more thin, } They have a fragrance rich ® weit, Which is permanent. Here are a fow of their odors « ial Russe Wood Viglet Rardiual Lily. 3 ~Netiv ot. i Cannel Coal for the Christmas Fire. "tp bright flame will give a cheerful glow to your drawing- 'room. Try Myers' for Fine COOKED MEATS. Is what you want heed a good article, there wore uecdiul or of more fm- portance to have good than coul, It dun't te too good, heat producing aualition it hos the economical Try a ton next ford's and time from OC raw- R. CRAWFORD, FOOT OF QUEEN ST. PHONE n---- "SPECIALTIES Wo have just revived a fu") Hints Perfumes, X the only jmporters 3 Sh of perfumes in the city. PEEERERCEEERRO® 1 traced. i mavor of New York. THE WHIG--72nd YEAR HE DAILY ho WHI every 8087510 8 /Am| at King street, Eineeink Dag, 8 Six dor lars per year, payable in advance. Ad 1 lines ano Iver] 0.; each subse 'yuent consecutive insertion Measurements > bx a solid scale, waive or Deaths, in inmartions. a 3 ete., le. Se wora in um charge, 25c.; thies Notices 'in reading columns are subjecy "© special gr All Charges for advertisenients and uxetions are due and payable is vance Oticers of unincorporated associations or societies will be herd personally re sponsible {01 ocders they mive. Contracys for w apecal made for long terns ior Juttuatile an for sale, to-let. partnersnips. ten a8 or pry bayond actual announcement of of manule: for sale arc "ih Casu an WET be omen Inc: vent bpfore expiry Of a iconiract the charged per line for casual men The wilt "suponsidble En) a orders. ritten directions placed on all copy for ipesrtion. All advertise '| ments are subject te the approval of the publisher. In case of errors or omissions in legal or any other advertiscnwnts the pub. does not hold hisisel} lavle for than tue amount re cai! by him for such advertisement. THE WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 12 pages, 84 Solumne, is published in two tions, each 7H to the the Jab Offices in aneds: rapid, sty- Hoh and cheap work; nine proved rinting Phases. h i hlisking Co., Limited, Brita EDW. J. B. PENSE, THE DAILY WHIG. "Opiter per Orbem Dicor." Ottawa's Electric Plant. In Ottawa there is a rare municipal row growing out of the possession by the gity of an electric plant. The ac guirement of the property was con tested; and only after the eourt had given a judgment were prygetical steps taken to carry out the. will of the people. At a recent council meeting a sur- prise was sprung upon the champions of municipal ownership. Two mem. bers of the council were named as commissioners, to supervise the plant, instead of two or three outsiders whose selection it was expected would be referred to the people, The Journal regarils this as than an error of judgment, more It is sone: tion with the council and should not be its nominees. The best results in management can. not be had from a committee which changes from year to year. Experience and its real value is only apparent when the same men, if earnestly devoted to the public are continued in certainly counts for a great deal, service, office for several years. i Not The People's Elect. Tom Watson, (the which he likes to he called and known) rea- sons that Mr. name by Hearst was elected may- | of New York, McClgl- I doubt that many ras | committed in the name of Tammany Hall, and in its behalf, and not My, There is wo ecalities were but they have not been uncovered, and in the meantime Myr, McClellan holds |! to office, Mr, Watson says that Mr. the elect of take his scat. Hearst is the people and should Some of the best. men in the great city proferred their as sistance in exposing. the wrong doing. Some of these did not vote for Mr. for fair play. haps; that the election, support and | Hearst, but they They dis not belie stood | § e per |, Hall had stolen hut they did believe that there was great crookedness about it, Tammany and they desired to sec it exposed. Punishment has come lots has. revealed idrdrularitios and i added slightly to the vote for Mr. Hearst. It would take months, however, at the present rate of progress to exam- ine the vote of New York and analyze it. At the end the awarded to Mr. McClellan migh{ not suffer. Tha 30.600 votes of which Mr. Hearst said he was robbed might not be majority Mr. Hearst is not, therefore, by any evidence that is "apparent the oeet of the people, and Mr. Hearst cannot take the scat. Nor are certain of his champions anxious that he should be Thourh opposed to Tammany and its methods, they do not favour the clovation to the civie théone one of Mr. polities. Hearst's peculiar High Rollers In Finance The people are getting a memorable lesson in high finance. The quarrel of Alexander and Hyde for supremacy in' the Equitable Life Assurance company has been followed by scandals of the most disgraceful character, It was declared to be an outrage. that one wan' should possess sufficient 1 #10ck in the company to control ite millions, and evervhody Wondered what was going to happen when young: Hyde sold his stock to Thomas Ryan. Mr. Ryan was looked at curi- pons Was he a philanthropist 2 ! He its leader, and he gloried in its shame. company or enterprise that is looking old land. thing to which the majority of the' people, it says, are "absolutely op- An expert, whom the Montreal coun- posed." The Journal believes in gov- | cil called in, Prof. Bemis, of Cleve emmen® by commissioners, but the | Lind, asserts that a reasonable price commissioners: should have no 'connce- | for gas is cighty-seven cents. Is this a tions--three liberals, a o How many guess and mark it down. Neither is the layman lobbyist, since the Whig said the attempt to in- should be things which Mr. not those who are stlves, The which raised the veloping some interest. The some of to a few of je the offenders, A scrutiny of ®ome bal: | the combine. "ghoul" and your ear to the while something drops. favor without looking for the mark, Montreal Star. burg is now about thirteen strikes and with a couple of wards to hear from. Toronto Star. that the axe is too slow. Premier ing machines. Kincardine Review. st, beautifully hoxed, Mahood's Drug was not gterally fegurded as such by An inkling of trouble cone with his confession that FE. H. Herriman, the . railway king, had demanded a division loi the stock, and that Ryan had thrown' him down. All that passed be- tween the Wall street gladiators may never be known but they bad a des: perate conflict, Harriman threatéiied Ryan. In some way he said he would make Ryan dis: gorge the stock. What does Harriman want with it ? He is not an insurance man. The plot is being developed, Ryan was one of the Standard Oil Trust. He has been squeezed out of the syndicate and Harriman has taken his place. Harriman's pawns will be placed in power wherever it is neccessary to have them. A Standard oil man has been made president of the Mutual Life. The big three may not be the Equit- able, the Mutual Life aud the New York Lile any longer, but Peabody, Ryan and Harriman, and when they take to the exploiting of life insur- ance as they exploit oil and cotton and amalgamated copper it is time the people stood from under. Paul Norton is - appealing to ° the stockholders of the Equitable to stand by the company as against the hostile legislation which is threatened, and before the polieyhold- «rs have time to collect their wits the high Ryan and Harriman, dance out before them .in-a new act, and it puts a finish upon their = con- fidence, rollers, Editorial Notes. Ald. King blamed for the sins of this year's council ? Why not. He was -- The big -msuranee companies onthe American side are slicing off expenses. They aré anticipating the demands of the legislative committee, January 25th, has a strange at- traction for elections. The imperial campaign ends on that memorable day. No member of the British goverment is allowed to act as a director of any for public favour. No grafting in the tip to our gas makers ? Six Canadians in the English elec- unionist, a onservative, and a Chamberlainite. will be elected ? Make a Beyer lobbyists are not popular. Long through the lobby offence. luenoe ligislation made~a punishable Mosely, of course, cabled the nice Ross said in Mont eal about Chamberlain and his cause. fon, Col, he reads thon™in the British press. Stelibald, the government's patrol , "says that the Sam. Hugh¢s will smile "as who are worcst and most in need of help are people advertising them- genuine cases have to be nmted up, -- Mackenzie and Mann are heir experience. paying for They backed the note Woney that Russell ised in buying La Presse. Now they have the paper and it is a white ele- shant on their hands. -- The plumbers' conspiracy case is de defence of being prose were forced into There may be n the contention. -- The Montreal Stak is out against the usurer whan it\denominates a "financial thug" vocates that he be outlawed. ground those who are uted is 'that they some point and ad Now put and listen ---- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. They Just Want To Know. New York Times. Some people won't even accept a price A Red Hot Year. Un the Vear s showing, St. Peters twenty-one riots ahead of Chicago, Axe Too Slow. he Kincardine Review complains And yet Whitney may have humane ompunctions against the use of mow- The Dr. Nesbitt Of China. They . have the spoils svstem in 'hiva and the Beattie Nesbitt, of the vlestial empire, when he swings the ies says. "Heads | win; tails you lose," -- "Quality" chocolates, the very fin- store, Buy 4 Your heist perfumes at led up 3.000 feet. THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21. NEWS. OF THE WORLD {OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED ~ INBRIEF FORM. Matters That. tao Everybody 1 , ~Notes From All Over--Little Of Everything Easily Read And Remembered. The Allags are going to build two new steamers for the Atlantic service. Thomas E. Flexen, Londony was sent to the penitentinty for five years for wounding two policemen, Trade returns for the last five months show a gain of $2,000,000 of which exports ed $16,000,000, Gen. Felix Gustav Sauss er, former n-chief of the Fresch army, died on Wedncsday at Paris, France The German government is prepared to despatch several cruisers to Baltic ports for the prote tion, of German subjects. 3 It is reported at Halifax that the . P. R. will make that city a winter port for their new Atlantic passenger steamers, Bishop Colton notified the Buffalo, +» police that the $1,000 gold eross set with rubies, reported to have heen stolen, had been found in the folds of his robe, F. H. Mathewson, manager. of the Montreal branch of . the Canadian nk of Commirce, is likely to be the next president of the Montreal Board of Trade, Thomas Russell denies the report that Mackenzie and Mann were inter- ested in Montreal La Presse news- paper. He says they never endorsed any paper for him. Dr. Russell is out of the Hamilton asylum, of which he has been medical superintendent for many vears. He is the victim of the party axe in the hands of the spoilsman. Rev. Dr. Barclay, St. Paul's Pres byterian church, Montreal, by invita- tion of Rev, Herbert Symonds, will read the lessons ak, the Christmas morning service in Christ church cath edral, in that city, We Tangier corn spondent of the Echo de Paris says that the pretin- der to the Moorish throne, _By Hamara, is preparing to attack tle sultan's troops with a numerous army near the Algerian frontier. Trouble is expected over the trial of Edward doris, the Belgian charged with an attempt to murder the sultan in July last. The Belgium legation has demanded that he be handed over to the Belgian authorities for trial, and the sultan refuses. Owing to the admission of P Josenh Phillips that stock in the Southern Light and Power company, which was finaneed by the York Loan and Savings comuanv, was promised him, the government has decided an enquiry under oath. The liberals of Wentworth have de- cided to protest the election of ¥. n. Smith, who defeated W. 0. Sealey hy seventeen votes in the recent bye-elee- tion, Mr. Sealey will not claim the seat and no personal charges are made against Mr. Smith. Bribery and cor. runtion are charged. The erumtion of Mount Matatutu, on the Island 'of Savaii, in the Sa- moan group, has = increased to such forec that the mountain has been pil. The lava has cover miles and a stream resident on ed thirty saunare City. hall, gay with Queen's tri colors, was a brilliant se Wednes day evening, when the en, neering so- | ¢ ciety of Queen's University, the pro fessors and colle de legates gathered round the festive board, for their | ninth annual dinner. Dinner was served |g at aine o'dloe k. at long tables, placed lengthwise of the hall, pre ttily de- corated with flowers and palsy covers were laid for one hundred and of lava twelve miles wide is flowing into the ocean. The lava is being The Koreans seem to be a suspicions thrown 100 feat high. people. They think their Japanese -------- friends ave full' of guile. Savs the THE SCIENCE DINNER Korean Daily News : "Once upon a time Kore had a man-of-war. She Was! a Brilliant Afairn--At City | Vos a collier, painted white. ihe Hall. was, at the outbreak of hostilities again, she is at the pressnt time sca. The Japanese minister now has influence is not THE EVENING HOURS. i nn-- The Little Facts That Interest People. "Ne," he. said, "I'm not sure whether my wife's Christmas gift to le was meant to please me or humble my pride."'. 'What did she give you?" "She had a crayon portrait of me made by an amateur artist. A Japanese writer says: "When the admiral is in the house Mrs herself attends to cook and serve on the table." This simple solution of the famous servant girl question seems to have escaped the attention of our housewives. ' -- A British explorer, returned from Abyssinia, reports the discovery of a region hitherto unknown 10 white men. Among the tributaries of the Blue Nile are a mining population washing gold. Thousands of natives are at this work and gold is pleati- ful. Togo An English bairister, fore the criminal court, solemnity to the "My lord; there is honor among Bg, The Justice looked at him "There is gold in sea i "but it cannot |e io in big table quantities. Go on, sir." arguing be remarked with presiding Justice : The Canadian Almanac, (Copp Clark Co.) which forms the fftv- ninth of the series, is unusually valuable, and jg indepensable to every office and library in the dominion. Many of the lists given are not found clse- where, and in no other volume can so much 'information about Canada le found in so small a space. The Al manac has been published continuous- ly since 1848, Everyone who has heard the opera "Cavallecia Rusticana," knows much of its success is due to the intensely dramatic libretto by Giovanni Verga. story by this author in Janu- es possesses the same quality in high degree. "The Sk Wolf" is a condensed tragedy of Sicilian peasant life. -As a bit of vivid and" reali istic word painting it is doubtful if any thing to surpass it has appeared. in an American magazine in many months. ary In Silesia is the village Knitz, pos- sessor of a lake having a rush and reed covered island nestling in its centre. 'This island has been se lected by a native dealer as a breeding ground for sea gulls and thousands be seen there. The eggs are held in i" esteem as dainties. The de- mand is so large and the quantity of eggs secured is so considerable that the owner is making money quickly. The birds do not s em tf object to the removal of their eggs. but lay all One man who scoffs at the superstitution" is Gov. field, of Maryland, 'thirteen Edwin Wap. He was elected by a majority of 13,000 votes, has thirteen letters in his name and was inaugurated January 13th. So far no thing has occurred in his political ca- reer to warrant any fear for the su- perstition. Here's another case. Seth Nation, of Kansas, was born on April 3th, enlisted in the war on 13th, was nominated Neosho county, is the August treasurer of September 13th, and father of- thirteen children' taken hy the We have Japanes: as a ecllier ason to be'ieve that resting un ler some twenty fathoms of deep blue the efirontery to send the Korean gov ronment a bill + the maintenance of his phantom ship." The sphere of without its humorous side--to the infiuencer. fifty guests, courses tickled the palate of present, The delegates were : School of Practical Sci lence, R. McNeil, Donnell, Connor, those A. Gray, | « Toronto: Ottawa College; J, A. |e divinity: A, Baird, arts: F. medic ine; B. Smith, C.E., chairman of the @ewiscaming | RR. commission, ' The dinner over, King Jollity reign- ed supreme until the last toast was |r drunk, and "God Save the brought the merry making to a close, P. Shorey, chairman health of the had been extended by Prof. A. KR: Kirkpatrick, and the National, An- "Queen's and Her 'Facultie propriate replies by Prof. Jordan and Dr, Soduin A. Gray, Toronto, and M. R. McNeil, Ottawa, replied to the '¢ uh to "Sister posed by H. V, sponses to Prof to #The Profession, R. Smith, CE. and Prof. Gill H. B. Rn Craix and MN. Ferguson honored * The Graduates,' proposed by G. Y. Chown. "The Press," proposed by A. A. Bailie, came in for many brilliant re marks, by its representatives, and J, A. Donnell, ' with ap- Finnie, A. McPhail's toast "were given by C, "The Ladies," le, 20 per cent. offud agree with Mu Eleven tempting delicious * pj an attempt was made to raise a sum start the the preacher, heaven bless vour kind King" | year be doubled.' proposed the | was how long and loud, and the per king, after a welcome plexed gates in Toronto Telégram. position (very Institutions," pro- | made an arrangement with Eaurier & Fluent re. | Co., take over the assets and pay the man ager a salary of Crawford's. splendid solid leather one for $3. The of Queen's Quarterly, | ' whose health was pro- {at C. W. At the closing services of a reli gious organization, in Philadelphia, of money for good good work. "I will work with S251" ried 'a man who was a stranger to "Thank brother ! Thanks 1° oy laimed the minister effusively is lon't know your name, but may heart, and may your business during the coming Instantly there was a laugh that preacher gazed at the dele- astonishment. "What have |e 1 done ?"" said he. Sharcholders of the Dominion op limited), wi'l be pleas xl to learn that the manager has whereby the latter company will 7.000 pcr year. The best chocolate made, 25¢. Ib. Get "Him" a suit case, we have a Locket shoe store. Diamond rings, ranging from $10 tg decided what to give "Him" you. many choice and exclusive things ings for men and boys. thap-s and sizes, for Men and Ladiss in waterproof Je buckles, light, medium or heavy weights. BIBBY'S--The Men's Wear S Store--BIEBys YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY As there is only a few days more before Christmas. for Christmas ? Our time is all yours and 1 Have you Perhaps - we can help we'll be pleased to show you the we have i m Clothing and Furnish. Ask to sc our line of Men's Tadlor-m ade Suits, SHO, $12.50, 13.50 and si: Ask to see our dine of Men's Tailor-made Ovireoat + N10, 81230. R11 9 Gther lines J Th Boys' Suits, Overcoa:s, at right Boys' 2 ARTMENT is a sort of Biggie of * shape that is correct and many exclusive styles oy J We have the choicest creations of the ie. 50c.; leading neck 5c, and £1. Don't miss see ng our Christi Silk Secarfs--30c., T5¢c., 81, O90 to $2.50, Press Shirt Proteetors--7ic., S130 to £2.50 Silk Mufflers--50c., 75¢., #1 81. 50, : Men's Fancy, Hosiery, new and actistic "eficets, 25¢., 500. 73 8 SHIRTS We offering our trade the very, latest in Christ- mas Shirts, made of the best foreign and domestic materials, in hand some now pattirns oh stripes and figures, soft or «tiff bosoms, at Tic 81, 81.2 Boys' Shirts, same style as the men's, 3c, Toc. 90 We have an elegant assortment of Fancy All Wo | Sweaters They're the real swell sort, in new col and new weave For Men--7lc., 81, $1.25, $1.50. 21.75 to 83 For Boys-30c., T5c.. 9c. to S175. Cardigan Jackets--90c., $1, SI Cardigan Coats Fancy Suspenders Nizht Robes, Pyjamas, Underwear, GlOvES ! GLOVES !! THE GLOVE 25, 81.50 to The newest thing out, 83, £3.95. SM. riers, Armlets, ete STORE OF THI TOWN t 1} THE H. D. BIBBY CO, The Men's Wear Store. ---- EC the faster fo muke wp'Tor the Jos. Not Too Late Yet to Have Your Christmas Dinner Cooked in a HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE The cook stove that has never made an enemy lost a friend. QTOOVOOE GEAVEERE PIVTIVOE © HOGHOEET IHONSOOS OPEN EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK Friday and Saturday Nights we will give with every purchase of One Dollar or over a BABY CARPET SWEEPER or a CA- DET LANTERN. © If you have not seen 'our splendid line Nn C § CHRISTMAS GOODS come. TOPO POOVROOE McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street, Kingston. CHRISTMAS BUYING FANCY HOUSE SLIPPERS iia For Mex, Ladies and Children. We have huadecds of puirs, all nice sy, comfortable styles, smitat:le for bedroom and hous: wear 82.50 ; { al . I 50, $2 and o them was sung . with enthusiastic ! 'Nothing. replied a fellow preach Meas Bowe 8 ippers, fa Blusk or Ghveointa, $ran. § t styles, in Black fervor. "Our Country,' proposed by ['er, "only. the man who donated that Men's Fancy House Slippers, Opera, Columbia or Everet sty. J. McD. Mowat, brought loyal re- | twenty-five is an undertaker.' 0: Chocolate, from 75¢. to $2. sponses from W. F. Nickle and Prof, r : 2 1 Felt Blippers. | man Felt Blipp Shortt. D. NM." Melntyre introduced A New Deal. Wo are headquacters for English, Freoch aud Ger OVERSHOES . w \ Ve bave & ith the touch of winter comes the wearing of Overshoes. We bi ph sey ( loth, one or HOCKEY BOOTS In ¥oa's, Boys'; Ladies' and little Gents. The Sawyer Shoe Store , now offered at 20 per cont. off, Lane's. Tr does mot put the dis=vee 10 sleep, but drives it i apical AH --MUXY ON. jwatlic span id iy themselves where extra attention, ay Lg ian o tum ® William Swain, received at Meduley's Book you 'can give 'them . Pig Pdinters. posed by W. J. Woolsey, received Lieut.-Col. P, Mulvany, RANMC,, Keep up the quality and stamina of | Wed Pho Ready. many a bright remark from K. (commandant «of the Princess Louise the. breed, A postive cure focal orm f Berney. The concluding toast, "The | Hospital at Acton, whose death was Sows should be mated so that they | €OR Sexual Weakn ne, Spers Seniors," proposed hy 8. Lazier, was lately recorded. was Kipling's: *'Mul- should farrow - about a year old. j FERRE AND ag Br has of AD Ava % ably responded to by L. B. Code and | vany," his name having heen borrow- Pigs must kept COWIE Sek 3 matorrhoca, Impotency; 4 to Coma L. A. Thornton, ed for one of the "Soldie hree." minute to be pe J 2 Tn Incacity and AL sat] Fase, ease, i Wo Interpersing the - toasts excellent EE ---------------------------- The runt pigs I Hore capi | Bt per pk Fi an tn re, ts or mailed in i =n : pis gain 8 sure. Tice. W ritefor PAPEL: songs were sung by Messrs, J. L, ly if permitted to remain with the ghokageon met Con King, D. A. Me Kervacher and W. R. RI EUMATISM sow 'a few days after the others are Five Wood Masicine Co WBF __ Rogers, » : turned away. " ~~ e the ------------ Price 25¢. Munyon's Clean out the hog troughs every day. Shen pigs ar ry ir Sunlight soap is better than other « Rheuma. if: necessary. Troughs half full of litter I I Sov fo » but is best when used in the tism Cure do not make very desirable places for ond an na Suiieht wav. Buy Sunlight Soap ehdomn Pigs to eat ont of. he § and fallow directions. to Jecause a hog is a hog is no reas ¥ eal rv 'A woman in love is an idealist of relieve on why he should live all the time in toned for i oe var} ph the most pronounced type, but who Painstn Ja mes... Heowill be about the cleagest | nT 2 to may BY he Brought Su in time, i " - animal on the farm it you will let Ny ' ] lose Ladies' and gentlemen's solic gold him, en 5 he ch to rings, now 25 per cent. off while the aks The stunted pigs will make fine fat Jufict from in sale lasts, at C. W. Lane's, Swolley Porkers for the meat Larrel next win rowth : for bd a Thal Mio has no Nipe joints in a few hours. Positively cures in a few days, | 1&0 if singled out now and penned u Orders N Ie Py JOR 0 may eat a biscuit and nc but when you think cuit eating you think * insta Mooney's Perfec Cream Sodas Crisp, delicious and tast Absolutely and disti superior to any other mal Say "Mooney's" to your Price of Land $25 pe Until January 1st, 1! Realty Co.'s Land of Cuba where t fertile, well drained Railroad property--Bartle, being a regular' station ou h and express ofl passe lished I'ransportation facilities are portant factors. Hotel accon Im NOW rilable to settlers a Nurse s being established fo and © i ff Young tries, pla "Where an investor or group i inv. largely we will arrange for sons: to weet one of our purch has thoro ily investigated of "inp We invite all w! terested Cuban Properties r office and wet information lands, If vou live out write for Brospectus, Maps, Cl The Cuba Real; LIMITED. J. 0. HUTTON, ACEN 254 Bagot Street, King For Christmas C¢ We have the choicest rang Ports Sherries Brandies Maderias In James McPar 339 and 341 King St 'Phone 274. Dr. C ment and cure! ever) itehis and piles Ree Jo timonials in the pn your neigh about ite Yow can get you back if not satisfic dealers or EpMaNsoN, Bates & Co DR. CHASE'S OINT Grand Union Rooms From $1,00 Pes Opposite Grand Fentral BAGGAGE}: C OMMERGIAL MATI What Is Going on In the World The Market i Bank and B ised. clerks a that $15.0 the loronto offered ur #) r tood that th Mussev-Harris Kemp factory Toronto the large increas an General EB) lertaken the er in Montreal branch of the de wree has issu now cont msolidated British Caribhoc Columbi Guwgeenheim and vers intere y for 1,000,000 Ne sunimer will see t t steel rails added 1 I Kootenay, B.C P heeted near Crawford Bay nd Clov cland capitalists hav a iron deposits nea) important pulp i from $1,000,000 American and loc "be established in CIC in the neighbo he plincipal mover Senator Mason and Mann, who the newspaper When David Rus t notes they had end decided to form which © wijl i 0 econitalists 1 ofthe paper the Rich Old Cheese At Davies. A prime q will compare favor: old stilton, 14e. 1b. -- Maple hon- hon x butt-r sect We papeterivs, ver attractive gre D mot Pros liven pa 266 Princes elf basting srodsting pan very hous wile, at Sons. Buy her one. Mission fur niture, nish, nt R. J C nga tog H., at oJ of in we Reid's. Brest mad s,