POOOOSE008008¢600000 oumen, ven Every Night Christmas Week + POOLL SOPPOOO® ®ve hop is in the mornin if ye 1 be to pleas: you in ey - rer before, We don't self orna. ul articles that make splendig --_-- Cora This shows No. 70 Set, Ashes. "tos Sad Irons --best furnish. ed and most durable irons made. i rice of set, $2.00, We also have these Flounce and Shirt Wale unt "i. x TT ---- s have sehold have y best t is the veeper, it to ee Price, $2.50 to $10. or } NTS '« Water Plate, | Copper Coal Jelly Moulds, Oil Heaters, : : - = $150 to $600 - - 50c. 2 00 - - 25¢. 150 - - 15¢. 100 ERS we have in splen- 1 assortment--all prices d makes, from 50c. to $10.00 ty iM ery Evening. 2H DIL 71 Brock St. O=0RDER MB JACKETS 'our Skins id Fit Unequalled. 'ur House ct Street. Ea: yor) ee -------------------- weetness assortment of Candy in 'S High Grade G. B. - boxes, secoad to none. 1. : ' ! Princess St. MW fi = NTS FOR 'XMAS 1 $10. : oes FORKS from 70¢: ch. pet ATED AGAT Pots. . : TEA & CO T BROS * Phone 35: Sweepers: EWARE 1? FFEE POTS p-- A CU CEYLO P OF SALADA" N TEA }s Both Delicious and Refreshing Lead Packets only, 25¢., 30c., 30c., 50c. and 60c. per Ib. By all Grocers eral days ago, and HIGHEST AWARD, ST. LOUIS, 1904. ---- MEDICAL. OFFICE LATELY = ART HY DR. Me Ly Dr. Ryan, Corner Mon o i treal and Brock streets, DR. WILLIAM Q@IMSON, THYSICIAN 3 20! tc. Leste Resident House bn *Kingaton General Hospit- ST feo--283 King _stueet, opposite Bank of Montreal. "Phone. 48 "MONEY AND BUSINESS. L. LONDON AND GLORE as Company, Available mn JVERPOOL, ER surance i wecurity 8 kholders. Farm and city i a at lowest possible rates. Before renewing oid or wiving mew business get rates from Strange & Strange. Agents. -------- POLICIES COVER MORE ON TOR dine and Centents than any ®th- or company effers. Examine Godwin's ot Seware ------mme---- ARCHITE CTS. , OF FM; NEWLANDS, ARCHITE nd floer bver Mahood's drug I Princess and Bagot streets. Ei ce om Bagot street. « Telephone 608, i ELLIS ARCHITECT, OF BRE of New Drill Hall. near cer mer of Queen and Montreal Streets WE & SON ARCHITECT, MER PO ie Bank Building. corper Brock snd Wellington streets. ¢FPhome 213 NRY P. SMITH, Iw Anchor Building. 'Phone 845 ARCHITECT Marke: Covered Rink The Rink Office will | be opened, on Pec. 1lth, for the sale of Season Tickets and Lockers. skating, on Dec. 14th ice permitting nh ay, Thursday and Friday evenings, from 8 p.m., to 10 p.m Band Tuesday evening, 8 p.m., to 10 pm Saturday afternoon, 3 p.m., to 5 p.m A Season Ticket. 4s - the best Xmas present that yeu Can possibly give your Boy or Girt SEASON TICKET RATES .ls $3.00 1.00 Lady's single . Gentleman's Chi ars under 16 Far y a an 10.00 V.E. BONTER, H.W. RICHARDSON, Manager. Sec. Treas ES anoneso-000000T008 Enter Any Time | EL, Term sKingston Business Gollege 8 2 LIMITED Head of Queen St.. Kingston - - Ont A MODERN, PERMANENT, RE- LIABLE SCHOOL. +» Established in 1883 ., Practical, complete, thorough, individual Instruction given in all commercial sub- ( ects Open throughout the Write, c e year. sllor telephone for terms and cata- logue tJ. B. MCKAY, H.F METCALF President, TinC pal $ 0 © B000C0 3300000000000008 -- or er --r-- Prrrsrsccccsscccccacall "THERE 1S A TIME ¢ FOR ALL THINGS." = § Now 1s Ty ¢ ow, while prices are ¢ § low, "is the time to fill} § your coal bin with best quality SCRANTON ii ' : cm P. Walsh's Yard § BARRACK STREET. Heme ee. Clean, Honest GOAL: That fs the kind we sell--The kind you should burs if you want & satisfaction fire. We are filling orders sow for Winter supplies. Have you ordered Yours yet ? 'Phone No, 138, BOOTH &CO. 82000000m000000000n 8 EMBOSSING Si for Paper and Envelopes ENGRAVING ce Cards and Letter Heads Besides ga) Printing fro, classes of Letter Wm acard to a volume, HE WHIG, Kingston eh THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. Press them at | wrance Emperiume Marks Want Ads. * No doubt The "News" covers Toronto and 2,475 other Post Offices in 'the Pro- vince' of Ontario. Just a little better than most other papers Bring results. of it. for results. I cent per word per insertion. . «400.0 wean | "TORONTO NEWS" Soe THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19. FOUND IN A BOOK PURCHASE AT SECONDHAND STORE IS A FORTUNE, Property of a French Lady Was to be Prssed to Next of Kin When Wil Bequeathing Estate | to God-Child Was Found. Paris, Dec. '19.--An extraordinary tory comes from 'Saint Etienne, of how a Jost will came to light. i An ex-Benedictine monk, M. Granger, | was passing the Place des Ursules sev heard a second hand boeokstall 'keeper selling off a joh lot. "Who wants a will for a penny ¥ leried the man M. Granger looked at it, saw it had been drawn up in duplicate, and pass ed on. Next day he, however, men- tivned the incident to a notary, who Ladvised him to try and obtain pos- session ~of it, Ihe hookstall man was not back at his customary stand till a week later, | The will. was still for sale, and the | Benedictine at once hought "it and | took it to the notary, Maitre Avril, who on reading it exclaimed: "Why, it is a perfectly valid will of the late Mme. Chavanne, who leaves her whole fortune to her god-daughter Sophie." Mme. Chevanne having apparently | died intestate, her estate, valued at £16,000, was about to be handed over to her next-of-kim. Little Sophie Chavanne is only seven vears old. The will had been hidden in I a book which was anmiong an odd lot bought at a sale 6f the old lady's fur niture, FARMERS BETTER OFF. | Less '"Simple Life" | Was. | London Chronicle [An old farmer said with some truth Than There "If it were not for. the factories and railroads we would still be swap i, cheap butter at the stores for high | priced sugar, tea and molasses." There are who assert the old [times were better when the farms were | "seli-supporting" and before the fac [ tory people came. But suggest to such that there is still a chance to live un | der exactly those conditions, in a new | country like the far North-West, and {they show enthusiasm to leave | their comfortable homes to get back those no FOR HOME COOKS '" Beaver" Flour is the flour for bane. bali &~for Women who take pride in their culinary kill, and their ability to run ise economically, BEAVER FLOUR Jf Manitoba Spring Wheat d of LF Ontario Fell W the is a bles It makes breac pies that ever htsto ser nar heat. ils, cake and good cook de- Is MORE e It i 10 the barrel than any ' 3 r brand oth . Order ** Beaver" Flour next time--and see how much more nd toothsome is every- you bake. AT YOUR CROCER'S ns "King Baby Reigns BABY'S OWN SOAP Pure, Fragrant, Cicansing A Safe Soap for a TENDER Skin A good Soap for ANY Skin Albert Toilet Soap Co., Mfrs. MONTREAL. There is no other just as good. The Celebrated English Cocoa. An admirable food, with all its natural qualities intact. This excellent Cocoa main- tains the system 'in robust health, ani enables it to resist winters extreme cold. The Most Nutritious and Hconomieal : Try Eine COOKED MEATS. Brees (ESTABLISHED 1863). resident--Cir Richard Cartwright | loaned on City and Farm Pro- | Municipal and County Delien- Ortgages purchased Deposits and interest allowed, 1 McGill, Managing Director, | 97 Clarence Street, Kingston. sa ney Curey, M. Teceived 8S. c Office, Insurance and .Real Estate. EPPS'S COCOA Myers' for GARDINER 'S Eight Companies at Lowest Rates; Money to Loan on Real Estate. 151. Wellington Street. A --------y One-third of the land surface of globe. is covered with trees. the | into primitive conditions. where farm products as well as land are cheap and plenty, but money and comfort Forty years ago the "simple life" was still a sure enough-reality Most farm houses had bare floors | except in thé parlor and country fam- | lies went to church in a spring wag gon. It was easy tb exchange goods | wt the but the dealer took a vide margin both ways, and there was ery little cash from any source. When vou come to think. it the world has moved after all. Toronto Street Market. Toronto, Dee. 18.--~Wheat, white, bush., to 78.; wheat, red, bush. 6c. to T3e.; wheat, spring, bush., 75¢ scarce. store, over te. to T60.; whea LOOSE, bush., 7 ats, bush, te. - to 38e.; barley, bush., He. to *; peas, bush., 73¢,; ve, bush. ae. hay, timothy, on, 9 to %10: hay, mixed, ton, 86 to NN; straw, per ton, $12 to 812.50. Le Alsike, No. 1, bush., $5.75 to 0 ; alsike, No. 2, bush, $4.75 to $5; alsike, No. 3, bush., $1 to $1.50; Red, choice, No. 1, bush., 36.25 to $7: limothy, bush., 81.50 to $2. Dressed , $8 to $8.50; apples, per barrel, to 83; , per dozen, 40c. to 15¢.; butter, 7s 2 to ; but er, creamery, 27¢. to 30v.; chickens, er 1h. 10e. to 12¢.; fowl, per lb., Se; urkeys, per lb., 15¢. to 18e.; geese, er lb., lle. to 11 cabbage, = per lozen, 40¢. to 50c.; cauliflower, per lozen, 75c. to 81; potatoes, per bag, Be. to Ye; celery, per dozen, We. to 10c.: onions, per bag, £1.20 to 81.25; wef, hindquarters, $6 to $7: beef, fore jnarters, $1 to beef, choice, car 85.50 to Ry; beef. medium, car ase, 85 to 85.50; mutton, per ewt.: M50 tor 88; veal, per ewt., $8 to 89: amb, per ewt., 82.50 to $0.50 ase, meoshes---- Oldest. Country In The World: Everybody is talking about the high lass special excursion which the Grand Trunk Railway System are or ganizing for Mexico, and which will leave Montreal, 9 a.m., January 20th, 1906, "in specie 'International the will be at Pullman cars on * These cars tached to the private train that will we occupied throughout tour at Chi cago the following morning. All ex wnses included in rate. Tour will last bout forty days, and will cover the nost interesting portions of the "old st country in the New World." Apply to any Grand Trunk agent or to .J. Juinlan, Bonaventure station. Mont cal, for all information, descriptive natter, rates, ete, Spiritual Aims. The well-known English clergyman, Rev. E lay nent, evolution is the master spirit Griffith-Jones, said the other "Progress, expansion, develop- call it what vou will word in the world of as in the world of life. . What the philosopher tries to do for pure thought, what the scientist tries to do with the complexity of nature, | that the religious thinker, organizer, | preacher is aiming at in the 'spiritual ! life--~to reduce chaos into order, to re solve conflicting impulses and passions into one harmonious. master motive," Some Foolish Facts. Baraum generous gave over. body a show, Wasliington's fr ride was when he | took a "hack at the chercy tree. A prize fight is a striking affair and a cashi rs business § Paying one Lovers are like armiiéss they have no trouble. until the engngement begins An archite t ix a designing man A milliner is alwavs a trim érenture wns pn man; he The path of duty, is through the customs house. : Great Value In Clothing. Prevost, Brock street, will sell for balange of this season, at the follow- ing low pri Splendid suiting made to order, £13.50; pants to order, $4 ; overcoats to order, 813.50--splendid as- sortment to choose from. We guaran- | pr | again, the voung lady BETWEEN CRACKS OF DOOM. Predictions That the World Will Perish by Thirst or by Flood. | American Agricniturist Monsieur Martel, the French cave explorer, lecturing at Cambridge last evening, declared that a great part, of our so-called springs "wire polluted thfough sewage and debris, finding their way. inte them by holes in' the surfaces of the earth. Through the er- osion and corrosion of the 'earth's sur- face, said the urer, the water level | was being contimually lowered, and' un- { less measures for preventing this were j adopted a large part of "the world | would in a few centurids henov die of { thifst, He urged that government shpuld undertake scientific exploration | €hd analysis, | In the fae of this prophecy of des. j truction by reason of the earth ab | | | sorbing-.the world's supply of fresh water, "Sie Archibald Geikie, lecturing at Cambridge, last evening on the | evolution of landscave, declared that a | universal decay of the land was going jon at such a rate that even should its | progress not be accelerated, a conipar- | atively short period would suffiep+ to | reduce most of the dry land to the {level of the sea and threaten another flood. Sir Archibald Gejkie is one of leading professors bi meology, and is | the correspondent | of many of the principal foreien academics. Until four years ago he was director-peneral of the geological survey af the United Kingdom, and director of the Museum of Practical Geology, Jermyn street, [ His handbooks have been translated into most European lancuages Children's Parties. Congregationalist A perplexed mother hogs that atten. tion may be called once more to. the growing expense of children's parties, and an appeal made to sensible wo men to use their influence against it. { The wife. of a college professor, alert | to the signs of the times and anxious | to train her boys and girls toward the widest 'usefulness and the most secure happiness, she has felt that their pleasure should be simple, cost ing the minimum of money and effort, and not tempting to rivalry or dis- play, But she is disheartened to find, when they are invited out, that the toilets, supper, souvenirs, and gifts are on a scale almost mpre elaborate, portionately, than those of their elders, and she detects already traces of discontent and vet--of that ennui which ought never to be the portion of childhood. It is hard for one to make head alone, against a popular current. But there must sure ly be enough other wise mothers to form a public opinion setting in the opposite direction. worse ---- Worth The Whole Of It. A minister from Ireland who spoke at a Free Church induction service in Stevenson, Ayrshire, on Sth inst, told how, when traw mg recently on a certain Irish railway, he was much in terested in the sayings and doings of a young couple in the same compart ment. There happened to bo 3 big tunnel through which the line passed, and when the train had divel into the tunnel and emerged into daylight to di lowing coun strove vert attention from her gl tenance by saving to her companion : "How much did that tunnel cost 2' "Oh," said the veung man, "it cost about £20,000 2° And the young lady said, shiv and fervently, "It is worth the whole of jt?" ---------- Love Letter In The Wrong Place. A recent candidate for parliament in England wrote: an address to the electors of the town he wished to re ut, and a love letter to his best girl. He put. the two effusions into the wrong en e The printer was quite surprise : at recviving an order to print 10.900 copies of the love let ter in circular form ------ India Papa editions of Scott, 1 hye keray and Dickens, sold by the vol ume, R. Uglow & Company. ' We may consider ourselves lucky to be ignorant, as handling our knowl edge often gives us 80 much trouble, THE DANGER THA : LURKS IN COLDS And How Serious Results Can Be Avoided by Use of OR CHASE'S SYRUP OF LINSEED AND TURPENTINE There is one way in which the ravag «8 of consumption can he very materi ally lessened and that ix by the jrompt and thorough cure of coughs and colds While weak lungs undoubtedly pre disposal to lung trouble 'and consump tion, the beginning must always be with a neglected cold By directing attention to Dr Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen tine, we make known to you the most certain and effective means of curing coughs and colds and prev enting such diseas 8 as bronchitis, and pneumonia. This is not a new medicine, not an experiment, but a preparation which has successfully stood the test of time and has to-day by far the largest sale of any similar treatment. If we can only help you to realize the danger of neglecting coughs and colds, we know that you will notyrun the risk of depending on any "cough mixture" the druggist may choose to hand you out, but will insist on get ting a medicipe with a reputation, such ns Dr. Chake's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine Mrs. R Hutton, 12 Claremont stroet, Toronto, Ont., writes : "A year ago | had a bad attack of la grippe and all the doctor's pre- scriptions proved of no avail. | was told to try Dr. Chase's Syrup of 1 iffieed and Turpentine and found it a great blessing, ay it thoroughly cured me. I told my doctor that 1 intended to recommend it to all my friends. 1 would not be without it in the house for many times its cost.' It is impossible for a doctor to pre- seribe for man a more effective treat ment for eroup, bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma, enughs and colds than Dr. Chos 's Syrup of Linsend and Tur- vour consumption | tee first-class fit. pentine, 25¢. a bottle, at all dealers. the' ---- sending 15 ¢ CUT CROSS FROM NECK. Daring Theft of $1,000 Emblem in Buffalo Church. Bufialo, N.Y., Dee. 18.A gold cross; sot across with rubies and suspended on a gold chain, was eat from the vestments: of the Rev. Charles H. Col ton, Roman Catholic bishop of the dice se of Buffalo, while he was at tending the dedication of St, Nicholas Greek cathedral church on Sunday, The «ress was valued at more thay SLOOA. The cross hung about the Lishop's neces over all his robes. Whil, in a crush immediately ufte the ser vice the cross disappeared. Police were summeoned quietly, and, while ne one was searched, every one was close ly scrutinized leaving the church, The Bishop has offered a reward for the re turn of the eross. STRIKE IN ROYAL DOCKYARD, Workmen on Battleship Take Un- precedented Course. , Dec, 18. A strike the dockyard, on Sat the who are build the battleship Dreadnaught, on which work is being pushed with all speed, though the exact reason for the unusual haste has not transpired. The men have been required to work over dime, and Friday evening the rivoetters decided their pay. was inadequate, and Portsmouth, Eng wes herun at urday, among ing men refused to resume work until their grievance was adjusted, After som delay their chief promised to recom mend the reform they requested, whercnpon the men returned to their labor. This, it is stated, is the first time a strike has taken place at the Royal doeiyards, Cultivating The Wrong End. Speaking at a school prize tion John Burns: MP. that sport very much overdone and young men were developing their feet instead of their heads, He would not mind if-they all played or tool a healthy interest in sport, but it wae distrilin said was being a serious thing for so many to { assemble to see other people play while they looked on. They wanted sportsmen, not gladiators; athletes not professionals, and recreation, not brutality, Tiger Kiled With An Axe. Madras Weekly Mail uak, a Sakai, was digging for po tatoos, 'with a wooden spade at Ula Juk, Perakeft, in the Malay states when a tiger seized his left log below the knee. He turned and hit the tiger on the head with a big chopyer, which he picked up, killing the animal with one blow. He had to force open the mouth with hi spade + his leg tiger's to rel wooden Denied Kiss ; Shoots Husband. Charleston, W.Va., Dee, 18. Because her-hushand refused to kiss her before going to work this = morning, Mrs. Werley Peyton, shot him, inflicting dangerous wound, Louisville, Ky., Dee, 18. Because his wife refused to Kiss him after they had a quarrel, Peter Rausche drank an ounce of earbolie acid, §hottle of dini a ment, and eut his right wrist twice with a razor. --------i Have It In The House. There is nothing else you can have in yout house worth 'so much that cots xo little as a bottle of Smith's White Liniment. It will enable you to esca; the discomfort of sprains, bruises, swellings, neuralgia, rheumg- tism and the various aches and pains apt to come to anyone. Costs but 2c. for-a big bottle at Wade's, Money back if not satis actory. Gives Mansion For Education. London, Dec. 18, <The Duke of Bath: land has given his palatial seat in the potieries, Trentham Hall © which js the Italian palace mentioned by Lord Rea consfield in his novel, "Lothari," ' to the Staffordshire county council for the purpose of higher education. "Our Neighbars," Gibson's benuti- ful new holiday bosk, R. Uglow & Co. Z-Skirt AL: BE: perfectly straight sedge for Sale Everywhere. 1S. Corticelli Silk Co.Ltd. St.John'. ] TABLE CUTLERY Rogers & Bokers' Scissors BIC BARGAINS THIS WEEK LEMMON & SONS i times a year, 96 pages beautifully Illustrated, 50 cts per year. Write for sample Ly EE Knives and Forks | Carvers Razors Spoons, etc ------------------ ® ASK » THE E. B. Eddy's Rising Parlor Match In neat attractive boxes containi ® It will cost you only sc. to try them. 08000 $0000 PI0PEEP ©9DO Wormwith & Co, Kingston, Ont, 351 King St. e® PPe0OR 09009090 @2@d 8 | - @ Star about 750 MATCHES YOUR GROCER FOR THEM WORMWITH & C0. . PIANOS .. Are rceeiving favorable comment from all those who recognize first-class ine struments, and are the prominent dealers - throughout the Dominion. By our easy payment plan every family can secure a WORMWITH & CO. PIANO, They may. cost. . move. thaw. some other pianos, but they are worth the money. 5 Call .. and inspect' one Christmag stock at the ware- rooms, No. 165 Princess Street, or at the y corner Princess and Ontario sirets.