ality." ut the other. Ti ey blend perfectly - ear Store--BIBBY'S to Clothe You ter ! r Men's, Boys' or Child- in our Haberdashery or st we shall have the plea- you are ready. Boys' Suits Boys' Reefers Boys' Overcoats Boys Sweaters Boys' Caps at $12.50. Suits at $10 and $12. 75¢C., $1 and $1.25. BIBBY CO. lear Store. en cost. We are having a CHRISTMAS GOODS go, and oar sacrifice price quick. You know the kind d $15. We have left from , odds and ends. which w: e Suit ale a large quantity of Men's 1d $15 just because they are some arrived late from the arment . ufflers, Silk Handkerchiefs, uced prices. s Get Away From You People's Clothier en's and Crawford's Groceries. on for 1905: er's Shoes" the right place when you 5, but there is a difference fferent places, there 15 19 arieties for choosing, nor ey. Stylish Shoes that fit tit is. Shoe Store 2 Princess St The highwaymen home with you! took to their heels. ee tee Cine Kidneys Early: said All serious Kidney ills are sight ones in the beginnihg. Any a _ diabetes, Bright's disease, Cy easily be avoided if the entlicr_S4 : disorder are heeded. EY Kidney Pills cure all ordinary idee ore bladder troubles and pc er) organs to complete vigor NC at ty. In boxes, 2c. For sale ¢ k if not Wade's Drug S . Money hack satisfactory, of Kidney AILY This Pretty Girl Saved From - Catarrh of the Lungs By Pe-ru-na. _ ~------ MISS FLORENCE KENAH Miss Florence E. Kenah, 434 Maria street, Ottawa, Ont,, writes: «A few months ago I caught & severe cold, which settled on my lungs and. re- | mained there so persistently that | became alarmed. I took medicine without benefit, until my digestive organs became upset, and my head and back began | to achié severely and frequently. u] was advised to try Peruna, and although I had little faith I felt so sick that 1 was ready to try anything. It brought me blessed relief at once, and | felt that | had the right mediciae at last. Within three weeks | was completely restored and have enjoyed perfect health since. Florence E. Kenah. «| pow have the greatest faith in Peruna." The cold wind | but have purchased several bottles to and rain, slush!give to those without the means to buy, "and mond of win-|and have noticed without exception ter are especially | that it has brought about a speedy cure conducive to catarrhal derangements. ] wherever it has been used."--Rose Few women escape, ~ |Gerbing. Upon the first symptoms of catching! po' Contains no Narcotics. eld Perung should he taken. It forti-| 0, why Peruna has found Tstem agAinst colds and ca-| 2 FOAS ! hyite systemiagplinst. cuias' and ca | permanent use in so many homes is that | | it contains no narcotic of any kind. Pe- | Pe-ru-na for Colds and Catarrh. | runais perfeetly harmless. It can be | The following interesting letter gives | used any length of time without acquir- one young woman's experience with ingadrug habit. Peruna does not pro- | Peruna: | duce temporary results. Itis permanent | Miss Rose Gerbing, a popular society in its effect. woman of Crown Point, Ind., writes: | "Recently I took along drive in the country, and being too thinly clad 1 caught a bad cold which settled on my WOMEN SHOULD BEWARE OF {CONTRACTING CATARRH, and gradually eliminates catarrh by re- moving the cause of catarrh. There are a multitude of homes where Peruna has lungs, and which I could not seem to | been used off and on for twenty years. shake off. T had heard a great deal of Such a thing could not be possible if Peruna for colds and catarrh and I|Peruna contained any drugs of a nar- bought a bottle to try. I am pleased | cotic nature. that I did, for it brought speedy relief.| Address Dr. Hartman, President of It only took about two bottles, and I |The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, consider this money well spent. Ohio. o "You have a firm fried in me, and I| All correspondence held strictly con- not only advise its use to'iny friends, | fidential, st 1 LIVE STOCK MARKETS. NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS, Supplied by night, | choruses | hoy It has no bad effect upon the gystem, { | THE D OF SNUG HARBOR GIVEN MANY GIFTS Held a Social Gathering in the Y.W.C.A. | Hall--Sailor's Mis- sionary Performs a Deed of Kindness to a Stranger. A very pleasant and p ing was spent in the ha C.A. by sixty or sevent the Macdonald Band room in the "Snug small. Tea was o'clock by the Misses Rie es Gordon, Misses: Newm too | dy, Miss Calvin, Miss | Jackson, Mrs. Jackson, ham. Abundance, and t« ply. was served, and at a programme of songs, 1 was h carried o'clock gifts were distril and girl present, Harbour" rofitable even Il of the Y.W, v members of of Hope, the being served at six hardson, Miss- an, Miss Tan- Chapelle, Miss and Mrs. Gra » spare of the [best the stores of Kingston could sup seven o'clock. veitations and it. At eight nted to every not one beine left out. Those who had attended the pocket knives. handkerch ies of the King's Rah | Band «ff Hone weetings the greater number of times being especially re membered. Gifts ed of hockey sticks, skates, toques, mitts, gloves, mufllers, notepaper, books, cards, iefs. The lad- ters Turchased and dressed twenty-four beautiful dolls. Those engaged in Band are sincerely fc the hall was held. grateful in which the Mr. About man over Sailors' six six feet Snug Harbour, a place to rest as heffwas tired, walked resting ing from Toren place was at t He had work of th as teamster, | ill with typhoid fever, tion, Napanee the new Sudbury, of Hope work wr the of entertainment use Potter's Kind Deed. o'clock Christmas eve, a enquired at the if he could get hav to. His last he police sta- been employed e C.P.R. at ut was taken and had. been hospital there, nearly three months in and all his earnin®s were taken to pay hiz expenses in hospita 1. The CPR gave him a 'pass to Toronto, as he had there fo 1 Toronto he as he was engaged fre still weak a vr them, and walked to Kingston, nd desirous to | WHIG, WEDNESDAY, Yarker Enjoyed a Very-Happy ! Christmas. Ya lee, 26.--Christmés was en joved here by all, and the advent of sleighing brought out the young peo ple, who enjoyed it. The day being fine very fewy remained in Thursday night's the English people enjoyed their Christmas treat irr the 'hall here.. A very fine tea was given and a good programme rendered by the children. The Methodist church Sabbath school held Christmas tree festival. Saturday night, in the hall here. A good pro- gramme was rendered and all. enjoyed a very pleasant evening. doors. Alva Emberley has purchased the farm of James Hogabone, near ia nall"s Cornets The remains of the wife of Williane Wagar were placed in Camden East vault, and of Mrs. Peter Ewart, in H. A. Baker's vault Hub timber has commenced to arrive for the wheel factory. Miss Eva Nil ver, of Yarker's popular voung was married here Christmas to a Mr. Silver, of Tamworth, and R. Perry and wife, Marlbank, spent their honeymoon here. The seats in the Methodist/ church here have been made free this year. So the sittings in all three churches in Yarker are alike, free to all. Mrs; FE. Vanluven entertained the choir of the Methodist church, Tuesday night. Those spending Christinas here were R. Perry and wife at Mr. Kitchen's. C. Boyes and wife, Kingston, at A. Con noley's. Jessie Winter, Kingston, 'and John Winter, Strathcona, at S. Wint Harlev Dear, Kingston, at one ladies, er's. Island, at James Warner's, Vernon Cambridge, Toronto, at his mother's. Carl McDonald, Tweed, at his parent's son company, of Napanee, containing a coat and skirt of black cloth should return it at once, Service was held in the new Halin Movement church last Sunday. Miss Merle Grant has returned to the home of her parents in Murvale. Mrs. E. Vanluven was the | reach his father's home outside of Qg- | recipient of a handsome cake dish densburg. He had been a sailor and | from the members of 7 the shoiry snd failed out of the bure. He was invit-| W.-H. Woodhouse a handsomd Bible ed to sit down to tea with the mis. | from the Sabbath school. sionary.and his familv. provided with -- sheepingy accommodat§on, and after Popuiar Girl Married. breakfast Christmas mornine. prepar- Wilton, Dec. 27.--Word has been. re ed to walk sixty-two miles to Pres- ceived here of the sudden death of cott, but rather than allow him to do Mrs. Ogle Thompson, Chicago, for that the missionary purchased a ties | porly a Miss McLean, of Lyn, Nr. f eet to Prescott, and after a Christ- Thompson dnee resided here The | | mas lunch, saw him off on the train body of Mr. Taggart, Murvale, has {to Prescott a happier man than when | een placed in the vault here. Rev, {he came into the city. "Inasmuch as {and Mrs. Lidstone are spending the | fe have." et Christmas holidays with relatives in | I this locality. Mr. Lidstone preached | Lines From ZLapum. in the Methodist church on Sunday Lapuim, Dee, 20.-The lecture on {morning, The. Christmas tree in the DECEMBER 27. church | their | Geo. | Dear's; Mr. Fitzgerald and wife, Wolfe | home. Mr. and' Mrs. F. Mulkins, Pem broke, at A. W. Benjamin's. Percy Edgar,' Octinolite; Clarence Wageant, Montreal: Everton Emberly, Montreal; | Alva Emberly and wife, were all home for Christmas. Whoever removed the parcel directed to Mrs. W. H. Woodhouse, Yarker, from the Robin por eer [THE BAND OF HOPE], === kip ON TRACK] oo" i {BOY DISOBEYED HIS FATH- | = LER'S ORDERS. His Horse Also Killed--Geologi- cal Society of America in Ses- sion at Ottawa. Ottawa, Dec. 27.-Amedee Gelinas, aged fifteen, was struck by the C.P.R, Montreal express to Ottawa, at 11:15, this morning, near the Brook station, and killed. He drove on to the track in spite of his father's warning, with fatal consequences, The horse was al- so killed. A companion, Napoleon La- belle, aged nine, escaped by jumping. The geological society, of America, began its eighteenth session here, to- day. Raphel Pumpelly, Dublin, N.H., presiding. Officers for election are: President, J. C. gussell, Ann Harbor, Mich.; first vice, W. M. Davis, Cam- bridge, Mass.; second vice, BE. . i Ala.: secretary, H. ae ster, NY .» treasurer, . C. White, Morgantown, Va.; editor, J. Stanle¥ Brown, New York: libra- rian, H. P. Cushing, Cleveland; coun- cillors, A. C. Lane, Lansing, Mich; David White, Washington, D.C. The morning session was devoted to the discussion of technical subjects. pre Areie HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY. How We Learned What We Know ! About the Heavens, The first of a series of lectures at the Biological Building of the Univer sity of Toronto to be given to the stu- dents upon subjects not fully dealt with In the curriculum was delivered by Prof. Baker on "The History of Astronomical Knowledge," The lecture was very entertaining, and was at- tended by a large number of students, and as it was public it was also at- tended by a number of outsiders. Prof. | Baker dealt first with the appearances 4n the heavens which would have pre: sented themselves to the notice of ear | ly astronomers. 'There were three of | these appearances which would have been particularly noticeable. One was | the fact that the planets all moved in the same direction about the sun. An: other was the appearances resulting from the fact that the earth moved on its own axis. The motion of the plan- ets in"an eclipse was another appear ance which presented itself for expla- nation, and it could easily be under stood that they needed considerable acuteness of observation for their solu- tion. There were several passages in the "Odyssey" which gave evidence of more than ordinary knowledge of the motion of the heavenly bodies. Prof. Baker read a few of the passages | which served to illustrate the 'point. | "'he early astronomers had been un- aware of the chief cause of the ap- pearances which they were trying to explain; namely, the motion of the earth with them on it. The earliest conception of the unl verse that had deserved the name of Basiiy Digested - Food, and an 'irresistibly de-# licious" flavor, in Quality : High as confection with the true chocolate: Does not create thirst, : tament, Oorilss & Co., 27 Common Street, Montreal. I i= . $5 1 Xmas Gayeties || -- balls, receptions, euchres ete. -- all call for " FULL DRESS." The man, who depends on Fit-Reform for .his evening clothes, wears garments 3 that are absolutely irreproachable in style-- in fit--in every tailoring essential. : There's an air--a grace--an elegance -- to. Fit-Retorm Full Dress' Suits that are roted ata glance, : $25, $30, $35. E. P. Jenkins, » Kingston. MORRIS= Chairs Something comfortable and cosy for ci the long winter evenings. We have a few lft over from our ve Christmas trade, that we are closing out at a price. Also a fow Elaborate steads at reduced prices, JAMES REID, ™a.. SECOND-HAND STOVES? HEATING AND COOK : Brass been put through our repair shop, and are guaranteed b= in good order and perfect workers. Money back if not fos satisfactory. : : ee tet ------ a McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street, Kingston. Jy wl ch = BPO 0000000VVVOO0VV00000TOCA00 -OTFOODIC FINANCE AND INSURANCE G.A. BATEMAN | If You Want a Home Insurance Broker # ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR- Or Insurance, have a talk with ANCE AT LOWEST RATES Distrint Agent Sun Life Assur- anee Company of Canada. 69 Clarence Street, Kingston | First-class mill : wile from a Fo Rd For eal Estate Kingston District, consisting of 40 acres, two dwellings, large barn and saw, le and ' mills, with about $4, ? mac * 'or Insurance | ira TE Em save, Seth. [Sai "ll ioe Consult with GEO. CLIFF before buy! TF, Roul Eatate Anento Rimes ai 6 Clarence Street. ig ART, ! ¢ d W. F. Dever & Co. 18 | Prices That' 'Are Paid at Lead- Wednesday evening in the school house | Methodist church on Saturday even- | o "theory" was that the stars were 'quare, ingston. : given nw tev. R. iattam, was | ing passed Qf Very: sutel Yo { w! Waist Square, K ing Centres. | R R.A. Wh ' I 1: if decassinlly the fixéed' in a crystaline sphere, nich December 27th ai ee 38 Cattle Horelpt well © attended. The choir renderad | cantata being well rendered bw the during the day revolved about the Atchis Open Close. Bhi ou: Ti 50 ie, | some appropriate pieces, Mrs. Wilbur | school. The, proceeds amounted 10 | carn from east to west. -The motion | Awl. Cope Peon : heii $1.50 to %4.75. | Love presiding at the organ. There jabout 825. N.- A. Assclstine has pur- | o¢ {he sun and moon from west to Baltimore & © aay Lie : x 50 t St os. | Will be a prayer service in the school chased .a furnace from Thomas Dow- | east, however, had also to bé ac Brooklyn Rapid 'Pransit y Wh eeders, bal) 10 Shed | house, on "Wednesday "evening. of this | Ker, Haffowsmith D. 0, Storms re: | eounted for, and this was done by Canadian: Hacit lexans, 83.50 to $4.25 Thursd af : Ered Afb | He F Bu { 20,000: 10e. Hagher week. Miss Gretta Asselstone has been | turned to Watertown on Thursday al- | simply multiplying the spheres in nips 6 La a nny, a MEI | engaged for the vear 1906. Rela. | fer spending a few days At his | which the planets moved. This hypo. ls dsvile ¢ iti nt oii ders, 10 a nu tives, numbering aboat thirty, gath brother's, Ke rah Storms. Blake As thesis, however, was itself not ample, Metro heavy, $5 9 ¥ x i n cred on. Christmas dav at. the home of | seistine is home from Normal College. | and had to be modified, and the course Noun Pucit Yak haht,. © 31. CB i ry Stu Utiga, is home for | of modification led to the modern con. New York Ce a Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boulton. A boun- | Miss Mary Stuart, ga, n of mo 0 Peasy van . 0 to Fo 20; hulk Fiful 0h rovided oe hos the holiday season. James Davidson, | ceptions of the universe. The sphere Rock Island 23.29 hostes bas a ! Di fo sktn. of Mr a Opinicon, is visiting at W. Parvott's. | theories, however, were clung to for a St yi of; sheep, 13,000; strong. | Vio Statler inden wore. on Friday | Mrs. A. A. McQuarrie, late of lieach- | long time, and were amplified to serve Sugar to 35.90: lambs, 31.85 to | Noire ot t PM and Mrs. F. |. (burg, is visiting her parents, Mr. and | the increased perception of appear Union Pa ning, guests of Sr, ax : Mrs Storms. From here she | ances; by the theories of eccentric United Stat Buffalo: N.Y.. Dec. 26.-- Cattle | Brown. Mrs Diata Lapum ond sons, | C0 go to her new home at Wexford, | spheres and epl-cycles. a nited Stat dq 2 i 8 . and | William and Clarence. attended a fam Ae - ow ' ~apernl K de 1 300; fairly activ and hl here Mr. McQuarrie has been ongag I'he system of Capernicus Kad ma A | ; RS U5 & |ilv Christmas dinner at Heney Henzy's, | WY ¥ : \ . r ® t uly; prime steers, to ¥o.70; [1 led as teacher. Mrs McKim. Na- | the sun the centre of moveémen GRAIN MARKET, shippin teers, SLT5 | Kingston, John Prin Napanee, is = sitine at her brother's, | around which the planets revolved. Fgrar-. ork. 81.2 to 83.15; he : | spending a few = here with his [ William N ro n N A. As tine is | Subsequent developments had been May s $2.35 to 81.29 brother, William Pringle. George Em. 4 0000 0 oacher for the coming | due to the use of the telescope. The July as : t ctockers and f berly, Adolphustown, recently visited vear. Miss Kate Mills, who has been genius of Newton had deduced the law PORN. to ock heifers, 82.25 { at Charles Stover's, Mr. and Mrs, B. | teaching in Wakopa, Mun., for a | of the platiets being detained in their May a4. 111 150; | Rose and Edwin Bell, were among the | conple Eas "marricd, lost | orbits by the force of an attraction in . iN Sy steady, 3 » 0.50. | invited guests, at the Christmas din- | CG)", William Melville, a prosper- | the sun. Finally, the secret had been -- ene Reipts. 5,500; fdiely active; [ner, given by Mr. and Mrs, R. N. La vouns farmer of Wakopa. "The | Wrung from the heavens and the law CAUSES | r y da re rd + ® pg ous voing farms pH ' . L550 to $3.60: rouchs, $1.50 to R175; | tended the Christmas tree, Saturday : + wishes of the community e la one, BI A » u and the best wishés the ny : "ha av . Greatest - Furopean Authority on Sete | evening, in Wilton Follow her to her western home . x nat Stavitation itself was had Skin Disease. "Savs It's y and iambs-- Receipts, 1.600; | : t » learned. n Disease, Says It's a ¥ A am : Germ m and sisadyy Janis, eo A Echoo) Inspection. H From The Shanties An Aristocrat Turns Hermit. The 14 carlings, S6.50 : | Odessa, Dee. 27.--Mary we Fall ome n € Ss. . aa that dandruff js sealcs Ss) 86 ee loin w Yee, late ary Fntion allo, Stoco, I 21.---Willie Keilty and Reports to the Mounted Police De- Skint rough 'a feverish : |x | 2 a : h | Hinch are out from the | partment bring accounts of very condition rug p. mized, N3 to at her brother's, Robert Gilbert's, on | Bernard inch & y 3 ved b le livi Pen is exploded nd ster fnmbs. $7.50 to : what. 175 x te hantics ne of Peterhoro for the | strange lives followed by people living Prof, | 5 2xtloded nd western Ja | Sunday. December 17th, aged seventy | shantivs north of Posters (8, LE SRE stern plains of Canada. Some European: 4 LIE in: ise two years. The funeral was held on iri HB TS ay ha tow | of the inhabitants have gone there to Sa dani ATRORE. ° | Tuesday at 1 p.m., and conducted by jor Bh 3 " Hungerford this years | endure hardships in preference to liv- germ bury r calp, throw- | Y.M.C.A. NEWS. the Rev. J. A. McUamus. Mrs. W. H.} ship election Vv. tO-MOrrow in | ing in comfort in fashionable English aly of cuticle, and sap | Dougherty Js visiting friends in Kent | Jamipesis, ihomas Hoaly id: homes. Not a few with "blue" blood Ping: the 1h it at th he Westmount Game Has Been | ville. F. C. Anderson, Napanee, as wi ! pi » in their veins have cast in their fot the hair at the The esinxo | ' i \ camp for the Rath n th root, The : . | sistant school inspector, visited the | agal on : +. with the rugged westerners, though the 5) 1 ation. that Cancelled. | . i kin. They h v kills dandy ory : i ity S Ho | Th me to have been played with | 3 hool one day last week. Mr, and | bun } i ® at dearkiv, hrs aristocrats mostly go under assumed Picide, 2 oc JO fang, a} Hane 1 Mrs. P. A. Mabee left on Friday, to (are 8 a oe names. In a report received recently th cans ou nw he Westmounts on Saturday night, | MI s 3a AA, BY ey ) ethodist™ eh } t Bogart ames, 3 Tove - thy Net inte eurca | the Westin On valle off, | visit their son at Williamsport, Pa., [at the Wehodtt SUC (8 ole | by Comptroller White of the N.W.M.P, tandryfi <} ing Kalr. and " the Y.¥. anv attractions for |for a few weeks. We are glad to he The ig i an ¥ pl tt «oon. Fran. | there is an interesting account of the ed a hy ere are =o § & actions for | : t i . . school will give a conce »o 1 Permits 4 riant growth." Delight: | % Dt onl Tndhmtisallors able to report Mrs. Edward Gilbert * - \ Be Eiesiom Trudead aro finding of a strange individual camped Wl hair dpc by leading | Lak CBE 1th onl be unable to] out of danger. E. Deyburg, principal | €13 Ahore i trip to Kingston | alone nineteen miles from Selkirk. Srvsiete, Sond 10c. in teams fort Shey Ver woh wate re. | of public school, 'is spending his holi- taking s huss NS eT Ny ret The report is from Johii Taylor, in- stamps 0 o tee arge enough gate re- : : = ws wa aniel Cas. + We regre o Sou to The. Herpicide Co rts 5 nt a 8 dav: at his home at Blight, also Miss Bis to i tt. is not a0 well a8 spector of Division B of the polis. He Mich, (; \ 1 a reap, ache o 0 mve Lo Teil a i was sent last summer to ve 0 Na Vhood, special agent. | phe baskethall match in the Mea English, tencher at Bugesin, Jol formerly. The funeral of the late Vrs, | N83 S01. GF Sol tf vd on his way -- A roc Croxcents ve. Fron: | Cooke has gone to spend Christmasiat | ormerly Miss Lizzie McDonald, ci y \ Tie dows cup i r n dk of Bis son's: at Cobourg. The hand boys Cain, former ine ¢ Wont, | ah isolated camp was sighted. On en A FILLS VALLEY ' to have been play 8 3 was largely attended on Wednesoay. | taping he discovered a man who gave . HRT postponed. | To-morrow held their concert on Wednesday, De 90th inst. Her remains were deposited | po "0 ne 0 Tollemache. Mr Taylor ) ght, font Ya 2 . s Fipy Up Deprestion for Over | night two 'pumes in the series = will comb 00) Boal gu ice. in the Ye th in the vault at Queensboro. The de: | oy believes the stranger is a son ol $ ww the attbaction. Cresconts vs. Stars | odist church on Sunday evening ast, | oased lady, the youngest daughter of | 5's baron of England, who at one time San F Eleven Miles. BE vs, Frontenacs. Miss Guess of Cataraqui, assisted the Lo op 00 Noble McDonald, left here © g,0 3 Jjeutenant in the King's Royal Bo Dec. 27 According | Qapurday morning. in the sghool | choir. The annual tea meeting at the | 1, ¢ thirteen years ago. She and | Rifle Corps. His only companions were Kine we wers who arrived on the ov basketball the Beavers gained a Methodist church, on Christmas. even- | 40 1 chand had heen living in Win. | three dogs and a cat. He was crippled, a *hturs, the voleano on the 1s- | IY over the Wolves by a score of | ing, was a success in every way. After nipeg for some time, Her death oc- | the result of an accident many years is wll avai, in. the Samoan group, | 16 (0 11 tea, addresses were delivered hy ev. | ood in the latter city, her re- | ago. He gave no information about his from iW activity, The glare No "gym. classes this week : J. B. Hicks, B.A, Kingston, Rev. Mr. | LL ains were forwarded on for previous life. iS smd. night is visible, it The invitations are being issued for | Whattam, Wilton. Music was furnished | og to -friends here. Her ged Col. White expresses no surprise at hd on miles away, and; '\ . \ a wtion. A good pro- | by the choir and the Harmony Male | ther and brothers have much svm- | information of this kind, as the circum- il has covered an area of #hirty | pili with wal special features, | Quartette of Kingston, A McMahon, pathy. Miss Agnes Keilty is spending | stances of the person described fille El "This molten flow has! promise a pass a very pleasant even- | T. Rutherford, 8. Sith and Mr. yd a ewisel Gr 40 visiting friends in Belle, ! no Means Jocomon, even if tie wp oven s of fren vall 1 son. Byron Derbyshire acted as chair- | illo. Miss Agnes inch is clerk a position o e ins r 8 he a deep valley anc y 1 " B------ hing or the sca shore, Natives gic man. We were hjased to Jearn that | Matchett's store in Tweed, - ee ---- dt Wri: Mes are near the beach : are . ' Lillie lee and Gdorgie Graham were - Pegged Boots In Canada. Coane y to abandon their huts and «The Arrival Of Kitty | both suceesefpl in their examinations Santa Claus. Was Round There are few, if any, pegged boots ML oraves gi short rrotios: In jis forthcoming production Ol} 4 Kinoston business college, Nomina- M t Chesney, Dec. 26.--Christinas made in the, factories of the United ¢ ------ Norman Lee Startouts fively--davee boon Ge hokd last -- Friday Reeve; onnt 5 Basi papa . States, while fifty years ago the sew- Ww J if A 1 ' assed off as usual, Santa Claus arak = : : eR. oman Clerk 'Arrested comedy, Ihe Arrival of HY, po Derbyshire, Lo 1. Gallagher. Coun- | P& hi 1 visit 10 the' little folks ing machine was yet uninvénted and Say Prac ; Trestec. : Manager (. 8. Williams promises one ono. 7 avet,- Spiers, Brithen, Pu ig ie a The Chvistings: tro in| PEARY all shoes save the hand-sewed Luly Bree » Cal, Doe, 27.- Miss] i" the sprightliest and most attrac | 10 walker, Ham. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, A few. attende Nell. Eve a de is | Were hobnailed or pegged. In Canada tek in 1, Onklon en vears a trusted | oo comedy offerings of the season. 4, "goog daughter. Vistors: C. W. Subury - nha it he y stich Bar there are a few scattering factories t akland postoffice : . sth . or dnl on acco y Tested for nd postoffice, was ar- | qh piece ix written in the purest ooo bo Montreal; Mr. cand Mrs. Tather N oa a vetghbors ! hr. Producing pegged boots for men and * govern, hezzlement of $83,000 | (ody style, the fun arising from the ly "hg poll "roronto; Mr. and Mrs. | FORCE. E40 : {. Or| boys. Adam Bertsch, a Rochester pat- u When confronted | (omplications that follow a ease of | 00 quith, and family. of Cobourg, busy getting their summer wood out] torn manufacturer, recently ran across Y seerot service | offi- La ietukon identity which are aggravat- | yoOR PNG 4% 0 Maine, Toronto; | of the canal. It being very plenty as | gne at St. John's, Nid. wed n 2 the pranks of one, Billy Brown, | an the Halloway: Fila Yond the water is off on account of re Mr. Bertsch was interested In the been furnishing ~ ee pes \e to grind in the shape lenna ia Ne wie) My : Ww Yonkins. pairs 'being done to Washburn locks. | quaint manner in which the boots and articd man who has | of winni a hand of the girl he | Kingston Fe and i tot ® 1 Mra. John MeGiarvey and son, #pent ghoes are manufactured, the machinery races. andi lost Taro ang A her purepts' obo] Yapanee Christmas at Westport. © O'Neill is| jn use being long out of date, as com- * stole from Uncle Se > utes in i absolutely nothing | we------------------ | iting friends in Havelock. Many! pared with the present standard in the bY decov venist th {1x Hons Iv pither in: theme or ly from here attended the funeral of the! United States. There are no up-to-date v orders u Neh J vid inthe ic said to exeite one | PHONE FOR A CAB late Richard Webb, of Bear Creek. | methods, and one might easily imagine 1 Os ra treatinent ax i : i : i laughter from Joseph McHendry and family spent | In stepping Into this factory that the a d.{ contimrons explosion of lau : 2 d Yn Jukland, | eantimuon Mr. Williame: will give | WHEN NEEDING A CAB Christmas day with A. Sharpe. Miss | cycle of time had turned back.forty or support of her star to © entirely adequate pre - Nellie Patterson is spending ber vaca-| fifty years. The pegged boots are high ind ser ae histeomedy an oR IE com | Phone 490. Clarence Street Cab| (ion at home. R. J. Fowler at home. | cut. such as men wore generally before ounger sisters. | @otation and will provid AL the] Stand d vou il t al The dehorning: machine is busy in thé| the war and find a ready sale in New- : : pany cof thorough ok : tinee and anc, and you w ve neighborhood. James Fowler and fa-! foundland and in Canada.~--From the at Heir tuner. Ordeps | Grant on New Years day, ma : prompt answer. mily at M. Fowler's, | Bhoe Retailer, : # oy's Book Store. ah ? ) / -------- h . és