Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Dec 1905, p. 2

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THIS DESK-- Large, strong, well finished shelves for books, writing desk, all for $3.50: illmgs, only $1.25. up to $10.50 each. CARPET earth, $2.50, $3 saving for the home. 2 t delay, but order now. Open . Goods stored until wanted 2 F. HARRISON CO. Phone 90, ORGANS, MELODEONS Sewing land, all cheap at 1a gore Joseph George ore ~ RUGS! In all colors, shapes and sizes, : The most useful Christ. mas Gift you can give. . . Wehave just received a large shipment of New + Rugs, this coming spring's | patterns, in Velvet Wilton 4 Axminster Smyrna Tapestry Small or large sizes, from the lowest to the best qualities. We issue bonds demand- ed by all Judicial, Mone- | tary, Business and private terests, Fidelity Bonds a Specialty Vrite or phone for par- 1s and new literature. 1 Foul Others up to 848, 8-3 fold, large size, as- Over 25 SWEEPERS Grand Rapids make, best on up. A fine Tabor present EE ---------------- £ 4 H. @ A. 8S. gold-filled |" "i AT CITY REGISTRY OFFICE DEFINED. To Be Paid $26 a Year Increase-- Market Toll Abolition Ques- tion Left For Next Year's City Property Committee. The city property committee" niet yesterday atternoon. In attendance were Aldermen Sears (chairman), Me- Cann, Givens, Abbott, and Johnston, Regarding the application of W. . Grant for increase in wages for tak- ing care of the registry office, the city solicitor gave, a written opinion that the city's agreement with Mr. Grant regarding his duties was , what the committee had to consider, snd not what the registrar desired, provided requirements of the agreement were thought to be reasonable for the keep- ing of the office in a clean condition, Chairman Sears thought that the city's agreement was sufficient, and that the office was kept clean. The committee decided on motion of Ald. | en : Givens to make a new agreement with | low Chinese to come in, be Mr. Grant, to the effect that the re- protected as "well 'as any other citi- gistry office be swept and dusted | zen. I will fine as heavily for throw- twice a week; floors scrubbed once .a | ing stones though a Chinaman 8 win- month; windows washed in April, July dow as any other window on Prin and November, and that the salary of | cess street, suid Magistrate Farrell, the caretaker be increased from $52 a | this motning, in police court, when year to S78. | fining Joseph Sinith 85, costs and The clerk reported that, no affidavit | damages, (in all amounting to 810.) had. been received from Mr. Donaldson | It scems that on Tuesday night the regarding his market toll collections. laundry establishment © 6f Hong Lee, On motien of Ald, Givens, the ¢om- | On Princess street, wan the scene of a mittee decided to leave the matter in | Pombardment by Smith, He threw abeyance. The market toll abolition | ¥tones, breaking two } dows and a question was also allowed to stand hig sgh 8 long oe Ja stom- for consideration by next year's com. | P'aint and the case was the one. at mittee. . ' traction of this morning's court. The committee placed on record its appreciation of the work performed the chairman during the year. The city property commitiee has received much criticism over the action it took : on various matters during the vear,' County court ocdupied its attention but if it made mistakes, there is no al Wednesda Mith the, cates Cor- 'one hut will say a good word for Ald- | poration of towns ip « ittshurg' vs. lerman Sears,' who proved himself 'a { Hohn A. Wilmot; = claim for $168.05, most faithful chairman, and took a appearing as a disbursement to 'Bar- keen interest in all matters within the | rett Bros., in defendant's account of jurisdiction of the city property com- | 1901. as treasurer for plaintifis; al mittee. If a few other aldermen would | leged payment being repudiated by Jattend to city business with Ajd. | Barrett Bros., and the defendant he- Sears" regularity, it would be better | ing unable to give * satisfactory ex- for Kingston ° planation in support of the item. ------------------------ i John Mdlntyre appeared for the de LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. fendgnt and J. L. Whiting. snd F. an King for the plaintiffs. Barrett Bros. What is Needed for Improvement | James Edward, and John and W. J. HONG LEE. "When the laws of our country al- they shall be A TOWNSHIP DISPUTE the Payment of An Ac- count. Over ; | Ruttan were the: witnesses for the . of Womankind. ons plaintifis. Evidence was to the effect Kingston, Dec. 13.--(To the Editor): | that. Barrett Bros. sent their "'or With regard to your, article on "Wo- ders' for stone crushing done, to nen Taking Men's Work," I think it | Councillor Ruttan, who presented 8 a very serious matter, and to eure! goo council, but'was not paid it must we not go back to the origin for them at the time, by the trea- of the race and find out why she was { surer.' Later Mr. Wilmot gave a check formed, and use our brains to bring | 14 Barrett Bros., which was endorsed the "law and the testimony" to hear | ! ¢ hy them, and the money then paid. on present circumstances ? - Jt is real: | [yy the course of business the check re. ly distressing, is it not, to read of | {yrned to the treasurer and he char- the awful things women' dg of well as | og (ho township with both it and men? And is it not time that our | {he order. The township etntends were filled and our | (hut the pastors' hands held up that the) "works of the evil spirit night be | own destroyed "Let each woman try to | live 80 as .to be an example to her sex and try fo help the poor, ignorant, erring girls who not only disgrace | themselves but the sex they belong to. There are »many organizations for this purpose, and what they want is unity, less trifling, more thinking, in up. When they are paid-he keeps the fact more of the Christ in them to | "orders," and enters them in a lead them not to live to themselves. book. On August, 1904, he does not tne thing every woman could do, and | particularly recollect "orders | for that is, to pray unitedly or alone on | $29.55 to W Toner for stone crush the first day of every month, at seven ing, and ¥13%.50 to Barrett Bros., for in the morning, noon, and seven in same work. He knows he paid the the evening, for the Holy Spirit. And! "orders" He took the "orders" off the men * Well, seeing that man was | the file. Qecember 28th, hocause Bar first formed, then woman, do we not | rett disputed bei expect men to be leaders in all that is | on August 1st, he ralled out not to noble, true and good ? The half, at pass any more "orders" as he had least, of our daily paper should en- | paid out, more. than he already had in courage us in all efforts to advance | cash. At the bank in the morning he ourselves, and thus the world, in true | drew out £400. Ruttan asked for the patriotism which is goodness. One] cheek hook and said "we have to feels so disheartened when we read of draw out another cheque for Barrett evil rampant instead of cleanliness in | Bros. He was called to sign check, keart and home and city.--A.C.M, { Sometimes the "orders" are paid hy the clerk. H prayer Westings account was paid but ghee. 8 A. Wilmot gave evidence in his behalf. He said he has been Seven years treasurer of the "township of Pittsburgh at a salary for the | past two vears of $100 and previous ly at $80 a year. The office approach- ed him, not he the office, Usually the councilmen give him "orders" and he takes off the amounts and adds them In council ---- © paid the two amounts, TONIGHT, 820.55 and S138.50. On September 12th, he went to the bank to get Magnificent Program, at Brock Jout ol the check to show council that Street Church. ji hac been passed. Later he met A . arrett on the market and got from Organ recital--Robert Harvey BIVOS | him a receipt for the check the eight following selections from | py witnesses for the defence were the great masters: "Qui Tollis, Melo- | (hyrles Belwa. clack the court, J. die, Intermezzo, Nocturne, Salut d | Kilduff and Riley Smith. The {trial Amour, On I'he Coast, Cujus Animam, | continued all this morning. In his Quando Corpus. Soloists Mrs, Evans charge to the jury Judge Price, said in two selections from reation, in part me. member got the Miss Beatrice Tandy with a selection money from council that day or Mr, from Handel, i Charles B. Harvey, | Wilmot has made a mistake, T believe Arthur Craig, James Halliday, each Wilmot is an honest, upright man, as in two selections from the great mast- | 4pe all the other members of the coun ers. Brock street Methodist church, 8 'the | ceil. If he paid out money for which pm, to-night, Admission 2B5c, 1 he had no 'order' from the council, | he has done an improper thing. When Barrett gave the receipt it showed he must have, received the cheque. You) must show that he had authority "tol make these two payments, one charged when the order came in to the coun | cil and the other when the cheque came in. My own impression is that thére was mistake made, There re How To Treat Kingston. Praise it. Improve it. Talk about it. : Write about it. Take a home pride in it. Tell of its business resources, Tell of its natural advantages, | mains: $168.05 which has been paid Cold Weather And Snow. | out without seemingly any order. | Has come and Christmas is nearly | want the blame to stay among the here. Do vou know that furs make the | council, where it belongs. The case most acceptable presents and no other | went to the jury at one o'clock and furs equal ours for style, quality, und court adjourned for an hour. value, Mink scarfs, $15, $20, $25, 230, -- | 1 at Campbell Bros., the store of big To-Day's Market. values in fine furs. The market to-day was a fairly good ers | one. There was a large attendance in. Travelling, bags, suit cases, trunks | side the butter market, fowl, especial- all selling at wholesale prices at the | Iv turkeys, being quite plentiful, com- Rudd Harness (o's. closing out sale. manding good prices, Turkeys were $1 On account of the great discoveries fz0 $1.75 cach; geese 81 each; chickens of pitchblender, in Colorado, the price |. to Soe, a pair. Butter was to he of radium, per ounce, has dropped | had on all sides at 24g. and Me, a $2,000,000, and it may now come into | Ib. Eggs were plentiful at 30¢. and general family use. It can be bought | 35e. a dozen, . Outside on the square, to-day for $1,000,000 an ounce. (meat and grain were the sole commo | dities offered. No vegetable vans were -------- Watch Chains will stand | Over 200 ladies attended the lecture, . | yesterday, at the Y.M.C.A. hall. on the solid gold test, for the | "Hygions Diet, Health and the Can. . | ning of Froits and "egetables." The outer case 18 '14k. gold. | were pleased with the simplicity of You can wear an H & | the methods, and signed certification . z : {| to that effcet. Some of the ladies, A.S. Chain with full| who bad tried some of the methods, satisfaction. 3 | endorsed them highly. | Hard or soft corns cured with three |! Your jeweler sells HL. & A. S. Chains. | Sera for an 11. & A. S. Chain Book. Cinaranteed. Money back if not satis. factory. In 'boxes, 15¢., at Wade's THR DAILY "some other kind in as large WHIG, THURSDAY, NO LIMIT TO FIBBING ON BEHALF OF ALDERMAN KING. . Regarding Subway--That Alder- man Never Raised His Voice Against City Paying County $100 Expenses Allowed By ! Committee. There is no limit to the fihbing whick is being indulged in in Ald. King's be- half, and with regard to the Grand Trunk subway, He is 'represented as a wary alder- man, a man with an eager eve, and with a keen seent for what is irregular and improper. He is alleged to, have detected something wrong in Ald. Mowat's connection with the case, and some lit rary pirate has dared to as sett that he opposed the payment of the county's costs, which costs ~ had hesn" assessed against the eity by the railway committee, . The facts are these: That Ald. King was a party to the subway deal: that he and his friends supplied the evidence that the crossing was danger- ous that the vailway committee ac- cepted the city's ww of the case and made it liable for share of the sub- way: that out of this position the city sought to escape, each attempt being attended by considerable expenses; that in the last appeal, at"the close of 1903, the county was allowed £100 ex- Lens s, because the outlay was forced upon it by the city. Mr. Mowat, not an alderman then, was paid his ex- pens:s by the county, and he had no claim upon the city. In March, 1904, the county claimed the $100 allowed it by the railway committee, and the matter went through the council with- out a kick, t Ald. King is alleged to have pro- tested against it. He did nothing of the kind. He did not.open his mouth. Nor dare he. The expense wis incurred in trying to evade the subway to in 1002, had committed the city. If there is anything of which Ald. King should be ashamed, it is the part which he and the men who acted with him played in 1902, ) The city solicitor, in a letter ad dressed to Mayor Shaw, did his best to save the aldermen from the results of their folly, and withqut' success No one can tell what hecame of his letter, but it cortainly was not acted upon. If eventually the city is out $7,000 or £2,000 on the subway, Ald. King and his friends can be thanked for it. -------- . A Pleasing Concert. The concert given by the Oddiellows in their hall in the YM.CA., Wed nesday evening, was most successful. About three hundred of the wives, sweethearts and members of the lodge were in attendance. Dr. A. W. Rich- ardson, made. a good chairman, his "that reminds me's," in a humorous vein gt the conclusion of each number being much enjoyed.' The following was the excellent programme : Har mony male quartette, Messrs, W. Rog ors, S. Smith, T. RutBerford and A. W. McMahon; solo, A: Mrs. Nelson; character dialogue, Miss Dutton; solo, W. Rogers; club swing- ing, Corpl. Atkins; vatgl 'duct, Mrs. Nelson and | A°MeMabon{ solo, G. Gillespie: male 'quartette: solo, Miss Stratford: recitation, . Miss; Dutton: song, T. Rutherford; sWord swinging, Corpl. Atkins; song, A. W. McMahon: male quartette; accompaniats, Mes T. R. Carnovsky and Mes. P. Reid. Te ------pre Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cura. This remedy is intended those diseases which arise presence of uric acid or ons in the blood. It is medy for these affections. It cures all varieties of rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, gout, lumbago, 'te. It neutralizes and expels the irri tating poisons, renews the health and activity of the Kidneys and digestive organs, and restores the . system to full vigor and health. The remedy has heen used too long and tested too widely to leave anv doubt that it is a positive cure. Price, 50¢. Sold only at Wade's drug store. This is _ the preparation' that eured Robert Uns worth, Sharhot Lake, Ont. ------------ Dip Hip corsets with hose support ers 50c. New York Dress Reform, See that some of your Christmas gifts reach some of those who really need them, EE -- A QUESTION OF COST. In any number of stores you'll see various prepara- tions of cod liver oil at as many different prices. You'll wonder, perhaps, why Scott's Emulsion costs more. than nly for om the similar pois- a perfect re- a bottle. Hearing only one side of the question you may be led in%o buying the "just as good as Scott's" at. the lower price. That's false economy. Scott's Emulsion costs more because its more expensive to make. Every ingredient is tested and guar- anteed of the purest quality, No adulteration, no shaving of quality. Theres no econ- omy in bargain medicine. If you can afford to experiment with your health, substitutes may satisfy you. We take it, however, that you want a pure preparation, a reliable remedy and something that's going to help you. That's what you get in Scott's Emulsion. Thirty years the standard. applications of Peck"ss Corn Salve. MH. & A. SAUNDERS, King & John Sts., Toronto. Drug Store, SCOTT & BOWNRE, Torente, Ont, DECEMBER 14. which he and his associates, the *rulers | A Lemmon; solo, | f TOR BETTER TRAINING | Of Inland Saiiors--More About : the Marine School. | Jt is due to the efiorts of Hon. W. | Harty that the department of marine | has decided to give a series of free | lectures on seamanship and naviga- ! tion illustrated by diagrams, during | the months of January, February and | March, 1906, in Kingston, to which all | persons interested in navigation are { cordially invited to attend. A room | has been secured in the old collegiate | institute building and the lectures will | be given on two days or evenings of each week, ample notice of which will | be given in the press. | Special attention will be. given to | the rules 'of the road, fog and dis tress signals, also on the correction of compasses, and in the view of a pro- bable change in the standard examin- ations 'for coasting, inland and minor waters, those who contemplate secur- ing & certificate for any grade will de- rive much benefit by a steady attend- | ance at the classes. This action on the part of the department, is the result of a universal deémand for a better training of inland sailors. The services of Capt. Thomas Don- nelly have been secured as lecturer, and the programme 'and subjects to be taught will include all necessary to the needs of navigation on the great lakes. Capt. L. O. Demers, chief ex- aminer of masters and-mates at Ot- the marine schools considerable atten- tion for some time past. He has visit: ed Great Britain and other places in search of information and has at last decided on a programme which will be hoped that all the marine men in this vicinity and the amateur yachts- men 'will take advantage of those lee- tures and that a Jarge attendance may be secured. Marine Notes. The steamer Wahcondah cleared at nine o'clock last evening for Hamil | ton, The steambarge Navajo and the schooner Metzner, are at Richardsons' wharf to go into winter quarters. The government tug, Scout. left ves- terday, to winter in Prescott. On her way down the river, she will com- plete her work of lifting the buoys. The government tug Reserve, return- ed yesterday: from taking supplies to the False Ducks Island, and cleared for Prescott to go into winter quart ors, The steamer Donnelly is aground at Brighton, but will be floated when | the wind changes. She ran on a mud | bank while sceking shelter. The Don | nelly will likely go into Davis' dry- dock on return here. The steamer Rogers cleared from Fort William, for Buffalo, with 351,000 bushels of wheat, the largest cargo of grain ever. taken from a lake port anywhere, The world's record of 10, 530 tons, is thus made from a Cana- dian port. Some idea of the size of the vessel and cargo is afforded by the fact that the 361,000 bushels of grain weigh 10,530 tons. rpimt------ Skilfully Handled. A horse driven by Col. Ogilvie; -be- haved in a rather unconventional manner, Wednesday afternoon, * on Upper Princess strect. Its apparent vlacid temperament © was disturbed through some unaccountable reason, and after a violent attempt to bolt, vhich was overcome by the masterly skill of "the man behind the reins," the animal kicked out repeatedly with terrific force. The dashboard fnally ave way under - the bombardment. Mrs. Ogilvie, who was directly in line with the blows, escaped possible in jury by jumping from the cutter. Af ter considerable skilful battling the temporary viciousness of , the horse vas overcome and Col, Ogilvie was able to proceed after a vexatious de lay. ---- There Was A Fire. It seems that there was a fire on Fuesday evening, when the brigade received an alarm from box No. 17 at the corner of University avénue and Earl street. ©n reaching the box there was no one about the corner, and after a short wait, the firemen, unable to locate any blaze, returned to the stations. There was a small ite in the house of Mrs, Weir, 139 Alfred street, which was soon ex tinguished. This was a block and a half above the fire . alarm box, and also around a corner, RR That Old Lot No. 24. City Registrar Gildersleeve has been engaged for some time past in work- ing upon the documents relating to that awful old lot 24, in the city of Kingston, formerly in the county. The government authorized kim to get the documents in some kind of order so that searches niight Be more easily un undertaken. To search most - titles on lot 2, required a great deal of tii and cost of money, When Mr. Gildur slseve get through, Property owners and lawyers will be benefitted oreatly. Ald. Hoag's Record. * What has Alderman Hoag done for Rideau ward this year ? Nothing. What has he done against it ? Two things in particular. First, he voted with the majority' of the council to eut off the Williamsville street car serviee;.second, he made no effort a week ago to help Alds. Mowat and Carson in their effort to get an electric light for the Princess Street Methodist church corner. His lender. Ald. King, balked the move. Are the people of Rideau ward satis tied ? ' ---- 'The Cars Wil: Run. People have 'enquired if the street cars will run all winter, This morning Superintendent Nickle was asked con- cerning the matter, and replied that the company's intention was to run the cars through the winter, and to fight the snow even if it proved heavy. The car service will contifiue as at present. Around Christmas time, a ten minute service will likely be given at certain periods of the day. ---- For Hubby. A far coat, collar, gauntlets or cap, coming from our &tore is sure {a please. Campbell Bros., Kingston's best fur store. : . ---- For pretty Christmas presents go to Chown's Drug Store. : : tawa has, under instructions from the department, been giving the matter of thorough and practicable. It is to be LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. Occurrences In The City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read and Remembered. Don't forget ing. 3 See Livingston's advt for Christmas suggestions. Special Dip Hip York Dress Reform, This morning the temperature about eight degrees above zero. Old-fashioned horehound candy. at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, The Kingston Hosiery company has issued a fine line of calendars. Dainty perfume, in dainty packages, at Chown's Drug Store, 25c. up. The property committee of the hoard of education is recommending increas: od salaries to caretakers from $20 to £33 each. He put his arms around her neck, The color left her cheek : But on the sleeve of his Sunday coat It showed up for a week. The question among York Loan shareholders now is, 'What ye goin' to shop in the morn- Corsets, 65¢. New amas to 'do 'when the collector comes round?" . The board of education will to night appoint three new teachers to the" Collegiate Institute, A good com mercial master has been secured "Lowney's" and "Quality" choco- lates in swell Christmas = packages, Mahood's drug store. _ Westmount Athletic Association is endeavoring to get on a basketball match with the local Y.M.CA., on Saturday, December 30th. A meeting will be held to-night to decide whether or not to play. Huyler's fine candies at the Red Cross drug store. The salary question will be before the board of education to-night, It is likely increases of $25 will he vearly made, the maximum to be raised to £550. There will also De a graded salary scheme brought down for tha Collegiate Institute. The will reach $1,600. 350 wool travelling rugs with fring. increases ed ends for $2.25 at the Rudd Har ness Co, As the Queen's Dramatic Club are presenting scenes from three of Shakespeare's plays - "Hamlet," "Merchant of Venice" and "Twelith Night," the caste of characters is nn- uspally large, some thirty people tak- ing "part. While the students do net hope to rival the work of profession- als, they will undoubtedly put on a careful performance. For ebony, pure bristle military brushes, lga "to = Chown's Drvg Store, 81 pair up. z Ex-Alderman Knapp will again be a candidate for aldermanic honors in Ri- deau ward. It is such men as Knapp that Kingston requires--men who have lots of time at their disposal'to give to the city's affairs. Rideau ward would do well to again have Mr Knapp. as one of its representatives. When in the council he was faithful. Persons desiring . to know some thing of 'The ' Cost of a. Cruise" across the Atlantic will fad almost anv question directly answered in "The Cost of a Cruise," der Hume Ford, in December Four Track News. Have vou any idea of iting the Canadian lakes or hunt- ing grounds next season 7? If s0, read Anna C. Ruddy's story of the Mus koka lumber woods. by Alexan- AT THE GRAND. There Was a Good Audience Last Night. The Stoddart company, at the Grand Opera House, last night, drew a very large audience, The play pre sented was "Woman Against Woman" an English drama, and one that in terested the large audience. W. LL Stoddart took, the leading part as "John Tressider," and did his work well. D. 0. Secord displayed much ability' in the way in which he per formed his allotted task. He was very amusing: Miss Leah Stoddart was well adapted to her role. He: realization of "Bessie Barton. the discarded wife, was i d natural and a fine piece of acting, Miss Fdyth la Nora was "Rachel Westwood," the traitress and a women scorned. an' Mrs. Secord took her allotted part with much - ability. The specialties were up-to-date. The exhibition of on the acrial ladder of Walbourne and Whitney was g daring exhihition of athletic work. To-night "The Orphans" will be the bill of fare. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Transacts a General Banking Business, Branches and Agents at all provin- cial points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. Two Accounts of manufacturers, firms (wholesale and retail), societies, cheese factories, corporations and in dividuals welcomed. Notes discounted. Sales notes cashed THE DAYS EPISODES You Won Just arrived our Christmas order of i, Cons if Jou we Shiloh: Calds, Coughs, 1k : and all irrigay; Fin ar passages almost instandy ata of the You won't lose anythin {it fof cure Po fox then your 2 -- You . What you paid for jr, If you You Will agree that it is the greatest medicine Coughs and Colds in the world, fo "1 think there is no_medicine [ike / a { . Silks Con. Rn Care or Cosshs pnd Colds. ~Mn, GC. **1 have used Shiloh's Cac mn EE phe . 47, Kincar I bad & bad cold and a frien ME 2 Si y, 438 Arle 3. Noma 25c. per bottle. All dealers Ruarantee it, PERFUME - for CHRIST) Bottle of A Pretty Perfume makes a mosy ac ceptable Christmgg gift. It is something t mind. the recinient of the give me it is used, Our display of "all © ful" in Christm wh s foi th numerous expressions of deligi We have them, from many makers Foreign and Domestic in prices from 25¢., in a pretty box, to » In a shandsome cut-glass bottle in hegvy stag box. We would be pleased to show vou this display. No trouble to show goods. The Best Drug Store L.T. B3ST, Chemist and Optician 124 Princess Street. "Phone 59 CLAUS Is buying all supplies at this knows 'the best least money' can be got had better follow his example. Goods and he for the You his Dry store, where sy Collars t prices The swellest lot of Fa ever shown in Kingston from 10c. to $1.75 each. * Ladies' Embroidered Handker- chiefs by the thousands. A special lot at 12)c. each. Just about half their value Children of We have an endless varie White - Bearskin warm sensible 'articles Coats the wee ones and WE! { cosy for very cosy White Wool Clouds, Toques, Hoods, Overstockings, Bootees, Mitts, Wool Jackets, Wool Over- alls, etc. 7 NEWNAN & SHAW | ONE PRICE 396.05 7 or collected.. Best rates. Drafts bought and sold. . Money orders issued at following rates : $5 and under. .... Over 85 to $10 Over R10 to 830 Over £30 to $50 Payable at any chartered bank Canada (Yukon* Territory excopted). SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of £1 and upwagls received | " | and interest allowed at highest cur- rent rates. No notice of withdrawal nceessary. Our employees are insured in the Guarantee Company of North America and are bound to keep the customers' 0666006006000 é business with the bank s ert. -- & QUALITY 3 JAMES SWIFT & CO. "| Salve will cure hare Sap 13e., at Wade's Drog Store $ ORE Prompt delivery : en ee op oe rg Com : rock's Thr lications of Pec In Three applica i or soft corns. Give somethir and yet serviceabl assorted stock of 1 sins and Rubber t We ha Slipper Men anc s ABE} MY For Christmas Oi We have the choicest ran, Ports Sherries Brandies Maderias Ir James McPau (339 and 341 King $ 'Phone 274. Hon Guarar We guarantee OUR milk SOLUTELY pure; put up ic bottles, It is the best. Tr; Kingston Milk 'Cor, Brock and Bag 'Phone 567. Plumbing ana He Hot Water He: a Specialty, Inspection of work invited. will be cheerfully given. I have none but the best p Ruarantee you first-class wor D A vib 4 Snow, Beautiful Is sure to come, and the time to have yo ters and Sleighs re and fixed up. Be su send them to AS. LATUI The Carriage Make Princess Street, wher detail will be atten HALLIDA! ELECTRIC COI Specialists in Dise Motors and Dynan all Electric Trouble: 'Fhone 94. CAPILLI F( A Clean healthy tomic. G Produce a luxuriant grow yleasuring one inch per mor fatiing and grey hair. Is a Of headaches, neuralgia,. ¢czema. Excellent for mo other tonsorial purposes. hishest recommendation frot States Health Reports. Fiven or monev refunded. One' bottle of this famou TUL be given away with ea tor Dressmaking, best city Manufactured and sold b) MME. E. ELDER. 253 Pr KINGSTON HAVE YOU AN TO SELL OUTSIDE «SINS AND YOUR T! COME.TO WH. KURRAY, The

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