Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Jan 1906, p. 7

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nb EFAs (sh SO oTeEa 11 {V1 1) he HIPPY re MERC) \RGAINS a ---- .@® r large stock of © WARE ces 'slightly damaged, D AWAY . DOWN ° A : ® r to get our shelves @ ; it @® ® © 20 Per.Gent. OFF © | ? # \TEWARE is stil @ 8 © | ® | ® ® ® 351-353 King St. | ) P0000 @RT® 0 0 8 Bargain | in the history of sub choice of Americas most ar, prcvided a year's sub- NTARIO CHURCHMAN T OFFER. AZINE. 3.00 Our So ! 0 price ne". 100, egular price, 6.00. J J y raly great offer more re- owing $1 publications may: an Illustrated Magazine. nis list. Popular Mechanics American Boy Four-Track News" Madame : Little Folks (New) Garden Magazine Men and Women What to Eat Outdoors SH WHIG, KINGSTON, ONT. taking Time s, Type, Brass, Copper and other s and we will allow you Highest J D NT, « > ) , . THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, JANUARY 9. : . - v FACE BEVEN, m-- For a Good Cup of Tea --USE-- "SALADA" Ceylon Tea because for QUALITY and FLAVOR it has no equal Lead only in Sealed Lead Packets at 25¢., 30c., 30c., 50c. and 60c. per Ib. All Grocers. HIGHEST AWARD, ST. LOUIS, 1904. TRAVELLING, ER A 2 RE rate IRE Sse LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In Effect Jan. 2nd, 1906. Trains will leave and arrive at City Depot, Foot of Johnston street, GOING WEST Lve. City Arr. City No. 5 Mail ../..)245am. l.1l5am * 3 2.26 a.m. 3.05am «. H joenl ..... 9.15 am. 9.47am * 1 Intern'] Ltd12.16 noon 12.46 p.m " 7 Mail ... ..3819pm. 3.51 pm " 15 Local .. . 703 p.m. 7.38 p.m GOING EAST Lve. City Arr. City No. 8 Mail ... .. 48am. 22am " 2 Fast Exp. 226 am. 3.05a.m " 16local ...... 816am, 847 am " 6 Mail ... ..12.16 noon 12.4G p.m. " 4 Fast Exp. 1.00p.m. .1.29 p.m " 12 Local ... ... 7.03 p.m. 7.38 p.m Nos. 1,2, 8, and 4 run daily. Nos. 8 and 8 run daily except Monday. All other , trains daily except Sunduny. Direct route to Torento, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, || Ottawa, 'Quebec, 'Portiand, 'St. Jobn. Halifax, Boston and News York. For Pullman Accommodation, Tickets, end all other imformation, apply ti J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnstos and Ontarig stree pgston, Ont. ARIE C IER: 1 11 RAILWAY IN.-CONNECTION WITH ANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON :-- 12:39 p.m.--Express, for Ottawa, Mon- weal, Quebec, St. John, N.B.; Halifax, Rostom, Toronto, Chicago. Denver. Ren- frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Pau', Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. 8 p.m.--Local for Sharbot Lake, connecting. with C.P.R. east and west, 8:10 a.m. --Mized, for Renfrew and in termediate points Passengers leaving Kingston at 12:30 fn arrive in Ottawa at 6500 p.m. eterboro, 513. p.m.; Toronto, 7:30 .m.; Bosten, 7:80 am.; St. ohn, .B., 11:55 a.m. Full particulars at K: & P» and C. P, R, Ticket Office, Ontario Street. ¥, CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR. on, Pass. Agent Gen: Supt 5 Bay of Quinte Railway New short line for Tweed, Napanee, / "[UHONTO NEWS" THEY SHOULD KNOW THERE IS SOME PROTECTION FROM USURY. Misrepresentation or Conceal- ment Can be Proven Only Leg- al Rate of Interest is Charge- able--Penalties for Violation of Act. : Toronto, Jan. S.~Dr. P. Howard Hunter, 'inspector of insurance com- panies and registrar of loan torpora- tions, speaking in regard to the me- thods of usuerers, as revealed in some recent instances expressed the opinion that magistrates should have author- itv to hear charges arising from such cases in camera. This would give an opportunity to ~ people who _sufierad wrongs rather than for a variety of reasons, undergo the publicity of an open trial, to, obtain the justice which under the law they are fully entitled 10. Attention was drawn h§ Dr. Hunter to a elause of the act of 1905, one of coveral acts framed with the sole pur pose of protecting people who horrow «mall amomis of money from ouf- rageous interest charges. This clause states that where money not exoved- ing $200 is borrowed, and interest over ten per cent. is charged, and the horrower can show that he was in- duced to enter inta the contract hy concealment" of re - misrepregentation or WALL STREET'S OPINION. Strong Year 'of Railway Building : fand Progress. New York, Jan. S.--Henry Clews, the reliable banker reports: The year opens under most. favorable auspices. General business conditions are satis: factory and ought to continue so, un til next harvest, So far as the mar- ket is concerned there are but = two dangers, and these are serious: Ai ov er-extension of credit and the foster ing of undue speculation. The money squeeze is over, and until the middle of Mareh money should remain in easy condition, but the recent stringency is proof of the need of an elastic curren cy system and the rather unwelcome persistency of speewlative demands up on our banking resources. Outside of speculation the market is likely to have the support of strong banking interests for some time. There will be important: new issues of secari- ties, particnlarly railroad stocks, and bankers who usually finance such deals do not wish the market spoiled by ex- .essive speculation. The growth of nileage in the west has not kept pace with traflie for ten years. For instance, the railroad miléage increased only 18 yer ecent.., less than the increase in population, while the tonnage of the roads increased aver 160 per cent. Be tween the Mississippi and the Pacific there is strong need of additional nileage, and we will see one or two sears of active new construction. Un- ion Pacific. and St. Paul have already the rate of interest . to be charged, A Municipal Advertising Should have the widest possible publicity. No other Ontario paper covers the Provinces as does "The News." 2,475 Post Offices reached out of the 3,528 in the Province. 'Write for rates and particulars. . « «+ WEARY DAYS AND Deseronto, and all local points. Trains feave City Hall Depot at 3.25 p.m. F. CONWAY, Agent B:Q. Ry., Kingston. Q.S.8. COMPANY BERMUDA 48 hours . from New York Twin Screw Steamship 5,500 tons. Sailing every Reached in by the new "Bermudian,"' ten days. WEST INDIA CRUISE FROM NEW YORK " S.S. "PRETORIA: 3300 tons, sails 17th February, 1906, 16f Bermuda, the Windward Islands, 'Irinidad, Jamaica, Cuba and the Bahamas. Rates for cupying 380 days, twenty days Tropics, $150, and upwards. For beauty of scenery and perfection of climate this trip is unsurpassed. For idustrated pamplets giving passage and all information, apply to . KE. OUTERBRIDGE & CO., Agents 89 Broadway, New York; ARTHUR AHERN, Sec'y., Quebec, Canada, or ta Ticket Agents, J. P. HANLEY, and J. P. GILDERSLEEVE, Kingston. oc ¢ LLAN LINE "V™*0b0xomrny ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. From St. John From Halifax Pretorian, Sat.. Jan, 13. Mon., Jan. 15. Numidian, Sat.. Jan. 20. Mon. Corinthian, Sat., Juan. 27. Mon, . Sardinian Sat BOSTON TO GLASGOW. Sardiniar Sat., Jan. 13 Sarmatian Sat., Jan. 20 Js P. HANLEY, Passenger Depot. J, Ps sump y ri, Clarence Street. ARCHITECTS. mga srs NM, NEWLANDS, A second floer store, streets. KEuterance oa (Pelephone 608, Bagat street ee teem ARTHUR ELLiS ARCHITECT, OF fic site of New Drill Hall, near oer Queen and Montreal Etrests. & SON ARCHITECT, mer of POWER streets: 1ENRY P. Anchor "Phone. MEDICAL. SMITH, ARC Bullding, 845. S-- in the rates of { | eastern HALIFAX TO LONDON AND HAVRE. Agent, G.T.R. City | GILDEK | site, being a regular station on the lifie | with telegraph and express office estab- | lished. ARCHITECT, OF- over Mahood's drug corner Princess aad Bagot | terested MER chant"s Bank Building, coraer Brock Wallington tPhone 3132 BOT. | ket | SLEEPLESS NIGHTS Many men and women toss night after night upon sleepless beds until near dawn, Their eyes do not close in the sweet and refreshing repose that comes to those whose heart and nerves are right. Worry or disease has so debilitated and irritated the nervous system that it cannot be quieted. Or, again, you have heart palpi- tation and sensation of sinking, a feeling you are going to die: or perhdps you wake, up from your sleep feeling as though you were about to choke or smother, and rest leaves you for the night. Allow these conditions to continue aud you will feel your health declining. ; It is the nerves and heart that ars not acting properly. They can be set right by the use of MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS They soon induce healthful, refreshing sleep, not by deadening the nerves, but by restoring them to healthy action and re- moving all symptoms of heart trouble, which is often the cause of nervousness and sleeplessness. : Mrs. Ennis Chambers, Massey Station, Ont., writes: §'[ was troubled with dizzi- ness, weak spells and fluttering of the heart. I was so bad at times I could not lie down in bed at nights but would have to sit up. I doctored for a whole year and got no relief. 1 took three boxes of Mil- burn's Heart and Nerve Pills and was so completely cured I have not been troubled since. 1 cannot recommend highly." : Miiburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50 cents per box or three boxes for $1.25 at .all dealers or sent direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. : Price of Land $25 per Acre Until January 1st, 1906. The Cuban Realty Co.'s Land is in the end of Cuba, where the soil is vaxin and fertile, well drained and well watered. The Cuba through the Railroad passes directly property--Burtle, the town facilities are very im- Hotel accommodation 1s now available to settlers arriving. A Nursery is being established for the care and culture of voung trees, plants, ete, Where' ah investor or group intend buy- ine largely we will arrange for such per sons to meet one of our purchasers who has thorouehly investigated our proper tr in person. We invite all who are in in Cuban Properties to call at our office and eet information regarding Fur lands. If vou live out of town write for Prospectus, Maps, Charts, etc The Cuba Realty Co. ae LIMITED. J. 0. HUTTON, AGENT. 254 Bagot Street, Kingston. Transportation nortant factors. DR, McCARTHY, occupied by Dr. Ryan, treal and Brock streets. Corner DR. Surgeon, etc. Surgeon, Kingston General al. OMee--232 King street, Bank of Montreal. Phone. 48 MONEY AND BUSINESS, lL meee LONDON AND GLOBE Available dition to AIVERPOOL, Fire Jusurance Cem 2 Resets $61,187,915. Is which the policy holders have y the unlimited liability all the stockholders. property insured at- rates, & Btramge., Agents TUR POLICIES COVER MORE OR buildings and Centents than amy eth- - ar gom, offers. Examine them at ~ Gedwin's Emperinm, Mark. ot Square EEE TTT---------- There are 20,000 more men than wo men in lowa, and the state is short of school teachers, OFFICE LATELY | Mon: | WILLIAM @IRSON, PHYSICIAN, | Late Resident House Hospit- opposite | 28 wert possible ow Before renewing old or wiviog | mew business get rates from Strange | | | | KESWIC : K also An Honest Guarantee We guarantees OUR milk to be AB- SOLUTELY pure; put up in sterilized bottles. It is the best. Try it. 'Cor. Brock and Bagot Sts. 'Phone 567. ING STREET OPEN DAY AND NIGHT , Meals of all kinds serv Dinner tickets, 205 Ovster Stew, 20c¢ ial Rates to Boarders Albert Edw. Norton ~ ed. , and them too Kingston Milk Depot RESTAURANT 6 for $1. Proprietor Patriotic societies will soon er old Mason homestead in Greenw: riotic Americans made a bonfire the 'Tea Party" days in 1774. loan may be liquidated by actually borfowed, to- legal rate of interest --five per cont. This clause can be en- forced before -any magisgrate or jus- tice of the peace. Tt is also provided in the that "the cost of the loan." a phrase which has often heen used in deeep- tive wavs to the financial detriment of the borrower, means the whole cost, but does not include actual disburse ments for legal charges, such as those of the registrar of deeds, the master bor local master of titles, clerk of the countv court, the sheriff or the trea municipality where it is \ business then the the gmount gether with the same act shrer of a necessary. to file papers, make es, or otherwise transact with the officials mentioned, for which they are allowed a fee In some cases, in addition to legal charge amounts charged borrowers as the "cost of the loan," high as 825 having been so charged on loans of f100. The penalties the are varying occasionally as mentioned in the clause quoted are: A fine of $200 for a first afid for subsequent convictions imprisonment not exceed conviction, ing a term of twelve months. Purity of The Blood The Best Protection Against Dis- ease--Obtained By Using Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills If you enquire into the cause of sickness, pain and suffering, you will find that fully nine-tenths of it re cults from derangements of the liver, kidneys and bowels, This was the truth arrived at Dr. {hase when he began experiments which "led fo the discovery of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. related as filters of the blood, the regularity on the healthful action of the liver. Hence it happens that when the liver cases as biliousness, kidney disease, indigestion and stipation ¥oon entirely disappear. With the liver and kidney blood is ensured and you are protected against colds, fevers and and' infectious diseases, As a family medicine is no preparation that can be with Dr. In eyery have pared Pills. people who of this medicine. proven the Ask them. to recommend it to other sufferers. and others of my friends have Dr. s Kidnpey-Liver Pills, pill | or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto Pain cannot exist where Che a dose 'Phone 493. Backache Plaster is applied. by The liver and kidneys are intimately and of the bowels depends and kidneys are made healthy and vigorous by the influence of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills such dis- liver complaint, con- in heakth- iul working order, the purity of the contagious to' promptly eure the most common ills of life there com- Chase's Kidney-Liver neighborhood there are merit Mrs. Joseph Lutton, Belleville, Ont., excellent medicine and feel it a duty, "My mother thinks there is ne bet- ter tonic than Dr. Chase's Nerve Food used this food cure with splendid results." one ». a box, at all dealers 1 Right Dr. Chase's mtered the field of builders, and other ect a moumment in front of the ¢h, NJ., in fron of which pat- of tea during the excitement of ST -------------------------------- systems must follow, Thi an important supply of railroad stocks for which there would be a healthy and general demand, singe the best issues are either held at exorbitant prices or locked up in strong boxes. Another source of supportipromises to come from proposed mergers in the won and trades. Important transactions and 'those in charge will sustain the stock market until auch. deals are completed. The iron trade is practically assured of another big year, and all. the metals industries are "enjoying good times because of unprecedented produetion ' at profitable prices. This is' the basis of hig specu lation in coppers, one of the worst danger spots in the market. FATHER FOR 27TH TIME. steel are, under way Fifteen -Are Livingr--All But Three at Home. 9--In a unaware big leather Chicago, Jan. of the easy chair, seemingly fact that for the twenty-seventh time s noise which eight of his children made with their new Christmas toys. Jona than Allen Monroe last night sat in his home mediating deeply upon the WOKE FROM TRANCE STRANGE CASE OF MAN WHO TRAVELLED-6,000 MILES, Memory Was Entirely Gone--Leit for Los Angeles, in California, and Knew No More Till he Awoke. Sydney, Jai, ¥.--~A curious case of lapse of memory has just been reveal ed here on the arrival from the north ern districts of New South Wales yes terday of an American, whose remem- brance was of Los Angeles, Cal. The American's story is vouched for by two Sydney doctors who have investi gated the circumstances---- The mysterious traveller left Para: hoe, in California, a few days before Easter, intending to join - his wife and family at Los Angeles. He remem bers arriving there, but has no recol lection of what happened afterward, Ho awoke to find himself lying un der a tree in tha Australian bush, and was immensely astonished at around him many unknown forms of vegetation. He noticed that his hands were hard and rough, though he had never consciously" done a day's hard work, A bullock driver passed him shortly after his awakening, and he at once enquired the way to Los Angeles, The man stared in astonishment, and ans wered that Hill End was the name of the nearest township, a The man without a memory there upon asked the date, and was told that it was late in October and that he was in New South Wales, He work ed his way to Sydney, a distance of somo hundreds of miles, and is seeing now get money to return to his family, He is in total ignorance as to their whereabouts and as to his own ings during the six April and October. do months between A DAVID-GOLIATH STORY. How a Giant Missourian Was Killed by a Lad. Columbia, Mo., Jan. S.--Mitchell Shadrick, a giant, seven feet in height, was almost instantly killed by an ecighteen-year-old hoy, Henry Jonas, who brought him down with a stone no larger than a walnut, thrown from a distance of forty feet. Shadrick had struck a younger bro ther of Jonas, and, it is said, had picked up a club with the intention of assaulting Henry Jonas. The boy picked up a small stone and threw. jt at the giant. It struck him behind the left car, and after running about circle everal the toppled over dead. No coffin_in. Columbia was long en- ough to contain. the hady 'of Shad rick, and it was found necessary to make one to order, : na fort sev man minutes | SNEEZED, 'THEN ARRESTED. German Haled and Fined for Dis- turbing Peace. lerlin, Jan. 9.--One of the most re markable trials ever held in Germany was that of Herr Pirna, in Saxony. for sneezing, blowing and l conghing too loudly in the streets at night, Policeman Lamm swore that the pris oner coughed very noisely at midnight his nase when most ple were already as leep. When asked to cough les vio lently he sneezed and used his hand kerchief in a way = unusual in polite society when promenading the street The . court imposed a fine of three marks (75 cents), solemnly warning the defendant to desist from his evil courses, Mrs Keith Passed Away. Smith's Falls, Ont. David Keith, passed away at mily Sunday suffered a slight stroke Jan. 9.--Mrs, the fa residence, evening. She about a wedl from which she never recovered he was a father. The youngest children of Mr. Monroe, eattle buyer at the Union vards, arrived vesterday. Tt is a line bouncing baby boy, enth child." Fifteen of nd all the children are stili liv ing, but three have none' of the man ied, sons ever having A HEROINE'S DEATH. Louis Woman Loses Life to Save Others. Louis, "Three were burned to death and one was in jured in a fire that destroyed a board mg house in Missouri avenue. building caught fire from the furn St St Jan. 9 was sick, jumped from an npper win she alarm the ocen cried for help: Then into the house to writes : "1 was troubled very much | the bath room with kidney disease for a long time and tvas unable to obtain relief. A British Tar Is Healthy. friend advised the use of Dr. Chase's . Kidnev-Liver Pills and they have London, Jan. 9.--The British sailor proven of very great.benefit to me. 1{% looked wpon as the personification have used a number of boxes of this of health and strength and ited report, just iseued for the shows that he of sick men daily the rate of 31 showing ith the ¢ gs was 3.467, last seven vears' average Rev. Charles P, ville of the twenty-seven | who is a Stock and the proud fa ther last night declared that in all of | 5 C00 pe his experience he had never seen aly and, three daughters, Mrs. J, n. better ope, . Grant,. Smith's Fallg; Misses Aones Mr. Monroe, who is sixty-three years), Lillie at home, and six sons, old, is a bitter opponent of race sul-| Alavander, Ottawa; D, B., New York; cide and a long time friend of Presi-l william, Montreal; J. W.. Smith's dent Roosevelt : Falls; Rev. P. J, representative of the "1 knew the president in Albany, N. | Aperican Y.W.C.A., in Calcutta, In Y.. many years ago; he said, "But, | dia; and Gordon, at Queen's Coll pshaw, 1 won't impose on his good na | Kingston. She had been a member ture hy telling him of so small an af | St Paul's Presbyterian church for fair as the arrival of the twenty sev o remain at home with their father, The three who left home are married daughter] heen women The The dead are; Mr<. Pauline Hermann, Miss Jewel Reed, daughter of the proprietor, and ° Mrs. Pulvermacher. Mrs, Hilger, aged seventy years, who dow, breaking her Jeg. Miss Jowel Reed lost her life in trying to save others. She rushed into the street and dashed hack pants. The three bodies were found in ar 1904, is getting healthier as the vears go by. The average number giving thousand, and a decrease of 5 in comparison 3 Anderson, D.D., Bishop, of Chicago, was in Belle- ngo The and after her (ent Keith, | settling in Smith's | has lived ever highly was horn in Séotland, marriage to David Rob to Canada in 1801, Falls, where and esteemed, decensed came she she She leaves ' since where was most loss, besides her hus many vears Approach Of Rheumatism. Much is gained towards rheumatism is treated carly, If your digestion is sluggish, if the kidneys inactive and the secretion of urine high colored and scanty, .if you feel stifi in the morning or have vague muscular pains your system is in the condition that brings on rheumatism. when any tendency noted and are Take at once Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure. The remedy will not only re move the symptoms but will cleanse and vitalize the entire and build up vour general health so that rheumatism or other diseases cannot get hold of you. Price S0e. Sold only at Wade's drug store, This is the pre svatem Mills, Brewer's A Marriage Settlement. Madrid, Jan. 9.--The marriage set tlement of the Infante Maria Theresa, sister of the king, and Prince Ferdin dnd of Bavaria, was signed at the palace on Saturday. La Anna Amelia Northeote, widow of the late Capt. Lemon Corham, born in Devon, Eng... in 1828 is dead in Belleville," Teaving three. gems and three daughters. Wood's Phospholine, The Great finglish Remedy. an ear! Infirm 7, ncaa 1 per * The New Bovril Premium "Little Lady Bountiful" A beautiful gravure reproduction of Mr. Fred Morgan's charming Oil Painting, size 2834 inches by 1934 inches, printed on fine plate paper 40x 30 inches, with no adver- tising matter, is given Free to users of BOVRIL who save the coupons, one of which will be found over the neck of every bottle of BOVRIL. : This Bonus Picture must not. be confused with cheap premium pictures. It is a work of art worthy a place in the most cultured home.» The subject is extremely interesting. On the grass in a Shumming woodland spot by a lake a mother and her three beautiful children have spread their picnic table cloth, Everything indicates wealth and health and happin the cake and fruit are served on choice china with snowy linen, and both mother and children are daintily attired. Standing apart and gazing with wondering, wistful eyes at the luncheon su lemptingly s read, are a tiny girl and her tinier brother, barefoot and Oly ess fortu- nate in worldly possessions, pted by her mother, the wee tot of tho picnic party, with some of the best of luncheon on a plate carried before her, is advancing toward the little 1 intruders, tendering with shy and gentle grace het offering. The little barefoot boy seems em yet delighted by this immediate prospect of good things and is shyly putting out a little brown hand to receive. Altogether the picture is one of the most charming con- ceptions, and is sure to please and delight. BOVRIL Eight pounds of prime beef is concentrated in four ounces of BOVRIL Bovril is prepared only by ' BOVRIL LIMITED, LONDON, ENG., snd MONTREAL, CANADA ee By wecial SPORE go Purveyors to His Majesty King Edward VIL Save Coupon over neck of Bottle and secure this Picture. 3 trying to obtain employment therd to |! For solid. comfor! in cold and stormy wealher keep your feel ary and. Warm n= RUBBERS a OVERSHOES Olhess are nel > "Q. GRANBY RUBBERS My WEAR LIKE IRON preparation that cured Thomas Todd, A $2.00 kd oon . Skates Attached Free of Charge fo NE. Anais ging Axo aren Brain Wi sions, Si matorrhora, 1mpots ency, Rolfocts of "Abuse or Excess, of lead to Consumption, s Pi $i sixfor & One will eal oo] 00d day a 3 i : : sure. Sold by all druggists mai in plain on receipt of price. Writef files tele Walter ha ld E SKATING $§ BOOTS Now that the weather has turned colder we may expect good skating. Are you ready ? We can fit you out in short time with the Best Skat- ing or. Hockey Shoes. - MEN'S HOCKEY BOOTS---Made of Mule Skin or Box | Calf, Goodyear welted $3 BOYS PEBBLE HOCKEY BOOTS WOMEN'S SKATING BOOTS--Fleece-lined, good soles, made of box calf Creneaserraaireanrrine seresees vends SK ATING BOOTS Unlined, in box calf or WOMEN'S 1 inn Cras dion ian: $1.50 10 $2.50 ABERNETHY'S SHANNON FILES & CABINETS ; Transfer Cases. Card Index Outfits. Special "Patient's Record" Cards for Dactors and Dentists. Typewriter Ribbons and Carbon Papers. J. B.C. DOBBS & €0.. 171 Wellington St, € ia Typewriters for sale, to rent, repaired. EPP EEEPIIEPE $2 P $9 jis 96 11 4

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