Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Jan 1906, p. 2

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3 irniture | 'We have one of the 4 the city, and now is the oe 0 have it done Real Estate Sales ~The following recent transfers ave been made through McCann's Prame dwelling, 20 York Street, George Menary, to A Mills. ed be 2 oh Suse i Montreal. to Won. in " Aston Sie frame dwel- Match For the Purpose of : Eo Intercollegiate hockey match be Queen's last evening, about 600 specta- hockey contest and was to te spirit with of Montreal. 's had endeavored to secure the of Laval to the Intercol- ckey , but failed . on ty's selfishness. Lav- arrange games with . latter invited the Kingston, gurantesing evening's match was the and served as a good practice before the league match here next Friday with Varsity. Laval's team which played here, is hardly fit for senior company, though, perhaps it may not besthe strongest that Laval can put forth. While Queen's won by ten to three, vet to cope with "Varsity and McGill in the league. , it will have to show | bet ter Joktn shan it did last S¥ening, The 1 ut was very loose. a ah oughout ws of Mills in goal, was much off color and present- od no strong front at all. Mills played his ysanl good game between the posts, the line Richardson and Walsh ' up brilliantly at" times, but ean do much steadier work. Crawford; at centre, is new to senior company, ha been. brought straight from ranks, but gives promise of do- i H ing good: work. Sargent replaces Wil- liams on the wing, but ix not in the class of the latter. Neither is Suther- £ i £ line. 2 ¢ was more of interme- ¢ having no players of and Ri . Lanc- , is a little fellow, who that position on the' le stopped a number of ts, and will be a good .one . He plays goal in lacrosse. h i E if 5 I H I Viau, Millaire and Dostaler showed up Fwell on the line, At half time the score was 5 to I. For Queen's Ri twice, and Crawford Sargent shel). otien, 's score was a neat shot after the puck the length of the ioe. illaire scored Laval's , near the end of the half, shoot: at close quarters on Mills, when i ; players were out of il ily £ i i five times in the sec- son and Sargent in two and Walsh one. both goals for Laval in i. Bruce Sutherland played he ein half at centre, in 5 for practice. 5» Doo , Mil. e Viau, . Queen's. ~Goal,) Mills: point, Mac donnell; cover-point, Sutherland; "gen tre, - Crawford; rove; Walsh; wings, Sargent, Richardson. . Rar Referee--Dr. Dal «ie { After the match tides tained the Laval team ' in the "wink rooms and warm refreshments £ If, rover, "It is now too late in the season, to talk about our chances fof getting in the Intercollegiate League, this year," said C. Clement, manager of the Laval hockey team, last night. "We could have given "Varsity the guarantee of a fair gate receipt,--I will not say a big' one," he 'continued, 'as. there is too much hockey: in Mont al, The Laval hockeyists practice i-weekly in the Stadium, where the Montrealers play. As to the prospects for next year--well if they admit Otta wa College !~but then, I'll probably hot be at the head of affairs and any- way the possibility is now too much in the air." Schedu'e ged . A meeting of the city league hoe keyists was held in the Old Collegiats building last night. Two | representa tives from "each of the six teams en tering, were present, Aberdeens. In dians, St: James, Regiopolis;, Opera House Ushers, and Frontonacs. Each cub will enter a team and pay an initiation fee by next Friday, to buy a trophy. The schedule for the games will be drawn up nevt week. To-night at Royal rink... Aberdecns and @ St. James will play a practise match, and at 8:30 an exhibition mateh will be played, Aberdeens vs Royals. : --ie News Of Sppris. At New York on Saturday Columbia beat Princeton by four goals to two. The date for the annual Poughkeep- sie atta has © been set "for Br. © . The announcement is made by the management of the Calumet rink that Hall, the rough-house player will not be allowed in the building, even asa spectator, June gon in the:Ottawa Valley League, be- tween Amprior and Pembroke, the score stood three to one in favor of the Pembroke team. Of the IS8 horses that £5,000 on the past season only two, Ben Crock- ett 88,960 and Tongorder $7,438 were owned in Canada. won over match at New York on Saturday, de- re "i 16-40, 15-5. be: coached who is also a candidate for the | and greatest gucpess, Clyde play, "The Toast of the Town Grand on Those : : . Hof the J WA In the first hockey match of the sen" the American turf during » George Standing won the racquet feating Péter Latham, the world's EE -------- i three games to love. The | The Cornell Fencing Club, which will The hip season by the 'famous Gelas, of Boston, Js arranging its schedule to include bouts. with ~ Har- vard, Princeton, Columbia, Annapolis. y J West Point and Pennsylvania. The New York National baseball club tried to use Baxter, Kiernan and Bellefeuille, three players just from Canada, in 'a league game last week, but the opposing team reidsed to play until they were dropped. Montreal is not the only place where the prices for hockey have been .ad- vanced. Brockville now charges thir ty-five cents general admission to Fed- eral League games, the old price being a quarter, iy In spite of the residence rule recent. ly mude by the Amateur Hockey League of New York, the Brooklyn team have arranged to play at Nash: ville, Tenn,, March 2nd, 2rd; 31st and April Ist; Louisville, April 20d; * 10+ dianapolis, April 20d," 3nd; Columbua; April 5th; Wheeling, 'April; 7th; at home with Yale, April 9th; at home with Providence, April 10th. Thi dates for the twelith annual Ca- nadian horse show, at Toronto, are for May 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th. This is one week in advance of the Montreal show. The officers appointed were : Chairman, George W. Beardmore; vice- chairman, Pr. Andrew Smith; secre- tary, Henry Wade; and manager, Stew art Houston. It was decided to confer with the Montreal and other shows with a view to uniting in" a uniform set of rales. AT THE GRAND. Vicla Allen in "The Toast of the Town." - Fa a I] MISS VIOLA 'ALLEN, Viola Allenvis td present her latest *h's the Grand on Wednesday, January 10th, The character impersonated in this. play by Miss Allen ie that of Betty Singleton. an actress who reign ed during the time of George III. In every eity where Miss Allen has ap peared, it was the generally expressed Opivion "that Miss Allen in this role, has risen to the greatest heights vet achieved as an actress. 'Dora Thome." "Dora Thorne," Rowland and Clij- ford's famous play, will be at the Friday, January 12th. in the cast are Miss Maria Dale, who plays "Dora," and sup- porting her are Miss Isabel Sherman, Miss Edith Domby, William Sheffield, Den. Wilkes, Joseph Schafer and others of dramatic ability. Week Of Prayer. The first meeting in the week of prayer was held .last evening, in 'the First Baptist church, the pastor pre- siding. It was an inspiring meeting. There was a good audience, The sing- ing of gospel hymns, led by the, choir, was hearty. Regret was expressed that illness prevented the Rev, (% E. Man ning from taking his place on the programme, but the inspiring and helpful address by Rev. Dr Eby, was very much appreciated. A worshipful spirit pervaded the assembly, and much freedom was enjoyed. Rev. G. A: McKenzie, offered the opening pray er, and those taking part spontane- ously at different mtervals, were the Revs. Mr. Hicks, Mr. Potter, Mr. Me Callum, and Mr. Short, Régret was felt that some of the pastors were ghsent on account of illness. They were very much missed. A large meet ing is expected this evening in the First Congregational church. A Jolly Evening. An evening of most thorough enjoy ment was passed at Miss Macaulay's, on Monday night, when the members of 'St. George's cathe dral, of which Miss Frances Macaulay it superintendent, met there, and spent, the opening of the new year in games and other fun. Magic writing, a mil linery contest, pinning the tail on the donkey, hunt the ring and music by Miss Begg, a speech from Canon Stare thanking Miss Mueanlay for her kind hospitality, and supper, .niadé up an evening of very genuine pleasure. Mrs Buxton Smith, president of the W.A. board, was present, and took part in the games, and helped much towards the evening's pleasum. ---------- ee A Genial Host. Mine Host W. W. Gibson is a genial man. What a delicious cup of Bovril he serves to his customers these below ze days. "And how jolly it ig to stop in at the "Red Cross" and warm up a hit, when 'going about Have yon noticed, too, how nicely flavored be makes the concoction * 1f not, call around and have a wee sip. THE -DAILY WHIG, : THE DAYS: EPISODES S-- Rie LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN . GENERAL. Occurrences 'In The City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read and Remembered: W. H. Brian, Gananoque, is a busi- ness visitor in"town. George H.. Phelps, Ogdensburg, was in town, yesterday and to-day. Mrs. Abramson and Miss Annie Ab- ramson left today #or New York. William Swain, 'piano tuner. Urders received at MeAuley's Book Store. Mr. and Mrs, J, R. Hamilton, Ber- lin, arrived in. the city last night to spend a couple of days. : Rabbi Gordon, of Toronto, delivered a fine Jecture in the Hebrew Congrega- tion hall on Sunday evening. ; Ihree inches of snow fell early (this morning, necessitating a swecper to go over the street railway line. The weather to-day moderated con- siderably, the thermometer registering fifteen degrees ahove zero this morn- ng. a S ereation. the officials of the King- ston, skating rink will not permit smoking by spectators during hockey matches. Cadet Allan Lewis unfortunately . : ens ; dislocated his 'knee while skating in Ottawa.~ Mr. Lewis hopes. to return to Kimgston soon. The voluntary retirement of R. J. MeKelvey from the beard of education is to be regretted. He was a man of thought and influence. Dr. William D.. Lyle, of Havana, North Dakota, a Queen's medical graduate of 1896, is in. the dity © to renew old acquaintances. Viola Allen's father, aged seventy- six, plays the part of Mr. McLaughlin in his daughter's drama, and he does it like a youth of twenty. : J. Walter' Chapelle, who has been : spending his holidays here left yes: terday for the west to join his party {on the irans-continental railway sur- vey. Will positively "cure sick headache and prevent its return. Carter's Little Liver Pills. This is not talk, but truth. One pill a dose, See adver- tisement. Small pill. Small dose. Small price. Last night a dance was given by Mrs. S. and E. Mozier and P. Dee, in the Golden Lion -Hall. Music was fur- nished by Maloney's orchestra. At midnight refreshments were served. There was a large assembly. This year a reduction in the price of electricity for householders is ex- pected. 1t may he that gas, for light- ing and fnel may he pit at one figure and a retluction ih metre rent may also be in the wind. But it is early yet to anticipmtp improveme: ts, T.' F. Harrison," of thik eity, and W. T. Gibbard, of the Gibbard Furni- ture: Manufacturing dompany, Napanee, leave tolay. 'en lait extended trip through the states and Mexico, They will visit the | pringipal furniture cen- tres, combining (husivgss and pleasure. Mrs. Gibbard "and Mts, Oliver Chowm will accompany them, There was quite a fall of snow, ear- ly this morning, which served but to improve the sleighing., The street rail way sweeper was called inte service, this morning, 'The lake would have taken over had it continued cold, to day, but the frost went out of the air and the. thin scam which had formed on the watens for a long die- tance out from shore, did not get a chance to become solid. ---------- Places For Registration. No. 1-Ontario, Sydenham and St. Lawrence wards, and its sessions will be in the council chamber. No. 2--Cataraqui ward, at ce court. No. 3--Frontenac ward, at Dr. Me- Gill's office. 201 Princess street. No. 4--Ridean ward, at the law lib- rary, court house, No 5-Victoria ward, chambers, court. house. the pol- Judges' A Jewish Wedding. The marriage of David Ancelevich, and Miss Fanny Sokolovsky, of Bos ton, Muss. was * solemnized Monday night at the residence of Mr, Ellen son, Princess street, hy Rabbi. Gor- don, of Toronto. The bride wore white silk and carried a bouquet of white carnations. She was unattend- od. After partaking of a supper, dancing was indulged in and kept up till an early hour this morning, -- Great Value In Clothing. Prevost, Brock street, will sell for balance of this season, at the follow- ing Jow prices: Splendid suiting made to order, $13.50; nants to order, $4 : overcoats to order, $18.50--splendid as- sortment to choose from. We guaran- tee first-class fit. ------------ Civic Committees. City council meets again next evening, the civic committees must meet this woek,, For this after- noon at four o'clock the light and power committer was called. row, city property 'will meet: on Thursday, board of works: Friday, fire and light and finance. | ? E-- BARGAINS IN : MEDICINE. A woman once wrote us that she was not going to buy Scott's Emulsion any more because it cost too much. Said she 'could get some other emulsion for less money. Penny wise and pound foolish. Scott's Emul- sion costs more because it is worth more--costs more to make. We "could make Scott's Emulsion cost less by using less oil. Could take less care in making it, too. If we did, however, Scott's Emulsion wouldn't be the standard preparation of cod liver oil as it is to-day. SCOTT & BOWNE As the Monday To-mor- A Valuable Lecture end of the week all | BO to the court of revision with th SDAY, JANUARY 9. . THE MARINE SCHOOL. ~ Given By Abraham Shaw. The interest in the marine school was shown by about one hundred and forty men assembling last evening to hear Abraham Shaw, who lectured on the law governing the surveying of vessels and the foreign and coastwis» regulations of the county. Mr. Shaw expressed pleasyre at he- ing permitted to address a commun: ity, who during the past. had received but slight attention. He was delight- ed that this school was started by the late ministér of marine, Hon. Ray mond Prefontaine, while he knew that Kingston's representative, Hon. Wil- liam Harty, had much to do in con- nection with the formation of the school, and having Capt. Thomas Donnelly appointed as the lecturer, and there was none more capable for that work. Then during the past few vears steamboat owners had canal tolls, tonnage and inspection feos taken off, showing a care for vessel men. Z He then took up the mode of wea- suring a Wessel, showing by. drawings on blackboard, the sections into which every vessel was divided, tak- ing the Minnedosa as the basis of his subject, and showing by formula the great mass of figures required in ascertaining the gross and register tonnage; also informing those present that every vessel in the British em- pire, from the small steamyachts of three tons to the massive freighter of the great lakes, after being measured, was then registered in London, Eng- land, and the certificates of British registry received their numbers from the one place--Tondon, England, for the whole empire. He discus<ed - the customs regulations in 'respect to en- trance and clearance of vessels engag- ed in the foreign and coastwise trade bf Canada, showing how necessary it was for officers of vessels to comply therewith, 'otherwise penalties would be inflicted. 3 During the evening many questions were asked of the speaker, who show- ¢d himself familiar with the subjects. He received the thanks of the marine men who expressed the desire to hear him again. AT QUEEN'S COLLEGE. The Youths Are Getting Down to Work. After their Christmas vacation the students have once moré gathered at the local shrine of learnine lectures resumed, this benches young men, eager to grapple with the problems set forth by their worthy professors. Of were through the holiday owing to. the long distance to and Again the slender quoram of knowledge ranks could not partake of These intellectual freaks crammed un- molested during the Then all their past week and a half, there was a steady influx to the know- ledge factory of those who: seizéd. the opportunity . to catch up a little hack! work, overlooked during the fun qf the fall term, However, the vast majority of the students arrived day, and are now settling down to a winter of steady work, some with dis and when morning, the were occupied with jubilant again course, there some who remained here all from their homes. spare the time to the Christmas festivities, past fortnight. since Satur- tant glimpses of the coveted sheep skin, others with the hoped-for satis- faction of classes left behind. By the will, no doubt, have returned together with the fea who always enter fresh after the: New Year, and things will resume the even tenor of their way about the halls of old Queen's. Queen's hockey club held a practice at noon, to-day, and much likely material turned out. The hoys intend working hard this week to get into condition for their game here with Varsity on Friday night. The students, particularly. those in- terested in hockey, are very grateful to W. W. Gibson, an ex-member of the college * staff, who is supplying Queen's and the teams competing with Bovril at half time, during the hockey season. The initial touch was partak- én of last evening and greatly relish od, good PORTSMOUTH COUNCIL. The Inaugural Meeting Héld on + Monday Evening. The inaugural meeting of the Ports mouth council was held Monday even ing, when the following signed the declaration of office : John reeve; R. J. Baiden, M. .). Kennedy, J. A. Matthewson and Alfred Sim- monds, councillors. James Scally and Stanley J. Beau pre were appointed -auditors. = A by law to confirm the same will be pass ed at the next regular meeting. of 'the board of health for two vears, and James Campbell for three years, Tenders for supplies will be asked for the next meeting, E. Redden, Mrs, Straubenzie und James Adams had dog taxe truck off, Hereaiter, people who neglect vir grievances, will not he heard by the council. Several accounts were ordered to be paid. The council will meet the second Tuesday throughout the year, on of each month, Ideal" Winter Nights. Sunday and again Monday, ideal winter nights. its very brightest and the city was lit practically as brilliantly as in the day. The air, was cold and crisp, really exhilarating. Just enough snow on the ground for good sleigh- ing, a night in an hundred for lovers! "Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh." Snow shoe en- thusiasts have bewailed the fact that there was not suflicient snow on such glorious nights for the sport. ------ New Teleplsone Line. were has lately been completed Telephone company hetweéen Kingston and Brockville, Telephone communica tion between these two Paints should be. greatly aided by this' extension. ------------ 3 : ; Mise Mary Blondin. Low and * by the Bell James Cox, Hamilton, ™® married on ondav.. The bride réfeived a clock from eacon Shirt. company em- Fisher, Dr. Ryan was appointed a member ta The moon shone { ding gpod-night to one A new long distance telephone line A GRADUATE NURSE UPHOLDS THE ACTION. OF ONTARIO NURSES, Law Needed. to Keep Incompetent Persons From Masquerading as Trained Nurses--What the Nurses Intend Asking For. Kingston, Jan. 7.--(To. the Edit- or): In "Thursday night's issué of your paper, a correspondent, calling himself a "Red Cross Friend," criti cizes the action of the nurses of On tario in forming themselves into an association, and asserts that the purpose of the proposed hill is to form a sort of monopoly in nursing. After making all these allegations your correspondent admits, in his last sentence, that he knows nothing what ever about the matter. As a member of the association permit me to give you a few facts. The Lill wé propese asking the legis- lature to grant has for its object first and foremost. the protection of the public, and the medical profession, from being imposed upon by frandu- lent nurses, and the honor and good standing of our. hospitals and. our selves. You may think in a place the size of Kingston, frauds could not be perpetrated, and perhaps they cannot absolutely in the city, whera our nurses are so well-known. But that frauds can go from our city, and, in the name of our hospital, do inecal culable harm, is true, and in proof thereof, I will give a few instances that have come under my notice. One of our Kingston graduates went to take a case outside of Toronto. When the people 'of 'the house saw the uniform, they safd: "We do not think you will -do, ds we have jus' sent away a nurse wearing your uni form. for grass incompetency. and do not care to engage another from that school." After careful enquiries the nurse found that = the one sent away was an ex-laundress of the K.G.H., masquerading in our uniform, and whose only training had been over the wash tub, but she wad charging cighteen dollars a week. Again, one of the stafi at the K.G.H, found at a certain printer's in this city, a K.G.H. diploma, being printed for a woman Who had never even applied for ad mission' as a probationer, vet that woman nursed for months in Water town, as a Kingston graduate, and charged from eighteen to twentv-one dollars a week. 1 know of several who have heen expelled from their hos pitals for gross misconduct, who are practising as trained nurses, and charging the usual fees or even more, In some places a nurse's uniform is used for immoral purposes, particular ly in large places. Tn view of these facts we. thought it high time that something was done to protect hoth ourselves and the public. At present there is no law. A law tg. prevent such abuses is the law we are going to ask for, not a law to prevept anyone jrom nursing, but oné to 'make them nurse on their pwn merits. We dé' hot, for a mo- ment, ask the public to engage only trained 'nurses. Engage whom von like, pay them what von please. if it is fifty dollars a week. We have no thing to do with that, but we are going to ask for a bill to prevent anyone calling' herseli a trained or professionalgnurse who has not gra duated from a hospital of good stand ing, which gives a training of two years or over--A GRADUATE NURSE. Wedding Bells. At six o'clock on Wednesday even- ing, December 27th, 1905, the home of Thomas Balls, Sunbury, was the scene of a happy event, when his only daughter, Minerva, was united in mar riage "to Charles Fell, "London, Ont. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Meredith, Seeley's Bay. The brid al party entered the spacivus drawing room, which was artistically decorat ed, to the strains, of Mendefssohn's wedding march, taking their places he neath an arch of evergreens and flow ers. The bride was given away by her father, and looked charming, wearing a handsome gown of cream crepe de Paris, with trimmings of silk lace and ribbon. She carried a bouquet 'of white roses and lilies of the valley. The bride's cousin, Miss Mabelle Keel er, acted as bridesmaid, being dainti ly gown in pale pink organ die. The groom's gift to the bride was a gold watch, and to the bridesmaid a pretty gold pin. After the ceremony the bridal party and guests' number- ing about fifty, repaired to the din- ing-room, where an elaborate supper awaited them. Among the guests was the Rev. Mr. Waddell, of Battersea, who proved an ideal entertainer, dup- ing the musical part of the evening. The bride was the recipient of many handsome presents. The happy eouple left at midnight for London, where they will reside, carrying with them the best wishes of a large circle of re- latives and Jriends. Getting Along Nicely. Several months the edict went forth and now the Royal Military College cadets can show some beautiful "downy" sprouts on the upper lips. When many of the young (non-) shavers were home for the holiday season' fond mammas and "the old goo" were delighted with th. progress with which the mustaches had grown on their soldier sons, When the city fair maiden has come, in from the front door step, after hid. of our gentle- men cadets after his Wednesday night call, ask her if jt tickles, : have passed since TE OF OHIO, CITY op TOLEDO, LUCAS COUNTY 58 iF rank J. Che ey ° makes oath 'hat he is Sehior partner of the figni of oJ 8 eney 3 Co.. dbing business in the City of Toledo, County and, State afore- said, and that said firm will pay the mm of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS (or each and every case of Catarrh that can- not be cured hv the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. efi oY wy om to before me and Subscribed in ap resemce this 6th dav of December, (Seal) A.W. GLEASON, ._ Notary Public. Cure is thken intern- ctly on the blood ind the system. Send for Hall's * Catarrh ally. and wets dire mucous surfaces of testimonials free, EF. J. CHENEY. &.004 ' Sold hy all, Drneists; che 40 Of Tuk Hall's ills for consti ie amily A Baker's Triumph The Mooney Baker cannot 'produce anything better than Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas i The ver; best of flour, butter and cream--the most modern iplant, the very best baker in Canada. A biscuit superior to any other you have ever tasted, Say "Mooney's" to your grocer. IN 48 HOURS. - Cures-Kid- ney and Bladder Troubles. "MBOSSING ft . for Paper and Envelopes ENGRAVING 2. Besides all classes pl Letter Press Printing from x card to w volume, THE WHIG, Kingston Standard for Gleet, po Rign Sidhi (un) Jack Frost Is hovering near these nights, and his presence means more Blankets and Comforters. We are ready with a big range of all these 'neces- saries and will give 20% OFF. Underwear Our Underwear depart- ment is teeming with bar- gains. If you want any for men, women, girls or boys, we have the lines and at special cut prices. Overstockings Special prices on Boys' Heavy Ribbed, All Wool, Overstockings, fast black, all sizes, at 15¢c. and up. NEWMAN & SHAW To the person mak- © ing the most words out of the letters in SWIFT'S SCRANTON GOAL in this space, com= mencing Monday, i15th, we will @® deliver One ton of Coal -° . . 1st One-half ton of Coal 2nd One-quarter ton of Coal, 3rd EO i RUSH Eighty per cent. of; brushes sold in Gen: Boeckh goods. Th equipped factories whole country, the skilled' wokkmen ¢ jonitinent. and the aterials money © For a Business, She Civil Service Course. Kingston Business A Limited Head of Queen § Kingston - - - Spacious equipment; graduates' in demand. individual instruction petent and experienced apartments, excellent every» departinent. Ope ¢ ous' the | whole yearn fro 4 TB, MeRAY, i. Ru resident. #@Wereeniaee nen "King Baby Reig BABY'S OW! Pure, Frogrant, C Makes any skis y's Albert ToiletSoap MONTRE? Xo other Soap is Ju iste STAND A d ADY FOI IN ANY QUA For making soap, so removing old paint, sinks, closets,rdra many. other purpos equals 20 pounds § SOLD EVRRY E.W.GILLE" 'ORONTO EOW. J. B. Requests the all Lovers of : his campaign tion to the Leg sembly. -- BOARORUCOLIOE0L Clean, Honest That I» the kin &ind you should bu A satisfaction fire, Uwe are filing ory 'Winter supplies. Ha Fours yet ? 'Phone BOOTH 1 OOOO CEO. B. Oi 'TEN OPEN FOR CONCER Mr. Cummings has study of the Voice Ww teachers of England a prepared to teach Vob most modérn method. STUDIO--309 Uni Kingst "PHONE FOI WHEN NEEDI Phone 480, Clar. Stand; 'and "y« prompt answer.

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