on't Want uitters g man can id paying business ip pushing the sales TURDAY Evexing systematic way, he: right man, one ck to it. We will WwW it can be made PUBLISHING COMPANY ADELPHIA, PA; for Hockey Boos r Boots were originated ALL PRICES Put on Free. rland & Bro. ed a beautiful line for 0 $3 50. 1 5 pieces to set, $2.50 to $10. of best makes. > Forks, & Birch, ck St., Kingston. on -- Berry . Spoons and eee O-ORDER MB JACKETS 'our Skins wd Fit Unequalled. 'ur House Street. 000000000 ed FAL CO. Toronto, Oot @ PECIALISTS. it. Babbitts.". Lee 00es soeeett *® + atry fo THE DAILY WHIG, TRAURSDAY, pECEMSER 14. Ee MEDICAL: a ) r. Ryan, hes, »3 Brock streets. tresl & : ! LIAM @TeSON, PHYSICIAN, { DR. wh ett. Late 'Resident House | S Kingston General Hospit- 1. ofa King street, opposite a of Montreal. % Phone." 48 Ful "MONEY _ "AND BUSINESS LUBE ------ 00L. _LONTON AND arong Tsurance Cempany, MORE, ON ts than any oth. xenine them at sn POLICIES COVER buildings and Cenyen oo surance Emperium, Mark ot Square ARCHITECTS. meee oy "WEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF Bce, second floer over ar Mshoad's drus roer ror. "Enterance on Bagot t. flephone 608. ELLIS ARCHITECT, OF. WRIHUR | of New Drill Hall. near oer er of Queen and Montreal Strests. SON ARCHITECT, MER POVER, a Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets, Phone 213 y P. SMITH, ABCHITECT AEXEY Anchor Building. ket Souare. 'Phone. 845. Emm ---------------------- wd SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS even numbered gestion of Domis. ads in Manitoba er e 0 bs Le ro. excepting 8 and 26, not eserved, may be homesteaded upon by any person Who is the sole head of a family, of any male over 18 years of age, to lhe extent of vne-Gyane section, of 160 acres, mate or less Fatry way he made personally at the local land oflice for the district in which the land to Le taken is @nuated, or if t pomesteader desires, he way. on applica- on to the Minisver of the Interior, tawa, the Commissioner of Immigra- tion, Winnipeg, or the local agent for the district 1. woich the land is situate, receive authc ority for some one to make HOMBSTI: AD DUTIES : A settler who bas been granted an entry for a hawe stead is required to perform the con ations connected thervwith under one tae following plans : 1) At least six months residence upon \id cultivation of the land in each year during the term of inree years. (3) If the father (or 'mother. if the father is deceased) of any person Who is eligible to make a howestead entry un- ger the provisions of this Act, resides spon a farm in the vianity of the land ered fort such person as a home iy the Guirements of this Act as to gesidence prior to obtaining patent may be satisfied by ach person residing with b father or c.other, the settler has his pefmanent ce upon farming aud owned hy bum in the vicipley Ol ins ms, honiestead, the requirements of to residence may Be saris Avdiiy: = ce upon the nid APPLICATION FOR. PATENT should MW made at the end af three years, he ke the Local be Sab-Agent or tue Homestead lwspector. Before mukjng application for patent the settler mudt mve ~IX months' police Writing to the Commissioner of Do ou 1 Lands at Ottawa, of his intentivu CANADIAN NURTH MINING REGUULA LLULJS. ~--Coal lands may be purchased at $10 per acre for soft coui ani $20 tur sathracite. Not more than 320 acres cau be mequired by one individual or com- pany. Royalty at the rate of ten cents or ton of 2.000 pounds shall be collected Pa the gross output. Quartz. --A free miner's certificate is Sranted upon payment in edvance of $7.50 per annum for an individual, and BYMOPGIS OF WEST from $50 to $100 per annum for a com-) © pany according to capital. free minor, having discovered mineral Ia place, way locate a claim 1,500 1.500 feet ie for recording a claim is $5, At least $100 must be expended on the Mu each year or paid to the mining re- order in lieu thereof. When $500 has been expended or pasd, the locator may, $oon having a survey made, and upon Somplyin vith other requirements, pur- ase 1d at $1 sn acre. The patent provides for the payment of B Jovaliy of 24 per cent on the salus. LACER mining tlaims generally are feet square ; entry fee $5, renewable yearly, ph free miner may obtain two leases to ge for gold of flve miles each for a years, renewable at the of the Minister of the Interior. = Jessen shall have a dredge in oper: ry With n one season from the date of ed tase for each five miles. Rental, $10 - ioe for each mle of river lensed Fe ality at the rate of 2 per cent collect on the output after it exceeds $11,000 W. CORY. Teputy of the Minister of the Interior. --Unauthorized publication ot this vent will not be paid for: For : Christmas M : $1. r Slippers, Tan or Black ? i $1.50 Me ye $ in Felt and Carpet $1 Py ihpers, Faney and all colors G 1 Boe 1 Children's Slippers, 2c. to Ladie ies" Overgaiters, 25¢. to B88¢ 1 ings, £1 and $1.25 and $1 5c., Rie. Corduroy and Leather H, JENNINGS, King St. THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. i' (ESTABLISHED 1883). Pres dent--Sir Richard Cartwright ney aoaned on City and Farm Pro or cipal and County Deben- tgages purchased Deposits Meg interest allowed, Gil, Managing Director. 7 Clarence Street, Kingston. Tr -------- TEACHER oF . vel ATE: n-o Yelati, Yainter, Vertice tures, NM Teceived 8. ¢ Of 'OLORS N ¥ in ae, AND OILS, RE Materials for China mts Lind CHINA PAINTING | Moto {hina pended to stand Sillicus--How is the best way to bagi an mints {i ! 9 homd ike Th "My seophy. 59 aan, Jor manage a wife? Cynicus--Her own ~ ay. Every morning first of.all Diother comes and gives her call : -- " John-ne-e-e-e!" Then I know that I can snore For a half an hour more, Till brother comes to bang my door. For fifteen minutes more I lie, Waiting for my sister's cry : -- ¢ John-ne-e-e-e! Then dad barks out, but I keep still, And on and on I snooze until I can hear the coffee mill. C3, how good that coffee smells! Talk about your breakfast bells, For Johnny! « ' Quick I slip my panties on, You can always look for John Fore that Chase & Sanbora's gone. Guess I'm lazy! Pa says so. Ma says, " So tormented slow Is Johumy ! : But "tis Johnay-un-the-spofs Johnny for the coffee pot; 'a When that CHASE & SANBORN'S hot. TERRIBLE PAINS ACROSS BACK SUFFERED EIGHT MONTHS WITH KIDNEY TROUBLE. WOULD HAVE TO STAY IN BED FOR THREE DAYS AT. A TIME Doan's Kidney Pills CURED HIM- Mr. Thomas Fitzgerald, Hazeldean, Ont., writes us as follows: ** I was a great sufferer from kidney trouble for eight months. I had terrible pains across the small of my back. I would have to stay in bed for three days at a time and eould not do any work. 1 tried several remedies but of no avail, and also plasters but they were of no use. oe day a neighbor of mine advised me try Doan's Kidney Pills. I was so much i 1 told him I was tired of tryin remedies, but he urged me to try one es so I purchased one, and before I was through using it, I found a change for the better so I got five boxes more, and I have had no trouble with my kidneys since. I would not be Without Doan's Pills in my house.' It is really not dificult to cure kidney trouble in its first stages. All you have to do is to give Doan's Kidney Pills a trial. y They are a never-failing cure for all forms of kidney trouble. They quickly relieve the conjested, overworked kidneys, and gradually bring them back to health. Doan's Kidney Pills 50 cents per box or Suse boxes for $1.25, all dealers or The Doan Kidaey Pill Co., "Toronto, Oat. Brnrriraresaniascaans ¢ Whatever Other Magazines § An intelligent American mav subscribe for, he afiord not to see regularly THE LIVING AGE Tt supplements magazines, do not. It makes superfluous the taking of a considerable list. of English periodicals, as it reproduces with- out abridgment the most import- ant articles from their pages. No other magazine, American or English, prgsents the writings of so many brilliant and distinguish- ed authofs. The magazine publishes the best essays, fiction, poetry, travel sketches, literary, art and musical criticism, discussions of : social; re- ligious and educational questions, and papers upon Public Affairs and reader cannot American what they the containing ' ¢ ¢ : ¢ ' ¢ : : ¢ ¢ po International Politics. + Published weekly.--More than 3,- 800 pages each year.~--Auonual sub- scription post-paid, six dollars.-- Trial subscriptions, three months, thirteen numbers, one dollar.-- New subscribers, who subscribe now for the year 1906 will re- ceive free the remaining numbers of 1905. THE LIVINGAGE CO. 68 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. Sires ssstssssisassaaaad \ . The Land of Sunshine On account of making arrange- ments for the erection of a Sugar Mill on the property of the Cuba 'Realty Company, Ltd., it has been decided that on January lst, 1908, to advance the price of land to $59 per acre TT VOTRE TTTRETRG This land is selling up to Janu- ary Ist, 1906, at $25 per acre. Ii you intend purchasing a :0 or 20 acre'lot, call at 254 Bagot WSt., and close the contract. The Cuba Realty Co. J. 0. HUTTON, ACENT. ENTS TELL US. People Are Doing And W They Are Saying. Pigeon Shooting Contest. The Tidings From Vguious Points In Eastern Ontario -- What hat PYRAMID Ameliasburg, Dee. 9.--The return pigeon shooting match took placo here, yesterday, between Belleville and home teams. The following is the score : Belleville, fifty-three; Amelias burg, forty-seven. A supper was given at the Marsdem house, by the losing team. Last year Ameliasburg won by one point. Mountain View cheese fac- tofy is still running. Tho lake is NEWS OF NEIGHBORS PILES NHAT WHIG G_ CORRESPOND. | Cured Quickly ly Without Pain by Using Pyramid Pile Cure. A Tiial Package Mailed Free to All Who Send Name and Ad- dress. try ex- We want every pile sufferer to PILE CURE at our ense, The trial package which we sini will bring immediate relief from the awful torture of itching, bleeding, burning, tantalizing piles. ' We send the free treatment in a plain sealed package with nothing to indicate the contents. Pyramid Pile Cure is put up in the form of suppositories which are ap- plied dircetly to the affected part. Mr. . Coon's place, A dees was. seen, war here, a few day® ago, and out lo- cal hunters)were up arms age . but- failed to get it. Ernest Acker: nd Alexandria Bay, and Miss Eliza Percival called upon their fricods here |-on Friday. Mr. and. Mrs. J. 1. Smith, | have been visiting friends at Lyn, for a few days, Mrs, J Irwin is still on the sick list. The children of the vici- nity are practising. for the coming | Christmas 4rees. Mrs. George Powers | attended the funeral of her brother, { John Dorman, Portland. Charles Pat- | timore js confined to bed, owing to being run over by a colt, one day last | week. Stanley Gile has purchased a fine roadster from Mr, Miller, "Wil: ton. > | Cedar Valley Varities. Cedar Valley, Dec. 12. ~The severe | cold 'weather has cast a spell of quiet | ness over the merrymakers. Dancing parties have been the order of the ev- ! Out cheese factory has closed af = an : . Cd 3 3 3 | ening, frozen hard enough to hold a horse. Their action is immediate and certain, fer a very succenalul year. Milk 0. Carter and Koyal Hennessy are' | They are sold at 50 cents a box _ hy Bd ymght $23 a ton last month. Mr. erousy Miss Wilson is visiting flruggists met box: will Gitenn. 'Toronto, purchased two -r a ~. Pine e Mee » ont ! P ; rn By the use of Pyramid Bile Cure you Juads of tii ed i a Rog: g, ™ S » Pp From Allen, Wolfie Island. will avoid an unnecessary, trying and ors C= and for bis. custoni Allen, Wolfe Island, Dec. 13.--7The.| Sxpeneine Shomins tion ii Physician or. Micrael Healy, Detroit, has been sale at Duncan McLarnson's, Monday, {and will rid yoursell o Four troubl® | ling on his many friends here. Ce was largely attended, J. McDonald | in the privacy of your own home at {cil Bolton hak gone to Smith's Falls, was united ir marriage to Alberta | trifling expense 3 ; h Yorn St an ro Be Wisinesday | After using the free trial package, | to Jean w be Sgn Eb last Lillie Woodman is visiting friends { which we mail in a pe feedly . Plan | Words ' nice a pi Judgville, Our wl ! = or pOUTE TO r full: | vicitec i ston." Joseph 'Murphy loft 'on | WEaPPer, you can 'speurs regula wi ; in Rings = Be _ the o- | size pad ka ges from druggists at 50 | ted acher, Miss Hunt, Bas _resigued usd 2 TS his 'sisters. Mis I Hogan | cents cach, or we will mail direct in | leaves for the west. !, Rogers has ler Wilh) IS Sars, Qs a fre plain package upon reevipt of price. | ace ted the position of overseer in returned home oo unday i rom Pyramid Drag Co. 9535 Pyramid | Ste ww carriage: firm in Delta for the Meryaville sited sponding a week with | Building. Marshall, Mich. | coming your. Charles Yellon lost a her brother, who was }li. UN ou pan, | | valuable hound while out hunting fox St. is seriously ill. Wiss Nota Mur: | ™rpp poCTORS AGREE. [ex T O:ftiley and" H. Rogers sro phy uted ras acefully aay on urs { the last week duck hunting on pd dat, > gd ares a % hi Two Physicians Both Agree on the | Lake. Foory ho Nichola: Pe Bal A 14] a | { S T - c ' | i i . | greet. Jolly old t icholas. . on Saturday, was largely attended. t Rew Seientife Pandrus Treat {lard sold onc of his fancy roadsters ment. a Now York. {to Mr. Zimmerman of New Yor Opened Up Store. Dr. J, M. Poivell, of Spokane, Wash., | Cloyne, Dec. =. 9.--Aghtha Mulvehill, | says: * Herpic ide has given good sut- Council Of Wolfe Island. daughter of Jéhn Mulvehill, aged thir- | isfaction in my family for "dandrufi.' December 4.- Members . all present. teen years, died on Sunday, the Jed, | Dr. Wo Gy Alban, of Walla Malla, | | Qunts voted : Daniel Taggart, care of after only a few days' illness. Her | Wash., says: "1 find -Hespicidd that | [Simcoe scow, $15; roads and bridges, grandmother,»3rs. Mulvehill, who has | is claimed for it as a dandruff cure. 1 | | for! tile and interest, 1904, $256.4 ; been living in Torento, arrived on | shall prescribe it." Dandrufi is a ge tn | Mey. John McCaul, keop of Morris, $6; Monday evening, but was too late for | disease and you can't cure it unless | gol Davis, keep of v, Carter, 80: the funeral. Daniel Haley's house was | you kill the dandrufi germ; and you | Mrs. Eccles, keep of 8 Eecles, ¥6 ; destroyed by fire on Monday. Pp. Jack- | can't do that unless you use Newbro's | P. McDermott, care of town hall; 812; con was married here, Wednesday even- | Herpicide, the only preparation in the | oT Cie Tnails 3 B. Lansdowne Locals. Lansdowne, Dve. 13.--A compa fair at Lanark last ed very good prices. Turkeys br from 1dc. to 17c.; geese 10ec. to and ¢chickens, 10c. per pound. mon at St. John's and Inn churched on Sunday, Before leavi his new parish at Vankleek Hill. succeeded by Rev. Mr. Lurley, I burg. Mrs. of days last Lanark. few days last Haley had charg shop during his absence. Miss McCafirey,, Perth, is visiting her her with frien weppard sp at of his Caintown Jottings. Caintown, Dec? 12 attended the concert Wednesday. Miss returned home to friends in Many in Athens Winnie after an éxtended the west, who is attending Athens school. spent Tenday at his here. Mrs. Nancy Buell spent a days with friends at Rockport son, Half the time you're afraid te tongue: is coated, bad, stomach' is bloated. If you 10 get well, stop using dyspepsig lets and go to ithe source of the ble before' it i&# too late. your stomach, cast out the bile, your will be no more. For your condition scription Dr. the best is Hamilton's The general health is all trace. of dyspepsia Here is proof ' strenbth. up, and appears. "No one could realize 'my suff For five years 1 have not been My food did me no good be couldn't digest or assimilate. trouble, so I got Pills, of my ton's My digested quickly, the through cure Hamilton's Pills. (Signed) "MARTIN E. 1 derived fro Hamilton's Pills; this medicine all trouble in the stomach and tive organs by removing the once, Get Dr. Hamilton's Pills t and refuse any substitute. per box, or five boxes for 81, reliable dealers, ing, to . Miss Lena Woods. Kennelby lost a horse this week one of Rathbun's shanties. Nolan has bought the next farm worge Rev. Scantlebury preached his farewell ser- John Poole spent a o Phillips Harley F Price, Edward | in Edward | be in longing to Michael Croigen. ( Deline has bought the good held the store of John Carscallen at North- brook, and has opéned up store there, ny re- week, and receiv- ought llec., Mr. isville ng for | He is | Jeach ouple Is 'in ent a | Almonte. blacksmith R. M ary sister from here last has visit erga model home few Mrs. DYSPEPTIC FOOD DOES YU NO GOOD y eat, mouth tastes | want a tab- trou- Strengthen | regu jate the howels--do this and Ayepepels pres- Pills, which are made especially for the sto mach, kidneys and liver, no better re- | o the medy.; will ever be devised, for Dr. Hamilton's Pills are perfect. T overworked organs they give new built | dis- Five Years of Dyspepsia Cured. erings from stomach trouble and indigestion. well. | 1 y doc tor said constipation was at the root | Dr. Hamil appetite mmproved, | pain after eating ceased, ant my food | I am delighted with m Dr. WALKER, "DPridgewate Quick results attend the use of Dr. cites | dig Pe] Cause, You feel uplifted and strengthened at o-day, Xe: at all | world that destroys: the parasites. te., & | Card, repairs of bridges, £9.50; hi, delightful hair dressing, allays itching count to November 218%, 37648; instantly; makes hair glossy and soft | {John Friend & Son, nails, etc., 87.80; as silk, It is a sure dandruff Yes FGHE. W. B. Card, work--on road; $20.30; Sold by leading digging, Sed Jos. ide | Thomas Flynn, expense to Simecoe, lamps. Jor Aa a A x | $1.50; G. Keegan, nails, ete., $2.50, W, an Mahe G. VW, Mahood, 3199; U. Keegan, nails, eit, special agent. Cook's Cotton Root Com Samuel Powell made a flying trip t | Brockville, last Theonly safe effectual monthly | IL. Allinson, account to date, $100.81; | J. Murphy, @grading road, $5; bh. J. | Dawson, postage and stationery, $4. 30. Bdward Briceland, reeve, and John nn, W. Horne, Thomas Flynn, J. ¥ | 8, \ cently purchased a Diack Percheron ee re dezoce of | a councillors, £20 euch) stallion, in Ohio, which is expected to svrength--Xo. 1, for ordinary! I, Dawson, clerk, six months, S62, arrive here in a few days. The farm- Za cosen $l perbox: No. fo de | 50; % Cumming, treasurer, $6/%; steam. ers' irstitute meetings, on Monday | 4 Eos, 88 er box. Sold by all | bout accounts, wages, month, $208 x; and Tuesday, were well attended and Ask for Cook's Cot | ('alvin company, 170.8¢; G. Keegan, proved very instractive The stock ton Kons Compound take we board of men, 8M; John Corbett, note judging, a new feature, was much ap- 4 Cook Nedra Com Windsor, Ontario | £273.15; James Swift, coal, $26(1.66; preciated. A very enjoyable assembly | : McKelvey & Birch, account, $120.17; was held in Stewart's hall on Friday Oldrieve & "Horne, account, $38.48; evening last. Miss Gray, Lyndhurst, Grand Union Hotel James Davis, account, ep A. and Bag opened a musical conservatory D. Staley, insurance, 8141; Keegan, over C. 3. Yinws swore Wo = Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up | account. 85.28; Mrs. Flynn lami, 5, | @) lLevirstte has secured the drill shed Station J. OC. Kemp's taxes 'be remitted, By and will conduct a rink this winter. Opposite "Re I Howe confirming the uppoint- Mrs. Gamsby has sold her house furai- | ment of A. J. Spoor and James Me ture, and will = remove from here as BAGGAGE J: Aliister, auditors, and of deputy re soon as she has disposed of her.drug | neni officers, and wvolle: No. 1, Ro- store. John Baille 'has installed an | bert Grimsbaw, at bis residence; 2, acetylene gas plant. fl, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. James | Joseph McAvoy, 'at town halls 3, Wil y A. Ferguson went on Thursday last ! iam Bullis, at Mrs. Kyle's residence; At A Poultry Fair. Ira Andress, who has been seriously | 4 A. Thal ilay, at Irvine's schools Ferguson's Falls, Dec. 11.--~We had a | to Brockville, Miss Jes Earl, Mal- | County treasurer instructed to accent 1ght fall of snow to-day, but not en- | loryfown and Mr. and Mrs. Harry | 216.60, in full for back taxes on lot ough to make sleighing. The farmers | Franklin, Junetown, were on Sunday | jeeosed to oI. A. Allan. Adjourn to in this viciiity attended the poultry |last guests at John Kincaid's. Mr. | pecomber 15th. ' on Saturday George | Hinchinbrooke Council. L. Buell spent Sunday last at Rock Piccadilly, Dec. '9. --Members all pre: port. The school is making prepara: | gent. On motion of Jeffrey-Dufiy, G. tions to give a grand concert on the | w. Killin, treasurer, was voted $60 | closing day. William Graham, Sr., and | salary on furnishing a guarantee bond | R.. R. Phillips, went to Rockport, on | jor $1000, John Campsall and George | Friday last. | Batterell were relieved as bondsmen. ! On motion Jeffrey-Dufly, deputy-re- Feldspar Mines Closed. | turning officers were chosen: For poll | Desert Lake, Dec. 11.--The large feld- | one, E. Smith; two, William Black; spar mines are closed down and the | three, P. Finn; four, D. Snider. Vot miners have returned to their homes. | od: For work on roads, J. Good $1.50, | D. Babcock, has moved on his farm |J. Lowry 816; W. H. Wagar Tc; F. | here: L. Bauder has his store and | Vanvolkenburgh $50; N. Barker $7, 8, dwelling abont completed. Mr, and | Leneck $1: William Clarke $1; E. Rey- Mrs. Frank Granger attended the fun- | nolds $6; D. J. Goodlellow $1; .J. Gor eral of her brother, John Noonan, | don £1: repairing scraper, W. D. Bort | Fermoy, last week. The teachet, Miss { rem 73¢.; rent of road, J. M. Smith { Walroth, was called home very un- | $2; board of health, C. D. Godfrey 85; expectedly on Monday, owing to the | William Clarke 96 E. Campbell $2; death of her grandiather, FE. Wal- | J.J. Hamilton $ eorge A. Smith roth. A. Amey, with his carpenters, | 34 postage, ete, G. A, Smith, $10 will soon have his barn and drive- | 34; revising roll and selecting jurors | house completed. Mey" Kenney, Lynd- | C.D. Godirey #4; J. McMahon £4; hurst, visited friends hore for a few ¥ . Smith #4. Grants for school section days. Mrs, CC. Oreer jgcat home again | one $161, two $87, three 3273, fur and still has very poor health. H. | #355, five R313, six £300, Campbel', who spent the summer with | eight 2187, nine £305, his son. Dresden, has returned home. | salaries. 8. Harper 86, R. Te { Owing to so much warm weather the | G. A. Smith 860, G. W. Killing #45, skaters have to take advantage of the | (% D Coding 3 Joseph Jeffrey £28 small picer of ee in the hav. Rumor | T. J. Duffy R. A. Hamilton kays Christmas hells will be. accom- | 7.' Dire My a till Dectmber | panied by wedding bells in this vil L 15th. | lage. | --- | Destroyed All The Roots. Salem Happenings. Not sufficient to ease a corm--you Salim, Dee. 13. The chiese factory | mst cure it for all time. Use Put on Friday last. Sineere sympathy fot for the bereaved family. { and James Hounslow have finished cut | ting fifty cords of wood for J. | Knapp. Mort. Atcheson, GAR. spent | at home attended a special port on. Friday Donaghue, his family evening last. J have | is still in operation, The funeral of the late John Noonan passed through here is H. Rice FP. brakesman on a few days of last week | The Masons of this vicinity meeting in West- Sr., is still very low il alll been called $8 his | nt Cori' Extractor and both root { and branch of the corn are forever | removed. No pain, quick cure. Use only Mutnam's. | i r-- Burnt leather memorandums, {and 25c., at Chown's Drug Store, Beware of the nan who epreeiete { Himmel and makes he of his abil 15¢. Not -- As Good. + When you go to your druggist to bedside. Wilmer Taggart, who hag! buy "Ozone" "ask and demand "Solu- been ill, has quite recovered amd is | tion of 'Ozome (the coupon kind.)"" able to be aropnd again. L. B. Bate | This will give you a twenty- five cent man is visiting friends at Wilton. Miss | package of "Celery King." It will Nellie Scanlan has been re-engaged in| give you the wt preparation of the school fer, the coming year, Miss | "Ozone!" in the world and it gives Mollie Robison, of sAthenR; will" teach you about twice as much for your at Hailiday's after mew. year. 'is-.| Money. as other brands, sixteen ounces itors: Mrs. 71. Lynett, Mrs. J. Kane for. fifty cents, over twice that much i at J. Doniaghue's; Mrs. Eli Barker and | for a dollar and a package of the T wellknown ey son, Napanee, at Abselstine's; 'Celery King"' free. Rion neki rT |e pit iry King" toupon > er 1: in - )! atl Can opie Palmers: William Taggart ot Jame | know **Celery King," beetine it" pL - ! ot ee results with "Celery King" and g . othe 5 Harlem Happenings. 134¢ ev King" ih Som wT ly Hartem, Dee. 11. ~Zib& Gile shot the { that's the reason we give you a pack: largest fox ever seen in this vicinity. | age free and that's the reason you Steven Nichols is visiting his sister, | should never buy any other kind. Mrs. Harvey, Knowlton. Hog killing is Ask for. "Solution of Ozone (the the order of the day. Ceeil Lawson is pon king.) Fifty cents and cne busily. engaged cutting wood for J, | ah at your rg store and don't H. Chapman. Harry Coon has rented | take any other kind, because if you the Ziba Chamberlain 'place, and Mil- "ton Schofield is taking possession of of DR. J. COLLIS ee CHLOROD (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE). 14 admitted by the most as edy ever discovered. the Profesion to be is the best known for COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION, 2 TIS, ASTHMA. acts like a charm in and is the o and Dy SRNTERY Ce fa i SHOE, effectually cuts short all attacks a a, ArT TION and SPASMS. {NE {NE INE INE tive in CHLOROD CHLORODY NE iio suas Always ask for "DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE," and bewars. of spurious compounds or imitations. The genuine bears the words "DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" on the Government Stamp of each bettle. Sold in bottles. Prices in England; Is. 13d., 2s. 94., 4s. 6d. each -(Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each bottle. Sole Manufacturers :--J. T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON. Wholesale & Sgonts, 8 LYMAN BROS, & CO., Limited, Toronto. pA Parlor Match In neat attractive boxes containing about 750 MATCHES : 9 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR THEM ® It will cost you only 5c to try them. 0890009000000 0 00000000 ®9 PANDORA NGE... The most suitable Christmas Gift you Come in and could give your wife. I get prices. |OUR ROASTING PANS are also quick sellers. " » SEE THEM. LEMMON & SONS . 3s1 King Street USEFUL PRESENTS FOR "XMAS THES. CARVING SETS from 50c. up to $10. A large assortment of KNIVES AND FORKS from 70. up to $15 per dozen. . RAZORS, goc. up to $5 each. < Bissell Carpet Sweepers. 'STRANSKY" CELEBRATED AGATEWARE in Fancy Tea and Coffee Pots. "ARGENTINE" SILVER TEA & COFFEE POTS. - | do. vou King. get a package .. ELLIOTT BROS 5 Cay Princess Street, - "Phone 35.