in pprtcla tion of ice rendered, 26d : rous the your 10 and Piiggerald of " ; i Boston HW distributed this Christmas eir employees. over The Uni tons e-------- To Be Tried Next Year. Norman Wilson, the A Battery. ho appeared in police court, Wedaion "; : was. comm itted for rial by Magistrate Farrell, went bes, i Fade Price, to-day. and was re- manded until Thursday, January 4th. The soldiers of "A" Battery are en- deavoring to get Wilson out on bail. All his comrades think: him. innocent and say he is a fine fellow, Westmount Will Play. wowd take chances on the gate re eeipts and would eome up for a game | Saturday night. "This will be rather short notice for the local players, when they had not been expecting the game would materialize. However, the Y.M.C.A. will get together a strong team and to-morrow night's game wi be well worth seeing. In the hustle 2nd worry for Christ 'mas dinner, did 'you have anything burnt in cooking ? , We didn't ! Our Aluminum Ware is Froot susan i Cheaper than Ware ~lust twice as long. Everything for the Kitchen. Sold only at Few Vacancy Petitions. Yesterday aftérnoon the court of re- vision held -its = final = session for the r and took action upon requests for remission of taxes on account of remissions than for some years past, | showing that the houses of the city are pretty well occupied, despite the standstill census figures. ¢ -- Crystal Spring School. * Pupils attending 100 per cent. of time, 8.58. No, 2, county of Frontenac, | since September ave: Artie Day, Les- | lie Day. Those ninety per cent. of | time: Deane Vanluven, Bert Van- luven, Evelyn .Asselstine, Elwood Fin- igan, Willie McLean, D. J. Day, Law- rence Asselstine. ---- Grand Trunk At Fault. At the banquet of the Kaights of the Grip, the Lrand Trunk railway company was seo 1 for the wretched accommodation in_ the fr ight office for the public and the staf. It was one of the wonders. that the short coming had besn so long tolerated. Le andr eisurl by an copes Be. : 5 meals for $1. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer © 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, efc., for sale) -------- At Maullin's, Saturday Only. One. 10c. tumbler, English cream baking powder, ic.; one 10c. glass, Armour's soup, 7e.; one 21b. tin, to- mato soup, Be., eorner Johnston and Division streets. Sale of Horses Every Saturday en---------- The Mayoralty. The lotter of Mise E. Clark, corres- ponding secretary of the W CT. Une ion, regarding the attitude of eandi- dates for the mayoralty, will appear to-morrow. ---------- Arrested At Tamworth, George Thompson was placed in the lock-up at Tamworth, on Thursday night for robbing the post office at Erinsville, last Friday. An Expert is Examining Tt--Ap- was made, Emily Barrett, apd Joseph Phillips, Power company, and that in order to avoid payment mong i x Htates consumes all of its | whereas the contracts were his own, tralia, an expert in acoustics, is ex- Peuple are amiping the parliament buildings, with a view fo improving the acoustics there. He says the chambers we of the ceiling, by several fet, and speaker's gallery, man, was toddy, committed for trial | on five charges of fraud, preferred by Leather Goods company, Ambrose 4 Ls The YM. (LA. received word, to day, | Reit & Bons, and Ryrie Bros, limit- ik contributions in Europe and that "the Westmount 'basketballers | ed. Senator Cox was called to give evidence regarding the vacancy. There were fewer requests for { trial, in the police cpurt, this morn- { servants are to benefit by the monies ---- -- no - THE DAILY. : Revolutionists Dynamited Safe ' and Secur red $240,000, Warsaw, Dec. 29.--Eighty tionists blew up, with dynamite, the! safe of 'the district treasury in Wyso- kiemuzowiecke, government af Lomza, Poland, ' rubles, $10,000 in gold, and $80,000 in | silver. They first cut off the telegraph ! wires, posted patrols in the market square, and terrorized the inhabitants of the town by firing revolvers. The raiders escaped with their booty. Strike Extending. St. Petershurg, Dec. 29.-To-day's revolu- |. AT, TORONTO. plication 'Made For Order for 1 t--An Interim Injunc- on Granted Tilly Thursday. Toronto, Dec. 29.--An application to-day, befcre Justice Jl; on behalf of Pinkerton & to restrain James Barrett, from) transferring any stock or 'fro- |news from Russian Poland indicates | day. 31, rty of the Southern Light and | that the general . strike is extending. Chickens and turkey, Crawford. sod last yesr; er company. It is alleged that [Wholesale arrests have Leen made in | Itis TT earnings for: the tt, against whom there is a [the cities. At Sosnovic, near the em- | ttreet railway rails are to be torn up " December 28rd, totalled | jadgiuent, in favor of Pinkerton & |peror's hunting lodge, an attempt has | and relaid with Nickle. an _ iucrease of $i.- ie for 8950, has been all along in been made to blow up the barvacks Chickens and turkey. Crawford. er the corresponding Week last possession of property, including [with dynamite. The employers of the | Basketball sharks of the Southern Light and | Riga Orel railway have again struck. |turday night, between A meeting of railway men, at Rostoff, on the Don, was bombarded by artil- lery and some 800 of thosa present were killed or wounded. All the Rus- of his debts, carried contracts in his wife's name, 6 ) Sons: pore and carried on with his own capital. | sian officials in Couland, except those purchases to-morrow, Saturday, at 3. ton: output. and | An jntérim injunction was granted till |at Mittau and Libau, have been driven Mallin's. more thap its '21.- nrsday. out of that province. From many | The Ottawa hockey team won at Hi 3 Alfred A. Forman, Melbourne, Aus- {places comes reports that the enraged | Winnipeg, Thursday evening, by eight threatening the strikers an revolutionists with vengeance and massacres on a large scale is feared. the legislative chamber at Russian Tidings. Revolutionaries at Moscow foreed , entrance to the residence of the chief of the secret police, told him to bid farewell to his family and shot "him. The Jewish Chronicle announces that the fund for the relief of the Russian Jews exceeds £000,000. This amount is of very faulty usteaction, and suggests the lower- e construction of arches behind the " Alexander R. Walton, an - English- Edward Mack, tailor; the Julian Yale Opinion grows in Paris that the dis- turbances in Moscow have been, ex- aggepated. It is supposed Bourse in- trignes are at the bottom of them, The Paris Bourse is not alarmed. It is rumored the Rostofsky regiment of Grenadiers has joined the Moscow revolutionaries, A cavalry regiment has been sent from St. Petersburg to re- inforce the troeps at Moscow. Insurgents wrecked four trains on the. Baltic line between Narva and Reval, two carrying goods, one pas- sengers and one nearly a regiment of cavalry. Casualties and severe fight- ing are reported from Rostoff on the Don and at Vina. Hundreds have been letter of in- troduction from him which Walton had in his possession when arrested. Mr. Cox stated that Walton had been referred to him by Dr. Goldsmith, Belleville, who became acquainted with the prisoner on an oeean liner, com- ing from London to Montreal. Mr, Cox said he gave Walton a letter of introduction to. Frederick , Nicholls, of the Cangdian Geperal Electric. He had been deceived by the prisoner, who, he understood, had got $275 from. Dr. Goldswith, Nineteen plumbers were placed on ing, on the charge of conspiracy to de- ing false news and imprisoned for three months. The false news they were calling included the reported ar- rest of Seeretarv of the Interior Dur- novo hy the strikers. | At (the Laferme one of the defendants, had his name withdrawn. and was used as a crown witness, He said the tenders had been averaged up, the bonuses added, and each defendant had received an I. 0. 1. for 850 from the suecessiul tender- tobacco factory, «wounded. In the same district a They Are to Be Paid to King- stonians bomb factory was discovered. Dee. T . 1! The disarmament of the proletariat P, br vincial s T | Torontu, to-d >. Jue iy neta has been carried put svstematicallv. BOB a a civil | The emperor continues to show ~ all Jaeequae) g possible attentions to the army. He has arranced that one regiment shall be received weekly at Tsarskoe Selo, and be well fed, granted for gratuities at the last ses sion of the legislature. The list of lucky omes is as follows : Executors of John English, $1,200; W. H. Hicwins, estate, $1300; Donald McCaig, $1,000; Dr. 't. F. Chamberlain, $1,508; Com- mander Law, $1,200; Mrs. Margaret Martin, 3600; daughters of late Col. Baldwin, $350; Mrs. Leclaire, $200 ; Mrs, lLeccll, $1,200; W. N. Anderson. $260; Henry Wade, $750; W. P. Baird, PITH OF THE NEWS. nt { The Very Latest OCulled From All | Over The World. 1° The Coliege of Physicians amd Sur- geons is to erect a new medical build- ing in Toronto. ' - $600: Charles Evans, $500; John , Charles Black, Toronto, was sent. | Moore, Belleville, $236; Mrs. William enced to two years in Kingston peni- Edwards, $1,000; R. H. Stedman, tentiary for theft at Stratford. $500; Mrs. Pearse, Kingston, $250; An- It is understood that President drew Dick, London, $100; children of Morales has left Santo Domingo to J. L. Campbell, $1,050; Thomas Mec- establish a new capital at Monte Cris \ do ishene, $1,000; Mar- 10- ea Eo Thomsss font. The old Commerical hotel 'and the | Kingston $360, Allan Mclean, King- Massey-Harris warehouse at White ston, 8600; John McManus, Kingston, wood, Sask., have been destroyed by 5006 Dr. Daniel Clarke, £3,000; Wil. fire. Sou i aio: Agnes Tun. The body of Thomas Canty, a miss- nah London $250; Robert Christie, DE Brantford man, was found in a! 1 : 0 - Et 2 GOO: . ter about two miles from | afterngon. The C.P.R. bridge gang is NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS, " £5,000; James Noxon, . $2,600; Mis. poe} of water abou 0 en hn sat at the Stati y de Al New Stoel This Week. Burden, Sault Ste. Narie, S00; 12, William Rogerson, farmer of Ro-| was thé annual school meeting. Wes- Supplied by W. ¥. Dever & Co. 18 | Cranberries, tulery, heed lettuce, Miideew Guelph, $70 cares _~ land, Man., was caught in the ma- | lev Walroth was elected trustee in . y N VS i 8 [8 , ud . 1 ! - . * Market Square, Kingston. : parsley, etc., at Carnovsky s 100: Th aha Ried a, gqop, chinery of a portable sawmill and John Buchannan's place Joseph Pogues Ju Chickens and turkey. Crawford §1 Roms 2 : ? *, fataliy injured. eg as arrived fr - the ret, N hicken 3 A 1. N te © s of the German | looking hale an earty. Mrs. Judge Atchison . BRE RY H. Craig, senior clerk at Best's drug THE TARIFF COMMISSION : From lat Tuniicnis oth " he a ivi x hier Sarah, arrived 2 . . 1094 3 ned he city last night emperor it would seem at he and g! . : d © ar a ONiG vis 118% store, returned to the city las &! templates a modification of his inter- | Christmas day from the west. We will Broukive Rapid Transit i 4. eer oven) days spent at his home wag in Session at Quebec To- national policy. have an election here this year. Daniel Sanadiun Pacific in AWA. Da W. H. Zinn, or of the Qui Buchannan is the new councilman in sre TE we 4TH 48 ka! oh ' . [a y- . . Zinn, manager © e een $ Illinois Central mts. VI Basketball match in Y.M CA, oY Quebec, Dec, 20. There was another street store of the J, F. Brown com- | the field. We are sorry. to learn that, Louisville & Nashville 1513 1684 |turday night, "between Westmount, : i {ssi po Ton ; for st | John Dowdell is seriously ill, 'we h Metropolitan x 204 125 Montreal. and -Y.M.C.A. Admission, Mting of the tarifi commission at. pany, oronto, is under arrest | John Do s seriously a of Missouri Pastiic ' 1004 1004 10¢. : ten o'clock, this morning. Appeared he- charged with theft. for a speedy recovery Mrs, Samuel Row York Cengtral ju a Chickens and turkey. Crawford fore the commissioners : Gaspard Le- Incompetent auditing was sown a Gordon, Klin, passed uy go Tues- Penusylvania 4 NH t. EF > di moine, for the seeds merchants, Chas. the York County loan inquiry, which | day, funeral on ursday. The sym ee nd 18% 138 gluens hockey eam Sid act 5 do Belleville, for the boot and shoe trade has concluded. W. H. Cross promises pathy of the community is extended to St. Paul 180 HY on the rink there. : Henri Bazin, for the' Bazin Manufac- an interim statement shortly. the bereaved husband and children in a Oh 1084 1 A. C Campbell returned from To- | turing compuny;-Dr. J. F. Demers, for . The Yukon river is open at Yukon! the loss of a good and kind wife and Union Pacific 1494 151 ronto, to-day, to 'spend a few days at { the Canadian Independent Telephone Crossing, Such a thing as any portion mother, John Buchunnap had a good "United States) Stael 40% oo his home on Brock street Association of Canada: Ernest Caron, of the great northern river ng free spaniel Poisoned last weeRnA big time United Stated Stecl, pid. . 105% 106 Miss. Mabel Maund and Miss Daisy | and Cleophas Blowin, N.P.P., for the from ice in the middle of December i is expected at jhe { Burch of England . . yh > \ 1: tt oo shinary:. re EK ique i 2 his o t on the t as 'a big pro- parker will spend New Year's day | Canadian Shoo Machinery; George E. unique in the history of the north] concert oi e > pre RAIN MARKET, Parke wll a asa y Xmyot, of the Dominion Corset Manu- a gramme is being prepared. Finhin } WHEAT. 8T¢ 872 Double cash coupons on all cash | facturing company, and Lorenzo Rob-p The Turkish government has pre-| literary society will assist in the pro- Jui 833 83 putchases tomorrow. Saturday, at {itaille, of the Eureka Distillery, Bean- sented a note to the Austro-Hungarian | gramme. John Acheson, .Jr., spent N-- Mullins : o port, Que. The commissioners were government, informing "it that the | Christmas at home. Also Otto Elliott ~ mn ia "Chickens and turkey. Crawford through at one o'clock. They will have Macedonian committees in. Bulgaria | and Gordop Charlton, Mr. and Mrs. July Vv. 3 n a sitting at St. Hyacinthe, Que., to- are preparing for an uprising in Mace- aT ------ _-- - ns ---- i Your Clothes Come From Us They'll Be Right ! Whe wo gain and hold the eonfidmee of the public. We're wise enough to know that nothing short oh gan work and good material will*hold here n't a man in the eanrot find a pattern to his liking in our stock. Trusting the tailoring to us means much to the man who takes pride in dressing well and in style. We keep abreast of the times and the most eareful painstaking attention is _ given to every garment we turn out. Suits, $18 to $25. morrow. The sitting, this morning, was presided over by Hon, W. Patter son, minister of customs, Hon. W, 8 ' JFielding was absent. He had leit early donia in the coming spring. Farmers along the line of the Cana- dian Northern into Edmonton are pleased over a reduction of three LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN securing $150,000 in paper 'Occurrences In The City And name before ? beats a king. We'll tell you after Mon- Montreal, and oe, to four. this afternoon, months' sentence. and open-hearted citizen, "a native the "city he mayor. with, officials. terday. and is at the police station awaiting an owner. interests robbed fraud Warwick Bros. and Rutter out AR. CR enjoyed the. menu as given in the of $1,200 in connection with a plumb- News sellers were arrested in St. | Whig of Tuesday. Roast pork was ing contract for that firm. J. E. Gray, Petersimrg Nevski Prospekt for carry- [substituted for the roast beef of Cossacks came into. collision with de- [will play; James Napier, clarionist; . | manatrutars and dispersed them. A | Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, William Man- THE GRATUITIES. | similar. conflict took place on the |hard, Miss Edythe Mills, soloists; { Schlusselburg road; several killed and | Warren Lockett, with his mandolin, ¢ » WHIG, ' FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20 GENERAL. Chickens and turkey. Crawford. Mowat ! Where have we heard that In what game is it that the jack ¥eportal around town that the lw match in Y.M.C.A,, Sa- Westmount, Y.M.C.A. Admission, Chickens and turkey. Crawford. Double cash coupons on all cash Chickens and turkey. Crawford. Ernest Walker was taken to jail, to serve his nine Alderman Mowat is an open-handed of hopes to represent as Chickens and turkey, Crawfords With good dry weather the walking will be good in Williamsville to the polls, "And we will walk too" said a resident with a Mowat wink, Chickens 'and turkey. Crawford, A convicty from St. Vincent de Paul, was brought to the penitentiary to-day, arriving in the city at noon, Chickens and turkey. Crawford. A purse, contaiming a few street car tickets was found on the street yes- The parents and children of the city have no traer friend working in their on the board of education than ex-Mayor James Duncan Thomp- son. Chickens and turkey. Crawford. The penitentiary prisoners were not of Christmas cheer, as a local paper tries to make out. They former years. Chickens and turkey. Crawford. The programme at the annual New Year's reception at the Y.M.C.A., pro- mises to 'he very enjoyable. Cscar Telgmann and his two little daughters and J. Bews and E. Boak, fencers, will be the cntertaimers. +E. P. Jenkins will nreside. Chickens and turkey. Crawford. SHOT A LITTLE GIRL. Boy Fired Bullet Into Head at Entertainment. Atlantic City, N.J:., Dee. 29. --Bessie Aug, a little girl, was shot'in. the head by John Adams, during a Christ- mas entertainment. and died yester- day: The lad is in custody awaiting the action of the coroner. Young. Adams sat behind the irl during the entertainment. He had a small pistol, which he first said had only shot 'blank cartridges, but latter admitted contained a ball cartridge. As the minister said "one, two, three," to start the singing, young Adams exclaimed "fire." He shot the pistol and the bullet lodged in the girl's head. Maberly Matters. Maberly, Dec.. 28.--Joseph held a shooting Munro match on Christmas John Buttrell are visiting friends here, Mrs. Arthur Charlton, Perth, is here for a few days. Miss Laura McGregor is visiting Miss Annie Buchannan. Sr. and Mrs. Bailey spent Christmas at this morning for Compton. ASK FOR PROTECTION. British Comjuercial Men in Rus- sia, Anxious. Birmingham, Eng.. Dec. 29.--The Post asserts that British fommercial houses, in Russia, have made renewed representations to the foreign office, asking for protection: May Be Noted Swindler. Calgary, Alta, Dec. 29. Latimer, iwho is under arrest here on a charge of defrauding a Mrs, Carpenter, Mont- real, is wanted in Pennsylvania. He is believed to have been a member of the famous Stone Cotton syndicate swindle, which secured millions by its methods. , Suicided By Hanging. Woodstock, Ont. Dec, 29 Robert W, Keeler, about fifty#ee vears of abe, a nurseryman, committed suicide by hanging ahout sie o'clock this morn: ing. He had been in poor health. Overcgats, $18 to $28. | LVNGSTON'S, Chickens and turkey. Crawford. 3 eents, which has been made on the freight rate for grain, flour, oatmeal and mill stuffs, shipped from Edmon- ton to Port Arthur. George Buchannan's. Mrs. John Arm- strong returned to Wolfe Island day. oof . to- Sipido, the young anarchist, who! (Chickens and turkey. Crawford. fired an inefiectual shot in the Brus- Most of the antomobilgs used in and sels railway station at King Edward | aout Shanghai, where the number of then Prince of Wales, in the early stages of the Boer war, and was sent to the .reformatory at Namur, where { he 'has since been, has been released and was enrolled in the army. Three Sets Of Creditors. You will have po. vegrets in Sandwich, Ont., - Dec. 29.--Kelly, fter life, i ; . Or after life, if on the first bank colored, claiming to be an army in: dow of 3 : i vetapan. und recipient of a pension ng ay of Jamuwary, nineteen from the United States government, hundred 'and six, you open a bought $20 worthoof jarniture a savings account with this Bank C. 8. Boismier promi pay nd deposit i p , when his pension money came. Then he 5 Post h a Partie ot your a the goods to a Windsor noome ear w or month. SaonOy ler for $20, and next day The rapidity with which it will held an auction and sold the staff to grow will be both a surprise rrivate parties for $20, wate. Then and delight to you. The open e skipped Jie country cannot ing of am account-is a very simple matter. We will be pleased to assist you. motor cars is constantly increasing, are driven by Chinese. They do their work well. - m-------------- now * found. 1 three sets of creditors: are looking fer him. Chickens and turkey. Crawford. 2 Ibs. nixed tea, regular price, 2e. per lh, for 25c., at Mullin's, Cor. Princess and Bagot Sts. Children's Party Slippers STANDARD BANK OF CANADA THE SATURDAY SPECIALS "s "Here are the chances for' which you' have been look- ing a long time. For Underwear and Men's Nightgowns nothing could be found to excel the Flannelette offered. and you never had a better opportunity to replenish your stock of towels at prices so much below the regular. 1,100 YAS dmuemn ZC. ' 'Medina colored stripes, not too light, strongly woven, 3» inched wide and considered exceptionally good value at 10 Saturday morning special 'at 9.30 for Zc. 600 HUCK ABA ELS 16¢. Pago. Bleached Hutkaback Towels, size 21 inches by ches, with fiteely hemstitched borders, and considerpd ue at 25c., Saturday morning special at 9.30 for 16c. 145 LAST SATURDAY OF THE | HALF PRICE 1, .g Ladies' Coat Sale To-morrow will likely be your last opportunity to se- cure a Coat of the latest material and workmanship at ex- actly half the price you would have paid but a few days ago. e're not going to carry a single Coat over to next season, and so have forgotten the prices we paid and the pro- fits we expected, and are offering them all 'at just one-half the regular price marked. ag 3 WN or good Coat shown 1s of this year's cloth; finish, and exclusive styles, almost all black, and in only the three. quarter length, in sizes from 32 to 44. Regularly our low- est price was $5 and our highest $15.75--now they range, with eight in-between prices, from $2.50 to $7.88. 8 Ladies' Suits, Too! All Winter Suits in good strong cheviot ford grey, black and navy. Fine large seven skirt, flaring prettily at the bottom, and coat. Regular $8.75 to 814.50, now at $4.38 to $7.25. | 15 Bay cloths, colors Ox- and nine gored regular short suit 2 Boys' Winter Wear We remembered and gave the fathers and the big fel- * lows their opportunity the other day. Now we'll tell you about our immense and pleasing stock of Winter Wear for the boys. 3 Our Underwear of Unshrinkable Wool is just their ideal of perfection, as it is made and finished 'exactly like the kind that father wears," We just list a few specials by no means all of our stock :-- BOYS' FINE WOOL UNDERWEAR, soft and very warn shrinkable wool, all sizes from 2 tos ld years, pri ing to size, from - 335c¢. to 60c. BOYS' FLEECE LINED UNDERWEAR, all sizes io boys, according to size, from 25¢c to 45c. BOYS' YARN KNIT STOCKINGS, all sizes, prices, a g to size, from 12%c. to 23c. BOYS' SCOTCH KNIT STOCKINGS, first quality Seo! ering yarn, all sizes, and according to size, from 20c. to 49c. BOYS' EXTRA STRONG CASHMERE and with six-fold knee and double to size, from 23c. to 50c. ... JOHN LAIDLAW & SON .. STOCKINGS toe and heel, a 120 Princess Street, Kingston Some new styles for the girls and boys. latest New York and Boston. J A The We also have a particularly good assortment of |both Patent and Kid at $1.25 and $1 in SHOE STORE sizes. LOCKETT K greg : small Et YEAR 72. N * Furnit A Few Special In Mahogany and @ Oak Dressers' and Stan $20 to $55; also a few jers, for $10 to $R5. China Cabinets, from $40. Parlor Cabinets, fron $35, Solid Mahogany. Ré6bt. J. | Two doors above Oper; Telephone 577 Perfect Workm: Choicest Materia A combination to be our shoes. Wear "All : Military Bootmak 84 Brock St. Sign of € eesti ara tm-- MADE-TQ-ORDI Persian Lamb Select Your Sk Quality, Style and equalled. McKAY FUR BROCK STRE]I 3 Days Mee In the Old Collegiate | Hours of Meet RDAY TECEMBER rver Meeting, 7 a.m. Rible Reading. 10 a.m. a Preaching, 7.80 p.m. SUNDAY, TI Preaching, HONDAY, Biba SAT Pr Preaching, 7.30 ar a Ihe Lord's coming and « of vital importance to C taken up in these meetir Il are cordially invited. S--------------_---- DO LIKEWI Dean Fire ally st ESTATE. NSURAN! TER He FRENGH MISS 1 GENTLEMAN suits pressed and and | also bring vour ip-to-date suit } - Way's, 131 Brock stro LAMIES TO DO LAIN SEW in » e AS TO GROW us during winter an be made ear week. No inure, whiéh, to instructio i MEN AND « Trade. pays 5 course of pre at home or in ates admitted Plumbers = As secured. Coyny Schools Is., Cine 5 a CARL & RroL reliable, conve Foretell vour 1 and bitthdate. . Chicago. ee si 3 JOUR FORTUNE TOL cradia to the grave; POUND. A PAIR OF SPECTAC haat wook, on' Kin % he Same hy Electors ve Pport Kingston y voting for- the bylaw. ' . 0% Ni bottles perfunie ed Cross drug store,