This is the nicest presen Jortibly qu for your te ged Tuipossible fo hue Uhemsblves in any way. Last year it was impossible i, ) of them. C Shean whi they pa: ome and got Sold only at all Lovers of Fair Play in his campaign for re-elec. tion to the Legislative As. sembly. NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. G -- Tlinots Cen ; ville & Nashville Metropolitan rt Pacific... - New York Central nEylvania 18 Riek anand 7. i. Reading... 0" 1 iot Water bottles, froth 59. Wade's Drag Sor to 82, at Ny police court this morning. : : | 9c. mutton, Ge. to Sc. a lb; MITCHELL HARDWARE pork, 9¢. and 10c. a Ih. Potatoes re Hal ied desire to. meet the ; va 0 urnie, William Craig, the. 1t i6 estimatod that the totat -dividend - interest dis ts be in December 'h Yo of 810.044 681, of which $8,774. 861 ix promised hy industrial companies. Police Court--Thursday. Frederick Robbs. a sailor, arrested last night by Police Constable Mul- linger, for being drunk, was in the "You were drutik,"" qperied Magis- trate Farrell. Hix appearance gave him away, not- withstanding his nod of assent. "Five dollars and costs or one month," imposed the court. The fine was paid. : Two young lads, Wiliam Pogue and George Friendship, appeared before Magistrate Pursell in police staticn ting. vw and ikony might easily arouse the 'black' millions of the country and ovirwhelm your intellectuals of the St. Petersburg, Dec. 6.~Private ac Situation Growing Worse. Inside, ing was brisk, eggs pu. scarce ~ have soared in price, from 30c. to 35¢. a dozen. Fowl re. mained at Saturday's prices. Butter sold at 24e. and 25¢. a lbh. Meat prices: Beel, i. and Se. a Ib; lamb, Te. to a lb; main §k a bag Death Of A Young Man. This morsing Ald. Givens received a telegram with the sad news of the death of his nephew, Gordon Neilson, from appendicitis. He had been ili fer about a week, and seemed to be Tecovering when a relapse took place, The deceased wan the son of Matthew Neilson, consulting engineer of the Montreal street railway, and was only seventeen veers old. His death. will be a terrible shock to Mrs. Neilson, who lost hee only daughter, three years ago. She will have the sympa- thy of a large circle of friends in Kingston. The remains will be brought here, to-morrow, for burial. ---- Offering Hotel For Sale. The bondholders are oTering the British- American and Hotel Frontenac for sale. and somebody will likely get a bargain. There is talk of forming a company and erecting a new hotel on the British corner. hat will likely be the outcome of the matter. The bondholders have decided not to re. novate the hotel, But to keep it closed until it is purchased. They de- sito to get it off their hands. Asked For The Laird. Niss Marie Hall received some visi- Sora an Idrnin at 7 the Randolph. "alderman Walkem presented her a a fine bonguet of flowers. Miss celebrated Frontenac fiddler, and (try conelusions with him, but the laird, unfortunately, had left town. ------ * We have the lightest, neatest and most uteful ice creeper even put on ithe market. Wear thom on boots or R rs. The Lockett Shoe Store. Ebony brushes at bargain prices at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. It The ot. of a man's are 23 Christmas ot wardrobe * is his AMAeEIt eran ixings for Men On NGSTON'S .. pays to go there. Scarf: Our here now. Beautiful! 'new sansa 80 to $2.00. Every. Hand re : : * intends paying a visit to Sault. Ste. | Marie. . People Rising All Over. . St. Petarsburg, Dee. 7.--Word has beon reccived by leaders, in this city, over their secret telograph system, "that the revolu- tionary propaganda is rampant ° in many provinees. The reports come towns and small villages. The revolu- tionists declare that the mutincers nt Ekatrinoslav, captured the arsenal, and sized several thoushnd rifles, which were distributed to the people. town of Novorossisk has sur- rendered to mutineers. Three squad- rons of cavalry mutinied in St. Pet- ersburg to-day. END CAME SUDDENLY. i Farmer Falls Dead Watching Son Arrive. Brockville, Dec. 7.--~Samusl Connell, oue of the wealthiest and best known farmers of the township of Augusta, died suddenly on Tuesday. He com- plained of not feeling well durimg the day, and late in the afterndon stood at a window watching his som drive into the yard, when he was seized with heart failure and passed away in a few minutes. He had attained the age of seventy-four years, all of which Kingston. tary for the colonies. except twelve, he spent on the farm, | The conservatives met + last night | Miss Jeanette B. Walts, daughter of where, he died. His widow and .one and seleeted Denald Melntyre as cen- | Former County Judge Walts, Water- son. proprietor of the Revere house, didate for the toming byeelection for | town, N.Y., became the wife of Wheel- in_Pregcott, survive. the logislature. er 8, Sprague, also of Watertown, The YOUNG SRAKESHAN KILLED. Mr. Melutyre, in his address; said bride is well known as a singer, Over C.A.R. tawa, aged twenty-twe years, be man on the G. PT. R., was killed, this morning, at Admaston, a small star tion five miles from Renfrew. He went between two freight cars to ars rn ol Found Magnetic Pole and North- has found the North-West passage and the north magmetic pole. Elliott accept position as an otal role of the, North-Western Hockey League. ---- First Fathlity Since G.T.R. Took fu Ottawa, Dec. 7.--Gieorge Kidder, 04 | tated, dismissal Me. Whi BER 7. THE RIOT Halts. t A depu Ontario Ho on N ng, and the liberals ston. eleetions were of whose death, H lod compiled to J. H ston, with a containing in. the one. » + executive * of tion, was also ad ris, C. A, Sulliv tha revolutionary | of the there and leaves to commissioner of London and F. R. Hutton, assessor. of Hamilton. tion operated under the the Hersey again gave evidence numerous con and bers and the su ass Meredith, when op oxi fied the twenty- for by. the PI the ground th ness, he regarded thivty-th as a fair profit. tation of the recently formed rticultural Society, waited Hon. Neélson Monteith, this morn. aay HORRORS i RELIEF COMMITTEE HEARS OF AWFUL CONDITIONS. Massacres ig 171 Places--Forty Thousand Persons Affected 'in Kieff * Alone--Eundreds - of Shops Destroyed and Business Loudon, Pee. T:~Fhe secretary of -------- GLOV As: Christmas Our Christmas" stock is composed almost entirely of the celebrated "Perrin" make of Gloves, which every par. fichtab womat knows as the andard the world over. Bvery pair sofd carries a full guarantee that if, when the gloves ate tried, the material is- found 'ta be inferior, such gloves will be replaced free of charge, We have just the two tradictory explanations of cores produced. He persisted at when he night. asked for an amendment and had, protested five in his time, two of Sie Job' Maedonald, on. Dr. Sullivan had was hastened © through the agriculture and arts acts placi horticultural societies separate fro agricultural societies, rived the grant for horticultural cieties to be distributed on the basis of membership went defray the delegate from eacl vincial convention. They: also the govern- railway fare of one h society to the pro- ; -------- MR. McINTYRE CHOSEN. canvass the: city. license law. fairly West Passage Seattle, Wash., Dec. 7.~Capt. Ron: ovening, ald Amunsden, head of the Norway Britivh Anis: 4 polar expedition, has just "been heard Alter fram at Fort t, Eagle . City, | canted British: Alaska, and, it is declared, that he t --. Slater's hoekey hoot, | 1 feropol and - Moscow. Cne hundred cities amidst such horrors as the world Norks, and they with farmers and and seventy one towns have been the has never witnessed," ! Whape ery. Owners, gemerally,. are seenes of Jewish massacres. Thess It is explained at the American em- urging the members for the figures do not . include villages and basiy that the - marines hére do not Yorks to got such Jogistation as wil) Siberian towns, 'many of which" suffer- constitute a guild, but. wire ent to] 2B" Toronto to the radial railways. | od from the anti-Semitic macdness. perform pr lo embassy. | Dr. Sheard, city medical health of: The ' secretary said $2,475,000 had Father Gapon has gone to Paris un- | 10%; Bas requested by the: pro- | poem ogntributed. ' This: - included $1,- dir very mysterious conditions. Vincial health tment to go. 10 {000,000 from the United: States. The srry East Mae and Northumberland, | cum: of 3935,000 had 'already. been ro. . Miutineers Shot Down. Do avestirale: the small-pox--situation n 2 proposed: to organize a special sye- counts from Kiefl say that the muti. | Ne assessment of the Ontario Muni- | tem of relict for the orphaned children OU 1TO0RE thie: hat doe Sumi Au 18.10 session, at the | who would be removed from Russia. nr by: Cossacks, the muti: a. : $o-day, discussing proposed | Jacobs H. Schiff, New York, had of vets being caught botween two fires. | mers ih the municipal act assess: | fored to take any number of children It P reported a that toms of ment. Commissioner Foreman, Toron- up "to 500 and sec to their proper i a x BY! to, is chairman, and those present. | disposition. mutiny have appeared in the 'Seventh | from outside points are A. Pratt . Finnish Regiment at Viborg. séssmen oi . vas authority of the central assacia- itied by Mr. Mor. an, a former loyee company, Guelph. which contained statements, in the face of from various points in: the empire, | documents submitted to him in adher- rigs be Suing - i Sd show that. the. prope: are vere | 8 to the statement that whon he | that ins ee James T Hughes will against the government. In several | wrote to Guest & Co., in January be ny de 3 ar 8 oF od places the govirnment officials have last, he did not know his fipm was up. | OF; 3PPOIn puty minister of edu- em deposed, and committees of pub: Jakle to sell to this . firm under the cation: derstood that Sidney B lie safety, are. mow governing many agreement between the master plum. 8 }3* uhderstood that Sidney B. ociation. Mr. amined, justi. five per cent. provided umbers' Association, on was in busi. rée per cent. ---- He is Conservative Candidate For King, Rev. being aul he Su alhaing vo the oroute' inspectors, said tney could not: administer the with enemies _ P| boulders were hurled at a house 140 J. H. Metcalfe, | feet from' the shore by the enormous a ) flico, and that 'tho vati range the air-brakes, and the train |°0 eonservatives moved, crushing him. to death almost 3 ee will bean t the: devil 8 'inter- instantly. The body was brought to an ti ible 'as a liboral's Ottawa. This is the first fatality since | ® on of the: license law: the G. T. R. took aver.the C. A. R, Nickle, Capt. Gaskin, Bye W. on that division, F. 'King, Givens, PF." Rignoy: and Ol GREAT DISCOVERY. Share, Fogintration. may cot hofors: the lection: oceurs, " -------- Gitta For Manager Johnston. loyees.of | ) 3 the old hostelry: Sma iron bar until unconscious. The high- More Smallpox In Sidney. amily, ond carta. 251 wave, sod Th nllesille, Cut. Rue. 7~Three more | > and. deeply regretted the, clos cases of small-pox have en' ont in | i { their home. Manager. John. MEN WILL WINTE the township of Sidnev. A lad mamt [etn bo aan a yer. Jal. » | James. Donaldson, whose home in af | showed appreciation of his randed 1 Sidney crossing, is one of the latest | Kindness: by their @ifts to him: In the On the Stran Bavarian to "victims. His case is said to be ld. words of the pot, * lights. : ave Prevent Disaster. » -------- out and gone ate all the guests." At Montreal, Peo! 7.--Four men will rs He May. Accept. might the British has its shutters, up. | Spend the winter on the stranded AL ucer i in tan wnd men; price; $2.30 ny : in the spring. The men placed ji enough for a football pol charge, of he yous. i ake ren bi {A + | The Lockett Shoo Store: © Cf reaution to.puaveat disaster. A Year For Every Dollar. Ladies, have your 'corsets made. in Thomes Davis has reached the. "'pan", the sity. Wo. make, to order aod guar- PERSONAL. to Put in five years for stealing five amtéo. &- perfect fit; also fifty different ~ ELDER" a | dollars. - He' was. senténced at Rat kinds of wad New York Dress 258 ade Portage hy Judgn Moore. om i i Wrage, rt Wa be den ge SY « A. Sullivan, a witness in the Suits, da i Costume Lima beans, Hubbard squash and trial, T "adi round" Cloaks ai hese +1 Snort: TU Ml ae ©] Bld Brat ose to ng m de- SO~ in | was sentenced to state's prison of | reilroad at Chicagoland Miami streets. i orgeniza- | pel Gity to let the em alway the Commits ho oly the - ' b let Ti rad cent con ce under e chairman- tions like Banner Bearors and Holy The Fe ie Abe cain, rubuay ship of Lord Rothschild to take charge Alliance of Russian Patriots, Semed be accomplished, 'so. the, stovy runs, is | of the: distribution, of the. funds col to have the cue to 'mttack Witte. the members. for the three Yorks, who | leated: for' the relief of 'Jews in Rus- Mail reports show that the congress { ake: conservatives; : and who may, | sis, saick that this dispatch had heen assailed the Rnglet, who, they therefore, be ewpeoted to carry ther | réceived from the travelling eommis- was leading to perdition, fellow members with them, 'the radial sionors' who: are now working in Rus pronounced for the emperor andthe raiWay and the James Bay railway | sia " securing' data end statistics : antiquated Zemsky Sobor. 2 influence' is' very: strong in the, threy ""Felographic communication has heen o League has warned | -- : italy. 'stopped: throughout Russia the yai'road telegraph operators that | $44 b4-$049-¢ | and we are "withous news. We are t must cease to any-.ex-| # a chy + | sending this to the frontier. After a t service ' #% CONDEMNED TO DEATH | personal inspection we can 3 ather Gapon is inwing to - Shi cwbe-- | that the destruction isgindescribable. to the workmen against a rev # St. Petersburg, Dec. 7. i | Hundreds of shops. have been destroy- saying 'that the strike tactics are sure | 9 Father Gapon was, to-day # | od and business is at a standstill. to eventuate in reaction and Jeopar- | condemned to death by > ie: | The damage amounts . to millions of dize the freedom purchased by blood. # tribunal,' named by the i | roubles. : He wams the revolutionists and so. % central evolutionary com- cialists that they cannot arouse the # mittee. Treachery to. the » peasants by their political demands, # cause of people is the + t are more likely to raise up a coun- + charge made against =i ter revolution. He says: "A hundred H Father Gapen = | ing in the fields lanatical priests with church banners - - * Belin centres have been established at Ekaterinoslav, Gomel, Kiof, Odessa, Poltava, Rostoff on Don, Sime mitted to ' Ruséia. The -committeo ees PITH OF THE NEWS. : Messrs. John i test Cul for figh dam Severo | Bein, Dec. 7.--The Tageblast's 'St. | John Douglass pri ernie pust (Tus Very Zatest Oulled From Al lecture and allowed to depart, on the Petersburg correspondent, in a de | fore the committer to ask th . 8 Over The World. condition that in fature they are spatch sent by way of Eydtkuhnen, cipalities be. empowered to a Mun Mrs. Thomas Dawson, Stanley town- good. December 6th, says: "The -sityation gle tax if they desire, PL Sin | ship, died in a dentist's chair at Sea- : is visibly growing worse. The dtical| "That the possession of stock in the | 1OFth- ; Was A Good Market. moment for Count Witte is coming | Central Supply. "Association qualified | ., G079on Bros." butcher shop at Ham- To-day's was the best mid-week mar. | when thé liberal clements will demand | for mem ip in the p Jus pes ilton 'was wrecked by an explosion ket in many , the. app bh of his gnation. A resolution by the | tion of the organization was olicited of gos. . Christmas and the abolition of the agriculturists at Moscow, demanding | from B. J, Morris, secrotary of the David Young, a respected farmer of road tolls, probably, ping in. a mea- | the immediate dismissal of the present | association, this morning, in the of. | DAsenth, committed suicide by cut- sure responsible, . The K. & P.RR. | cabinet denotes the beginning of the | forts of the crown to fasten upon the | 108 his throat. i brought in a large market. The vege- | movement away from Count Witte, association participation in the con. _1ne provincial treasury bas received tahle and meat .waggons, | and signs indicate that this move. «piracy with the Master Pluihbers' $20,000. from an Algoma Mining com- [' were mainly in evidence on the cam- | ment will gain in intensity soon." , ac | pany, arrears of taxes. A reorganization of the fire brigade ot present was declined by the To- ronto board of control. ° Senator Bostok, Winnipeg, :.nder- went an operation for the removal of an eyo to save his sight. George Murton, Jr., a prosperous young farmer of Uxbridge, committed Woods, a Toronto lawyer, is to be appointetl deputy attorney-general of Alberta, The married daughter of Chief Con- stable Ellis, Tweed, has eloped with a married man, and they were traced to Toronto. Harlow Hubbard, a Watertown, N. Y., cripple, arrested for carrying con. cealed weapons, proved that his sup- posed revolver was a tin whistle, Parsons, the Winnipeg mail clerk, injured in a wreck at Kalmar, near Kenora, a few wecks ago, has entered an action against the C.P.R. for $15, 000, Ab Ogdensburg, a Rutland passenger train crashed into a George Hall coal company 'waggon, smashing the wag- gon, killing the horse and injuring the driver. 1 There 'is an increasing possibility that Lord Elgin will be the new sec- retary fof forcign affairs, and that Sif Edward Grey will be made secre- Rural Dean Houston, Cornwall, Ount., had boen ailing since last Au. Hust. He: was able to be out yester- day. The isntudinte sau of death was ap attack of heart failure. James O'Brien, New York, who had no xight to vote because he was an ex:convied, and who was convicted of illegally voting inthe wecent Section, ox three years 'and two months. The fog horn plant at Passage - Is- land 'maintained by the dominion, was wrecked: by last week's gale. Great waves, showing the force of the storm. Adlen Wilson, a highly respected re- sident of Odpe Vincent, died at his home, aged 'seventy-six, Mr. Wilson was born in Leray, where he lived un- til about forty years ago, when he removed to Cape Vincent and persued his occupation as. farmer. William Gill, a seventeen-vear-old _f: Buffalo messenger, was ~ attacked bv three men, on = Wednesday, near the Ho was shot and then beaten with an lan liner Bavarian, The Allans have attempts to float the ship for this winter, but will renew them a rt "Forty thousand persons are affect: ed in' Kiefl alone. Several small towns which had Jewish sections have been eutirely burned and people are sleep- CANADA'S GHAMPION HOCKEY TEAMS --usE-- McPherson's Lightning Hitch =ITHE LOCKETT SHOE STO qualities in all shades and sizes at land125 = | Do not think that the lower-priced gloves ferior that they should not be purchased, the higher-priced gloves are made from while the others are taken front a general some poorer material might be found, so the on that account. are so in- It is simply that a chosen stock, stock in which price is lowered This year we are happy to be able to give handsome box with each pair of gloves of that is sold. away a very either quality Also, any gentleman in doubt as to the size or shade desired in purchasing a gift; may receive a card entitling the bearer to her own choice of goods, which card will be valid until the last day of the year. A Quiet Cloak Tip Out of the hubbub of the holiday trading comes a message from our Cloak Department, It tells in a few words, ina quiet way, that there is trouble there. Whether too many cloaks or too few customers, we have no time to rea- son. But the fact is, we are willing to take se- cond-class prices for first-class cloaks for a few days at least, until we have more time to look NKETS! Not Blankets ? Quite generally known, it is now, that the makers of the best pure White Blankets in the world are Boyd, Caldwell & Sons, Lanark. Their wool 1s prepared under a system known only to themselves and the product, aswe have said,can be de- scribed with only pthe one word-- BEST. Any size can be found in our stock in 5. 6, 7, 8 and 9 pounds weight. Neat Children's Blankets are also here in pure white wool, made by the same firm. 3.99, 4,50, 5.00 and Upwards JOHN LAIDLAW & SON 120 Princess Stree', Kingston. on 0. Mat itoba an Quele: Cups were won 9% Marlboro's Champi H. A. The McPhersons teams wearing Tan Hockey Boots. All sizes, and Blacks. . NJ Prices, $2.50 and $2.76 SKATES PUT ON FREE OF CHARGE. a---- YEAR 72. ---------- BP, Jenkins Cl Take time by the want HOUSE COATS for Christmas. Alread; quite a number, and have imperted . from New York a large su will soon be broken, a) choicest designs will be HOUSE COATS at ! and $7.50. DRESSING GOWN! and $10, E. P, Jenkins (! Fruit ! We are well stocked w of the finest quality, an sible, we may be abl little money on your | is a partial list :-- 3 Ibs. Loose Sultana Sultana Raisins, 1 1b. Seeded Raisins, 1 Ih. t Jus. Cleaned Curran 4 Ibs. Selected Naisin Orange and Lemon Pe fable Figs per M., 13 Stewing Figs, Sec. Prunes, per 1h. Bc, Shelled Almonds per 1 Shelled Walnuts per J Naval Oranges per do Mexican Oranges, 15c. Tulmon Sweet Apples Choice Cooking Apple " Also our usual Satur F. W. VAN 248 Princess ' "Phone 417. Perfect Wor A combination tc our sho Wear "'A Military Boo 84 Brock St. Sig UST BE A large variety Heaters, Sheet-Iron | and Wood Stoves, C Runges. Also a lot Carpets, everything che TURK'S SECOND. 308 PRINCESS WANTE TREE FUR FINISHERS. A McKay, Brock stre A LAUNDRESS, AT Hospital, Apply MN A PARLOR Maid. MAID Apply to King street. CENERAL SERVAN ni to M A GENERAL GIRL, cook. No washing in family. Apply Glldersieeve, 199 K GENTLEMEN TO G Overcoata and Thomas Galloway' Also" bring your o© them repaired. St Kuaranteed to ple LADIES' TO DO PL sewing at home, time. Good pay distance, charges for full particular facturing Ceo., 'Mo A LOCAL AND D for 'Canada's Gi We are prepared ofer to a reli salesman to repr ston and surroundi man. 1 Stone & Wellingtc MEN AND BOYS T( ing Trade, pays plpting course of at hone or in ov ates admitted to Plumbers Associ; cured, Coyne bl HScehools, New: Yo Chucinnati, 0. Fr RY CHICAGO WHO special representa vince in Canada. expenses paid wee wdvanced. Busines , 'tion permanent. © quired. Previous sential to engagin Manager, 132 Lal m.; S.A. ---- TO-L AOOMS,; WITH Sttart street. BO COMFORTABLE RO In Barrie str CORNER _ calit; Ap SROCER . Special y at McCann