Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Jan 1906, p. 11

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EAR STORE--BIBBY'S ONFUR COAT NUARY 0 wants a _good Fur Cot egular price, you'll do him going on here. TELL HIM | as got to be quick, for such - last long. ! fine Otter Collar, Dark Muskrat legantly made. ce, $62.50. Oaly three of them Coats. Regular price $34. « Jane , fine smooth blacks. Regular $22, we. $10.00 January price, ........ $16.00 Regular $25. 10d ice, ... I anuary price, ing. January . ... $15.00 $52.50. January price .... $45.00 47, January PrICE. oii $40.00 Dog. Regular $17. January sane erascsrusnsines $12.00 EDUCED PRICES. BIBBY CO. Near Store. TTB LPTRLLRTETRRTRBNT Bargains rey, Oxford and Tweed effects, semi-fitting, all lined ; prices airing this week at $1.95 in fancy navy, light and dark | lined ; usually $5 to $8.50. $2.50 s and navys, nicely self-trim- ittons, sizes 24 to 29 k at were '$1.25 S, sizes 38 to 43, in Oxford. iced at from $3.50 to $6.50. Fiaaia $2.25 | Felt Hat in stock, 25c. The Leading Militnery and Mantle Store. i 5 § SOUTH-MO ¥ TE. MORGAN .--On : Pec. Y Mevia June, eldest . daughter George Morgiun, to Reopert Sanford South, both of Camden. BAUDER-POMEROY --Af High alls | Dee. 25th, Leighton ander, Desert Lake, to Miss Maud I. Pomeroy Hellrock, HUTTON--ARCHER.--At Peseronto | Dec, 27th, Miss Cassie Archer, 10 Stanley W. Hutte O 3 on, tLawa. SH.VER--SYLVER.--At tanker. on 25th Dee., George W. Silver, Shedd to Eve Syiver. Yarker, YOUNG-PRINOLE.--On Jan . 8rd Youngs, son of Roblin, Henjamin John Youngs, to Annie Pearl Pring!e youngest daughter of Clarke Pring'e both of West™ Plain. QUICK. --At Napan Jolm b, Sane, 4th Jan Quick, twenty-five on aged AUT "Virden. Man. on 13th Minfie Myrtic Lucas, beloved er of Mrs. hos, J.ucos twormerly =" of Napanee, aged eich! & Roars aE FRASER.~At Erpesttown, dn Te 28th, Harriet 'A. - Fraser, aged fit three vears. ARMSTRONG. --At Richménd. on' Dec three yewrs. SEXSMITH 1 ar ft * Richmond. on smith, aged RiY 20th, Iefitia Armstrong, aged eight!) | Neglected Golds Lead to Consumption. Howl Consumption Develops. Nine casesiof consumption out of ten cough develgps. Cough syrups are re: sorted to, but they give only temporary breliefu By and by the patient gets tired of taking medicines and cough syrups and gives up in despair. The cold continues to develop and the cough grows worse. Then the doctor is called in, only to discover that the patient is in the first stages of consumption. It was just in this way that Miss Powell, of Aurora, Ind. became sick. She caught a cold, and not considering it serious, neglected it, thinking as many others do, thatit would 'wear off." However, it clung to her tenaciqusly, and in two weeks she found her health in a serious' condition. Fortunately, Peruna had been brought to her notice, and she took a course of this remedy before it was too late. In a week the cough and cold were broken, snd a three weeks' treatment cotnpletely Yestored her to health. This is what Peruna is doing all the while. Notaday, and probably not.an hour passes in which some one does not have a similar expérience with Peruna, Cure the Slight Colds and Aveid Consumption. The first step toward consumption is a cold. Thenextstepis a failure to cure it promptly. The third step is the de- velopment of catarrh, which gradually bee chronic. The fourth step, the catarrh begins to spread from the head to the' throat, then to the bronchial tubes, ahd finally into the lungs. It is then consumption in the first stage. Atany time during the progress of ca- tarrh, from the first onset of the cold to its final settlement in the lungs, Peruna can be relied upon to stop the disease. If you have taken a cold, buy Peruna without delay. One bottle in the be- ginning will do more good than a halt dozen bottles after the catarrh has fastened itself on the lungs. Theusands of Testimonials. We have on file thousands of testi monials from people' who have been cured of catarrh of the lungs by Peruns: We can give our readers only a slight glimpse of the vast array of unsolicited endorsements we are receiving. every AND COUGHS. . How Pretty Miss Powell Was Re- stored to Health by Pe-ru-na. Miss Lillian Powell, ATIora, Ind., writes: «Last spring I caught a severe cold from getting my feet wet and being out in the rain, and in a day I had a most miserable cold, but | neglected it, thinking it wouldsoon leave me. But it hung to me for two weeks, when Summonses Jesu ed For was released from custody, on a writ . of habeas corpus, yesterday, only to be immediately re-arrested on a war- rant, ued by Chief Justice Sifton, | yo 2 mde DON'T NEGLECT A COLD.!A YANKEE FUGTIVE,,.."." £ stomps: WAS RELEASED, AND THEN | Kingston, Jan. 5.~(To the Editor): | JOHN H. WHELAN, WESTPORT { Having read Mr. Bridge's letter, dated { | December 26th, and, also Mr. Taylor's, | AGAIN ARRESTED, i dat English Printers, Who Are the = hearing being set for January | 9nd. The court decided the warrant { defect that the Quebec officer had no jurisdiction beyond the province in i which his commission was issued. A bond for 85,000 was signed by two citizens," and! the = prisoner again re leased. This means that the case will be tried, on its merits, on January ily nd, when the Philadelphia officers | PX will arrive. The Montreal officers left | for home last night. Summonses. have been | four printers, imported by the mas ter printers from FEuogland, on a | charge of deserting their employment. ) It is understood that when the men | were enyfoved they signed a contract which is held by their employers. A | summons has also been issued for the | president of the Typographical Union, | Kempton 'McKim, to appear as wit { Ness, issued for Ho ! For Mexico. { A number of persons have signified their intention of -visiting Mexico on the special excuision which leaves | Montreal by the Grand Trunk railway system, on January 29th next, among | whom are several -clergVinen: The | many features offered on this tour which are not given by any other is | recognized by the traveller, and the | knowledge that it is the only one | through the "Oldest Country in the | New World," eovering--all--the princi | | pal - points, seems to. have appealed T to those who know a good thing. Ap- | plication to J. Quinlan, district pas- te senger agent, Bonaventure station, |; Montreal, will secure handsomely illus- |1 trated literature and all particulars. 3 | An Excellent Opportunity. | The ambitious young man or woman { desiring to Improve hig'or her educa- tion and unable to attend college | through the day, will find the evening | classes at the Frontenac Business Col- | lege affording the same advantages as | are enjoyed by the dav students. Come elong and join our classes 'on Monday and fit yourself for a more lucrative or desirable position. Everything up: to-date. Get particulars. Phone 680. | T. N. Stockdale, Principal. ---- "Hot Bovril"' is dispensed free to all vustomers, at Gilison's Red Cross serious. : or had. a by act BN es praise that I bought a bottle ?| month. Noother physician in the world and began taking it regularly. 1 was gratified tg find that in @ week the {| has received such a volume of enthu. cold and cough was broken up, and three weeks' treatment completely re= {| giastic letters of thanks sa Dr. Hartman stored mty usual good health.' --Lillian Powell. for Peruse. THE GREATEST CUSTOM TAILOR drug store. NG SALE IN THE HISTORY OF KINGSTON Having decided to follow Horace Greeley's advice and go west, and not w have concluded. to place it on sale at prices which will be sure to'tempt the fastidious dressers of the city to lay in a supply of fine clothes, when they can do so at prices which mean a ishing to move our stock, we BIG SAVING OF MONEY As is well known to all, we have never catered to a cheap trade, having confined ourselves solely to high-class goods, which for fit, style and workmanship, are equal to any turned out by the best establishments | in Toronto, Montreal, and even New York. LOOK AT THESE PRICES: And bear in mind, that you get the same linings, work, style and fit, which original prices :-- : All $18, $20 and $22 Suits, made to your measure for - - - - = a All $24, $25 and $26 Suits, made to your measure for - . - v - - All $28 and $30 Suits, made to your measure for All $6 Trousers, made to your measure for - - - - - " . ¥ All $7 Trousers, made to your measure for - - - - - - = - All $38 Trousers, made to your measure for - - - - pat na - This Sale Will Open 1 | i 1 1 ' ' would have been given at the $14.75 $16.50 $18.50 $390 $4.75 $5.50 Monday Morning, January 8th And Continue for 20 Days. All Sales for Cash. The JOHNSTON TAILORING CO. 107 Princess Street. -- ----- FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE . Leadbeter & Pritchard have secured A heir 1 ge $ Queen's University; Kingston, : i - he ¥ lactory, i nt Storry, of spending his holidays with his pa gin, has been engaged for this inc- | ents. He will refurn to Queen's « News From Long Point. Long Jan. 5. tory for the coming season. Monday,the Sth. Miss C. Larose an LI ride "og : . ™ Point, On Friday The annual school meeting was held | Miss M. Fee evening, December 22nd, the anvuall jp, the school house on December 27th. (school yesterday. Sympathy is e milk mgeting for Long Point cheese] B Singleton was clected trustee and | tended to Mrs. Frank Slack for the factory was held in the school house | qioretary. H. and J. Warren received | joss of her brother, Robert Leader here, C.J. O'Connor was elected | he cantract for the school wood. | Ghose death occurred at the home i chairman. Messrs. Plunkett, McConuel, | Municipal elections were held in the | his father at Caintown, on Frida and Singleton were appointed as com- | hool house, here, on Monday, Janu- | December 20th. He was a very fine mittee for 106; Miss J. Townsend as yry st, Nearly every voter. in this | voung man, loved and respected by sueTeiary: b. Green, of Lyndhurst, as divizion polled his vote" who knew Him. His body was placed salesman. The patrons ave very sorry Mrs. 8. N. Chipman and little s6n, | in the vault at® Athens on Sunday. to know that they will not have the | v: : : q are ie 4 spending the Lolidays at W. | Will Gilhert services" of iii Sykesiqn ich ker, Victor, ave.spending the Lolidays a illiam Gilhert, 3 : Tey : A J. Bryan's. Miss M. Webster, Lynd: as he has given general satisfaction § | 0 spent Friday and Saturday at in the interest of the for the past thee ssasous. Theje lass C.J. 0'Conners'. F. J. O'Conner, of Medicine 'company will be Elisville's gain, as Messrs. '™° °° e rn 9 pany. .. of Seeley's Bay, wi returned to Athens high through this neighborhood, this week, Alonzo Bliss F. J. O'Conner ' pod Cross Cough Syrup, 20c. is | and sister, Madeline, and Miss M. r- | Webster, spent Saturday evening at on | George White's, Brier "Hill. C. J.] O'Conner and F. J. O'Conner, made a nd | 0°C nd F. business, trip to Sand Bay on Wednes- x- | day, 3rd. Great Value In Clothing. of Prevost, Brock street, will sell for v, | balance of this season, at the follow- ing low prices: Splendid euiting made ull | to order, $13.50; pants to order, $4; overcoats to order, $13.50--«plendid as- sortment to choose from. We guaran- as | tee first-class fit. i de hi "It will cure bronchitis," Gibson's x Four | honey, I beg leave to say a word too. | Mr. | saying that bees will not even look at | | curs, between thé hopey flow of -dif- | | ferent' blossoms, and there is no nec- tar { bees will cluster on the front. of the | health. He attended to his duties at hives, and will then take all the honey | the post-office on Thursday, as usual, | put out for them. | ways keep a supply of hogey from the | previous year in | s we bees in cases of emergency. Mr. Tay- {lor has failed to explain satisfactori- ant post, equal tu that of a wiecroy. of honey. 1 think the statement surd., Allowing it to be correct | garding sixteen pounds of Money being | also su required to n ! ed honey, as one of my sections weigh- THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 6. : : : yn ; FIVE GOLDEN RULES. First--Fat only 3 meals a day, 5 Jours apart.' NEE Tis i Le stomach ANOTHER WRITER Sugar From 'VERY SUDDEN CALL on Honey. POSTMASTER, DIED, Was Il But Ten Minutes When Death. Ensued----Deceased Was od Decomber 28th, regarding sugar Taylor contradicts, Mr, Bridge, John H. Whelan, postmaster of West { port. Only a few days ago Mr. Whelan to be gathered in the fields, the | to all appearances, was ing of : ; ya and when he retired for the night 1 have never fod any sugar, but al | showed no premonitory symptoms thas | dissolution was so near at hand, Mr. order to foed my | Whelan spent the night comfortably, awakening shortly after five o'clock Friday morning. and engaged in' con- takes six | versation with his wife. Suddenly he pound | complained of a pain in the region of { his heart, and ten minutes later the | tt | vital spark had fled. Medical aid was | quickly summoned, but before the phy- }- . Y gician arrived, death had ensued. n , in his letter, why it yds of sugar to make one | Walter Whelan, and was barn at West- | port, sixty-three years ago. He spent | nearly all of his long and useful life in b .| that village, with the exception of a Shaft time spent as a clerk in the post office at Smith's Falls, Early in | life he took an active part:in public | allairs, and was for years the reeve of { North Croshy. While holding such . a | position, he was by virtue of it a | member of the counties council, He re- | tired from the position and" accepted | the clerkship of the township: | He had been postmaster of Westport for a number of years, and was the third 5 occupant of that im- portant. position in the history of the village. He discharged the duties in quoh n manner as met with the ap- proval of all and being the possessor of a genial disposition, his friends were legion. % ran CATR TIE td The late CUNT TARO ATSDR. es her ade ri ye appointed. the first Jupanese gover: last wife, who was Misa Lynett. He Ro Jor Korea th the ficial title of | is also survived by nine lrildren They esident General, e wi be station as » i Tassie it Seoul and will hold a highly Stionre { are Mra. Donnelly an Hie ns Lena, of Garden Island; Misses Alice, | Marie, Anna, and Messrs. Walter Fran- lois and James, all of, Westport, He is rvived by two brothers and two sisters, They are MoCafivey, Westport: Mrs, McKay, Saginaw, Mich, and Messrs, William, of Detroit, and James of Sandwich. y In religion the deceased was a Rom- was married ab- re: make one pound of wax (which is an excessive average) there would be a large profit in aculaterat- ed but one half ounce of drawn' comb, | : after cappings had been removed, and | an Catholic, and a leading member of | honey extracted therefrom, | 8t. Edward's congregation of that Now, if sugar is 4jc. a pound, and village. In politics he was a conserva: honey 12jc. a pound; and it takes | tive. { sixteen pounds of honey to make a The late Mr. Whelan took a deep in- pound of wax, cost of a pound of wax, | terest in fraternal societies, and was a made from honey, would be #195, and | member of the C. M. B. A: aud of that made from sugar 72c., which | Brockville council of the Knights of leaves a baldneé of $1.23 in favor of | Colunibus. sugar. Again if two pounds of sugar and one pound of water, according to Mr. Bridge's statement, which 1 be lieve to be correct, make three "INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. ween meals. with meals, ii minutes before meals. "Fruzt a-f1ves tone up and sweeten to rest, % 2 Second~FEat nothing bet< occur in this way: ; €harged WEh Desérting Their | © 5 Co ur 3,0 | ThXd Post Master .of West- : stomach ] . i | sug yrup during the honey Scason. i y 1f anything is taken into the AC * k A person catches cold. The cold is not Employment -- President of {1 have been in the bee business for | port--Prominent in Municipal while gestion is going on on propesly, cured, and another cold is Typographical Union Sum- | twenty years, and have had some ex: Politics and Clerk of North ops and may no start ain for at Hour caught. moned Too | perience in feeding bus; and 1 cannot Crosby. Third--FEat slowly and ! i ith, eith 4 T, N This cold isfdilly-dallied with, either Winnipeg, Mar Jan. 6.~A Calgary | agree with Mr. Taylor. What he says | Brockville Recorder. chew food thoro! hly. by nov tment whatever or some treat- denpch Bs ve that % H. Latimer, | 13 in part coprect, for when honey is| Brockville was shocked Friday, on This i food ng well mixed ment that is! ineffectnal, and the cold py Philadelphia fugitive atvestal | plentiful in the flowers, the bees will | learning of the death of one of the i na re ial before continues. here. on a - warrant from: Montreal {not take any honey that is put out | best known men in leeds coun- a Then another cold is caught and a > for them, but when a dry period oc | ty. The reference is made to Fon #th--s Drink little fluid The stomach gives out about a pint gastric juice to digest each meal. If un take another pint of tea, wine or water, then the digestive juices are too ¢lluted to ly digest the food. Fifth--Take one "Fruit-a- ses" tablet -gbout twenty 1 stomach -- insure an abundant flow of digestive rices--and cure Dyspepsia. The late John Whelan was a son of | Follow these directions for & month and see how much otter you arc in every way. 0c. a box. At all druggists, A Few Fads for Of Richard Stewart Dobbs, the County of consed, Reporters on Their Rounds. da who died on or about t of November, 1905, at the { i of Kingston, a aired of pounds of honey (minus the evapora | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By he Int day of Febiuary. 1908 VA tion), and sugar is 4ie. a pound, M. Ryan, Newburgh spent to-day in]nhy post prepaid or to deliver to Isabells then 9c. worth of sugar will make | the city M. M. Dobbs, 195 Johuston street, i ¥73c. worth of honey at -J2bo. a 8 Gh) : Brockville, is in] Kineston, exeoutrix of tho last will and jae ] ) t I2ic. a| James A. Eaton, Brockville, 1 P] testament of the said deceased their | pound, ; hich vould be 316 2-3 per | town: names and addrosdoy Statemints of their cent, 'an' Mr. Taylor, or + other | "n y ator! 5. is in the] claims and particulars of Lhe sec on i any other J. A. Tully, Peterboro, is in °F it any) held by them and notice is here- apiarist, invest his money to better | | advantage than to make sugar honey? Allowing Mr. Taylor's' argument to be correct regarding wax, will itemize his statement on one section of city on business, ' Captain Thomas Donnelly left this morning, for Detroit, The board of health's inaugural meet- ing will be on the 22nd. we dav of February, trix said deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only 10 the claims of which vv further given that after the said 1st 1906 the said execu will distribute the assets of the she has then notice und thik honey. One pound, or sixtee i oJ she will not be liable for the said as: | Ys. y d, Si) n ounces iY oy v . so-] she will no we ) | of wax ft six tee . is hot [his worning it was the man Lie sots or any part thereof so distributad E n pounds sugar at | pind the snow shovel that did the] 5 any person of whose elaiiv she had tic. pen pound equal 72. Onelsee- | work not notice at the time of wich distris tion honey, containing on hE 3 . bution : taining two ounces of Let him who * thinketh he stand th | paronto, | 6th | wax would cost 9c. One pound of wax | from sixteen pounds of honey at 124 | equals K1L.95. One section, take heed lest ho fall on the slippery | ridewalk. we "All telephone orders" contain sent prompt | ¢ | two ounces of wax, would cost AUie, | 1y from Gibson's Ked Cross drug | consequently the profit on wax alone, | Sore made from sugar, would be 158c. a SE. Warwick, Dexter, N.Y., ar | section Now if Mr. Bridge & state: | vived in town to-day and is at the | ment is correct, sugar syrup is only | - Xf Randolph. It will soon be time in this country of nino months summer to put up the shut-the-door signs. Rov. Francis Dumoulin, of Chicago, has come down from Toronto with bp Canon Starr, and is his guest, The Aberdeen hockey team have | changed their afternoon of practice, at | Royal rink, from Friday to Thursdays. If this freak weather keeps up we may have to spend, for cough medi worth 3c. a pound, and honey is worth 12}c. a pound, so there would be a profit of 9ic. on the sugar alone in the section. With 15%e, profit on the | wax, and 9fc. profit on the sugar, | there wonld be 24ie. profit on one see tion of 'adulterated honey. A little flavor could be given the adulterated honey by mixing a little | pure honey with the syrap, or the bees might carry a little in from 'the | [ flowers, and store in the eoll with A ¥ 8 th : : . the syrup. My version of the oul ha | cines, the price of that ton of coal we jis this: If sixteen pounds of i | saved so far. X sugar : make one pound of wax, then on Buy Ayers Hair Vigor ant Cherry pound of sugar will make one ounce | Pectoral at Gibson's" Red Cross drug of wax. UH 'sugar is 1c, a pound { store It's fresh there 3 : James B. Gordon, has returned to then the ounce of wax (which is more than any sections contain, section bes ing 44 by I§ inches) would be worth Toranto to resume his studies at the Dental College after visiting his par ents on Rlired street, 1 | just die. Now two pounds of sugar | ' and one ppund' of water makes threo | Owing to the numerous other at sections: of honey, which would cost | tractions going on, about gown last ' dic. a pound, just 9c. or Je. for one night, the dance to have been held in peund section. Cost of wax and the Whig hall was cancelled. syrup would be exactly Tie Now | The second lecture to the Marine then, if the seetion sells for 13ic.. is | school was given last evening by Cap- tain Thomas Donnelly. There Was a | large attendance of mariners and oth- | ers interested. A comparatively young man, a some | time clerk from Montreal, who ap { flowers, is making 500 per cent., h@ | parently ran up against' a streak of | cause, if he did not feed sugar syrup | hard luck, sought his weary bed at ! he would get nothing at all, 1 also { police station last night. sHe is trying agree with Mr. Bridge as to the buney | to get to Toronto, being always colored a little.--D, A. | Hon. Mr. Hanna has effectually dis- BARTELS, "Maple Lawn." | posed of the ery that Kingston should {elect a supporter of the Whitney gov- ernment. The government party is Brockville, Ont., Jun. 6.--The ge- | too strong in numbers. It is in the cond game of the Federal Hockey | interests of good government that League was played here, last night, | Kingston should elect a representative | between the home seven and Cornwall, | to the opposition, and especially when resulting. in a victory for the former | its member for the past four vears is by a score of four goals to two. lhe bin the field, jce was in poor condition, and a | slow game of hockey was exhibited. The officigle were poor. Mullett, the | | Cornwall point, received a bad cyt { on the face, from a skate, and was removed to the hospital. there not a clear "profit of 5e. on every section made from sugar syrup ? Any- | one can casily see that the apianist, 1 who ie his bees during the inter { vals when there is" no nectar in the The Game At Brockville. Vessel Reached Port. Port Stanley, Ont, Jan. 6. --Much anxiety was felt for. the Pere Mar- | quette car ferry, Marquette, which left | Conneaut, Ohio, on Wednesday even- ing and which should have. arrived here on Thursday morning. The vessel | arrived last evening. Stormy weather in! Frankford, N.Y., after a lingering | illness, on New Year's day. Mrs. | gv the south shore of the lake delayed | Cameron's name before marriage was { Rose Anne, daughter of the late Wil. | : {liam Hodeerty, Desqronto. and che ig] Fresh MeConkey's and Huyler's can- | survived by #ix brothers. and one sis- | dies only at Gibson's Red Cross drug | store. Mrs, James Cameron, a former reo- sident of Deseronto, died at her home Junuary, 1906. GEORGE nrLL Fixecutrix Solicitor for said FLOWER MISSION TEA. of Gemeral Hospital Given a Treat, On Friday afternoon the Flower niis- cion" varied the usual holiday enters tertainment at the hospital, and in- stead of giving the patients a concert and Christmas tree in the evening, got up a very enjoyable concert, and then served a sumptuous tea in the up- stairs women's ward, On the programme were songs by Mrs. Botts, Miss Mildred Macmorine, and Miss Beatrice Tandy, and a reci- tation by Miss Daisy Corbett. Before the programme, "Hark, the Herald Angels ~ Sing," and the "Adeste Fideles," were sung, aid after the programme; these taking part sang in several wards, . Tea was most de- Jicious, comprising turkey, beef, fruits of all kinds, and cakes, and the whole entertainment was most thoroughly enjoyed, and its kind instigators very heartily thanked, ermine set Vote For Home Talent. Inverary, Jan. € Congratulations to William Brace on his success in be- ing elected to the municipal council, he having secured the largest number of votes at this, his own polling divis' sion. It is to be hoped this is the last year Battersea will have the oppor- tunity of boasting of the number of men they send: to council, but that Inverary will nominate its share of candidates, and 'the voters will sup- port their own = men as other places have don¢ in this and previous years, Many are sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs. W. Duff, who is confined to bed, with a trained nurse in attend- ance. Report says otir local fanrtories are about to change proprietors for the ensuing year. The many friends of Miss Eva McQuigge are pleased to sée henvdi sur midst as we consider her a valuable addition to our social and musical circles. = She purposes spend ing the winter with her sister, Mrs. R, Dixon. Isaac Holder, who with his fa- mily left herd for Saskatoon, "two years ago, is expected back this week, to purchase a carlogg of horses. Dav- id Gamble, wife' and family spent New Year's at J. N. Holmes', Mis: Luvea Tolls has returned to her home, after an extended visit to Odessa and Yark- er. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs, G. Rose boom and little Norman, at J. Gam- mer's; 8. Truscott, at Mrs, E. Fer: guson's: Mrs. W. Bruce. ill with ap- pendicitis, is somewhat improved. ------------ Inmates ter, ' : Charles Moxley returned to, Toron Hon. Raymond Prefontaine will he to, to-day. : i given a military funeral at Montreal. William. Goodine was caught in shaft at Rossland, B.C, and killed, * a

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