oh has been electod a Toronto Stock Exchange, output of Puminion' Coal for the year approxi tons, 'and shipments, 2, Pucific lan sales in Decem- SINS acres for $380,005. record Jor this month Can i th West fand rr amBnY's sabes 1 acres for N71. # ~The hE a cutput of wold in the Rand is estimated by Lond Kaffir at 435,000 fine ounces, ugninkt a4. *. November. This estimate A tet monghly output on re- ideo Wh 5a 3 understootl that the * peinrred the Minneapolis, St. ul & 1 Ste RR. will ba retired in near future, and that its pl {En nt ~anndian Tig oarmiigsvol "the Toronto TITway | co ny for 1905 amount to JRO ,- v about $800,000 more them last a : receipts in 1904 were $2,444. Bas. oe Foceipts for December were L000. The eity's share for the year wil b 3 4 Baris Falls is to hive a new Jron ustry. It will be a farge and up-to Indu ih fourdry, and will be erected xt suinmer. The promotors of this io industry are Mayor Foster, Dr, Gray and Mr. John McEwen. all well wn business and finanelal men in Tom 2 It Hil be nu igint-stock egmpany' with a pald up capital of L000; A ---------------- RELIGIOUS PROFESSION ---- Of Seven Young Ladies at the House of Providgnce. An a ative audience congregat- = fat the Beautitel chapel of the House of idence on Wednesday (Feast of St. ( ove), "to witness. the religious profession of seven ardent young ean- didates who heroically pledged their lives to God. for the service of suffer ing humanity, from infancy to totter ing old age. The novices were: Har viet Quinn, Micavitle; Sr. M. Louis; Emily and Elizabeth Tiernev, Ottawa; Srs, M. Veronica and Leo; Mary Me- Mabon, Chesterville; Sr. MW, 'of the Seven Dolors; Margaret Gavin, Mal ! lorytown; Sr. M. Peter: Mary and Nel- lie Traynor, Carleton Place; Srs. 'M, i and M. G A he ceremony was interesting and in- structive, proving that amid the ma- torialistic tendencies of the age there are many generous dnd self-sacrificing souls who are prepared to give up all to consecrate their lives to the services of God in the religious. state. Rev. M. O'Rourke, P.P., of Westport, performed the sacred function by de- putation of * his grace, Archbishop Gauthier, at present in Rome, owing to the fuct that four of 'the happy 'hovices were formée parishion- ds 'of the realous priest under whose guidances the youthful maidens were inspired to seek so nobles vaektion: A number of clergy and church dip- vitaries honored the glad event by theif presen: Very Rov, Mer, Master: son, administrator of the diocese of Prescott: Very, Rev, Doan Murray, of Brockville; Rev. Father J. P. Kehe rector, St. Mary's Fathers Duffud. McDonaeh Mieaville; Meagher, Carleton Places Crgwley, Trevelyan: O'Riordan, Camden; Jd. J, O'Rielly, city, and. Dy, Kinpslow: chap- lain of the institution. The music and decorations harmonized with the eran- deur of the solmnity and the dav' proceedings closed veliziously with benediction of the blessed sacrament at 5 pm, by Rev. Father Cullinane, The Funeral To-Day. The funeral of the late Dr. Orlando Samreon Strange, who died in his dightieth year, on Tuesday, at 2:20 o'clock, this afternoon, though pri vate, was attended hy a large nimber of old friends of the deccased. Rev, Pr. Mackie conducted the services at the houses The coffin was banked in beautiful floral offerings frm friends in and out of the city. The chief mourners, who acted as pallbearers, wore the threo sons, J. Montague Strange, U, MM Strange, Montres!, Ernest 0. Strange; a grandson, De. L. W. Jones; three nephews, John Strange, Campbell Strange, . Frank Strange, and Dr. H. Ramsay Duff. Heavy Fall Of Ceiling. During the night the cornice anc part of the ceiling in the chambers fell down. In one place the floor was broken through and a ser © A Judge And Beauty. Austice Wills quits the benth anid ersnl approval of the ble way which he ha seales' "of justiee, during his CAPT ws no fudge long Very considerate Foung men, fe been un favorite bh the junior bar, while to mon of owt age Sir Alfesll Wills has been always an ideal © Knglish gentleman. Bo wae oie of thé Yidheors among Al. Celimberd, and the dofacement of 4 Switreriai) room was unoccupied, had any per rouses more | Some injury would have surely result oF of demiedntion rom him to. | ©: i 'than almost "nay other, matter, soc hive advertissiients of scouring laiditupe of Switzerland is BERORANOS "bo the judge. Ws Sentiments ns to etitebalismed rim EE SY Chamois vests and chest protector Cross drug store, Seo Livingston's or, ------ -- JANUARY SALE IN and \ Overcontings positive 'comistion that it will as th ae Silt or Trousers for present w ; ; Ne want, comes a time in every season when it is 5 Xbgardun determination to redios our Is nglish | Worsted, cathedrals Rev, council tea was crushed, 1t was fortunate 2 son been struck with one of the big . pieces of plaster wighing fifty pounds, 3¢ore of THE DAI Es ot SR LY WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4. ELECTION NORTH GREY AND NORFOLK AFFAIRS DISMISSED. No "Evidence Offered op Either Side ~ Kingston "Electoral Methods to Be Fnvestigated, it is Said by the Cabinet. Toronto, Jan. 4.--~The election peti- fion, in North Grey, against N. T. Telford, M.P., and Norfolk, against Col. Tisdale, cam@ up in the court of ppeal this morning, No evidence was ored on either side, and the ap- peals protested were therefore djsmiss- It is understood that Premier Whit ney and his cabinet will consider the question' of corruption in the recent election in Kingston, where the liberal candidate was unseated. = Mr, Whitney stated, to-day, that it had heen re presented to him that there had been glaring corruption, and that he had been strongly urged to have an in vestigation. The cabinet had informal. ly discussed the matter, and would likely take it un officially. The 'examination of Joseph Phillive, president of the York County Loan and Savings company, which was to have takdn place, to-morrow, has been indefinitely postponed pending the result of the recent government enquiry. Janes Bickne'l, K.C., hes given notice that he will apply to the legislature for an act to fe-organi-e the affairs of the York County Loan, abd to give eficot to a sehivme for the reconstruction of the company; anc to incorporate a company fof such purpose. Messrs. Pinkerton and Cook, who secured: an injunction preventing J. 8. Barrett. his wife, Emile. and Joseph Phillips, from transferring any stock of the Routhern Light and Power company, £212,500 honels of which are held hy the York County oan, have obtained the right 10 ox aniine the books of the Souther Light and Power company. The provincial receipts for the past year from all 'sourbes are already 86. 400,000, and sll. the returns are not in, It is expected the receipts wi'l canal those of 1904, which were 26, 126.358, notwithstanding the fact that in 1904 there was' received from timber bonuses, 21,664,000 against only $520.000 in 1905. The erown lands receipts were $548.000 larger. -------- GENERAL HOSPITAL. S-------- Governors = Decide to Change Nurses' Uniform to Blue. The regular monthly meeting of the hoard of governors, Kingston General Hospital, wag held Wednesday after - noon at four o'clock. Present': ¢. X. Ohown, (chairman), B. W. Robertson, F. G. Lockett, Rev, I. Laing, Prof. 4 Marshall, Rev. Dr. "Mackin, Charles : Livingston, Pp. PA. Pr: Wood, Rev, r. Maegilliveay, Lient.-Col, ir. Walkem, W. B. Skinner, Minnes, The * board decitod to re-open the shaek for 'consumptis cs. nnder cort in cemditions, "It was: decided to change the nurses' uniform, adopting ~~ hlue chambray, {rik the muoderii cap, apron and bib, The visiting gover i r the month of January aren Lockett and Licut: Col. Massie, Massie, James A, ra ---- FIRE CAPTAIN KILLED. aptist Church Destroyed by In. ! cendiary Fire. Springfield, Mass, Jan. 4.- Cantain Sidoev Bowers, of engine 4. was killed and Frank L. Hines, a fireman, was seriously injured in an incendiary fire which completely destroyed the High- land Baptist church, last night, The fire started in an adjoining barn. in ('which fires had Leen set twice revi ously in the last two months, Twice during the last two vears fires have { been discovered in the chapel in the {¢hurch, Cantain Bowers and three fire- tmen were in the barn when the roof (fell in. The three firemen were pulled yout, but it was impossible (n i Bowers, After the fire was under (trol search was ..minde for { Bowers'. body, hut only the {Hfonnd. The church, which cost about 860.000, was dedicated in 1903. The surance is about $46,000 reach con Cantain head was | ONE MAN KILLED. -- " A Score Infared and $100,000 Property Loss. Chicago, Jan. 1. --Thomas bh. Hend erson was killed hy o falling "sign, a persons were injured, and $100,000 worth of property 'was des troyed by a windstorm which struck Chicago last night. At one time the wind blew sixty miles 4 an honr, In it pays to buy them at Gibson's Red E¥OTY Part of the city pedestrians were | hurt hy flying signs or falling chim- advt. for special 'MOVE: Along the North Share trecs were prives on suits and overconts to op. | WProoted. In Evanston and South Chi- cago, the wind worked great havoe, the greatest loss being in South (hi. cago, where an open under course of Hinois Steel local oficiales: say. they protest has heen raised. The took place on January year. Not even an trouble has been reason can be seen for any disturb: ance, : 1st of S5Ee eal TUIET---- ne © A Fioneer Dead. Goderich, Ont, Jan. 1.--Willian Teen, 8 hioneor resident of this dig tried, is dead, aged vighty-foup mer, - - ------ , + Was Accidentally Killed. Wracebridge, Ont. of tha vidental di i i | ars hate hui of 3 wun. Torti} goods are TRIALS a hearth furnnes construction by the company, was blown down. The ste] company's loss is £30,000, ------ No Word Of Trouble. Prantford. Ont, Jan. 1.-C. 0 F have received no word of any dissatisfaction in the West, 'Since the high court met not & chanoe this is the intimation of received, and no t L) years, He and his wife, who survives, cele brated their golden weddiag last sum Rracebs C Jan 4A{ Baye ville, this morning, Mrs. Dy, Bushnell t village, was killed by the ao. depend oo benght at Qihad's Rad Fubiite Store, Z pure i sold there, in Subine Ne-- PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. M. P. Kicusellar, Trenton, is. in the city. to-day. x Sek A. B. Savior, Bloomfield, is in town for a few days. F. E. Benjamin and in the city to-day. es , R. Gage, Utica, N.Y., was a visitor in town yesterday. datghter * were spent the day in town. ms C. W. Gray, Watertown, NY., was a visitor. in the city yesterday. . Charles M. Foster, Winnipeg, arrived in the city, to-day, and is at the tel, sig Stratford, arrived in- the city, last night, and is at the ] ) hotel, > Randelob an Shaw will in a few days begin hig duties as one of the provin- cial inspectors of estates. J. 0. Hutton, general agent of the Canada Life Assurance company, is in Toronto on business. i Belleville Ontario: Congratulations to Mayor Mowat and his ardent jour- nalistic supporter, the Whig. B. Sherwood, of Napanee, gen- eral manager of the Napanee and Tamworth railroad, was in the city to-day. . M. F. Hughes, Duluth, Minn., hes with his Guild, returned west after a visit daughter, Mrs. Leman A. Division street. J Walker, bandmaster of the 14th regiment band, returned. yester- ' day from New York, where "he has ; been visiting for the past three weeks. ! Mr. and Mes. Leonard M. Staley left to-day for the south. They will visit *friends in New York and Rich- mond, Va., en route to Atlanta, Ga., where they will spend the winter. | The Guelph Meréury anneunces the dissolution of partnership between Me Intosh & Galbraith, proprictors, which has existed since August. 189%, Mr. McIntosh has bought the interest . of ! Mr. McIntosh. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Root, Mallory: town, were guests of the latter's brother, Leman A. Guild, Division street, on Wednesday. They were en route home after spending the holi days at Muskegon, Mich. IT. H. Follick, M.A., Niagara Falls, son of Rev. Joseph Follick, Colborne street, has been engaged as organist { and chygir leader of Zion church, Care | leton Place. Mr. Follick has. had a ! wide experience, and bears the highest | testimonials. NO STAR HOCKEYISTS . -- Can Play in Teams Around New | York. | New York, Jan. 4--No nore star hoekey players from Canada, or any other place, will be allowed to play in games with teams around New York. At a meeting of the exeeitive and gov- ern' ng committee of the American Hoe key League of America, this was taken, nection dh die phi LORD JUSTICE OF APPEALS Has a Wife I'Who Comes, From Syracuse, N.Y. Tondon, Jan. 4.~John Fletcher Mil ton, M.V.; has heen appointed J justice of appeal, in place of Justice Matthew, who recently resigned. Mrs, Milton is a daughter of Major Henry Dari, Syracus Fa 5 Friend Of Sir John. The death odeurred in Capt. B. H. Vandervoort, aged seven ty-four 'years. He was born in Hast- ings county, and was for many vears a rosperous farmer' of Sidney township, | I 1 i being for upwards of © twen ty years a resident of that township. For the past twenty- five years he had been living retired. Mr. Vandervoort, was in-command of the 49th buttalion, Hastings Rifles, Deceased came of an old United Ui: pive Loyalist family. He was a pro minen't conservative and was an in timate friend of the late Sir John A. Macdonald and Sir Mackenzie Powell having attended at Kingston with the latter. He a widow and four sons, | voort, Descronto, is a son. ------ Million Women Oppose. | Washington, Jan. 1.--The Dr. Vander present a memorial signed by a million women teed Smoot comes up for fin ion before the United requesting that the al dec States sena signatures were collected in all of the country, -- | Londo¥'s Poor For Virginia. London, Jun. 4.--A news agency de spatch from Richmond, states that Philip A. 8. Brine, Bri by the London, latter to of London's poor on Virginia farms, No Trace Yét. Five days have passed and Hymds, a laborer at the gas of him «in, number but met with no sucorss. Attacked On The Britige. .. «. while proceeding "Un Tueslyy «night, across Cataraqui bridge, to her vat Barrviefiold, \ a young lady was at him, and succeeded from his grasp, Her assailant ran off : Buy Castoria ut ( Seribbler- What did the think of yout pdem about the Storm ¥ - Sergwler--Said catch the drift of it. . The only drag store Iy high class candy is | Cross dig store, . Many a man because he jus hitter. X Puy Herpicide at Gibson store, The known J, 'H. Micker, Preston, is in the city Mr. and Mrs, J. Fleming, Tam¥orth, | toronto of | the military college was a Mason and an Orangemen. He leaves | National | League of Women's organizations will nearly when the case of Mornion senator | be prevented from taking his seat. The | parts Virginia, itish vice-consul there, has had a conference with the commissioner of agriculture of Virginia regarding a proposal made the lord mavor of | to establish thirty thousand John | works, ie still missing, Nothing has heen seen Saturday night. That he was drowned in one of the lower ships, general opinion. "Yesterday o of men grappled for {he body home < tacked by a man, She struggled with in getting away lim the 1 1ibson's Red Cross BS store, The genuine is sold there, editor Show he couldn' that sells strict. Gibson's * Red ° is given a soft answer tobe a hawt i 's Red Cross " genuine is sold there, ve CAUSE DIS TYPHOID FEVER CAUSED BY THE MILK. The Vendor Had Watered His Cows at Impure Well--Board of Health Orders the Well to Be Filled In. The Board of Health had a special meeting, yesterday afternoon, to con- #ider the report of Dr. J. H. Bell, | 'medical health officer, in connection { with a typhoid fever easo.- Last Fri- day it was reported to him that the i littl: son of Prof. A. K. Kirkpatrick; Barrie street, had developed typhoid. Dr. Bell immediately ordered a bac- teriological test of the city water, and found that it was pure. He then turned his attention to the milk used at the home, and, locating the vendor, had the city commissioner go out to the Bath Road and secure samples of milk and water. In the sample from a well whith the vendor had been using Jor his cows up till two weeks ago, was found, on bacteriological exam- ination at Queen's Medical College, an enormous number of typhoid germs. Thus the source of the disease which had taken hold of the lad was dis- covered, At its meeting, the Board of Health ordered that the impure well be filled in by the owner within forty-cight hours or his milk license would be withdrawn. The vendor is having this done. Latterly he had been watering his eattle at another well, the water {in whith has been tested and found | all right. The board expressed its ap- preciation of the prompt action taken by Dr. Bell-to Jocate the origin of the fever caso and in probally pre: venting others from occurring. Prof. "Kirkpatrick's Hide boy is very seriously ill, pneumonia having developed along with the fever. smmtemdba------ PITH OF THE NEWS. [ The Very Latest Culled From All " Oyer The World. Controller Hubbard hopes for a sev { enteen mill tax rate in Toronto. A tornado in Albany, Georgia, up- rooted trees and blew freight from the tracks. It is believed that the Ontario legis- lature will not meet until near the end of February. Sir Wilfrid Laurier will attend tle marriage of Mr. Aylesworth, Jr.. in Toronto, February 20th. Twenty four Heutenants were ap pointed to the fire brigade by Chief Thompson, Toronto. When you have to do with who are blatantly honest, it is to buy more padlocks. Statistics place "cars those time the pecuniary los by the Moscow strike that has Just come to an end at 83,125,000," The provincial = secretary's voor ipts for last vear were 131,401, the lare- est in the history of the department The Grand Trunk railway company have placed orders for eighty-gue new locomotives, six of which' will be bui't in Toronto. Tha official result of the license ve m Torcnto shows majoritics of 1.687 against tavern reduction and 1.990 against shop reduction, An amalgamation of two companies, to be known as the Furor and, Frie Loan and Savings company, was rati fi'd hy the council, Heutenanit-governor-in Ww. Steveson, for the past twolte years sjunior Eng h master in the St. Catharines Collegiate Institute, « { has resignel), to accept a position in | Ottawa. { John A. MeCall has resionod t'e presidency of the New York life In surance company, and Alexander | Orr was appointed in his place, at salary of 850,000 a vear | Last month was the mildest Decemn { ber since that of 1891, the mean tem- [ perature being 31.3 degrees. The | Christmas month of 1994 was a hair's | breadth behind with 31.2 degrees a The revenue from paying patients at | the proviniial asylums for the four | months ending December 31st was | SE6. 712.5); an dnerense 'of [2902612 | over the cowrasponding period of 1904 All the Roman Catholic bishops have { sign their. opposition tthe Que bee government proposal to have the provincial secretary sit with the Catholic committee of the council of public instruction Governor Higgins, in reports to the i New York state legislature that forty two insurance companies operat ing in that state have over ten mig {lion polievholders, carrying 'ten inil {lion dollars of 'insufance. says ------------ | Illegally Nominated, There was no separate schodl elie tion at Portsmouth on Wednesday ae expected. A lezal' opinion was given the board of officials that F. Gravely one of the candidates, had heen itl: gally nominated, having een propos od by one whé was not a school ratepayer. Hence, it was de cided to hold no election. but to de clare the other candidates. R. Corhy, Kennedy, Sr. and Thomas Fowler elected by ae amation, separate ---- Positively Dangerous. It is positively dangerous to sit in the city council' chamber, After the crashing down of 4 Part of the last night. more of the to come at any chunk of the the city cornice riling i« apt ribment. and cif 5 plaster strikes 5 head, t! tv will be minus an alderman, I'he city engineer should make a port to the council an ceiling, A it. re the dangerius metal one should replace yA dR, ---- To Contest Tts Legality. Ratepavers of Kingston township fidve engaged John Melntare, KC to take proceedings to contest the legal ity of the local option by-law, passed he township last Monday. The claim is that sufficient publicity was not given in the press and that no erutineers ou were appointed for each balhnhg sub-division as requir o $ Mjuirel hy law, A 2 : -- Buy syrup of Red Spruce gum at Gibson's Red Cross drug there. Hoax--1 see old Bejones febt again. Joax--What's has hie been alking on his hands ¥ | "The wa cough' can he curl with Gibson's Red Cross cough syrup, store, Fresh is on his the mattep, DISCOVERED [$7 Started To-day Our Annual Stocktaking, the most important even of all the year with ®s, was commenced this morning, and from now on bargains will be the only rule around this store. For, as has been our custom, the whole stock in each and every department must be reduced and sold out in the next two wecks, to a veritable shadow of what it one was. What we paid for the goods and what we expected to profit on them--we'll simply forget. Magy lines of Winter Goods will be placed on sale at what will be actually less than the wholesale cost of the same, The stock must go, and the space must be | These will be, the only thoughts in our minds. had. : vo . Some Friday Specials And of course we haven't neglected to accept the offer. ing of a few special items at much below the regular. From these and certain positive reductions for stocktaking all over the store, "we have the following Friday bargains 1 offer roe : 175 Yards Table Linen at 69c. PURE BLEACHED TABLE LINEN, 70tinches wide, and of vey fime oven make and exelisively pretty designs Never I regularly at less than $1 a yard, but while it lasts on. 1 day. moing, after 9.30,yours at 69c. ANOTHER RPECIAL LOT of 212 yards Pure Bl Linen, 70 inches wide, and a quality yours 'while it lasts at cached Tab) regularly sold at 10, 29c. 480 Huckaback Towels, l6c. FULL BLEACHED HUCKABACK TOWEI somiely hemstitched, and regularly pr . apicee, but while. they last on ¥riday Morn » Yours at 16c. 1,400 Yards Stripped Flannel- ette, 7c. FINE STRIPED FLANNELETTE, 32 inches wide. of wo weight, and this parti eular make considered exeello ul at 10c. a vard, but while it Friday Morni 9.30, Yours at Zc. 12 Sample Fur Ruffs. lasts on F2 ONLY, ALASKA SABLE RUFFS, all samples from tl manufacty and for this reason perhaps just a lit above the ordinary quality. All were offered to show beauty of the style, t he excellence of fur quality and superiority of the work manship Double style, long lo finished with 10 Sable "tails, the ordinary prices would- STES0, but while they last on Friday and Saturday, $2.50 A Few Coats Left Just a very few, we might sav, compared to the imma number of a few weeks ago Jut not even one solitary ( will we carry to next season. So now all we have will be ed at exactly one-half the price you would have paid in the fa Every Coat in the | Ss of this year's make, cloth, finish, a exelusive style, all black, and in only the | thro length, in sizes 32 to 41 Of those left our lowest 1 price was 85 and ou hirhest 10:50; now all are precisely ONE-HALF PRICE Children's Saturday Special An extraordinary opportunity to secure for vour little ui a supply of warm Underwear at much below ordinary prices 240 Girls' Vests and Drawers, 25c, Only 20 dozen Girls Knitted Wool Vests and Drawers, the by ance of a stock lot to he gold at actually less than tl mill price of same, different sizes, ranging in prices re n from 30c. to 45¢., vour choice Saturday morning at cach 25¢. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON 170 Princess Street, Kingston, a ------ Rubber SLIPLESS WATERPROOF BOX CALE LACE Excellent shoes for winter wear SLATER S MA $5.00 A PAIR MEW rennet 0TS SLAT att Sryvees ano WiorH? THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE MADE IN +4 KUMFURT SHAPE | House Coats YEAR 73. E.P. Jenkins Clo! 400 DISCO! SAL To-mor "ON --~AND- ~ Dressing SEE OUR Wi] If you did no for Christmas ge! E. P. Jenkins Cl If You We Our Shoes YOU ARE USING T¢ FOOTWEAR TO BE THE CITY. Wear "Al Milltary Bootm 84 Brock St. Signo MADE-TO-OF Persian Lamb Select Your Quality, Style an equalled McKAY FUR BROCK STR a DO LIKEW) Demon--Fire hay Wise ones w The for the Cured their policies an fron the financially represented by SWIFT'S Sager MUST BE « A large variety of Heaters, . Sheet-lIron St and Wood Stoves, Coc Ranges. Also a lot of Carpets, everything cheap TURK'S SECUND-H 898 PRINCESS ¢ FOR SALE OR STON HOUSE, ON | near Union 3 acr orchard and vastus renovated and chicken ho $1,800, or $10 per 'osscssion at ol Leod's Druje and Mont WANTED Ee AT HOTEL QUINT! experi Good 2 first-class and a chambeérmaid A GIRL-TO al housework. Washi Apply to King 12 Mrs. J and West Sts 1 MAN TO 1 suits pressed and cle: hand ; also bring you an up-to-date suit way's, 181 Brock st MEN AND BOYS T0 1 ing Trade, pays $5 pleting course of tion at home or | draduates admitted Inster Plumbers A tions secured. Coy r Schools, N Cincimmat STORAGE, DWELLI Stores, etc. McCar Agency, 51 Brock st BRICK SHOP AND R 851 Princess stfoet Possession immedis Steacy & Steacy. wasture. ie at Mel li LOST LATHES GOLD WAT( with-# 'Marion' eng? wateh, and with. lecket and monogram "M Kindly return to 2 + Township Of 1 Por reeve--Delbert \ Millar, 42. For couneillors--Huy James Moore, i nah, : Samuel § J. Do fson, 52: W. Philip: Cameron, 31% 8 "A special at Gibson's «Hot Bovril is dispen Rokert Eddis, Dese Warnock, Arnprior, pointed bailiffs Molasses walnnt ta for Saturday, Rad,