Fha'the" ending Increase of $7,591. '|. One hundred miles irrigation system is under cohstruction, irrigat] 800,000 acres, he. av i are findi or re preferred to ap qd Ys a thing we expect d to last a long period, - I a ean uality is a very im- rant consideration. Our $25 § | for delivery next vear reach a valuation Solid 14%. Gold 8 | of about 115.000.0060. Tris fully 96 per cent. of next year's busi Ladies' Watch § | already has been transacted, about highly finished it of production of the' Lake Superior Is - t y on J a reduction of for. throughout and ' formerly a dry goods and then an electric- Thomson works, su- perindendent of electricians in Homestead weneral superintendent of the Home stead Steel Works. and now president of the Carpegie Steel Sompany, will be the § | next president of the United States Steel Corporation. 2 1 « ott has been Prganiid in Mons treal for the purpose of engaging in the §. | manufacture steel cars for use on Until Christmas 1 Canadian railways. It will be the first enterprise of the kind in Canada. Cap- NCENBERC Jeweler, King St. ital of 1,000 is said to have been » " subscribed by Chicago, New . York, and * Canadian capitalists. A plant will be erected in Montreal next spring to rive employment to 400 men. will find it the best value obtainable. Store Open Every Night ECIAL SALE SATURDAY MORNING 4° "AT 8.30 CLOCK, OF Ladies' Collars Ladies' Belts Regular 35c., 4oc, 50c., 60c., 75¢. Your choice for 12l4¢. each A mere glance at: these goods will convince you that they were never made for anything like the price we are offering them at. x A i Gangy include all the latest novelties for the Christ. and will be' very much 'appreciated 4s a pre- sent by any Jady. BELTS Crushed Silk and Satin, black and colors. Taffeta Silk, button trimming, black and colors. Embroidered Velvet, black only. COLLARS Taffeta Silk, edged with fancy lace, medallion trimmed, all colors, including white and black. Embroidered Chiffon Collars, silk ruching edg- ings, wide flowing ends of soft pleated chiffon effects. Persian Collars and many other styles. All at 12%c. each SEE WINDOW DISPLAY OF THESE GOODS R. WALDRO yo Ie Ladies usually find it a difficult proposition #8 to choose something for him. Our exclusive stock will solve the problem. Scarfs _ . Gloves N. 4 Neck Ties Handkerchiefs Fancy Hose . * Fancy Vests Smoking Jackets Dressing Gowns Al pocket. + LIVI priced to meet the demand of any NGSTON'S .._ Cot 5 hd ® JA SERIOUS of the C.P.R. new |' . HE DAILY MUTINY HAS BROKEN OUT IN ST. PETERSBURG, ¥ a ---------- Four Regiments Assure Working- 'men of Their Massacre of Jews, Incited by Priest--8600 Lost Their Lives. St. Petershurg, Dec. 14.-A mutiny has broken, out among the soldiers in the city, although it is impossible to how serious it is. Four regiments ve joined in a notice sent to the workingmen in which they say : "You do not need to fear the bureaucracy any longer. We arc with you, and are resolved to annihilate all reaction. aries. If we are ordersd to fire on you, we will not obey. We will not spate our cartridges, but they will not be directed against 5a." More Jewish Massacres. Sh. Petersburg, Dec, 14, via Fydt- kuhnen, Dec. 14,--The report of fresh massacre of Jews, in which more than 500 - persons lost their lives, was re ovived, this morning, from Turask, Volhynia. The massacre was incited by a local priest, who called on the Christian population to rise and ex- terminate the Jews. moh formed and attacked all the Jewish sho 8, killing and abusing all Jews who Teli into its hands, . Following the massacre, the priest who incited the outrage, preached » sermon, in which he praised the awful deed. The local ecclesiastical authas- ities ordered that his sermon should he printed, and distributed, broad- cast, throughout the country. -- Making Little Headway. St. Petershurg, Dee. 13, via Eyd- tuknen, Dec, 14,--The government is nmaking little headway in crishing the telegraph strike, News comes from the Baltic provinces, to-day, to the effect that many of the German land- lords are establishing small forts and standing a lar siege. There have been much killing and burning. -- Russian Items. : At Sisnowice, a German Hamed Os- car Schoen, the owner of a spinning mill, was.shot. A militant terrorist committee had Condemned him to death for seeking military protection against the strikers, The Paris Matin publishes an inter- view with Father Gapon, in which he advocates the ending af the strikes, praises Witte, and advises the revolu- tionaries to try to find a point of contact with Witte with a view to common action. A veritable panic prevails dn Mos- cow Bourse. 'The collapse of business as been attended by many bankrupt- cies. Agrarian disturbances extend al most to the gates of the city. The country mansions 'of many nobles, in- cluding that of Count Shakhovskoi, have been burned. » Strikers fought a duel with a Cos. sack patrol in Gorodistehe, The strik- ers stood 'their ground with revolvers, emptying four saddles and forcing the Cos: 8 to retreat. The Novoe Vremya savs "the Letts had established a local republic, with their own officials and armed forces, which carried out instructions in burning seats and executing batons and pastors, panic prevails at Riga and that the Lithuanians have formed an aun: tonomous government. Business is al- most at a standstill, Women and chil- dren are living in upper storeys of houses, and foreign merchants wind up their business of abandon every- thing to escape, : At Starala, Novgorod, ties only provented go massacre of Jews and revolutionists by tearing down the proclamations of the "Loy- alists" calling on the population to punish the Jows and revolutionists in the emperor's name. Russian officials are being expelled from the provinces and many killed, The problem of the Baltic vrovinces, too long considered the exclusive af- fair of the German barons has sudden- ly developed into a matter of im- perial interest, and in 'the near fu- future will give rise to another gery for autonomy, the authori. BRITISH CONSUL DROWNS Lost in Accident on: American Coast. San Jose, Costa Rica, Dec, 14.--The schooner Florence while on her voy- age from Bluefields, Nicaragua, to Port Limon, Costa Ricay was wreck- ed. Among those lost were Frederick M. H. Wood, British consul at Port Limon; two Americans, John Tibant and W. M. Rather, the latter from Tex. as, and three sailors, One passenger and two sailors were rescued. Central FOUR PRISONERS -- Come From Eastern Penitentiary to Kingston. Montreal, Dec. 14.--By order of the department of justice, Shortis, Mann, Prooter and Deshiens, four St. Vin. ent de Paul convicts, have been transferred to Kingston. Shortis is the celebrated Valleyfield murderer, in for life, and Mann formerly lived in this city, and is serving life sentence for wife murder, e-------------- The Porte's Latest Demands. Constantineple, Dec. 14,--The porte's latest demands are the inclusion of the military expenses for Macedonia in the administrative expenses and that the fiancial councillors ap- pointed by "the powers shal appeal to the Turkish authorities and not to the ambassadors of the powers. The news agency says that the am- bassadors will accept these proposi. tions theroby closing the negotiations and the dispute. . Change Of A Booth. (mployees in registrar's . WHIG, Scott Government Sustained. The Saskatchewan elections have re- sulted in the endorsement of the Scott government, So fat the record shows the election of fourteen liberals and eleven conservatives, and some of the seats are in doubt. The result may eventually be more favorable to the government. It was a bitter campaign 'which pre ceded the polling. Federal, provin- cial, racial and religious issues were mixed up indiserimjnately, until it was difficult to tell what the people were voting for, There appears to have been one clear vote all through the election, and it was a call to defend the government of Hon. Mr. S&T and pave it a trial. Mr. Haultain did what he could to confuse the electors, and towards the close of the eontest. Archbishop Lange- vin went to his aid by spreading broadeast a screed that was caleulat- ed to excite the Catholic people. Despite all this tumult the people generally seem to have kept tolerably cool and to have exercised the fran- chise aright, Mr. Seott 'will do good for the province, and he has a cient backing to give effect to leadership, provided it be wise. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Earl Grey is in Guelph to-day see the Tat stock show. Alderman Coatsworth is in the field as a mayoralty candidate in Toronto. hree school children were drowned in Kelloggs Pond, Amsterdam, N.Y, while skating. Lawrence Smith, Galt, received a ten-year sentence at Berlin, Ont., for highway robbery. A runaway trolley car crashed into another at Meadville, Pa.; three per- sons were killed, and many hurt. Lieut,-Col. Boulanger, in charge of the ordnance stores at Quebec, has heen (dismissed - from the militia for fraud. The American tale mill, near Water- town, N.Y., was destroyed by five, on Wednesday, with a loss of about service suffi- his to A deputation of London unemployed presented a demand for work to Pre micr Campbell-Banncrman and Hon. John Burns. The syndicate controlling all Texan theatres, has blacked Bernhardt's tour in that state, and she will have to act in a tent, Advices tell bf the carly élosing of navigation between Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. The regular steamers are off the route. There is alarm at Osgoode Hall, as department, have not got their cheques; other em- ployees are more fortunate. George W. Perking has resigned as first vice-president and .. chairman of the finance committee of the Now York Life In company. The Mutual Life Insurance company electdd "Charles A. Peabody to suc: eed Richard A. MoCurdy as president of that company, at $50,000 a year. A reward of $250 is offered for in- formation leading to the arrest of Edwin St. Geprge Banwell, the miss- 'ng teller of the Crown Bank, Toron. to. J. Shepherd Fitch, a wealthy bank- or, died suddenly at Oswego, N.Y. He was vice-president of the Oswego City Savings bank, and seventy-seven years 1d Hon. J. E. Flynn announced his re- signation of the provincial leadership at tho Quebec conservative conven- tion. The convention adopted a plat- form. Parties who purchased stolen goods from some of the clerks of John Mac. donald & Co., Toronto, who are un- der arrest, are returning them to the police, Patrick J. Keevey, his wife, Beat- trice, their eight children, two wo- men, and another man, were found by the Toronto police, all living in a room nine hy sixteen, in a stable. The children were filthy. The band of the 43rd Duke of Corn- wall's Rifles, Ottawa, have resigned in a body, owing to the action of the officers in calling for the resignation of Bandmastor James McGillicuddy, and the appointment of a bangmas- ter from iy Ont., to succeed him. -------- Buriness Lads In It. The business boys (junior night class) at the Y.M.C.A. are going in- to the indoor athletic contest, to break last year's record and last might contested two events : Three standing bréad jump (record 28 ft. 8 in, by A. G. Cameron)--M, McCartney, ft. 11} in.; W. Pipe, 29 ft. 47 in; Smallridge, 22 ft. 44 in. Spring board high jump (record 7 ft. 14 in, by A. G. Cameron)-- .J, Clough, 6 ft. 2 in.; Roadhouse, Meek and McCartney, 5 ft. 9 in. ---- Court Earl Roberts' Officers. At the last regular meeting of Court Earl Roberts, No, 4265, 1.0.F., the following officers were elected for the ensuing year ; puty, William Gimb- etd; physician, H. R. Duff; CR. J. Cunningham; V.C.R., W. Hopkins; R. S., J.M. Wallace; F.S., J. Pearson; treasurer, A. Smith; orator, G, T Brown; organist, W. Smith: SW. F Dean; J.W., A, 1. Leeming: S.B,, W. L. Smith; J.B,, A. Reid: 0 Laflamme. : -------- Ever willing to please the public and boom the city, Nash Bros. have decided to reduce the new view hook to 25c. from Monday, December 18th, until January lst, 1906. On sale at the Clarence Street News Stand and leading drug and book stores. Christ- mas Globe on sale at T. Nash's Clar- ence Strect News Stand, 7. The place fixed in Vietoria ward for the municipal nominations has been chonwed to Mrs... Rogers' house, 66 O'Kill street. The Union street house where the nominations were formerly held, has been sold, and can no longer be got for municipal purposes. tect ee mpatts. § This Offer Good For All Winter. One dozen sweet oranges and. one dozen lemons for 25¢., at Carnovsky's. + kirdlier By a vote of fifteen to thirteen, the mining convention decided that a Ii. censee be required to expend" $100,000 in _actual mining work, during ninety days succeeding his application. Chairman McPherson, at the mining convention in Toronto, urged that a spirit towards one another shoulder be shown by the deleomtes. Greatest of all great things is loye TAURSDAY, bECEWBER es ALL POOL SELLING FORBIDDEN, BY THE WAYNE, Leven throwing all co { ple. jury returned with ments of bor. COUNTY ATTORNEY, Force Book-Makers 'Of the Tracks--Bitter Denumciation of Graft gn High Life. Windsor, Ont., Dec. 14.--In an ad- dress, last night, upon the subject of "Graft in Public Life," Windsor "Literary and Scientific As- sociation, F, Hunt, prosecuting at- torney of Wayne county, Mich., of which Detroit is a part, made his first announcement of his intention pot to permit pool-selling in connection with horse racing in Detroit hereafter. He said that if poolsclling was attempt- ed, he would take immediate steps to stop it: Mr. Hunt called upon the au- thorities to force the bookmgkers off the local tracks, He declared that the syndicate hook was a grait that has the insurance companies' graft dis- tanced, $ During his address Mr, Hunt bitter ly denounced grafters jn high life, and did not hesitate to name prominent citizens of the United States, among them Chauncey Depew and Paul Mor- ton, who, he said, should be behind prison bars, instead of enjoying their present positions, He, compared the result of the investigation of Torontd plumbers, with his own attempt to break up a similar illegal plumbers' combine a year ago, in Detroit, when the combine fought through the sup- preme court, and won out, the court sts upon the peo- TE CONVERT SOCIETY. Torrey Plans Revival For New York. New York, Dec. HT js wrong to suppose that the wealthy and the smart set of New Yark are beyond re- demption. Fifth avenue is just as ac- cessible to the voice of religion as Pic- cadilly 'and Park lane proved to bein London. What New York society needs is a great revival in its midst." Thus spoke Rev. Reuben A, Torrey, the evangelist who has just. returned to America after converting many of England's nobility and London's smart set from .the error of their frivolous and often scandalous ways. "The fashionable and the rich are very slfish," Dr. Torrey declared. They are just as great sinners as the poor, "The stylishly attired society woman on Fifth avenue is just as~much in need of religion as the bedraggled wo- man on the Bowery." E The 'evangelist's eyes: beamed with enthusiasm as he spoke of the oppor- tunities for a great awakening and re- vival in New York, "First 1 am going to convert {he wealthy and the poor of Montreal; then 1 shall open a monstrous cam- paign of 'religion in Philadelphia. Lat- er 1 hope to come to the metropolis," Regarding Rev. M,. Torry's cam- balgn among the fashionable sot of London,-W. T. Stead said : "The west end of London i¢ the most ungodly place on earth, The rich are ever the 'most indifferent to religion. They have too good a time of it in this world tb worry about the next, Tn tac. kling them Dr, Torrey has undertaken a hard task. But before he's through it's even possible that his® gracious majesty King Edward may abandon Eridge and" horse racing 'and become converted," More than 17,000 were converted in London during the revival held in Al- bert hall, which accommodated 12,000 daily. Lords and ladies gave up their butterfly existence and worked in the slums, "No arrangements have been made as yet for our appearance in New York," 'Dr. Torrey said. "We shall re- main one month in Canada, then move to Philadelphia, where we shall spend two months. No hall has been obtain- ed there yet large enough to hold the crowds we anticipate. The Quaker City is just now ready for a wonder- ful religious awakening." One thing is certain, Dr. Torrey will not accept "tainted money." "I would not usé money that was dishonest money under any consideration,' he declared. "I do not believe God would bless it." ------------ The County Court. At 2:30 o'clock this afternoon a verdict in - the case; corporation of township "of Pittsburg vs. J. A. Wilmot. They were unanimous in a verdict for the plain- tifis for 8168.05 and costs. They the ex- pressed Shei opinion that the entry of the eheqe for $168.05 in the trea- surer's cash book was an error on his part and that it was the same as the two orders in favor of Barrett Bros. The case G. J. Hutton vs. Kings- ton & Pembroke, R.R. Co., is now go- mg on. -------- It is reported that the C.P.R, tween Fort William will ask for a: substan wages and revision of all the depart- operating he and St. John, tial increase of the hours of la St. Luke's cathedral, burned on Wednesday. saved. Rev. E. P, C The insurance wis of incendiary origin, EE ---- The Money Loss of + the Drink Habit Is one of its most serious features, The not only ruins himself but deprives those upon him of the support to they are eatitled. Orava many men from Drankard's ves restored wife and family plenty and happiness, hot Halifax, was The hall was rawford is rector. $20,000. It was --if it's the real' thing, _ Smelts, 3 bg. 250. at Carnovsky's, Mr. Hunt Calls on Authorities to before the J 3 Great Specials for Friday Whether these three departments formeqd some 3ort of a triple alliance to astonish the good shoppers on Friday morning or not we shall not say, but if you just read the three spe. cials below and then come and see the goods at 9 a.m, you can not help but be surprised ang delighted too. It's just your one opportunity to secure very acceptable Christmas Gifts at more than reasonable prices. Here they are : GENTLEMEN' 150 OLAS These are just the balance of a 'manufact and by purchasing them all we secured v ry stylish and nobby handles, in all the new shy ly guaranteed coverings on all. Ordinary pris 81.50. Have your choice on Friday morning, ir, O'clock only, at 99¢. 240 Pelee dies ee love Another balance of an imporier's stock which we purchased at a grand bargain after all his Christmas orders had bevy filled. Every Glove is guaranteed and ordinarily sells at §) All of most excellent quality, with two dome fast Imperial stitched back, in tans, browns, and blac 6, 6}, 6}, 63, and 7. Offered Friday o'clock, at Lay « and new on 60c, 600 Pairs NS ners Socks Still another. of those special purchases from an Hosiery manufacturer, which must always end to the advantage of Kingston shoppers. Seamless fect, extra od toe and heel, and very fine even make. In sizes 10, 103, and 11. and offered on Friday morning only, 3 pairs for 57c., or 1 pair morning a ------ ae a I SG ET IT Ne oie ly, English at 20c. a Our Christmas Ribbons Never before has our Ribbon Department shown such splen did metivity as thie Christmas season. But when vou think about that fact, it really should give no surprise Having, a we have, such a complete assortment exquisit harmdhious effects in all widths desired, and, prices lower than any other store in Kingston, 1 sult could follow than the one mentioned And we wi to keep our prices low and depend upon the incr sold to offset our smaller profit. Everything ir Taffeta, Chiffon Taffeta, Louisene, Corded, and Satin Ribbons. ~ School Children, Take Notice! Every school-child in Kingston is sure t and *h we shall mal Morning, very special announcement whic for a special sale on Saturday It's of great valie--look for it. The Coat Sale Rolls Along Gathering momentum 'with every day of i our stock is fast changing into the hands' of shoppers. Wo won't tell you much ahc seen our annouricements in' preceding our entire stock of Ladies' Winter Coats, ot ceri make and style, at precisely 25 per cent. di Ry prices. Surely you realize the valuable oppor That Drawing Contest Aga 10 lock from 4 We thought the weather would surely children so that they might earn their Chri know that the child of twelve years or drawing of our store as it appears from the « i 82 and ¢ Street, before th 20th of the month, gets a eas - , the sccond best $1. Drawings must be in inches, and competitor's age, name and add drawing. Just one week more--pet them busy JOHN LAIDLAW & SON E.P, Jenkins Christ Ties Never befo shown such chaste Neckwe ~ customers hav derfully please selection. E. P. Jenkins THE GREAT Pearsall s Suggestions 1. Christmas Tr An excellent present lear Coat Fam, and Girls', 1. ¢ Jstrich Tips of fine » $15 would make w 0 vour hest girl or § wife, and or it w will no doubt The above go immed and untr 1 at greatly red the Xt three weeks Pearsall's 228 Princes © MADE-T0- Persian Lam Select You Quality, Style equall McKAY FU BROCK 81 REWA vantage: of the Pro offered jn: the De n now being di SWIFT'S Real ET Will Sunday at BIBLE STUDI GOSPEL OF M MUST BE pee SC Ranges. Also a lot Carpets, everything che TURK'S SECUND- 308 PRINCESS WANTE AND BOA 5 Apply to W SMART GIR BENTLEMEN TO GI Uvercoats and Thomas Galloway's Also bring your ol them repaired. St, guaranteed to plea FOR Si Hinchinbros qualifiention a tho Trustees Judee, € A TEACHER No. 2 MEN AND BOYS > 120 Princess Street, Kingston. Boot In the City or $2.00 ovo are really The $0 00 8 pir Just received a case of Men's Box Calf Eo key Bo a 3 2.50 boot, but having come in late we will sell the ji EY ARE BARGAINS, ab $3.00, and Me - 'We also have Blater's, in Tan and Black, at $3.00, Lightaing Hiteh at $2.75 and $2.50. Phersou's THE LOCKETT SHOE STOR ing Trade, pays pleting course of pi howe or in our admitted to s Associat Joyne Pro New Yorl , 0. Free TO-LE M AND furnished rooms, 0 Modern @fhveniences KE, TORN DWELLI etc. MeCa 51 Brock. s i Agency BRICK SHOP AND] 351 Princess stres Possession Novemb Steacy & Steacy. HOUSK ON ' CENT oms, good out. b en, moderate tation. apply t Square HOUSE TO CoLLEaR STREET t Stowe House OOS. stable a s Jand suitabl Pasture, Possession Apply at McLeod's - EE ---- Children's hown in grea tgelest prices fin hig. fur rag. 1 stone, J See Lisingkton's a lor Sm wrday.