hristmas € YOU going Nn for Christ. as a "him" or two to buy for, 5." Perh ApS our suggestions just what he needs and just If you can't find somethin nas here, Lit? yestions g where in the world Near Hosier Robe Surboriors Ars Shirts 8 Collars ne Cuffs Underwear ned Coat Sweaters Robes and rightly priced. No fancy BIBBY CO, 5 Wear Store. -- AVVINNN ABLE AS 2 more suitable than "A E" for Christmas remem- a 1it Case or Bag well assorted stock of all Goods. We: have just re- t for Christmas trade. ER SUIT CASES, well made and good * Tan color. ER HAND BAGS, olor, from $3 to $14. ised to show these goods [ETHY'S FIV VVVVAINAS SPP PPP ¢ Rana wo 4 ES & CABINETS cord" Cards for Doctors and Carbon Papers. .. 171 Wellington St ale, to rent, repaired. p $3338444 4 6 behind while manager at Guelph, Mi | chell was a "high roller" wiles ers 3 When leaving, he eloped wit i ot ety girl, who was infatuatey pe him, although she knew he hod 8 Cy S in New Brunswick. Mitche 4 came' from London. A en d Be Ready For Pain. i ¢ | A Tiniment way B® meeded iF : - , | Keep a bottle of Smith's I emer 1] ment in the home ready for amily « ! gency. This is the best of * ne pei e | liniments. A large pottle or : - | and the remedy meets a wide sande 2 d | needs. Cytes neuralgia, © Ey - | lumbago, stiff joints or Tus 1} in the back and all orgie fhe "1 05, at Wade's. Money bac satisfactory. P= ema . than other Sunlight het better sed ia. the 4 Np Soop | Sunlight way. | Slit h "soups as is ) "and follow Sections i © Depots TRAVELLING, ~ TIX CIT YZ SERA AL BRANCH TIME TABLE LOCA Effect Oct. 8th, 1905. 8 n EE leave and arrive at City Foot of Johnston street. GOING WEST -- n Lve. City Ar City ail. +..12:45 a.m. 15 a.m Ko. SN ne w226 am. 3.05 am « 11 Loeal ..... 9.15 a.m. 9.47 a.m. « 1 Intern'l Luizle noon 12,46 p.m « 7 Mail ... 3.19 p.m. 3.51 p.m. « 15 Local ... . I 7.03pm. 7.38 p.m. GOING EAST Lve. City Arr. City Vo. 8 Mail .. « 148am. 222a.m. Xo. 2 Fast Exp. 2.26 am. 3.05 a.m, " 16 L « 8.16 am, 8.47 aun. « 6 Mail . 12.44 pam. « 4 Fast Exp. L 00 pm. 1.29 p.m « .12 Local ... .. 703 pm. 738 pam Nos. 1,2, 3, and 4 run daily. Nos. 5 and 8 run daily except Monday. All other Fl trains daily 2xsept ute r Hi i Buffalo, London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec. Portland, Ru John. Halifax, Boston and New York For Pullman Accommodation, Tickets, and all other imformation, Qunly to HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnston --- in streets. ngston, Ont. y Powers IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON :-- 12:80 p.m.--Express, for Ottawa, Mon- Que treal, ebec, St. John, N.B.; Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago. Donver. len. frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St Pau', Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco m.--Local for Sharbot Lake, necting with C.P.R. east and west #830 a.m. --Mized, for Renfrew and in- rmediate points. ht enn leaving Kingston at 12:30 m., arrive in Ottawa at 500 Pp. m. eterboro, 512 p.m.: Toronto, 7 30 .m.; Bosten, 7:80 a.m.; St. John, .B., 11:55 a.m. Fuil particulars at K. & Xr and C. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario St F; CONWAY, FP. pF OLG , JR. Gen. Pass. Agent Gen. Supt Bay of Quinte Railway Hew. short line fer Tweed. Navanes Deserento, and all local points. Trains feave Oity Hall Depot at 8:35 p.m. F PONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry.. Kiassten. Q.S.S. COMPANY BER MUD A. Reached in 48 hours from New York by the new Twin Screw Steamship "Bermudian." 3,500 tons. Sailing every ten days WEST INDIA CRUISE FROM NEW YORK 8.8 PRETORIA," 3,300 tons, 17th February, 1906 Windward Islands, Cuba and the Bahamas cupying 30 days, twenty days Tropics, $150, and upwards For beauty of scenery and perfection of climate this trip is unsurpassed Fer illustrated pamplets giving rates of passage and all information, , apply #4. E. OUTERBRIDGE & CC Agents L389 Broadway, New York ir "THUR "AHERN Sec'y., Canada, or to Ticket Agents HANLEY, and J. P. GILDERSI Kingston Rates for © in the Quebec, )L and ALLAN LINE "Ve LONDONDERRY ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. From St. John From Halifax, Virginian, Christmas Steamer Dec. 11 Tunisian, Sat., Dec. 16 ... Mon., Dec. 18. Corinthian, Sat., Dec. 23. Mon., Dec. 25. Parisian, Sat., Dec. 30. Mon., Jan. } BOSTON TG GLASGOW. Mongolian .. Sat., Dec 16 HALIFAX TO LONDON AND HAVRE Sarmatian . Sat., Dec. 9, Ja P. HANLE Y. : Agent, G. T, R. City Passe: ger De Pa SLEEVE, pot. GILDER- Clarence Street. 5 0 Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. STR. "ALETHA" Leaves Kingston daily except Sunday A 8 p.m. for Picton and intermediate Bay of Quinte Ports. Fall information from J: P. Hanley, J, Py Gildersleeve, Jasy Swit & Co. Agents, E. E. HORSRY. Trafic Managers McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY occupied _by Dr. Ryan, Gorner Mon- treal and Brock streets. DR. WILLIAM @¥®SON, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, ete. te Resident House Surgeon, Kingston General Hospit- al. Office--282 King stiect, opposite Bank of Montreal. 'Phone. 48 YOURHOME Will be more beautiful and more comfortable. If you buy a Christmas present from our as orted stock. Ladies' and Gentleman's Chiffoniers. Des Ladies' and Gentleman' 8 writing Colour Reversable Cushioned Morris Velour Spring Edee Couches. Also Jardinier 8 3 tands, Easels at sale prices, ands JAMES REID The Leading Undertakor. "Phon:. 147. Open Nights. Screens and ware frequent thirst, scanty, thick + without THE AUTOCRAT OF THE BREAKFAST TABLE. Nw, , Rindly mark me well, my friends, in what I have to say Anent the coffee of this morn and that of yesterday, That cofiee served us yesterday was slaty- gra And a eco plant Know what is meant by that. The berry grew indifferent from out im- poverished, soil, Nor had the richness at its roots from which to draw the oil. Or, if a bit of oil were stored, the roasting was not well, And being charred the oil escaped from out each tiny cell. And 0 "twas tasteless, flat and tame, and I put in my kick; And I-am Jloased that Mrs, Brown has changed her brand so quick. This coffee has a brilliant brown, its body, top, you'll note ; Those little bubbles 'mark the oil--observe them where they float. That means the berry had the best that sun and soil can-lend -- 'Tis CHASE & SANBORN'S growth youknow---a firm that's proud to spend Its time apd money on its plants. Care, curing, roasting, too, Are just the best that expert hands, expe- rienced long, can do. And when this richness is unlocked by Nature's charm of heat, You have the bést that Nature gives,--a draught of cheer, complete In every coffee attribute. Thus speaks 2 our Autocrat, And be, you know, was never caught a-talkipg through his hat. A WOMAN'S BACK IS THE MAINSPRING OF | HER PHYSICAL SYSTEM, TE Jn ts Liable to Que Tours of Terrible THE E DAILY Mrs. terday, for about twenty young peo Jordan entertained al tea yes- pl:, and they all enjoyed themselves very. much, Mrs. Jordan herself pour ed coffee, and Miss Drummond cut the ices, Miss Ethel and Mr. Dennis Jor- dan, distributing the refreshments to the' guests, who sat at small tablese, Those present were Miss Eleanor Mac- donnell, Miss Gladys and Miss Gwen- doline Oriord, Miss Isabel Polson, Miss Jessie McCann, Miss Jessie Ellis, Miss McLaurin, Miss Katie Workman, Miss Edith Young, Miss Etta Hen derson, Mr. Lawrence Uglow, Mr. Douglas Ellis, Mr. Hugh and Mr. Nor- man Macdonnell, Mr, T. Jordan, Mr. Colin Orford, Mr. McLennan, Mr. Mal loch, Mr, Dawson, Mr. Boak. P To-night, Mrs. Workman is giving a young people's dance. Miss Vena Henderson was hostess, on Monday evening, at a jolly little euchre party, givén in honor of Miss Ethel Bunt, who 'leaves shortly for Montrral, to pay a visit to Mrs. Sad- ler, before entering the Montreal Gen- eral Hospital as nurse-in-training. «Tn . . At the meeting of the Junior Bridge Club, at Mrs. Roderick Carter's, last night, Miss Brownfield, won the first prize for The girls, and Mr. C Betts captured that for the men. This club will not meet again till after the Christmas holidays. . > - Mrs. Jordan gave a young people's tea on Tuesday afternoon, which was as pleasant as all this hostess' little hospitalities are. The Levana Society of Queen's had a sociable afternoon yesterday, © the members enjoying themselves in vari- ous ways, Mise Mackenzie sang very prettily, and Mise Low played. : » * . . Mrs. McLennan, wife of Mr. Justice McLennan, formerly Miss Strange, of Kingston, received in Ottawa, on Tues: for the first. time since her mar- . She wore a gown of green crepe de chine, with cream lace yoke, ami lace applique, She was assisted by her sister, Mrs. Ramsay Duff, and | Mrs. Cotton. In the tea room, where the decorations were of yellow chry- No woman can bo strong and healthy unless the kidneys are well, , and regular in their action. When the kidneys are ill, the whole body is ill, for the poisons which the kidneys ought to have filtered out of the blood are left in the system. The feniale constitution is naturally more subject to kidney disease than a man's; and what ig more, a women's work is never done--her whole life is one con- tinuous strain How many women have you heard say: "My, how my back aches!" Dao you know that backache 8 one of she first signs of kidney trouble? It is, and should be at- tended to immediately. Other sympiatie , coudy ot highly. color red urine, burning sensation when urinating, frequent urination, puff- ing under the eyes swelling of the feet and ankles, floating specks before the eyes, ete "These symptoms if not taken in time and cured at once, will cause years of terrible kidney suffering. All these symptoms, and in i ie these diseases may be cured by the "DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS They act directly on: the kidneys, strong and healthy - Auburn, N.S., writes: " For over fonr mont Fo 1 was troubled with a lame back and was unable to turn in bed lp. I wasinduced by a friend to try Doan's Kidney Pills, After using two thirds ofa box back wasas well as ever. o HU cents "per box or three boxes for $1.25 at all dealers, or sent direct on re- ceipt of price. The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. and » $O0O0COOCCOO0VVO00000008 | Clean. Honest That Is the kind we sell--The kind you should burs if you want a satisfaction fire. We are filling orders mow for winter supplies. Have you ordered 2 yours yet ? 'Phone No, 188, : BOOTH & CO. S00TOO0DNY PIOOOOOOO0VCOCE CAPILLI FORMA A clean healthy toni Guaranteed to produce a layuriant growth of hair, meastiring one inch per month falling and grey hair. Is for hoadaches, neuralgia eczema. Excellent for other tonsorial purposes hirhest recommendation from Health i I pn or money refu One bottle of this fam will be given away with each ¢ for Dréssmaking, hest city refe Manufactured and sold by MME. E. ELDER. 253 Princess Street KINGSTON Prevents Tonic order cs Grand Union*Hotel Rooms From $1, 00 Por Day Up Opposite Grand Central Station 3 Now York BAGGAGE}: FREE Wood's The Great English Remedy. & Poi ean, Mentat a arenas, Impotency Koco. of Abas of Jrxceas, all of Flrien ead to Consuniption, fo 8 4 earl grave, Pri Wiper Jasanity nd NE tio iz wil per 2 tof by altars by maliod. Writefor am phiet ad cages a ah 2 Coun "DR. A. Wi. CHASES CATARR CURE .. 25. fs sent direct to toe "wisensed % by the Improved lower, rr the uloers, clears the alr flats stops droppings In the Joi, permianantly Curty curts Carerara ay Fever. Yere. All dealers ur Dr. A. W._ Chase Medicine Ca. Toronto snd Bufiale. { {re ¢ | Murs. santhemums, Miss Lily Fraser, Miss Jessie Macpherson and Miss Elsie Cotton presided. - . . . : choir of church, To-night, after practice, th | Sydenham ' Street Methodist | will go over to spend the remainder | of the evening at Mrs, A. R. B. Wil | liamsgon's. This thoughtfulness on the | part of their retiring leader, will give | them even a warmer feeling of attach | ment to her than they have now, if | that be possible. - Ld . * W. D. Carmichael, who has Brockville lately, is in town and intends remaining in for the winter Kirkpatrick was at home, Tuesday, in honor of her sister, Mrs. Dobell, whom many were glad to greet, and who wore a beautiful dres of black velvet with lace and pearls. Dr. and Mrs. CC. K. Clarke are at No. 99 Quien street Toronto, and Mrs. Clarke will receive on Thurs- davs during the season. Mrs. heen in at present, the city Lady on west, WHIG, THURSDAY, take place' between Captain Lord Freslerich | Blackwood, youngest son of the late Mamuis of Dufferin, and Ava, to Miss Phyllis Carey Grant, second daughter of the late Mr. Emest Carey Grant,' of St. Albans, © Herts, Fug land. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People-~What They Are Saying And Doing. B. x White, Quebec, is in the city. F, Douglass, Napanee, is: in the the a. Ww. Anglin is in Toronto on a id trip: Canon Muckleston is Gp from Perth for a few days. Prof. Shortt is going down to Otta- wa, Lo morrow. Miss M. Wilmot, Gananoque, is the guest of the Misses Whitney, Queen street. E. Baring and Hamilton Harty, London, Eng., are guests ih the city] for a few d Frederick olor left last night for Ottawa, to accept a ' position in the railway mail service, Mr. and Mrs, G. Bagshaw, Syden- ham, were in town yesterday and re- turned home' to-day. Capt. H. J. Dawson, 14th Regi- ment, has been granted a certificate at the Canadian School of Musketry, Principal Gordon, on Sunday, preaches: anniversary: services in West- ints Préisbyterian church, Mont- real, C. W. Lane, jeweller, has returned from Brockville, where he visited his sister, Mrs, H. Smart, who has been very ill Mrs. A. M. Bell, of "Washington, D.C, and Miss V. Wartman, Harrow- smith, are spending a couple of days in the city. William F. Reid, Queen street, King: ston, who has undergone an operation for appendicitis, at the General Hos pital, Montreal, is improving. Dr. Joseph J. Downing, of Chesley, Ont., is in the city on a visit. Heis a former Kingstonian, and graduated at Queen's about ten vears ago. Henry Filson, a William Macdon- ald, 'veterans of' . Amherst Island, were in the eity oer night, and left to-day to look after their land claims in New Ontario Misses Storer, Lehay, Johndrew, Al bertson and Wilcox, and T. Johnston, of the United Merry Opera Co., were in the * city over night én route to Cape Vincent. Miss Sara Tobin, of State in- stitution, Syracuse, 'N.Y., will spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Tobin, 38_ Union street, as she has returned to Kingston, after having obtained leave of absence of duty. the INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy, Paragraphs Picked Up By " Reporters On Their Rounds. Salt water herrings. Carnovsky's, Emulsion Cod Liver 0il, 25c. bot- tle. Mahood's Drug Store. The new instruments purchased for the band have arrived. William Swain, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's hook store, Buy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pal People at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Queen's University debaters have lost only one eighteen years The board of health will meet Monday to conclude itg business the season. Frenoh perfumes, dirs, sweet new Drug Store Dr. Knight's official report of the temperatures for November was: Maxi mum 53 degrees; minimum, 9 degrees. A number of people express a desire inter-college contest in next for French sachet pow odors. Mahood's Miss 'Grace Bais, nurse-in-training | at the Methodist Hospital, Ottawa, is | at her home on a two months' holi- | day i * . - . | Miss Daisy Fortescue is up from Montreal for. a few weeks' rest, at home, before entering on post-gra- duate work, in the Montreal General Hospital, year. Miss lLeVesconte, and her sister, Miss Etta LeVesconte, who have been spending some months in Great Brit- ain, France, Italy, Switzerland and | Holland, paid a flying visit to town, at the beginning of the new | vesterday, on their way to their home in Campbellford. They were | with their cousin, Mrs. W. J. Fair. | While in Fngland they spent 4 week | at Petersfield, with their cousin, Mrs. | Stafford Kirkpatrick, and her two Miss Etta LeVesconte will | return to New York after Christmas. | Miss Christie McLeod expects to leave for Isle of Orleans on Saturday. * . - . Charles Low has left for Ayl- Ont., to spend the holidays at father's. Mr. Low will go up to pend Christinas. | Miss Effie: Robertson is back Winnipeg after her visit with Mrs. Walsh at Vancouver, B.C. She will reach Kingston shortly before Christ mas Lieut.-Col. Massic and wife are now in London, Eng.. the colonel having heen assigned duties at the war office for a few weeks. They have found the English people most kind snd Kos pitable. They sail for Canada on the steamer Parisian on the 14th inst. . - - . | daughters me b in Miss Clare Kirby was in town for a day, this week, on her way ffom Pic- ton to New York Mrs. Frederick Denison decided to remain Monday has about in Kingston until . . . . Ladv Sybil Grey, who has been spending some months in Seotland and England, has sailed for home, and is expected in Ottawa next week. Ld . - -. The engagement is announced of : Miss Ramsay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. James Ramsay, Peel stroet, Montreal, to Mr. James Elmsiey, of the British North America Bank. Miss Frances Scott Washington, of Pirmingham, Ala, fo Charles E. Pyper, formerly of the Traders' Bank, Hamilton, Miss Ida M. Tey. of Finch, Ont. Dr. W, E. Crain. of Crysler, Ont. marriage is to fake place on Christ mas day to aCe. Invitations are out for the wedding of Mis: Frances M. Caopway, of To- ronto, to Mr. Samuel Francis Pass: more, MA. of the leeal Collegiate Instityte. The ceremony will be per church, Toren to. on December 15th, A marrisge has been affenged te in 8t. Aune's to & The that the hye-clection take place 'on January 25th, the anniversary of tha landslide. : We have the lightest, neatest and most useful ice creeper ever put on the market. Wear them on boots or rubbers. The Lockett Shoe Store. Sweet seedless Navel oranges from California, at Carnovsky's, The young son of Albert S. Beare, Ontario street, fell off the sofa, yes terday, and suffered jury of a fracture between the elbow and the wrist. The medical health officer has had fumigated an uptown house where scarlet fever exists. The place was in a ffithy condition, liable to breed any isease, and was also ordered to be cleaned thoroughly. WEDDING LAST EVENING. Rutherford and Mr, Intyre Married. At the residence of the bride's par ents, 119 Johnston street, on Wednes- day evening, December 6tH, the mar riage of Miss Ada Frances Ruther- ford, youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James A, Rutherford, to Freder- ick Raymond Melntyre, Charlotte, N. Y., was solemnized, Rev, Dr. Mackie, officiating. The bride was unattended, but en. tered the drawing-room leaning on the arm of her father, charmingly gowned in white India silk, with chiffon, and pearl trimmings, and carried a show- er bouquet of white carnations and maiden hair ferns. Miss T. Matheson, in her usual proficient manner, play- ed the wedding march. The drawing: room decorations were white flowers, ferns and palms. Among the many beautiful presents received, was the deed of a lovely home in Charlotte, N. Y., by father and mother of; the f groom. Mr. and Mrs. Melntyre left on the 7.08 train for Toronto, Buffalo, and other' western points, They will reside at Charlotte, N.Y. The bride's going- away gown was brown 'cloth, with blue blouse and brown toque to match with blue trinunings. Many and sincere are' the congratulations tendered them. the painful in of the right arm, Miss Me- The potato bug may soon find ite .oceupation gone, or, at least, have to change its diet. The vineless potato has been produced in Montana. English poachers have adopted khaki for wear during business hours. They find' it makes the evasion of watchful gamdReepers casier, Argentina has passed a law provid ing for the consfruetion of a system «f underground railroads in Buenos Avres, | Thomas Edison never wears an'over DECEMBER yf EVENTS AT QUEENS The Evening Luxury ANNUAL MEETING OF RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB. * | i Officers Elected sand Referees Chosen--A Recount For the Secretaryship -- Lectures By | «. Professors. A well attended ' and enthusiastic | meeting of the rugby football club was | held in the arts' building, last even- ing, when officers for the ensuing year | were elected : Honorary president, ir, Mylks; president, F. J. Donovamg vice: | president, A, G. rr D. Ellis; vaptain of first team, George Richardson; captain of | second team, L. Malcolm; board of | referees, Dr. Etherington, Dr. Dalton, | Dr. Richardson, Dr. Ross, W. ickle, J. M. Farrell, R. Britton, R. K. Patterson, F. J. Donovan, R. M Mills, The race for the secretaryshi very close and never in years Wp so keen a contest been elicited. The ma- jority for R. Potter, over Donald | Cameron, was only a single vate. The | question of securing a coach for next | year was also discussed and the un- animous opinion was that next fall the best available expert must be se- cured. A tackling dummy will also be erected as Queen's has proven sadly deficient in that part of the game. A vote of thanks to the retiring execu tive was passed before the meeting od journed. The Glee, Mandolin and Guitar club | gave a concert ii Sydenham on Tues: day svaning: Lazarus Silver, a graduate of School of Mines, } i the | is lecturing during | the absence of Professor Brook. An outcome of the recent close con- test for the secretaryship of the Alma Mater Society, has been a request for a recount, But ten votes separated the two candidates, Messrs. Beecroft and Quigley. As the ballots marked in ink were not to be coun it was thought by many that a recount was advisable, so a meeting of the Ah Mater Society was held last evening to make the necessary arrangements. Prof. Carmichael will lecture "Wood Cuts and Book on Saturday at 5. p.m. The science court will meet on Mon- day evenipg when justice will ve dealt to a number of offenders, Dr. Goodwin delivered a lecture in connection with the history of madi- cine to the students on Tuesday af ternoon, choosing as his subject "Para. celsus." The invitations for the conversat are being distributed | by hand this year instead of through the post as on former occasions. The reasop {or this is that many disappeared s when sent out by mail last year. The medical dance promises to be an unqualified siiccess as the com: | mittee in charge is sparing no effort to make it eclipse every previous col- { lege function. It will be held on the | evening of January the 26th, GANANOQUE NEWS. on Tustration" Hote. to Change Hands and Be- | come Temperance Place. i Gananoque, Dee, 7.--Municipal af- fairs are being watched with the keen- wt interest in Gananoque at present. A battle royal is expected, with the chances about equal hetween the lignor and temperance parties. Each narty is straining evory nerve for the furtherance of the interests of their respective candidates. It is difficult at the present" time to find out who will stand for the couneil, Mr. and Mrs. J. Daniels, who arriv- od here from Manchester, Fng., last spring, left on Tuesday morning for North Dakota, where they expect to reside. At the business meeting of the Manhood League on Tuesday evening, Dr H. Mabee was ciected presi lent, to fill the vacancy eccasoned by the removal of J. Daniels from Giananoque George W. Close spent Sunday with friends gnd relatives in Napanee. Ar- rangements have been completed for holding an entertainment on New Year's night, in Grace Methodist church for the children of the Sabbath school. Persistent rumors are afloat that | one of the leading hotels is about to | change hands, and hercafter to be | run as a femperance house. Mrs. William Salter, corner Garden and James streets, who has been visiting for the past three months with friends and relatives in Muskoka, Prampton and Detroit, Mich., return- ed home to-day. William Feldman had a talk with | his wife yesterday afternoon, at. the police station. Police Constable Tim- merman was present, he being able to understand German, to seo that noth- ing but domestic affairs were included in the conversation. William Feldman was taken to the county jail last night, to await his trial in the spring. Mouse and rat traps, the kind that catch, at the Yellow Hardwars store, 211 and 213 Princess stroet. Senator Chauncey Depew, of New. York, has tendered his resignhtion as a director of the Equitable Life As- surance company. -- Best furnacd™ scoop made, for this week only, 50¢c. Simmons Bros' Yel low Hardware store. "They sell at sight," eampanions at' Drug Store. I TI TT The Best Is Cheapest. "Solution of Ozone (the coupon kind)," is the purest and 'est form in which Ozone is put up, Each bottle of Be soatalng a soupon entitling you to a package of "Celery King," the well- known tonic laxative, which should al- ways be used with Ozone. By buyin ye olution of Ozone (the coupon ki you get Ozone.-in. its most eficient form, and' you get ab: out twice as much of it for your money as of other .brands, You also get the package of 'Celery King" ab- solutely without charge for it. No other brand of me offers this advantage because no other firm can | give you the "Celery King." That is | the only way to procure the full value of your Ozone pw the travelling Gibson's Red C TOSS age; "Solution of Ozone (the coupon kind)," in fifty cents and one dollar at your draggists, and if he hasn't it coat, Cameron; secretary- | Load _Backeta Fens MAS SHOPPING the Public Drug Company, Pridgeburg, Outs, will see > iat you are supplied. . CEYLON TEA © ob Anticipated with delight by all who use it AnD Pt ep tod L grocers, Highest Award, ron J oi "THERES a time for. evrything=sevin Chie mas shopping. . Now you've time to choose, time 1 be waited on, leisure to decide. i The big and little things for sock or chon Hilts. i Women's and children's coats, women's and children's hats, 'white fur coats, hoods and tams, - children's velvet bonnets and tams, silk waists, waists, dolls' hats and bonnets, lace scarfs, lace lars, belts. All over the country the cooking fange best known, most talked of and liked is Buck's "Happy Thought" 4 The reputation of many years of success is tsers--it DELIGHTS them. And, remember, you have our absolute g McKELVEY & Gees GLEE 0000 000004 3 THE CANADA METAL CO. T * PE SPENCE'S, i BLL PEELE ERLLEEPL Bote ~ Sw -» hd 69 and 71 Brock Street, Kingston. 'oronto, | BABBITT SPEC ALISTS. Write for "All About itts."" MADE-TO-ORDER] RSIAN LAMB JACKETS Select Your Skins Brock Street. 0000000000000 FINANCE AND NSORance a G. A. BATEMAN Insurance Broker ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR- ANCE AT LOWEST RATES District Agent Sun Life Assur- 69 Clarence Street, Kingston For Real Estate Consult with GEO. CLIFF before buying at 65 Clarence Street. . War Veterans Want Grants. Chicago, Dec. 7.--Canadian war vet- erans residing here who took part in the Fgnian raids have decided to ask the Ontario government io set aside for them a tract of land in the Rainy River Northern railway, form a colon; ance Company of Canada. or Insurance district near the Canadian | where they ma In other words it is ony.