January a par with 1 is ot te rave on foes Property 3 EE cash Be Lio Tribune says the entered into tons of col am Big Fout's when a Bo kbilitien s the Pomddigi of Can- 1 ng tne year 1905, dtcording to 0. arn and 3 1,7 in num. and Ha- " slight fHncreuse in "Jthe 1.246 in 1 A ved was Pauly larger in' the previou ny Fine Jack Rabbit. This morning a iret xhiltind 2 -abhit, + "0 3 ln PE at a. Hy Jas. It i i a fine specimen, -Moasgring" two fect in Jength and wejghing: eight pounds. i ------------ , Left For Calgary, i. Lafferty, "Haff tant ad the RS) arts, Ghat alias a engnge ie elt. How Do, General ! 1 Col. Herbert, formerly in command of the Canadian militia, has be made a major-genctal on the retired Hist here in Canada. light Calgary, upon sick i ery necgisary to soap is better than other it is best when used in the Sm way. Buy Sunlight Soap on. & hd and fo Cross Cough anu: p oly at Hen # Red Crobs go oh 2 It cures 8. tari 1 R er Cent, Discount The largest and finest as: sortment ever offered to the Kingston n..public. tion'i8'dkawh to the high qual. cotton. Gowns Drawers Chemises - Skirts ~ Corset Covers --AT oe tion ity of workmanship, the gener: 'ous fulness in every garment! i mo. i isn and the superior quality of'. Per Cent. Discount CAL PARTIES. In Regard to Eliminating Illegal ! Practices From the Election Contest--The Letters That . Passed and the Outcome of Them. i Bees Kingston, Oft., Jan. 5, 1906, 4) x Melntyre, ksq, Kingston, Dear gir Barly in November, al- ter the conclusion of the taking of » evidence in the election trial, you and W. F. Nickle, in my office, made the tion that both parties should enter into a binding agrecment not to | subscribe, collect or make use of money for bribery, hire of teams or 'any other illegal purpose in or in con- nection with the coming bye-election, should 'the seat be declared vacant. | then expressed myself as being in hearty Ca clit 'with your sugges: tion and said 1 would urge it upon my political friends; 1 had an oppor- tunity of doing this, and am now in- structed to say that we oladly, and unreservedly, accept your proposition agreement in writing to be signed by | vou and a minimum of one hundred of your supporters; to be selected by me, and by Mr. Pense, and a minimum of on hundred of his supporters to a lected as yn may w wish. 1 have h some Hinged A have pr itted Ww ference to the hive of teams on hh sides. I have no knowledge as to'this but our agreement shonld cover it also. Such action as we take should be taken immediately, 50-1 will" hope to hear from you definitely bv to-or- row, at the latest: Yours tealy, J. McDONALD MOWAT, President "Rivig- ston Rpform Association' "Kingstoh, Jun. 6, 1906. all 'that lies in niy POWr 'to effebtiate | the suggestions made in the conversa: tion last November, between yourself and Mr, Nickle and me of eliminating illegal practices from the election con- test which we are now entering upon. bean Would it be possible for me and one or two of my friends to meet vou at 4.30 o'clock, to-day, to discuss mat- ters and grrange details; if so kindly advite me al once, and.I shall notify 'my people: perhaps two or three be- sides myself --Yours truly. D, M. Me- INTYRE, TE at Mel. & Mel's. of- Terms Reached. In "accordance with the proposals made in Mr. Melntyre's letter, Mayor Mowat, Ald. Craig and U. Berming- ham, representing the liberals, waited upon' Mr. Mcintyre "at hig office on Sawrday aftarnooh' last, and there found Messrs. 'D. 'M, Melntyre and Ads. Rigney and' Nickles," rapresenting the éonservative intéro#e. and these sik: gentlemen took 'up the question, ard after several prolonwed conferene- es reached an underktdndine which is embodied in the following agreement, which agreement: has Alrend® been sighed 'by the 'respective candidates, and a few of their followers, and it is to he signed 'hy not Teed 'than one hun- dred and (fifty of the followers of each candidate. It will' Be noted that the liberals select the names of Mr, Me- Intyre's followers who mre to sion the agreement, 'and the conservatives sel- t the names of Mr. Pense's followers who are to sign the aoreement, 3 The Legal Document. Memorandum of agreement made this -------- day of January, A.D., 1906, be tween the undersigned scandidates for election for the City of Kingston, at tae election for the legislative assem bly, 10 be held on the 20th day of January, instant, and théir respective agents and supporters : Your atten- . Witnesseth that, whereas, it appears hat improper practices have prevailed in recent elections in said city, and preventing any _recufrence 'of 'the 'shine and that both the letter and the spirit of the election act should be strictly hserved in the impending election, and have mutually aoreed, 'nd a mat- ter of honor and good faMh 16 do " tually agreed as follows: This agreement shall be signed by each candidate and at least one hund- red: and fifty of his faith to ab#blutely. refrain from anc prevent as far as they can any infrac- tion of the Ontario election law, am- ong which infractions 'gre : 1.-~The bribing of voters by fice, place or employment for voters o 4.--The corruptly ishing entertainment to voters: ing on the election; traveling expenses of voters: 9.~The personation of voters. The _said parties hereto privy to any t of this election. hereto that to prevail shy double 1h * ' : MADE BETWEEN THE POLIT! and I would suggest that we put our | "Dear Sir ~I am quite' willing" t¢'to | hoth political parties dre denircif of supporters who H. money or other valuable eonsiderstion ol promises; ~The procuring or promising of- 5.~The corruptly betting or wager | 6.--~The hiring of vehicles to convev ¥ electors to the poll or the paying of until' after thres undertake that they have lot been' puiltv of or ji fore she cleared. on such infraction. in pes. It ie further agreed by the pay ties to the _dbsery of the law vehicle "hall be hired, asked fp be R volunteered, volunteered, or used either in connection with the registra- tion ol voters to take, persons up to buy at Gibson's , tor uf on, haetion day 'tor 1 didate is, however, | one vehicle on election day for his Iso em- personal use, which he gnay al ploy to transfer his wo vote. For the se of enforcing agreed that his lordship, Biskiop Mills, Tedd regis soters. fo the poll to vote, Each can- a 1. ol allowed to have ere from one poll to another to work but not to! the + provisions of this understanding it is JOSEPH P PHILLIPS OF YORK COUNTY LOAN FAME ; IN COURT. A Week's Adjourtument Granted-- Directly Contralictory Evi- dence Given in Torofito "Civic V. Rogers, K.C,, and J. L. Whit. k K. C., dhall bel & Ne with Thvestigation--Dr. Osler Won t os fal Some. fo enquire into and deter- Resign Regius Professorship. all cases of alleged violation of | Toronto, Jan. 9.--Joseph Phillips, {. They shall have power { of the York. County Loan and Sav- -- before, them any party to this| ings company, who was arrested, last einent and obtain ho ig evi- be able, T may em- dena they. day to take any evidence hy Sndatory declaration if they see i fit, may, destroy the evidence | taken secret any statements made before them ii they think pro- per. The decision of any two of than shall be Binding, but their decision shall be iven in writing as their un- animous g, and the fact of there | being any dissentient shall not be hes known. Any disbursements they | may 'make shall he repaid them equal- ly by each candidate. The parties: hereto undertake and agree to' immediately notify some i member of said tribunal of any breach lor intended breach of the election law or oof this ent of which he may have know or notice. k The parties hercto agree whenever notified to ar before said tribun- }al and to make statement fully either rq | orally or by statutory declaration ang to answer fully all questions asked ' + them relating to any alle wd breach or intended breach of said ¢ this agreement and to procure as far 48 they" arc able any witness or evi- dehice. relating thereto. Whenever any member of said' tripu- nal is notified of any said breach or intended breach, they shall miét and investigate the same and boefose de ciding shall notify the candidates of the nature of the charge and bear any evidence relating thereto which either candidate may within. a reasonable' | time desire to furnish them: No coun- i sel or agent shall appear before said tribunal and they © may exclude all athers except: the witness being ex- amined, if at any time, upon information furnished, within thirty (30) days of , the election, said fribunal shall npon such inquiry find that there has been a iy of this agreement, directly or indirectly, by, or with the knowledge, privity, consent or connivafice. of any person, a y to this agreement, | then the iy of whom such per- "son is hereby admitted and declared to be an agent, shall, if successful 'at ! said bye-election, forthwith resign his ! seat. : Proviso, thet at such fnquiry no leg- al or other counsel shall be permitted, and this agreement shall be interpret- ed by said tribunal in such a broad and liberal Spirit as to effect the true intent, meanmg and purpose of this agreement, to wit : The prevention of corrapt and illegal practices, and the ise' of horses, Seams and vehicles at the said bye-eleetion and recistration of voters, imposition of the penalty of forfeiture of the seat upon the successful candidate on whose be- half such corrupt or illegal practice, or practices, 8 committed as aforesaid. Fach sionature affixed hereto shall he verified by the affidavit of some male person who khows the person al- fixing such signature, and has wit- nessed his affixing his name and seal thereto, The Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the subscrib- | ers of the Kingston Public' Library, at the annual meeting held at the board rooms; Monday afternoon. fe dent, W. Macnee, presided. The condi tion of the library is considered on a par with last year, and Mise Hildred Driver, librarian, was congratulated for her efficient work. The election of officers for 1906, resulted: President, -Col. MeGillk treaurer, James Redden; sceretarv. Dr. Isobel McConville; board of management, Miss Crawford, Miss Davis, Mesers. Hiteh- presi- ens, W. Macnee, T. MoKeon Robertson; E. 0. Sliter,; A, Btrachan. Trustees, Dr. Chown; Capt, Paul, 8. Harper; auditors, John Orr and James Laid- Several Ourling Matches. Two curling matches were played at he rink last night : .-H. Montgomery, C. w A. Macpher so, A. McNaughton, 71. Slater, B. Craig, 'E. J. Reid, J. M. El i desires to vote the 20th. The courts will be open dur- | the Bar Point lighthouse in the De. ing the next four days, at the follow- | troit river, November, 1003, The lo- ing hours : 10 a.m. till 1 p.m; 2 till 6 | cal judge found _ the mister of the pam. 7.30 till 9 pan. Tecumseh was alone to blame for the Removed To Brockwille. Edward Smythe, ledger-keeper a treating or furn- Detained By The Ice. ection Taw or | skip in the bveelection on night, on a charge of fraud, appear- ed, in the police court, this morning, Less than five minutes were oecupied in the preliminary pre gs. Magis- trate Denison read the oe based upon an information sworn out by Detective Mackie, belore | Magistrate Kingsiérd, "There is na clection in this case ?"* asked his worship. "There is," Pi lied Crown Attorney Curry. H. B agh appeared for Mr. Phillips, and Ardash for a week's adjournment, without electing or pleading. This was granted, and bail was taken in 85,000 each, from Mr. Phillips and W, H. Hunter. Evidence directly contradicting statements made by E. J. Lenox, the architeet for the new City hall, was given at the civic enquiry to-day by W. B. Rogers, who had the contract for the furniture. Alderman Lynd was expecting some consideration. He told nox to send Lynd to his office, and in the meantime, made out a cheque for 8100, drew the money, and when Lynd called, handed it over to the alderman. Lynd himself had never personally for anything: This vceurred in 1809, Mr. Rogers testified further that in 1901 he had writtn off, as a bad debt, an account for #547, which he had against Mr. Lenox, for. furniture purchased. -The furniture was cin, Mr, Lenox's house at the is- land, which was destroyed by fire, and Mr. lenox claimed that the fire was. gaused by some imprope® work in fixing -the mantel. Mr.. Rogers had known nox for a long time, and the latter had often put work in his way. He accepted the statement, and wiped out the aceount. B. Osler, M.P., in reply to an interrogation, this morning, said that the report, from Baltithore, that Prof. William Osler .was contemplating re- sighation of his position as Regius professor at Oxford, and returning to his old charge, at - Johns Hopkins University, was absolutely false, and Dr. Osler, he added, was merely giv- ing a course of lectures at Baltimore. Upon the application of the Domin- ion Portland Cement company, an order was granted; this morning, to wind up the Southern Light and Pow- er company, and John Mackay was appointed © interim liquidator. The financial statement shows the follow. ing. assats : Cash 'in bank, 810,000; real estate, £21,000; electric plant, $28,000; construction plant, $24, 000; power , house plant, $33,000; hydraplic development on Credit River, $82,000; or, 'a total, approxi- mately, of $197,000. These assets gr» of mpeertain value, however. The liabilities , are $232,000, of = whick $212,000 is owing to the York Loan fompany. The books of two well-known money lendbrs, S. Anderson and Dr. Mo- Naught wera seized, this morning, up- on the order 'of Crown Attorney Curry, The authorities have defér- mined to look into the methods of money lenders® in the city, and the two men whose books were seized, have heen summoned fo appear, in the pelice court, to-morrow. The charge against them is comspiracy to defraud. ACCUSED OF PERJURY, Charges May Lead to Sensational Story. Montreal, Jan © 9.--Two arrests made, to-day, are likely to lead to lead to sensational developments, The men taken are Louis R. Garreau, a private detective, and Zenon Dufresne; the charge is subornation of per jury. It is claimed that they secured the services of Alfred Poirier to swear to. a false statement in conncetion with the proceedings hétween the C PR, and the city in connection with the purchase of certain land along the line of the railway in the city, to which objection is taken by the Mon- treal Brewing company, one of the in- terested proprietors. Poirier's part was to swear that he saw a lawyer place in an alderman's hands a roll of hills which, according to the alleged declaration, was to settle his vote on the question in the city council. shall be selected and named in writing liott, 8, R. Bafley, skip--12, by or on behalf of the opposite candi- Capt. Fraser, Col: Massie, Col TUCKER VS. TECUMSEH. date. When satisfactorily signed it Strange, J. B. Walkem, skip--@ 2 shall be marked approved by each FE. Lewis, A. Mackie, ¥. Wallace, L. | Judgment Given in Admiralty candidate and then become operative. L. Henderson, skip--20, . A 1 Ca The, supporters of each candidate ---- Ottay } Poss 1 id I > who sign this preem 5 : awa, 'Jan n we exchequer bn ve oy hy $ackSoandidate | ". A Gall To: Register. court, this. morning, judgment wes agents within the meaning of the On To-morrow morning, the manhood given in the case of the ship, Tucker tario election act for purposes of this sullrage registration eourts open. . Tecumseh. This was an admiralty eleetion. Every 'male over twenty-one vears of ap ral from the judge of the ad- The parties signing this agreement "2% and who is«not on the municipal miralty, Toronto, The case arose out bind themselves in honor and good YUME list, will have to register if he | of a collision between the ship Te cumseh; and the steamer Lilly, near collision. COSts, dismissed Appeal with t A TIPSY MAN DID IT T the Bagk of Montreal, Jeft to-day, for the unduly influencing them; Brockville or 0 : : The oubcimving bearing or Drop, to which" gl "|i Remrd to the Attempted paying money for the purposes of the - distinct loss to St. George's junior Burglary. « election, except the moneys bona fide, OH A. team, for which he played in Belleville, Ont., Jan. 9.~The mys paid into the hands of the financial goal. Frank Strachan will likely take { tery in regard to the attempted bur- agent 'of the candidate, such agent to Smythe's place on tha team, as glary at Rev. Dr. Gardner's, has been keep an accurate account thereof, open, Strachan put up such a fine game | cleared up. The would-be intruder was to the inspection of any party sign when St. George's plated in Belle | 8n intoxicated neighbor, named John ing this agreement; * ville. : Pepper, who Shought he was entering his own house, in his The steamer New Island Wanderer \ me made by the pitchfork. did not arrive here from Cape Vincent] © TOPPOTY was aimed at. i o'clock, this after- noon, being kept back by the ice in|. James Hooper, who has been spend the river. Her run up was decidedly | "8 8 two weeks' holiday in Picton, slow, with about 'thirty passengers. A. Cattle, Randolpl Two hospitdls in Montreal "the same style It was late this afternoon be. her return . trip general manager, and as nl $¥ president of the Montreal no Transportation: company, are at 2th ndoiph, ; | are Ane hot water bottles you Red Cross drug store. returned to the city yesterday. last so long. Mrs. E. A. Potter, and son, Claude Potter, Ottawa, are spending a cou- ple of davs in town. an électrical system to operate Sarnia tunnel. Special' value in tooth brushes at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Pepe shows signs of severe handling and~has deep wounds It pays to buy hot water bottles at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. They The G.T.R. have let the con ract for the i RI © ROR Se -- gg, Great Display of Corsets All the famous French Corsets are here. But eveq when the models are new--like these--for a new season, there's little to say 'about our line of Corsets. st year's styles surpassed the year before's for grace and beauty. And so on all the way back to the beginning when we chose our Corsets first and made them ours usively. They wee certainly 'the most supetb Corsets then, as now, The | best foreign makers produce them, and this year, all seem to have fairly surpassed themselves in 'thes: our latest mo. dels. Just read, see, buy----and be convinced of their supe- riority. FRENCH CORSETS, most popular French the Dominion are here, that compared with are véry rare values, $1 and $1.25. ticular special, Three of the Corsets in Two Corsets many kinds sell at be 74 And the very pad FL the special that as- tonishes the customer, becansé f) $1.50 hoth material and finish it is quite equal to any of the other imported Corsets selling at $2, we offer at... * Corsets, from 50c. to $1.25. Tn Crompton Corsets w 'Queen"--a veritable leader, and the on | "D. & A. have the famous * chaiee of Many women--in drab and white, all sizes, at | Also the "Yatisi" for full figures, all sizes, from 24 to 36 Nursing Corsets at $1. *Maid's Corsets at 50c. and 7c. Girls' Corset Waists at 80c., 75¢, and 81. Ladies' Health Corset Waists at $1. Children's Corset Waists, in white and drab, sizes 19 to 26, with three qualities Babies" Cosset Bands, in one good quality. tol choose, from Ladies' Coats Again at Half Price This iz another Coat story that tells of big values for little prices--the biggest values for the littlest prices we've ever had the pleasure of offering. In short--a stupendous and daring sale of all that are left of our Winter Coats. Each garment. bears evidence of the most cakeful tailoring, and the styles and (cloths are the latest this year, and every Coat is five dll 'the serviee desired. © Present precisely prices sell them from $2.50 to $5.25 guaranteed to that could be hali- pecial Shawls To-morrow 75 WHITE KNITTED SHAWLS, in circular effects and the most i. as- ing designs ever shown, made f{. om | fine Shetland Floss. This is n| manufacturer's sample lot of these | shawls,: which have lately bedome! e very popular not only for house but S Yours half BROIL eerie i age tie For Men and Boys MEN'S UNSHRINKABLE WOOL - UNDERWEAR, weights and very jvarm. And we can emphasize "'unshrinkable,"" because' it .is actually so, being one of tl | eo two makes in Canada fully guaranteed to this extent. It all sizes from 32 to 44 chest shirts, with drawers in prop: tion, two weight at 81.25 and $1.19. MEN'S UNSHRINK ABLE RIBBED WOOL UNDERWEAR, at . 90. per garment, ME FLEECE-LINED UNDERWEAR, at 50c. per garment md -------- i ---------- uy as fascinators to-morrow at 9.30, at about price, wear, fine heavy the word BOYS' 17 years of age, BOYS' FLEECE-LINED UNDERWEAR, 49¢. FINE WOOL UNDERWEAR, all sizes for boys from 1 to and priced accbrding to size, 25¢. to 75¢ : complete assortment sizes, according to size, 25c. to .. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON ... 170 Princess Street, Kingston, Just What You Need Keep the feet warm and the lead cool. ; We have this style of Slipper at soc., no heel, felt sole. Leather sole and heels, 75¢. A better qualityred, blue or Better ones at $2.50. bl ick at $1. 1 THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE YEAR 73. ie $ 33 doze 0c. Tie To sell , 5 SCHOOL '1 for 25 Housecoat Continuing a WEEK. B. P. Jenkins (| If You Wi Our Shoe YOU ARE USING 1 FOOTWEAR TO B THE CITY. Wear "Al Military Boots 84 Brock St. Sign | MADE-T0-0 Persian Lamb Select Your Quality, Style a equalle McKAY FUR BROCK STI DO LIKEW The Demon--Fire hy for the wise ones cured their policies a from the financially represented by SWIFT'S REALESTA ENT COOK Barrie str SERVAN ) King 3 AND TABI "«3.,"" care A COOK, corner of Union and IMMEDIATE A PORTER WHO CA furnaces. Apply to General Hospital TWENTY GIRLS A Kent Bros Mica Princess street HOTEL QUINT, 2 first-class experie and a chambermaid. AT A COMP renccs | required ny, 107 Bagot s A GOOD GENERAL washing. Apply ti Dyde, Quee Colle TWO EXPERIEN( for Millinery Depa! of 1906. Apply to A YOUNG MAN, TX horse, and make h useful Annly at 4, the cvenine. APPRENTICE 1 hasiness. Liberal bright, active vo "T.,"" Whig offi AN EMAN TO suits pressed and cl hand ; also bring y¢ an up-to-date suit way"s, 181 Brock A TEACHER, WITH certificate and Protestant prefers Apply to J. N. Si School Section MEN AND BOYS WA! Plumbing Trade, | completing course straction at home raduates admitted ter Plumbers A 18 secured. C oractical Schools Bricklaying, New Cincinnati, © St. Yomue stre 51 Broek treet SHOP AND 8 Princess stroe Pe rssession immed Steacy & St SOLLEG 3 street, Sto ne Hou 10 rooms; stable acres land, suital pasture. Possessio Anniv at MeLeod" 1.0S CRESCEN! betw A GOLD pearis ron. Ba © olhorne stress.' {. return to 25 Colb