Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Dec 1905, p. 7

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eautifull Or. sample St.John, PQ. + give your friend for of Slippers, Over- r Shoes. g Shoes, Slippers or Moccasins or Slip- Moccasins or Slip- ns, Rubber Boots, nings THY'S VLU VVVVVVDVALANYS : 3 rticles ) $10. AND FORKS from 70C Sweepers. ) AGATEWARE in A & COFFEE POTS BROS 'Phone 35. popd PEPPTITE & CABINETS Cards for Doctors rbon Papers. 1 Wellington St. ent, repaired. ' $33 $$ $5$99€ PEPPERS P THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26. 1 WAY Sunlight Soap is better than | other soaps. but is bast when used in the Sunlight way (follow directions). Hard rubbinz and boiliny ares things of the Jou | in homes where Sunlight Soap is used as directed. Sunlight Sezp will not injure even the daintiest fabric or the hands, and the clothes will be | | perfectly white, weolens soft and fluffy. The reascn fer thisis because Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure, contains no injurious chem'cals -- indeed, nothing but the active, <leansing, dirt-removing proper- for of soap that is nothing but 5c. 5c. YOUR Money RETUNDED by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap If you find any cause for complaint, 16; LEVER BROTHLRS LMITED, TORONTO Buy it and follow directions HICKEY BOOTS We have of the best makes of Hockey Booss this season. The Lightning Hitch some Men's Box Kip and Horse Hide, $2.5 and $8. Boys' Box Kip and Mule Skin, $2 and $2.25 OTHER GOOD MAKES Men's Horse Hide, $2 and $2.50. Men's Pebble and Box Calf, $1.50 and 2 Horse Hide and Colt, $1.50 and Boys' Ankle Supports, 25c. i, JENNINGS, King St, Milled ta « morlel mill for w.odel Canadian housercives, The Good Cook's Pride. Beaver Flour never fails--never disappoints. It makes the white, light, delicious bread and pastry that model' Canadian housewives delight to serve, Beaver Flour is a blend of MAinud ring Shen and It contains all the uutriment of one, and the delicate flavor of the other, Unequalled for all kinds of family baking. At your Grocer's. Price of Land $25 per Acre Until January 1st, 1906. The Cuban Realty Co.'s Land is in the eastern end of Cuba, where the soil is virgin and fertile, well drained and well Watered The Cuba' Railroad passes directly through the property--Bartle, the town Site, heing a regular station on the line with tel and express office estab- lished. Transportation facilities are very im- portant faetc Hotel accommodation Is now avai to settlers arriving. A Nursery is |» established for the care and culture of v , plants, etc. Where an invest nd Hhuv Ine largely we will ar such per sons to meet one of our purchasers who has thoroushly investigated oar proper tin pers We invite all who are in terested 0 Properties to call at our office a got information regarding or Jands. [i vou live out of town write for Prospectus, Mgps, Charts, ete The Cuba Realty Co. LIMITED. J. 0. HUTTON, AGENT. 254 Bagot Street, Kingston -- Snow, Beautiful Snow Is sure to come, and now is the time to have your Cut- ters and Sleighs renewed and fixed up. send them to IAS. LATURNEY The Carriage Maker, 390 Princess Street, where every detail will be attended to, An 'Honest Guarantee guarantee OUR milk to be AB- Sore 'LY pure; put up in sterilized thes. It is the best. Try it. Kingston Milk Depot y Be sure you Plumbing ana Heating Hot Water Heating a Specialty, wp ection « tw ii pe ht ork invited." Estimates ully given. 1 Roi none but the best plumbers and hee you first-class worky' DAVID HALL «Brock Street. 'Phone 335. EMBOSSING os for Paper and Envelopes ENGRAVING oe, Cards and Letter Heads The Celebrated English Cocoa. EPPS'S An admirable food, with all its natural qualities intact. This excellent Cocoa main- tains the system in robust health, ani enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. COCOA The Most Nutritious and Economical. St. Agnes' School "Elmpool," Belleville Thorough e« Music, Art Culturer. Highly fied specialists in all depa urses in FKang- Physical quali rtments arge new addition now ready for 'orty more hoarders may be use received Por perosnectus ply to MISS F. BE. CARROLL; Lady Principal NO MISTAKE Is made when you decide on entering for a Business training in the FROMeRAC ~~ Cor. Barrie and Clergy Sts. Ask any of the business or profession- al men who have our graduates, or any of our well-pleased students as to the superiority of our methods of training. A PRACTICAL SCHOOL Modern equipment ; ompetent teach- ers ; moderate rates. * Day and Evening Classes T. N. STOCKDALE, Principal. 'hone, 680. 3 Students May Enter Any Time Fall Term Sept. 5th ; Kingston Business Gollege LIMITED Head of Queen St,. Kingston - - Ont A MODERN, PERMANENT, RE- LIABLE SCHOOL. .. Established in 1883 ., Practical, complete, thorough, individual instruction given in all e.mmercial sub O° LL Opét throughout the whole year, rite, call telephone for terms and cata- logu 'B. McEAY, H. F METCALFE, Presiceot. Principal. HOOTOOTCOOO00OTIOV00VO08 THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED 1863). President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City and Farm Pro- erties. Municipal tures. Mortgages purchased received and intere¥t allowed, S. C. McGill, Managing Director, Office, 97 Clarence Street; Kingston, Deposits, aud County Deben- | publishes the been 1 1 on its own initiative, fort of training, o Ie not X 1 i 1 "erow" what he is the roosters crow at THIS DOG CAN CROW LEARNS IT "FROM ROOSTER FRIEND. On His Own Initiative This Fox- hound Stretches §Hijuselfi on His Back and Emits a Lusty Clarion - Call--His Sole Ac- complishment, New York, Dec. 23.--The Journal have trained. to, do marvellous things n various ways, but the most re- narkable trick ever done by a dog is without And he is property of following : Dogs any a Daviess 1 Sam Ra dog, the v of Gatewood. The dog crows like ouniy a rooster, It is a case of his accidentally having nade a noise that sounded something ike the crow of a cock. HE fas t hundreds of times, and does it dé iberately. Before giving vent to a the dog stretches himself on 1s back. And the dog = knows doing, too, hecause when midnight or at dong the bréak of dav' the dog gets in the contest, taking his turn with the others, - Mr. Raley has one rooster for which the dog appears to have a special aflinity. When that rooster crows the dog is sure to follow When in rooster suit, the 'nature of things the pected to erow, but for some unknown reason fails to do so, the dog starts the game by erowing loud and long and the rooster answers. - The crowing dog is an ordinary -fox hound, but he is worthless for all pur poses for which he was bred. In fact, Mr. Raley has never. found except crowing for which he 'is is ex well | adapted. Central School. Marks 'obtained by the pupils of the Junior Fourth Class, since September. Fotal, 730: Etta Johnston, 644; Esther Gordon, G3: Frances Wright, 622 | Georgina Elder, 520; Lawrence MeC ot | cheon, 598: | William 518%: Lila Spoons er, BM. | Etta YR. bran ad the local C1 R. hirano running at high speed. change will be made early in the new Constable Onames Kingston and Isaac The ent oereice on" hath Marshall, one of the prisoners, were a would he majatained, two trains dead, and Edward Marshall, the other making one trip each way daily. At yprisoner, was probably fatally wound: wesont a passenger and a mixed ed. A bullet passed through the cap 'rain are maintained on the K. & P, [of 'the brakesman, but po one else and in the event of a change the re- | Wa8 harmed ' port says the former. would be taken I'he Marshall brothers were arrested off, thus effecting qaite a saving in yesterday on charge of stealing running expenses. The rumor, how chickens. Fhey were held for trial | ever, has not yet heen officially con- | Constable 'Kingston started for Fair firmed. : field with the prisoners. The men in _ the smoking car were thrown 'into ex A Londoner suggests that church slemont When one ol othe Marshall bells be- abolished, practically every- brothers a" Wea Te ar and shor body knowing what the time is nowa- onstably [singston deav . 2 days, and that a flag be hoisted on Several men in the car drew revoly each church during a lixed period be- | "7% and attacked the prisoners. Many Patron--The Lord Bishop of Ontario ec William Doherty, 585; Isabella Bew 2: Lillian Robinson: 578: Laura Wright, 570; Katie Abramsky, 567; Donald Parkhill, 556; - Sidney «Warren, Maggie 'Kelso, 54; Hazel Dean, ! Bert Couper, Bertha Holder, King, Harold Smith, , 515; Bertha Paint- Kennedy, 500; Hazel 500: John Waterhouse, 196; Funnell, 485; Jack Irwin, 489; Alma Frost, 489; Noble Sharpe, 484; Muriel Walsh, 475: Harriet Chapme 172; May Dean, 1445: Muriel King, Stnart Jenkins, 427: Edna: Hamilton, 103: Alfred Porter, 205. Alice Merritt, 389; Alma McCullagh, 387: Kathleen Pritchard, 5 McGlynn, Honor Georgina Isabella Bews, Laura Wright, Holder, Hazel Dean. Bertha Hzel McCune, Edna Hamilton, rence McCutcheon. 7; Bea ) trice Driver, Ernest MeCune, Charles George ( artifie ates, Johnston, pie Kelso, Elder, Mag Bertha Law- The Rumor Revived. Faganville Enterprise the rumor heard in Eganville last spring to the *t. that the C. P. RJ contemplated making the K. & P. cpu 'Are Your Nerves in Health ? Study Here the LOSEOoIIOOIIOHOOGO000B00@ | A communication was read at the Board of FEFducation, from A. 1. D. It is surprising what hosts of peo- | Ross, scion master in the high | ple are suffering as the result of an | (chool. asking the board to relieve | exhausted nervous system and do not | pine of | wagement at the close of | know the nature of their ailment. the present year, as he was offered a They cannot sleep at nights--are | hotter position in the St. Mary's Col restless 'and fidgety in the day time-- | Joints Institute their tempers are easily irritated--lit- Moved by Mr. Wright, seconded by tle things worry them--they cannot} py Keaning, that A. H. D. Ross, in concentrate their minds, and find their timatipg | letter that he hase re { memories failing--there are spells. of | sived an "offer of promotion elsewhere, nervous headache--the digestion is im- | gba if Mr. Ross will procure a suit | paired--pains and aches of a neuralgic | yl substitute to take his place and nature afllict them--eelings of discour- pay all expenses of advertising, that agement and despondency come over | ho be relieved. The advertisement to them at times; and they get in the | ho by the school board and the selee way of looking at the dark side of | (iin of the substitute to be also hy things. : the board to make and that the see Ii this describes your experience you | ntarv he instructed to advertise three will be interested in Dr. Chase's Nerve | ¢'mes a week in the Toronto Daily Food, for this great food cure gets at | Globe and Mail; science, geography, the very foundation of nervous trou: bookkeeping dnd drawing; applica | bles and cures in the -only natural tions to he raceived not' later than way, by enriching the blood," revital- Friday, the 29th. Term to open Janu- izing the wasted nerve cells, and build- ary ard Salary, £900. Carried. | forms in different people, but they A Church Debt Paid. slowly and iegly lead to nervous | Napanee Brayst ; . will be dnjoved prostration, locomotor ataxia, or par y Merry tnstmas Wn So alysis --to weakness and helplessness of this year hy the congregation of the | A Failing Nervous System. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food ing up the system generally. Diseases of the mind and body. H: Gould, Purdy, Ont.: "I was troubled with nervous head Hastings Co, ache which at times was very painfa | We congratulate Canon Jarvis and and caused much suffering. It has bey his. faithful parish workers ol men thoronghly cured by the use of Dr. and women, especially the latter, up- Chase's Nerve Food. T ean recommend | on the results of thirty years of hard . : : The FEneglis shure whic this treatment most highly and he*j work. The English hurchy y el lieve that as a general system builder, | will now soon he consecrated to the it has no equal." Dr. Chase's Nerve in dccordance with the in creating nerve force in the body and vou ean use it with positive as | surance that every dose is at least o Prove this by some henefit to noting, vour increase in weioht. 50c. box, at all dealers, or Edmanson Bates & Co., Toronto. i YOu, anything Painter, | Indications of nerves take different Food acts strictly laws of nature SOLD AS DANISH. Canad an Hogs Sold as Danish, United States as Canadian. Montreal, Dec 23.- pork-packer, said 'Canada perfect right, if disease i McGarry, has a feared, to forbid the - importation of American hogs. As far as the Canadian market is concerned, the regulation will not have any great efiect. This market is ruled by conditions mm England, and the law of supply and demand will adjust any ditheulty that many arise. As far as the supply is concerned there is no reason why 'Canada should not raise all the hogs required. try is large, the west is opening up Our coun rapidly, and a great many more hogs should be raised in country than are being marketed to-day." C. W, Bowan, local manager of the Montreal Packing pany, said : "The regulation cannot hurt the pork packing industry in Canada, but it may hurt the individual packers to'a certain extent, There are arguments on both sides of .the question as to whe ther harm will result it may en courage the farmers to raise more hogs, as it will ensure tham a market far all that they ean produce, and it may cause a shortgge which will put prices of hogs above a paying basis as far as export bacon is concerned." . As for selling poor quality bacon as Tanadian Mr. Bowan said that United Stat s bacon is always being sold as Canadian, and Canadian" as Danish, anh it would eontinué to be done, LADY BEATRICE POLE-CARIIW, Wife of Muior General Pole-Carew, of the British Army, will adcompany her husband on his impending trip to the United States. Lady Beatrice has been referred to bv Kine Edward ns the most beautiful woman in all Ireland." SHOT CONSTABLE. an Daring Work of Brothers Aboard a Train. Mount Carmel, HL, De 26.--Two men were Killed, a third was probably 1atatly injured, and every window was shot out of a passenger coach on the southern railroad last night, when two men in custody tor larceny tried to escape by killing a constable. Inei- dentally twenty-five passengers in the car were kept busy dodging bullets for several minutes, the® train meantime shots were fired by the armed passen Marshalls. When both the the gers, and by the prisoners had fallen to fight Edward Marshall was taken to Fair field and placed in jail, with a strong guard to prevent a possible lynching floor ecased, HOW THEY DO IT. The Terins Under Which a Teach- er Can Leave. Pembroke Observer Church 'of St. Mary "Magdalene, Na- pance, for their fine church building is now out of debt, the last of the mort gage debt, having been paid this week, glory of God, is one of the hand somest church fabries in the province of Ontario, and as * now completed with the massive tower built this sum- mer is of the attractions of our i | beatiful town. We hope the: scheme one season' 8 ye thing was found satisfactory. The 4 cheesemaker, H. CC. Hogan, has had a very successful "year, and it is the WOLFE ISLAND NEWS. Ferry Boat $500 Ahead--Village Nominations. Wolfe Island, Dee, 23.--A large num ber of the: ratepayers of the island assembled inthe town hall, yestor- day, to attend the nominations. kv erything dealt with in the lust years was shown statements that were put forward Ly the present council, The islanders seemed to be highly pleased with the past year's work in council business and the steamer Wolfe Islander ae On the 16th the Wolfe 1landfeheesc factory held the annual meeting to look into the work, KE wishes of the patrons that he should be engaged for next season, The Preshyterian church held a con cert in the CM B.A. hall, on Thurs day evening, which was a decided sue- Coss + Staley and wife: have taken up residence in the village for the winter. - His many friends are pleased to see that he from, his recent illness. Yott is home from Chicago for Christmas, with his parents. Miss Annie Spankie recentlyv returned from Hamilton, where she has spent a three months conrse in college. Frederick Whitemarsh has resigned: as teacher in the village school, No. 4, as he intends to take an electric en- is recovering Joe gineering course at Queen's. Miss Eva Pyke will teach in his place. Herbert Spankie is engaged as teacher at Gar den Island, after Christmas holidays| Miss Sadie McArdle has been engaged as teacher in the Glenburnie separate school. Miss Mamie Bolton is "home for holidays. T. Barry and wife, and family of Chicago, are spending Christmas at the village. Miss Sadie Furlong has returned from Mendon. N.Y., where she has spent the last six months with her sister. Migs Mol lie McGrath has returned from Brown ville, N.Y., where she spent a month with relatives. Miss Ola Hinckley has returned from Cape Vineent, where ghe has spent the last counle! of months with her sister. Mrs. J. Leakey was very sich this last week, but is im- proving. 'William Russell has arrived from Buffalo, N.Y. Touis Larush and wife have returned from Buffalo, and will take up residence in the village for the winter, Mr. O'Shea and D. Larch are home for the winter. A. Laughlin i= somewhat better this last week Mrs. Dennis Haggerty is very _ill James Mackie. is home from Baffalo N.Y. Robert Henderson and wife will spend the winter here, Edward Weaver and wife, Rosiere, N.Y., are snending Christmas with their parents here, Curing Rheumatism, The cure of rheumatism has heen diffienlt, and takes time even yel when allowed to become chronic. But there is no longer. reason why any one should doubt that rheumatism can be thoroughly cured. Dr. Hall's Rheuma tic Cure has been tested in all sorts of e « of rheumatism, stiatica and neuralgia and it has cured them, It removes rheumatic poison from. the blood, cleanses the entire system and removes every vestige of the diseases. In ordinary cases results are surpris- ingly prompt. Price 50c. Sold only at Wade's drug store, This is the pre- paration that cured Jeremiah Redden, 115 Lower Bagot street, Kingston, Seven Years For Bluffing. New York, Dee. 23 --Isaae Bloom, convicted" of perjury in attempting to secure £25 000 damages from the Me tropolitan street railway, was senten cod to seven years in the state pris on. He claimed that his hip was in jured when he was thrown from a trolley ear, but it was proved that the trouble was an old injury, which this accident did not affect. : o Two quart rubber hot water bottles (seamless), at Wade's, ; Forty farmers of the parish of Carl ton, Yorkshire, have each contributed as a harvest thank-offeving---a bushel of wheat to deiray the cost of a hell for the church to bear the name of "The Wheat Bell." DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the 'ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies, Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Fu- stachion Tube. When this tube is in- flamed - you have a rumbling sound or- imperfect hearing, and when it is en- tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and Nn thee inflammation ean taken out and this tube restored to its normal Sendivion, hearing will be destroyed for- nine cases out of ten are caused Hh Catarrh. which is nothing but an in- flamed condition of the mucous surfices, We will sive One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) hat canrot be cured by Hall's Catarrh on foot of placing in the chime of ten bells will be earried to a during successful issue year, tower al the coming ! Cure. Sead for Siseulats free. F. J. CHEN po Toledo, 0. Sold by Drugeists, rn Take [all's Family Fills for consti- _.An Established Success--as good to-day as ever «LORD TENNYSON" _ Peer of 10c. Cigars Save the bands and secure a copy of the colebrated S. DAVIS & SONS = - wo up plainly in the picture by Asti. Montreal. Three Prizes $30.00 Each 70 BE GIVEN BY THE A hiring Soh who use ORANGE NEAT. : y Ps on yous hin thinki ap and sam on She Seg all a fon Opt ans . taitmars OF oo offer ree '%% a. A onANGE ai a ------ e name that Rhey will acoept and . A NEW PACKAGE OF ROLLED OATS A NEW PACKAGE OF CORN MEAL A NEW PACKAGE OF RICE . - count, showed up on the bright side One prize for each n oR T with nearly $500 to the good, where CONDITION. hand two coupons taken from ou "Er Tata Li anes HEAT she was over ¥2,000 behind last vear. with the names you SUDICE or east pack two pac coupons with names for kage; four a pons PEO fos} etition The candiflates are as follows: For ree packages. A ress all answers marked * reeve, dward Brice land and T. Faw » Competition to Sr Jan. 1, 1806 + ORANGE MEAT," Kingston, Ont. : cett, * For councillors--H. Horne, i}. Flynn, J. Russell, I. Flynn, J. Spoor, § W liam Haley, W. Woodman. = disposals in Winter. There's a need in every home for A few doses, at the first sign of a cold, will allay all throat irritation --take away hoarseness--Clieck tlie inflammation t hen the lungs---ward off the cough. FALL th c healing, | hing. curative properties of Canadian Suncare with aromatics. Pleasant to take, 25 cts, m-- ©900000 6 0000000 000090 CO8® E. B. Eddy's Rising ® » ® > ® 3 Parlor Match ® In neat attractive boxes containing about ® 750 MATCHES : ASK YOUR GROCER FOR THEM ® It will cost you only sc. to try them. NE0ee eceeceve @ ©eeeeeEd @® Range = Newest and best Its sales far in excess of those of any other range made. See it at LEMMON & SONS . * KING STREET. Labatt's Ale and Stout THIS is a facsimile of the only Gold Medal awarded by the Louisiana Purchase Exposition for Ale and Stout, which was won by John Labait. This speaks of the quality and purity of these celebrated beverages. Ask for Labatt's and you get the best JAS. McPARLAND, AG 339 and 341 King t. tion, _ "Phone 274. x 3 5

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