= : THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 6. : ; a -- 5 v OPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS -- even numbered section of Domin. in Manitoba or the N Provinces, sxcepting 8 and 26, not MARVELOUS CURE OF SORE BIS Baby Treated at Two Hospitals Over THE SPORT REVIEW ATTEMPT TO PROFESSIONAL- | IZE BY TORONTO. Accusation by Montreal Star -- Cornell Oarsmen Are Practis- | How Good Health Came to Mrs. well known Grand, Que., considers herself a lucky woman. And A LUCKY WOMAN. rte Deschesne After Much Suffer- ing. Mrs. Abraham Deschesne, wife of a farmer at St. Leon le she has good cause as he following interview' will show, x of © , more or less. Eatry may be land office tent ved, be reson Who in the gos head any over Years ol . ne-quarter section, of 160 ¥pon by any of a family, f age, to the made pareoually. ap for the district > a Year--Eyes Grew Worse--Doctor Said They Might Be Bad for Years. ONE BOX OF CUTICURA the hich the ing on the Water at This Late Winter Date: The Canadian Rugby Football Union' meets in Ottawa, Saturday, January 13th. Eminent turf authorities in England are seriously advocating an embargo was badly run down and very nerv- ous, Bach day = brought its. share of household duties, but 1 was too weak to perform them, My nerves were in a terrible condition. I could not sleep and the least sound would startle me. 1 tried several ieines and tonic wines, but none |! e district in Ww ceive authority for some one to make try for him. HOMBSTEAD DUTIES 3 A settler who been granted an entry for 3 dome he following plans : (1) At least six months residence upos nd cultivation of the land in each year uring the term of wa n ther the provisions Act, pon a farm in the vicinity of the land tered for by such person as a home- d, the requirements of this Act as to idence prior to obtaining patent ma satisfud by ach person residing wi father or wsother, 3) It settler has his permanent dence upon farming land owned by im in the ieluity of his homestead, the quirements of this Act as to residence ay be satisfied by residence upom the id land. APPLICATION FOR PATENT should made at the end three years, he- re the Local Agent, Sub-Agemt or tue Homestead Imspector. Before muking applicath for patent onths' notice to ssioner of Do- pinion Lands at Ottawa, of his intention p do soy YNUrSIS OF CANADIAN NURTH- WEST MINING. REGULATIULS. Coal.--Coal lands may be ased at 10 per acre for soft coal amd $20 for nthracite. Not more thas 340 acres can acquired by ope ingividyal or cow- ny. Royalty "at the rave of ten cents er ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected the &r output. Quarts. free miner's certificate ls anted upon payment 'a advance of 7.50 per annum for an individual, and w $50 to $100 per amnum for a come ny according to capital. writing The ee for recording & claim is $5, At leest $100 must be expended on the aim each year or paid to the mining re- rder in lieu thereof, When $500 has n expended or pa.d, the locator may, pon having & survey meds, and upon pmplying with other requirements, pur- hase the land at §1 an acre, : 'The patent pro for the payment of royalty of 24 r cent on the sales. PLACER minibg claims Soe] DO feet square ; entry fee ye FON are ble y. A free miner may obtain two leases to dge for gold of five miles each for a m of twent ears, renewable at the scretion of the nterior. eedle, annum for s oyalty at the rate of 24 per cent collect- on the output after It eXonsdy $10,000. ty uf the Minister of the Inferior. ~--Unauthorized publication this tisement will not be paid for magazine e. Issued 4 IAT or sample K-fre . ik discovered mineral | place, nay locate a claim 1:500x 2 MAKES COMPLETE CURE "When my little girl was a few months old, her eyes began to get bad; thinking it was from her teeth, I lived in hopes of them getting better, but as they did not improve 1 decided to get medical'advice. 1 took her to the Hospital several times, and subsequently tq the Children's Hos- up of Be 2, vi pital at , to which institution I The team of the 40th Separate Com- using about half a dozen Boxes of took her for twelve months. The doc- | pany, New York National Guard. de- | pills, 1 was fully restored 16 my old tors were most kind and attentive, and | jonted McGill College, of Montreal, at timé health and cheerfulness. 1 now did all they could for her, but her eyes seemed to be growing worse. One doctor told me they might be bad for | National 2 : have been asked to waive claim {he service of "Jim" Delehanty by the bourg by 8 to 3. Wasketball at Ogdensburg, 36 to 11. on two-year-old racing until June each year. Clubs to League Baseball wton club, ry d \ The first junior game of group No. jlo do so, and it was not long before 0.H.A., between Cobourg and Bella- | they began to help me. 1 gained in lle, resulted in a victory for Co- W. K. Vanderbilt's stable of "race yrses. which 'will be raced this year fact 1 was continually growing wors and began to strength from day to day; my nerves became strong and think Dr. Williams Pink Pills an ideal meditine for weak women.' Dr. of them helped me. In of ever heing we again, Une day a friend called to sce me and strongly 'advised me to despair Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 1 decided quiet, and after the n Williams Pink Pills feed the BETTER _ GROUPING A REARRANGEMENT WOULD SERVE PUBLIC INTERESTS. The Marine Portfolio--A Minister of Mines Would Find Flenty to Do-imland Revenue De- partiment Amalgamated With Customs Servige. Ottawa, Jan. 4.--At this time, when cumors of cabinet changes and of re arrangement of departmental work are in the air, the following , sugges tions may be in the public infrest. It is taken for granted that Hon. L. P. Brodeur will be translated to 'the department of marine and fisheries. | § The portiolio is one which ought to]! £0 to an eastern man, secing that it is 1 intimately identified with the St. Law- || rence navigation and the important fisheries of the Atlantic as well as those of the Pacific, to say nothing of the great inland lakes. ! The transfer of Mr. Brodeur to marine and fisheries will leave the in- land revenue department without a head. Is'it necessary, however, to con- tinue this branch of the public service Ewvery Speaker or Singer | 'as do anything to his' throat that 3 Should Read This Harry Bennett would as Soon Travel Without His Music as - Without Psychine. : His Throat Was Saved at a Critical "~Moment by Psychine When Nothing Else Helped Him. Harry M. Bennett makes his liv- fail, and if you are suffering from ing by his voice. He makes a good | chills, cold, sore throat, hoarseness, living because he has a good voice. | cough, bronchitis, asthma, Tang ¥ He continues to have a trouble, or la grippe, you will find good voice because he Ras the brains to take care of it. Harry Bennett is a man who would as soon cut off his arm Piychinoithe best remedy yow ever had, and: a great strengt hener to the system besides. Don't lay this aside as an ordinary advertisement. would injure his voice and destroy | It represents the earnest, dear- years; I was very miserable at sucha | |, France, comprises forty-six race |nerves with new, rich red blood, thus | HF n C his earning power. He would not boughtexperience of one who knows pet. 1 wi d i ! 3 a | as a séparate department ? Your cor te} 4 hs prospect. '1 was-one day Stopped in | Lorees. of which fourteen are three: | strengthening apd soothing gthem, and | le I it? Your eor- touch a throat medicine as a mere | the value of Psychine, and who is the street, by a Mrs. Todd who told | CC 14 and twenty-nine are twa- | curing such nerve troubles as' neural- | respondent does not think so. Cus experiment. Much less would he | eager to help ot hers to relief. me that Quticura Ofutment had cured | (1 lds. 3 gia, St. Vitus dunce, partial paralys- toms and excise are to some extent speak so highly of one as he does of 4 her hoy, and advised me to try it. I~ is and locomoter ataxia. These pills related to cach other and the two Psychine if it had not proved its commenced using it that very night. cure also all troubles' due to poor and might well be consolidated under Mr. value and surpassed any other rem- The cure has been marvelous. The APG d includi he special | Paterson. This could be done with: edy in its. wonderful power of eyes soon commenced to get st watery blood, including the specia Lo y > is they a hel edith 3 rong: ailments of women. Get the genuine on any i Silicults. healing and curing throat troubles, : at . v i oe "Pr. Williams' 'rom British Columbia comes the : : there had never been affithing the with the fu } orig People." ho | demand for a. representative in the Mr, Bennett got acquainted with 'ndtter with them. The cure was com- Pink Pills for-# Pale People," on the 0p OE in the administrative Psychine 'in this way. He was - pleted with less than one box of Cuti- wrapper around each box. Sold hy } TE LC Jn 16 acnunistialye engaged to sing twice a day at cura Ointment, You are at liberty to sodicine' dealers: or by mail 'at Sic. a | Wore ol the government. Hon. Wil Massey Hall for a week last wiriter. publish this letter, and I trust it may : iy or six boxes for 32.50 from the iam Templéman is already minister | § he siiddle of the week his throat » the Jeans of Shere being cifed Dr. Williams Co., Brockville, Ont, xiiqut hortiolie. Ww ith inland reve got raw aad sore, and he became so as my little girl has been. -- Mrs. F. he mE ow 1s he ta pe hoarse he could not sing without Phillips, Grafton St. Waverly, Syd- CHURCH NOTES. given a department ? By the creation painful effort, and couldn't speak ney, N.S. W."" Reference, Messrs. of a new department. The minister of ahove a whisper. He confided to a KR. Towns & Co., Sydney. Paragraphs From Various De- interior is unduly burdened with work friend that he could not sing any > nominations. and ought to be relieved of the pres more, and would have to cancel his SLEEP FOR BABIE > + labori sure upon him. Incorporated with the engagement for therest of the ¥ Bo . MH. F. Lafigmme, ds rng ah > depar n of the interior js th bie feiond } Jd wn tote ysl ; And Rest for Tired, ek LTO CalBW "| nin ) . This mirht be elevate le did. he result was his throat M : , Fretted tion of the Baptist church, has come Li, 4 de ent. ith Mr Sevatt felt well enought to get him through others in Cuticura. home on furlough. i man' at ite head. Seeing that British that evening's performance. From . § Tustuut relict 224 refreshing Sleep \ Rey B. ( hoe, BA of Broserle Columbia Js essentially a mining pro that time his throat healed up and ted mg ih aptist = Ah By Hihe on rt vince, the appropriateness of this step hig voice cleared, and Be ya vin red, 3 0 S, § }., has consented to rema Mas n y 3 : Thi me tie. in first-class condition without losi with Cuticura Soap, to cleanse, and another year as pastor of hat church, Foie Dot be Eainsid, Thu LS clogie al | 1 on hour from his professional work. | ; 3 1 3 YY 3 1 Pr . . 3] pr " gentle anointings with Cuticura Oint- Three missions in India have set mont al mines g n r the depart Harry Bennett was so grateful for | ment, the great skin cure, and purest apart, specially qualified men as tra | TEES "ig iy ane he doubt Mr. O% what Psychine had done for him | Cae . and sweetest of emollients, to allay vetling -tnristian--Fadeavor seeretat pi d eleme the Lenser, that he sent the accompanying | Harry M, Bennett, Vocalist and Entertainer itching, and soothe and heal. Sr TETCTR jos, tug of them being hiss inspeeting a i te nt o ; Hie con d render | L tostimonial, with the statement ts Outicurs Soap, Ohta HARRY C. PULLIAM, schoolmasters, ' we country invaluable service. Al that he was willing the proprietors | «1 take pleasure in sendhg you a the world, Depots: Lo ara athe : ) 8 Rue de la ix: Au The head of the Nationa] Sneha R. W. Allin. head master of Rothe ready as a minor branch it has wnder of Psychine should use his name {eutimonial ot the i acslince ue J a \, p > pl q eX Celie 'eCO! 3 YN a KY . a. i i . ~ . NE G0 4 h i Gene Tor v How fo (are Baby Humenrs." League ye on tht precord Liv. N.B., Boys' School, @ graduate taken work of the highest importance whenever they chose, and that he | (GRE ton use f you 3 by ---- Z a ated for the position with scarcely fof Toronto University, was made as n eonnection with the application of | * wonld always be glad to recommend "For the past three Yours during my « ' my opposition. sistant. seerctarv of the MS... "a electricity to the smelting of iron ores | ji the remarkable remedy. Such cases husieat, soudone in hound a Free to You) sipping : now office created by virtue of the and the manufacture of steel and the are frequent with Psychine, but as | end atarol Co owing, 1 nd 3 9 Lhe tern Canada Amateur Hoe ereat increase of the work. development of the immense zine de Harry Bennett is so well known as | georyork and oocamonAl thing, 1 ° key Association has conceived the Rev. T. M: Fothergill has accepte] | POSS of mica and asbestos which ab- an entertainer and as a thoroughly caw ature yal hot, Very, ian roasinger, My ister idea of forming an association, em bE animons 'onl: to the Baptist pas ound in Quebec have been mapped out reliable entleman, his voluntary A friend suggested FETCHLUG 0 : bracing all the senior, intermedigte. torate at Whitby and Brooklyn, and and their location, extent and. devel- testiinonial will Hay conviction io derived great benefit from the A TanRior © g i Kaste {Intar + . Y Tite : a v 0 , i ¢ \ or wi AO! of P¥ and since n re never and or clubs WL Fast tht A iy! will begin his ministry Sunday. Dr opment reported upon in a thorough many hy i TR struggl- boen without % Besides its hh and Free to You and Every Sister Woman and Quebec, and if possible tho! Fothergill *has been pastor in Simcoe ly practical way. To make known the bps. oo tulhorn colds, If they soothing qualities t is an excellent tonic for the maritime provinces. for the past twp or three vears valuable character of the mineral re Ing AgAINSL 8 Ry Y | the nerves. highly recommend it to al ' oy snk. i Por ill © , . , 4 Ty Wwi's exper- y hiroat and nervous troubles. Suffering from Woman's Ailments he new Arena J in Rar Yitiam The general conference of the Metho. | sources of Canada so as to induce the follow 3p Hayy Binet so per. having t tnd nervess uy ; Ane eT e one |. 2 : ol cs} ANC y ) 3 rely, 5 has bee he Pe --t The So ast Sinisgopal church, south, will meet yet mb of sapial and the asta) Psychine. It cures where others "HARRY M. BENNETT." of the hes yh ps at Birmingham. Ala, in May next, lishment of new Industnies Is a sub sions are 120 hy 220 feet, with an ice ? ject well worthy of greater considera - TEE A) ) try to do without 1ecessity. Better to Better buy "Cana- Fr. ubbers. v ® , hairs ymething comfortable and eusy for long winter evenings. d have a few left over from our Stmas trade, that we are closing at a price, : 50 a few Elaborate Rrass ds at reduced prices. on 'Phone*147 @ll Lovers of Fair Play in OW. J.B, PENSE | Requests the support of his campaign for re-elec- ion to the Legislative As- mbly. COAL That fs the kind we sell--The kind you should burma if you want » satisfaction fire, We are filling orders mow for winter supplies. Have you ordered yours yet ? Clean, Honest OESIOCIO-EB00 Enter Any Time | a, Tom Kingston Business Gollege LIMITED fleaa iof Queen St,. Kingston =~ +- Ont A MODERN, PERMANENT, RE- LIABLE SCHOOL. «« Established in 1883 .. Practical, complete, thorongh, individual instruction given in all commercial sub. jects. Oy throughout the whole year. es call or telephone for terms and cata- we J. B.McKAY, H.F METCALFE, President, ;: Prineyj BOOTOOTIODOTTOTTTOOTOR GEO. 8. CUMMINGS TENOR OPEN FOR CONCERT ENCACEMENTS Mr. Pummings has made a thorough stydy of the Voice with some of the hest teachers of England and America and is prepared to teach Voice Culture by the most modern method. STUDIO--309 University Avenu Kingston. - 'PHONE. FOR_A_CAB WHEN NEEDIRC ACAB ' ° Phone 490, Clarence Street Cab Stand, and you will get a prompt answer. THE FRONTENAC «jo LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISWED 1863). President--Sic Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City and Farm Pro Jerties. Municipal and' County Deben- tures. Mortgages: purchased Deposits "eceived and interest allowed, S. C. McGill, Managing Ditector. Offic, 97 Clarence. Street, Kingston. EE ---- TTT -- - A man can gét over being a murder I will mail, free of any charge, my home treatment with full instructions to any sufferer from woman's ailments. 1 want to tell all women about this clre~yost, my reader, for yourself, your daughter, your mother, or your sister. selves at home without the help of a doctor. Men canmot understand woman's sufferings, What we women know from experience we know better than any doctor. I know that my home treatment is & safe and sure cure for Leucorrheea or Whitish Discharges, Ulceration, Displacement or Falling of the Womb, Pro- fuse, Scanty or Painful Periods, Uterine or Ovarian Tumors or (rewths, also pains in the head, back and bowels, bearing down feelings, nervousness, creeping feeling up the spine, melancholy, hot flushes, weariness, kidney and bladder troubles where caused by weak~ nesses peculiar to our sex. 1 want, to send you a complete ten days treatment entirely free to prove to you that you can cure yourself at home, easily, quickly and surely. Remember that it will cost you nothing to give the treatment a complete trial and if you should wish to continue, it will cost you only about 12 cents a week, or fess than two cents a day. 1t will not interfere with your work or occupation. Just send_me your name and address, tell me how on suffer if you wish, and I will send you he treatment, for your case, entirely free, in J wrapper, by . 1will also send you free of cost, my book * WOMAN'S OWN JIEDICAL AD- VISER," with explanatory illustrations show- ing why women suffer, and how they can Sasily cure themselves at home. Every woman should have it, and learn to think for n Af. Then when the doctor says-- "You must have an operation," you can decide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured themselves with my home remedy. It eures all, old or young. 3 To mothers or daughters, T will explain a simple home treatment which speedily ana effectually cures Leucorrhoen, Green Sickness and painful or irregular menstruation in young Plumpness and health always result from its use. Wherever you live, I can refer you to ladies of you own locality, who know and will gladly tell any sufferer that this Home Treate ment really 'cages all women's diseases, makes women, well, strong, plump and robust, t nd me your ade a Jus de Trac fen days treatment is urs, aiso the XK. Write to-day, as you \(may mot see this offer again. Address MRS. M, SUMMERS Box. 11 Windsor, Ont. Plumbing ae Heating Hot-Water Heating a Specialty. Inspection of work invited. Estimates will be cheerfully given. I want to tell yon how to cure your- r I have none but the best plumbers and guarantee you first-class worky DAVID HALL Brock Street. "Phone 335. GARDINER"S Insurance and Real Estate. Eight Companies at Lowest Rates; ° Money to Loati prt Real Estate: 151 Wellington Streef. ---------------- surface of 85 by 180 feet. There is seating accommodation for 2,500 and standing room for 1.000 more. Mi "the opening game -of thee New Brunswick Hockey league, Fredericton won a rough game from Marysville by the score of 1 to 0. One thou cand people witnessed the contest. Rowan scored the only goal. Tony" Warwick, of Cornwall, Ont., played point for Marysville For the first time in the history of Ithaca. N.Y.. aquaties, the Cornell oarsmen are enjoving practice on the January. Friday, with a water In temperature of forty-seven And a warm south wind, Coach Courtney took advantage of the springlike weather and had the candidates for the erows rowing nearly two hours on Cavuga Inlet. This practice will be continued as long as the weather per- mits. Morris Wood, of Verona Lake, N.J., amateur champion skater of America, has accepted the challenge issued hy Fred Robson, of Toronto, who holds the Canadian record, for 200 yards. The challengé leit the choice of "place to Wood, among New York, Montreal the Montreal the declares that alize lacro Star, which says receipts. They have enlisted certain Toronto papers in their project, will he seen from a subjoined Toronto as despatch, and they have sent emis saries to Otfawa and Montreal _ at different. times. The last time was New ear's © when a representa tive of the Toronta professional in terests tried his best to get Montreal lacrosse magnates to agree to the pro fessional scheme proposed hy his prin- He claimed to have met with in Ottawa, where it Mr. Foran 'was quite prepared to oo into the scheme. but in Mon- treal, be it said to the credit of those to whom are entrusted the interests of game, he cipals. great seems SUCCESS (Canada's national summpier struck 'a snag. ie -------- J. Bo Lys, Smith Falls, has been appointed a magisttate for the county of Lanark. The Best Is Cheapest. "Solution of Ozone (the kind) --is-the purest and best forn which Ozone is put up. Each hott it contains a coupon entitling you to a package of "@elery King," the wells known tonic laxative, which should al- ways be used with Ozone, By buying "Solution of Ozone (the coupon kind)" you get Ozone in its most efficient form, and you get ab- out twice as mueh of it for your money as of other brands, You also get the package of ""Celer King" ab- solutely without charge for it. No other brand of Ozone offers this advantage because no other firm can give you the "Celery King." That is the only way to procure the full value of vour Ozone purchase, SRolution of Ozone (the coupon kind)," is fifty cents and one-dollar at your druggists, and if he hasn't St coupon Sometimes you know a man better er, but hardly ever fover being a po tician, ; after a loan of money. College, Winnipeg, ings of Canadian Methodists to conference. the Rev. Dr. Joseph W. Sparling, Wesley will bear the greet. tion from the government. h Turning to the duties devolving up- on some of the departments, it should he pointed ont that at least three are doing work of a somewhat similar charactor. Public works, is, of course, the great construction branch of the public service but there are also works of construction carried ont by the marine department and the canals branch of the railway department. Here, surely, is a chance for amalga mation, not of departments, but of branches, which doing similar classes of work. are Some of the suggestions here out- lined should 'commend themselves to the government and be carried into effect. Thé matter of cabinet ap- pointments will not be taken up until the end of the present month. The fill ing of the present vacancy will then he dealt with, and Sir Wilfrid, if he is so disposed, can carry out a recon struction which without disturbing woule greatly improve the existing or der of things Without Him. way of Toronto ta utterly profession- movement from time to time. ee tee ------------ Rev. R. G. Pecver, B.D., the pastor ¢ ' ( » New .Yorker ry : : and Toronto, and the J York The bridegroom is generally the chose Toronto, The races will be at most depressing = featur { the 1 990 vards, 'hall a mile and mile, and FANNY J. CROSBY) orn 'woddin Ladies® Fi 1d.) he mux in' . i ; dding.~Ladies® Fie wil! 'take place the(e tpwacds the end Though totally ,hliod, hus writien fhe i f » month, with a suitable trophy _ords for over six thousand hymy used | London News of the mon 1 PhY |. ihe Methodist and other Protastant |O, where is undiluted joy as the prize. churches. She has also wrilte , Divor from disappointment ? An attempt is being made by the | other poems which have hem puldiahel | Where the cates that do not cloy Are I'he flies outside The: Lady's field is wide "to And flow'ry paths she's tr And woman's life were whe the ointment ? js directed by the owners of the To- lof the Methodidt church in Hinting But | the villian of ¥ pla Nut A onan ad e hridegre " e wedding ! ronto Islgnd _privileges, who would | Gon, Que., has accepted an invitation he bridegroom at the wedding like to have : teams like Montreal, | to become-the. pastor of the Methodist | Then let the woman's wit he shown Shamrack and Ottawa" Capitals 10.§ church in Coaticook, subject to the}, Hii] a Hast ve freded ; mn SR » os ; fo 4 . « an ute his stolen fone come to, Toronto and increase the gate } decision of the stationing committee To he by qacen's. aloes od ron of the next annual conference. Arthur Davis, pastor for tl past thrée years of a Baptist missic church at Wilmington, Kent, not fs from London, andswho has'spent sev ral years as an evangelist in Au tov. Isles, has removed "to his family. Toronto Universify, will also to Japan in March. the last world's convention, and it i of conrse, a great deal more acces sib to the majority of those likely to Germany and Russia. attend. The Bible Evangelizing company is | Rubber hot water bottles, from 50¢ in | o_Japane orgranization now three Wade' s 8 'veolirs- ole 'ast Tihle women and, A082, at. Wade's Drug Store. other workers engage in its worl which consists of and with explanations to: one enqui the 'Public Drug Company, Bridgelburg, * Ont., will ses that you are supplied. Sunlight way. Buy. Sunlight So and follow directions. tralasia,' Ceylon, India and the British Toronto with At a meeting of the Missionary So return reading one. gospel! from helinning to end at fixed times Einancipated ladies, vow - Henceforth to spurn and flout him, And show a fallen idol how No martiage rite you will allows Unless performed without him 1 m pr ° --- International Kite-Flying. The British Meterological committee has assigned a portion of its parlia- mentary grand for the investigation of 8 ciety of the Church of England in the upper air by kites and ether Canada, Rev, J. Cooper Robinson was means, in order 1p determine the accepted for work in tha foreign field. weather and the temperature of the He will leave shortly for Japan. Rev. chi th. : i. Egerton Ryerson, a graduate . of An experimental station will be es tablished in England and instruments provided for kith ascents, and other chosen, when kites simultaneously in will be sent up England, France, sy les k [I Thealogs and more Christianity 2' might help some. ~ ET -- IT r. | STATE OF OHIO, CITY £1 TOLEDO, LUCAS COUNTY.\% ow This Jreiod of concentration has Frank oJ. Cheney makes oath hat ho had good results. . is senior 'partner of the firm of ¥V. J po sb a Cheney Co doing business in the ° rs © 3 Two of the members of the new | (G05 oledo. County and Stage afore liberal government in Pritain are | gid, and that said fey will pay the sons of Wesleyan ministers, namely, | sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for Sir Henry Fowler, chancellor of the each and every case of Catarrh that can . : not be cured . by the. use of " Duchy of Lancaster, and dawson Wal- | Catareh Cure. FRANK J. CHEN ton, KA attorney-general. W. S Sworn to before me and subseribed in Sold by all Drue~isis, T5e. The World's fifth Sunday school methods of investigations, and funds convention will be held in Rome, | will be prov ided for the publication of Italy, May 20th to 23rd, 1907, Rome the obsérvations and the deductions bids fait to be almost as popular a from them. . place of meeting as Jerusalem was at Certain "international days' will he Robson, K.€., the new solicitor gene. | My presence this 6th day of December, I is als Wesley and the son | AR 1886 ral is also 'a an, 3 (Seal) A.W. GLEASON of a greatly esteemed member of that Notary Public church at Neweastle.on-Tyne. Hall's Catarrh . Cure is taken intern- , ally. and acts directly on blood and . . mucous surfaces of the system. Send for Sunlight soap is betler than other | testimonials free hs soaps, but ia best when used in the F: J. CHENEY, & CO. Toledo, 0. SYGHI (PRONOUNCED SI-KEEN) Never known to fail when taken according to directions. are always ready to hand out Psychine when asked for, as they know its merits. Price $1.00 per bottle, Ask your druggist, or order from Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, Limitea, Laboratories, 178 King St. West, Toronto i Drggists | 5 -- MORE BARGAINS -- Upon going over our large stock of AGATEWARE We found a few pieces slightly damaged, which we have: MARKED AWAY DOWN BELOW COST in order to get our shelves clear. ® Our Regular Sale of 20 Per Cent. Off ©000e000© 0009 8 All first-class AGATEWARE. is still . continuing. - Remember the place : ©© 000e00 90099 ® © LEMMON & SONS, 351-353 King St. SOOLIIQIKOLIOIOIIIOROIOTUS o© Useful Articles . CARVING SETS from soc. up to $10. ~~ ~~ A farge assortment of KNIVES AND FORKS from 70C. 'up to $15 per dozen. ke RAZORS, goc. up to $5 each. . Bissell Carpet Sweepers. "STRANSKY" CELEBRATED AGATEWARE in CN Fancy Tea and Coffee Pots, ; "ARGENTINE" SILVER TEA & COFFEE POTS. . ELLIOTT BROS BP] Take nations ~ Hall's Family Pills for consis 77 Princess Street. "Phone 35.