cough long if you use Shiloh! x loh'{ tion Cure, the Lung Toni] jpeenp- Colds, Coughs, and ail ifMitationy a air passages almost instantly You won't lose an ything if J = for then your dole "aie to ick what you paid We Shiloh or jt. If you . pu Will agree that it is the grea, he oouha and Colds ju the ate te : 3s no medicine like Shileh' me a wy d 47, Kincar. Lind » bad cold 'and a» friend { ¥ 5 told me 1p C Cure. W well. Mim Codey, 438 Aylnce "Nd. SHILOH Be. por botle._ All dealers guannes i, ERFUME - for CHRISTMAS retty Bottle KES a mos ol Good Perfume "ptable Christmgs It js somethin "mind. 1) g vind. the pient of the giver 1 ur display of "al a: s béauti m Christ ¢s bring h numerous ex of eligi e have them, fre makers eign and Domestic rices from » In a pretty box, to 86.50 in a dsome cut-glass bottle in heoiy y box, : e would be pleased to show vou display. o trouble to show goods. he Best Drug Store L. T. BIST, Chemist and Optician Princess Street. "Phone 59 LAUS buying all his Dry Goods plies at this store, and he ws where "the best for the t money" cam be got. You better follow his example. ve swellest lot of Fancy Collars shown in Kingston at prices 2» 10c. to $1.75 each. . dies' Embroidered Handker- 8 by the thousands. A ial lot at 1R}c. each. Just at half their value or the hildren have an endless = variety of ble 'articles. White * Bearskin cosy for Ss very warm a wee ones and WET ices ite Wool Clouds, Toques, is, Overstockings, Bootees, s, Wool Jackets, Wool Over ete y WHAN & SHAW : : 3 | ONE PRICE 36.45 TON ONE QUALITY rompt delivery --) DOVOPIPOVELOOLL0e Pee ee AMES SWiFT & C0. $000000000° ; » applications of will cure hard or soft © 13¢., at Wade's Drog Store. NN MAAN =¥ SUITABLE assorted stock of Hockey -- Give something useful, something inexpensive and yet serviceable. We have a large and well sins and Rubber Boots. We have the best $1 Slipper in the city for Men and Women. ; Boots, Slippers, Mocca= $ABERNETHY'S NAVIN NNN NNN EG For Christmas Cooking We have the choicest range of Ports Sherries Brandies Maderias In the city James McParland (339 qnd 341 King Street. 'Phone 274. i Lr ANY Honest| Guarantee We guarantee OUR milk to be AB- SOLUTELY pure; put up in sterilized bottles, It is the best. Try it. Kingston Milk Depot 'Cor. Brock and Bagot Sts. 'Phone 567. Plumbing snd Heat g Hot Water Heating a Specialty, Inspection of work invited. Estimates will be cheerfully given. I have none but the best plumbers and Ruarantee you first-class work, DAVID HALL Brock Street. ' "Phone 335. -- Snow, Beautiful Snow Is sure to come, and now is the time to have your Cut- ters and Sleighs renewed and fixed up. Be sure you send them to 'AS. LATURNEY The Carriage Maker, 380 Princess Street, where every detail will be attended to. "HALLIDAY ELECTRIC COMPANY Specialists in Diseases of Motors and Dynamos and all Electric Troubles. 'Fhone 94. rm-- CAPILLI FORMA A Clean healthy tonic. Guaranteed to Produce a luxuriant growth of bair, '®asuring one inch per month. Prevents {ling and grey hair. Is a positive cure lor headaches," neuralgia. dandruff and Sunna. Excellent for moustaches and hich tonsorial purposes. Received the ai nest recommendation from the United Slates Health Reports. Satisfaction fatiin Fiven or monev refunded. iy be given away with each cash order Dressmaking, best city references Manufactured and sold by MME. E. ELDER. 253 Princess Street KINGSTON. HAVE YOU ANYTHING |: 70 'SELL OUTSIDE OF. YOUR SINS AND YOUR TROUBLES? COMETO 'Phone, 680. Principal. {ne bottle of this famous Hair Tonic The Great Fay Remedy, A positive cure for all forms a air » BAND n y marorhoea, Impotency, Ritbots of Abuse or Excess, all of which lead to Consumption, Infirm ty, Insaaity®and an satly grave. oe Her rioto. or Iagied in plo ; or n Ty of price, Write for Pam] he Wood M: we Co. Windsor, 0. NO MISTAKE Is made when you decide on entering for a Business training in the SAllieiitre Cor, Barrie and Clergy Sts. Ask any of the business or prolession- al men who have our graduates, om any of our well-pleased students as to the superiority of our methods of training. A PRACTICAL SCHOOL Modern Jquipment ; competent teach- efs ; moderate ratos. Day and Evening Classes T. N. STOCKDALE, pa ; Enter any Tims | Cal TER Kingston Business Golleg LIMITED . Head of Queen St,, Kingston - - Ont A MODERN, PERMANENT, RE- LIABLE SCHOOL. .. Established In 1883 ., Protical, complete, thorongh, individual instruction given in all c.mmercial sub. jects. Open throughout the whole year. Vrite, callor telephone for terms and cata- logue J.B. McKAY, H.F METCALFE, Presidunt. Frincipal, «#00000 JOOO0000000000008 UNIVERSAL MEAT CHOPPERS, Carvers in Sets, Clauss' Shears and Razors all guaranteed at CARPENTER AND JOBBER Try Myers' for Fine COOKED MEATS. "7 NEW YORK 83 PRINCESS STREET Will be opened shortly. Insurance and Real Estate. Eight Companies st Lowest Hates, to Loan on Real Estate, WHEN NEEDING A CAB football rules are a Toronto product. If they had ; been evolved by some poor body in a small town like Ham- ilton, there would now be no trouble in agreeing upon uniform Canadian rugby rules. Toronto seems bound to support the snap-back system Lecpuse it. was inaugurated up there, Surely The New, Easy Washing Machine Strachan's Hardware Store. C. HH POWELL 103 Raglan Street Chinese Restaurant GARDINER"S Money 151 Wellington Street. 'PHONE FOR A CAB : THE DAILY INVOLVED, It is unfortunate that the smap-back there's no other reason. It ewnoot he peeause the gawe has any interest or merit. And, dy the way, the srap- hack game is not a rughy game, and to the O.F.U. leaving out: the idea union is a rugby association. : The Toronto Globe terms as a joke the Kingston opinion that the Inter- | collegiate rugby rules are what should he adopted for the Canadian game. However, if uniformity of rules is ar- rived at. and if the Fnglish game is not adopted, we will wager that the result will be closer to the intercol- might as well be thoroughly under stood mow, and it is this: That whatever the style adopted as the | Canadian game, it will involve the serimmage. Rev. A. F. Barr and F. D. Woodworth, of the O.R.F.U,, seem to recognize that, if their less ad: vanced and very stubborn Toronto brethren do not. General Sporting Notes. The University of Michigan Athletic Association have $25,000 profit on the 1905 football season. At the annual rugby football match at Richmond, Cambridge University defeated Oxford by 15 to 3. ' The stockholders of the New York Baseball Club, National league, re: elected Jéhn 1. Brush, president. Meaford has a mew rink, with ice space of 166 feet by 60, with accom- modation for 3,000 spectators--more than there are in the town. 3 Battling Nelson is fast growing rich. He has no bad habits, nor expeasive tastes, and sends his earnings to his father in Mogiswich, Ill, to be in vested for him in Illinois real estgte. The Eastern Professional Golfers' Association of New York City, has been incorporated at Albany to foster the game of golf. The corporation will operate principally in the castern and middle states. Cecil Blachford will eaptain the Wanderer Hockey Clubs, this winter. Hoon, who was cleeted captain at 'the annua! necting, has gone to the mari- time provinces, and will not return ull next summer. y Cornwall! is! very indignant over the action of the Wenderers and Ottawa! Morrisburg and Westmount are the clubs that will probably be admitted in place of the deserters to the Fode- ral Hockey League 'loronte Globe: It's a fine "sport- ine' organization, that new Eastorn Hockey « League. Wouldn't it be 'en- joyable to be 'mixed up with club# that' would "double-cross' vou with- ont a moment's warning ? Undismayed by their failure to lift the grand challenge cup at the English Henley regatta, last year, the Vespers Boat Club, Philadelphia, is abroad the coming summer Capt. S. 8. Brown, of Pittsbarg, is dead. Capt. Brown was for "many vears a big figure on the American turf. He was a member of the Jockey Club, one of the Board of Appeals of the American Turf Association, owner of a big stable and a big stud farm in Kentucky. A split is threatened in the ranks of the Mtawa Hockey Club, by which it is said several players, viz., Frank McGee, Weldy Young and the Gil mours, will leave the club and form the basis of a new club to be run on strictly amateur lines with strong men behind it Umpire "Silk" O'Loughlin does not believe in changing the baschall rules on the claim that the public is well satisfied as matters now stand. He savs if the club owners want more batting they can easily attain the ob- jet by moving the pitcher further back in the diamond. The Faculty Athletic Commitieo of the Stanford University and the Uni- versity of California, adopted a re- solution decrying the evils of the pre- sent system of football playing in United States. It recommended that that the rugby game be introduced as [a substitute, The new league will be known as the Eastern'Canada Amateur Hockey compose it are the Ottawas and Wan- derers of the Federal League, and the Vietorias, Montreals, Shamrocks and Quebec, of the Canadian League. The clubs loft out in the cold without matches or rink accommbdetion are the Nationals and Westmounts, of the C.AHL, and Montagnards, (om- wall, Brockville, and Smith's Falls, of the F.AH.L. Honoring Washington's Memory. Washington, Ix. Dec. 14.--~To-day is the anniversary of the death of George Washington, and thousands of people went out to Mount Vernon fo visit the tomb, where the father of the otfidr prominent Masons arrived here this morning and went to Mount Ver. King Of ffonga's Physician. kingdom ET ----------------------ETET. . Halifax, N:S.. Dec. 1.--Dr. McLen un, a néitive of St, Ann's, CB, i= elsland, "in 'the Pacific. He has been there for the past twelve years, and is looked upon as one of the most fmportant- personages in that small Phone 490. Clarence Street Cab | non, bearing a wreath: of evergreens, | y ride : $ which they deposited on Washington's Stand, and you will get # | sarcophagus on 'behalf of "his mother prompt answer. ~ | lodge. Géorge Washington was made a | mason in this lodge. and the records |b wing his initiation, passing and roising, and hearing his [signature to { the constitution, also the Fible on 1 } h which he was obligated, are sacredly court physician to the king of Tonga preserved among the treasured relics of { the lodge and are objects of oreat in- terest to visitors to Fredericksburg. Cross dig. =tore, Call Write gba oir stock of chonyl fp. ost 'scientific eve testiog. at Wh, SLURRAY, The Auctioneer -- at the Red: Crogs dong store. | hown's Drug Store, ~ § re ------------------ THE SCRIMMAGE WiLL BE Montreal, Dec. 11.--About 800 héad of butchers' cattle, "100 calves, 20 milch cows, 300 sheep and lambs and | 100 fat hogs were offered for sale at In Whatever Uniform Rugby , the hig Fad, Abattoir todays The butchers were out strong and trac Rules: wand Adopts Tue. was good -at firm prices all round. esult Will Sash Ho Prime beeves sold at 4c. to de. per collegiate Rules Than to Any |; pretty good cattle at 3jc. to Others. 4c., and the common stock at 2je. to 3c. per Ib. Some of the milch cows wore very. fine animals, which. sold 'at 850 to 260 each; the others, at $30 to #43 cach. Grass fed calves sold at 2ic. to de. "per lb; young veals at Ale. to 4de. per 1b. Sheep sold at fc. to 41c. per 1b good lots oRlambs sold at about Ge. per lb. Good lots i of fat hogs sold at 6ic. to 6fc. per Ih. : VIEW! Prices _ Paid at Narious the O.R.F.U. should change its name G00; weak, beeves, $3.40 to $6.70; cows, and heifers, £1.40 to 34.75; involved in its present namo that the | ctogkers and feeders, $240 to $4.15; i " Texans, $3.50 to $4.25; western, $3.30 to $4.75. od and butchers', $1.65 to $4.90; good heavy, $4.70 to $4.97}; rough, heavy, $1100 to $4.70; light, $4.60 to $4.90; legiate rules than to any other of the sheep, $4 to $5.90; lambs, $4.75 to systems. There is ome thing that 87.85. N : (Td hay. timothy, per ton, 89 to planning to sénd another cight ! Association. The clubs which now country is resting. As usual a repre sentative of Lodge Nov 4 of Masons of Frederickshurgh, Va., and several ------ A fresh shipment of McConkey's fine candies received to-day at the Red + Centres. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Dec. . 12.--Cattle-- Receipts, Hogs-- Receipts, 35.000; strong; mix vigs, 84.25 to $4.85; bulk of sales, 4.80 to $4.90. = Sheep--Reeeipts, 18,000; strong; East Buffalo Live Stock. East Buffdo, Dee. 12.---Cattle--Re- ceipts 750 head; fairly active, but 10c. to ide. lower. Prime steers, $5.15 to £5.60; shipping, $4.90 to 85; butchers, $4 to $4.85; heifers, 83 to $4.25; cows, $225 to $3.95; bulls, 32.50 to $4; stockers and feeders, $2.60 to $4.25; stock heifers, $2.25 to. $2.85. Veals--Receipts 150 head; slow and 25c. lower; 85:25 to: 89. i Hogs---Receipts 9,400 head; fairly active and So. Jower, Heavy, mi xed, Yorkers, and: pigs, 85.10 to $5.15; roughs, $4.95 fo $4.50; stags, $3 to $3.75. & Sheep and lambs--Receipts = 2,400 head; active; sheep strong, lambs 20c. higher, Lambs, $6.25 to $8.10; yearl- ings, $6.50 to $6.90; wethers, $5.50 to 26; ewes, $5.50 to £5.75; sheep, mixed, £3 =o 85.75; Canada lambs, $7.50 to $7.75. pi, Toronto Street Market. Foronto, Dec, 11.---Wheat, white, per bush., 5c. to T8c.; wheat, red; per bush., 76c. to T8¢.; wheat, spring, per bush., 75c. to 76c.; wheat, goose, per bush., 7%. to 73c.; oats, per bush, 3Sc.; barley, ptt push, 52. to 5c; eas, per bush., Tbe. rye, per bush., $10.50; mixed, per ton." $6 to 8; straw, per. ton, #12 to $12.50; seeds, Alsike, No. 1,' per bush. $3.75 to £6.25; No. 2, per bush., $4.75 to $5; iNo. 3, per bush., $1 to 34.50; red, choice, No. 1, "per bush. 86.35 to 8/7; timothy, r bash $1 50 to #2: dres hogs, $8 to $8.50; apples, per bhi, $1.35 th 23 oar, per doz., 40. he butter, Airy, per 1b, 24e. to creamery, | per Ih, 27¢. "to 0c. png, per Ih. 10¢. to 1le.; fowl, With New Blood In the Arteries You Will Feel New Vigor and Confidence Throughout the Whole Body. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Do you know what it is to feel well --to feel young and hearty and vigor- ous-- to feel full of énergy and ambi tion--to enjoy work and look forward hopeful and confident of the future? This is the natural way to feel when your blood is pure and rich and your nerves athrill with life and vitality. This is the way you feel if you re- vitalize your wasted and depleted ner vous system by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Not in any miraculous way--not af ter the first dose or first box, it may be, but when your system has been gradually built up--your blood enrich- to the nerves, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is a wonder ful medicine, but its wonders are ac- complished in Nature's way, by thor- oughly restoring the elements lacking in a rundown body. No other treatment for the nerves acts in exactly this way. Some relieve by deadening the merves--some by ex- cessive stimulation. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food brings ab- out lastingly beneficial results by forming new, rich blood and creating new nerve force. George W. Lawson, a farmer living near Consecon, and well apd favora bly known throughout Prince Edward county, Ont., writes : "About one year ago 1 was taken sick, and felt myself failing every'day. 1 consulted and doctored with several eminent physicians, but received no permanent benefit. If fact they told me they could do nothing for me ex- cept to afford temporary relief, as it was a general « breaking up of old age. My nerves . were exhausted, and my whole system completely broken up. "I was just at dedth's door, and, thinking my time to die had come, 1 fate, At this time my wife read in the papers about some of the wonderful cures being brought about by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and 1 began us- ing it. for six months, when 1 was fully re stored to health. To-day I am a well Vie Natty nt GUESS WHERE YOUR BROTHER Since We Started Our Big Alteration. If not, you are certainly missing something, for we arg §iving the public SE . ol best bargains ever offered in this city. We Emphasize rofit on this sale. Our sole object is to turn We do not expect to make any ) t y all who come, for, notwithstanding the de- the stock into cash. We can supp mand; the decrease in our big stock is hardly noticeable. ' . ¢ EAI = hie 9% / : Elegent Overcoats Neckwear, Gloves, etc. For Men, Young Men and Boys :-- New, Neckwear, exclusive: designs, Toy be cleared fouty*gV, | ; #% £18.00 Overcoats New Suspenders. dor. Sod. oul Sulla All bought for the holiday trade. Boys' Frieze Ulsters, regular $3.50. Sale price... Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Suits New goods, best tailoring and perfect Underwear Our guarantee goes with every suit. All cut to sale prices. Of all kinds cut to sale p: ices. Men's Trousers Ruefers, Duck Coats, Leather Coats, _ elegsda go at sale prices, Big Snap In SU Bosom Colored Shirts: Regu: You can buy your Holiday Presents for Men or Boys here and save money enough for other purposes. ed and new vim and vigor instilled in- ONEY & CO. 127 Princess Street, The Store that Sets the Pac S per Ih, Te. to Se; 15¢. to 16¢c.; geese, 11c.! cabbage, per turkeys, per Ib, NEWS FROM NEWBURGH. Laie. G. A. Avivswgethi dud doz., 40c. to B0e.; doz., 5c. to 81; po- hag, 8c. to 90c.; celery, to 40c.; onions, 81.25; beef, hindgquar ters, 86 to 87; foremus ters, 5 cho ce, carcase, $5.50 to $6 carcase, 85 to $5.30; mutton, cwt., $6.50 to $8; veal, to 89; lamb, per cwt., $8.50 to $0.50. What is Transpiring in This Once Famous WNillage. . 14.~D. , A. Noshitt interesting missionary gave up "hope, and resigned myself to vorth League on Mon- ert Bowman loft where they have secured Finkle and wife attended the Bernhardt Ball moved into "This treatment helped me from the first, and I: continued to keep it up PEL Election Casey Charlottetown, PEL, Dec. 14.~The election suit against A, A. Lefurgey, M.1%, was brought to a close at Sum- iss Price's house ; Gordon |, had his Christinas display of books, and tracts at the station on Monday and Tuesday. Messrs. Ashley and Ro ° are working on C. ¥ : dynamo this week. Mr. Finkle hopes to have his electric light working so that he may light his hall with them evening next. D. A. Nesbitt will pro- | side at the model school teaching ex- aminations in Napanee: on Fri man, and made sa by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food at a trifling post. All thig in spite of the fact that | spent a large sum of money with physicians enly to be pronounced incurable, Though in my seventy-fifth year, 1 feel as well as 1 did at twenty, and can walk as smartly as any of the bovs." 'There is lots of 'evidence of what this preat food cure has dont for oth ers. Ask your neighbors ghout it. 50c. B. of Q. railway stating that he had no evidence to of- for in the case, Previously the court had delivered judpment as to piey of the time for trial, holding" tit the whale session of parliament should be inolided in the computation, and not the part remaining after the respond- t's application for postponement on Bates & Co., Toronto, a box, at all dealers, or Fimanson, of parliament being in Sos. ng a journalistic representative | Sutton; Mr. and Mrs, James Shorey, ------ . Adams, attended the Sunday school convention in Napane last week. The Presbyterian school Christian entertainment on Thur , 2st, Methodist hema or the 22nd. The N Farmers were held in Fiokle's Thursday last. Very interesting ad- dresses wero delivered by the delogat. and local speakers. The comnty eoun eif gave the Newburgh Board of iid cation. the $200 more, their annual demand, which thi cil wag bond by law to do. 4 -------- i Prosperous - Journal. Not a few new than the towns on and among the best of this A. i. Macdonald's News, of Alexa dria. Rewards come slowly to real working josmalist, but he ; is fortunate ticring and able.