardt gave on Monday, lists and the students to prepare for the future and to form the tastes and manners of the country." Madame Bernhardt, however, has- tened to qualify herself with regard to the students. to a number of Quebec journalists. at the Chateau Frontenac. After formal J presentations, the report, the netress paid a tribute to the beauties of the city of Quebec and to the vast forwards and the backs than has ever existed before in any football com- bination. Sava The Gift Giving Time. ness of Canada. Then, with incfeas "Teachers," she said, "come to in: Is here and do you not think an ar-|ing warmth, and many gesticulations, | struct them and in return, teachers ro- ticle of fur from our store would be | madame continued : ceive injury. At Montreal, the other acceptable ? Fine Alaska sable scarfs, "But I do not understand your peo: | day, a lecturer appeared at a meeting 87 up; muffs to match, $9.50 up; mink | ple. You have English-Canadians, | to apeak on the sobject of religion. scarfs, 815 up, at Campbell Bros, the | Irish - Canadians, French-Canadians, | ond he was bowled down by the stu- store of quality. and Iroquois-Canadians !| Will you dents. True, you have made progress since twenty-five years, but you are still in arrears." tell me why you call vourself French The action of Carter's Little Liver | Canadians ? Why 'French 7' You have Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. hardly a drop of French blood in your Asked if she had read a certain They gently stimulate the liver, and | veins. article in the Evenement, Madame re- regulate the bowels, but do not purge. Here one of He journalists endeavor- | plied in the negative, but added that Thev are sure to please. Try them. ed to intervie but Madame Pern- she had read in the Soleil an article, Three championships were won last winter by teams wearing McPherson's hockey boots. Price, $2.50 and $2.77. The Lockett Shoe Store. Thomas P. Wickes, a an explanation for which was to be found in a desire to please the reli- gious authorities. Here," she said, "I observe that vou are under the yoke of the clergy." hardt would pos giye him opportunity to speak. She continued (says the re-, port), with volubility and overflowing passion : "You have but that prominent a fine country, ing Great Britain and Ireland is be ing discussed. They conclude their fix- | tures on December 31st, and are book- Don't delay, the assortment may be broken, The JAMES JOHNSTON STORE, Welling ton Stre + 5-788 DOCTOR Two Physicians Both Agree progres, but you are still so ch in arrears that you may be said to resemble Turkey. Mme. Bernhardt Denies Interview. Ottawa, Dee. 6,--~Madame Bernhardt reached Ottawa to-day, looking jaunty and well, though some members the company appeared to be the worse for wear as a result of the rough treatment at the hands of resentful Quebecers, To your correspondent Bernhardt said she presented in an interview, and denied that 'she said Canadians were the de: scendants of Iroquois. She said she had been in Canada twenty years ago und had, been wmable to seo that Canadiuns' had made progress in liter- ature or art since then. The attack on the party in Quebec, she said, was made by a handful of irresponsible voung fools. She knew that she had the sympathy of the better class. Seve. ral of the party wore struck by missiles thrown while at Quebec, and some of the gentlemen of the party had their overcoats torn. Madame Bernhardt took lunch Rideau Hall to-day with Lord, Lady Grey. Madame at and "Just what I was looking for, said a lady who- spied' a otal travelling companion in Gibson's Red New York attorney and former assist- | is all. For the past twenty-five years : tat the clergy have done mueh for ant corporation counsel, was found | gericulture, perhaps, has prospered, | the French-Canadians," interposed a guilty of blackmail. but for the rest ? You have no | journalist. : A new Japanese cabinet is now painters, no writers, no sculptors, no "1 suppose so," replied the actress, looked for at Tokio. poets. Frochette, pe rhaps, and = en- | sarcastically. "You owe them this Cross Drug Store. She » secured it. had been misre- | the New Scientific Dandeut | Treatment. 4 ' Dr, J. M. Powell, Wash, says: °° od "catinaction in my anaiiy ® pr: G. Alban, of Walla Wi Wa, sayn : "I find Herpicide all in 'claimed -for it as a dandruff cure. shall prescribe it.' m disease and Ah you kill the ou can't do Send druggists. me] : ample to The Herpicide Co., 3 ich, G. W. Mahood, By-Law About Cigarettes. Dec, 7.~The town, coun- passed the cigarette by-law. The by-law comes into force 1905, and places 'a license fee of $100 on all stores selling not hotels. A penalty of infraction of the by-law will be Paris, Ont., cil has posed, GREAT ALTERATION SALE - Overcoats, Overcoats The workmanship and fit are equal to the best t to be had, OVERCOATS are going with a rush. MEN'S They are OVERCOATS $18 oo Overcoats, now . . $12 15 oo Overcoats, now . . . 13 50 Overcoats, now. . ' . 9 12 oo Overcoats, now . . . 10 oo Overcoats, now . . Others at $395, $4 95 and $6.45. ; BOY'S $10 00 Coats, now 2 00 Coats, now 8 oo Coats, now OVERCOATS Others at $4,75, were $5; $4 were $6; $3 50 : were $5; $3, were $4.50. MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS Cut io same pr * MEN'S TROUSERS We have the best Heavy city, and our stock of the finer lines is complete. Sale Prices. tv you of 25 to 35 per cent. RONEY & CO., 127 Princess Street. Working Pants to be found in Comerin and see. All at The Long Swaggers, the Short and Medium Length Styles, in all the -newest fabrics. ' Simply perfect, YEEESE EXEEEEEEE EERE EEEXE FEXX % GREAT SNAPS in Stiff Bosom Colored Shirts ¥ All Sizes, 14 to 18. Regular $1.00 goods. SALE PRICF, 49c. EACH New Neckwear For Christmas trade, all 'ordered before sale was thought of, 76c. Neckwear, now 49c. 50c. Neckwear, now 39¢c. 25 and 35c. Neckwear, now '19c¢. * We are showing one of the finest assortments of above in all the newest silks and shapes which has ever been shown in the sity. . : KEL REEEEE EEEEEREEEX EXRFAEE FEES XK the EEEEEEEE AEX ER EEE EXATE EK and the best of it is you save from three to five dollars by taking advantage of our sale. NEW MUFFLERS -- For Ghiistinas Presents All new goods, as we carried none over from last year. oo Silk Squares, now 75 Silk Squares, now 50 Silk Squares, now 25 Squares, now oo Squares, now . -« - "ee And so on down. vg WARP "MUFFLERS 20 'Different Designs, at ee, ase. aiid MEN'S SUSPEN DERS New Stock, at ~ + -v . - MEN'S dubvik | Regular soc. to $4 50, now cut down t> . Sale Prices MEN'S HEAVY MITTS, Lined 3% This is the first time you have ever had the chance to buy really fine new goods (which were made for the holiday trade) at Sale Prices and experience has taught you that when we say sale it means a say The Store That ) the Pace. that unless you use Newbro's Herpicide, the tion in the world that destroys parasites. A delightful hair allays itching instantly; makes lossy and soft as ilk. It _- a dandraf destroyer. Dandruft in you can't eure it ngs | dandruff. germ; and Sold 10¢. in stamps siganeties, but $25 for i for i Be §9c. "Sale Prices.