ells °N i . ol 1petent men, we | work build up THE Saturpay heard-of figures, rters of a million mething never a weekly maga- 1¢ good man in ze a selling force oughly and sys HING COMPANY [IA, PA. t to give your friend for pif ? pair of Slippers, Over- king Shoes. | ning Shoes, Slippers or ots, Moccasins or Slip- : : : : : casins, Rubber Boots, Evenings Call Christma rooms, \ Hin ' Street, « \ he fact corner Prince Ontarty sire ts Kingston, Ont. ) O00 i € o ® G eetness rtment of Candy in ligh Grade G. B.. es, second to none. rincess St. 0000006 0008 Immediate Shipment CO., Toronto, Ont. 3 000 o00000! MEDICAL: * rg OFFICE LATELY 'E PR. MeCART pr. Ryan, Corner Mon occupied "Brock streets. treal an SON, PHYSICIAN MS Late Resident 'House Kingston General Hospit- 242 King street, opposite ontreal. 'Phorél 48. ---- . WILLTA PR. drgeon. Surgeon, al. Officer Bank of M = em r------------ ==JONEY AND BUSINESS. NDON AND GLOBE AVERPODL: 2c Company. Available nesete $61,187,316. I= addition to the policy hi have for olders security A Hapility 2 ockholders. Farm aad city allt insured at lowest possible prope 'Before renewing old or siving ne business get rates from Strang & Strange. Agents, erm e-------------- -- UR POLICIES COVER MORE OM buildings and centents than any oth or company offers. Examine them at Godwin's Insurance Emperium, Mark: ot Square ARCHITECTS. i #M, NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF fice, second , corner Princess and Bagot Nore. nterance om Bagod street Telephone 608. ----- Ce -- meee ELL:S ARCHITECT, OF SRIEUR of New Drill Hall, near cer per of Queen and Montreal Strests. SON. ARCHITECT, MER Bank Building, corner Brock Phone 212 POWER & chant's and Wellington streets, ENRY P SMITH, ARCHITECT TERRY Anchor Hnilding. "Phone, 845. Marke' Square. HOW. J. B. PENSE Requests the support of all Lovers of Fair Play in his campaign for re-elec- tion to the Legislative As- sembly. 10 THE MUNICIPAL ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF KINGSTON : 1 HAVE RECEIVED REQUTSI- tions signed by over five hundred of my fellow citizens asking me to be candi- date for the Mayoralty for 1906. Feel- Ing that such a unique expression of public sentiment cannot Le disregarded, bave decided to be a candidate and espectiully solicit your support. J. M¢DONALD MOWAT. Kingston, Dec. 6th, 1905. TO THE ELECTORS fon :--Having served ive years in the City Council, and be- 0 DoW honored by manv requests to accept nomination for the Mayoralty, I beg to announce myself a candidate for election in the hope that the citizens Kenerally, crediting me with honest fort to evade mone of the obligations end to discharge faithfully all the duties OF KING- for five consecu- "a alderman, will be willing to re- we to the C ci ay 1906. ouncil as Mayor in FRANCIS KING. ST. LAWRENCE WARD. HAVING JEN B) SGT EY 5 number 4! BEEN REQUESTED BY A the Council, fi Get my mervicar and influence, GEORGE ZIEGLER. 3, 1 respectfully ten and request your voté ------ ONTARIO WARD. ELECTORS :--I REQUEST TREC TTT TTT TY is 1 JOHNSON'S RIGHTMARES. ! | ("1 AMA Johnson read the symptoms in each patent nostrum ad, And soon he thought he had 'em all, and had 'em awful bad. He'd feel a crick, a pain, a pang, as he would read away -- With every ad his mind would change -- new ailment every day | And last of all he found an ad that said that all disease, If 't were not for the coffee bean, would probably soon cease. And never pausing to reflect that men who want to sell A brand new notion to the " peop " don't balk at what they tell, He started on a brisk crusade to warn each smiling friend That coffee, if persisted in, his life would surely end. But to his great astonishment, the folks he came across - Were looking most amazing well and his seemed all the loss. For while they sipped their morning cup, or demi-tasse at noon, And seemed to thrive, he grew more thin and sombre. Pretty soon, He wondered if he 'wasn't wrong, and he removed the ban When Chase & Sanborn had explained what went in every can. And as we are; much as we tkigk, his nightmares he forgot, And saw them vanish in the steam from coffed piping hot. Solid Gold Cuff Links 1 =$5.50= Strength, quite as much as tasteful design, is re- quired of one's cuff links. Those from Diamond Hall possess both qualities. In solid gold, thé prices run from $4 to $60. One of the most noteworthy pairs sells for $5.50. These aré of a dumb bell pattern that permits the engraving of monogram --for which no extra charge is made. Diamond Hall's full catalogue is gladly sent on request. RYRIE BROS. LIMITE Det 134-138 YONGE ST. TORONTO - ONT. csssrassseccsccsrsenesl 4 Whatever Other Magazines § An intelligent American reader : may subscribe for, he ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ aford not to see regularly ¢ ¢ 0 ¢ 0 cannot THE LIVING AGE ex and influence if vou think my Alderman would "be of value W. F. NICKLE. FRONTENAC WARD. Lil THE ELECTORS :--1 WISH TO L n my service of you for six the council, I shirked no re and at all times tried to © 'best interests of Frontenac the city. On this ) be judged. as 1 3 Vi and influence to el me ch y representatives to the 1 meil for 19086. JOSEPH TAIT, SR. --_-- _ CATARAQUI WARD. Main I'HE ELECTORS :--AS A CAN- mi? lor Alderman, at the request of a your number, I appeal cordi yd hopefully for your geunefous DENNIS J. MILLAN. a VICTORIA WARD. tury JHE ELECTORS :--I RESPECT- elect : licit your votes and influence to in the o.'% One of your representatives council of 19086. S. HARKNESS. Covered Rink The Rink om i Dec: 11th fop ice will be 'opened, on th Se Tickers and Lotkery sale of Scason n fo i Weather ford ja ating, on Dée. 14th Skating on Friday 'Bang bon Satufe A Tuesday, Thursday and €venings, from 8 p.m., to 10 p.m. Tuesday evening, 8 p.m. to 10 Se, ny afternoon, 8.p.m., to 5p.m ne won Ticket"is the best Xmas rege, J ny that You can possibly give your wr Gir] ady SEASON TICKET RATES Man's under « £3.00 .ine » . 4.00 2.00 3.00 6.00 7.00 R.00 RN 10.00 H. W. RICHARDSON, Sec. -Treas 12 wihars . .- 12 and under 16 .. J amg 6 or 10 E. BONTER, . Manager. CAPILLI FORMA a : Produc ™ healthy tonic. Guaranteed to Meas 8 luxuriant growth of hair. falling 'o¥, One inch per month. Prevents for heaqneroney hair. Ts a nositive cure Srema, Pies: nheuralgia, dandruff and Other * cor reellent for moustaches and irhrgt nsorial purposes. Received the States Tjpmmendation from the United ven fealth . Reports. Satisfaction ne OF monev refunded will " oe of this famous Hair Tonic Yor Dregs, Yen away with each cash order M making. best city references. Antfactured and sold by MME E. ELDER 253 Princess Street 0 Bg a American what they Tt supplements magazines, containing do not. the It makes superfluous the taking of a considerable list of English periodicals, as it reproduces with out abridgment the, most import- ant articles fsom their pages. No other magazine, American or English, presents the writings of so many brilliant and distinguish- ed authors. The magazine publishes the best essa) fiction, poetry, travel sketc art and 'musical } eritic 1, discussions of social, re- ligious and educational questions, and papers updn : : ; : ' : Public Affairs and : ¢ , literary, International? Politics. Published weekly.--Mqre than 3,- 800 pages each year.--Annual sub- scription post-paid, Trial, subscriptions, thirteen six dollars.-- three months, dollar. -- numbers, one New subscribers, who sunscribe now for the year 1906 will re- ceive free the remaining rumbers of 1905. THE LIVINGAGE CO. 6 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. ' Prrrrsassssssssesassasl Clean, Honest That Is the kind we sell--The kind you should burs ii you waat a satisfaction fire. We are filling orders mow for winter supplies. Have you ordered yours yet ? 'Phone No, 133, BOOTH &CO. APU ATU SPS A Presa sATs AT states §. "THERE 1S A TIME Now, while prices are FOR ALL THINGS." : ¢ ' ¢ | ' low, is the time to fill § your coal bin with best ¢ + quality SCRANTON COAL ¢ ¢ } from 3 ' } P. Walsh's Yard } ~~ BARRACK STREET. LINE IS NO BLUFF | TORONTO CORNWALL ELEC THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21. wo 1 - ! are sure that a road can be run pro- | fitably if the | my work are correct. "Our first step after securing an en-. trance to Toronto will be the purchase figures obtained through | A Steaming Cup of "\\\' | ar -- WW Ayo \ Ley Wy EDWIN V. MORGAN. HERBERT G. The former American Minister dissaticfaction caused by his atti and Edwih V. Morgan, the form has been appointed as his success HERBERT "6. SQUIERS, SQUIERS, in Cuba, resigned owing to the tude in the Isle of Pines matter er American Minister to Korea, or. company is called. "About a year and Toronto, a hali ago | came to em powered by my backers to buy the foronto Railway company. Mr. Mac | | grant permission to run on the city's | Li ks. "The { only a branch of the [will he given an opportunity | 1 | | which is | York Radial railway, Toronta railway kenzie refused to give me a satisfac 1 to enter tory answer whether or not he would the city when we ave allowed entrance | be willing to sell 'the road Matters | on a line constructed hy ourselves or dragged on until Novembor of | last | bY. the eity. : year, when we determined to get n Mr. Turner comes from Boston. - He charter of our own. 1 interviewed all | represents American capitalists, the the ministers, told them the names of | Dames of whom he does not wish to my backers and what the objects of | mrRtion, 'He, however, sintes that his the railway would be. All "appeared capital is not conneeted with the Van- my cause and the to pass Railway a blufi-to in willing to support charter was allowed "Then the out and said it was only Toronto came derbilt lines, , | WANT GOVERNMENT TO PAY. {a lb; veal by the. quarter, ! | case, $0 to 80.50 per ewt.; cuts, - fui the lund necessary for the road TRIC ROAD PUSHED. j The first section to be constructed will -- | be between Kingaton and Toronto. We : 3 y | ke wr, alo possess a" provincial | Representative of the . Railway | r allowing us the veh? 1o build | Talks to Newspaper Concern- |a road irom Brockville to Ottawa. ing His Plans--Provincial | This,» with a con iom to Montreal, Charter From Brockville to | Which is contemplated, should fll the ott . {Lill with very good effect. By our : awa. j charter we are ethpowered to isthe The statement that an electric rail- | 14000 and $20,000 bonds per mile . | road was to enter Toronto if it sue | However, some of the mils the dis gives € P ayer ceeded in. gaining an entrance has | tance wild cost a great deal more created quite a considerable stir in than that. The bridges over Highland railway. circle, says. the Toronto | Creek will cost considerable. tr t 1 World. The Tact that it will run in | "We intend to touch all the towns S € 0 P ay, competition with the GT. R. as far [on the lake shore and our road will | ' east asx Kingston, the York Radial [practically be a lake shore road, as | S e railway a r caxt' as Bowmanville, {for as practical - without diverging P t and the Toronto 'Railway company | greatly, We are out to push the'thing an €e within the city limits = made people | now and it onght to go. I here is newd . wonder: aehether. the nnzie- Mann | enough "for such a road coming into t h f people had not "heen caught snoozing | Toronto . wa C er rom after all. ; : t "here is practically a stone wall "They thought we were just holding jaround this city Such nroducts as . a paper charter," said © A. B, Turner, | should come into the city by the ra catc ng cO 4 the representative for the Ontario FL | dial railways are held out bv the Tor cetric Railway, company, as the new Lonto Railway company, refusing to 10 : PRODUCE -AND PRICES. . ---- Prices At Present Prevailing in The City. , Kingston, Dec. 20--The local pro duce market prices this week are: Poultry--Fowl, from 30c. to 60c, a, pair, or 6c. & 1b; spring chickens; | yrom 40¢. to T0e. a pair, or Tc. al Ib.; young turkeys, 10c. to 124c. a Ib; | ¢ Re. a lbh. ducks, $1 to $1.25 a | 10c. a Ib. ® Butter Choice creamery, 27. | a lb; farmers' butter, in prints, | 23c. to 25c. a lb.; packed and roll but { ter, 2lc. to 23¢. a lb. Faggs New laid, 30. to . a dozen; second quality; 26c. to Grain.--Manmitoba, No. Northern, §8é.; No. 2 Northern, No. 3! Northern, dde.; white oats, huck- wheat, dlc; corn, He ley, 44c. to 48c,; rye, Flour and feod--Flour, bakers' strong, $2.10 to $2.50; farmers', 8 Hungarian patent, oatmeal and rolled oats, 30 | 30; cornmeal, $1.50 to $1.65; | ton; shorts, $21 | a ton; straw, 86 to 38; hay, | , 86 to 8K; pressed, 87 to $9. | Meat, --Cattle on the hoof, $3.50 to | 84 per cwt.; beef, carcase, $5.50 to 86.50 per cwt.; choice cuts, 10c. to Ibe to 8e, to 16c. a lb. spring Se. to Toe. o} i yeas, 70c.; bar | to $5.4 bran, %18 to $20 a a lb; cuts, lamb, from. § case, 9c. Ib; by the quarter, be. to carcase, Sec. a a lb; outs, 15c. a lb; hogs, live weight, 86 per owt. car- «a 1h. Market very dull, Vegetables.--Potatoes, $1 a turnips, 15¢c. a peck; be. to Te. a head; onions, Ge, to Tbe: bushel; celiry, be. a head, or from 40¢. to 50e. a dozen; pickling onions, 75c. a peck; parsley, lettuce, parsnips, ete., He. a bunch; carrots, ete., 3e. a bunch; Bermuda onions, He. 4 Ib. 6 lbs, 25 squash, 10c. each. bag ; dozen duce them to sell their railwe I'hey ¢ Can't Stand Expense of Inter Fruit Lemons, "20¢. a held that we wonld never proceed with national Courtesies. oranges, 20c. to 30c. a dozen; apples, the charter, Now | am just showing | The decision of the British admiralty | 106: to 250. peck; Almeria grapes, Jc, them that my backers mean business to reimbur full the heavy expen ito 25c. a Ih; cranberries, 124c. to My- offer to the eity is sumed up ir } diture incurred by officers at Ports- | 13 a quart; sweet potatoes, ic, to a few words. We are willing to agree mouth ine entertaining the French fleet joe all A bananas, 30c. a dozen; to build the line within the limits of | has been received with satisfaction in 200 ing figs, pe a lb, eating figs, Toronto ourselyes, But' we would ra- | naval ecirele 10 to 15¢. a Ih; dates, 10¢. a 1h, 3 ther have the city build the line them Shicetiol of akon to the | bs. 35c, | or 2 . 1 ' Objeeti n, h + taken ) "1 Fish--Salmon trout, 12ic. to 1c; selves under a special charter that § admiralty's statement that their Be white fish. IY ickerel 19 x's pike could be granted by the legislature. Ir t on in this instance is not to be re hy pickerel, 124c =} pl ce, sther . ; fe. Ib; Chinook salmon, 25e. lb; either case were are willing to allow rarded as a precedent | . ihe ; i oN , . | Saguenay salmon, 30c. a lb.; salt 1e road to be used by the other ra Naval officers, a commander at vy x . dial roads i tol te ariaanient ad Jo Es Reny Dt | codlish, 7c. to 13c. a lb.; halibut, al roads if suitable agreements co sabort said to a RXPress repre SS ld evonport 5 3) : : ' . oe * 2c, a lb; haddock, ec.d and bull o reached 3 v, "do not expec v ore : sentative, n pe 0 by mM heads, 10c. a lb; smelts, 12}c., and Our charter permits us to build an | bursed for what they may spend on |= MN 1 . on electric railroad from Tornwall t the } tality the ordinary course, | ao a 2; o. bloaters, 30e and ol a L on ma ¢ the hospitahity an th y * {30e. a dozen; finnan haddie, 10¢, a foronto. It also permits the construe ut state functions, such as the | red hetring 15¢ box > r * 1 3 of y i, oe, OX, tion of branch lines running for thirty 'ortsmonth business, when the fleet | 0p 0 10¢ ble and "ge n i & y & y | Of CKe p » Re L i ¢ i 'e of x : i oa h " ; y jles a right ane) ur a § I i" hil: g the nation, are quit | quart; malpicque shell oysters, 81.20 ie towns in the district covered In wer matter sk. 300. doves: bl dia wek, J30c. dozen; blue ints, 30c, our line are anxious for us to conx wstand there is likely to be he on: CIRC pe ote Pt on her. in, In fact we went through the coun- | 2 bit of can outery * when the Se- | 500 70, © Fy fol Vien herring, 40¢ trv last#vear, and asked them whether | cond cruiser squadron gets back tol "00 "0 lllg 18 a 1h & : they would subscribe for bonds. In al England: ahout the heavy outlay tol" Game-Wild duok We. to 81 pair most every instance the township and | which the officers have been subjected | yiqog Those prices are given by \ wils ¢ mgr 1 . Ont 5 uri r « 1" ( . | i $ town councils alon the ronte said | during the American visit. | Jobn McKay, Brock street: Beef they were willing to do sc However "All the men in the different mess- | pigee 10c. a Ib.: dairy skins, 75¢ I do nat: think they will be called uo: | os have to their share, whether | 4, &0e, cach; veal skins, 10¢. to 1le. on to subscribe. 1t was rather donein | er they can afford it or whether they | 4 Ji; Jamb skins, SOc. to 85e. each; order to obtain a true expression of J cant, tallow, rendered a Ib; tallow the opinion of the people "Naval officers as a class. are far | ough, 2c. a lb.; horse hides, £3. Our power will be derived from | from well te and if this system ree mem-- falls on the Trent* River. This would if international visits is to be carried be quite guflicient to run our traine at ut to any regular extent, which vi Shot A Lynx. : the of forty miles an: how he wems quite likely, then an entertain Fagle Rill, Lec. 1S. Weather very Yorn 3%. we infend to do. Of } ing grant should be made mild, Snow is fast disappearing. col w 1 run ACT OSS 1 "Hs ane rear Ron 18 wnding a week at Na have a specific charter permitting wu Curing Rheumatism. panee. Allan Ferguson, Folger, spent . the GT.R ~ " a few dase with his brother, who is to eross the G t The cure-of rheumatism has heen very ill. TONG Kin Denis ! "After" we ssenrod our charter last | fiflicult, and takes tine even yet when ine, Denbigh, por . : Ie hg < ' ! . cha a fire colt from M. Ready ear an endeavor made to have a | allowed to become chronic. But there Loupalt. Meisk®: shot latie iv ' Lill passed by the leoislature prohibit is no longer veason why any one Ja id . ot a0 0 e ie you one . v ns Week, os : ing suburban electric rowds srunnine § should doubt that rheumatism can be | 0 0 Qn. ke c ee ! t Sator. " , Meck, Snake (Lik ¥ Sat across lot This was nonsense, It is | thoroughly cured." Dr. Hall's Rheuma: | 4 000 Say at EO ve BLE impracticable for, vunning, at tie rate | tie Cure has been tested in all sorts | yo Pb PUL EY BL Le berguion 8 ' : 88 ra led sper ruce we intend to do. evervthine on the § ses of rhenmatism, sciatica and Yt. are on the er | al ar re od , ! vine are o we k ligt. Te : highway would be killed. The grade veuralgia and it has cured them, It |e has x ini } . : p vine has gone to spend the winter at also are too much for hich speed. All | cemoves rheumatic poisonyfrom . the | yan 00 Bye 5 pre 48 plc t \ 0 Mil 10 8 | Wife Spe classes of trafic will bé catered for br dood, clearises the entire system and |G rday in Denbigh Visitor SW our Ine; friioht, exnress and nassen | removes every vestige of the diseases. | | : Ye rte SP | 5 ' ) : iam Chatson, Dr. Chant and Mr, por. The fright trafic will go through | (n ordinary cases results age surpris- | yo 5 Sallans, Penbigh am Ne and the country by night, while the ex; | mgly prompt. Price 50c. Sold only at |, one Mes 7! Lindsay, ¢ presse and passenger traffic will he | Wade's drug store. This is the pre- | Qo of and Miss Agnes 1 Bt M handled by dav, Special attention will | naration that cured. Jeremiah Redden, Read's: M. Misske at OG. Fox's: Ww be paid to the handling of farm and J 115 Lower Bagot street, Kingston, irvioe at J Trvine's . r Na dairy products. These will be rushed a ------------------ tioush with pM possible disnntch World's Milk Production. Perfect fitting glasses at Chown's All the estimated sources of dividend | 1¢ jo eetimated that the total weight | Drug Store. have been calculated to a niecty. We l of cows' milk produced in the world Even busy smen are never too busy ee Rr is 26,400,000 hundred weight, dis- | to stop and "look at a dog fight. g at a dog fig 2 tributed as follows United Statek, | meesseosesmm-------- For Family Colds 6,100,000 hundred weight; Russia, 3, The Best Is Cheapest. : 500.607 Germany, 3,000,000; France "Solution of Ozone (the coupon h a ure shoul' | 5, y ¥ Pu . ks oa 20 ? po A reliable Suh and cold cure shoul 200,000, England, 200,000; Austria, 1, { kind), is the purest and est form in lways in the house ready for use th moment the first symptoms appear. fiz always easier, cheaper and bette to check a celd ia the very beginning. It is safer, too. Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lun Tonic, Has been tested for thity-thre years, and tens of thousand of homes: Canada and the United States to-day ar never without it. A dealer wei be 2 or ** Shiloh's Consamption Cur it without doub best remedy for Cough an Colds on the market. Once used, my toene: will buy no other. --L.. Elsley, Nasagawe) If it were anything but the beet woul thisbe so? Try it in 'your own family If it does not cure, Jou get back' all it coc you: We teke all the chances. Neithe Lk nor your dealer can lose. lent the ir? 25c. is the price. All dealers ir | SHILOH 700,000; 300,000; Italy, 1,450,000¢ Canada, 1, Holland, 1,200,000; Sweden and Norway, S00,0000 Switzerland, 700,000: Denmark, 600,009; Australia, 550,000; Spain, 500,000 and Portugal, 500,000, The production of milk in Earope is 1%,450,000 hundred weight from 45,000,000 cows. The number of milch cows in the world is 63,800 000 15,940,000 in the United States and 10,000,000 in Russia. There are only ix head of horned cattle in Spain. to each 2} ac rev England fifty-six. This shows the poor conditions of cattle breeding in Spain, and explains the congjgnt increase in the price of butcher's meat for Puig consumption. Twa-quart rubber hot water bottles (seamless) af Wade's. of cultivated land, while | in France there are thirty-four and in| { which Ozone is put up. Each bottle of | it contains a coupon entitling vou to a package of "Celery King," the well- known tonic laxative, which should al- ways he used with Ozone. | By buying "Solution of Ozone (the | coupon kind)" vou get Ozone in its | most efficient form, and you get ab- lout twice as much of it for your {| money as of other brands, You also | get the package of "Celery King" ab- { rolutely without charge for it. - No other brand of Ozong offers this adviintage because no other firm 'can {give you the "Celery King." That is | the only way to pro®re the full value of vour Ozone purchase. 3 [Solution of Ozone (the coupon | kindy," is (ftv cents and one dollar at your druggists, and if he hasn't it the Public Drug Company, Bridgeburg, Ont., will see that you are supplied. 50 to $4.50 each; car | 50; cuts, 15c. a lb; mutton, by the | i | 1 cabbage | ELESTINS [he only genuine Vichy Water property of the French Republic Montreal Boivin, Wilson & Co. LT DR. J. COLLIS ROWNE'S CHLORODYNE (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE). Colds, Goughs, tho CHLORD CHLORD {4 admitted by the profession to be the most wonderful apd valuable ; i! edy ever discovered. : % ve is the best remedy known for COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION, BRONORI- TIS, ASTHMA. acts like a charm in DIARRHOEA, and is the only specific in CHOLERA, and DYSENT iRY, DYNE DYNE BYNE CHLORODYNE: CHLOR OD YH Eom ee Always ask for "DR. J. COLLIS PROWNE'S CHLORODYNE," and beware of spurious compounds or imitations. The genuine bears the words "DR. J. effectually cuts short all attacks of EPILEPSY, HYSTERIA, PALPITA. TION and SPASMS. |COLLIS BROWNE'S OILORODYNE" on | bottle. Sold in bottles. Prices in England, 1s. 13d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. each (Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each bottle.; Sole Manufacturers :--J. T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON. Wholesale Agonis, LYMAN BROS. & CO., Limited, Toronte, the Government Stamp of eact Ho EE ar a 00 OI0IIPIE 0000000 CEO E. B. Eddy's Rising Parlor Match In neat attractive boxes containing 'about $ 750 MATCHES ASK YOUR GROCER FOR THEM ® It will cost you only sc. to try them. VEEP $E9I08EE ©IOEDEEO ©9TO USEFUL PRESENTS FOR "XMAS CARVING SETS from s0c. up to $10. A large assortment of KNIVES AND FORKS from 70c. up to $15 per dozen. | RAZORS, goc. up to $5 each. Bissell Carpet Sweepers. *STRANSKY" CELEBRATED AGATEWARE in Fancy Tea and Coffee Pots. - : "ARGENTINE" SILVER TEA & COFFEE POTS. . ELLIOTT BROS .. ge 77 Princess Street. Phone 35. .