$BEST SKATES AS BARNEY & BERRY BOKER'S __$STARR MFG. CO. CORBETT'S a Covered Rink The Rink Office will 'be openod; on Dec. 11th, for .the sale . of Scason and ers. on "Tickets Lock 4 s Dec, 14th, weather and fce permitting. - for skating ting on . Thursday . and Friday evenings, from 8 p.., to 10 p.m Band Tuesday evening, 8 pu, to "Ra : urd; afternoon, & pm. to 5 p.m. wor the best in fcket {is A Season h [resent {hat You can possibly give your oy or Girl. SEASON TICKET RATES fadya single Aro 00 tieman 'ys 0 areas 00 Children un years 00 Chik over 12 and under 16 00 Fam f 2 00 Christmas Week Only OFF WALTHAM WATCHES. . . LE Ladies' and Gentlemen's ; ond Watch Chains Isaac Zacks, ' 273 Princess Street. " MME. ELDER'S DRESSMAKING a 01 vue RS oy Co Tailor wos, Gowns, Coats nd Wraps, Shirt Waists, Dinnesiand Caer Costumes, xX; &c., "Opera: Cloaks and B Costumes ty. Hest ng . : & specia » FOR SALE. PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS and wing Machines, new and second hand, all cheap at 114 Gore + Juseph George. yy x |] THE POINT There's no use buying coal un- less it's the right sort. The "right sort' means well screened, full weight, leaving. as little ashes as possible, and that's the only kind we handle. Of course the ever present element in coal, as well us in every other commodity, is price. We are right on that, too, as you will find for yourself on inquiry, i Ro Waar D, 'PHUNE 0. i 'Suitable . Christmas - Gifts Q We have a large assortment of Mani- cure Sets; Brush and Comb Sets, Shav- ine Sets, Travelling Cases, Shaving Mirrors, Burnt Leather Novelties, ete. +. We have marked these goods at very lose prices. So close that they cannot Hail to interest --y. . . We invite you to come in and see them. Asmat! deposit on any article will hold it unl! Christmas for you. % Far the "Old Folks" we would suggest 4 Soar of Gold Rimwed Glasses. We will 2 | 8¥es alter Christmas und guar Wilee et fit, DR. A. P. CHOWN .. Draggist and Expert optician 2 185 Princess Street. a than |ceived by him for such advertisement. x Sani columns, DAILY VB per , Pa, Adv tion, ihe each subse Measurements by a song scale, twelve eh or Deaths, coe In sation. Sc. Wo lemrtions. The. ticle . 46. a in Aly Tada ahi Sharma Oe Thre in reading columns are subject quent sdvertise | ble WEEK. ITISH WHIG, 12 ly xy Te published in two , one each A Monday ang Thursday i a year, if vi in ry Fg ig $150 per year. Si otfees "Enna: pa. 3 Hoh "and work; nine improved rinting a : lishing Co., Limited, Bri' RIE" Punting, Co. : THE DAILY WHIG. E WHIC--7and YEAR blow by the, pourt which investigated THE b w the danger could a \ The case prepared by the city--under direction of men who owed their pow- it made an order that the Grand Trunk should provide the bridge at a subway while the city and the com- ty~jointly and equally interested ac- cording to their own showing--should provide the approaches. ' Then there was the fuss. The city pried ofery expedient it could to hack out of the case. It spent hundreds of dollars in having a reconsideration of the issue by the railway committee and the excheqie? court, and to no purpose. Mr. Mowat was the county's solicitor . before he became a member 'of the city council, and he acted for the* county subsequently until the city was cast out of court, ¥ jump into this difficulty. He did not encourage it to waste its money on the subway. It got into this com- promising situation, because - Ald. King and those who 'acted with him-- & conservative council--ignored the city solicitor who was the one legal authority who was then competent to guide it and ran things according to their own sweet wills, Hitting The Combine. The combines have received a heavy the Master Plumbers' Associationand "'Opifer per Orbem Dicor." Social Reforms On Trial. | The social réformers the world over { will be interested in the success of | Hon. Richard Seddon, the premier of New Zealand, 'He came into power in 1500, as one of the liberal leaders, having fought his way upward to recognition through the municipal in- stitutions of the colony. Tt-was in 1593 that he became first minister, and launched his old age pension scheme, There could he nothing more radi- cal in the way of legislation, but New Zealand is willing to try any- thing which promises to add to the comfort and happineds of the people. Though old age pensions were popu- lar with the masses --though the sub- ieet was cordially endorsed during the elections, having been debated by the people, and passed npon---the senat: resisted Mr. Seddon's measure and at first defeated it. Its passage, through the house eventually was like the pas: sage of the Franchise Act some years ago, through the Canadian commons. It was fought at every stage. The masses approved, the, classes objected, "The graded tax and land resump- tion affected chiefly the big land own- ors; government loans hit the money power; 'arbitration was distrusted by | a considerable hody of employers, hut all these people and many others were involved in the taxation that might be necessary to moet the pension dis- bursements,"' said Prof. Parsons, writ I i « u t i More remarkable. still the $ has been tried for five years, and measure it must have been fairly siccessiul when | F the government which backed it and gave it effcet has again been so freely endorsed. "Insurance. without pre | V Miums," is quite a scheme. Does contribute towards thrift ? Undoubt- | ¢ edly. Men, and women, too, look | t farward to the time when, at the age maintain themselves, they will be help ed out of the public purse. . Pauperism | i an annuity as additional motive to morality." use tho hope of The success of the old age pensions | e in New Zealand will make some peo- ple think that it should be tried Ameries, and the 'reason for it is the more apparent when the grafters have the in sickened people with life insur ance. Operations Of The Ring. The Grand Trunk an issue in the election, and there can be no hesitation about discussing it 80 far us the minority in the council is concerned. " Politics were rife in municipal affairs when the council in 1902 - took office and the ill-advised conrse which made the city liable for the large costs put upon it by the railway committee. The county council made overtures to the city with regard to the matter. | The county wanted the city's moral | support and the city gave it 'more than this. The matter, it will be remembered, was referred to the works" committee | of which Ald. McLeod was the chair | man. Incidentally the city solicitor heard of what was going on, and. he dropped the mayor a letter, the de sign ff which to restrain the counsil and. to keep it out of trouble. at the mayor did with the letter | has never been learned. 1t was not acted on, however, On the contrary the city assumed a responsibility of a very grave character. It stationed a man at the depot to make observa- tions and collect statistics as wo the traffic. Jt embodied these in declara tions the essence of which was that the depot crossing was dangerous, and the city engineer, by order of the was i ¢ 5 | the Central Supply Association! both organizations control of the trade in Torbnto and tion among those engaged in plumb- ing supplies, and results were costly to ali who bad occasion for the The tion among themselves. competition. The system of was such that all hands had fit. One got the job at his figure, byt he added a sum which other tenderers the spoils or the system. | N The people were their vietims, The man who patronized any firm for two years was his for life, and cold not hire any other firm to do his (work. the supply houses, supplies to the one dass of men, the general scheme of making all men hav- coriply with their condition. Clute in imposing a fine of $5,000 each ters and the Central Supply Associa- tion, "how to express mysel in refer- encq "to disclosures such as we have had in regard to the bonus syktem. A number of hitherto reputable men meet without apparently the slightest com- . . : punctiol py k fr. th rtio ing to Human Life upon the question, | Punction, they too om 11a po n terested, money to which they had no any person meeting another updn the | street, and by force robbing him it | fence rather the least offensive. Here i sons inviting tenders to believe! that of sixty-five, and lacking support to | the tenders were reasonable and fair when for at least two or three years is not encouraged, but industry and | honest tender had come from this as- economy, and as Dr... Parsons re | sociation. | marks : "It is good statesmanship to That one extract of the judge'y ad- an | dress is indicative of the-whole of it, and marks the impression which the was skill and diplomacy used in try- combine, government subway is to be | public school teachers. It has added £5,000 to the salary list, lide. The millionaive "stockholder will tell what he knows about the Equita- ble or goto jail, Williamsville light, as he has a need to be. What about the street railway? How did he vote on that ? rly men in Toronto, can afford to pay a few thousand been robbing the people for the last tw | He has formed a government which is | inequal to the emergencies of the | hour, The people won't give it a | promise home rule for Ireland. { leader has wen favourable towards it, but his cabinet will not undertake it. Redmond has gone off too soon. | und uswally antiliberal, on the steep and well-oiled road Pads to destruction. works' committee, submitted a plan; tinue having the practical vicinity. / For years there has been 8 co-opera- \ plumbgrs had a padect | organiza- It Meant no tendering a 'bene went to the plunder of Then there were the rebates from the exactions on behalf of the combine, the limiting of ng a use for them pay their prices and "One hardly * knows," said Judge m the master plambers and dteamfit- wround a table and, under the pre- ence of sending in invited tendprs, de iberately adopt a method by which, f the public who happened to be in- possible claim; no more claim than of vhat he had. Indeed I think that of hey adopt a system of misrepresenta- ion and fraud in order to induce per- t was admitted that not one single evidence made upon his mind. There ing to conceal the operations of the but they came out and the will be impressed with them in considering the tariff revision. Editorial Notes. Ottawa has been generous with its -- Jerome and Ryan are going to col- : ---- Ald. Hoag is exercised about the -- The master plumbers and the sup- in fines. They have or three years, ---- Witte is having the time of his life. chante to show what it can do. S-- The' British government will not The -- The Winnipeg Tribune, independent, has it 'that Mr. Whitney, of Ontario; has started that "He con- Tribune, will J says the "to slide DALY WHIG, é to their politics--convinced the] railway committee that the "depot crossing was really dangerous, and Mr. Mowat did not ask the city to] Ottawa Citizen. b tows, down down, until he strikes the bottom with a bump that will land him in 'opposition once more." . Mr. Whitney was forced to yield, in the opinion of the Winnipeg Tribune, "or face political assassination at the hands of his party friends." No won der he is irritated. He found himself in a bad box. The Brock¥ille Times regards the late license commissioners of Toronto as "poor type eof conservative." Fla- 'vells and Davidson and Murray will, of course, appreciate, this. No good, ¢h ? That js frank. ane. . The Hastings grand jury made a re: commendation with regard to the court house, 'and it was fyled. The Fronte- Bac council is more considerate, It wants. very little encouragement for the spending of money on the court house, ------ Speaking: of home rule, W . Red- mond told the American people that as soon as the United States govern. ment demanded it, there would be a surrender on the part of the British government. There will be a long wait for that. 3 -- SPIRIT.OF THE PRESS. Any Job But His. Chicago News. ~ What'll you bet the czar, doesn't wish b& had-some nice, quiet job at $7 a-week as bill clerk in a shoe factory? Monteith Surrenders, Torénto News, The Guelph winter fair is to be manned by conservatives. Joe Downey as spoke, and Mr. Monteith trembles. Would Break Most People. Topsite May; ' Andrew 'arn rie as iven away 138,000,000, To many oe such a distribution 'of money would mean fin- ancial rnin. Where They Excel. Montrea) Star. Balfour was a golf axpert, but the sporting vote should not lose hope. It may transpire that Campbell-Banner- man is a ping-pong champion. Osler Is Spared. London Advertiser. Campbel-Bannerman becomes pre- mier of England at sixty-nine. Cham- berlain is the same age, and bopes to live to become premier. There i= no chloroform line in British public hfe. Where She Has Them. It Sarah Bernhardt and her come pany were mobbed in Quebee and two of her actresses injured it is no der sho says Canadians are al Indians. waon- nt of CATTLE NOTES. p---- Bad Stable Air Cause of Tuber- culosis. Bad air in a stable is almost wholly responsible for the tuberculosis plague and reform in this line is one of the best cures, The modern model daite stable, so called, is usnally a model of deformity, a suffocation box, model tubercilosis nursery. An ex-dairy commissioner of Ohio says he can make-from $50 to 875 per cow from winter dairying easier thym he can make $25 to $30 in summer. Therefore he has cows come in fresh in fall and early winter. Danish. butter is firmer and not so easilv melted as that of Holland and contiguous countries, and that makes it a greater favorite in the English inarket. The Danes feed largely upon on . a richest milk is that which comes near the end of the milking. A test disclosed that the first half pint of milk at a milking contained only 1.07 per cent. of cream, while the last half pint contained 10, 33 per cent. of crean. Many devices have been suggested for preventing cows from kicking when being milked, but the fact is that a kicking cow usually has other vices, and the surest way to cure her is to send her to the butchers. A cow that is not gentle, reliable and free from vices, should be made to give way to one that is of good disposition, . Any kind of succulent food will as- sist digestion, and render all other foods beneficial. Carrots do not con- tain much solid matter, being mostly water, but they are highly redished hb. all classes of stock, ,and the 'animals will prefer them to grain, instinct prompting them to accept such foods | because of their dietary effect vpon the system, GEORGE LONG DISAPPEARS. ---- Is Witness in Pere Marquette Man- slaughter Case. Windsor, Ont. Dec. Long, the young man 'who was tower man for the Pere Marquette railway at Pelton, in November, 1904, when he 11.--George NORWAYS _ PEOPLE| WELL PLEASED WITH THE NEW SOVEREIGNS. Norwegians Glad ~ Haakon VIL ed. Christiania, Dec. 9.--The people that pleases the being well qualified for the position Queen Maud is just thirty-six mental ability. She was considered t daughters King Alexandra of England. It is too early to definitely dete ty will affect the Scandinavian ple. Norway found serve in some it hundred years. When once, however, became manifest that peace for more than three generation must' end, the oné gréat anxiety ¢ heart was that it should he termina ed with the least possible shock mance, perhaps the most point act that after a hundred years ¢ more the ruling family of Denmark In one sense of the word, when erything was said and done, it It will be remembered that after Napol:onic 'wards the movement put every ruling famil days before the French revolution There was onc exception, Bernadotte, many during his rule in the years of Napoleonic period, ------ Columbia's Royal Flag. S.. Drake, a member cers and American friends on to eMorningside University. noted ga recently in New York, wa a visi His sharp, nautical large ey: the British visitors," he confided to fellow officer. "It's all right, hut I've handled the years, and I never saw its mate.' "Maybe it's Yankee enterprise said the other dubiously. "Certainly that is the royal crown of England or that bunting." A college professor smilingly plained. "That's the flag of Columbia Uni versity, although few know it. Still, it has an English ori gin, as is plainly indicated by design--the royal crown of England. iy George 11." Labor M. P.'s Exploit. the House of Commons in two ses unconsciously. He took his sedt ©f a group of ex-ministers, and r« mained there, ve unconcernedly + fo, the rest of the sitting. At the says the Manchester Guardian, thi of the indefeasible right vate member to sit where he As a matter of fact Mr. the seat because he saw no other cant, students of Conneeticat, made ment that he had examined th in Germany, France had found their saliva wonld produce a quick, and more horrible death than if had Len dipped in the venom of snake. ---- Next Year's Milan Exhibition. caused the wreck of a heavy. n Central freight train, at the interlodk- | ing switch, which resulted in the death of Flagman Mathews, and the severe scalding of Engineer Little, has dis- § appeared, and his whereabouts cannot be learned. The Pere Marquette rail- way was indicted for manslaughter, and trial was to have taken place here this week, but has now been post- poned until next spring as Long is a material witness for the defence. -------- Freight Anomaly. The extraordinary fact that straw plait is conveyed from' Japan to Lon- don at a rate per ton nearly double that charged for carrying the same goods nearly 3.000 miles further to New York has just been discovered. In- deed, it has been fourd that it is ac- tually cheaper to have plait taken past London, to New York, and have it re-exported - rather than to accept direct delivery to London. The children are alarmed at the idea of Santa Clans not coming on Christ- mas eve, as it is Sundav and the Tord's Day Alliance .mav be cn hie track. But the disability Le will overcome in some way. A The King of Italy will at the Milan exhibition of 1906 to th extentof £1,600. Among the prize will be one for antomatic lings for railways, one bution of healthy and pure milk centres of population, one for the type of popular dwelling adapted offer prize hes motor boats, and one for the best an | most 0.1 asl exhibition of machiner) or manufecturing process A ------------------ Peggars With Bank Books. It is calculated that in London alone about 1,000 persons regularly living by begging: that their income week, or, together, over £300,000 year. Last year some 2,000 person were arrested for begging in the stre-: of London, and many of them, sav make The Quen, were possessed of consider. able sums of money, and even of bank books showing handsome deposits, That King is Fond of the Water--How They Are Regard- Norway appear to be well-pleased with their new king and queen, King Heaa- kon VII, and Queen Maud. One thing Norwegians ve much is that the new king is extreme- ly fond of the water, having heen giv- en an excellent naval education, and admiral of the Danish navy, which ap- pointmént he received with the crown. years old, She is three years older than her hushand, and is a woman of unusual brightest and most charming of the of King Edward VII and mine how this solution of the difticul- S peo- Many there are who regret that impossible to pre: shape the union with Sweden, under which she had achieved such remarkable progress for nearly a arrangements which had contributed in no small de- gree to the maintenance of European those having the interest of Europe at to existing institutions. For the students of history and for the students of ro- interesting in all of these changes is the apparently coming into its own again, ov must he acknowledged that the royal fami ies of Europe have always regarded the house of Bernadotte as interlopers. the restoration back on the throne, and fixed "things up precisely as thev were during thy however. This was in the. case of the house of of the Secandina- vians having become attached to Na- poleon's brilliant marshal, Bernadotte the Une of the ranking officers of H.M. Heights and' Columbia ] flag floating from a pole in front of the university library and he ejaculated a low whistle of astonishment. "That's a delicate compliment to an Fnglish flag, flag lockers of a British ship for twenty to surprise us with a new English flag," ex- New Yorkers the white on a green background--for our college charter was a roval grant of Though the late Mr. Parrott sat in sions only, he managed, on che oceca- sion, to create a mild sensation, quite on front opposition bench in the midst time, '| Our Gents' Furnishing Department was thought to be a signal of revolu- tion, or at least a spirited assertion of the pri- pleases Parrott took va- the Wesleyan University the curious state: mouths of the most heautiful women and England, and that an arrow dipped in it l safety coup- for the dystri- in 0 to the climate of Northern Italy, one for a average per head amounts to 30s. a of TY of he Now at Tangier on an alleged to be about 'to establish an empi 'r- | Forest was born in that the British government is su pporting the Austria, but is «a naturalized B THE BARON AND BA RONESS DE F hunting "ex; re in the Sa} BIBBY'S--The Men's Such Overcoat Elegance Has never before been seen in any Clothing Store in Kingston. We have the alaborate wd the plain---abundance f both, and big varieties in both. The plain are $10, 12 12.50, 14, 15. it 1s |, of tr wr is y N. Good making--you of a party of British uf. | N€re when ready for your t | coat you ought to have. n Wear Store--B] SEEING GRAND need that Overcoat, a OVERCOAT The elaborate, $12.50, 13 50, 15, 18.50. OREST, ---- BBY'S DONT MISS OUR LINE OF anyway. Come nd you'll get the Everything New for Christmas See our grand display of Christmas Neckwear, -| Gloves, Neck Scarfs, Handkerchiefs. Suspenders, Car- 1 0. Bright, New and Up-to-date Men's, \ I r for a well-dressed 'gentleman to hav remember that there is nothing vou gentlemen as a USEFU article; L DAY - a man can wear ANY , ANYWHERE, A Prcfessor's Theory. TIME Prof. Miller, of the University of Berlin, in the course of a lecture to the| ~ " Sr Will permit us to enumerate the many s-asonabl hand, specially imported and 'manufactured an: Time Nor Space 1 for and the Chil y loys Suits, eVery one of which is perfect fitting and a faction Comprises wvery thing vou can (hink "bf which Christmas sh buy which is a i what iz er EVERYW! TYTN digans, Sweaters, Cuff Links, Scarf Pins, etc. THE H. D. BIBBY CO, The Men's Wear Store. MCR ticles we have on Holiday Trade. and ¢ Overcoants to wive satis ov necessary well ta Jos. Abramson, The People's Clothier 180 Princess Street, Between Redden's and Crawford's Grogeriess . Hockey Boot s t z 6 Men's, Ladies', 234 to '6, Boys', 1 to *| for boys at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. . to 10, 5 I? you want th Mute Fie HOCKEY BOOTS e best try a Pair of the « Invictus "Mule Hide _ Hockey Boots Men's in Black or Tan. '$3 00 $3.00 - $2 50 2.505 We have other kinds for men at $1.50, $2 and $2.505 |The Sawyer Shoe Store Skates Put On FREE. = ----e-------------------- pur If Four Jurhuce is not giving You | gms-- ss ---------- ee * | that Hom E satisfaction; asl Simmons Bros. to te it is well und 08 anastant § help you. Opposite Grand Opera Chapais The Man Fo Lead. z pe, ns will atte we house, Montreal. Dee. 11.~People are ask- 1 « + ein] convention NB id retiree The head of the workmen's council, | in: re how Hog. Thomas Chapais, Provincn Wevlnesdny nest ty: in St. Petersburg, has been arrested, | MPP wonld "do as sOnservative day 1 leadership of the pats and a general strike is expected. leader in the Quebec legislature, for | from the _ WEARY D/ SLEEPLESS Many men and won pight upon sleepless be Their eyes do not clos refreshing repose th whose heart and nerves or disease has so debil tion and sensation © bio are going to die; o up from your sleep fe were about to choke o leaves you for the n conditions to continue your health declining. 1t is the nerves aud acting properly. They can be set ri MILBURN AND NERV ey soon induce h = Any by deadenin restoring them to hea moving all symptoms which is often the caus lessness. gy rs. Ennis Chambe Ont., writes: 'I was pess, weak spells an heart. 1 was so bad a lie down in bed at nigh sit up. I doctored for ot no relief, I took foe Heart and Ner completely cured I has since. 1 cannot rec highly." filburn's Heart and cents per box or three all dealers or sent dire by The 'L. Milbuga Co Ont. To build up 1 there is no bet: Clark's PORK Sold plain, or or Tomate W. CLARK, «73 MONTR Kidney Cu Don't thin! effective be "tear thing: who talks Kidney ren and over-st; --upset the todoyoun Bu THE GENTLE # goes about mildly, co know you --excect th better and better. Bu mation in away that back and ti the hips--s ation--and sed portion heal and st Cures Rheus THE CLAFLIN CHEM Winosor On, - Cook's Cotton F The only medicin depend. strenet) chee, §) Tees § Cages, § druggis ton Ro \ Fuhstity "a Cook Medicine C PY) Grand Un Rooms From $ BAGGAGE ------ PILE: piles. Bee testimonial your bors about it get our money back if or EDMANSON, ] ' DR. CHASE'S EE ---------- Elsven men on a in the North Atls and Wl) cannot r day, {