* | Chairman, George W. Beardmore; vice- J 295 More Important Developments in Toronto Civic Enquiry-- Date of Horse Show Fixed, and the Officers Apppin 8a: - Toronto, Jan. 6.--The dates for tl twelfth annual Canadian horse show were. fixed at a meeting, today, for May 2nd; 3rd, ith and Sth. This is one week in advance of the Montreal show. The officers appointed were : chairman, Dr. Andrew Smith; secre- tary, Henry Wade, and manager, Ste- wart Houston. If was decided to confer with the Montreal and other horse shows, with a view to uniting in a uniform set of rules. The developments at the civic en- iry, 'this morning, were umimpor- tant. John Kay, of Jobn Kay & Son,' who bad ao carpet contract for the pew City hall, tastified that in 1599, when he was filling his contract, an alderman urchased some carpeis from him. When the bill was present- ed this man came to Mr. Kay and producing it, asked : "Have I got to pay this?' "You have," replied Mr. Kay, but he had to sue the al- dermén nevertheless before he got his mogey. The name of the alderman did pot 'come out. , ew Year, and it authority that the mill lose Lon' to the next 0 The 'all about Lloyd rules for the "and classification © of ships, , and received hearty close of the lecture. Abrahaoy Shaw sailors the , and all interest: duties of measuring, masters' duties at cus ships. im sent to the directors ¢om vy me 3 No par- of su at e building, at 0 en sha , and meet Dr. J. Fisher of the international 'committee of New York, Dr. Fisher will hold a conference after. supper on p work as garried on by the city associations, which will hud organization methods, aims and ideals. At 8:30 o'clock the annual meeting will be held at which the new directors will be elected and reports of the work read by the officers and chair- man of committees. Every member and subsoriber of the association is invite ed to this annual jpeeting. ------------------. The Market Prices. The beautiful , bright moming and 88% | the good sleighing as a result of last 9 night's snowfall, were working fae TORE tors in. the market's interest to-day. 24 i {The country turnout was large, buy- i Agen ons 7 Sadi ing was slow on the campus but in: side the butter market, quite brisk, prices remain steady. Butter was plentiful from 2lc, to 25¢c. a 1b. Eggs 1 : scarce at 35¢. a dozen, (strictly fresh) ih 18. and 23¢, a dozen for all eggs. Chickens aa 'a4 | were scarce at 50c. to T0c. a pair; . 106} ducks sold at $1 to £1.10 a pair; tur keys, 10c, to 12¢. a 1b. The price of meat remains steady, the market he- ing faiely even, lamb, 9c. to 10c. a lb; "mutton, Je. to Se, a lb; pork, Sc. to 10c. a 14.; beef, Bc. to 5e. a Ib. Places For Hegistration. No, 1--Ontavio, Svdenham and St. Lawrence wards, and its sessions will be in the council chamber. . No. 2--Cataraqui ward, at the pol- g ice court. ased the | No. 3~Frontenac-ward, at Dr. Me- McKiny, | Gill's office. 201 Princess street. y there. : No. 4~Rideau ward, at the law lib , Napanee, | rary, court house, Syrues stote in the Al | No, 5-Victoria~ ward, no estate of Dr, H, | chambers, court house. y "Allison Napanee, has Sh 2 Aalking about Writes Dear Sirs~1 want dvery h t powers, dela in at my case. 1 think Tuck is the best modicine - MRS, I HOPKINS. ; - Falls. any and ' a tion, there is 'x Bowe Ol, §23%2a SS. ore to: know what Tuck's i il and advised me 80 at once bega Four bottles. oured ry now: walk over town: and every » Dteal- ot "a pn yl a BARONESS. SUTTNOR. Who was awarded the Nobel Prize, has for many years been connect- ; ed with international movements in the interest go number of books on the subject of peace Peace peace. She has written a #»nd arbitration and was one of the Austrian delegates to the International mee Congress at Boston a year ago. EATEN BY CANNIBALS. Terrible Fate of Dr. Stewart in | 'Nigeria, Liverpool, .Jan. G--The steamer Ol- anda, which arrived here yesterday, | Lb a horrible story of cannibal ism in Nigeria, of which Dr. Stewart of the Southern Nigerian government, | was the victim. The doctor accom- panied an eéxpedition to the interior, | but was separated from the main body. With only a few carriers he proceeded to Calabar River. He was riding a bi- cycle, and, being outstripped by. the carriers, missed the main road and ran into the village of a hostile tribe, | The carriers, returning, found Dr. | Stewart's bicycle, and later parts of his body. Joining the main force, they gave information as to their discov- ery, The 'investigation which followed showed that the body had been horri- bly mutilated, and their was undoubt- ed evidence that it had been partially eaten, It is stated that the village is only twe days' march from Calabar River, It is known that the natives of- ten indulge in cannibal feats. Sport In Hamilton, Hamilton Herald; Here in Hamil- ton the checker club and crokinole league are the only sporting organi- zations that help to enthuse the local sport-loving public. There is talent enough in this city ftom which to se- leet a first-class hockey team, but as the O.H.A. objects to games under its Jurisdiction being played: on the bay otf on the Dundas canal, there is little use of a team frying to exist. The Thistle rink hag the necesecary ice area modation necessary for any fair-sized crowd to witness a contest. The need of a new covered skating and hockey area was never felt in this city more than at the present time, and it is to be hoped that the promoters of the' proposed new rink will not allow an- ton without proper accommodation. Chie! Engineer Irrigation. Ottawa, Jan. 6.---~John Stocks, late deputy commissioner of public works for the North-West Territories, _ and Judges' chief engineer of irrigation, has been mayor, drawing attention to the dan- appointed chiel engineer of irrigation A for the provinces of Alberta and Sas. Wherever Tuck's Rheumatic Bone il has heen introduced everybody is its wonderful onrative Here is what one katchewan. ge Col. Evans May Be Transferred. Winnipeg, Jan, 6,--1t is rumored in military circles that Col. T. D. BB. | Evang, district = officer commanding military. district No. 10, is to be | | transferred to Ottawa, and that he will he succeeded in the near future by Col. Buchan. The body of Duncan MeGregor, a wealthy citizen of Green Bay, Wis, but a nathve of Martintown, has been found under a jam of logs, and mur- der is suspected, as he had a large amount of money on his person when be disappeared last summer. W. D. Dingwall, aged nineteen, form- erly of Williamstown, had his sweater oaught in a coal mine engine at Pin- "sloher Creek, Alta, and it was twisted sa tightly. that his heart stopped hent- man Catholic priesthood has 1905. the nuniber of immigrants he clistomers'" at Gibson's Re of Havel evi . J sin Renwick: wholesale butcher 'of noisy treatment from an audience at gent to Bas perimenting with them. probably fatally burned while working decided, at Ottawa, rect. Miss Mabel French to practice as at- out of a waggon while going to a fire last night, and two or three sustained serious injuries out at Montreal to line thé streets on the occasion of Mr. Prefontaine's fune- ral= It is not settled who will com- mand, wr er one. plying to to change its name to the United Em- pire Bank of Canada, and to remove the head office from Victoria to Toron- t between ; next. no more liquor licenses would be granted. hut it lacks the proper seating accom- | other winter to come and find Hamil- ! ng. An immense seminary for 'the Roe od in Austin, a suburb of een seorded by the Ontario immigrati aS wn. ye immigeation Roe enjoy the hot cups | th ay, ville Brickwood. son of the game or, deft for the Yakan, via Chi: U7 Over The World. espeler dead on the street. ie Tionted that Nr. Pottinger "i retiring from the 'Intercolonial rail- way. 3 ; _ Three big firms in New York have Aric to the demands of the typos. : "Ex-Premier Balfour received a very Manchester. Sam| of Cobalt ores have been Rothschild, who is *ex- ; Samuel Gotashemsky, Toronto, was that married women cannot be com: mitted to jail for debt. Alex. Green, the Indian shot near Brantford, on Christmas day, is dead, John Hill will be tried for the murder. The report that Fred. Peters, K.C., has been appointed lieutenant-gover- nor of British Columbia is not cor The supreme court of New Bruns- wick decided against the admission of torney. Several Hamilton firemen were thrown The Manitoba skating rink and sev- oral small buildings, in course of erection, - at Winnipeg, were wrecked by a strong gale, A thousand militia will be ordered The upper chainber of the Russian Douma will be elected first, and, it is thought, will be able to control all the legislation attempted by the low- The Pacific Bank: of Canada is ap- parliament for permission oO, A sensatiomal article appears in the London Post on Canada and the pre- ference which tells British people that it must be tariff reform or reciprocity Canada gnd the United States. . The President and Mrs. Roosevelt announce the wedding of Miss! Alice Roosevelt to ' Representative Long- worth, on February 17th, 'at twelve o'clock, noon, in the eaét room of the White House. WARM DISCUSSIONS Over the Local Option Question in Kingston Township. There is a great deal of talk about the local ontion by-law which was passed by the Kingston township rate- payers by 39 to 301. The question was the topie of discussion bn the market, Saterday morning. Coming up to a-proup of county councillors, BW. Folger held out two five dollar bills and offered to wager that liquor would be sold in Kingston township till Mav, 1907, at anv rate. A pro- minent township temperance man de- clared it would not. The people. he held, wanted the liouer places abolish- od, and had so signified by their votes, This year's council was elected on the temperance ticket, and the sneaker declared that its members would pass the by-law, and that after May Ist Op the other side, it was held, that the hy-law carried by the ratepavers on January lst, was illegal. hocanse it, was not given sufficient advertise ment in the newspapers. according to law, and also because there were not the required scrutinecrs at the polls It seems that the reeve and the clerk avpointed the serutineers, hut some of them did not act. The cuestion of illegality will he decided by the courts, as local option opposition- ists are bound to contest the by-law. If the polling is found not to have been according to law, another vote will have to be taken. Kingston township has four hotels with liquor licenses. These are at Williamsville, Cataraqui, Collins Bay and Westhrook, Storrington is the only township in Frontenac which st pressist hfs no place where liquor is sold, Y.M.C.A. Sunday Notes. John Campbell, recently arrived from Glasgow, Scotland, will speak at the men's meeting to-morrow after noon, at 4.15 o'clock. An earnést and powerful address may be expected bv all who come. The morning watch will | be kept at seven o'clock, and the Bible { class will meet at 3 o'clock in the af- ternoon. * A --------------. Recommends Metal Ceiling. { City Engineer Craig has written the gerous condition of the plaster ceiling in the council chamber, He regards it as beyond repair, and recommengls that a metal ceiling replace it. The coincil will likely take action at its "inangural 'meeting on Monday morn- ing. "Still Missing. Tt is just a week ago, to-ni ht, since John Hynds, the lr of the gas works, was seen. A diligent search { has been kept up the past seven days, alike by the police and friends.of the family, but not the least clue to his whereahoyts discovered. The general , Impression is that he has been drown- od. N -------- A heavy snow storm set in at Mon- treal, early. to-day; and proseat ive; catigns ave that the deficiency of the | winter along those lines is about to be "supplied. The temperature, how- ever, continues wnseasonably low. Phe frst (Jockey atch of the sea- fon in awa Valley League w played at Pembroke, on Friday Ea betw Arnprior and Pembroke. 1} score stood three to one, in Rr of the home eam, Dr. Rankin Dawson, son of th- late Sir William Dawson, of MeGill, who is © nnionist candidate in Past Fin. harih, has rae been endobsed hy Joanpih d Miss Tarrant, Mrs. Brown, Miss Rese THE _BRUFAL SPORT CARRIED THE INFANTS. ON POINTS OF 'BAYONETS: Children Torn Limb From' Liab Other Ghpulish Methods in Which Dead Were Mutilated Related by Refugees. New York, Jan. 6.--Reports of how the dead were mutilated to terrify the living in Russia were brought here, to- day, by Russian refugees, 700 of whom arrived onthe steamer Pennsylvania. One woman told of having seen a voung woman kill her child sooner than let the Cossacks murder the in- fant. Another refugee related how in the town of Nova Moscov five drunk- en soldiers marched through the streets carrying arms, a dead baby with a bayonet run through its body being displayed at the end of each gun. Leiver Landomins said that it was a common thing to see men strung up feet first and lying dead along the route of the railway. He left his wife and their child in Russia, and came here to establish a home for them. ' Hirsch Luszeminski, with his wife and two children, was another refu- gee. He is a lumber merchant at Legfsowisk. He said : "Il saw a Rus: sian: town attacked on October 1Sth, and 300 Jews were put to death. The women were thrown out of the win- dows, and the men were beaten over the head by rifle butts, and bayonets were run through the Bodies of the children." -Wolf Sobak, from Crinshoff, near Odessa, said : "1 saw thd body of a Russian boy af about eleven years of age lying dead in the road, and on his breast was a label which read; 'This is the way to kill them off young.' In the streets 1 saw two and three year old children torn limb from Imb by the insane Russians, who were inépired to the deed by the police themselves, who thus hoped to take the minds of the Russian populace from 3 real revolution that is spreading through- out the empire." A Growing Institution. The Frontenac - Business College opened its winter term on; Wednesday last, with a good increase in its num- bers in both the day and evening classes. It is just one year since this new school started, and during that time it has won the confidence and support of the people of Kingston and the surrounding country. The courses are modern, thorough and practical, and the business and professional men who employ its grad: uates speak in glowing. terns of the thorough training given in all depart- ments. The equipment is all new and the most up-to-date to be found in any college in Ontario. Any young person contemplating a business training will find it to their advantage to visit or get particulars respecting the rates and courses. Day and evening classes. Phone 680. T. N. Stockdale, Principal. Y.M.C.A. Sports. A good, clean, open game was the basketball match, in the school boys' series played this morning. The Royals won from the Wolves by a score of 21 to 16. Royals--Grattan, forward; Muckler, centre; A. Marshall, H, Fleming, de fence, Wolves--H. Marshall, A. Cook, for- wards, A. Sullivan; centre, E, Good win, defence, Referee--H. Beal. The matches in the Williams' cup series, Rough Riders vs. Thistles; In- dians vs, Amateurs, to have been played Monday night hdve been post- poned, The postponed game to have come off last night, Crescents . vs. Fron- tenacs, has been called off until later, Thinks Will.Be Poor. Hundreds of tons of hay have been shipped from Wolle Island, to - all parts, this fall. F. J. Constance, Cape Vincent, has been the sole buyer. If ico were to take the export of the fod der would be still greatly increased. A well known Wolfe Islander said to- day, that he considered the prospects for a good hay crop, next season, to be very poor. When the winter is un- accompanied by snow, as it has been all along, the roots of the timothy become badly damaged, and the crop of the following season, as a result poor. In 1896, it was the 15th of Febru ary before a load could be taken on the ice between Garden and Wolfe Ie lands, So we would need to have more than a month of vigati p to: break the records ! NgYigatian ye. is ------ Boyne Lodge Of True Blues. Last evening James Gowan, D.D.G. M., for Frontenac, installed the fol- lowing officers of Boyne lodge, No. 16 I'rue Blues : W.M., Joseph Campkell: D.M., Miss Rose Marrison; R.S. James Gowan; F.8, John Walton: chaplain, Mrs. Hamilton: treasurer: Charles Phillips; conductor, Mrs. Joseph Campbell; D. of C., William Prescott; inside vier, W. Marrison: outside tyler, H. Graham: committee, Dickson, David Brown. lips; auditors, H. Greer. William Phil- Graham, 8. J, --t---------- Can Identify Man. Joseph: Saad, the Assyrian who was so viciously assanited with an axe near Enterprise, December. 2nd. and brought to the Hotel Dieu, is improv. ing gradually, He is now rational in his talk and can tell the story of the attack. He claims that as the fell to the ground=irom the first blow, before becoming unconscious, he saw the of the man who attacked him---he could identify him. The Napanee lawyer handling the, case, has had the trial postponed indefinitely until Saad is able to attend. : -------- Murine School. Abraham Shaw, face a mspector of © cus toms, will, on™ Monday evening _-- deliver an-address at the marine lec: tures on, the shipmaster's duties in entering and cleating ship at customs, William Woods, well Known i 3 i odds, wel n in Broek. ville, is dead in Jackson, Mich 5) : vo i i 8 from Liverpool, i ferent styles and finishings, trimmed very cleverly with fan, thirty seven. *A wi 3 idow and one daugh- ter survive, Snugh & - Stocktaking in full swing now. - Of course you know | what that means at Laidlaw's. Sure, high-class bargains * barjains in the fullest meaning of the word, are found in | every department of the store. * This particular bargain below is one which will meet with the great approval of exactly thirteen thrifty King:ton women on Monday after 9.30 a.m ; LADIES' BLACK CLOTH CAPES, 13 only, all samples, fro, one of the foremost manufacturers of these garments, {i braids, all full sizes, and ranging in regular prices fro, £5.50 to $7.50, but marked for your choice Monday, cach : Spy 3298 IT'S COLD-- GET BLANKFTS! Yes, that's the onl proper 'Way to against the Canadian winter Get Blankets -- good strong, close, pure, wary blankets, ome of wh will give more warmt and comfort than several of the ordinary makes That's the kind that i to your interest to hy and now---now, for ti makers of such a kind There is just one firm} famous Boyd, Caldwell & Sons, of Lanark know over all the Dominion the makers of the purest warmest Blankets on market, = . Czas And Laidlaw's hand! these Blankets ha them and recommend them right to the limit. Now in st a variety of weights ranging from 5, 6, 7, and %- lbs, sizes mad in proportion. CHIEDREN'S CRIB BLANKETS, of the same quality also in stock. PRICES for all of these finest blankets will be for spection to be quite as low as those of ordinary ma investigation will surely save you money. BED COMFORTERS Here you'll: find another of the choice bed coverings, ( make and hig : * ay forters, faced with fancy sateens and the regular comin coverings, high quality filling being used. At four s prices, from 1 1 RE $1.99 to $4.50 Good! Some More Ruffs!'! The shoppers certainly showed theie' appreciation of the magnificent opportunity we offered to secure the first-class qualities at half price; You'll have plenty of chances to bene- fit from a warm neck fur before our winter is over. The few Ruffs offered have been supplemented to-day hy 15 others of a little higher price--simply making so much extra loss to us. All double style, long lengths, finished with 10 Sable tails, regular $15, while they last, each x $7.50 Cloth Coats e late arrivals in the most effects shown this sea irls*will take their real com in wearing these warm stylish ( Coats, For those from six to fourteen years of age. Some with natty small Capes, others with wide collars, most of tht Coats with straps 'at back. I Tweed. Beaver and Golf Cloths, trin med with fine braid and gunn and pearl buttons. All offered fr now, at precisely 25 per cent. off tl regular prices. 23 Per Cent. Off Golf Jackets For wearing at homie or: undo cape, these Golf Jackets are about cosy and comfortable as can be foun Narrow Collars, double Cuffs, and newest sleeves, in white, navy, bro and cardinal, sizes 31 to 40. Some w have at" higher prices, but a distinct leader sells at $1.69 : JOHN LAIDLAW & SON 120 Princess Street, Kingston. aA Rubber Sole commer: SLIPLESS 5 WATERPROOF SE . BOX CALF a JA Sy0TS $5.00 A PAIR= Ati Sreces ano Worne THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE x --AND! - YEAR 73. S-- Tie | 53 doz alc. T To sell SCHOOL for 2 Housecoa Continuing WEEK. E. P. Jenkins If You ¥ Our She YOU ARE USIN FOOTWEAR TO THE CITY. Wear *" Military B 84 Brock St. S MADE-T( Persian Lat Select Ye Quality, Style equ? McKAY FI A ------------------ DO LIK The Demon--Ii for. the = wise ¢ cured their polici from the nanc represented by SWIFT'S 44 EERIE WAN SMART BOY. J Son A Comp EK % NT this Office. NERAL ~ SER Mrs. Pense, 19 A GOOD COOK Breden, 24 Stu ROOMEL Add AND a" A COOK, IMMED corner of Unior TWO EX i for Milline Steacy AT HOTEL QUI? 2 first-class: and a chamber A COOK APPLY Carruthers, 2% after seven in GENERAL SEI Family of fow Mrs. T. I'. Tho AN APPRENTIC business. Libe) bright, active "T.,"" Whig of and 2 , TO Barr BOOK-KEEPER, well trained Correspondence Apply dress ieee GENTLEMAN suits pressed ; alsg br ------------------ A PROTESTA School $ holding s cate Apr George Frien land. i ------ MEN AND BOY . Plumbing' Tr completing action at Graduates aq Master Plum tions secur Practical Bricklayving Cincinnati logue, E-- ' SE OFFICE, WI Clarence stn 51 Brock st ------------------ BRICK SHOP 851 Princes Possession Steacy & 8S JOLLEGE ST street, Ston 10 rooms, 8 acres land. pasture. Pc Anniv at M ¥ A ROLL TOP at Whig oft v