ing A , the most important event of ommenced this morning, and > the only rule around a custom, the whole stock ; ust be reduced and sold out able shadow of what i it once goods and what we expected oly forget. oods will be placed on sale at n the wholesale cost of (he and the: space must be had ts in our minds. ay Specials t neglected to accept the bffer. wch below the regular. From ctions for stocktaking all over lowing Friday bargains to e Linen at 69c, NEN, 70tinches wide, and of ver ely pretty designs Never sold yard, but while it lasts on. by at Cc. 122 mid Ture Bleihod Toi v quality regularly sold at 10 IC. « Towels, 16c. K TOWELS : gularly pri 3g v last on ¥riday Mornin C. tripped Flannel- 2. E, 32 inches wide, of make considered exeello \ lasts on Friday Morni af Fur Ruffs. UFFS, all. samples from tl reason perhaps just a lit All were offered to show ellence of fur quality and ip. Double style, long le the ordinary prices would | on Friday and Saturday, 50 oats Left ay, compared to the imma it not even one solitary ( So now all we have will be you would have paid in the fa vear's make, cloth, finish il in only the | threes f those left our lowest v ¥ R1050; now all are offered .F PRICE urday Special v to seenre for vour little vi much below ordinary pric s and Drawers, C . ool Vests and Drawers, the bal of old at actually less than tl sizes, ranging in prices regulm ¢ Saturday morning at 9.2 C. AW & SON reet, Kingston, a -- RISON YOUR le $Prinuguy Fee Yk RR, MADE IN ate Sryees ano Wiorn? YEAR 73. NO. 4 HE E.P. Jenkins Clothing Ce. 40%, DISCOUNT SALE To-morrow LON ei _ House. Coats Dressing Gowns| SEE OUR WINDOWS If you did not get one for Christmas get one now. E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. If You Wear Our Shoes YOU ARE USING THE FINEST FOOTWEAR TO BE HAD IN THE CITY. Wear "Allen's"' Milltary Bootmakers 84 Brock St. Sign of Golden Boot. MADE-TO-ORDER Persian Lamb Jackets Select Your Skins. Quality, Style and Fit Un: equalled. McKAY FUR HOUSE BROCK STREET. DO LIKEWISE The Demon--Fire has mo terrors for the 'wise ones who have se- cured their policies and, protection from the financially Co's rapresented by SWiRT's BEAL ESTATE AND SWIFT'S "*ALRSERANER Acevoy A large variety of first-class Hall Heaters, Sheet-Iron Stoves, Pug, Box and Wood Stoves, Cook 'Stoves and Ranges. Also a lot of Furniture and Carpets, everything cheaper than usual. TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE ind PRINCESS STR FOR SALE OR "TO- LET. STON HOUSE, ON COL LEGE S87 near Union, 8 acr orchard and vastus renovated Good out ne chicken he $1,800, or $10 per Leod's Drug Store 2 first-class experienced and a chambérimaid A GIRL-TO ASSIST WITH GENER al housework Washing given out Apply to Mrs J A. Hendry, CU King and West Sts, between 9 and suits pressed and cleaned carefully by hand ; also bring your cloth and have an up-to-date suit made. Gallow- ? 181 Brock street. MEN AND BOYS TO LE ARN PLUMB ing Trade, pays $5 day after- com pleting course of practical instruc tion at home or in our schools Uraduates admitted to Union and ster Plutibers Association tions st Plumbing York, Chica go, lls, Cincimati, 0.. St. Louis, Mo. Free catalogue ee STORAGE, DWELLIN( " « . Stores, etc, McCann's Real tate | Agency, 51 Brock street. pioneer a rte et rit BRICK SHOP AND RESIDENC NO 851 Princess stfoe Possession immed Steacy & Steacy. JOLLEGE STREF pasture. Possessi Apnlv at MeLeod's Drug Stora pres terete yosT. LATRES GOLD WAT H AND C HAIN with-# 'Mario engraved on front watch, with. leeket and Key monogram "M.L. 19 Kindly return to 24 Fim strect + Township Of Palmerston. Vor reeve--Delhert Wood, 90: Williay, Millar, 42. For couneillors--Hugh Mc¢Kindon, 76; ws Han ; Ww. Jar James Moore, 7 nah, 5% Samuel Shanks, 53; J. Dofaldson, 52; W. .1. Johnston, 16 Philip: Cameron, 315 James Gilehrist, | « ] -------- "A special treat' for the customers at Gibson's Red Cross drug store Hot Bovril is dispensed free there. Rokert Eddis. Deseronto, and John | Warnock, Arnprior, have Leen. ap pointed bailiffs, Molasses walnut tafleys freshly mad rothers, for Saturday, W. MEMORANDA, PITH OF THE NEWS: The Very Latest Culled From All (UAT WITTE Not Resign Before Douma Assembles. A RUSSO-JEWISH CONFERENCE TO BE HELD TO DISCUSS MATTERS. Pars s industrial so hol and In de oval by tire. British political with one another i the present tani contro a ms LIMITED "| ACCORDING TO THE ELECTORS in cinging Canada | Ministry Forbids tribute Relief | and broke her right arm. | Funds--Rojest- Now "Declares His Personal View. It is proposed to hold a service vices in Montreal, hut nothing definite has been yet decided. Lamp Art. Lamp Utility. vailing in the western had a 'fall of eighteen inches dud ail lish artist, author and journalist, { the original stefil of artists of | particularly noted as ROBERTSON BROS.. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ae Sed, : 't [9 4 yo A noted crook named York County Loan r | crooks of the country, who had & Saving Company committed to a Brooklyn jail an hour ; walked up to one douma assembles, him a cordial good by, coolly ont and dinap taken charge ot & 4 +4 s - »- * WHAT MR. HANNA SAYS. has forbidden the | 4 Jewi sh Toni ces to distribute i : COVERED RINK HOCKEY MATCH | LAYAL UANVESSITY (Montreal) frond | insinuations lis 8th wpe whe mor oh Hon. Mr. Hanna, Provin- wr re |SITE "om the forei ion ic | evening that the government would consider the claims of Queen's Medi- cal College fairly, Kingston elected Monday, Jan. Intyre shouud be elected claims to the government. iia 5 + FEFHEFIFFFIFTIIFIEE T+ FRANCO-GERMAN GEO. NOBES . Plumber and Steam-fitter ' Promptly Attended To 17 Division Street. Considered Serious YTHR POWDER G co. . LINITED cat Britain do not Going Home To Russia. 6: FRESH COOKED HAM MYERS' , it ix not believed ST. PAUL'S INDIAN SCHOOL. IAN | TO HAVE THREIR A Fine Institution KINGSTON FUR ROBBERY. TAKEN AN APPEAL Against the Decision of Court of ment rema ned the and printing plant, is tool was found on the moderate rent' ly. Apply Yo 13 lovierd also and the court granted the i 3s after refusing it in To Have Two Meetings. - 2 : ous y SET. NEAR UNION |© usin of To treet, Stone House, in good repair 10 rooms, stable and (out houses, « acres land. suitable for garden and | on immediately. . had paid him £1, |. e definitely decided until af Wilk. Make Erguirie fron W C.D. on bi tek Crown Attornoy "Rodd will investigate | Ket has An Awful 'Quake. Pleasant Howe Coming Qu. ,. at Managua, has ca- was reported to him that ) 1| has been ruined by i { voleano Nandiego Hunt Re-Elected. figures in yestordny's 80 nected with the { ble as vet, but ; + election. of Hunt, by about 500 majority. ee Pills at Gitison's' , 100 for 25¢, there, " ross el Gibson's Red Cross deng store, \ - BRITISH FIGHT + The Cost Of Running The Elections, IN BOROUGHS. | Said That the Cost Per Man, Like Sugar, is Rising--Ireland Runs Its Eléctions at the Smallest Cost Per Capita and Scotland is the Highest. London, Jan. 5.--~Henry W. Lucy (Toby M.I.), writes in the Chrouicle : By the corrupt practices act election expenses are limited in the moet rigid In a borough where the num- ws on a register does not 3 4, the maximum amount dis [pe Rp fal 1 Pe--£300, Exceeding 2,000 LUN hay be spent without Seproath; aa £30 for every additional 1,000 electdys. In counties where the number | does 'nop exceed 2,000 the maximum | amount spent is £000; £60 is added for every additional 1,000, Ireland has its special rate, not unwelcome to the candidate. In boroughs where the elec: *| tors do not exceed 500 in number he A | may get in for £200, Where the num- ews and was | her runs up 1,500 he must not spend more than £275 In counties of 2,000 electors his expenditure is limited to 00. A candidate's persohal expenses are narrowed to £100. It is noteworthy that in spite of the jealous supervision of officials admin: mtering the corrupt practices act the cost of the parliamentary vote per | man is, like the price of sugar, under | the operation of recent legislation, ris cnet | ing. Tn 1892 the average cost per vote "1 polled was 4s, 1d. Tn 1805 it was 3s, 83d. In 1900, in the exuberance of the khaki campaign, it ran up to 4s. bade | 4d. per vote. The cheapest part of the | United Kingdom for the parligment- ary.casdidate (0 work 'in ds Ireland, The most expensive is Scotland, Even in Ireland the tendency is on the ups ward track, Tn 1992 Trish members haid for eagh' vote polled an average of & 83d. Three vears later they were not to be had under 3e, 14d. In Scotland there was & fraction of a de | crease. Whereas, in 1902 voles cost, 4s. Ww | &d. apiece, in 1805, they were marked # | down to 4s. 7%. In England and | Wales votes which in 1892 averaged . apiece, in 1895, ran "down to as, I. At the last election, as we haye seen, the average of the United Kingdom came out at 4s. 4d. a vote. This was paid on a poll of 3.519345 owt of 6,720.95 3 electors on the regis ter. According to all appearances the polling, and consequently, the total cost, will he considerably heavier at the forthcoming general election. EE --.o TERRIBLE FAMINE. SITUATION | Thousands Forced to Eat Roots, Shrubs and Barks. Victorian, B.C., Jan, 5.--~Thousands are starving in North Japan on ac count of the famine there, according | to advices received here by the steam- | er Empress of Japan, A gvecnment report says Mivaga, Fukushima and | lwato , Droviaces, with 'a population of 7, aro confronted by the worst | famine since the deadly one of sixty years ago. So great 'is the calamity in Miyaga | that famine investigators report. that "the sentence of death has been pass ed on one-third of the people of the] province." Already thousands in those | three provinces are obliged to eat tain life extreme condition, The misery arising from ;the famine | is indescribable. Committees of for eign residents have been formed to ar- range svstematio relief, MUST RESPECT THE UNIFORM I, eight miles north of Why a Lieutenant Was Reduced in Rank. vew York, Jan. 5.-Fpr requesting under officer to change his seat at \ of the coast artillery, is reduced rank twelve numbers. He - was tried by court-martial last 'week, and the verdict is announced. The offence was committed at a theatre in New Lon don, Conn., where a sergeant of Tay- lor's company, who was in uniform, vacated a seat at the requést of Lieut. Taylor "It is hoped," stated the decision, which is signed by Brig. Gen. Grant, "that the sentence of the court will leave no doubt in the mind of any- obe that the vhiform of a soldier is a mark of honor which must be re- spected in the United States.' It also stated that a sentence more severe than the one given is warrant. 1 ed, ~RiFiing At 87 Yeu Stratford, Ont, Jan, 5.--Mrs. Ellen Doherty, who has just passed her cighty-seventh birthday, has com- | pleted knitting a white bedspread. | .. Doherty was born in* county | Mrs. Tyrone, Ireland, and came to t country seventy-five years ago, set- | tling in North Easthope, eight miles from Shakespeare. Therd were nine of a family, seven of Whom are living. ix still hale and hearty. Mes, Doherty Consumptive Ate 2,646 Eggs. Fairmond, Ind, Jan. 5.-Amos Bell | believes he has cred himself of con- sumption by cating eighteen raw eggs + with milk each day. He started 147 | days ago, and has constimed 2,646 | eggs and HI gallons of witk. He éats Iron Tonic | pothing else now, heeanse ogps and milk eatisfy His appetite, and he thkes no medicine," SUICIDE RECORD BROKEN, List Shows 9,982 Persons Taking vers De Sli. seli-destruction is one of the most de plorable of the year, the number of prominent men beihg much larger than died, and was also at the funeral Livingstone. associated with the Lovedale mission, and revived the project of founding the | iyingstonia mission ig 1875. Hav again visited 'Lake Nyassa, explored much of Stewart gave an the Royal Geographical Society, helped in the settlement of Blantyre, and' Was moderator of the | Government Has Montreal, Riggs was held responsible for the | death of her husband, to-day, by the shrubs, roots and bark of trees to sus-| eqn 84 jury. and a million persons are in | a theatre, First Lieut. Roy 1 Taylor, | Jonr vears old, I. 'A. Pieter, barrister, of Nit, Pa., to Which place the body was removed for internment, What Is Now Feared. St. Petersburg, Jan. 5,---The govern: ments Cittory "over the fevolutionists His been dee the example has committed suicide, Their Lives. Jan, 8. Unofficial statistios for the year show a great increase in the, number of suicides and homicides in Astuerion, 9.982 persons taking their as compared with 9.210 The homisides total 9,212 ae commareil with $,482 last year. The Startling feature of the record is the in the number of murders ed by highwaymen, being 582, against 464 during 19M. Four years ago the number was only 103, Mealousy provoked 37 9 murders and Homicides ironing ont of e record of The total is 9.982, an in crease of 542 over the list of the pre coding year. The steadiness of the [increase is indicated in the following 1809, 5,340; 1900, 6,775; 1901, 1902, 8,597; 1904, 9,240; 1903, legal executions numbered 133, of 'which 51 were in the south, DEATH OF MISSIONARY. Rev. Dr. Stewart Was Associated with Livingstone. Edinburgh, Jan. 5. o has been received in Edinburgh an nouncing the death of the Rev, Dr in the north. and s2 A cable message head of the United Free church mission at Lovedale, South Af i r. Stewart was associnted with r. Livingstone, whom he joined on his second journey of exploration in Lake Nyassa region, fe was pres Mrs. Livingstone when she of In 1866 he became and the western shore, account before Free C hurch in 1800, Te was born in ONE PRICE Now FOR GAS. No Discrimination Between Fuel and Illuminant, Brockville, Ont,, Jan. 5:--At the or ganization meting of the Brockville power commissioners, who control the mamicipal plant, the price and illuminating gas was a common level, namely, $1,25 per 1,000 cubic feet. - Horotofare fuel ges wax quoted at 81, and illuminating at was prompted on town solicitor, who claims the com: missioners had no gal right to dis criminate in the prices. sumers are protesting. HOUSES TO MEET. $1.50. The change the advice of the The fuel con- Fixed Date of Se ion. Jan. 5.-The government has decided to call' the next session of parliament during the second week in th. The date on which they have March 15th, but. unforeseen | exigencies may cause them . to post- pone it until the following weok. that by that time the tarifi commission will have completed most of its work, and will be ready to | draft a tariff bill embodying the chan: ges considered necessary. They WIFE HELD RESPONSIBLE For the Death of Her Husband in Montreal. Jan; 5.-~Mre. William She charged neighbors with killing him, but thix they de Riggs body was found, vestor a amidst a lot of beer and whiskey n a cellar. C.P.R. Double Tracking. Winnipeg, Jan. B5.-The Canatlian ie are rapidly pushing ahead the work of double teach) ing between Win Fort William. The miki winter has permittod work to econ tinue unabated, The greatest progress made in Kenora district, grading is being carried on, and everything will be in readiness to » rails as soon as spring ap Stray Bullet Caused Death. Peterboro, Onl, Jan. 5-Mrs. J, vy Pierce, struck by a stray bul let at Stony Lake on July and who has Leen in the Nicholls' hospital ever since, 15th last, as a result of the died Wednesday, She was igh Fevolt con- vantage too far. To Have A Boycott. Geneva, Switzerland, Jan. 5.-Ger- Austrian and Swiss steel hardware dealers are making plans to put in operation a svatematic boycott of American goods of those lines. China To Have Ambassadors. London, Jan, 5.-China will follow of wan and raise her legations at Washington, London, Berlin and St. § the rank of embassies. tain Hopkins, quartermaster of Dragoon Gaards of Pretoria, Mis name was in _eonneetion with. the war stores scandal; LAST EDITION whsTgES i i? day, a few light loenl partly. fair WHEN YOU GO OUT AT NIGHT Which do-you do? Throw your Opera: Cloak over your Or do you just wish you could do one of the: two things ? ready-made form. the best way to buy one. Opera Cloaks, Evening Wraps, Pure Lined Coats should be made to onder, you may choose the cloth, the fur and the trimmings that You don't have to take the combin- that some manufacturer has brought together, You don't haye, to own a fap A Your individuality may be manifest- ed--and it deponds entirely sli whether or not the garment hl pay for a ready-made As we say this matter of cost lies You may "spend money as freely as you please; for we have the materials from which: to fashion the most grorgeous garment Or you may plan ith ia. bemut if just come and talk it aver with us. We are showing boautiful a- of Trimmings for making of these garments, . Steacy's. KILL x R.-- At the re Hoult), Mr. d nic ARSON = v's Cianaho ardson, a daughter. KR 2 MERA RMSThONG =--Om Lottie Irene, second antag of F. Armstrong. to Carl Me awed Mtv vears, ia. ~On + EE ---- - -------- ROBT. J. REID, The Leading Undertater 222 Princess St. and was the 2 Fanny rn Pitt, % Leslie ain Tour is that "the gorerment will attempt to press its a 1s to use the Lest only. cpmey 10: the choice sof Tea, you willapt hestitate a moment in selecting "QUEEN BEE" Upon it correct form has set the crow certifying to its goudness acceptance for hanates, dor Mey; mension Where Good Tea is desired. "wo. Quilites; 50, nd oe and etershurg to