* :3 Christmas p all over and you can't find ity where there are so py. and boys. wy re for a man's things. We rect and we know what meg ts, Fancy Vests, Hats, Gaps, Cardigans, Shirts, rs, Hosiery, t Robes. Neckwear! Neckwear Perfection ork, in all the popular shapes, Ends, Ascots, Puffs, Bows, C., at 25c¢., 50c., 75¢., $1. Collars, Umbrellas, Un- BIBBY . CO, Wear Store. used in 4 , the best uipment, skill and other ingredients can- peodus we 2 not 57 health-givi: The water peed in Carling's brews is taken from Carling's 8 private springs at a depth of 3 ne thousand and never d less than 8 degrees pure FH overnment Analysts. Sey | feet, Qo. rling's plant is equip * modern facility for wholesome ale. very where by all enterprising dealers, rling's Ale its Purity, Brilliancy and Uniformity Vs » Agent, Kingston. HY EEEEHE iii on Table Cor' Hem-stitched and hand vers, the samples of an old alike. Bought at 50° oft desirable for a Che ctly 33) anen re- : ¥ : : ¥ ¥ V istmas gilt. & of a saving on any Ce e-- | and Dresser Searls Linen Se -arfs N ' the Table Covers ld between no 1 ( wand Tray Cloths [ray Cloths. Ever Same reduct one dif- ig wn these ¥ chad Handkerchiefs d initialed. Ties. erns. : ' . ¥ ¥ re 5 ohnston Stor } ston Street. el. «EEE EEE EEEEN ---- lars. Belts and fancy EVERY LADIES JACKET quest of | Odette ha Ladies ! Hay in the city. We ah foot ¥ s rarante kinds of ready-math Reform i" than other Sunlight goap is oetter sed int soa] bus is best when at Sosp S cht way Sunlight SCH Sun ay. and follaw dirsetions mes in fan i peyiames iF See Ch : wns line cv hoxes, at = pg (ross Te Tat tonic. Gson's Red beef, iron and, wine, . HEALTH Pills' are the "ounce of revention" that saves many a dol- ar for cure. Keep disease from gett ing im, and it will never lay you $ Beecham's The <afeguards against all life's common ilis are: A Som! Stomach, |p! Healthy Kidneys, Regular Bowels Hundreds of thousands--both men and wonien--keep healthy by using BEECHAM'S PILLS a remedy that has stood the test for half a century and is now used over all the civilized globe. They purify the blood, strengthen the nerves, regulate the bowels, aid the kidneys and cure stomach troubles. Build up the nervous force and re- pair the ill effects of overeating. The best safeguard against 'indiges- tion, biliousness and dyspepsia. T. ake Beecham's Pills regularly and vou will maintain good health at small cost. At Small Cost Sold Everywhere. In boxes 25 cents. DOUBLE RUNNER: SKATES For the Little Ones | This is the nicest present you can possibly wet for your little girl or Inpossible to hurt themselves in any | | Mr. and Mrs, Jeremy Taylor. Mr. and | Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Mr. and Mrs. Daw som, Mrs. Herbert: Horsey and Mrs. way. Last vear it was impossible to |* Turner. Mrs. John Mackie and got enough of them. Come and get | Nee Alexander Kirkpatrick poured the them iy they last. | | had a watchful eye {of the men present, | Iv very attentive to epery one's wants Only 50c. pair. Sold only at W. . MITCHELL'S HARDWARE GHAR CURE», 200 is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulées, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and 1manantly cores | Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower | free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase | There is a { tapig this afternoon, at Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo. MISS KELSO GONE. She Left' Last Night For the | Miss Alice Macnee will be the new : East member of the Badminton: club, hav- as. . | ing been~put in at yesterday's elec tlio, whose father was, on 1 tions. ; June arrested and later sentence . . - » wl té a term. in Central prison for Some of #13 wembers beipz busy Blabbing her young man, Barber Shop Removed. H. Jones will, t Frontenae street rican dn Saturday next, hotel barber shop, moving from the Bri shop. Hei. thanks tomers for past patronage, and in wm ta his new shop, which is shyv-fitted A a broke out in the Belleville Gas \ and for a time the firemen "1 in grave danger, as there was The fire casualties. an explosion. 3 was, ex Without Loss S500 Fresh m's Red Cross drug store, ws line thief got in his work ® a residence of Mrs. John Davis, | boro, is spending a few days in town. | take up the mantle cast aside by Dr. ile, when two new--and valuable Me. R. H Murray, of Halifax, is | ) HH. Bell. Danid is looked upon in $ were stolen. staving with, Ir. and Mrs. Goodwin. Cataraqui ward as a man of means Harry Bbwn, Belleville, has been Mrs. Frederick Denison. and her | 1,0 ac having lots of time at his red by the Smith's Falls hockey | small sons, left on Tuesday for To: | jisposal, and more cut out for a chair and will take a position at once | Tonto. in the council chamber than as man Frost & Woods, TT r------ DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED " Hy local applications. as : He diseased portion of the ear ¥ one way to cure deafness by "constitutional caused by an inflamed mucous lining of the ube. When this tube is in You have a rumbling ct hearing, and Closed. Deainess ess tle is the result. and inflummatio «nd this tube restored to its.normal| Miss Celia B. Kearns, of Westport,| The death took place Sunday of | the Quebec union. He says that the F | E ol First-Class = Hotel pro uring will be dest oyed Jor 1 iv spending the week with her sister, | Julia Ann. Dufiy, beloved wife of paving will, likely mot occur until or ea state i ane of ihe pg Sarrh. which in Tt an ine | Mrs. Thomson, William street. She has | Michael Cleary, Pembroke. at the age! tad anc just priof to the meeting . .Teasuns for selling. Cained Condition of the mucous surfaces. | just returned from Toronto, where she | of forty-six years. The deceased was of the CAAU, i For particulars apply ta al oF Dane Hugared Dollars Jor | | was pursuing her art studies Miss | seized with an attack of pneumonia. - or nsurance 1.4. LOCKHART, Real B cannot Rh rad ved NY ar | Kearns & painter pf rare ability. A Toronto man is creditor for a William Gray, president of the Agent Send for scirculars. free Mrs. Thomson will probably remain |large - amount of an insolvent London Conservative Association. has Oonenli with G50, CLIFF before buying 159 Waellington Street 1 CHE NE EY & 0 0.. Toledo, 0. | here till the spring. ; York stock broker * announced his intention' to resi #1 65 Clarence Strect Kingston, Ont. i Make Fails "Pills Yor cohati Miss Ruby Duff was in town, from i. Manicure sets in fancy Boxes £130 A nure bristle military, brush 300. ; Pation, 3 . Harrowsmith, to-day. up. at Chown's Drug Store, "at Chown's Drug. Store, : present, noon, and added to: the carnat ions, were Cann and | son, | Katie | guests numbered about fifteen, in- | cluding Mrs. Ramsav Duff, Mrs. Ward Hughson and Mrs. Cotton. . . - . is again un Mrs. $ be his | seidlitz powders in tin boxes they cannot remadivs; sound or- | when it is en- Neil Polson, e's tea oun Miss McLaurin, As there which does not usually frequent teas, Mrs. gave a young peo- Tuesday for her visitor, which was very jolly were so many of the sex a little hop ended the after: full. Over the tea-table, which was decked with pink Mrs. J. 8S. R.: Me- Mrs. Wiliam Baker. 'The sons of the house helpéd the daughters thereof in waiting upon the Among these were Miss ray, Miss Katie Gordon Miss Florence Craig, Miss Jessie Ellis, guests. Katie Mur- Miss Sander Williamson, Miss McCann, Miss Harriett Wat Miss Katie Workman, Miss Web- Miss © Alice Sears, Miss Mabel Meek, Miss Florence Crothe Miss Norval Macdonald, Miss Jessie Dick son, Miss Hazel Haycock, the Misses Gladys, Gwendoline and Dorothy Or- ford, Miss Edith Goodwin, Miss Ma- bel. Marshall, Miss Bessie Robertson, Miss Edith Young, Miss Laura Nicolle, Miss Vera Mundell, Miss Daisy Eade, Miss Dora Oldrieve, Miss Hilda Jor dan, the Misses Fraser, Miss Bertram, and Messrs. Dennis Jordan, Harold Yorkman, W. Goodwin, Sidney Me ann, Lawrence Uglow. Douglas El Colin Orford, George | Jackson, k, Steed, Beecroft, Malcolni, p Baird, Turner, Kilborn, Gandier, Hewton, Robertson Baker. . . . . Joss eo Miss son, ster, Li Hay Gardiner, Stothers and A. E Mrs. Henry jel Gordon's Boak's tea for Miss Dan visitor, Miss Sanderson, vesterday, was very bright. Though chiefly made up of young people, sev eral cadets and Queen's men represent ing the sterner sex, there were a few married people, and this made it all the pleasdaitér. Among these last were tea and cofice, and the hostess herseli over the younger who were certain- in the matter of refreshments, - * - * Mrs. MacLennan d'etre of an 1 was the raison informal tea given on Monday in Ottawa. by Mrs. Penning ton Macpherson, when Miss Macpher son and Miss Jessie Macpherson were in charge of the 'tea things and the There is a children's party on the 'Hazeldell, for lite Miss Mildred: Horsey, wha is celebrating her ninth birthday. - - » >» ¢ BE INCIDENTS SOF THE Dar, Newsy Paragraphs phs Picked Up 'By Reporters On Their Rounds. Exclusive meckwear at Livingston's, See advt. Friday, the 22nd, is"the closing day for the public schools. I'wo-quart rubber hot water bottles (seamless) at Wade's Hair brushes, military brushes, cial prices. Mahood's drug store. The Royal Military college closes for spe- For Gold rimmed for Christ |G mas gifts, We test the eves after Christmas. Light your store with our new frost ed gas burner. See them in other stores: only to be had at the Yellow Hardware store. Over fifty kids of corsets to choose Spex, A donation of £30 from the Eastern Methodist church, Napanee, is grate fully acknowledged by the authorities on the team, consisting of St. 1 McMaster 1 Next Andrew's, "Varsity season Queen's 11 and RM.C. Il will enter, and make 'a larger Series PERSONAL MENTION. D. J. McCarthy, Randolph, to-day. ¢. Bristow, Napanee, -is visitor in the city. R. Mackenzie, Montreal, ness visitor in the city. Prescott, is at 'the a business is a busi- Ex-Ald. Bassam will again be a candidate in Victoria wai Mrs. J. R. Brown, Toronto, is spending a few days in the city. Rev. lL. Charllow, and Rev. J. L. Neilson, Railton, are in town to-day. John Hewton, manager of the King- ston Hosiery company, is at the Queen'y, Toronto. Miss J. Harty, staying with her Mandeville, Picton. J. H. Wilson, of the stafi of the Bank of Montreal, returned this week, after a holiday in 'Toronto, Eola McAvoy, J. Webb, W. 8 Mac donald, A. E. Saunders, Bufialo; are registered at the Windsor hotel. J. J. Campbell, who, bas spent a month with his parents on Colborne street, leit last night for Temagami. Kingston, cousin, has been the Misses Edward Chown, Winnipeg, spent yesterday in the city, on his way to Montreal, R. J. McKelyev, chaicman of the loard of Education gives a dinner {0 with other things, there was mo 'meet der the public eye. Last night she at- | ine of the Junior Bridge Club, as'was tended the "Woman Against Woman," expected at the Grand, with a traveller. They . . . . Ww § fhe hahaa IX a Foun | Picton will be very plegsed indeed adi; friend, ww amidnigh rain, east, No x fio . ! g ey a oD Se i j over yu fact that Mr Alfred E. Wil 0 { son has been appointed agent of the Jieved went to Brockville. Seen. | punk of Montreal "there. < Mr. Wilson th r. the mother of the girl, | (ho for many vears, teller in that was weeping cover the 'scandal MY | branch, and numbered his friends by dauchter has ercated 3 : the score. The same may be said Of Was it not enough *" she asked be- | Mrs. Wilson, who as one of the! v er sobs, "to have the father | gauchters of the Rev. W. (. Cult ison for stabbing the fellow, | hard, was one of the town's most he thereby, to protect his popular girls before her marriage but no, now she must rin | After her marriage she was a hostess leave a double disgrace on | and a secial leader whom every one me. poor woman is striving | jiked dail keep herself by washing, { - . . . sor nd dein % ork Av ng dolng Sdd_dae work j: Colonel and Mrs, E. a Taylor have th yman hack to Kingston, | P00 pending 2 le devs, this week, { . gv. The mother has not } HB General and Mrs. Lake, in Otta " nt wonev te Eo no" wa. rt 1 husband to Toronto long as she chooses . . # . Some Ginger Tea. Mrs. Gamsby will arrive shortly | idered & ood thing to break } TO Lansdowne, with her children, ered a good thing reak | ake up house with her aunt ill, but something much more | and will teke up h . y ba Miss Stoughton, Hales Cottag Her 4 t aspooniu] of Nerviline} So" pionds will be glad to see'. her in hot water. Nerviline sends | poor warmth tingling all through | Miss Hora is staying with Lad N Wag io iia wf good n | Cartwright, in Ottawa { 2 § qo Ol 0s Mrs. Cooke and: Mr. Alired Cooke, NO or hams and chills Get | came down from Toronto, last night. bottle of Polsbn's Nerviline to | Mré. Cooke has heen spending the {last six weeks with her daughter, -- Webster, in Hamilton, Mr. Cooke the conyversat. Trinity delegate to Queen's of Cornwall, is ex next week on a vis { Miss Casgrain, pectede in (Mttawa, | | it to her sister, Mrs. McKelvey Bell. curing a visitor's ticket which may be . . . . given to a friend in order that he may | ' test our | s and 3 sium, ete | Mr. George A. Grover came home st our baths a gymha ete, i ' T \ during Christmas week { on Sunday from Toulon. Manitoba, Th : Aa he junior meeting on Friday even- { where he has been in charge of a |. hi ' a ed . ing at 7.30 o'clock will be addressed survey party since-last April. tend. a ¥ party by Binnie S. Black. Mrs; Rowlands, who has been visit "Re 1. RB Grimsh il add ing the Misses Lesslie, Gore street, SEV, Ae TINEA NIL at iress left ion Mofeday for Virginia, whero the men's meeting on Sunday. after she will pay a. visit 'to her son," Mr. | noon. John Rowlands -- rT Cotaiiel Henry Smith has gone down Are Calling For Daniel. to Ottawa Ex-Alderman Daniel Reeves is being Mr. George D. Edwards, of Peter Miss Florence Bouck went down te Morrisburg, to-day. to spend the holi dave with her people the trustees on Tuesday evening next: G. W. Gallagher, advance agent of "The Way of the Tramsgressor,'" is in the city, The performance is billed for December 28th. W. W. Gihson, who has been in To- \ ! ronto, a couple of days, as examiner ! in practical pharmacy, at the school | of pharmacy, returns to-night. | Mrs, W. H. Mallett, New York, Mrs. | W. Y. Cannon, Montreal, Mrs. J. A, | Babcock, Chicago, and Mrs, J, | Hetherington, Ottawa, are at the Hols | The British-American hotel has not ; vet been sold. The bondholders © will | likely meet before the end of the week Outside hotel be interested in the ! to discuss the situation. fi men will likely purchase scheme. | Steamboat Inspector had his office finely, adorned. | being next to a legal. one, had the | contagion; but now has been | made a place of beauty. All the steam | boat men are invited to pay the in- i spector*a visit and congratulate hiy, on his pleasant surroundings. Thompson has His office cobweb Y.M.C.A. Notes. For a suitable Christmas present to a boy or young man, what better can be found than a ticket in the local as sociation. It's benefit will be enjoyed for a whole year. The generzl secre tary knows of two worthy bovs who would be more than delighted to have a junior ticket given them as a Christmas box. The junior ticket costs 22.50 for a year's privileges. At the recent board of directors' meeting it was decided to allow each senior member the opportunity of se urged by people in Cataraqui ward to * | ager of a baseball or lawn, tennis club. Mr. Fred' Jenkin, of New York, has Great Value In Clothing. arrived home to spend Christmastide | ' Prevost, Broek street, will sell: for with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John | balance of this season, at the follow- Jenkin, Princess street ing low prices: Splendid suiting made Mrs. J. L. Renton. of Winnipeg, is | to order, 813.30; pants to order, $4 ; the guest of Mrs. James Renton, Earl | overcoats to order, $13.50--splendid as- street. She will remain until . after | cortment to choose from. We guaran- | Christmas tee first-class fit, gl . . . . can be taken | go to Chow ag S tive, & Su Br a ie Stare. [V1 envy Tor Reaalved ein Government System of En couraging lmmigration is Detrimental to the best Interests ry, son; negative, J. M. Macgillivray, Ww. nadian THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY. 4 DECEMBER 14 14. EVENTS AT AT QUEEN'S THE POLITICAL ICAL SCIENCE AND DEBATING CLUB. - The Latest News in the Hockey Arena--The Science Court urday Night. ville, J. of Our C Affirmative, W. Stott, M. M from, tall and examine stock. Perfect | D. Mcintosh, 3 , fit guaranteed in ordered or ready February 8.--"Resolved that it is made. New York Dress Reform. Opposed to the best interests of the Community to allow Mining Limits to be Appropriated and held without be- ing worked." Affirmative, T. Williams,' of the Kingston General Hospital, M. Williams; negative, W. E. H 5. R. C. Dobbs, secretary of | H. MacDonnell. St. George's Junior O.H.A. club, has] Prof. Shortt has arranged for a received the age declarations to belseries of lecture by prominent signed by all' those who are to play | dians, the subject and dates to be an- hearsal at Rockwood on Saturday ev- and Trinity Hl. ening. The championship arts team won the interfaculty cup, presented by Dr. Lavell, has made photographer, A warm time ix anticipated a the blunderbus. At a special. meeting of an society, resolved itself into a veral tardy members, the desired results were offected. adian Intercollegiate Hockey and of the Queen's Club, wa onto yesterdav, at a meeting ing a mnior series. The Sei style and afforded plenty of amn for the boys. Besides a number ¢ or offenders, one of the older st was up for punishment dollars in the opinion of his le latter party in future. first practice to-morrow turnout of 'the be very strc $ at | at "Queen 5: Feb. MeGill son opens heres with Foronte Queen's on the 27th, there being mas trip, the latest' commun received by the seeretaryv-tre foreshadows a'townament at burg, "Varsit, in whic 3 Queen's, an American niversity ford and other view to travelling ville juniors wanted the there on Christmas night but vitation could not be accepted, on any other date the bovs probably go. The Cadets "on the ary when they hope to defeat th rivals. All in ull the spason is ¢ up with a snap that is good template westward, of the York County ments for. the present. should be continued at least t the meeting advertised for 11th, when the position will be voted upon. are only a few more payments made before that date, and it of the fact, shareholde: s. The suspension will only and tend the shares." It is nol quite tion of sending geod mone af The company assets, against the payments, until Loan dompany Pay the agent as usnal when to the detgiment complicate the si the * York he has been unable to a Session--At Rockwood Sat- . Li Fraser, W. W, Keptieds: nega Donnell. Cana- nounced later. The officers of the! club its bow to thé Aesculapi- to take means to collect fees from se: Needless to say Prof, M. Baker: president of the Can- was in Tor union, called for the purpose of form ience court vassed off in coord A fine of two would have the effect "of making the more ional to his faculty Queen's Hockey, Club will have when a good players is expected. All three teams, dt is anticipated will Ahis year and the ont look for a succélishnl scasom' was never Varsity; Fel, 16. "Varsity As will be noted the 'sea will partici western cities with a third intermediates play 19th and 26th of Janu KEEP UP YOUR PAYMENTS At Least Till After Meeting in January. The Toronto Telegram: gives this ad vice of an expert to the shareholders Presents Loan company Most decidedly keep up your Payments January amalgamation be a pity to jeopardise your claim against the company by defaulting | a al ach now. Kep up" the payments and put JARDINIER MEDICINE all the onus on the company. Those STANDS, CABINETS, who gtop payments will probably find Only 5c. Only $1.50, that the company will take advantage of payments now to depreciate' the value have a lot of valuable "Don't depreciate your claim assets by stopping the suspends payment." Won't Meet On Saturday. arrange with The Only Tea That will fully satisfy you is' Has the Christmas holidays next Thurs-| The Political Science and. Debating day. Club bave issued cards bearing the A fresh lot of Colgate's fine perfumes ! programme for 1 G2 and toilet soaps at Gibson's <Red| December 11.--"Resolved that Edu | Ceylon Tea. It took the highest award at St. Louis in Cross drug stom. cation Decreases Crime." Affirmative, competition with all others. 'oun- athe- MELCHER'S anna, CANADIAN GIN "Was this cold enough for you?" jare: Hon, president, Prof. Shortt The men at the rink chuckled as they | president, L. Uglow; vice-president, G. hia a -------------- saw the mercury hovering near zero Flatt; secretarv-treasurver, L. K A this morning. And citizens put on their | Sully; eritic, A, Calhoun. M.A.: com: BOIVIN, WILSON @& CO. Montreal. furs and covered their ears. mittee, science, T. Williams; arts. D- At a meeting 'of the Intercollegiate | A. McArthur; medicine, N. B, Worm Hockey League in Toronto yesterday, | with, : a Toronto junior series. was formed, The Dramatic Club may hold a re Lead Packets only, 25¢., 30c., 200, 500. and 806: pas Ib: OF all Grocers -------------------------------------------------- ADA* Red x Cross 1 0 SVB which t Al THE SNAP OF THE HAF ------ ma Mater on Saturday evening, when % Movements Of The People--What | the letter from the commandant, of the LADIES' WINTER SKIRTS . They Are Saying And Doing. R. M. C. will be dealt with, There may 31 HEAVY SKIRTS, good styles, in kersey, vicuna and. tweed; W. W. Jobnson, Philadelphia, is in be an unexpected recoil on the part of . navy, black, and oxford; all nicely trimmed with braid, tucks or pleats. Regular pric from $3.50 to choice for .. satin To-morrow, your LADIES' WINTER COATS ! 25% WINTER COATS, in grey and black frieze, black mixed tweeds, them three-quarter length; goisd warm useable coats and to 89, TO-MORROW court not the latest well-lined. Union, Regular p of the , and until all are cleared, at LADIES' SUITS AT LESS 9 only, TWEED AND FINE CLOTH SUITS, fawn and tweed and black and navy fine cloth. Regular price R10 and $15. TO-MORROW sement of min udents wdshin to go at its 8 SPENCE'S, The Lending il ea SET mL 8 SHANNON FILES & CABINETS Transfer Cases. Card Index Outfits. » ad a bye for the local umiversity, Some good Special "Patient's Record" Cards for Doctors team will be brought here for an ex 4 hibition game. As regards the Christ and Dentists. * icatit n rasuter Pitts Ny and Typewriter Ribbons and Carbon Papers. beaver and some loose-back and some' semi-fitting-- most styles perhaps, rices $4.50 * . ) ] Millinery and Mantle Store. $6. 82.25 of but . $1.95 grey, fancy J. R. C. DOBBS & C0., 171 Wellington St. From 10c. to $t. 50 each, Pelle Len | 9 Christmas Crackers though Containing vi Caps and Novelties, from 18c. to $1.50 per be x, heir old olly pening to con Christmas pay ill after pro There to be would i of the JAMES REID: 'mosots7 * tuation, of BD ques. ter bad. G.A. BATEMAN Insurance Broker ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR- ANCE AT LOWEST RATES District Agent Sun Life Assur- County he calls, talk with George Zeigler, ** A. J. REES, Princess St. FINANCE AND INSURANCE If You Want a Home Or Insurance, have a pate. Though the matter is not de Typewriters for sale, to rent, repaired. finitely settled there is little doubt the trip will be pulled off. Peterhoro has $$$ $$ 38H $5$ dbdbddde 233344 written, asking a game on the 24th *$ and Moprisburg would, like the tri TE TY color seven there on the 27th. The VCP PFND FIORPOONGR secretary is also in communication with the Ottawas, asking for a game Ch i t St ki here early in January and with Strat r £5 mas OC ngs HEFFONIERS, only £10, AL BSTATE Dr. Etherington reports that the ance Company of Canada. 57 Brock 4 INSURANCE conference of rugbyites to consider 89 Clarenc inh Btredt, uniform rules for Canada will not oe Street, King convene in Kingston on Saturday as HOTEL FOR SALE i on ge! a Dec. réturn on or Cor. Johnston & Ontario i Q. 8. 8. COMPANY rinthian, Parisian, Sicilian, on., an. BOSTON To GLASGOW: Mongolian... « Sat, Dec 1 HALIFAX TO 'LONDON "AND HA Pomeranian . ....... Sat. A: Ja Py i Agent, on lon SLEB ¥. Clarescs Stronts | Leaves Kings Su tuot Susint at 8 pm, for Picton and Bay of Quinte Ports; on Pal termes from 1 7: Hate, Py Glidersicsve, Jum Swit & Das Awents, : B. EB. HORSRY aie Me EMBOSSING iy = wit Besides all dan of Tether Hints Peiatin fram + tard to. 8. yolume, Amal. Copper Baltimore Ohio Canadian Pacific , eo w . pe New York Central bennaylcania Resting St. Paul ugar Twin City Union Pacifi United States Steel United States Steel,