BOOOOG0000000 FOO O0O00TVOOO0O0000000 OOOO mbing sa Heating ot Water Heating mn of work fuvited. Estimates be cheerfully given. none but the best plumbers and you first-class work, : jwood enough for our mers. 'We have heen in this business in Kingston for 23 years sand have learned hy experience many points in the coal trade which make it possible for us to S0rve you hetter, cheaper and more satisfactory than anybody else. f Pr ------------ R. CRAWFORD, FOOT OF QUEEN ST. "PHONE 9. Eee 0000000] 4 . No urs : PERFUMES and ET SPECIALTIES We' have just recvived a full line of Hudput's Perfumes, in bulk and in packages. They have a fragrance rich Cand sweet, which is permanent, Here are a fow of their odors : Jmperial Russe Woot" Violet, EE xo Niclet, ad Vetiveet. e are the only \wporters of ju Tie of gciums in the city, A. PG | lowed it without a grimace. : be at' the next session" introduce a THE WHIG7und YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIO, published Er Tr th Rr cg RE At is Sua. of the best Jou ints LE +8 The British Whig ng Oo. Limitea EDW. J. B, PENSE, i : Managing Director. a ---- THE DAILY WHIG. "'Opifter per Orbem Dicor." Fr Senate Very Expensive. The Toronto News nds that one senator received $2,112 last session, with mileage, for five attendances in the house, or at the rate of $422 a sitting, while another' senator, who made nine appearances, got at the rate of $20 for cach. Henceforth a deduction of $15 per diem will be made for every ahscnee, instead of an allowance of fifteen ab- sences being made, but even then, the $2,500 indemnity given them is a gross abuse. There. ghould be g re- form of it. The senators' indemnity was large enough before the increase for the service they rendered. But the advocates of a higher indemnity real- izod that if they did not' make the scheme comprehensive, and so as to include the senate, it would be blocked, § There are now some able men in the constitution it has to remain, but it cofts a lot of money, a great deal more than it is worth. Acting Like A NMugwump. Where does the leader of the federal opposition stand with regard to the indemnity and pension act? He has At a meeting in the west, not long ago, he intimated that the question had been sprung upon the house; that there had not been time in which to consider it, and that he was favor able to a reconsideration of it. At the banquet which was tendered to him in Toronto he said that while he was willing that the subject should indemnity increase. It will be observed that the conser- vatives of Quebec, in convention as- sembled, did not refer to the question, Were they afraid of it 2 Or were they compromised ? . In Nova Scotia the party is demand- ing a repeal of the legislation, and they are doing this without consider ing the feelingé of Messrs, Borden and Foster. The people in the hye-elections gave evidence of their displeasure with the worth would hardly have spoken as he did respecting it without some as- surance that his desires would be re- spected. Council's Timely Death. The conncil of 1906 died last night, peacefully. For a few minutes only a tremour shook the corporate body. There was a faint effort, a partial re- vival, a gasp, and all was over, First, Ald. King moved 'that the council express its sympathy with. the proposal that the government investi gate the affairs of the York Loan com: pany, in the interest of Kingston stockholders. For these Ald. King, pro- fussed to have a deep concern. Some of them are voters. No harm could come of the motion, and because it was harmless the poor old council swal- Then Ald. Mallen broke in upon its vileneo. He has had qualms of con science with regard. to the Williams: vill: electric light. So has Ald Hoag. In the hope of get: ting some relief, they moved an ap- proval of certain pegitions for lights and especially for one at the corner of Princess and Albert streets." The poor old council was visibly al- fected by ths performance. The peti- tions were asked for. Some of these were found, but the petition respeet- ing the Williaméville light vas miss ing. Ald. Mallen had not seen it. Neither had Ald. Hoag nor any one else, since October, 1904. This was bad---favouring something that could not be produced and adding to the silliness of situation by com- mending it to the council of 1906. After that the coineil gathered itself up and died--and mot. a minute too soon, Had it lived any longer there is mo telling what fool act it would have committed. ad Wants No Nore Insult. Mr, Borden made two points quite clear at the banquet which was ten- dered to him in Toronto recently. The first was that he is sensitive; to criticism. He has been too mindful of things that have been said of him by presumably independent men. Mr. Goldwin Smith, in a létter to the press, ascribed the support of the leader of the opposition," on the sal: 'ary question, to the fact that he was to be a beneficiary of it. Mr. Borden regarded this as con- temptible, and, beside desiving a re- consideration of the. indemnity, he «d illegal by the New York investigat indepradence: of the members of patlia- ment, : " The second point was the leadership of the party. He urged that a conven- tion he held, and that at it the policy of the future?be outlined. . At the same time there could be a reconsideration of any other matter of special interest. He did not seek the position he held, and he would not be unwilling to yield it. to any one who would serve the party better. Mr. Borden is evidently chafing un- der the stings and smeers of his own party. There has been, apparently, a limit to them, and Mr. Borden is now in resentful humour. He will not brook further insults. Editorial Notes. How many of the old members of the council expect to be re-elected ? ---- Who is the chairman of the license board in Kingston ? Cannot a succes- or be found to Dr. Ryan? Now. for a council for 190¢, J goodness sake fet 'fl be an improve ment upon the council of 1905. The Globe has the right idea. there is to be a 'party in the civie glections let t be a municipal party. td Winston Churchill is hated by the ble the under secretary for the colo- nies in the least. ---- tures of the different states. He has reason to anticipate trouble, Sr -------- The people of the North-West have been quite demonstrative on the tariff duties so far as they are concerned. been doing some fenving on the sub- [mayor's chair ?. He did so well last jeot, night, as chairman, that his candida tare next year would not be surpris- ing. The deferred dividend will be declar- | | ing. committee. The absence of big surpluses will mean the absence of big | scandals. | | their license fees. The retail merchants by -the new legislation. The retail trade is perturbed over the report that the wholesale Jouses are fitting out an army of peddlers and sending them over the country. 'The new license law will check the tran- sient traders. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS, convincing the country that he was coerced into accepting that $7,000 salary. . A Man In Luck, real Herald. 'n the Toronto plumbers must be jealous of Judge Andy Hamilton. Seven insurance companies kopt for- cing big cheques on him and asking no questions, Is It As Bad As That? Flesherton Advance. We would like to know ii there is anyone in town who is qualified to give advice as to the best method of killing church choirs ? Snubbing Winston. Ottawa Citizen. 'The appointment of Winston Church- ill would suggest that the new libgral government. in England has reverted to the old liberal belief that "anv- thing is good . enough for the co'o- nies," Whitney to Dryden. Brantford Expositor. Mr. Whitney took occasion to sdy at the provincial winter show that Hon. John Dryden was a true friend of agrienlture. The premier hut sta- ted a truism, but he nevertheless de serves credit for doing so. Reaume's Fish Storiesj Exchange. Dr. Reanme declared that no offi- cials would be slaughtered out of season--without investigation, How this promise has been kept illustrates the needlessness of the minister to at- tend fish conventions to learn how to tell fish stories. ~~ Hens Estrange A Couple. Winsted, Conn., Dec. have caused -the separation of Archer Calder and his wife, who was Ella Griswold, daughter of a local justice! of the peace. Calder owns more than 200 hens, and he has been giving them unusual care and attention, as the annual show of the Western Con- necticut Poultry Association begins Tuesday, and he hopes to capture a number of prizes. When he returned home last night he found nearly all of the household effects gone. He asked his wife for an explanation, and she said his bed was out in the henpery and that he could sleep with his chickens. "I am going back to my parents," she added. And she did, . taking their two children with her. When excep- tionally cold weather prevailed Cald- er had taken his pét stock into the house, Come and see our new skates "The Automobile," made of nickled steel with © aluminium tops. Strachan's. Open every evening this week. We oxcel in English; French and tes, from 25¢. up, at Wade's drug store. The latest in American styles of fing- bill having for ity whject the greater v or nurses, at R. Uglow & Company's, Taylor's perfume at Chown's, British tory. But that will not trou- question. There will not be higher | A United States steamer, the Tat. Rl li . , Has Ald. Sears no designs on the atian marine laws, The steamer was s-- | The local peddlers have been promis. | M2 supplies of cigarettes, chocolate be reopened he was agreeable to the fed a rebate at the end of the year in are not willing that| they-should suffer | burg is appreciated in Tokio. Indeed He Will. | Pa. ®t i : . Mr. Avles- | Ottawa Free Press. : act in question, and Hon Yes Mr. Borden will have hard work | the object. 18.~Chickens | Americen perfumes in cut glass bot- | 5 % NEWS OF THE WORLD OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little The wile of John Charlton, ex-M. P., died at doch. The "Black ike" brass band, of Queensbury, - Yorkshire, tours Canada next summer, Rufus Pope has aceepted the conser- vative nomination for Compton, Que., for the Cominons, The Scottish Canadian union, to fos- ter patriotic sentiment, has been or- ganized in Toronto. . Two arrests have been made in con- nection with the investigation of the ordnance stores department, Quebec. Gabriel 'King, at one time a pros perous Hamilton whip manufacturer, dead, in that city, aged eighty- ve. | The Ontario - Agricultural College SDAY, DECEMBER 10, : Will Go to Caribbean Sea for His Health. JOHN ALEXANDER DOWIE, Chicago, Dec. 19.--John Alexander | graduates won the honors for stock {Judging at the Chicago live stock ex- position, Fourteen men were suliocated while {'clearting boilers in the naval steel | mostly Italians. Foster Boulton, Hamar Greenwood, | H. F. Wyatt, and Dr. Dawson, all | Canadians, will contest seats in the | mother of parliaments. . The Canadian Northern railway has | Linaugurated a passenger service over [the main line to Edmonton, and also {on the new line to Viiden. The president of the Equitable Life | Rev. R. P. Bowles, pastor of Sher- upper house, and according to our [Insurance company fears the legisla- | Pourne Street Methodist church, Tor { onto, has been appointed professor" of , { homiletics in Victoria University. Two foreigners were killed in Shanghai, and forces from the British 1 squadron guard the streets. Two Am- {erican cruisers are on their way there. | tler, has been seized at Sydney, Cape Breton, for an infraction of the Can- shipping men without a license, Frederick Fawcett, who abducted a Scotch girl to Canada, and was ar- rested at Quebec, a iow weeks ago, was taken back to Scotland, and sent to vrison for eighteen months. H. Cross, Toronto, has been appointed commissioner by the gov- rnment for the purpose of conducting an investigation into the affairs of the York County Loan and Savings | company. > Emperor William's kindness in send- 'and chrysanthemums to the Japanese | prisoners who passed through Berlin {on Saturday on their way to Ham- The merchants of = McKeesport, Pa., have passed a resolution prohibiting advertising in. anything but newspa- pers, providing for a fine of $25 for the first offence and expulsion froy, the association for the second. Jerry Cronin and Peter Reagan, firemen on the 'steamér Princeton, were suffocated in an ore pile at the Nati- onal Tube company's blast furnace at Lorain, 0. Martin Albast 'and John Salis, mine workers at Port Griffith, were found horribly mutilated hy { bullets and : bludgeons, robbery being A SPLENDID LECTURE Given in the Y.I.C.B.A. Hall By Dr. Evans. Last evening the Y. 1. C, B. A. hall on Wellington street, was crowded to its utmost possible capacity with a representative autience of Kingston's progressive citizens to listen to a trav- el lecture by Dr. J. G Evans, 'illus- trated with nearly 200 beautiful trans. parent photographs, projected on a large screen with a powerful dissoly ing limelight instrument. The audience was carried in picture and story to New York city, then across the Atlan | Ye, visiting Ireland, Scotland, Eng land, France, Switzerland and Italy; | then by steamer to Kgypt, visiting the | Nile and the pyramids; again by steamer to Jaffa and by rail to. Jeru- salem, overland to Damascus and Beyrout, ete. On the homeward jour- ney the lecturer carried his attentive audience through Turkey, the Riviera, and: the blue Mediterranean to Gibral tar, then home to Kingston via the N. Y. C, railway and Niagara Falls. The lecturer handled his own instru. ment, and never during the two hours programme allowed his audience to wait for word or picture, Tuftrated songs were sung by Messrs, Harte and Pritchard, and the piano was in the capable hands of Miss Lonergan. Edw. J. B. Pense moved a vote of thanks to the lecturer; which was sec onded by Mr. Behan, and unanimously supported by the delighted audience. All agreed in saying that it was the finest illustrated programme ever giv- en in the city, and the Young [rish- men are to be complimented in the matter. J. J. Behan, in the absence of Hon. William Harty, made an ox- { cellent chairman. It is to be hoped hat the society will inaugurate a jeourse of winter lectures, entertain- ments, ete, and thus follow up the good work so well begun, ' Encourage Art To-WNight. |. Kingston people will, to-night, prove | themselves ready to encourage . art | amongst Canadians by turning out in | "goodly numbers to sce the perform | ance of Queen's Dramatic Club. The | club is well deserving of our goo l- | will, for they have worked hard and | well to make their performance worthy { of the university of Kingston. "The scenes which they present are among { the most beautiful of Shakespeare's. | and those who have seen the students {in their roles , are enthusiastic over | their interpretation of the characters, | Nr. Beecroit and Mr. MeKerracher 1 will render songs from Shakespeare. | Hard or soft corns cured with three | applications of Peek's Corn Salve. | Guaranteed. Maney back if not satis- factory. In boxes, °15c., at Wade's Drug Stare. A 'wood pair hockey skates . and attached to boots for 50c. at Yellow Hardware Store. ~ Pleasure-giving gifts in endless vari ety at R. Uglow & Company's, Bufietts; R13 to $78: sidebonrds, $10 | Covered, but his health since then has Dowie, head of the Christian Catholic church in Zion has given up his rule, and will soon leave for one of the is lands of the Caribbean Sea, there to I | works, Homecourt, France. They are remain until spring, in hopes of re gaining his health. While on a trip to Mexico a few weeks ago, - Dowie suffered a sligh't stroke of paralysis.' From this he re- been poor, and he has found it ivees sary to give up work for the pre- sent. It 1s sqid, he expects to resume his authority on hig return. Under their organization plans the men of Zion City will be permitted to seek work in other cities when there is little to be performed in Zion. GIRL SHOOTS ASSAILANT. Residents Later Throw Men's Body Into River. Logan, 'W. Va., Dec. 18.--~Herman Nolan, a negro, was shot and killed by Miss Daisy Wilkinson, a school teacher. 'Lhe shooting occurred on the highway running through 4 wood- land near the Guyandotte river. Miss Wilkinson was walking to her school and was overtaken by the negro. He made advances and threat ened to kill her. Miss Wilkinson drew a pistol and sent a bullet through his brain. The girl then walked to a farm Bouse and told her story. The negro's body after lying in the road several hours, was thrown by citizens into the Guyandotte river. The girl has not yet been arrested and the indications are that she will not be, Miss Wilkinson is only twenty vears old. e boarded more than half a nfile from her school and friends had advised her to carry a pistol. ARREST SPOILS HONEYMOON. Seized for Embezzlement as He Is About to Sail. London, Dec. 19.--The honeymoon of William Hammond Dgvies has come to an abrupt and unpleasant conclus- ion at Southampten. On Monday he married Miss Maude Llewellyn at Cardiff; on Saturday he was brought up at the Southamptcn police court on a charge of misappro priating 2500 belonging to his em- ployers, the Mellingriffith Tin Works company, for whom he has worked as a clerk for fifteen years. The distressed bride, who stated that she would return to her uncle, said she had known her husband for seven years and had been engaged to him for four years. They had intended to go to Ame rica, and ha& already booked their passage. Will Oppose Legislation. Chicago, IH, Dec. 19°-The railroad employees in every branch of service are determined to oppose the passage of laws in accordance with President Roosevelt's idea of rate legislation. Some time ago the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, the Order of Rail road Conductors, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, the Brother hood of Locomotive Firemen and the Switchmen"s Union, discussed the matter and appointed committees for the purpose of bringing about con- cevted action on the part of the five large organizations. A committee, composed of representatives of the five organizations will hold a meeting here this afternoon, to discuss the matter and decide upon some plan of holding a mass meeting of railroad employees for the purpose of protesting against the proposed rate legislation. In their opinion such legislation would mean a subsequent reduction in wages, and they will make every effort to prevent the passage of such a law. It is be: lieved, that a strong lobby will be sent to Washington to work against. rate legislation. Flag House Bought. Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 19.--The his torical house . in which Betsy Ross made the first American flag, has heen purchased by the Betsy' Ross Flag House Association, and the formal transfer of the property to the associ ation has been made. The association was organized a few vears ago for the purpose _of collecting funds with which to purchase the historical building on Arch street, with a view of presefving it as an historical relic. "Cergse'" Calls For Pipe. London. Dee. 19.1t was the night before the burial of a woman in Elginshire, and two people stood by the coffin. Suddenly they saw the "corpse" move, and then thev heard it cry out, "Where is my pipe 2" Aften the first excitement the "body" was removed from the coffin and put to bed, and soon after the woman sat up, cheerfully declaring that her "smoke" was the sweetest she had ever had. She is now in good health and moving about. The friends of Rev. and Mrs. J. Fisher, of the rectory. Bearbrook. re gret to hear that their residence was burned lat Thursday night. The fire destroyed the rectory completely, and also part of the contents. It takes brains and labor to make money, but neither exertion nor sense abloom with Goods. Men's Elegant Overcoats. $7 50, 8.50, 10, 12.50, 18.50, 14 and 1 Boys' Elegant Overcoats, $4, 5 to 10. THE H. D. BIBBY'S--The Men's Wear Store--R Open evenings -all this week | Headquarters Jor Christmas Gifts for Men and Boys Our store is fairly Christmas 5. Men's Bwagger Suits in the latest cuts, 87.50, 8 50, 10, 12 to 15, Boys' Buits, Norfolk and three-piece, $2.75, 8, 3 50 to 7.50. Boys' Reefers, $2, 2.50, 2.75 to 4.50. Nobby Trousers for Men, $2.10, 2 50, 3 to 5. Fancy Vests, $2 to 5. Furnishing Department Christmas Bhirts, soft or stiff bosom, 75¢., $1, 1.25. Don't miss seeing our great display of Christmas Neckwear, in all the newest shapes, 28c., 50c.. 75¢., $1. Fancy Suspenders, 25¢ , 40¢., 50c., 76¢. Neck Bcarfs for Men, 50c., 76¢c , $1, 1.25 to 2. Fancy Sweaters for Men, $1, 1.50, 2 to 4. Cardigan Jackets, 90¢c., $1, 1.50 to 4. Fancy Hosiery, 25e., 50¢. and 750. Gloves of all kinds, 50¢, 75¢., $1 to 4.75. Men's Caps, Golf Shapes, Fur Bands, ete., 50c., 75¢., $1, 1.50. Fancy Armlets. 10c.. 15¢., 25¢., $1.85 and 1.50. Silk Handkerchiefs, Plain White, Initialed and Fancy, 25c., 50c., T5e , $1 'BIBBY CO. The Men's Wear Store. T: "| can be obtained by purchasing the to $75, at'R. J. Reid's. 15 necessary to get rid of it. winter manoeuvres in the south, and IT will be a short time now until Santa Claus will be here. headquarters for Hockey Boots Moccasins Slippers Suit Cases and Club Bags Santa is making our store his You will do well to follow Santa and come to us. Our store open every evening until Christmas ABERNETHY'S MV VVIN VAWVWNVINNVINANS Labatt's Ale and Stout Ask for Labatt's and you get the best JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, 1339 and 341 King St. 'Phone 274. LIS is a facsimile of the only Gold Medal awarded by the Louisiana Purchase Exposition for Ale and Stout, which was won by John Labatt. This speaks of the quality and purity of these celebrated beverages. atter competitive bidding in New York, cold storage provisions te be deliver- ed to the naval vessels in southern waters. Hitherto these supplies have been bought from one contractor, who had a monopoly on the delivery of refiigerated supplies in the West In- | dies. Better prices and competition meats in New York, and sending them south as refrigerated food on com- this sort having been made by the naval officers. The supplies will be de livered to the vessels during their Any Symptoms Li Headaches, : loss of energy, failing despair, Wade's Iron ing through © the < restore you { nerves restore to fn boxes the vivac ! health of yout back if not s i 1 i 3 { pucks, ¢ h b sticks, skates and pucks mercial steamers, an arrangement of best at Yellow Handws "The 8 | padded bindings, dev gifts. bea Pinaud's perfume -------------------- Kind of td yest hand ( Fresh Food For The Fleet. | will assure them of 1 bet season Washington, D.C., Dec. 19.-- The navy | provisions during department has' arranged to purchase ke This. despondent ys s Dun t ment onl wl and on the city and a3e. Money hockey raz <¢ and & ¢ Company' at Chown & TT IBBY'S y Pills act 1 ---------- Were JOYS OF MAT! A WOMAN'S BEST HOPE Mrs. Potts Tells How Wo Prepare for Mother) The darkest days of h wife are when they come ward to childless and lone! Many a wife has found pable of motherhood owi acement of the womb strength in the generatiye Mrs. Anna Po Frequent backache and pains, accompanied by of charges and generally b; and scanty menstruation in: placement or nerve dege the womb and surrounding The question that trout is how can a woman who h: male trouble bear healthy Mrs. Anna Potts, of 510 Pe Hot Springs, Ark., writes: My Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- % During the early part of my was delicate in th ; both my I were very anxious for a child home, but I had two miscarriag not carry a child to maturity. who had been cured by Lydia } Vegetable Compound advised m did so and soon felt that I stronger, my headaches.and b: me, I had no more bearing-dov felt like a new woman. Wit became the mother of a sti child, the joy of our home. Ly ham's Vegetable Compound is splendid remedy, and eh e who wants to become a mother + Actual sterility in wom rare. If any woman thinks ile, let her try Lydia E. Vegetable Compound and w Pinkdam, Lynn, Mass. He free #0 expectant or would-] RECEIVED PENSI Rewarded By the British ment. Hamilton, Ont., Dec. 19. DuMoulin, of this city, he word from the British wa the effect that he has been pension of fifteen penee per DuMoulin was injured while ansport © of the 3rd contingent to the war in 8 ca, falling down a hatchwa was hurt. . Mr. DaMoulin e Ottawa, with the Mounted is a son of Bishop DuMoulir fiith Canadiin to receive a 1 connection with the Boer w Appointed Bailiff: Toronto, Dee. 19.-- The among others division cour ments have been made : John Payette, North bailifi ninth court, Stormon and Glengarry, vice Daniel John E. Hays, ' Olden, bai division court, Frontenac McGregor, resigned. Attempt On Sultan's Constantinople, Dec. 19. of the name of Jiris and menlans, have been convict tempting to kill the sultan enced leath, Ten other p eluding Joris' © wife, have sentenced to death in con umber of others have be ed to penal servitude for li Fur Slippers. Indian moccasins or sh make acceptablé Christm George Mills & Co. have th correct "sive A i in pen, "just th wanted" large stock at R. Ce AHN I want the best is wha gentlon SA when buyin he Huyler's high class Cross Drug 8 ; Shea, instead of pi rebuilding the Yonge "stree recently gutted by fire, w $200,000 theatre on the sout per of Victoria and Richmo Toronto, The flavor, esse nutriment and all t ood in prime beef centrated, This is BOVR It requires e pounds of prime to make four ounc BOVRIL. Use it in the kit for economy as w the palate's sake.