Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Dec 1905, p. 10

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WATCH : Is a thing we expect to last a long period, and for that reason quality is a very im-. portant consideration. il Our $25 § Solid 14k. Gold i Ladies' Watch | 1s highly finished "throughout and you will Spd it the best value obtainable. RUNNER SKATES For the Little Ones "py ho oe ot a. . Impossible to hurt themselves in any way. Last year it was impossible to tet enourh of them. Come and got them while they last. e Try Myers' for Fine COOKED - MEATS. NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS, -------- i Supplied by Ww, F. Dever & Co., 18 Market Squure, Kingston. Deceinbor Ath. pen Close. Atchison 5 whi OT R71 Amal, upper Reins 98 on Baltimore Ohio: 1124 1134 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 85 85 Canndian Pacific | 1785 173; Erie : 48 48] isville & Nashville .. 163% 1524 tropolitan . SHS ons New York Central | , 152 158% Missouri Pacific . oly 101% Pennsylvania oon coo. 140 140% Rock Island oii ven 358 a Reading 1874 189% Nt. Paul 1784 im Sugar . x a 148% 147 Twin City 1 1154 113 Union Pacific 140% 1424 United States Stee! i an a United States Steel, pid. . 104% 105 GRAIN MARKET, © WHEAT--- December . pi] 84 May .. B9 RY cons. 84 844 Nw > S May : LAE 14 July 4d 44 TE TA TS PTET TS Revo.ver Shot Kills. Fort William, Dec, 11.--A sad anci: dent occurred Saturday afternoon in camp at Slate River, when Harty street, of this town, let a revolver fall, and catching at it it discharged a hall into his abdomen, which caused his death within a few hours, f $:_Hurryin { Christmas' guarantee Jthorough, careful Worsteds, 25 eltons, handsome on our centre | thuintenance ! World--The Markets. British Rallway spend £21,000,000 o Year on coal and other necessities for the of locomotives. 'Fhe. New York Central Railway com- wany has not purchased the charter of the North Lanark Railway Company. The National Ginners' report indicates a total crop of 9.623,000 bales of cotton, with 8,486,000 bales ginned up to Dec. 1. Bans. seals are wanted on Montrent xchange, $20, Was aga terday. being offered at S00. Timber is very plentiful in Tasmania, and is shi to all the neighboring States as well as to the United King dom. The value of timber exported dur- ro Sus over £00, started uy Jnen markets continue ui h, the Russian situation, with the possibili- ty that subplies, of flax from that source cut A L000 in one a wav be Belfast and Dublin morkets are firmer and advancds of five per cent., are rom New York. reported fi | The publication this week of 8. Government's report on the cotldn crop estimating this year's yield at 10,167.- 000 bales was followed by an excited nnd udvancine market fdr raw' cotton, the spot price psing above 12 cents per "au 3 Canadian cotton mills have issued new vrice livly, showing ddvance in all dines, equalling about 74 per cent. on the full The general of trade in R di cotton goods is understood to be very satisfactdry both for mills and iohhers. The outsut of the Tominioh Coal Com- wavy collieries for November. was 304 .- 243 tons. This shows a falling off from October of A tons, but is 71. ons greater than in November I'v year hgo. For eleven months of the veer the cutout was 9.085,701 tons, an increase over the same period of last vear of 120.354 tons. THE Y.W.C.A. ATHLETES. New Interest For the Fair Basket. E Ballers. Through the enthusiastic interest of Miss May Chown, and the kind co-op- eration of G. Y, Chown, her father, PY. W. C. A. athletics will be given a boom. A silver cup standing on an ebony has been given by Mr. Chown, for competition between junior and intermediate baskotball teams, throughout the winter. The teams, five of each class, are distinguished by their volors rather than by a name, and the effect is very brilliant and pretty, when they are playing. All the gymmastic classes at the Y. W. C. A. are increasing, and Miss Peardon is much gratified, Another Presentation, At noon to-day, in the mayor's of- fice, the city : officials, numbering twenty, met and presented Mayor R. N. F, NcFarlane with a handsome onyx clock. F. C. Ireland, trensnrer, read a very flattering wl fitting ad- dress, while L. W. Shannon, city clerk, made the presentation. Tho mayor made a heicf reply of sincere thanks. Luncheon was served in the city so- licitor's office and a vert jolly hour spent. Will Prove Efficient. It has been suggested now that Kingston has lost "Chaucer," we have a most efficient referee in Vanhorme, who played on last year's sonior Frontenacs and also referced several local games, wherein he showed his ability, In any disputed ©. H. A, games he would be the "right man, in the right place." Given Written Judgment. Justices Street and Teetzel have is sued their written judginent in eonnee- tion with the Kingston election peti- tion. The seat was verbally declared vacant two weeks ago. James Halli day, one of Mr, Pense's agents, is re- ported for having hired rigs. Service At Portamouth. Rev. B. Eyre preached a very for cible temperance sermon last evening in Portsmouth Methodist church. Mrs. E. Gilmour also sang a sweetly pretty contralto solo, which added greatly to the service, Gave Up Their Seals. London, Dec. 11.~The outgoing ministers gave up their seals to King Edward at noon, to-day. At 3:30 p.m, the liberal members were formally in- stalled in office. Percy Aggret, Renfrew, strong and athletic, is dead from peritonitis, brought on by over-exertion of skat- ing to Douglas and back, a distance of over thirty miles. Isaac Jackson, a well known farm: er residing near Lyndhurst, passed away on Friday night from the effects of a stroke of paralysis, He was fifty- five years of age, Logan Bros., Renfrew, manufactur ors, have just received an order for 1 pairs of blankets from one firm, 'our Order for uit or Another few days and we will be crowded full with orders for Christmas delivery. completion of any Suits or Over- coats now ordered. BE MEASURED AT ONCE. SUTTS froma wide range of Scotch and. Eoglish, Tweeds sod rotcde. al the mew salors and decir 320. 35 oo § OVERCOATS from Black; Blue and Brown Beavers and § M ne Scotch Overcoati checks and heather mixtures, $20, 22, 25. : MENS FURNISHINGS, suitable for Christmas presents, "He'll be sure to like his TIE if it comes from here, for we lead the! ity in NECKWEAR. NGSTON'S .. | "Has a great many admirers," the case of fancy high class candy in Gilison"s Red Cross drug store. a - vercoat Clothing--we absolutely ings, in" stripes, . Livonia, Frightful -- Central Government Exists Only in Name. . longer any doubt that the reaction- ment no longer exists, ex in name, "The czar's orders -- neatly. all local officials, ing wholly on their own authority, in dealing with local afiairs. There is every indication, to-day, that within forty-eight Ao u ge eral strike, throughouy Russie, wi ordered. A terrible. storm has boen raised by the arrest of M. Krustalefi, ident , of the executive committee en ale The 0] of t iga-(. railwa; ve Arenal a strike, on account "- the declaration of martial law in Livonia, Last night the railroad men of the Baltic lines decided to example of the Riga-Orel railroad. The situation, in Livonia, is frightiul. JUDGE DEAN DEAD. ' -- He Had Been Long Time in Lindsay, Ont.; Dec. 11.--Judge Dean, senior 'of Victoria county, died, this mo , a8 a result of complica- tions following an attack of pneus monia. William Warren Dean was a son of the Rev. Harold Dean, and was born at London, Ont., on October 25th, 1830. He was one of the earliest gra. dpates of Victoria University, and was called to the bar forty-nine years ago. He practised his profession at Beth ville, and was appointed master: in chancery there, while vet a very young practitioner, This position he held until he. wae raised to the bench as judge of the county of Vietoria, on September 9th, 1874. He also made surrogate judge and laldx mas- ter at Linday. Judge Dean w p- | cognized by the profession and the gic a5 a most able judge who dis- charged his public duties faithfully and well. A widow, two sons and two daughter survive him. SKELETON IN CLOSET Kaiser's Brother-In-Law Sent to Manchuria. Berlin, Dec. 11.- Prince Friedrich Leopold of Prussia; the kaiser's second cousin and brother-in-law, has had Count Henckel von Donnersmack for two years as his chamberlain. He was appointed by the kaiser and is giving the kaiser every satisfaction, but is at daggers drawn. with the prince, with whom: he is not even on speaking terms, and they communicate by let- ter, Skeletons in the cupboard at the prinee's palace at Gliencke are numwer- ong. It appears that the prince has discovered a police detectives called Franck, doing duty as a seullion in his kitchen, and at the same timo watching the prince. This has set the toneucs of scandal a-wagging. The prince has lately been away in Manchuria, sent by his imperiol rela- tive. Gosgin asks why he was sent. The vrinee and his wife are on notorious- Iv bad terms, and the empress takes her sister's part, and ic backed up by the emperor. No one will speak out, as the sword of lese maioste is sharp, and no one ever knows when and where it will descend. = MAKE DARING MUTINY. Cubans Attack Guards, Overpowered. Havana, Dee. 11.--The convicts in the penitentiary mutinied last night, and a fierce fight followed between them, and the guards, in which two of the prisoners were fatally shot. Fif- teen wounded, and three of the guards badly injured. The convicts to the number of 160 were in charge of only one officer who was armed with a revolver and three guards who carried machetes. The prisoners suddenly rushed on the guards and overpowered them, taking their machetes, when the officer fired, wounding several of the prisoners. He was then seized and badly bruis. ed and cut in the head and body. Hearing the shooting four guards, armed with guns, came on. the scene, and fired into the crowd of convicts. driving them back. 'The arrival of a platoon of artillery- men completely cowed the mutineers and rendered further firing 'unpeces- sary. Phe prison 1,300 prisoners. eet ee. UNLUCKY HOUSES. There Are Many in England Hard fo Rent. But Are ox ntagae more than THE DAILY WHIG, THE "ASCENDANCY: REACTIONARIES. ; St. Petersburg, Dec. 11.--There is no : : a s day. The sleighing was ; oc aries ave gaining the ascendancy en ashing very good -------- NDAY, DECEMBER i. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, » bo ---- vi By Reporters On Their ne tom, i¥ in the city on business, John Gleave, Deseronto, 'was in | ' town. & - i What is that that is told about a Belleville liveryman ? | W.. H. Driver, Prescott, is registered + at the Iroquois Hotel. omas ed at the Randolph Hotel. ite a fow cutters were seen out to- salt water her- rings at Carnovsky's fish market. | A man from ott specs the (night in the police station pro- for. Twenty-six clergymen attended the funeral at Cornwall, on Saturday, of : the late Rural Dean Houston. | The Stoddard Stock Co., arrived in town yesterday from the west, and are reiistencd: at the Iroquois hotel, he sheriff from Winnipeg brought a woman to the penitentiary Sutwday ' night, 46 serve a life sentence far mur- . We excel in English; French and American perfumes'in . cut glass bot- tles, irom 25¢. up, at Wade's drug store, The meeting of the waterworks com- mittee to have been held this after xg was called off until later fir the J. Anglin, arrested Saturday after- noon, an ever-indulgence in the merry soothing beverage, was dismiss- ed in i court. this morning, Tn. X, eatered for the Odd: fellows' "At Howe' on Friday night, and is being praised for his splendid work, A cake of Colgate's soap in cach Soap box in the travelling companion sold at Gibson's Rod Cross drug store, _ Miss Ella McClusky, who has been in the city for six weeks for eye treatment, was called to her home in Chesterville, to-day, owing to the death of her aunt. The Kingston Historical Society, will 'meet in St. George's hall, at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, December 12th. Pa- per by Prof. Ferguson, "Critique on the Capitulation of Canada." All sordially invited. Messrs, - Moxley, Sills and Chown, have returned from their junior term at the school of pharmacy, Toronto. W. W. Gibson to Toronto, next week in connection with the supple- mentary examinations in practical pharmacy. Do you want to give a Christmas present to two worthy young boys ? Secretary Stokes of the Y. M. C. A. said this morning that he knew of two young chaps very anxious to join the association, but without the necessary five dollars. It's out of the question for a gentle- man to think of sending any other candy than MeConkey's or Huyler's for a Christmas present. These are high class. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The faces of the merchants are wear- ing the smile that won't come off, over the fall of snow which' began this morning, as sleighing will mean lar ger profits. Some weather-wise ones shake their heads over the probabi- lity of it lasting, however, as they say the snow that lasts always falls on soft ground, and today's storm found the ground rocky. ALMA MATER SOCIETY. More Wil. Be Heard of the R.M.C. Communication. The annual mesting of the "Alma Mater Society was held. on Saturday evening, in old Convocation hall, at Queen's. There was the stepping down of the old officers, after a year's faithful service to the undergraduate fellow-students, and the intrttuction and initiation, into harness, of the newly-elect. Speeches and reports from the mombers of the retiring exe- cutive, dealt with the harmonious and profitable work, just concluded, while the tenor of the remarks of the guiding hands, for the next twelve months, resounded with bright pro- spects and future hopes. J. D. Cal- vin, BAA, the new president, was given a grand reception (as is cus tomary), in dealing with points of or- der, and parliamentary procedure, and aoguitted himsell most favorably. After, the annual meeting, the regular meeting was hell, at which much routine business was disposed of. It was the intention to present the Dr. | Lavell inter-faculty championship trophy, to the successful faculty of arts, but the key of the stronghold wherein it was contained was not to be found, so this pleasure had to be postponed for one wook. There was also a communication read from the adjutant of the Royal Military College, exprossing the. views of. the commandant in regard to the recent. clash between Queen's studénts, and others, at the R.M.C. grounds, during the progress of football games on two different occasions. That offi- cer wished the Rughy Football Club to repudiate the action of the stu- dents, and in the event of a refusal, London, Dec. }l.--"Unlucky Dal ham," otherwise Dalham Hall, Suffolk, ! where the late Col. Rhodes died, is on- ly one of the many examples of houses with reputations for bringing "Auctioneers fight shy of mysteries of 'all kinds," suid a prominent mem- ber of that profession this week. "I have known cases of eccentric men asking for haunted houses, but in the usual run of events 'y ghost or intang- ible tenant of any sends down t "» ridiculously low re. COUNTE BILLS. Are Now in Circulation in De troit. ' Detroit, Mich., -Dee. 11.--~Counterfeit ten dollar bills, of the Bank of Com- merce and of the defunct Mechanics Bank of Canada, ave in circulation, in Detroit, though only a few have been detected so far, -------------- . Will the gentleman who bought the five-pound box of 'onkey's high class candy at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Saturday, kindly leave the address and directions for shipping, this week. Jacob Wigle, Kingsville, dropped misfortune upon their possessors. | held, and market valuo of house property to a Philadelphia Record. threatened to complain to the princi: pul, and admit to the R.M.C. grounds by ticket only. The matter was laid over @ll next Saturday evening - for consideration. The annual meeting of the. Rugby Football Club was also the officers, already pub- lished, elected. with. the exception of R. Potter, who resigned from the seeretgryship. Donald Cameron was chosen" to succeed him. Holiday Saving. he merchant who makes no special effort to acquaint the public with his preparedness to handle holiday trade no doubt saves a great deal of money. In the first place, he is under no ex- pense for advertising. Then he saves in his payroll-he needs no Christmas store help, no extra delivery service. His bills are normal, for he has no need to lay in an unusually large stock, Looked at from the standpoint of outlgo alone; it pavs not to advertise. From the standpoint of outeo in rela. tion to income--well, that's another story. Sg A usolul present for lady or gentle y Athens, is register: ] NEWS OF THE WORLD OCCURRENCES. RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. ey | Matters. That Interest Everybody j --MNotes From All Over--Little Of Everything Basily Read And Remembered. : Toronto capitalists have purchased cloctric lines around Brantford. R. M. Persse, for thirty years in the Ontario civil service, died suddenly. William Baines, a deaf mute, was struck by a trolley car at Windsor and killed. High Constable McLoud was dismiss- ed from office by the Middlesex coun- ty council, Laurence: Smith was arrested at Ber- lin on a charge of attempted highway robbery at Galt. The infant child of Alfred Berry, of Kingsvill:, died from cating phosphor- us matches, A gang of daylight burglars over- powered two policemen and robbed a bank in Reading, Mass. Robert Gibbins, Woodbridge, blew out the gas in the New Armory Hotel and was found dead. Sir Richard Jebb, regius professor of Greek, and member of parliament for Cambridge University, is dead. Noah Peltier, a young farmer, shot himself twice, and is in a precarious condition at the hospital at Chatham. Samuel Anderson, Comber village, has been appointed & police magis- trate for the township of Tilbury est. Bishop-elect Stringer; of Selkirk dio- cese will be consecrated in St. John's cathedral in 17th. Fire totally destroyed the black- smith shop, drive sheds, and stables of W. H. Derrick, at Burritt's Rapids, on Sunday. The body of John Burns, Sarnia, was found in the woods, with a bottle of carbolic acid near by. An inquest is in progress. A warrant has been issued for the arrest of J. K. Mclnnes, editor of the Regina Standard on a charge of per- jury prefered by Premier Scott. Alonzo J. Whiteman will be taken to Auburn prison tomorrow to begin a term for defrauding the Fidelity Trust company of Buffalo, by means of forg- ed and raised papers; A. scheme of Baron Loicq De Lobel, the French engineer, for the building of a railroad from Siberia to Alaska, has been approved by the Russian government, which has named a com- mission to formulate regulations. General Booth, at the opening of the Salvation Army offices, said that dur- ing the last ten years the army had advanced ten thousand pounds to per- sons who had gone to Canada, and 500 pounds given in the first half of the périod bad been repaid. Winnipeg on ' December COURT OF REVISION. ---- The Judgments Rendered Judge Madden, Court of revigion opened before Judge J. H. Madden, of Napanee, at ten o'clock, this morning, and finished at "12.30 o'clock, noon. Assessment on Mrs. Cunpingham"s house, Earl street, reduced from $1,500 to $5,000, : Mrs. Beals' and J. B. Carruthers' business assessment struck off. Business assessment of Gildersleeve &! Kirkpatrick, John Strange and J. S. R. McCann, insurance agents, was fix- ed at 50 per cent, of real estate in- stead of seventy-five per cent. Business assessment of T. Lambort and J. Tweedell, tailors, fixed at 30 per cent. of real estate instead of 60 per eent, Business assessment of Cataraqui Bridee company struck off. Wilkinson estate, reduced from $9, 300 to $7,500, K. and P. railway as farm lands. Assessments of C. W. Clements, C. L. Curtis, and Macner & Minnes, was confirmed, Business assessment of Yacht Club was struck off, by lands assessed Kingston FATAL DOOR AND MYSTERY. Strange Stoty of Destruction of a Whole Family. Cairo, Dec. 11.--An extraordinary story is reported from Karnak, near Luxor, in Upper Egypt. A native, who had suspected the existence of antiquities in the plot of land on which his house was buflt, hegan dig: ging in the hope of discovering some treasure, and discovered an old - door, which he opened and entered. As he did not come back, his wife followed him, but she. too, failed to return. Their son and daughter there- woon. followed their parents, hut also did not come back. A native who af- Jetsarga followed them met the same ate. The authorities weve informed of the matter, and it was found that these five unfortunate people had been asphyxiated by a. poisonous gas em- anating from the pit or enclosure into whigh the old door led Gave Wife Twenty-Five Cents. Chicago, Dec. 9.--Every Sunday there was a distribution of funds in the household of Emile Holm. He counted over his week's earnings and gave his wife twenty-five cents. The remainder Be thrust deep into his own pocket. This is what Mrs, Jessie Holm told Judge Heard, of the su- perior court, when she appeared = to testify in her suit for divorce. She lived with Holm on the twenty-five cents basis. for three years. § ---------------- A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. cure in 6 to 14 days, 50. -------- So" many ladics have admired the fancy Christmas boxes of high class candy at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. They may sée them again. Russell, the ten-year old son of Jerry Burk, Pembroke, was drowned, while skating. >» . : . LOST. man, « travelling companion. Don't buy till you,see the assortment at Gibson's Red. ¥ A LONG SHAPED PURSF, CONTAIN ng fnoney. on either Princess, Syden. ham, or York Sts. Finder Kindly re- ura to this Offige. It Is Very Often 4 Hard to Decide ther, sister, or grand- mother, or lady friend. FELT SLIPPERS, high front, fur-trim- med, would likely give Jtching, "blind, bleeding, protruding, | a 10t of pleasure and es. Sts are aut ized to re comfort, 2 und money if Pago Ointment fails t, - Tuesday, the 12th We will hold our nnyal Sale of LADIES' Every Ladies' Cloth Coat in stock will be sold at Every Coat shown is new this fall and at prices nam. ed are the best value in Kingston, the 25% off bringing them down below actual cost. 8 LADIES' STYL!SH WINTER COATS This is merely following our usual 'custom of never carrying a single coat from one season to another, even if an actual loss results as in this case. If not prepared to buy just yet, you can make a selection and have it placed id til ired. Ladies' White Lawn Aprons Very full lengths, with or without bib. Some with daintily embroidered trimmed bib and straps over should- ers, others finished with hem-stitching. Prices from 23c. to 75c. White Lawn Dresses for Children Cute Little Mother Hubbard Dresses for children, 1 and 2 years old. Lace trimmed, flounce on bottom with two rows of lace insertion, lace trimmed Bertha yoke, leg o"mutton sleeve, from | $1.49 t0 $3.75. That Drawing Contest Again Did you notice Saturday's paper ? We announced a contest for the children of twelve years or under, in drawing a sketch of the front of our store as it appears from the opposite side of the street. First Prize, $2. Second Prize, $1. Contest opens to-day and drawings must be sent to us marked "Contest" before the 20th of the month. when the prizes will be awarded and the names of the successful com , petitors announced. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON yi! 170 Princess Street, Kingston A EE tS E-- What to. give mo- air of these wart We have them in English Feit. light turn soles, all colors, at $l. Canadign Felt, Beaver soles, Beaver Felt, all colors, at $1.20. American Felt, Aurn soles, fur-trimmed, Black, Brown, Red, § Daniel Green's Bost Quality in Brown and Grey, $2 We also have them in Satin, with French heels, in Red. Black, Blue: THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE 1.50. 3 ORE iu Hall Fun Have You a Hall Rack? ¥ We have some very ni y $85. We can give $4.00 t with British Plate Mir Hall Seats, for $6.50 to Hanwiug Rack, for $3.50 Morris Chairs, $5-to $15. ' Desk, from $4.50 Furniture, Weathc 30 to $35 Robt. Jl Two doors above Oper Telephone 57° "Perfect Work Choicest Materi A combination to our shoes. Wear "All Military Bootmal 84 Brock St. Sign of ~ Landlo Sale for Set. UNDER INSTRUCTION sell, on the premises, No. street, all of the Goods sisting of Bedroom, Pa Office, and Kitchen Furnit THURSDAY, Dee. 1 Sale at 2 | JOHN 1, Terms cash. Y.W. C. All Ladies for visit the regular to 4 o'clocl interested Science school girls, classes noons, from 2 mornings from 9 to 11 o'¢ 'PHONE FOR WHEN NEEDING Phone 480, Clarenc Stand, and you prompt answer. MUST BE A large variety of Heaters, Sheet-lron St« and Wood Stoves, Coo Ranges. Also a lot of Carpets, everything cheap: TURK'S SECOND-H 398 PRINCESS 8 'BOB SLEICHS 1 SETS BOB SLEIGH Sleigh, For Sale 'T HAND SPORE, 3 Tt 398 Pri WANTED Friern A PARLOR MAID Maid. Apply to M King street. COO} Appl; TLEMEN TO Overcoats and Thomas Galloway's, Also bring your old them repaired. Styl guaranteed to please GE' 8 {PROT TEACHER, Sclggo! Seetion No ( y. Frontenac January 3rd, . Me Neil sta 1 ete, to Bw WO COMPETENT packing room, PS » uly employment ' over 14 year ping room. Apply ar Factory, Onto A LOCAL AND DIS for "Canada's Gre: We are prepared t offer to a reliab salesman to repres ston and surrounding tory will be reserv man. Write for f Stone & Wellington MIEN AND BOYS TO ng 'Trade, pays | pleting course of pr at home or in our ates, adwuitted to | Plumbers Associat cured. Coyne Dro Schools, New Yor Cincinnati, 0. Free BY CHICAGO WHOL special representati vince in Canada. * xpenses paid week advanced. Business tion permanent: ! quired. Previous sential to engaging Manager, 132 Lake 1n., USA EE TO-LE CORNFR GROCERY cality. Special in Apply at McCann's BRICK SHOP AND 51 Princess stn ossession Novem [tency & Steacy. PERSO MME. ELDER'S Parlors, 258 Pri Sydenham, Tai Coats and Wray Suits, Dinner and { Trousseaux, &c., Evening Costumes rity rolgrences. ---- thr tint FOR S PIANOS, ORGAN! nd Rewing M wecom! hand, all sireels Joseph O : ih Ce

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