parliament will meet in this gress in the vast empire ear Store--BIBEY'S fact that hundreds of the are willing to hold up at they never experienced ies until they commenced hes here and get the best njury to his pocket-book. $14, $15 will buy good- that any man would te 5 will buy an elegantly cut, excellent fabric and e eye and suit the purse. EN'S UNDERWEAR, MITTS, HOSIERY. BIBBY CO. lear Store. en cost. We are having a CHRISTMAS GOODS go, and oar sacrifice price quick. You know the Kind d $15. We. have left from , odds and ends. which we e Suit ale a large quantity of Men's id $15 just because they are some arrived late from the arment ufflers, Silk H amdkerchiefs, uced prices. s Get Away From You People's Clothier en's and Crawford's Groe! jon for 1906 : er's Shoes" the right place when you es, but there is a difference ifferent places, there is nV varieties fcr choosing, nor ey. Stylish Shoes that fit t it is. Shoe Store 2 Princess St. pre that and the so large th would require the seven carts to remove nests are services of one. Th nest has been 10 rinl of a singl weigh upwards of five Miss EK entertains rock street: her home, on Brock dmit x and dainty ref ha enjovable time: ing, Games yassed an ) i Cod Liver Oil} nulsions 50c. bottles. Gihson Red Store, * Pumors from the Uterus in an early | and _causing pain, weight and headache, is NEWBURGH NOTES TRAINS CROWDED AT THE ed (HOLIDAY SEASON. CHS ats "Kept in All the Churches --- Sunday-Schools Had "a Good Time--Lodge Officers Elected--Other News. Newburgh; Dee, 29.--The annual Christmas "entertainment of the Pres- byterian Sunday school was held in the church "on. Thursday evening, last. An excellent programme was given by the school, and all present spent a very pleasant evening. On Friday even- ing the Methodist Sunday school gave their annual Christmas entertainment D. A. Nesbitt, superintendent of the Lydia E. Pinkham's school, presided. The programme was Vegetable Compound fully up to the standard of former 3 vears, and reflected great credit on ia 3 positive ghd all thse patntul those having it in charge. Rev, Mr. ailmenia worst forms of Female Com- | Allen, Enterprise, occupied the pulpit oS all Ovarian troubles, Inflam- | of the Methodist church on Sunday PA ion and Ulceration, . Falling and | eveping, Sunday last being Christmas Displacements of the Womb and con- | ev e, special music was rendered in all sequent Spinal Weakness, and, is | the churches, cand the services were of qn iarly adapted to the Change:of | a Christmas nature. Fire. Every time it will cure Pe Madden, Toronto, spat Backache. It has cured more' cases of Leucor- rhea than any other remedy the world basever known. Itisalmostinfallible in such cases. It dissolves and expels Chr isthine with his magher, Mrs. A. Madden: Marry Lochead; Toronto, spent Christmas with his aunt, Mrs, Lochead, Mrs. 8, Shorey, Misses Clara and Emma Shorey] DP. Dn. Shorey, wife family, T. D. Seriver and wife, stage of development. That Miss Alda Sceygiver( and W. DM Shorey, spent Christhyas with J. S. Bearing-down Feeling, |": "U0. EO Neon. wife and children, Mills, Windsor instantly relieved and permanently uRISaE * | Que. are visiting his mother," Mrs. De Charlotte: Moore. John Moore, Toron- to. us spending the, week with his fa- female system. It corrects mily here, Willert Toronto, irregularity, spent Chvistmas with his mother, Mrs. Suppressed or Painful Menstruation, | Gibson. Dr. Howard Nesbitt, Shel Weakness of the Stomach, Indigestion, | hurne, spent Sunday and Monday Bloating, Flooding, Nervous F tra- | with his father. D. A: Nesbitt. tion, Headache, General Debility. Also { john Sharp left on Tuesday for Osh Dizziness, Faintness, awa, where he has secured a position. Extreme Lassitude, *'don't-care" and | W- E. Moore, Brockville? spent Christ ¢ want-to-be-left-alone " feeling, excit- | mas with his family here. Mr.oand ability, irritability, nervousness, sleep- | Mrs. Briscoe, and Miss © Alma Briscoe lessness, flatulency, melancholy or the | spent Christmas with J. G. Davidson, Gibson, "blues," and backache. These are | Bclleville. Ww. Patterson, Queen's sure indications of Female Weakness, | University, Ki ton, is 'home for the some derangement of the Uterus. For | holidays. Mr. Drewry spent Sunday | and Monday at his home in Brighton. Kidney Gomplaints 4 3 " 10 scl Mn 8 i and Backache of either sex the Vegeta- | 1; WAT Vf [he WL Sched al, bie Compound is unequaled, hots Pi ai You Th peite Mrs. Riukham about Neshitt, returned home, last 'week, ai Jourse » 11 Sthiciast Soniidence. ter spending the last five months in LIDIA B. PINKHAX NED. CO., Lymn, Mam. | (.uching at Northbrook. Miss Graee Doncan, Kaladar, is spending her holidays at her home. E. W.. Stickney, Merrickville, spent Christmas with his family here, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hope and Miss Hope, Aylesworth, left on Saturday for a visit to Mrs. (Rev.) LACK OF INTEREST By Parents and Scholars Stops Sunday Schpbol Treat. Jattersea, Doe On Christmas Swayne, Oxford Mills morning there died, at his residence in hihi a he "R 1 3 a I'rain No. 2 for Napanee was crowd the "Ronnd Lake" settlement, Anthony ; ] { Luce ftar il ed on Saturday morning last. Every aeey, after an illness caused 'by can abl "in i oF + 3 avy ¢ space le one car provi or, of about a year's duration. Dur. | 2Y2MAD pace In the ar OVC od wae taken; and the was filled also. . In the baggage' car evening the ing this long period of affliction the deceased was a very great, but patient er, 'him at least, death | {*&in north. had an extra coach which came as a happy relief He was alas also filled. a hard-working and thrifty farmer, on Che council for 190G was elected by the farm on which he died, for many | 2celamdtitn' as¥ follows: Reeve, Dr. M. councillors, William Sut- Simpkins, W. W. Adams, years, and was much este ol he all I. Beeman; who knew him, for his peaceful, neigh- | ton. W.-W. | ness visitor borly disposition = and honest, up- | Joseph Fullerton. . rightn of character. In peligion. he Miss Geneva Jurdette and Miss was .a byterian, though liberal to- | Addie Baker, Toronto, spent Christ wards I'he futieral was conducted, | Was in the village. Miss Aleta Paul | on We sday afternogn, by the'James | has given up sc Kool teaching, and Reid company, Kingston. Service was | © ill leave shortly te enter a hospital held at his late residence, after which | #8 @ nurse-in-training. A few from | the body was conveyed to the Sand | the village took in the dange in Na Hill It. The anniversary services, |Panee on Tuesday eve ning. Miss 10 by J in the Methodist church, on | Stella Kennedy, of Loretto Abbey be conducted by Rev. | Toronto, is spending the holidays with | her wnele, SS. P isted R Mr. bY y r [ high and public | Fitzmartin The I" la nH rh: sual schools will re ope ertainment was not |" Wednesday next, January w, because of luck of in. | 1906. Miss Effie Welbanks, ing peration on the part of Miss> Frances Welbanks, Prince Ed pupil Yast ad, prizes ward county, and George Welbanks i ol y the scholars, on | G0sport, are spending their holidays Sunda 2 reward | rood attend. 1" ith their father, Charles Welbanks ar bing the past ean Titi 1 "At the meeting of Court, Newburgh, | v r went to Charlie Ormsbee and | Y 113, LOF., on Tuesday evening, Willie Walker bh of whom missid | the following officers: were elected: P only one Sunday. Our public schools | C:R+ F-.D. Moore; CR, W. D. M are equipped with new pedagogues all Shorey 3 C.R.. F. C. Shorts:. orator, around. The Bat school will be | Rev: iar recording-seeretary, of ted, during the ensuing vear. by | 6 it financial secretary and Lema Todd: Kellarville, by Miss [and treasurer, Charles Welbants: 8. | i nham; Milburn, by Miss | Ye» Samuel Kellar: JW, Charles | ston, and Cedar Shorts: SB. James Boye; 4.8, Lake sel Jane Robb. | Joseph Seotl court physician, Dr. M Miss Chell vo has stcooedinl. J. Beeman; €,D.H.C.R., D. A. Nesbitt 1 ols in this neighbor | ee hoo ' number of vears, leaves Tamworth Tidings. ie) t oin her pavents in Famworth, Dee. 25 Nleighing was | Boi fan. Thr rany friends | Very good here for Christmas, and | K her departure from our it. guite lively. A large (rowd | n s6 I= as though our can led the Christmas tree in the ul for tl going te |® ing, given hy the Presbyterian fall in with flyi lor ans the | church. Smith Gillmour and Thomas Chiistmas vicitors were noticed. Miss | Murphy, Tweed, 'spent Christmas with Mabel El wid Miss Fdna Lake, | their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Richards, Kingsto Lloyd Buck, Kepler co Deseronto, spent Christmas with Freela nd wife, Portland: Mi<. N. | Christopher Shields. Thomes Hark Can Phornburg; Dr. EK. J. Lake | ness. Bingstan, spent Christmas with ind fa Kingston: R. A. Vanluven | his brother, Gilbert Harkiiess, William and wile, Smith's Falls. Brown, ang at his sister's, Mrs. John Coulter. Miss Prandon, Na- Cet Rich Quickly. panee, at D. Brand's. William Dusby,; St ' wife and family, Tweed, spent Christ Crosse and Hunter who are in the | mas with his parents, James Busby. Cy, white: We spent nearly four weeks | Edward Douglas," Napanee, at L. P. In Brandon. All the cvangelical' chur: | Weir's. here, for Christmas. Duncan ul ite. We had gone through Mitchell, 'Belleville, with his family, with the Presbyterian and | Miss ~ Maggie Way, Picton, George th tnisters in other towns, and Wav, Coteau Junction, are visiting ,'S Was our third union campaign in their parents. William Spx r and randon. The wost is indeod a great wife, Norwood, John Spence and wife, country. There is one special danger Peterboro; 8. 8S. Spence and wife, fowever, and that is that people in | Lakefield, spent Christmas with their Many ¢ eet rich: too quickly. One brother, Rev. Mr. Spence. Miss Tay of am wolnates told us that he lor, Norwood, will spend the winter Cane y cight years ago with only with her brother. Rev. Mr. Spence Wo hundred do Hars, and that now, as Mr. and Mrs. Morrison, Alexandria 3 farmer, he is worth forty hous Man., at L. Way's. Duncan Robb and tolars, and not a dollar in debt a Etta Thognton left on Thursday morn Other said that this year he Rad tvs = ing for' Watertown and Rochester. H ve thousand bushels at whe : Timothy Huff, Camden East, passed B th of these men Are active Chee * | through town Wednesday, to Kennebec Han workers, as an : "12-1 where he hax gone into ranching. Miss Succes Sil ie many of the most File and Miss Florence Bell will take charge of the Sm school for the , new Cure Kidneys Early. vear. All gor 1s Kk On idney NE H » 3 ones in the i You slight Passengers Burned Alive. case of diabetes 7 » Bright's disease, ote Bucharest, Dee. 29, It is reported easily he av ded if the earlier C80 | here that strikers and = hoodlums tidney disorder - are heated To? stopped a train at Rosdelitz, Bessra- = Tl. Y : ile mire all Grdinury Kiron hin: sot, Gre to Hel wired nw oe Jans to comp 0 heptane tree to a bank in Kishinefi. Many of the yar boxes, 95. For sale only at-| PRSiengers were hurned alive, ade'y Drug St Satisfactory, ore, Money : S ney back if hot Chickens and turkey. Crawford - San Francisco's demand for brick is Norway ja " so great that it has created a brick Meaning North Tele sorreetly Norea, | famine in California. Moken of hy the t Js commonly Buy: Carter's - Little Liver Pills at natives vas the orth Kingeiom, Gibson's Red Cross Drue Store, An Exciting Chase After Two at the dinner of the Knights of the ip. Erothers--One Gets Away. |b yf Hon. R. Prefontaive Lindsay, Dee. 25."An exciting story | «oo o Blow to the marine interests of of the capture of a horse-thief comes { Canada, for no winister had taken irom the Coboconk district. About | p00 (0 uch to heart, save Hon. J two weeks ago two young men named | jo ¢ had undertaken im {to a liverymam at {in Canadian yards and three have landed at Coboconk on the 13th. At | hoon ordered in the old land that place they hired another team The past season had been the most {from T. N. Carr, leaving word they prosperous in twenty-five years, widged | would return about that night, but bv yeturr owners of boats. A firm they failed to do so Mr. Carr tele with larg Kingston interests had honed Constable Brock of Fenelon cleared 16 per cent. dividend; another Val on the 1%h, and the latter got | pc fen had made 22 per cent. But trace of the brothers and followed | 0 C0 ifiee of life of sailors on the them as far as No. 3 Camp in Lorg- flakes. b 15 in 1991, was 215 this ford. There he obtained full descrip- vour. with heavy losses of boats and tion of them, but as thev had three prowerty days' start = he returned to Fenelon |¥ The quietest business in Kingston Falls. Information reached him that for HR olnt was that of the Rich the thieves passed through Brace lie rain: firm.' They received and bridge on Sunday, the 17th. He sent transhipped between six' millions and THE DAILY - WHIG, THE GRIPMEN DINE KNIGHTS' GAY NIC NIGHT AT THE FRIDAY, PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What They 'Are Saying And Doing. J. D. McMullen, Napanee, is town. ie : ; \ IROQUOIS. Ts R. H. Hutchinson, Bath is spending 4 the day in the city 3 A D. R. White, Winnipeg, is registered | Gold Locket to High Chief Guip- at the Randolph Hotel vw 4 man Stewart--Bonquet for the Penitentiary Inspector here on an official visit. W. R. White, Pembroke, in the city. W. T. Shannon, Smith's Falls, business visitor in the city. Dawson is Hostess--The Toast List and the Speakers. The Kingston camp of the Canadian Order of. Knights of the Grip displays much of that energy which almust im- Dr. J. A. Stirling, Picton, is with | mortalizes in the commercial realm friends in the city for a few days. the breezy, untiring, inextinguishable Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Stephens, New and irrepressible commercial traveller, York, are guests for a. few. days in | Jt holds together in fellowship in a the city. : way that other business aggregations Miss Mae McCutcheon. Toronto, is | in Kingston and many other fellows spending her Christmas? holidays with this community of warring units, her parents, Princossagtrest. cannot unde ratand. This wis W. Jackson, M.E.. of Balti- as well as the spirit of doing things more, Md., is spending the holidays | Well is shown at the annual dinner with his parents on Dufferin street, one of the very pleasant looke Lor F.- L. O'Gorman, after spe evenis of the festival Season. The several days at his home in the cheeriest and best of all. was given returned vesterday last evening at the Jroquois hotel, Capt. and Mrs "Matthews, Lakeport, | every chair being filled and every returned home to-day after a visit 3 course being enjoyed to the stomach s with Capt. and Mrs. Shaw, of this full content. The praises to the com city. mittee were unstinted and Messrs. W, George _H. ..Gooderham, the well |S. R. Murch, T. Stewart, Angus knoten distiller, "of Toronto, arrived | Ort, W. H. Graham, A. J. Abernethy in the city last night and ic at the and J. Wright bore their blushing Randolph hotel. | honors as knights delighted to en- Captain tertain. An orchestra played during is a busi 1s a fellowsh ling city, to Scranton, Pa. Hudson is in command of | he courses an oughout the hours the steamer New Island Wanderer to- t and throughout the hour : of toasting songs by Messis. Cum day, and tomorrow Captain Allen X ¥ : mings, Cousins, Cotton (Gananoque), will be around again by Mondav. x : : IH er % an Nelson, with reading hy br To-morrow, J. Goodearle, will rb Rivhardson and. recitation by Mr Cunmunings, delighted all -and brought out 'heartiest of recalls. In the last named," Kingston has received a vocal assume his duties as meneral manacer acquisition which will please her peo ofr the Great Lakes and Occan Naviga ple well, tion company'. A complete his and. Island Monday he with' the Thous Steamboat company, On will leave for Hamilton to service pleasing preliminary was thd ) presentation to the chairman, T. H { Stewart, high chief gripman, of a gold locket, neatly engraved, and re presenting the good wishes of the Kingston Knights. Past Chief Ireland The Christian Advocate, published | made a highly Sopliimntary address at Belfast, Ireland, has the following | in conveying the locket, and the chief reference to the death and funeral © of | replied gratefully, the late James Johnston, who was 'The King' having been honored, well-known in this eity. | "Canada and Its Parliaments' was The death has occurred at Bexhill- | given with zest and response made by ot-Sea "of James Johnson, formerly | Danicl Derbyshire, M.P., "of. Brock- of Belfast, and at one time editor of | ville, Donald McIntyre and Edward J. the Kingston News. The deceased was | B. Pense. Politics were touched upon a son of the late William Johnson, of | pointedly, but in pleasant humor and Antrim, and has two brothers, William taste, The reception of the Johnson and John Wesley Johnson, | Brockville stalwart was hearty; living in the dominion. The late Mr. the boys were delighted to have him, Johnson was a cousin of Rev. Dr. | and his praises of the good. points of Crawford Johnson, Belfast. He has | Kingston were fresh bow knots in old been living in London for several | ties of good will and regard. That vears as correspondent fo the Cana- | the two towns agree so well, in the THE LATE' JAMES JOHNSON. Were Buried in Ire- | land. His Remains ! good very dian press. The remains were interred | Way that ighboring places do not at Muckamore, County Antrim, on generally agree, is due in no small Oth inst.. Rev. Robert C. Morrison, B. | measure to the good parts of Brock. A. officiating. The following items | Villo's genial pair of members, . Gra will interest Canadian readers more ham and Derbyshire X especially, Those attendink 'the funer- I'he Corporation of Kingston al included the following: Dr. Tag- | brought estellent post-prandial sauce gart, Mr. Cooper, Campbell Lowry, | ae the torical oii Then and also John Webster, Dublin (re fessrs ~ SUANNCE, epgies an presenting the Canadian government). Exquisite sent by the | J. Crawford stood up bravely for Canadian Society in London, Mr. Pres- i Donnelly | | dmmercial Interests," while Thomas made ansportation" un interesting, seconde by wreaths were . : commonly ton, commissioner of emigration, Lon- mmoniy don, and one from hic staff; also one Agent ' Hambly, ¢ IR. To ur PR | Guest," Consul Van Sant, Dr. Rich from Mr. and Mrs. McMahon, Ottawa. | deo. 1 JH Metcalfe did the in the absence of the near realtives ¢n | dF0son and of. ry honors in glowing fashion, and in benired Alexander Chisholm and George | Smith to the utmost gallantry for "The Ladies." "The Host and Host ees' were toasted with high praise, this country, Rev. R. Crawford John son, D. D. (cousin), and his son, Al fred Johnson, The deceased, were chief mourners. who was best known to Canadians in London, was a most po- | a i } "Land a bouquet for the good lady ac pular man, and it is interesting thus | ood the courtesy of the Khights to note that Muckamore, the burying { 1t was 3 a.m. ere parting came, with Place of the old' homestead, at An- ery: guest still in the goodly eom im, retains all that is mortal of him | dan the day break and the shadows away | pany | Transportation Pointers. Captain interesting Thomas Donnelly. made an transportation HORSE-THIEF CAPTURED. speech or | none Wiles stole a team of horses belonging | provements so speedily and earnestly Coldwater. The A few vars since Canada had fine team was left at a farm, and the | grain and ore freighters now she { horse thieves took to the woods, ab- has thirty, while seven are being built out fifteen miles south of Orillia. They with the result that one of them was captured and the recovered last Friday, out telegrams, ions bushels of grain and concern was held in high over Tar reaches of Can seven 1 no busin er confidence team about ten miles Huntsville. The | cast of other man es- ada for good standing and integrity caped to the woods near Barrie and -- was chased by a constable, at whom The Wampole Factory. he fired, but fortunately without the Perth. Dee. 26.--Christmas passed off shot taking effect. The constable res. | fv auieth although it Kas ponded with several shots, but the i ah homc a great many of our man made his escape and is still at virls and bovs to visit parents and argv, friends. Work is expected to begin in | the Wampole factory, here, in about Little Things. i 4 vk A he Canadian Order of Fores It is no great task to play the | jorq are giving 'an entertainment in herd, January 1th, piano; still in playing some intricate | ghe to be a splendid exon passage the hands must move far more town hall { which promises swiftly than thegperformer realizes. In: jo. Among the Christmas visitors Weber's "Moto Perpetuo " for instance | yo notice the Misses Josephine and 1,511 notes are sounded in less than | Jizie McCann, New Jersey: James four minutes, or at the rate of twen- | McCann, Kingston; Ceorge Stanley, tv each ond. In one of Chopin's | BE, Teeple, Edmonton: Alexander Per "Studie there is a greater demand | tangette, druggist, Toronto, and - a made. as for two and one-half minutes | great many others. Mrs. A. L. Charl twenty-six notes are struck each sec ton and Masters Lindsay and. Arnold ond. | are holidaying with friends in Maker In following the printed lines in ca ly. hook or paper the eve in th a Kie-time covers some five thousand | miles, and the ordinary correspondent pushes a pen over twenty to twenty ------ Ho + For Mexico A number of persons have signified their intention of viriting Me ryico on rOUrse of five miles of paper in the course 'of | {he special excursion which leaves three-score and ten vears. Monfreal by the Grand Trunk railway The waiter 1m a restaurant covers | gostem, on January 20th next, among from eight. to fifteen miles a day | whom are several clergymen The without service, leaving his place of a full meal one's jaws features offered on this tour given by any other is many and: in eating which are not exert we foremg of several tons in the res yizedd by the traveller, and the mastication of food. A man winks 6, | knowledge that it is the only one S70 times in a vear, and the energy he through the "Oldest Commtry in the wastes in shaking hands in that time | New World.' * covering all the princi would liit eight tons one foot irom the | pal points, seems to have appealed who know a good, thing Ap- plication to J. Quinlan. diktrict pas {»enger agent, Bonaventure station Montreal, will secure handsomely illus ground. + to those 1 th. of 35¢. Japan tea for Ze, to morrow only, at Mullin's. DECEMBER 29. -1905. "We seek to rekindle to-night that LET SOMETHING GOOD BE SAID. Kemet. When over the fair fame of friend or foe 'The shadow. of disgrace shall fall; instead Of words of blame, or proof of thus and 80, Let something good be sald. Forget not that no fellow-being yet May fall so low but love may lift his head, Even the cheek of shame with tears is wet If something good be sald. No generous heart may vainly aside In ways of sympathy; no soul so dead But may awaken strong and glorified, If something good be said. turn And so I charge ye, by the thorny crown, And, by 'the cross on which the Saviour bled, And by your own souls' hope of falr renown, Let something good be said. --James Whitcomb Riley. GREAT IDEALISTS, Prof. Kilpatrick's Panegyric Upon the Sons of the Heather. "Let us be benevolent to those who do not enjoy so high a distinction as ourselves of being born north of the Tweed," said the Lieutenant-Gavernor in setting the toast-making responses a- rolling at the 6%th St. Andrews So- clety dinner at Toronte on Nov. 80, spirit of love to our country, which, however deep, can never encreach in any way upon our love for the country of our adoption. Scotchmen deserve well of the whole Canadian common- wealth, We have done our share in building up this vast Dominion. Let me give you Lord Rosebery's words 'that man is the best Imperialist whe loves his native province most.'" "We are assembled in spirit with all true Scotsmen throughout and beyond the Empire this night," said Prof, Kil patrick to the toast "The Day and All Who Honor It." "The achievements of brither Scots must come to our thoughts. In all fields of activity the name of Scotland is writ large. The Scotsmen are noted empire-builders. All over this Canada are traces of their work. No greater idealists live. They have continued across the water their ideals of home life, and have presen'ed to the Empire an ideal of purity, of the social bond and of brotherhood. They have also contributed an ideal of character--a distinctiveness which the Empire would do ill without. A vigor of mind, steadfastness of purpose, ten- acity of resolution, a devotion to causes lost and won---these were im- mutable traits of the Scotch character. "Another element which formed the ideal of every Scot's aspirations was righteousness. Foremost among his political 'ideals was the demand for freedom, the sacred right of resistance against oppression and political losses, It was not an idle demand to have one's own way, but a consclousness that freedom was subserved by order. The Scot's was that public spirit which es- poused true causes and disdained to pay hirelings to fight his battles. He votes his own vote and plays his own part. "The" Bcot realized, furthermore, that patriotism was above party or class. Nothing was worth living for but the unity of the nation. It was the busi- ness of every Scot to-day to cultivate a just national pride, and to realize that he could serve Canada best by maintaining his national distinctive. ness" "Let us fulfill our manifest duty," concluded Prof, Kilpatrick, "and continue the line of Scotch tradition-- pure homes, upright men, good citizens, honest statesmen. We are all of high lineage. We are sprung from heroes, warriors, patriots and martyrs." Wolves Plesitiful and Fierce. The Jackson hunt g party returned on Thursday night from the head of Stony Lake, where they were located during the hunting season, says The Campbeliford Despatch of the 7th Dec. Mr. Jackson states that the wolves in that section have this season played havoc with the deer, and, in fact, have become 80 numerous as to be a menace to. human life. On Sunday last a man, driving in from Havelock, was sur- rounded by a pack of ferocious howling monsters, and was forced to get out of his buggy and seize his horse, which had become affrighted, by the head. The pack approached rapidly, and had it not been for the timely arrival of a number of men from a lumber camp in the vicinity an attack, he believed, was certain Thomas Hull, who re- sides at the head of the lake, has been a severe sufferer from the ravages of the wolves, ten of his flock of sheep having been killed & short time ago, together with a heifer. The destruc- tion of deer by the same cause is re- garded as most disastrous by the re- turned nimrod=. A hound which was in pursuit of a deer upon a runway was attacked and torn to. pieces by the ferocious brutes With the present large bounty upon wolves a systematic destruction of them would be a money-making pro- position, and with the close of the hunting season the settlers in the dis- trict affected will probably turn their attention in this direction. Chickens That Came High, A good story tomes from New Ham- burg. says The Waterloo Chronicle. A farmer living not a thousand miles from thét place, on entering his chick- en-house. one morning discovered that a number of his best birds wer® miss- ing, and on looking around found a purse iying in the straw of the hen- house. Picking it up imagine his sur prise %o find that it contained $80 in bills. He quietly put the money in his pocket and said nothing. Later in the day & wealthy neighbor called and asked if he had any chickens for sale The fariner told him he had not, but e--inslated on seeing them Bu¢ the visitor did not see much of the chickens. From the time he entered the hen-house his eyes were riveted on the floor. and the way in which ke kicked around in the straw spoke more convincingly than could words Many a man feels that he could be quite "comfortable if his conscience would weet him half-way. A Nice Gift. Chickens and turkey, Crawford, ' Chickens and turkey. Crawford. | trated literature and all particulars. ANYWAY. To mail your relatives or friends a Kingston book, containing over eighty splendid views, only 25c., at *Wade's drug store. | SEETHE=------="xr= Special Barg We are offering for the HOLIDAY SEASON in our very complete and well-assorted stock of al. Furs, Hats and Caps, Boots "and Shoes. 4 A good chance to secure your presents at greatly reduced prices. L. Abramson, the Up-Town Clothier 336 PRINCESS STREET. MORRI 7' lv ' 3 8 Wr ' TY : N\ hairs N 3 +} td Something comfortable and copy or the long winter evenings. } We have a few left over from our Christmas trade, that we are closing out at a price. Also a few Elaborate steads at reduced prices. Beis ae ee Gray's Syrup Red Spruce Gum Gum For Coughs and Colds. SHE PLPPOTPL POPIPIPE POEOP SHANNON FILES & CABINETS: Transfer Cases. Card Index Outfits.® Special "Patient's Record" Cards for Doctors and Dentists. Typewriter Ribbons and Carbon: Papers, ' J.B. C. DOBBS & C0., 171 Wellington st Typewriters for sale, to rent, repaired. PERFECTION MOP : WRINGER Labor of cleaning Floors, Oil- cloths, Linoleum and Carpets re- duced to the mininum. 3 sizes, $1.25, $1.50 and $2. 69 and 71 Brock Street, Kingston. soee 000000000000000000 PIG LLEAD : : For Immediate Shipment : ® % THE CANADA METAL CO. Toronto, Ont. RR MLR LEGGE LU BBBO 0500 000000000000-0000000-000CODIOIT FINANCE AND INSURANCE If You Want a Home | G.A. BATEMAN Insurance Broker , Or Insurance, have a ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR- ANCE AT LOWEST RATE talk with District Agent Sun Life Assur- hy ance Company of Canada. 57 Brock 69 Clarence Street, Kingston First-class from a alo. mile | Kingston District, For Real Estate] iu: "isi. or Insurance | Sv ge Consult with GEO. CLIFF before Laying | JHame. ey at 65 Clarence Stroet. ston, 0-00-0000 0TOO000000OABOOCTEEE Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Fine : JAMES REID, ™Jat." mae ili weal McKELVEY & BIRCH, ips of