Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Dec 1905, p. 6

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EEE 2 TL he ablizations LAWRENCE WARD. a oRGE ZIEGLER. 2% hi in the Xi ONTARIO WARD. VOTES AND INFLUENCE OF are Surdial Ee w. ¥. NICKLE. ONTENAC WARD. nD INFLUIN CE oF WLW, SANDS. id =X wisH TO shirked no re times tried to ty. On this record your influe elect. 1 "of your a vo to oe council ior 1906. E SATAR AI WARD, EAT WARD. - AND GENTLEMEN :--As epportunities for * serv- ible for me to see you oo. coor solicited to elect o As pune of your representatives, for RIDEAU WARD. GENTLEMEN -- City Couneil pas and now being hon- many requests to accept nomi- , and as it is impossible served you in the there uw ak my service would be of to the interest of the City, 1 vote and influence m. Tetum, ours Respectfully, 'JAMES JOHNSTON. RIDEAU WARD. GENTLEMEN :--1 aithiolly X ons. 900. Tepresentatives and BS, OF VICTORIA Dated Navember 30th, 1905 vote and influence an, for the year A Respectfully, Wie eee pasty, 'There's a man behind the capital, | The man behind the gun, The man behind the enterprise, The man behind the son. Though all-important they may be, ; 1 quit them and return 3 To her who cheers my home for me -- -y The wife behind the urn. : What though the frenzied financiers ° Do tear each other down ; { leave my struggles, cares and fears Behind me in the town. Tor splendors and the gauds of pride 111 never, never yearn, No other gilt can rank beside The wife behind the urn. Che wind may shake the window-pane And boofle in the flue ; Jat roof can shed the driving rails, Our love sheds trouble, too. #ih CHASE & SANBORN'S coffee, dest, True comfort 40 we learn; [ pledge you in its fragrant cheer -- The wife behind the urn. ator IK S cial "Ryrie" Sour generous Ww at: ch DENNIS J. MILLAN. RIDEAU WARD. A GENTLEMEN :--1 solicit your vote and influ- Yours Respectfully, This 15-jewel "' Ryrie" movement is fully guar- anteed and good enough for a solid gold covering. Bat we have widened its An ing mankind" by offering it for just $15.00 in a 25- year gold filled case-- ladies' or men's size Diamond Hall's recent enlargement means ine creased values to cus- tomers. : RYRIE BROS. wie] | MITE Dee 134-138 YONGE ST. TORONTO «- ONT. NOTICE. POSES. JOHN WHITFRREAD, Secretary. R J. FREE, CONTRACTOR Estimates given for all kinds of Mason Work, Plastering and Cement Work of all descr 94 Division St. 'Phone 402 Insurance and Real Estate. Eight Companies at Lowest Ratesy Money to Loan on Real Estate. + Try Myers' for Fine COOKED MEATS. 'Jare expected at the. old home for the THE KINGSTON AND PEMBROKE: fa Railway Company will. apply | te the Li = RpsrroT. Parliament of Canada at 8 next ses © | sion for an Act extending the time With in which . it may construct 7 tid Branch Eine of Railway from Sharbot Lake to Carleton Place, which it has been auth. orized to construct, and for other pur- B00D0-0000OVTOTOOVFOOP GARDINER"S 151 Wellington Street. a rs wes £0 9 Eye OF NEIGHBORS WHAT Wil EORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US, The Tidings From Vaious Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing Aid What They Are Saying. > Petworth Pointers. Petworth, Dec. 26.--George Lakins and family have arrived from the North-West to stay the winter with friends, Mrs. James Lambwin has re turned from visiting her parents, The Free Methodists are holding a revival meeting. at Petworth. Mr. and Mrs. John Schaufi visited 1. German's last Sabbath. Allen German and his sister Laura have gone 'on a visit at Hast. ings, Oak Leaf Occurrences. Oak Leaf, Dec. 23. The annual Sun day school entertainment of Trinity church was held on Wednesday night. Services was held on Christmas meorn- ing at 8:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Green and daughter are spending a few days with relatives at Bathy Mary Sheldon . is holidaying at Elgin. Mr. and. Mrs. William Taylor attended the Methodist Christmas entertainment at Harlem on the 22nd, Thomas Whaley Jina been re-engaged as school teach: Miss Caroline Boyd, Lyndhurst, is nding her, holidays at her sister's, Mrs, Ogle Johnson's. The cheese fac- tory . has closed for this season. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mur phy on the llth inst, a son. Good Cattle Scarce. Ida Hill, Dee: 23. Farmers ar busily engaged cutting their winter's supply of wood and several have piled up large quantities of the shores of the Rideau. The apple buyers have finished their labors in this vicinity. Several city butchers passed through the village last week and report good cattle scarce, Tha rhease factories are still running with a decreased supply of milk. Mr. Carson, a Cataraqui blacksmith, has rented J." Kelly's house and shop and is working up a good trade in horseshoeing and gen eral job work. Some of our poultry raisers attended the fair at Lyndhurst last week, and realized fancy prices. Robert Shannon purchased a valuable horse last week. Walter Toner had finished his job on the Washburn road. Thomas Knapp, Elgin, is visit ing at R. Robinson's. ------ Point Petre Tidings. Point Petre, Dee. 5.-- The lighthous has just closed for another winter, this being its seventy-second year of lighting and being one of the latest seasons for it to keep open. Mr. and Mrs, G 3 Hicks returned from Syra- cuse, N.Y., where they have been vis- Rims teions for the past five weeks, Burly Rossean and family and Carmen Metcalfe and "wife spent Sundav at Capt. James FHudgin's. Miss Deven- port, school teacher for the past year, leaving and it seems hard work to get another to take her place, It was a very bad night for the Christmas tree entertainment, but it made very little difference for the church was crowd:d and everyone was very much pleased with the programme. The proceeds at the door amounted to $24.40, Wo can thank Mr. Tripp for it being such an fuccess, Northbrook Notes. Northbrook, Dee, 18.--Miss Dougan, Kaladar, spent Saturday and Sunday at Mes, M. Pressley's, A sleigh load of young people from the house, includ ingr Miss Pressley, Miss Neshitt, Miss Haight and Henry Pressley, accom panied her home for thesdrive. Master David Lloyd and consin, Ruth Lloyd, spent this past week at Harlowe, vise iting relatives, Myr. and Mrs, Cassada spent Saturday at Tweed, Miss Daisy Shier entertained a number of young people Friday evening. An enjovable 'lime was spent by a few voung people at Mrs, P ley's last Tuesday éven ing. Games and music were indulged in. Mr. Hiller, Harlowe,; made a flving trip to the Brook, Saturday, James Pressley went to Tweed, Monday, to meet relatives from Michigan. Mrs Campbell and little daughter, Ottawa, Christmas festivities, School will close December 20th. Miss Abbot spent Thursday with friends at the "Brook." Mrs. Deline and were at the village Witurday evening. Miss Bick, Cloyne, Sharpton Affairs. Sharpton, Dee. 26.-- Municipal poli tice and local option are now being disenssed on every side. Patrons re ceived 81.08 per ewt. for milk supplied the cheese factory since November 1st. Mr. Sharpe is quite improved. in health, Miss Pansy Bell is attending high wol in Montreal. Mr. Hanley is¥ prepa to build a stable under neath his barn. F. W. Bell's little boy, who was ill, is now better. Al bert Babeock has moved from across the lake to the farm which D. Bab ork vacated. Live stock of all kinds is wintering remarkably well, This, in great measure, is owing to the plentiful d fodder. School meet ing ix hillad to take place, Wednesday, An interesting time is promised. (i, MeGowan has. built a new horse <table T. Somerville, who has finished his studies and become a veterinary surgeon, has bezun prac tising in (dessa. Miss English, who closed school after a very successful term, is visiting her parents in Duf- ferin. Pleasing Entertainments. hale ston, Dec. 25.--Master Johnnie It Quiets the Cough This is aie reason why Ayers Cherry $0 Vv tion. It stops the nas a tear of _THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 26. Ward, aie Ml, is bétter, A many attended the Sunday. school ~~ concert at Oak Leal, on Wednesday evening and were much pleased with the entertainment. Mrs, J. Gibson, Buffalo, accompanied by her cousin, Mrs. R. Hartnet, is spend- ing the Christmas holidays under the parental roof after an. absence of three years. Mr. and Mre, GG, Burns, Ogdens- burg, Mr. and Mrs. W. Amell and children, Cardinal, and W. Foster, are spending the "Christinas holidays 1 apn friends here. Mr. and Mrs. A. | W. Johnson and family are spending | Christmas at H, Johnson's, Delta, The entertainment given at Glenmorris school house on Thursday evening, by their popular teacher, Miss Gladys Johnson, was a decided success in every, way. The programme consisted of songs, recitations and dialogues, intersphrsed by choruses by the school. Miss Johnson" made a very pleasing address and at the close of the en- tertainment was presented hy the pu- pils with a very handsome china lamp. The teacher prédented the pu- pls with books, popcorn and candy. Miss Johnson is engaged to teach the school for the year 1906, Despite the very disagreeable weather a large crowd assembled at Charleston school on Friday evening at an entertain ment given by Miss Fthel Rabb, who has taught our school for the past two years. The entertainment "was a decided suceess. The school house was so decorated as to present an elegant appearance, Mottos, evergreens; flags and bunting were in profusion. Music was furnished by Miss Bertha Slack and M. J. Kavanagh. The" Misses Gainsford's coronettsolos were Toudk) applauded. The remaindér of the pro- gramme consisted - of somgs, 'vecita- tions and dialogiies; ~interspersed by the school. A 'wand drill.by sis' pupils was very much appreciated, as was al- teacher presented each of the pupils with tokens of remembrance and the tree presented a chdrming Appear- ance. The pupils in turn presented their teacher with a clock. The en tainment vlosed with the national #n- them, We dre very sorrv to lose pur teacher and the good wishes of a host of friends follow her. -- Death At Strathéona. Strathcona, Pec, 23.-Oue of. the saddest of deaths oocurred here," Sun: day evening, December 17h, when Mrs. EL Rook died after about two weeks' illness. She has loan ailing for some time, yet no one: thought her in a serious condition until she was stricken down. She was a social lead er, the life and brightness of all s» ial gatherings, and a tealy beautiful character. Mrs. Rook was about for ty-four years of age. Her maiden name was Agnes Jenkins. She came to this country from Armagh, Ire land, a sister and jbrother coming t» Canada before her. Peside her sor rowing husband, she leaves a hoy ten vears of age. Her brother died about Scott, of Natural Dam, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Scott came over but were too late. The funeral service was conduct ed at the house, © Tuesday, by her pastor, Rev. Mr. Mears, of Newhurgh. All sympathize with Mr. Rook in his loss, His wife will ba greatly missed in this vicinity, The public library has been fitted LEAVE 30 7060 MIN Il Home Needlework is a magazine ry lady should take. Issue times a year, 96 pages at AM gaged) BIRR 153 (er: Vo 8 15 cents. Corticelli 9ills Co.Ltd, St. Johns, Q. so a tableaux, "Rock 'of Ages." "Thel' Write jor. s: NAPANEE PERSONALS. ~Lhristmas day was bright and beautiful, so dificrent from was quietly observed in the homes a reunion of friends ¢ Scarcely a home in town but welcomed two years ago, and a sister, Mrs. R. | Max Fox,, Mill street it hard to decide what to give your friend for up very nicely with tables, chairs and for several days, is improving. Mrs. | B. Rose is quite ill. Mrs. Alf. Knight | and oMiss Fthel Asselstine spent Tues day with Mrs. Lott. James Madigan Mink's Bridge. Mrs. W. Haycock =pent a few days laft week with Mrs George Hayeock, who was seriously A Cheese Gathering. 19th, the proprietors of Pine Hill cheese factory, James Martin, James maker H. Greatrix, gave a most en lovable oyster supper to the patrons, their wives and friends. About 160 tory, the long table being occupied five times, After all had been. served, his usual satisfactory manner, and called on several for short addresses. Prof. Robinson, city, was present and gave an interesting and instructive ad dress on the care of milk at heme, and advoeated, in strong language, that cheesemakers did not receive mufficient remuneration for their services Among those who spoke were J. Weir, A. Hutton, A. Martin, J. Martin, C. W. Trotter, J. Greenlee, W. J, Frank- dn, H. Greatrix and Reeve McFarlane. Everyone spoke in the sterling integ- rity and manliness of H. Greatrix, cheesamaker, who has given such sat- isfactory service during the last two seasons. Before the gathering dis persed, votes of thanks were tendered to those who gave the supper, in wheh J. Martin, J. Greenlee, and W. J. Franklin, the popular proprietors, were highly praised. All agreed that it 'was the most successful cheese meeting ever held in Pine Hill factory. femmes Cure Kidneys Early. All serious kidney ills are slight ones in the beginning. Any case of diabetes, Bright's disease, etc., can easily be avoided if the earlier' signs of kidney disorder are heeded. Peck's Kidney Pills cure all ordinary kidney or bladder troubles and restore these organs to complete vigor and activi- ty. In boxes, 25¢c. For sale only at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not satisfactory. Did Not Marry, Must Pay. Wilmington, Del., Dec. 26.--The an- nual dinner of the International Nine, an organization of young wen, formed two yéars ago, will be given this ev; ening at the Clayton House and Frank D. Horick, one of the members, will pay for the spread. Every vear one of get married within the year. Ii he should fail to get married, it becomes his duty to pay for the annual dinner. Last vear Heérick was chosen, and as must pay for the dinner. Since the useless Sougtioe: But it does more os Sou Soutiols th is the infidmmation.d quiets the feve: eals. our doctor tt out it, a i od do as he my 'We have we secrets! a ah Saveal Mons! club was formed none of the members uh become married. Six parishes are vacant in Montreal diocese, a Suitable Holiday Gif: ? lights, also the leading magazines | and newspapers. Mrs. Haycock, ill {John street. to spent Christmas FOR MEN we suggest a pair of Slippers, shoes or a pair of. Walking Shoes. FOR LADIES --Fine Evening Shoes, Slippers or Skating Shoes: FOR BOYS--H hat purchased the Pybus property at 1h 3 | ockey Boots, Moccasins or Slip- | Cushendall, Dec. 23. ---On December | | FOR GIRLS--Skating Boots, Moccasins or Slip- Greenlee, William Franklin and Checse- | FOR CHILDREN-- Moccasins, enjoyed their hospitality. Supper was | served in a large room over the fac Open Evenings ABERNETHY'S VVVVWA VVVVVVWVVINNND Useful Articles CARVING SETS Yom + 50c. up to pro. A large assortment of KNIVES AND FORKS from 70C up to $15 per dozen. RAZORS, goc. up to $5 each. the men adjourned to a separate room, | where a business meeting was held. | James Gordon occupied the chair in | Portland Council. was introduced hy other. wire fences erected on. leading y a majority of this council. Bissell Carpet Sweepers. 'STRANSKY' CELEBRATED AGATEWARE Fancy Tea and Coffee Pots. "ARGENTINE" SILVER TEA & COFFEE POTS. .. ELLIOTT BROS 77 Princess Street. To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- . Druggists refund money if it fails i. Grove's signature is on iin, oldest clergyman in the south "of England, di viear of Lymington for fifty-two've and attended to his ministerial duties in a tho HSS nd has ep TPPLPODY PPPLLOPY PEEP id SHANNON FILES & CABINETS § Transfer Cases. Card Index Outfits. - Special 'Patient's Record" Cards for Doctors and Dentists. Typewriter Ribbons and Carbon Papers. J.B. C. DOBBS & €0., 171 Wellington St. Typewriters for sale, to rent, repaired. The other 999 pre fer re: al' ones. | "Ozone," Its Best Form. The prompt and permanent removal internal germs is most surely the tad oxygen 'is in the most concentrated form : addition is given free fifty cent or the one dolar size of the Solution a sougion good for a twenty. the nine members is chosen by lot to! This IRE tonic faite is. needed he failed to marry within the vearibe to obtain the best results in the use Ont. x Eoonte] exclns oh = Sution of Ozone 2 HOCKEY 8001 We have some of the best my Hockey Books this season. The Lightning Hitch Men's Box Kip and Horse Hide and $3 Boys' Box Kip and Mule SI and $2.25 OTHER GOOD MAK Men's Horse Hide, $2 and $2.50 Men's Pebble and Box Call, $1. 2. Boys' Horse Hide and Colt, $1 $2 Ankle Supports, 25c. Hi, JENNINGS, King Price of Land $25 per Until January 1st, 190 The Cuban Realty Co.'s Land i eastern end of Cuba where the virgin and fertile, well drained a Watered The Cuba Railroad passes ( through th, y--Bartle, th site ation on ti with t express office lished. Transportation facilities portant factors. Hotel 8 now available to settle arri Nursery is and culture of Where an inve tablished for t wz trees, plants or or group inte I arrange for s our purchase The Cuba Realty LIMITED. J. 0. HUTTON, AGENT. 254 Bagot Street, Kingst -- Snow, Beautiful Si Is sure to come, and nov the time to have your C ters and Sleighs reney and fixed up. He ure : send them to IAS. LATUR! The Carriage Maker, : Princess Street, where ey detail will be attended -- 4 'Hone Guarant We guarantee OUR milk to Sue ITELY pure; put up in & tes. It is the best. Try i Kingston, Milk D "Cor. Brock and Bagot 'Phone se7. Plumbing and i Hea Hot Water Heat a Specialty, wi ection of work invited." E li be cheerfully given, iid none but the best plun untee you first- class worky' DAVID HA «Brock Street. "Phone 3 EMBOSSING for Paper and En ENGRAVING & Gar Priatiay, MI classes pf Lett WK card to wm volum THE WHIG, Ki

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