Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Dec 1905, p. 3

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JT IN TWO FOR THIS WEEK will sacrifice the bal 1 timas Stock, encluding Fhony s, Ehony Mirrors iP es LL Cases, ate NE-HALF REGULAR PRICES v much 'less than the goods cost. wu require anv article that we va stock, vou will nity this is y choice t LE at 1e Best Drug Store L. T. BEST, Chemist and Optician Princess Street. "Phone 59 AVE YOU "RETURN RESENT 0 MAKE ? We have some good ings left that will make cellent NEW YEAR'S IFTS. Come in and ok over the lot, we pro- ise you a good assort- eat and all at cut prices is week. Everthing in the way of [oliday Goods must go. jothing will be carried Ver. COATS What about a Coat for at little girl > We: have ome good ones on hand hat will be sold at exactly [ALF PRICE. All the ewest style garments ought this fall Blankets, Jomforters, Etc, 1l reduced in price for this veek. \EWMAN & SHAW : : ki 0006000000000 00000000 JUST GOAL Prompt delivery JAMES SWIFT & CO. 135 9900009000900 00PVVOVIVT t 066000000 is better the! . when used in_ the Sunlight Soap Sunlight soap soaps, but is best Sunlight way. Buy and follow directions. wfgather-is-idecensed) of any person who is THEWDAILY - WHIG, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, OFFICE. LATEL) pr. Ryan, Corner Mon: jrock streets. QINSON, PHYSICIAN, PR WILLIAM Tete Resident House Reon, Coston General Hospit: by treal end B Surgeol. | au King _steeet, opposit Sak of Montreal. 'Phoge. ==--oNEY AND BUSINESS. mm NDON AND GLOBE qYEEP ge Cempany; Available moss $61187315. Ih SIGNS ton which the PO imitea labill ity the ine stockholders. in operty insured at low . we oh Betore renewing old. or wiving hit business met rates from Strang & Strange, Agents. eee POLICIES COVER MORE OM buildings and centents than any oth any offers, Examine them at in "fnsurance Emperium, Mark -- er ---------- eT SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WES) HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS numbered section of Domin fou Laads in Manitoba 'or the North west Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, nol eserved, may be homesteaded upon by any \ is the sole head of a family Any even person who of pre male over 18 years of age; to the extent of one-quarter section, of 16t more or less. . har ¢ v juay be niade =personalty at the Joeal land office for the district in Which the land to be taken is sivuated, or if the pomesteader desires, he may. on applica HOPF FOR COMIC] UNFORESEEN INCIDENT NFAY CLEAR CALEB POWERS, | Accused Appeals to Ehler to Dis- | close the Real Slayer of Gov- Goebe. Meets Wieh Some Re- sponse. Bakerf Id, Cal., Dec. 23.- Charles E, Fhler, now inthe county hospital suf fering from a wound said to be self inflicted, to-day, told Superintendent Buckrens, of the hospital, that he had information as to the killing of Gov- A few days ago Powers wrote from Kentucky to Ehler saying : '1 see hy a press despatch that you may be an important witness in the Goebel case. | For six years 1 have lain in prison, and three times I have been sentenced to death for a crime of which | as innocent as the angels around the throne. 1f you have any mformation | that will throw light on the death of Governor Goebel, then for God's sake {declare yoursell and aid in proving | my innocence." {| Ehler said that he could give testi {mony that might save the life of ( Powers, but that he would not declare room for more. Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas are different from any other || cracker. Nothing heavy or doughy about them but so light and crisp that they are trans parent. Mooney's biscuits will be a regular dish on your table if you will try them. am tion to the Minisver of the Interior, Ottawe, the Commissioner of lmmigra- tion, Winnip or- the local agent for the district in Wnich the land is situate receive authority for. some one to mak: y for him. SEOMESTEAD DUTIES : A settler whe bas been granted an entry for a howe stead is required to perform the con ditions connected therewith under one we following plans : (1) At least six months residence upo: pd cultivation of the land in each yea) during the term of tnree years. *(3) If the father (or |-other- if the a howestead' entry uu der the provisions of this Act, resides ppon a farm in the , vicinity of the land mtered for by such person as a home stead, the requirements of this Act as tc fesidence prior to obtaining patent ma) be satisfied by = ach person residing with be father or r.other. (8) It the settler has his permanent residence upon farming laud owned by bi in the vicinity of ms homestead, the requirements of this Act as to residence way be satisfied by residence upom the said land . APPLICATION FOR PATENT shoulu be made at the end eof three years, he fore the Local Agent, Sub-Agemt or the Homestead lmspector. Before making application for patent the settler wust give six moaths' notice I writing to the Coniinisstoner of Do mipion Lands at Ottawa, of kis intestive ta do so, SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NOT WEST MINING REGUUATIONSR Coal.--Coal lands may be purchased at $10 per acre for .soft coal amd $20 for anthracite. Not more tham 320 acres can be acquired by one individual or com- | pany. Hoyalty at the rate ol ten cenis oF Ln ul 2.000 pounds shall be culleciweu bu the gross output. Quartz.--A free miner's certificate is granted upon payment tn . advance of $7.50 per annum ' for am individual, and from $50 to $100 per annum for a cou eligible to make pany according to capital. free miner, haviug discovered mineral Ia place, way locate a claim 1 500» 1,500 feet The we for recording a claim 1s $5, Atleest $100 must be expended on the tial each year or paid to the winiog re Corder in lieu thereof. When $500 has ben expended or d, the locator may moa having a'survey nade, and upon fomplying vith other; requirements, pur- ease the land fit $1 an acre. The ent provides for the payment of Splalty of 24 per cent on the suice LAC ER mining claims generally are 160 feet square ; entry fee $5, renewable 2 free miner may obtain two leases to redge for cold of five miles each for a eri of twenty years, renewable at the Bacreiion of Minister of the Interior. lessee . Wor § have a dredge in oper Jon with eason from the date of e lease for each five mtles. Rental, $10 Per annum for each mile of river lensed. loyalty at the rate of 24 per cent collect- : ™ on the output after it exceeds $10,000 W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior vert Unauthorized publication of this vertisenient will not be paid for. Home Savings Banks Say "Mooney's', to your grocer. "TORONTO NEWS" himself fully would im- "because it | plicate others." \ MRS. TAYLOR'S GIFT. Offers to Pay Half of City Hos- pital's Debt. NY... Dw 26.--Mrs. Taylor, who has pre larg toward the sup and endowment of the City hes notifed the trustecs that make that institution a Christmas present of a sum*of money | equal to half its standing indebted | ness, providing that others would give 1 amount. There the hospital an indebted: 500, and the amount which to give is" 86,750. In | amount raised by others warly this amount Mrs. jor will make up the remainder. Watertown, Emma Flower viously giver port pital, 1 has would an is outstand equ my age she proposes reach Teachers Wanted Fay Chicago-Havana Through Service. "General swimmer, has taken action formally prohibiting has been radically modified. trip has been called off, owing to its guarantee 'THE SPORT REVIEW. Notes on the Sports of the Season. ; » Marvin Hart will be O'Brien's next Wpponent, Kiernan, the Australian is dead. An Italian motor "eyelist rode sixty- two miles in less than an hour, The Ogdensburg, N.Y., city council champion the playing of football until the game Columbia University hockey club's inability to get dates. Too large a was wanted, although Queen's had agreed to "cough up." ernor William Goebel, of Kentucky, | The match, however, would scarcely which, he alleges," would clear Caleb | have been of much interest. . comes with eating Powers, formerly secretary of state "Chaucer" Elliott was at home for a . for Kentucky,*now under sentence of | Christmas. He has had a busy time and each square of crisp de- | | death for complicity in the killing of | since he went refereeing in the pro- lici seems but to make Goebel. fessional league, but he has the ca- pacity to make a success of it. "They play a strenuous game,' he said, "but there is no fault. to he found with fast and' hard checking. I'm making them cut out the foul play| and they'll all Jike it better before they get through, A writer in a Lepdon paper advises Fanglish rugby players 16 study la- crosse methods earefully, says they will find mueh in the \ national geme worth eration. He aseribes the success of the New Zealanders to the similarity of their play to la emphasizing particularly (he necessity of "backing up." The New Zealand styler sof keeping the ball among themselves hy sh quick passes_is the same ag in good lafrosse, he says, An Ottawa foothaller who played in first-class company in Canada for over a decade, and who has seen rughy played many times in England during the past twenty years, is of the opin ion that the old. country scrimmage is as much offside a8 is buf Canadian, the Ottawa Journal. In fact he asserts that the only differences in the games are in the method of lin ing un the forwards and the manner in which the rules are interpreted and enforeed. In Eiighand. the officials are competent and thoroughly conversant with the game. They rule strictly and the plavers therefore have to conform to the rules or leave themselves open to be blacklisted. The Ottawa Journal that the impression has gone abroad that the Stanley cup holders will be weak this vear, but the knowing ones who have and Canadian | serigus consid a great deal of CrOsSe, savs says Advertisements bring results Chicago, .JU,, Die. 26=~The ney oy through service between Chicago and in the "News." No magic | Havana which the 1llinois Central about it, si | railroad has arranged' will be inau- abe " , Simply Rate of rated to-day. At three ofclock this circulation. The News cir- afternoon, a train de luxe, composed culation is over 38,000, [of a buffet, a library, a dining car, a 'tion, drawing room pingscars, but no opens reaching 2,475 of the 3,528 Pullman, and observation sles Post Offices in Ontario daily. { sedinary coaches, will start from here. 1t will arrive at the whari at New Orleans at éxactly the same time to Teacher Wanted adver- morrow afternoon. In order to mak tisements in the "News" | this fas! run only a fi w stops will be made, Or second stage ol the cost one cent a word, mini: journey the electric lighted, twin-screw, mum _ charge 10 cents. nineteen-knot goeun liner Peineg Act ur. has been chartered. An hours after School Boards meed go no the arrival of the train the steamer further. will 'start and will arrive. .in Ha vana on. Friday morning, at sunrise. | The Prince Arthur has ommoda z Me. ,----a { tions for 183 lirst class jy flower-cabin, aft and also ste A Man The return trin begins "at - wana on Saturday afternoon, at Who Drinks Hard |i. cook and will be completed here. on the following day needs " Bu-Ju" if he wants to | ep iy health, _ Beer, whisky, | ATtiSt Honored By Enipruse. § ew York, Dee. 20 ubert Vos, the wine--all alcoholic beverages-- portrait painter, who has just re irritate the kidneys. Painin the | {ued from China, where he went at back, headaches, brick dust de- | the. summons of the Empress Dowager ; posits in the urine--prove that | to paint her portrait, has not" only | the kidneys are seriously in. |" ived 100,000 jor the masterly painting, but was also made a Knight flamed. Command of the Double Dragon, and Mandarin of the of a empire the sec : ond class, He was also appointed roy- - al painter of the Chinese court and, as a speeial mark of favor was given per mission to paint for himseli. a picture of her majesty, which had framed Tor she THE GENTLE KIDNEY PILL strengthens and invigorates the THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO. LIMITED WINDSOR, ONT. Christmas In Heaven. 5S: Wells Syracuse if the little ones went away this veare s loving Stinas ch we celebr DEPOSIT ONE DOLLAR test the use of MONEY SAVER. MILLS & CUNNINGHAM Sole Proprietors. an one as a r | has | Of each | ALL { For something good to cherish memory of Him the . | Who drank for us the cup of woe, qualities | + sins filled to the brim ? of & {0 niust be better for » ( stimas time to spend Baby's | tn dear Saviour's paradise Own i pleasures never end Wh music from the angel choir, 5 every s CAPILL] F R and annoy A "EK And ther babes, the speechless ones, he Oo I 1 A K bn « en a 1 nes, healthy tonic. GuardWtéed to ing Davy | Thit went without a word uXuriant growth of hair -- {To learn" th speech of Paradise inth per jlonth. Prevents | pit mothers never heard hair. Js a positive cure | .4 B b f they cannot tell neuralgia, dandruft dq a Ss and their Lord for moustaches and | | g of the Christmas time rposes. Received the | Own S ; kes the tender chord endation from the United | ocap | ansuage of the heart en orts, Satisfaction | Pure 3 tongue unded. i » refu i earth ht dlessly Ottle of this famous Hair Tonic Fragrant, Cleansing rr hist < are rung cmon aWay with each cash order Nao eet Fon: dei aii ember ---- Manutaern L0€. best city references. "heat Yor Selicate skiug : MNE "21d and sold by like KINGSTON sy, TiNGSTON FT Wow York Chinese Restaurant Princess St. OFEN DAY AND NIGHT 1 Kinds. + ds Prepared Ly astily served by an experio Clarence Street, Opposite Re Cab Stand Moved from B. A. Hotel ALL THE LATEST MAGA Tro AND PAPERS E. ELDER. 253 Princess §'reet Nash's News Depot. Albert Toilet Soap Co. Mis. They motions convenkons ? make | Washington Ti . "It cures bronchitis, Gibsgp's Rex Svrup; Ae { | { { Why are deaf and dumb. peopl i | 1 | ¢ rics Cough who ean induce him to pro is one Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New 'Carriages, Cutters, Harness, ete ; for sale. | guarantee Sale of Horses Eyery Saturday TEACHER OF CHINA PAINTING | Ask to see. it. WATER-COLORS AND OILS, nw calation ki Materials for China Your jeweler sells FI. & A. S. Chains. ' a wended tf stand | Send for the Il. & A. S. Chain Book. I Umipted China for | B * Brophy, 59 Wellington gH, & A. SAUNDERS, King & John Sts, Toronto greets «~ ° oe him. While painting the picture of | 1 : the empress dowage she « y | kidneys, heals the inflammation, th np } flow TW r, sh Lh ! bing in clears the-urine, and takes away jIrOnt OI his _stidio in Tekin, twelve the pain beautiful Chinese lanterns, on one side "Bu-ju' is mot a cure for the |"! which was written © artist's drink habit, but *' Bu-Ju" does | aM on the other, The Great rotect the steady drinker against | Painter From the East, who has come kidney disease. to Paint the Empress Dowager's Port All druggists have BuJu" or will |" The Ins Tons were. in' Chin characters, e anterns were re get them for you. do th artict. A bachelor's idea of a'clever woman PE CS ' Your Jeweler has framed in his store a copy of the given by the 'makers of H. @ A. S. | gold-filled Watch Chains. watched the men at practice--during | the last two weeks hold quite a differ | ent opinion. While the defection of | Billy Gilmour and Frank McGee is a serious loss to the team on accomnt of their individnal brilliancy, still the locals are looking forward to baving a better combination than ever on the DOWN IN GANANOQUE CANDIDATES FOR THE TOWN COUNCIL. Three Contesting For Mayoralty -- More Rowdyism on- the Streets--Gananoque Rifle As- socintion Annunl Meeting. ee, 26.-The follow for mmicipal honors have ified their intentions of con- tinuing "in the contest by filing their qualification in accordance with the statut Gananogue, ing candidates For mayor Sheppard, W, J. Wil son and W. N. Rogers. For counci'lors--John Kee, William McKenzie, William Hill, James Done- van, W. Y. Boyd, James Dempster, James McCammon, M.D, M, McPag- land »ad R. MeBroom.: For school trustees--Freeman © Brit- ton, Frederick J. Skinner, W, B. Car voll, Frederick Arthur and A. H, Ma- bee, L.D.S. Popular opinion says that this will be one' of the keenest contests. ever seen in Gananogue's municipal existence At the Manhood League meeting in the parlors of Grace church, Sunday morning, Frank. Wright opened up the topic, "The Birthday of Christianity," in an able manner. The discussion | was brisk, among those taking part being Rev. William Timberlake, J. WV 1 Yule, Hurd. The annual business mecting of the | Cananogue Rife Association will be held on Wednesday evening, The elec tion of officers and pressntation of medals and prizes will take place. The | Christmas tre entertainment at | Pethel church, Mayor Sheppard and C. A Christmas tree entertainment in Ebenezetf - church, Gananoque circuit, was held on Friday evening and was well attended. At Maple Grove last Friday evening a very successful Christmas tree and entertainment was held, Rev. Joseph Cornell, pastor of Gananoque, EF. circuit, presided. A" crowe attended. More rowdyism on the main stroct of Gananoque took place late Friday afternoon. (A real chewing match, in which ome man hat his hand arge young terribly lacerated by the teeth, The pmoenced of each cow separately, the : : 3 4 mann who was chewed was arrested iy being weighed regularly; In 1904 leading druggists, Sond bil ide and placed in the lock-up, while the gwenty cows were kept (on the same stamps for sample 10.1 Ww Fe ether is stil at Hborty. land which, when. purchased. in 1881 Co... Detroit, Mich. 1. W. Mahood, George W. Close spent Christmas in would not decently keep nice cows), special agent. 3 Napanee; Mr. and Mrs, J. Arthur apd the averag roduction per cow h 5 Jackson in Perth. B, . Couples, who | \wae----251 at Pie in- C. : H. POW EL L for some time has been assistant 10' cregues of 123 pounds per: cow can be . » W. Edwards, has returned to his home in Kingston. The remains of Grace Flizabethi Pennell, daughter of W.' Pennell, were, on the 22nd, taken to Napanee for interment. The case against George Cenge, for violation cof the licerse law in sling line. The defenee ix practically intaet, * | and the opposing forwards will find liquor to a drunken man, was pot it dificiilt to penetrate the goal, Pre poned till the 26th. coy ident George Murphy and his ex W. J, Allen, Sydenham strect, is seutive are confident that the club will ¥rending Christmas in Bowmanville, | | rotmin its. position at the head of the With his brothers, = Archie and Adam, hockey procession. neither of whom he has seen for the : past twinity years. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wilson, Pesronto, are spending iicws From Lombardy. Christmas with Mrs. Wilson's nr Lom Dec. 200-0. 1. Williams and' Nr: Thomas: Marge, Stone WHO di un seriously All jor the pasy ' | iew weeks, 18 convalescent, Misses Lu { Miss BR. A. Harrison. is spending |éy and rina Cauley and Miss Annie' ¢pictmas. with her sister, Mrs. J. W. poovlier, twachers, are spending We NocCplpin, Brockville. Mr. and Mrs. uiitistmas hohdays at thor homes William Hazel are spending Christmas of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dooher. An- in Prockville, Miss Gavin is sponding | The remedy is too valuable for you other price for spelling between ile ¢ hristmas in alrsioen | ne to overlook. In boxes, 25¢c. Sold only : "Three Swallows."' second and third classes was won |y | Misses Annie and Maud Moulton are |'at Wade's Drug Store. Money baek if Sir John Power and Son's '"Thres little %Miss Erna Hoize. Mr. Ligouri visiting in Mallorvtown. Mr. and | not satisfactory. Swallows" Irish Whiskey, famous for and Michael Dermady of Wagprtown, Mrs. Ozie Ledger are spending their ---------- er 8 centurv. Of highest. standard N.Y.. arc home to spend the Christ- | holidays in Ballycanoe." Charles 'Beid Ur. Bf CC. Barston wad chosen fron of purity. Distillers to His Majesty mas holidays with their parents, also ™ bh shending 4 hrisiinas 8 4h his out of 320 applicants for the post of the King, Miss Eva Dermady of Famworth came ny in Kingston, Mrs. Baddey end | yonmist of Leeds parish church. ------------ home for the holidays. J. Ernest ¥ dlevans, Alexandria : "AY, NY, 19 hough but thirty-one yoars of age, he The man who claims that he always Dooher, came home on Saturday from ' 8r¢ Sending : hristma ith . fn is a prolific composer, as well as ace | desires to do the greatest good to Lanark, where he has been engaged | rents, Mr. an rs. Bethuel De Wolfe, complished executant. the greatest number may consider the for the past season at Lanark cheese | es---- oe re---- "Can yau find a cough" that Gib: | great-st number to be number 'one. factory Clinton Williams returned son's Red Cr Cough Syrup cannot Have no equal as a prompt and {from Garden River on Friday last, Piles 14 Years cure. We ean't; nositive cure for sick 'headache, bil- | owing to the illness of his brother, Whiskey may be a deadly drink, but | iousne 8, constipation, pain in the J.B. Williams. Miss Nellis ale water is responsible for more cases of 1 #ide, and all liver troubles. Carter's 8 spol w the week in Smith's 8 \ yphoid feve ittle Liver Pills. 4 Or 3h iors Terrible Case Cured Paihlessly ¥/'0id fever Little J or Pilly uy rn The young ladick of the Roman Cath With Only One Treatment of = - - ~ - pi olic 'church spent last Friday in de Pyramid Pile Cure. ' corating the church for special services on Monday, December 26th, Rev. Fath : : 3 . Kelly Smith's Falls, and Rev. Fa- Free Package in Plain Wrapper R ther Crowley of Trevelyan, assisted Mailed to Everyone . kf Rev. Father Hanley, with special -Who Writes. | 4 Christmas services at Lombardy on . Hl Wedavaloy ! iiss Lily favior xe "1 have been a terrible sufierer of | irnec rom ens ' . i : te avs. tte attomling the Nor § [52% fob fourier (14) Svar, and dur 0 mchocl. Miss Anne Dunn came home ing all this time you ean have an idea ae n ' tee Porth. where she of how many kinds of medicine | tried. il' on Thursduy from Ortho Shere 41 But | found no relief whatever. [felt ; has been attending ep oO Rl ie there must be something that conld Mr. and Mrs Fijwar " { ak ay cure me without having to undergo an family went To oli Vio ye 14 operation which might kill me. pr hn Me 0 Moves | ENG ar" vag ut i a ame, ridaay, OC P ' y i 'Prr i : 5 ion dav at Lombardy. »Candi- ment : ol ae Priamide, 5 am fren, . ny Woodd Blaachatd 1 » tell all sufferers of this dread- dates for re ar ws, Bla "1iul disease to try this medicine the and Nibl¢ and for councillors: Pyramid Pile Cure. It will eure when Booher, Camphel Bass, Covell. Mise all others fail. Sincerely yours, George va Bvee came home on Sandav: alter § peapeigh, Schellburg, Pa." spending the week with friends in Anyone suffeving from the terrible Smith's Falls torture, burning and itching of piles, eee w li get instant relief from the treat U.S. Flour Supplants Canadian. | ment we send out free, at our own ex Ottawa. Dec. 26.--Alex. MacLean, re- | Pens in plain sealed package, to ov. porting from Tokio to the trade and | ¢'yone sending name and address, . commerce department, states that the Surgical opcration for piles js sui importations from Canada into Japan ol 10 cruel, unnecessary and rarely a H for the present year up to the end of prmanent sugeess. Here you can' got September, amounted to but 835,118, y treatment that is quick,» easy to ap- ax' compared With ST1065. for the | ply aud inexpenuive, wud {rec from the corresponding period: of last vear. his | publ city and humiliation you suffer is due to the fact that fairly good by de ctor examination. . American. flour dante chonght more Pyramid Pile Cure is made in the cheaply than Canadian. form of 1 SBS to use | suppositories, 3 The coming of a care i= felt the mo- Si ment vou bezin to use it, and your Pelgfum's Heir Apparent. wnliering ends, Brussels, Dee. 26.-The Chamber of Send vour name and address at once Deities, by a vote of cighty-two to | ta Py amid Drag Co., 9536 Pyramid thirty-one, passed the bill making the | Bi ilding, Marshall, Mich., and get, bv annual grant of $40,000 to Prince Al-' pr turn mail, the treatment we will bert of Flanders, the heir apparent to send you free, in plain, sealed wrap the Belgian throne. During the de- | poy bate there were violent anti-royalist After seving for yourself what it can' republic. * et pb mee rosh seidlite powders, in tin box, Red Drug Store, Gibson's Crows here, Miss Maua Poppelwell, teacher © jth Mrs. Hazel's parents, in Dese at Lombardy, leit on eriday for ber pinto, nome in Perth, for the Christmas va- Mr. and Mrs, R. Orser, King street, cation. Before leaving Miss Loppel ter spending Christmas at Amelias well 'was presented with a handsome yrs A: RN. Farmer, of the H, 8S manicure set by the pupils. It was pre staff, is snending his holidays at his sented by Misses Marie Dooher and home in Arnprior., os tlossic laylor, on behalf of the pu Misx Annie Ramsay. daughter of Mr, pris: of the schools, A prize of Long- | and Mrs A. Ramsay, Stone street, tellow's poems was given for the best aft r soending some months in Roches spelling betwen the fourth and fifth | ter and P v, has returned home classes and was won by Miss Helena, ! Mr. and Mre. R. Orser, South stre the clover little ten year-old daughter | are spending Christmas with his sist sveeches and ories of "Long live the « do, you ean Sydenham - street. Frank Burleigh is : leigh, in Gouvernour, NY. s---- Dominion Department of Agricul- Friday, was a success. ' enlture the importance testing associations. i . . 3 ~ \ : ganized in September, 1905. ( anadian farmers need to take progress is poxsitile ' cons are tepted, ansville, tion. ¢ giviag an average of only 131 pounds of butter, and furnish themselves with scales and The largest and finest assortment of Candy in the city. GANONG'S High Grade G. B. Chocolates, in fancy boxes, second to none. - Come and see them. . : : : (PPR isiting her brother, Garfield Bur- TIONS. COW TESTING. on Customers. ture Willing to Encourage It. A special' despatch Department of Agri a circular urging establishing cow The Dominion has issued of new ves Fy tp "Mugs, shaving brushes In Michigan an association was or- use thereof. this matter up shall be usell for each person. ously. what suhstangial whe individual a farmer near Cow Que., furnishes - an illistra 1806 fifteen cows were kot juickly and se As an instance of pled on a towel. Powder In In" 1900 tests wero com- A. J. REES, Princess St. Ton Of Sweetness .:. BOSTON'S BARBER REGULA- Board of Health Orders Steriliva- tion of All That Barbers Use from Boston, May 5th, 1900, to the New York Sun, Q regulationssof the Boston Board of Health as to barber shops : andi razors shall be sterilized after each separate < A separate, clean towel Mator- ial to stop the flow of blood shall be vad only in powdered form, and ap- pulls are prohibited." Wherever Newbro's "Her picide" is used for face or scalp after shaving or hair cutting, there is no danger of infection, as it is antiseptic, and kills the dandruff germ. 'Sold bw attuined -on many other farms. tu somp illustration testing under 'nken in 1901 and 1905 by the Domin ion Department of Agriculture it was shown that very poor returns are re HAUNTED BY WITCHES. wived from amy cows; therefore, the urgent need of cow tesling associa i tions ie apparent, Practical bulletins | Hope Young Will Be Placed in whle and will on the subject are av be sont free to any applicant. Where any twenty patrons of a fae tory will agree to weigh the milk from on threo days during the through the milking period, Asylum. now lyin cach cow & month preme court and sample hottles, ecsting about two t9 thrve dollars complete, the minister of agriculture anneunces © that the test ing will be dope free of cost to the patr ms As the department is anxious to assist farmer: in organi ring, J. A. Ruddick, dairy commis- gioner, Ottawa, will be glad to hear from any farmer or factory owner in any community relative to this mat ter, and: will arrange for meetings "to discuss the question. wrecked the stove, man and had to hold n i her doing hersell injury. was haunted by Colds Cured In A Night. Wade's Cold Care Tablets are laxa- tive in their action. They stimulate the. secretions, regulate the circulation and so reinforce vitality as to enable you to cure colds in twelve hours, death! Sherill stops Swith to secure her will removal to provincial insane asylum of Halifax. CARPENTER AND JOBBER 103 Raglan Street: Rulilax, Dee. 26~Hope Young.eon-' victed of the murder of May Ward, and in Digby jail awaiting a new trial, recently ordered by the su- became violently insane, ore she could be seeu 4 broken+the glass of the window in her cell, smashed the scanty furniture and Jailer Hutchinson had trouble some nights ago with the unfortunate her to prevent woe In her raving she declared that she witches, who were trying to murder her, but said that she had succeeded in hanging them all, exéept Marié Ward. The last named is the mother of the dead child for whose murder; Hope Young was sentenced to probably take the , package 'of Pyramid Pile Cure receipt of price, we will mail ton ourselves if he should not have dt, at got a reaular, full size from any druggist at 50 ceuts each, or, on i wwme has given up his rank and an income of $1,000,000 a year COUNT FRAN CIS ERBACH, A young German nobleman coming from a distinguished family, marry Anna Schule, the pretty daughter of a washer woman, « to

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