Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Dec 1905, p. 8

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ES ------ . Reporter: Thei BURNED BARRACKS WHERE]! ¢ iors on Their IN WERE MUTINEERS. Numbers of People Killed Daily Crawford's. Ev bt Dent's Kid Gloves + For Ladits and Gentlemen, the well-known, and unlined, Mocca, Kangaroo, Dogskin, ¥1, 81.95 pair. | Lined Kid Mitts 3 Rouillon French Kid Oloves . 3 tiful soft lit t fit, black, white, tans, greys; browns, EY Besutiil_ so Hg hae oki Kids, $1.25, 81.50 pair. i . { Tapestry Curtains - V cial val in New relat $150 ox 830 Lace Curtains See the particularly fine qualities we offer at £2, $2.50, 83.50. Kid, Dogskin, $1, $1.25 pair. » American Designs, regular £5 jor $3.75, regular £10 for $7.50. fully guaranteed makes, a McRae's. on Streets of Vladivostok Christmas Iowntain Cossacks Massacred 120 {ott Bros', People -- Revolutionists Con- trol Batoms. New York, Dec. 21.---A cablegram from Vladivostok, to the American, says the mutiny and rioting in the Manchuria army. are extending, and the most terrible scenes are witnessod | . daily. A detachment of Cossacks has | Ties, 10c. a 1 attacied the barracks at Tomsk, where nine hundred mutineers were confined, and set fire to the buildings. It is reported that all the imprisoned men roasted to death. Rioting on the | Alfred A. streels here is continued, In one street drunken Cossacks set fire to a block of houses, and mas- sacred 120 of the residents, as they attempted to escape, Numbors of peo- ple are killed daily on the streets. -- Stories Are Horrible. St. Petessburg, Dee. 21. erious rioting! has: securred at Yaroslay, Beautiful ebony hair in the city to-day Christmas in Pembroke. Godwin, holidays. Maple bon bon, cream' dates, butter Crawford. M. Cox, Mountain day in town. Sweet cider, Grove N. Savage leaves, Friday, : ROASTED TO DEATH | INCIDENTS oF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Pickel Up By Rounds. F. Folger is in Montreal on busi- The best chocolate made, 95¢. Ib. Boston baked beans, 3 tins for 25c., pens at McDer- brushes at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Dr. W. Kilborn, Sharbot Lake, was Turkish Delight, scotch, 17c. Ib, Mr. and Mes. J. A, Cox and Joshua , Spent the 20c. gal.; pure clarified cider, 30c. gal., at McRae's. to spend | Fancy holly, with plenty of red ber- large bunch, at Carnovsky's. Robertson's assorted Elline . chocol- ates hard to beat 25¢c. per Ib. at Rees'. Hair brushes, beautiful assortment, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Regina, son of W. H. Godwin, is in the city for the THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21. THE WORLD pF =-- NEWS OF THI | We're Enthusiastic Over ou OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. Matters That Intérest Everybody --Ndtés From All Over--Little Principal Sheraton, of Wyeclifie Col lege, Toronto, is suffering from an at- tack of nervous prostration, 3 A road house about three miles from Moose Jaw was burned, and there ig strong suspicion of incendarism, The Jate Larratt W. Smith, president of the Consumers' Gas company, left an estate valued at $114,902.13, Mrs. Maria Perkins, Flint, Mich,, died suddenly on the platform at the Union Station of heart failure, The Aberdeen, Scotland, council, would have the cattle diseases act amended 'for the admission of Cana- dian cattle. Guiseppi Patti, a young Italian, now serving a twenty-year sentence in Auburn prison, 'will be released on Christmas day. : The Collingwood board of education appointed George Hammill, principal capital of the government of the same Sale of faney handkerchie's, worth of the collegiate institute in succession Ends of Table Linens Both bleached and unbleached, over 200 new lengths, 2, 21, 2}, 01, 3, 3} yurds, at one-third off regular prices : regular © $1.40 for $1, regular $2.10 for $1.47; rejilar $3.95 for £2.25, eto. : Five O'clock Covers i Wide hematitohod enfls, plain and damask designs, 36 inches square, at es 81, 81.25, 81.50, 81.75, 45 inches Square, at X1.25, $1.50, $1.75, 82, #2.50; 54 inches square, at £2, $2.50, © > . ' Embroidered Table Covers Tray Covers, Piliow Shams, Runners, TR 3 Sale of Ready-to-Wear Skirts 4 At exactly half regular Jit: Was 85 now $2.50, was 86 now 83, was #7 now $3.50, wag now $3.75, All new designs for winter wear. 25c., Saturday 2 for 25e. Dress Reform. Only three fatiey boxes key's high class candy left Red Cross drug gtore, name. The workmen are now in con trol of the eity. The men in' the garrison of Kron- stadt; are demanding the release of the sailors of the 14th and I8th naval St. Pétersburg. The revolutionists are in control of | Batomo.. Fire has broken out all along the water front, and vessels have been burned. n Armenian communistic republic a has been proclaimed at Tiflis. -- Slaughter At Tukum. Berlin, Dec. 21.--A despatch to the Lokal Anzeiger from Hige, gives de- tails of the fighting and slaughter at Tukym, Courtland, on December 18th The nlost and 19th. When the rebellion Bfdke comes home to-day to Toronto. several Greer, Portsmouth. it if he doesn't like it. S. Ross and €. Bland row, for a week's holillhy homes in Pembroke. Crawford's. * successful hy A {1 have Andrew Gray, the S.P.S. delegate to battalions, who recently mutinied in the" seiencs dinner last night, pol Miss E. V. Germain, New York, is spending .a week with her sister, Mrs. The anarchist may deny that this is free country, but he is free to leave ave, to-mor- The best chocolate made, 95¢. Ib. New York of MeCon- at Gibson's at their inter often : For Ladies » * Handkerchiefs. Clonds--30c., 75c., 81. For Men Sweaters--£1 to $2.50. Christmas Watch A gilt that is useful each day ol our lives. Watches for Men. Watches for Ladies. Watches for Girls. Watches for Boys. Quality, style, superior construction, A depend able guarantee and very close prices, Our $50 Men's Watch in Solid 14k. Gold, with our. su- nerior grade of movement makes an ideal timepiece. We have many others to choose from, ranging less expensive, SPANGEN BERG Jeweler, King St.' ve Neckwear, 'Gentlemen's. "*Drpge' 25 cent. Hath Robes. on, quality, Taffeta Silk Underskirts Black and Colors, soft chi $6.76. Your choice for $3.58, regular 85.50, 86, $6.50, Golf Jackets and Cardigans--$1, $1.25, $1.50, $7, $2.95, $2.50, Wrappers, Kimonas, Sacques. Cardigan Jackets--75¢. to $5 each. | Umbrellas--78¢. to $5 each, Nee Mufflors--Latest ideas, 2¢., to $1.50. Handkerchisfe--10c. to $1.50 each. re ------ R. WALDRON. We Keep Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday Nights, 6 wR nn, in, in, Cn, Sue EE ---------------- ON PAGE FIVE. © ACTION DISMISSED, JES 10. OIL Trying to Bet Aside a Man's will, Sandwich, Ont., Dee. 21. -- Justice Britton has dismissed the action of W, P. Leech, Chicago, who sought {o set esido the will of his uncle, the late Alexander W, Nelson, Windsor, who left: an estate valued at about $35,000, Each party will pay its own costs. The plaintiff alleged undue influence when Mr, Nelson made his will leaving his entire cstate to his sister. W. Pp. Leech is an old Sandwich boy, son of Jailer Leech, killed twenty-two years ago by the escaping burglars, Calla- han and Kennedy. He is manager of Hearst's Chicago American. Imported Roquefort cheese, 40c. 1b., at Me Rae's, "It's no wonder vou sell so many boxes of candy," said a lady in Gib- son's Red Cross drug store yesterday. "You have such a good assortment. Butter knives, cutlery, forks, ete., at Christmas prices, at Lemmon & Sons, King street. Livingston's ! Purnanigs the Sood. Clothing und exclusive Men's ; Open every evening until Christmas from 7.30. Jn planning your Christmas shopping, plan a visit to have the Shinge that men want :-- § E t Exclusi our store. We Men's Gloves, fur lined and wool lined. Fine Imported French Silk and Protectors. 'Mufflers in all silk English squares. 8 ers, special Christmas lines in fancy boxes. Umbrellas beautiful initialed free, Smoking, Jackets, Bath Robes, House Coats, Dressing Gowns, Exclusive / Fabrics and Rich Patterns. Special Prices Until Christmas 23e. Neokwears oa in Hand, deco Gowns, Simaking Jackets Linen Handkerchiefs. Derby and Pufs, for 2 . and Come early, the crowd will be getting larger and selections smaller. ivingston's. out in Courtland, forty dragoons and three officers were sont to protect the little town of Tukum. A posse of pea- sants besieged the place and soon cap- tured it. The dragoons surrendered when their amgunition was gone, and viekled up their weapons of a guaran- | tee of personal safety. The peasants, ' however, immediately the arms were handed over to "them, treating the | dragoons in a brutal manner, gouging out their eyes, chopping off their .cars | and noses, and finally killing Colonel | Mucllor, who was beheaded. They then | committed atrocities on the towns people. Meanwhile reinforcements of artillery arrived and, finding the town in possession of the rebels they bombarded it. The inhabitants vietim- ized by foes within and friends with out, waited until night and then fled to the artillerymen for protection. The artillerymen supposing that the townspeople were rebels, advancing to attack them. shot at them with terri- ble effect. The "correspondent estim- ares that 600 townspeople were killad by the soldiers and 400 by the rebels, Another more likely estimate is that 600 were killed £nd wounded. -- Anarchy In Caucasus. Constantinople, Dec, 21.- Telegrams from Tiflis describe the condition of the Caucasus as bordering on anarchy, It is stated that the Armenians have gained the upper hand and are now massacting the Musselmans, whom the government makes no effort to pro- | tect. There is a growing feeling in Mussulman circles that the sultan, who is bound as the khalif to watch over the Mahometans, ought to send an army corps across the frontier and put an end to the massacres which the Russian government is either unable or unwilling to prevent. The Austrian and Russian ambassadors have sent to the porte lists of the outrages, not very numerous, committed by Mus- selmans on Christians * between May and October in the vilayvet of Kosso- bo and request the Turkish govern- ment to put an end to the anarchy prevailing, Tt is regarded as showing a deplorable lack of honor on the part of the Russian ambassador that he should put his signature to such a note at a time when Constantinople is | crowded with Christian, Jewish and Mahomedan refugees from the Caucas- us and other parts of Russia. Germans In Danger. Berlin, Dec. 21.--It is understood that the German government is pre- parel to dispatch several cruisers and torpedo boats to Baltic ports for the protection of German subjects. For the present, however, no German warship has received sailing orders for the Eastern Baltic. It is apprehended that the revolutionaries may molest the German refugees in Fhdeacor to pre- vent their embarkation in steamers al: ready sent to the Baltic to convey them to German ports. A contingency | of this kind might, it is thought, con- stitute a case in which naval interven- tion would become necessary. The number of Gérman lives 'at stake in the Russian Baltie provinces may be judged from the fact that there are some 14,000 German subjects in the consular district of Riga alone. | § Figs, Figs Imported? by ourselves. conseqnetly you get them nice and fresh at very low prices. Laver table figs, 10c. Ib.; extra large table figs, 12}c. Ih: extra fine stewing figs, Se. Ib., at McRae's, Special For Christmas. Black Roger grapes, in small bas- kets, very fancy. Ses thom at: Car! no sky's. Your sister would like nothing bet- ter for Christmas than one of Strachan's new manicure sets. Open every evening this week. See best Grand Rapids Bissell car- pet sweeper for $2.50 at Simmon's Bros., Yellow Hardware Store, | Sale of fancy handkerchiefs, worth | 25c., Saturday 2 for 2c. New York Dress Reform. t MceConkey's molasses candy in 10c. | packages. Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Leather playing card cases, contain- ! ing gilt edge cards, at Melermott Pros'. = The be:t chocolate made, 25¢. Ib. Crawford's. Beautiful 'ehony hand mirrors at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. to Inspector Mills, Libbie Garrabrandt, the Fire destroyed fully half mense union third street, on the Hue 550,000. Mr. Chisholm, the non-un pease the. striking stove-m Burrow, Stewart & Milne, ton, has started action for conspiracy. ---- CAUGHT HIM IN H Peterson, N.J., murderess, was to-day granted a varole by the board of rh had been in jail for thirty-four years. ons. She of the im- railroad ferry terminal buildings, at the foot of West Twenty- Ison Riuer, New York. The loss was estimated at ion riveter, who was discharged in order to ap- ounters of of Hamil: against the members of the stove mounters' union ASTE empty-handed when he T goes out to look for a cook. Lei The best chocolate made, 25c. Ih. And Repented at Sure Joke on Crawford's, James Daly, the market lessee, is ill, and William McCammon is collect- ing the market tolls this week, A girl's first proposal always con- vinces her that it will he necessary for her to establish a waiting list, Burnt leather goods for Christmas at Mcbesmott Bros', 260 Princess street. é In one and two pound hoxes, Me- Conkgy's high class candies. Only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The warmth of a woman's thanks depends to a great extent on the diffi- culty she had in getting the favor. They taste like "ihe real thing" Carnoveky's oysters--hecanse they are fr sh, clean, and free from "dope." W. L. Mair," Montreal, the McGill delegate to the medical dinner, to- night, arrived in the city in the morn- ing. : Mr. and Mrs. Jaquith, Sydenham, left. this afternoon, for Fast Orange, NJ, to visit their son, Dr. W. Jaquith. Chocolates, finest made, 230. per lb.. at J. Crawford's. Sir Thomas Lipton's jellies, the Dest, 3 packages for We: mixed pickles, 15¢., 200. bottle; chow chow, 15¢., 20, bottle, at McRae's. Special delivery on Monday (Christ- mas day) of Huvler's and McConkey 's candies from Gibson's Red Cross drug store, William Gorman, who, on November 18th, was seriously injured at the Locomotive works, is still confined to I'Hotel Dieu, though he is able to walk, with the aid of crutches. Finest assortment of fancy bon bons, from 10c. to 28e. Crawford. The steamer New Island Wanderer came through the snowfall from Cape Vineent this moming without anv trouble, Capt. Allen having very keen eves. This afternoon she return- ed to the Cape by the foot of Wolfe Island. -------------- ANOTHER BIG GIFT ---- From Carnegie to His "Carnegie Foundation." New York, Dec.-21.--It was announ- end from Boston yesterday, says the Herald, that "The Carnegie Founda- tion," a sum of 'ten million dollars, given by Andrew Carnegie to provide relief for needy teachers and profes SOrs, in universities, colleges and tech- nical schools, in the United States, Canada and Newfoundland, is to be forthwith increased by the addition of 85,000,000. At the same time the restrictions which prohibited aid from being extended 5 members of the faculties of sectarian and state-aided institutions are to be removed, the statement declares, ---------- The Late Mrs. Norman MacLeod. Brceiville, .Ont., Dee. 21.--Mrs. Norman Macleod, wife of the minister of the First Presbyterian church, died, vesterday, after a comparatively short illness, of blood poisoning, contracted a week ago. Prior to that time she had been in delicate health for several years. Her maiden name was Hannak Elizabeth Dawson: She was a daugh- ter of the late W. J. Dawson, Mont- real. ---- Mayor McFarlane Il. Mayor McFarlane has been daily ex- pected home from his honeymoon, but a telephone message this moraing stated that he was ill in Watertown, N.Y. If the doctor allows, he will try and reach here at noon Lut that would be too late for his ad- dress to be given at the nomination proceedings. He will likely hand it to the newspapers for publication. a mi Ton Of British Mail. This afternoon a ton of British mail arrived at the Kingston post-office, the largest amount which ever came in one delivery. The post-office clerks are worked off their feet these days, and should have more assistance. Postmen will be tramping about wry late to'night. & ------ Jam In 7 1b. Pails. Strawberry, 49. pail: raspberry, 40¢, pail; Plan, 49. pail; 3 lhe. mince meat for 25¢., at MeRae's. i to-morrow, ( Foley. A snowball episode indeed. A number of barded Michael Foley, a his sleigh, caught one of atid, without was reached. tormented, snowballed, he ! Revenge, Revenge. Snodden, of the misecreant. came the reply. his pent-up wrath off the wanted to kick himself. you the son of J. land ¥ "Yes," was the ly enough, ¥ The story developed that teen Seats. turns confirm given of the results of the Saskatchewan. The have sixteen seats. coats, under the final count Prince Albert, Dec. ties, ston than in Montreal. riving a twenty cents ter bargains could be stores than on the market. There was such a cloud pouring out of the 'uptown fat cigars, the gify of P. M The firemen have a box to lungs on. son and Driscoll, who were week, nie men. For very almoner of the George's Sociaty, ings and his hum many years name of the society. about doing good. cdtion of Mise Bennett of the January 15th. -------- To Enter Teams. team in the Barrington Hall. We think there is You will be of "the vou trv it. 1 1b. tins, Rae's, The Golds Lion. Finest chocolate bon bon Crawford, Chocolates, finest le, 3c ic ocolates, nes made, . per | Chocolates, finest m le, 2%e. Ib., at J. Crawford's: 'Ib, at J, Crawford's, | Perf a moment's tion, laid him on the sleigh, and held him speechless until the police station Michael would not he cle.~no--not "What ! Are Foley, of Howe Ig- reply, and Michael couldn't absent himself quick- captured was not of the snowballers, SASKATCHEWAN RESULT. ---------- The Scott Government Has Six- Regina, Sask., Dec. 21.--Latest re- the estimate already government will Thompson, con- servative, has lost his deposit in Salt- 21.--Tyerman, li- beral, has carried Prince Albert county ad missing polls gave him big majori- High Price In Kingston. Local dealers say that turkeys are being held for a higher price in King- To-day they would have been cheaper had the wea- ther been favorable, Saturday's mar- ket is expected to be very large, and poultry should be plentiful, though ar- little late. Farmers on the market to-day, were asking as high as a pound for some of their offerings being small in size and large in price. Generally, bet- made in the ---- Cause Of The Smoke. this forenoon, that people rushed to see what it meant, They found the fire laddiess simply revelling. in fine big . Thomp- san, barber, for kind service: Mr. Thompson also pres ented the police with a box to-dav, with special thanks to Constables Fil- in detecting a fire in his shop last -- One Of Nature's Noblemen. George Swdn, whose remains laid at rest to-day, after service St. Mary's cathedral, was in his mod- est, quiet way one of nature's noble- benevolences of St. but his personal giv- ane interest far out- ranked and outlasted his efforts in the He truly went ------ To Be The Superintendent. Brockville, Ont.. Dec. 21,--The board of governors of the Brockville Gener- al Hospital, have accepted the appli- ieneral Hosvital, for the position of superintendent, her serviee to Tt is likely that Ottawa College will at an early date, arrange to enter Intercollegiate hockey lebgue, and next summer will also seek entrance to the track events. no coffee like! it. same opinion if 40c., at Me- y Me. J. Temmon & Sons sold four of Me- Clary's famous Pandora ranges this created liveli- ness, at noon, and ended humorously, yoiiths bow- carter, and with much alacrity he jumped from the boys, explana- "What's your name ¥' asked Sergt, "Foley," Michael quickly took boy and the youth election in turkey, of smoke fire hall, s recently, test their 80 timely were in he was Montreal begin on a |. Waists A trade chance ? brought us an dssortment of superior Waists at far below their regu- lar worth, and as usual we are happy to share our bargains with you. If you read this announcement you will surely come, and if you come you will buy one or more as Christmas Gifts. You simply will not be able to resist. LADIES' BLACK TAFFETA WAISTS, one of our 'made from a quality of silk that does not to 42. These were purchased for the Chris qualities are most excellent but marked eac pecials, ang Cut, In sizdg 4 tmas trade ang { at Christmyg I LADIES' LOUISENE SILK WAISTS, iu cream. white trimmed with wide Pompadour luee, finished with half-inch tucks, one of %he best wearing silks, as it is «oi and 'will not cut, in sizes 32 to 42, each ... 1.95 LADIES' "LACE COVERED WAISTS, ideal Christmas gifts, handsome we cammot attempt a description, th seen to be appreciated, at... ,. Men's Christmas Gloves FOWNE'S GLOVES, both mocha an Kid, tans and browns, all sizes, a fine special at 1.00 PERRIN'S GLOVES, of finest material throughout, lined with dice Sizes, at | all 1.25, 1.39 and 1.50 PERRIN'S GLOVES, all sizes, very firmly made and' lined ith fine soft fur, at 1.95 and 2.50 Christmas Fascinator Shawls CREAN, SILK, FASCINATOR SHAWLS, now the most noaelties in the American cities, and one of. the Christmas gifts imaginable, very fine "make and size, just a small lot, no chance for more, each $1.25. Stock Collars To-morrow Another lot of those most popular Fancy Stock Collars, which we had rushed through to meet your late Christmas de mands. popular prettiest good large Just 20 dozen, of new designs, tops finished with fine Chiffon Ruching, regular value 50c., special togmorrow w nine o'clock, each 235c. rong, at Christmas Handkerchiefs An unexecelled stock yet awaits you: but the chic claim vour attention is in the prie: just now--and they ly low--made so by a generous purchase we Christmas shoppers. Figures start at a few copy hill to almost any amount. Two extremely choice values at 20c. 'and 25c¢. Men's 'Silk Mufflers MEN'S SILK MUFFLERS, in pretty and exclusive designs, nice and dainty, although a good f each . ) MEN'S UNION SILK' MUFFLERS, in full siz ar designs, each .... MEN'S CASHMERE MUFFLERS, from 25 up to 49 Ladies' Dressing Jackets An extremely useful and much appreciated gift | is a hand some Dressing Jacket. In view of 'this and vour interests 4 ordered one lot, not so very many though, nor he ord be repeated. Catch the poiht ? Some of the pleasing noveltics of the season, a + t combination of blue and white, each $1.75. WE ARE OPEN 'TO-NIGHT Read To-morrow's Store News JOHN LAIDLAW & SON MO For the Boys and Girls ' he Nothing would suit them better, and we hav el kind they wear :-- Boys' Buckskins, sizes 11, 12, 13, 1. 2 .... Soi 158 Boys' Buckskins, sizes 3, 4, 5, 6 .. Boys' Oil Tan Waterproof, - small sizes .................cm Boys' Oil Tan Waterproof, large sizes ..........cooeion : st Boys' Black Waterproof, the Ibest we have .............. o Girls" sizes the same price as Boys . - ------------ THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE - 170 Princess Street, Kingston. A CCASINS 15 dozzn Tie ceived to-da Special 50c. Immense Sale For the last weeks We telegraj three houses more Ties Christmas E.P. Jenkins Clot "Perfect Workn Choicest Materi A combination to b our shoes. Wear "All Military Bootmal 84 Brock St. Sign of MADE-TO0-ORD Persian Lamb Select Your Sk Quality, Style and equalled. McKAY FUR BROCK STRE) REWAR Will be ample if you ventage of the Property offered in the Deecemb tion" now being. distrib SWIFT § MBA RAR INSURAN( B00000000000000 R J. FREE, CON' Estimates given for a Mason Work, Plaste Cement Work of all des 94 Division St. BO000000000000C MUST BE large . variety { fi Heaters, Sheet-Iron Stov and Wood Stoves, Cook Ranges. Also a lot (of Carpets, everything cheaper TURK'S SECOND-HA 3908 PRINCESS ST WANTED. a A GOOD SMART GIRL, ¥ al housework. Apply West at once. A COMPETENT GEN] t.; Good wages pa ired street tb m---- FO LEARN THE King trade, good Ww Avply Kingston Hosic MAN TO CA to sell Calenda have experience by letter to HH. ------------ "ABLE, RELIABLE take home family wa d laundress need a GENTLEMAN TO HA Suits pressed and cleane hand : also bring your an up-to-date suit r Way's, 131 Brock stree ibe ta MEN AND BOYS TO LE) ing 'Trade, pays £5 « pleting course of pract at home or in our sch ates admitted to Unig Plumbers Association, curgd. Coyne Bros. Schools, New York, S Cincinnati, 0. Free ca TEE------ TO-LET. Emma rere iE, DWELLINGS ete, McCann's 7» 51 Brock stre -- BRICK SHOP AND RES 451 Princess street ; Possession immediate Steacy & Steacy. , COMFORTABLE STONE Barrie street, good sit line. with modern imp lately renovated. Occ ng town and will ac till May © Ist. 4 HOUSE TO-L) COLLEGE STREPT, N streat, Stone House, i 10 raoms, stable and acres and suitable | pasture, Possession Apnly. ad Yoiedds Dr Ee r---- Saturday cigar barge cigars, 1 for. We. at Cross Drug Stores Music, cabviped in onk 3 Reid, ,. 86.50, 810.50, $15

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