RY % x at a "and Bn aie Leon Jt Ee at Ell a of land af a home | ai as to : tims a Foon' resic # ' his t pe nt ing ang Teva 3) Bis Act as to residence be satisfied by residence Mpom the a on R, KATENT should at oF the for t WUSL wve y y 5 . Ee y a on OF GANADIAN NURTH. NING REGULATIONS , : at 1: tor acres can 0 220 ca v] or "tthe wate of ten cents : 2.000 Shall be collected Kr free miner's: certificate 1g t in advance of - i dual, and annum for a com- miners 4 A olmim L500x 3 ay 5 00 wes i, other requirements, pur- e 4 "at $1 am acre. vi for the payment of r cent on the sales. claims lly are square ; entry fee $5, renewable go Re obtain two leases to 'E FF DEPOSIT ONE" DOLLAR test the use of one as a MONEY SAVER. LLS & CUNNINGHAM 'Sole Proprietors. . LIABLE SCHOOL. i .. Established in 1883 ., ® Pract) the , individual EE ) hs, CarTor tar a terms and tata: 55 cRAY, WH. P METCALFE, North. : Principal. THE FRONTENAC LOAN & IRVESTMENT SOCIETY. 5 (ESTABLISHED 1863). . President--Sir Richard Cartwright 3 Money on City and Farm Pro- hy pal and County Deben- & Mo! Ss purchased Deposits ~ Trecelved od interest allowed, PF 8. C. ill, Managing Director, 2 : 97 Clarence Street, Kingston. 5 Crests and Headings EMBOSSIN . for Paper and Envelopes | ENGRAVING x... Letter Heads " all classsm of Letter Press from a card to a volume, THE WHIG, Kingston ® ; all guaranteed at Sirachan's Cire com- | The Best Paper "The pest, ace to Fut an advertisement is in paper that enjoys the confidence of | the community. If the editor- ials carry weight the adver- tisements will pay." | CHAS. AUSTIN BATES | This definition by Mr. Bates, the recognized Advertising Authority of the United States, fits The News exactly. The News is the best medium, also i because it is the best value-- * Circulation and Advertising Rates considered. 1 Circulation over 38,000. t {§ ° Advertising Rate 314 cents Flat, i This advertisement is 70 | limes and would cost $2.45 per | lusertion im "The News." | 9 jo Now York Chinese Rastaurant te { OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Meals of ail kinds. / | Dainty Viands prepared Ly an experi- {enved chef tastily served by experienced | Wait resses { Single meals, 205e. 5 meals for $1 Special rates $0. pecwanent boarders: Cotton Root i The only safe effectual monthly i i e on women ean ry Sold in two degrees of wtreneth--Ne. 1, for eames. Sper box: No. Jedi i onge | om ser ger 10 pent ! druggists. ARK ToFC r ton Root Compound ; take no substitute, fie Cook Medicine Co.. Windsor, Ontario. | THISTLES AND DANDRUFF. Tetnty Junta. a | An Interesting Parallel and a ha nists So he ied | Valuable Deduction There- Within one seasna from he date of from. 50 for each five miles. Rental, $16 | : ; for each mile of river 1 Emtting down thistles no mere St the rate of 4 per cent eollect- | yulicves the land of thistles: than does output after It exceeds 400, | seouring the scalp cure dandeufi, In y terior. { each case permanent relief can only of th com: from eradicating permanently the cane, A germ that plows up the scalp in searching for the hair root where it saps the vitality, canses dan druli, falling hair, and bakiness. HH byou kill that germ, youll have no glandrafi 'hut a luxuriant suit of hair, PNawbro's Herpicide is the only hair | preparation in the world that cures dundrufi and falling hair by killing the THE DAILY WHIG, THE SPORT REVIEW! IMPERIAL RUGBY RULES ARE SUGGESTED. So That All British Teams Could Meet on Same Footing-- Palma Trophy Will Likely Be Shot For in Ottawa. The Ottawas will get $2,000 for their trip to Winnipeg. The hockey club of New York, de- feated Yale by 4 to 1. Orillia Racing Association will hold their meeting on January 4th and 5ih. Portage Lake defeated Calumet at Houghton, 4 to 0 in the International al Hockey League, Perrelli threw Delivuk, the Austrian and is now prepared to take Gotch or Jenkins, after which he says, he will tackle Hackenschmidt. McGill expects to have an even bet- ter hockey téam than last year. Com- petition for places is keen, and every- body is working hard, Ottawas will stop of at Fort liam on their way home from . peg to play the locals a game, They have a 3600 guarantee. 4 This is the way the champion This- + of Kenora will line up during the coming season, according to the Rat Portage Miner: Goal, Giroux; point, Browr 0 o over point, Max Brown: rov irifliths; eegtre either Roxy Beaudro or Mactin; right wing, Hoop er: eit wing, Phillips. It is now probable that the. Palma Trophy will be shot for in Ottawa next. year. Colonel Tilton, chairman of the cxecative of the Dominion - Rifle Association, says that all hinges on whether Great Britain will send' a team. The United States have writ- ten and asked if a match could be ar- ranged for Ottawa. President Murphy of the Chicago Na- tional League ball club, speaking of the trade of Outfielder Jimmy Sheck- ard. said: "The New York club offer ed ¥10.000 for Sheckard, but money was pot what the Brooklyns were looking for. They wanted players, and the fact that the Chicago club would give them the best bargain landed the trade." We A Hewitt, secretary of the 0. H. A. has withdrawn notice of his suit for, libel against the editor of the Ri deau Record, Mr. Hewitt took excep tion to statements made in that paper after the annual meeting of the O.H. A.. concerning the Smith's Falls-Marl- bora trouble last winter. Mr. MeKim made ample apology to Mr, Hewitt throuch the columns of his paper, -and Mr. Hewitt is satisfied with the vindi cation. Kid Herman, a Canadian, 'of Jew ivh parentage, whose wight name is Herman Landfield, may he Battling Nelson's next onponent in San Fran cisco, Herman has posted a forfeit of $2,500 to bind a match with the Dane. Ho thinks he is in line for the light- tht championship of the world, and es that when he hooks wp with Battling Nelson the! title will change hands, in St Herman formerly ran a saloon Louis. He is a modest, retiring germ, "Destroy the cause, you re-sort of chap. He is now on the high move the effect.' Sold by leading {road to pueilistic prosperity. druggists. Send Me. in wtamps . for The annual ladies curling honspiol satuple to the Herpicide Coo, Detroit, f will he held in Montreal, February 6th Mich. 6. W. Mahood, special agent. to 9th, 1906, Montreal, Caledonia, fa -- - Thistle and St, Lawrence jes will be ! 25 orafiges 25c. at Rees", W Two valuable cups have heen | { and vitality, SHOE * Slippers Rubbers Caiters Warm, Lined at standing intl thousands of ing drains, n remedy can and will cure you fo hy ure ples, varicoce -------------- seem 0990200 CORO VEE HOLES THERE IS NO BETTER PLACE Than a Christmas | Presents What is better than a pair of This season we are offering extra nice lines lMcDermott's Shoe Store The only FREE HELP FOR MEN :-::": which will positively cure lost manhood is " RESTORIRE,* the marveilous German Remedy discovered by Dr, Jules Kohr. Iti ntrolled in this country by the Dr, Koh Medicine C a concern si has the highest rid. This reatment hazcured ing and old, when th best known . If youare suffering from diseases gans such es lost manhood, exhaust- vous debilit; , pain in the plete i . We make the honest offer of rmonev. Thousands of testimonials. i FIVE day's treatments. This remedy is used in the French and German armies, and Idiers in these countries are models of strength sealed in plain wrapper. Address DR. KOHR MEDICINE CO., P.O. Drawer L, 2341, Montreal. ---- _-- -_ ---------- ® STORE Shoes Overshoes Skating Boots House Boots 0080090060 0NECE9E090NCIH0RN0ERNPe TI - FRIDAY,. DECEMBER 22, Plain Tips, 15c. per box. EE ------ -- offered for competition, and one "will be played for with granites and one with irons. The folowing clubs have entered teams: Brookline, Mass, La chine, Kingston, Utica, N\.Y., Urms- town, Ottawa, Cornwall and Quebec. As well as these, the Heathers of West mount, will be represented, the St. Jawrthte lady curlers, and the, Mont- re adies. Kingston ladies hold the team championship Raving won it last year, ore The Montreal Witness pditorially en dorses the idea tha the Canadian rug- by rules shonld "he "revised so as to approach. the ulagions 'which gov balls and points out ern English that this Ag bh onlyi space in which Canada 'can' midet Australian New Zea- land and Great Beitain'on u common ground. © ki saves Rape option of uniform rales by al Bese would as suredly lead 'to she fofging of another link in that hain whigli though light er than aie Gs stinger than iron in binding the. parts of the empire more closely together. We have in wind, as we pen these lines, ag imperial foot ball union, involving ad imperial foot ball championship. A fanciful idea. no doubt, but one not altogether in apa ble of realization in these dave of im proved and improving travelling faci lities,"" A HUMAN FIREFLY. Electrician Fasses Current Through Own Body. New, York, Dee. 21. Cha I with 200,000 volts of an electric current which vibrated 1,000,000 times as eond, Prof! Earle L.. Ovington. a for mer pupil of "Wizard" sub stituted his own body for the vertical conductor ordinarily used in trapsnit- ting a wireless Madison Square Garden. While he was not en tirelv successful jn sending a complete message through his®hody to"a tant point, his hod¢ failed to mit only one word, Though he charged his own body and the bodies of Ofer persons with hundreds of volts of electrizity. al were sufe, because the vibration of the current was so great, that the human senses were unable to pereeive it message in dis trans "Just us the oye cannot perceive any colors more brilliant than = the violet ~or slower than red, so; the nerves vannot be sensible to the high frequency currents, plained. To prove that charged with ithe professor ex a person might be these "high-frequency currents to an cnormous degree with out experiencing any sensa ever, he turned the dull voltag: machine, "200.000 volts, dant. The later human fireffy, When every light was turned ont i the hall and a on an became insta vacuum lamp was brought in contract with his body the lamp immediately lighted bril liantly as a result of the vlectris waves that were given off by, the body. In the same manner, the atten dant was connected and an electric brush with the other terminal. When the current was turned on in the darkness the violet ravs of fame could he seen darting from the brush into the hody. Prof. = Ovington ent to 3 Had accident decreased 5.000 or 7,000 would permitted the tre pass through his the machine by any the vibration to JW00 volts, instant death have resulted. Nevertheless he let the current wire connection direct lv into five large incandesernt lamps, lighting them brightly. Turning = on the current to its maximum power un. til the perspiration stood out on his brow, though he felt no sensations le held a copper wire in hand, and made an electrical gontact by which the burat away. The copper sizzled and spijticred in the professor's fingers, throwing molten globules fo the floor and yet not hurting the pro- fessor in the least. wire was New Railroad In Ecuador. New York, Dec. 22.- Charles H Moore, formerly of the Erie railway, is making preparations to return to Ecuador, where he will build for the government of that republic: a new railroad, which will run from Ambato, where the trade frome the interior of Ecuador concentrates, to San Antonio which is situated at the head of the navigable part The object of the neg road ix to ob tain an outlet for the valhable pro duets of the large rubber and' himber district on the upper Amazon river The road will cost about "$6,000,000 and American engineers and American material will be used almost exclusive Vr. Cure Kidneys Early. , All serious kidney ills are slight ones in the beginning. Any case of diabetes, Bright's disease, etc, can easily be avoided if the earlier signs of kidney disorder are heeded, Pec Kidney Pills cure all ordinary kidney or bladder troubles and restore these organs to complete vigor and aetivi- ty. In boxes, 25¢. For sale only at Wade's. Drug. Store. Money back if not satisfactory. of the Amazon river, | PURE FOOD INSURES Good HEALTH HAGIC rome PURE FOOD. E.W. GILLET LIMITED YORONTO.ONT. baked PASTRY BISCUIT Beaver Flour Makes light white bread, dainty ng biscuits, retaining all ! properties of the Makes the dantiest best w . luxuries, Pastry and Cakes--so tempting that one bite invites another----yet so wholesome. Go to your grocers and get it) Many a Woman is Taking Headache Powders who ought to be taking Bu-Ju. The kidneys are making the head ache. (hey are not doing their work properly -- not purifying the blood --not ridd- ing the system of poisons. These impurities stagnate the blood--irritate the nerves-- and bring the headaches that $0 many women suffer with, w-Ju THE GENTLE KIDNEY CURE takes away the headaches because they take away the poisons in the kidneys. "They act directly on these vital organs, strengthen and heal, oe the inflammation--and stop the headaches because they remove every trace of Kidney Trouble. At druggists, THe CLAFLIN CHEMICAL Co. LIMITED, Waosom, ONT. = = NEW York. MEN AND WOMEN Tse Big @ for unnaturs discharges, inflanimation: irritations or ulceration of muceus membrane Painless, snd not astréy L gent or joisonors, 4 lea 92.7 Cimular cnt on dwn CATARRN Gun», 200. is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower Henis the ulcers, clears the aie passages, stops droppings in the throat and tmanantly cures Catarrly and Ray Fever. Blower free. All dealers. or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo. CAPILLI FORMA A clean healthy tonic. Guaranteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair, ineasuring one inch per month. Prevents falling and grey hair. Is a positive cure or headaches, neuralgia. dandruff and ~czema. Excellent for momstaches .and other tomsorial purposes. Received the birhest recommendation from the United States Health Reports. Satisfaction wiven or monev refunded One Bottle of this fateous Hair Tor will he given aWay with each cash order for Dressmaking. best city references Manufactured and sold by MME. E. ELDER. 253 Princess Street KINGSTON. --------------r eee be ie. -- en Handsome mahogany parlor. ea nets, enclosed with hent glass and | glasa shelves, "fram ®13.50 to 235. at R. J. Reid's, or Si Sado & Try Myers' for Fine COOKED MEATS. Va IR PTUs, Sis RP Le . oda it hard to decide what to give your friend for a Suitable Christmas Gif: ? 18 FOR MEN we suggest a pair of Slippers, Over. shoes or a pair of Walking Shoes. FOR LADIES---Fine Evening Shoes, Slippers or Skating Shoes. FOR BOYS--Hoeckey Boots, Moccasins or Slip- pers. ? FOR GIRLS--Skating Boots, Moccasins or Slip- pers. : FOR CHILDREN-- Moccasins, Rubber Boots, Slippers, [Store Open Evenings ABERNETHY'S¢ EE ---- RS, FURS We have just a few leit of the Bucharan Lamb Jacl the kind every ady in the country should have on, when she driy miles ty church or to the. city. You can then enjoy /the drive. now yourself there is nothing more healthful than a drive in the fred sp air, and how much more so if vou arc comfortabl: and warm. W hey 20 per cent. off while they last Start From The New Year . Baie apportupity of furnishing your hom no cost I. You have to buy Dey Go & simply a case of utter impoes:ibility 'to get a without them. Why, not Jet us furnish pou with them ? We guarant® to furnish them as cheap as anyone i the 'city Perhaps 10 you loovk your bills over a end of the year, vou will find that you have saved more than if trading at any other store in Rings or Toronto his eat is only: one of 500 dific ¢ articles we give away for our Cash Coupons Wishing you the compliments of thanks for the season, © ma the year's patronage, CRUMLEY BROS. THE WORMWITH & C0. ~.. PIANOS .. Are . fave comm who strun the thr every " WORMW They 1 s'ret Wormwith & Co., Kingston, Ont. SEE THE pecial Bargains We are offering for the CHRISTMAS SEASON in our very complete and well-assorted stock of Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Fine Furs, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. A good chance to secure your Chrisrmas Presents at greatly reduced prices: L. Abramson, the Up-Town Clothier 336 PRINCESS STREET. mp MEDICAL. CARTHY, OFFICE L DR, Me by Dr. Ryan, Corn treal and Frock streets. AM QIWSON, PHYS ne. WILLY etc. Late Residen Surgeon, Kingston Ceneral al. Ofice--232 King street, Bank of Montreal. Phone, a------------ MONEY AND BUSINE BE a RE ERPOOL. LONDON AND ven! Iasurance DARY » assets $61,187,315. Ia ad Le Wg security 1 all the ® . FP t lowes property lndureg or) we sew busin met rates frou m offers. lxmmin: a ores Em; ot Square ARC: NEWLANDS, pin! Sous, over Mah corner Princess a streets. Enterance on Bag Telephone 608, ee ee ee R ELLIS ARCHITE Rl of New Drill Hall. wer of Queen and Montreal er een pe -------- 'R & SON ARCHITEC POWER 4 Bank Building, con and Wellington "streets, <P) CNRY P. SMITH, ARC JERRY Anchor Building, Souare. 'Phone. EOW. J. B. PE Requests the supp all Lovers of Fair F his campaign for r tion to the Legislatix sembly. 10 THE MUNICIPAL ELECT THE CITY OF KINGSTON : I HAVE RECEIVED aF tions signed by over five hundr fellow citizens asking me to date for the Mayoralty for 190 log that such a unique expr public sentiment cannot be di have decided to be a cand espectiully solicit your support J. McDONALD MO Kingston, Dec. Gth, 1905. -- ee -- 70 THE ELECTORS OI on :--Having served for five Ive years in the City Council a now honored by many re accept nomination for the May beg to announce myself a canc election in the hope that th Kenerally, crediting me wit flort to evade mone of the ol and to discharge faithfully all of an alderman, will be willi Wr we to the Council as 1906. FRANCIS E ST. LAWRENCE WARE HAVING BEEN REQUESTE Rumber of friends. to represent the Council, for 1906; 1 resect der my services, and request y aud influence GEORGE ZIEG ------ ONTARIO WARD. TO THE ELECTORS :(--I R) Your votes and influence if you services as Alderman would be 10 the City W. F. NIC FRONTENAC WARD TO THE ELECTORS :--1 W State that in my service of you years in the council, I shirke sonsibility and at all times " Nn the best. interests of F Ward and of the city. On this in Wlline to be judged. as I « re Your vote and influence to one Uf vour representatives ity ¢ 1 for 1906. JOSEPH TAIT CATARAQUI WARD aL THE ELECTORS :(--AS Sidate Alderman, at the re any our number, I appea Ny and hopefally for your DENNIS J. MIL --_-- RIDEAU WARD. AND .. GENTLE) Ctiully solicit wour Or my return as one representatives, for Faithfully Yours, FRANK J. H VICTORIA WARD. tn? THE ELECTORS :i--I RF ¥ solicit inf tect in Me as one nthe council of 1906. 8: HARKN L smammw Covered R pate Rink Office will 11th, for the sale and Lockers, 4 be of Tickets of Dex Skating Friday be Bang bm on ¥. Thurs €venings, from 8 p.m. tu uesday evening, 8 p.w 'ay afternoon, 8 p.m., Prot n Ticket is the bes Boy or that You can possibly g SEASON TICKET RAT 8 single Tntlemay'y . Children "hildrey ( under 12 'years nder {6 Nash's News D Clarence Street, Oppos Cab Stand Removed from B. A. Hotel ALL THE LATEST M mINES AND PAPE 490.