Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Dec 1905, p. 3

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Avoij Appendicitis t is 'caused by the owels and intestines 8 Of the K estion active, the cep the ¢)- ® Bch ¢ stor he bowels healthy and apn' Pen wit Beechams Pills old Evervwhere, [ys boxes 95 xes Of -- Cents, HRISTMAS ANDY | Better tleave your order A gis = delivery : SCANDY in] Bast NDY in boges, These goods can he i turday or Moods i EECIAL DELIVERY MQN AY MORNING. Buy your J pounds, HRISTMAS CoODS Here and save money. he Best Drug Store L. T. BEST, Chemist and Optician 4 Princess Street. "Phone 59 'm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. ow Carriages, Cutters, Harness, etc., for sale. le of Horses Every Saturday [0-NIGHT | blouse Walists Special sale of Silk B Waists, hen assortment, in var colors, clear at n wholesale 6 'only, Silk W: Navy or Brown, ma r it fesigm, worth For only S1.9S each 5 only, Navy and Cream better qualit hove, were $ 50 £2.95 7 only, Navy and Cream Waists, silk embroider were 84.95 To-night, special at $3.75 each | vou want a present will be reciated, now puble Cash Coupons riday all day we v Double h Coupons on all D Goods and nd op- ings bought tunity to fill nber. Special | LL WINTER COATS HALF PRICE EWMAN & SHAW : i 3 JUST GOAL Prompt delivery JAMES SWIFT & C0 135 christmas Bells Will Soon! Be Ringing | | | Only a few more days to do your Christmas| shopping. If you are in doubt about what to get come tous. We would suggest :-- For Mother Nice Warm For Father Good Warm Overshoes, Felt Boots or Ovarshoes, Felt Boots, or Cosy Slippers. finest line of Comfortable | We have the most complete stock of We h the ; Slippers in the city, at prices Comfortable Slipprs, suitable for from 7 to 2. house wear; at prices from 5c. to 82. Wool lined, fur trimmed, just --_-- the kind for tired fe t. ; For Sister : "Queen Quality Dress "or Street For Brother Shoes, all the nattiest, newest | Patent Leather Dress Shoes, $3.50 3.75 and £4.50. Or a ts $5. of Evening Slippers. We | Hocsey Boots, R1.50 to 83.50. m from $1 to $3. Moccassing, Snow Shoes, Slippers, room Slippers, from 30c. to Dancing Pump, Overshoes, one, Or . "x two and three buckles, from $1.75 from '$1.50 to $3. to 83. Skating Boots, Rubber Boots, Snow Shoes, Moccasins, Skating Boots or Slippers for the little folks. In fact space will not permit us to enumerate half the useful gifts we are showing. J. H. Sutherland & Bro THE LEADING SHOE STORE. STAR SKATES, THE SPORT REVIEW. WE HAVE THEM FOR THE Children, with double runners, .50 Boys' Hockey from .50 to 2.00 Youths' Hockey from 1.00 to 2.50 Men's Hockey from 1.50 to 5.00 Every Skate guaran- General Notes on the Sports of the Season. There is a good chance that Terry MeGovern and Battling Nelson will vet wmieet in 'a six-round © bout in Philadelphia. The date, however, will not 'be the one originally selected, January 26th, but probably some time in February. In beating the New Zealanders, Wales showed superior excellence in every department of the game, special features being the rushes of the for wards and the kicking of the full back, The New Zealanders never seem ed able to set their wonderful passing backs in motion. teed and put on Free. The London Express | correspondent thinks now that' the interest in the New Zealanders is at fever heat that W. A. MITCHELL'S something might be done to encourage HARDWARE the game in the dominion. He asks | commission to obtain evidence an, what progress the rugby game -. has | cerning the reports of the illicit trade unten In 2 these, sass there were THE HAIR BRUSH. fede in - Canada : ince A. E. Cleave | 10 piguor and the sale of Alaskan | Sus I at and > her. Smo tion: le years ago first. entertained the @ IFS. C Heidel mmanding | observation is a startling contribu- idea of taking a te TOS: + Capt. O00 LC, cmlet, commanding pa ' Rr ! Breeds Dandruff, Which Causes | Something Sill a on a ]dle Der in many cases held trials | tion to a subject which has "always Falling Hair and Finally | the 'meeting of the joint rule commit- | on board the Bear. keenly interested scientists, clergy- Baldness. © = tee in Chicago next month to in-| Among those acensed and "Sent to! men and phyejcians, and it is certain Prof. Unia, ' Hamburg, © Gerlnany, | fTeose batting. The proposition to] Nome for trial ard as witnesses Were fr provoke general facasgion. Jee Oe European aGthority : on shin: diseases take a base, an three balls instead of | "Pig Iron Jones, .a notorious char } has h lm nflue 4 an . lv b fays that dandruff is as contagious us 10 Will likely. . be adopted, also the | acter, who has made a' fortune by the ae H : ah Te o life oa 27 a» any other malovohmt disease, and that | one to extend the playing field ten | ele of liquor to the Indians; the cook sonal hy dds FP be ' "50 th one 'conmmnon. soutes of the spread of J oot outside of first and third bases, of the Charles Hanson: several Portu uy or onli ot he ith cea th dandruli-is- thesusesef the Same Bais The foul strike rule will likes be | guese shore whalers; Jerome, a shore { bees, & " fed pa oy ely 4 A peter brush by different persons. The wav amended by not counting line drives whal r at Wainwright Inlet, abo jones, in M oer. y foath and he to avoid catching dapdruft - and long, high fouls as strikes, Point Hope, who is accused of traf & a on wo d : AT ne ¥ rey ny other dizons from ahother's brush J, In the 821,000 Kentucky Futurity for | ficking in native girls, paying for | ti : pain and dis I o sti is t St do rg re foals of 1905 second payments have them in firearms and ammunition; a | SOrt or shes her, a ised) Tain Harpicide. It. not only kills the. dan, | Pen | made on 907 colts and fillies | ton named Olson, engaged in the il. | apps aon, CL BOVIERn pl dif verm, but Tt else ai etic i foaled this year, or over eighty jer | licit liquor traffic, and Capt. Ernest | x : s pb Ha a Ee . tic that will prevent She catechins OE cent. of the eleven hundred mares | Newth, of the whaler Jeanette, oR 4 Nein jot) \ ja 0 no mn one ay atv dis what or thee ok i | wm minated last March. Canada is re- | I'he latter is charged with carrying | or 1 RHR Neer Lie Ve W me a Tt er ot. of another's. bush < a ee presented by twenty nominations, of | On # trade in the native Indian girls, | The : hi n ii oh a Srget ng. ing dr iste. Send 100 hi ; cad" which twenty-two are supplied by two luring them aboard the vessel and | ne Retwchet jin sight Jw tu i sample 1 The Yer eid " H ha for | establishments, twelve from the far | taking them away. One partienlarly | er, dian ath no Rrevuinees ol Nich. GW. Mahe n de Co. Detroit, 1 of Alexander Maclaren, of Bucking flagrant case is that of a young girl, hit mst-<tas one dieth, so dieth the ahood, special agent, hani, Guebee, and ten bv the Cruick- | S¢ arecly more than a child, whom he is | other . ---- -- | ston Farm of Miss Wilks, at Galt accused of having kidnapped. # : Ont. : , A warrant has been issued, but | Death Of Mr. Nooman. i ESEEGODIOTO-0-T00-0-000 08 The Taronto Telegram's English cor | could not be, served as the Jeanette | Bedford, Dec. 20 John Noonan, a Students May | Fall T respondent. _spraks of the New Zea- | i oe of the whalers caught in the § highly respected rosilont of this town Enter Any Time erm land-England football game as fol- | 1¢¢ In the Arctic ocean, Ihe girl was | chip, died on December Tth, aged six Sept. 5th lows: "From. a Canadian point of | Sent to Nome as a witness, ty-three vears Mr. Noonan was en view, as seen say from 'Varsity cam- The investigations conducted by the | joving the best of health antil two Kingston Business Gollege & |r: or» window of Ottava College, officers of the commission disclosed a | weeks previous to his- death, when he g the great football match at the | most shocking condition of affairs in| went to vi his brother-in-law, 7. § LIMITED Crystal Palace grounds on Saturda regard + to this wholesale trafic in| MeNicholas. At four o'clock in the Head (of Queen St.. : wasn't a match at all. The only thing buman flesh and the illicit sale of [ merging, Mr. Noonan arose to go Kingston - - Ont " about it was the crowd and | Jiquor, entirely sustaining the many | down stairs. and not knowing exactly ANODERN; PERMANENT, RE- ness of the sixty thousand | reports which have been sent to Wash- | where the stairs were, fell nine feet, LIABLE SCHOOL. to part with from' fifty cents to fifty | iNEton from time to time. | striking on a din pail which was at + Established in 1883 .. dollars to seo a Poothall fared | These evils, though sso widespread, | the bottom of the stairs. This is _ Practica), complete, thorough, individusl Fifteen points to a cipher Woesn't be on Seton of the freedom fm he | Hoagie ta ha enue} the injuries. nay long veh in all e.mmercial su gin to express it, Either Galt, or interference o fain haritios, Jars wen li r. Noonan wa alia Io return to his Write, eall or ee Tat s Dundas could have made an infinitely | '" * measure checked by the prompt } tome next 1 ay hy lors . were sum logue, Voki a better showing against "Varsity or ; action ol Capt. Hamlet. Tun ad did their utmost to save MeRATL H.F METCALFE, the Rough Riders, for these all con - Hi, ul in vain After suffering . Priapal quering "All * Blacks," they get that As Christmas Approaches. much pain hi pase peacetully away Boovoo name from the color of their suits, | Chicago News on Wednesda$ In religion he wos a -- SODO0VOIOO0O000OR 11, it all their own way from the | Ax the dave are growine Shorter, Roman Catholiv. Mr .:Noonan lived | Nickoft ta the final goal. In a word | Vi" "VEY sensor tecling for the som- | consi rabl all _ ble liherund stuagicd it was a long practiced, perfect work ber days. because ange eral wea th Cwilag that time. N 0 M I S T A K E ing combination against a_ 'bunch' of le hire self knows why and Fherefore h Jase he Sarria Yin Cathie 9 mag Y 4 Wie , athletes they looked: bi the pressing shortiess wrelore eNicholas, with whom r has hve for a made gn Youd decide on entering | tennis players action h "fav Hy goes Sadly Lo Wrebare Or a a happy life. He leaves a large fam : They were never together before and ily of boys. James, John, William never will be mgain--it is hoped for When ib Bie wroWw ine Shorter { and Michael, wd five girls, Mary, eae ar ¥, i} nd a ie is not a quarter EL Magic. Nellie ia antl Katie, all of the sake of rghy in England Phough it has to do the labors of a Eg ot 1a ate, a whom are liv Mr. Noonan will be Alone. Burdette Robert J Cor. Barrie and Olergy Sts. Ask ap . I wriss vou. my datlirfe \ -- Fen wife and family, #8 he © hd al mon 1 the business or profession Js vou i: Quslite. my darling ! i so ¢ : Wik ni Jan ve de nar avis ye of 'ur wep have our graduates, or any | And still is the air of the household ! For The Christmas Table. a, ving hushand ! and father ®unarigrity ear dents Fors to the | Aud hushed is the voice of Tes mirth Davies' spiced beef ham, * English His funeral, to St! Pdwurts vault, of training. {The rain plashes fast on the terrae Avie sprees ail y LT Westport, was largely attended, g.A PRACTICAL SCHOOL Fie wind vast the lattices woan style," cut thin," served coll. Your a rhe ern equipment ; The iuidnight chimes out from the | table will not be comple the i aa EEF rg ¥ sompetent teach- r the able wi 10 he mplete without at, u ; nm 3derase pnt i Anginster. | 20¢. 1b. . The World's Trade. " nu alone : y and Evening Classes : i -- The yearly commerce of the leading Phone, 680. TiN. SOCAL 1 Fim vited With Saline, ae ! | 25 oranges 25c. at Rees'. ports of the world is: Loudon, £260, of ; are h fret ; . % aah 3 = Pal 11 Would nestle in sileiice beside von Hard or soft corns cured with three | 913.000. Liverpoc LXT108.000; New on all Dut Your presence foreet applications of Peck"s Corn Salve. York, £221 306,000; Hamburg, £196, hy sh o he ha pjrir eo 3 . ok i 3 303 p L147 4 pi uch "or" bits en | Guiaranteed. Money back if not satin. [303.000 Antwecp. £147 239,000 -Mar- - grown factory. In boxes, 1c, at Wade's seilles, £3G.311,000 Calcutta, £58. To the fullness of love in contentment. Drug Store. SSLOOK, Bombay. £51 064,000; Singa nd 1 am alone. James Mumby, Smith's Falls, C.P.R. | pore, £42,791.000: Sydney, £37,792 y . J A ) a9, 1a vou, my darling. my darling * | brakeman, had his leg crushed under | 000; Shanghai, L£357.6000; Alexan- , My voice echoes hack on: the heart | a train and amputation will be neces. | dria, £33.030.000; Melbourne, £30 stretch my arms to vou in longing | . NM 1 & 3 lily And lo. they fAll empty apart ! RAry . ontreal. 139.650, 000; Cape The ©. substitute. 1 Whisper the sweet Words vou taught nie, | Sees, Se------------------ £20,595, 000, ook Medicine Co,, Windsor. Ontasia, |. The words that we only have known ---- ¢ Till the bank of the dumb air ix bitter. | DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED - And I am alone. A FPish's Man-Story A ser fire, i Ny A ious fire, in Almonte; destroved . H . " . . roye . POWELL! peed vou. iy darling. wy darling By local aplications. us they enmuot | "What did thi whale da after he Jet several properties on Bridge street, "CARPENTER AN ERR Aa Rare | ch, he tlecased, Sortie 0 16 S47 | Jonah go Pasko the Noungiter. © : D JOBBER [lod het dion ue week hares | and nat by' Conntitutional," remedies. | don't know." 'unsweerd bis fatwr. { You can trust th 103 R ON shreows rise BO a Deutnesn i# caused by an infumed ome | « Judging from the custom in such ¢ - 5 a He = : E ition of th JreTTEEntng of Su E -- Aglan Streets sont make wy amet their own | S50 Ue, WIEST 04 MK | matters, | should ay he went arom | MESS Of an Hl. &» S.| EACHER OF Chin . on arkness and save flamed von have a rumbling sound or- | telling other whales enormoens varns Id fil , 4 alo imperfect hearing, and when it is en- yout we hig . y i EACHER OP CHINA PAINTING] "© si pierces hes 0, Ghent lE ls 85 | about the big man be caught and who | @0Id + filled Watch Chain, | . 'R-COLORS ¢ . : unless the inflammation ' can be taken o i 3 | vo tton kiln to 8 ILE oe Mrs James Frown. one of the old- | out and this tube restored to its normal EE np f{ which 18 positively guaran- | *Ci sold. China a China est' vividents of Elbe township, is | condition. hearing will be destroyed for. A pair of the new waterproof teed for 10, 15 25 IR Wate . x . " s v . ; | ater. and Painted China for dend. aged eighty-nine. She: "leaves gyer: Jue cases, o on are Shusad moccasins for the boy 'would be . h » or years, | t. - Brophy, 59 Wellington | five boys and five girls. She was a | famed condition of the mucous surfaces. ceptable by him, %1.25 and $1. The according to the thickne S | Methodist. ~ We will fii Dus Hundred Dollars for | Lockett shoe store. . - x 1 SS | " ™ eels re vy case © afness (caused hy catarr : > H on RATE | Bebe string ier and got han. | "0, 1, of, Beit GR PE ocr | A goo aie ockes Ages ond | OF the gold casing. ORGANS: -MBLODRONS [1.51 um sella and canes, 20 per cent. | Cure. Sead for circulars, free . attached to boots for S00, at Yellow : Sewing Machines, Tad lofi; at Lane's. ; FJ. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, © Hardware. Store. Your jeweler sells 11. & A. S. Chains. new and Tom EI - a4 Gore second a to 8, at. Cosy Slippers. | Rubber hot water bottles, from 50¢ Wade's Drug Store. FASHION'S FORM. PROVED HEROES WCMEN SAVED BY HELP OF PRISONERS. Her Smartly Simple Party Frock. Described, * ~ ~ s Carried From Burning, Cells on | Blackwell's Island by the Con- ! victs Doing Time There. New York, Dec. 21.--Men forgot that they were convicts and remembered only that they men on Black- well's Island, yesterday morning, when were the male: prisoners, marshalled by thar 7,000 acres of the most fertile | their keepers into a fire-fighting and lads and waterways in Southern | life-saving corps, bore from the flan California, in Riverside and San ing floors of the women's wards, 5M | frantic women, and from the hospital beds fifty more. Starting in the sewing room of 'the ! workhouse and from a cause which has not yet been definitely decided, the fire the Northern Counties Investment had reached a werce blaze at two o company, the Riverside Orange com: clock, when it was discovered. The pany, and a number of English and fire engine on the island proved inade- | quate and a call for help was sent to the city department. Seven engines were sent over, were not sufficient to save the men's workhouse from destruction. ) » w s buildi On the top floor of thi uild NE | tv frock; and the latest concvit em were cells for the women, and' every . ploys embroideries. wrought directly one was by the prisoners upon. th . sictured"h th vel . "wp ; "one re . : { when the fire occurred. These women | uf - S eh . iki po ee : ; a ing © nodishly ) + smal became frantic" with fright and were ir) 2 ~~ ¥ rio Noe lot ne pe soon choking with the dense smoke &! pate a markedidecoliclage 1s con sidered the correct thing. There is a bat wo wash A woollen material that will satisfactorily is far and away the most modigh for the little gicl's winter par. occupied that filled all rooms and their cells, ni That wist of them did not perish is i iyaely lining that a ha of any of the due to the recent installation of a] approved lining materials, and on ths | system by which in emergency every | th henrietta is "arranged to form a {cell in a tier can be opened simul (puffy blouse, the fastening being on the taneously with all the others. | hack. The bertha ut. In handke- When the extent and dahger of the { chief points; the neck part being me blaze became apparent the wardman | ly cut from a square of muterial; and marshalled his regular fighting force of | the embroidered rails are likew ise of smployees and soon were at work. The the dress goods, worked in self color 8 flames spread so fast, however, that |M&* The sleeve is the modish puff i this force proved hopelessly inade with a shallow ruffle above the elbow | quate ' for a finish. The ttle skirt has a deep hem topped with a hand-run tuck Then it was decided to trust to the male prisoners' sense of manhood, and they bore the test well, Released from their cells and mar- shalled into small bodies, 'they enter ed the burning building andewent at the work of firefighting and rescue with utter disregard of the danger to themselves, The flames were crackling a'l them, and they plunged of almost the same depth as the hem: and the shirrings at the band | adjust the fallness. A big butterfly sash is the usual funich: and the smart hair ribbon usually of the same pie and pattern as the sash, but in a narrower width, of course. -------------- DEATH BFD VISIONS. is about throngh the densest smoke, when they i } rought out in their arms the last { Uninfluenced by Thought of a of the women: prisoners. The fire was Future Life. confined to the women's workhouse, New York, Dee, 21.--A Baltimore de- spateh to the American says: Dr. William Osler, now of England, in his latest bogk says that !'death bed" of Affairs in | visions, believed in by thousands, of TRAFFICKING IN GIRLS. Shocking Condition Alaska. | which there are scores of supposed au- I'he United States revenue cutter | thentic records, is plain nonsense. i has returned to San Francisco | Moreover, he supports his declara- i tion by 500 death-bed observations of he thinks prove abso reported visions are { from a long cruise in the Arctic re | gions, where she was sent on a special | his own, which con. | lutely that such hall or maybe more i greatly misse he wat highly [Then is is that patient daddy as Feuls like Santa Claus' caddy a 1 . And vou he's mivhtv glad he teemed by all who knew him. Is mot father of a score sympathy is felt for his sorrow-striel | 8 > v Sold By Drugeis Buafletts, 215 to 875: sideboards, '$10 Roast Si THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21.. Charges of rand a petition fled against the Riverside Trust company, A SUI. ENTERED ---- FORMER KINGSTONIANS TO HAVE A RECKONING. -- They Sue For $2,250,000--Cali- fornian Charges Englishmen | With Fraud. . A Los Angeles, Cal, despatch says : in' the management of property said' to be worth more | than $3,000,000 and composing more Bernardine counties, from the basis of | in the federal court hers yesterday by Matthew Gage and his wife, Jane Gage, and directed trish investors. It appears, according to the pe ition that Matthew Gage, owner of the 7. 000 acres of land in question, expend- od large sums of money in cultivating and developing the property, and later formed the Riverside "I rust company, interesting English and Irish capital, to take over the lands and waterways and proceed with the work of develop- ment. he Mr. Gage asks that a receiver be ap- pointed' to take .charge of the pro- perty until it can be sold and he is given his share, which he estimates at about $2,250,000. MONEY BURNED. Gold and Jewelry Destroyed in Railway Wreck. Kansas City, Dee. 21.~The Jourdal says: Besides the loss of life in the Santa Fe train wreek at Lang, Kans- as, Tuesday, there was about $5,000 in gold and $9,000 in currency and many thousand dollars worth of jew- cllery destroyed by the express car at tached to the train taking fire. The money was ip transit from the N onal Bank of Commerce in Kansas City to Kansas bankers. One estimate places the value of the: precious stones and gold and silver at $50,000. Most of the packages contained Christmas presents. The Wise Stork. Bohemian . A sweet little woman lives over the Way On the cozy verandah she's busy to-day : And her pretty blue eves, while het Hips smile or pout Gleam anon with found close with a douht hope of half of Ah, in truth it's the future instead the past That concerns her the most as her necdle flies fast Now what is'the white thing she holds up Lo view ? No man could remember the nae once he knew, She studies it briefly, then goes on a- stitching I ess With hands that are not a whit than bewitching. In each seam goes a prayer, that must surely reyeal To the Maker how tender a mother may feel From the cradle faint sounds into loud er Ones grow she sings soft and low And wicker chair! her choice | rocks with her foot while she An old hushaby song with a drowsy re fran €00 yard re Chicoked Glass Towelling at de. (Five y , That soon lures the babesback to his Lh ye more Cheoked Glass Towelling at' de. (Five yards only to each slumber apain myer.) : And how proud- is her day dream of " i ; . : motherhood there 1000 more Boys' and Cirle' White and Fancy Handkerchiefs at 2c, worth As she sits like a queen in that green Sc. each. At this moment appears the one man of and heart. , $3 | i Soe | Mare (LTE 3 BANKRUPT STOCK CO Will keep their store open until 10 30 o'clock To night, To-morrow Night and Saturday Night to enable everybody to buy Christmas and other goods who are-unable to do so in the daytime. : TAKE NOTE: Of the Bargains that will be offered every day and every night : BARGAINS FOR THE LADIES Tailor-made Jackets, only 22 left, price ranging from $10 to $20, all o- duced to half price for this week only. Only 38 Tailor-made Skirts, price ranging from $1 to 87, all reduced to half price for this week only. The balance of our stock of Ladies' Furs will be cleared out at B0c. and 5c. on the dollar. Ladies' Black Mercerized Satin Blouses ahd Skirts, ally reducer) for lt price for' this week only. Ladi 8° Wrapperette Morning Wrappers at 9%c, worth $1.50, $00 yards more Linen Tea Cloth at be., worth 10c, worth 30¢. Ladies' Undervists at 20¢,; should give a reading. The two men, had as their guide colored janitor, who was quite talka taken; 1 don't smell anything." Will be found for sick headache, an excellent Carter's people who have used them this fact. Try them. Jd. A: clerk at a meeting town council, He gets a salary © KX per year to start with, Cufi links apd scarf ping for:Chrigt » prov we Lewis was appointed engaged as school far next wear. if vou want perfumes get the bes at Chown's Drag Store. Special twen ty per cent. discount sale on now Charles McLenalian, Carleton Place died this week, aged sixty-two years He was a brother of Robert Mel ena han, Brogkvithe, ; Whi'e coasting down night, Jack Ringer, son of W, Ringer, Picton, broke his arm. A bazaar held in Picton, last week, ex cveded 8300, Sec for the H. & A. S. Chain Book. wists, THe "Fake Hall's Family Pills for consti- i pation, : = 10 §75, at R. J, Reid £ With love-light in his eves Ladies' Heavy Underdrawers at 25c., waorthiiile, tones in his voice . PACs; The fe nd er sting he gives fills her. deal Ladies' Heavy Fleccolined Undervests at €we., worth G5¢, soul with joy : ) » both t their gaze on their : . td in A diy Girls" Bluek Wool Hose at 1be., worth 20e, She quite archy inquires, as her arms a > pout him cling-- Ladics' Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs at 10c, each or 3 for 2c. "Aren't vou vlad the stork knew just What hahy ta brisk 7 MEN'S FURNISHINGS e-------- : a To-night, Friday and Saturday nights We shall sacrifice > Didn't Smel. Anything Bad. ; } ¥ a acrifice » Success Magazine Hundr ds of Silk Tigs Hundreds of Silk Handkerchiefs James Whitcomb Riley, in company . with the gentleman who used to man. Hundreds of Silk Mulllors, Hundreds of Linen Handkerchiefs. age his lecture tours, was once ex 4 . 2 > amining a hall in a town in Ohio, | Hundreds of Shirts and Diawers. Hundreds of Boys' Sweaters, where it was proposed Mr. Riley | tive. Mr. Riley observed that thé iani will all be sacrificed dless of cust or value, Tonight; Friday and tor made use of long words of whose | Saturday nights. a 9 meaning he was ignorant. So the poet | : » - . determined to have a little fun wth | Numerous other bargains to be sacrificed "this week, hima. All at once Mr. Riley began to | $ sniff the atmosphere eritically, ! ' "It sooms to we, Jim." he said] Remember the place : sternly, "that the acoustics in this | % » { C place are pretty bad | 0 Ki d P i "Why boss," said the janitor re | Yr. ng an r ncess S. proachiullv, "yo shore must he mis | | | remedy | Little | Liver Pills, Thousands of letters from | of Smith's Falls | » mas presents, Forrest, Kins street, Miss Minnie Alford, Chaniry, ane Miss Pinkerton, | ; bh J 3 1 * ¢ : H ware PERSIAN "LAMB. JACKETS teachers for 'Lyn publi: | « v a i > a 3 | hill. Monday The procesds of the Roman Catholic ¢ id H. & A. SAUNDERS, King & Joba Sts. Torcate, | { Hundreds of Men's Cardigan Hundreds of Men's Night Shirts. Jackets, n Also our entre stock of 'Readymade Clothing, © Shirts, Socks and Braces F. X. COUSINEAU, General Manager. h i) i | MADE-TO-ORDER Select Your Skins | Quality, Style and Fit Unequalled.: McKay Fur House Brock Street. The 'Delineator For Fanudvy. ! The Delineator begins the New Year ith an attractive cover and a dis: Charge Of Crookedness. Guelph, Dec. 21.--Charges of malfeas- ance in officer have been made at a | meeting of the city council against + Ald. W. F. Barber and Robert Barber in connection; with board of works.and sewage matters, A committee has heen appealed Lo look into the matter. play ofall that is new in the fashion world, to say nothing. of the many feutuves of literary oxeellence. The various depart ti ' Te matter of gen al Sued in of the hon

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