ORITY AOR" | ea iS unquestionable. IT RE TEA 25¢., 30c., 40c., 50c. and €0c. per Ib. WARD, ST. LOUIS, 1904. Vear Store BI B BY'S to Clothe You inter ! ur Men's, Boys' or Chiic- or in our Haberdashery or ust we shall have the plea- r you are ready. Boys' Suits Boys' Reefers Boys' Overcoats Boys Sweaters Boys' Caps ts at $12.50. r Suits at $10 and $12. at 75¢., $1 and $1.25. BIBBY CO. Wear Store THE INFANT DIED | The Mother and Daughter Were Badly Bunc » Ik { Mi A I avenue ont arm man w tral de ret i mother, and the | York on | , hope that Bowk about v hon Cunard line, it steamer 's ker, telling h such condition the vovage. Th from the stean were buneosd on" all tel, in the redempti tickets and otherwise their way to tion and while we the infant died of ma How She Toile 1 worl CRISIS OF GIRLHOOD jo A TIME OF PAIN AND PERIL 'e 'e Hays that Lydia EB Life and Made Her Well lives of beautiful young n sacrificed just as they into womanhood ! How arities or displacements developed at this important Iting in years of suffering ! old-fashioned for her family and its branche at Hales > a few The nd of the in was great- ly enhanced by a visit from the carol : cathedral gathering Ey a number of the i mily coming home to join » had twenty-two about her hospitable board %esterday, and young and grown-up had a very bright Christmas feast together. »- - about f Miss Emma Co a it Girls' modesty and oversensitiveness zzle their mothers and baffle se they withhold their fidence at this critical period. A mother should come to her child's aid and remember that Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound will at this time prepare the system. for the coming change and start the mentrual period in a young girl's life without pain or the age of little about its wonders. guests numbered about thirty. " - Arthur Cunningham was Miss Emma Cleo Tullahoma, Tenn., Dear Mrs Pinkham :-- "1 want to tell er tame a ter health than I have for itall to Lydia E. Pinkham's Whe fourteen yours of age I suffered al- , and for two or three s I had ne and painin my side, hes and was dizgy and nervous, and doctors all failed to help me. Newman and w slic, was Tose, and spe nd a Fri va ed wha are to ri for 1 fe your on will do as much for them." If you know of any young girl who is sick and needs motherly advice ask her to write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., and she will receive free advice which will put her on the right road toastrong, healthy and happy womanhood. ing a few Se at "the Boyd are home for Miss Elizabeth Word spent the FASHION'S FORM. Pajamas For the Boarding-School 2, Wilmot and wife - : a week's holidays + was up from Ot v Year's with his people * . . . boarding school girl to pajama suit of fine . Brock has had with her taken ill with appendicitis The Kennebec Council. . ' Vanderburgh has +. reached | the wall, and mad daughters | and moc + couneyl being elect and and Rich Bea Me oii i, in, It is reported that the Walkem leaves for in the five : overal cake \ on knifted two pars of i es had painted a pictur i: earn Your m ¥.? nd woman. 7 gol gt rom my ui he replied 'Oh o was no hard work al ! woman smile a ! i wasn't 1! You husband ! te High class candy. McCon eo oo Huvler's, only at Gibsons TN Drag Store. last | cor : in Victoria hall, for the Sunday sc hoo | Oil comp A Clirtonas tree K Have It In The H House. here' iy nothing else vou can have the benefit of Mr. - . Jt will enable you to ronto and to-mo various "aches and pains | her home in Winnipeg. "Miss MeEwon, Windsor, i University avenue, the guest of Shire, Sontgining over 1,000 vent last friends | cau husband and chil ren years of age Chris tmas goec otings 1 the picture is the Slo, "of the New York, on the congress Siding the continental hlet was tal a tion of that fact a ury building. fei Church hoe Associa 1 mayop and sherifis » and there was an im- improved in health. place you can buy McCon- Gibson's Red Cross Drug Mrs. William Ball, a week, . * . . Brockville, this afternoon, Miss Lizzie Connell, to Mr people, M from Peterboro. are with dren, from Peterboro. Mr. Stanley Craig was Christmas, * . - with them for the from Ottawa. = -. * - daughter of Col fairly s seven Yesterday. . .- The ei Minnie > thé late Mr Switzer, of ( thur B. McGill, of Lindsay. A Chie No police court to-day. Abbey tore skatihe was good. Victoria Terrace. Montreal in the Church of the Good Monday ening the contest for reeve. ary 7th 1 A Princess street shoe merchant said | today. that | the largest done in six years, "had there been uld never have (he continued <leighing we © the business." On the st | opinion. exory awould Le ele | 1 heartiest supnott the type of mayor that \ oo . | A GOOD OLD SPORT. Herbert Kirkpatrick has been in This Year. popular sport this winter, Mose | there is lots of snow. Last vear the was | fad was rekived and gained many new. news | friends, who went in for tion with the enthusiasm of novelty. The supply of shoes in a very in | time became exhansted. Some |b wl served as decorations vears were taken Many vou 1s yesterday, and now 'a heavy fall of Snow shoving is a moonlight night an | with Kingston by steamboat is now ent off, the Aletha having made 3 last trip on December 20th. vied about sixty passengers, fifty head of cattle for A. Maguire. Last vear she made her last tri Decentber 10th, and on the was crossing onthe ice, have all arrived home. friends of G. ert and Christmas tree children. of St. Alban's Jelleville; Ont. Dee. 26. for | Pippen. one of Belleville's Stl 3% citizens, dropped dead at 19 South Both father and mother : i v monthsold baby, burned to death in le. with | New York, have been arrested. and bright |'baby. the son of Fr formd in the Kitchen, ok wos police helicve carelesaness tragedy. THE PALLY WHIG, TUESDAY, 2 : Sarnia, is visit ing the Misses Meck, Alfred street, for Miss Agnes Staples went down sent at the "wedding of her cousin, Mrs. L. 1} Best has a housviul of Us father and Melndoo, of California, and Mr, sister, Mrs. MacFarlane, and her chil Miss Hannah Keyes, leaves to-night, for New York, to stay with ha phew, Dr. William Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Kidd, Rarcie Dr..W. E. and Mrs. | . cago. and Dr. J. 8. and Mes A bit of Christmas news ed and interested hosts of friends e was the word that flashed amo her friends, last night, of the ment of Miss Gladys Drury, ned A 1 and Mrs. to Mr. Aikens, of Halifax. congratulations will go out from here, : . 40 a The record has been broken, to say.' (me enthusiastic collector of postal cards received fifty- ment is announced of Miss r, eldest daughter of Switzer and Mrs, lingwood, to Mr. riage_wiil take place on January 24th, The marriage of Miss Naomi Ti ple. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, to Mr. James Edward McMullen, take place on Wednesday, 3rd, at St. Stephen's church. The announcement is made of marriage of Mr. Frank MeBride, T ronte, to Miss Gravee Ballou, cago, to take place December 27th in INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. B. W. Folger has returned from his business trip to Fort William. Arthur Routley, Toronto, town over Christmas, at his home. James Gordon, of the Toronto Den tal college, is home for the i Salt cures sick headache. fresh at Gibson's Red Cross The Kingston rink was opened yes: terday and was thronged all day." F. J, Geoghegan returned this after noon to North Bay, after i Christmas at his home here. F. L. O'Gorman. Scranton, home for a week with his 'mother, Mrs John Givens, Centre sang" in fine voice "The Holy ning. The. Wolfe Island council elected by aedamation. It that Thomas Fawcett maw retire from | The offices of the hich court, tv court. and surrogate court at the court house, will close during . [ho lidave at noon, daily, until urdav's business was toslav, the gel I was that I ' mayor by a joritv. "He is _being accorde ervw here . the people recognizing him Show-Shoeing is to be Revived ! Snow -shocing promises to be m ho to fill wr use, | ople received showshoes * Lhody in « sport, and is especially enjoy Stella Statements Stella, Dee. 26. --Our communication | There were Wilson were fe hear of "his accident 'las: week working in his storehouse breaking his leg below the knee. church, Emerald, H. Brown has Christmas | chased H Findlay's farm, move to it in the spring. Sanders and+ Mrs. Sanders, Ohio, are here to spend the winter, 8S. Lake jor | Allen is here renewing old-~ acquaint h ance after 'an absence of twenty-six eears. We will have no election this vear, ear council being elected by acclamation. W. H. has purthased a for- | "eV covernd cutter, A Belleville Man Drops Dead. Samuel 4 cht. Heart disease of death. He was about 1S AFRAID OF CHINA BECOMING ~ STRONGLY OoP- POSED TO FOREIGNERS. ' Dissolution is Predicted--Revolu- tionary Spirit Directed Against Manchu Dynasty--Japan to Raise the Mikasa. Tokio, Dec. 26.~<The admiralty an- nounces that it expects to float the battleship Mikasa, the flagship of Ad miral Togo, vhich was sunk by an ex plosion at Sascbo shortly after the close of the war, to-morrow. The new battleship Tsukaba will probably be launched about the same time. Preliminary arrangements have Leen made for the opening of the diet. The opening session will probably be held next Saturday. While the extraordinary honors Le- stowed on 'Baron Komura, the special Japanese plenipotentiary for the nego- tiation of the new convention in _re gard to Manchuria, by the Chinese court and friendly attitude of the "Pekin government, are appreciated here, there i$ growing anxiety that the Chinese are again becoming strong Iv opposed to all foreigners, including even the Japanese. The Kokumin, in an article on this subject, predicts the dissolution of the Chinese empire should a second Boxer outbreak oc eur The strike of the Chinese studentsygs | still unsettled and the revolutionary spirit at Pekin appears to be on the | increase. It is directed © against the Manchu dynasty. CHINA'S TURN TO LAUGH. Mr. Balfour Gets Right to Wear Blue Coat. Nyon New York, Dec. 25.~The London correspondent of the Sun cables : The ! king has awarded unique honors to two of the chief men of the outgoing ministry. The Marquis of Lansdowne i the Royal Victorian chain of hest $lass. The Royal Victorian was instituted by Queen Vie { toria in 1896, "It is practically res btricted to the royal family and its connections abroad, but was conferred upon the late Archbishon of Canter- bury on the occasion of the corona | tion of King Edward. The only other non-roval holders of the decoration are the Dukes of Argyll and Fife and | Lord Curzon. Mr. Balfour's strange sounding hon- or of the Windsor uniform is a much coveted distinction. Tt consists of a double-breasted blue coat with a t collar and cufis and Wattons bearing the royal crown. It is worn only at Windgor Castle. The wearers are limited to the roval family, the royal household and a few privileged persons, sear A SOMNAMBULIST HORSE. Walks Into an Excavation and Blocks Traffic. New York, Dee. 26.-The Journal \ publishes the following : James is, of No. 370 Pacilid street, Brooklyn, has long suspected that his faithful old horse occasionally sleeps while he | drives dim. Yesterday he secured con vinecing proof when the animal walk od into a large excavation between the surface "gear tracks at Third avenue { and Eighty sith street Otis himseli was asleep or he might have prevented the accident, which blocked traflic for about an hour and nearly cost thé horse's life, for the hole was {filled with live electric wires The police reserves were called (to keep back the crowd that watched the un injured hor being hoisted out of the excavation CARBOLIC ACID AND ALCOHOL Frank Kuhn, Williamsburg, Pois- oned in Detroit. Detyoit, Dee" 26.-- Frank Kuhn, who save he comes from Williamshurg, Ont., was found on the street by 'a policeman, night, under the in fluence of carhbolic acid and alcohol, He was hurried to the Emergency hos pital. His frst explanation was that he toc the acid with suicidal intent, beca a young woman, whom he cams re to see, had jilted him. Later he denied this and claimed he had taken it by mistake, supposing it to be gough medicine His mouth was severely burned, bot he will recover Students In Riqgt New York, Dec. 26.--The remarkable spectacle of an entire college student n rebellion resulted at Col + the faculty's refusal to fr umbia { permit football and * other intercol legiate competitions, More than 1,200 students. gathered in one body, hissed President Nicholas Murray Butler { hooted members of the faculty and half-masted the university flag Fanperos William's adptant, Lieut Gen. von Plissen, met the Japanese prisoners of war, passing through Germany from Russia, with choco lates and cigarofies, and for the offi cers bouquets of chrysanthemums. 725% men and fifty-eight of It is estimated that the United States administration is about to ex tend it< anti-trust campaign, and the report is current that the Standard any is one of the corpora tions that. will figure ih the develop ments soon to appear. ' It is announced hy CC. M. Hays that a section of the Grand Trunk Pacific between the Touchwood Hills, the v end of Macdonald & MeMil lan's contract, and Edmonton, will be placed under contract within sixty days. Judge Walker has resigned the chaiy manship of the Winnipeg polue com urission on account of a difference of opinion regardifig dealing with vice, 'PHONE FOR A CAB: WHEN NEEDING A CAB Phone 480, Clarence Street Cab Stand, and you will get a prompt answer. woeste FOR SALE. PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS and Sewing Machines, new and second hand, all iL, Sheap at 114 Gore 4 street. Joseph Geo! oe ' » DECEMBER 26. BOVRIL is a great thing for cold days -- nourishing and strengthening while it cheers and comforts. A cup of BOVRIL will ward off All the flavor, essence, nutriment and all that's food in prime beef is con- centrated in BOVRIL. MELCHERS {A EE WW {VIS oN NASI YE] : Ah hh Holiday BARGAINS GIRLS' WINTER SKIRTS---Lengths 24 to 31, in Oxford and seli-trimmed with tabs, buttons, raised seams and stitching, raglan pries $2.25. This week lor..l.oninni, - GIRLS' WINTER COATS Sizes fro 8 to 16 Navy, Oxford and Dark Fawn: to $7.50. This week choice for $a. 50 WOMEN'S BLACK SATTEEN WRAPPERS: Nicely trimmed with frills of same. and some with narrow white braid and stitching; $1.50 and $1.75. This week choice for....... _-- FLANNELETTE AND PRINT WRAPPERS $1.00 to $1.25 Wrappers for........ BE Rs $1 35 to $1. NG Wrappers for........co.. fein SPENCE'S, The Leadi $80 sa NN a ae - HOLIDAY SPECIALS pesmi She articular at Ky years; in Fane Bay of Quinte Railway line for' Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all local leave City Hall Depot at 8:25 p.m. Wi | CONWAY, Agent B. G. Ry., . Q 5.5. COMPANY BERMUDA Reached in 48 hours Tour by the new Twin WEST AR pee TET BRTT RETA REY ssasshssssnsasaninil and Mantle Store. . EE N, Sec'y., Quehsc, Agents, Pr, GILD LEBYV ALLAN LINE Er eens ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS, Children's Chairs, JAMES REID, SECOND-HAND STOVES = HEATING AND COOK We have about twenty of these. Jan. 18, Mons, Jan 15. BOSTON TO GLASGOW. HALIFAX TO LONDON AND HAVRE. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat G,; Limited, STR. "ALETHA" Leaves Kingston daily sxcept Sunilsy at 8 pum. for Pictoa snd in Bay of Quinte Ports . Fall information from Js P: Hagley, J, Gilderslesys, Jase They have all been put through our repair shop;-and are guaranteed in good order and perfect workers. .Money back if not! "x 5 HORORY. Tratle -- satisfactory. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street, Kingston. COAL That Is the kind we ¢ kind you should burs if you wast A satisfaction fire, winter supplies. Have you ordered yours yet ? 'Phone. Noy 188, S000 000000000000000000 eee For Immediate Shipment THE CANADA METAL CO. Toronto, Ont C0030 0000000000000 0 000000 PIG LEAD 000 000 SBC 0000H0000000 a : . FINANCE AND INSURANCE ow, while prices low, is the time to your coal bin with guality SCRANTON G.A. BATEMAN Insurance Broker ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR. ANCE AT LOWEST RATES District Agent Sun Life Assur- ance Company of Canada. '89 Clarence Street, Kingston For Real Estate or Insurance Consult with GRO. CLIFF before buying os" 65 Clarence Street. If You Want a Home Or Insurance, have a George Zeigler, 57 Brock Street. "HOTEL FOR oe A First-Class Hotel reasons for selling, For particulars apply ta T. J. LOCKHART, Real Estate Agent 159 Wellington Street PPR 00 OCONOODOOOVORO0A