| the follow rae Joon Te foo. This re- Ei a eda --- "timetable skillfully inion of the in- ot at -- Mr; Nickle's Resignation. © Mr. "Phompson asked thé ruling of the chairman upon the resignation of Mr. ale as meuber, Tis halen statikd that there was no vision in the law for a resignation, and he was inclined to rule the resignation of Mr, Nickle out of order. The only way ¢. Nickle could be released was for to be vacated for three meet- "hen the chairman could. declare] the seat vacant, Mr, Henderson Shough that ring board should accept the resignation, and moved that this be done, Mr. Meek moved in amendment that the matter be referred to the city solititor for a t. : Prof. Karin said that he i al- w the resignations of trus- -- oh dont to go ta other places, but he thought the discussion upon the present case wax mere quibbling. Other ! : then took a ballot for the election oo chairman. and the was : ly, 11; Wormwith, 3; Laturney, 1; Henderson, 1; Godwin, 1. Mr. Kelly wos accordingly declared elected. 'After {aking the chair, the mew] ted Eglin called wpon Mr. Meek prayer. ~ Chairman ny in thanking the 'board for the honor conferred upon him, stated that to be placed in the line of succession in Kingston's educa tional mutters with the brilliant men ho had was no mean or "compliment and implied res- bibility and - confidence. He would and merit the confidence of the thoard, and asked for the members' co- tion in discharging the responsi. upon him. 'He spoke of a Repeat ae home that the year 1906 would be memorable in the annals of educational affairs { in Kingston. H referred to the loss the hoard had wus in the death of Dr. Fee and tained retirement of John "Melntyre, The chairman spoke at length on educa- tional matters and the auestions that -- Salone "ihe board's committee Nh -- ; Standing Committees. © The striking committee brought in slate : t--Mewsrs. Elliott, Worm: Henderson, Maogilli: roperty ty~ Messrs. Godwin, Thomp- son, McLean, Morrison, Anglin, Pow. O te.--~Messrs. Anglin, Meck, a ral § MN . Bennett, Mclean, Ramil Victoria. -- Maegillivray, Marshall, | Lambert ~ Frontenac School. --Messre, Thomp- son, Hi . Godwin, Louise School, --Messrs, kie, Laturney. A Marui School. --~Messrs, Bennett, Renton, Nie- » Haffner. Sydenham ~~ School.-- Messrs, Meck, Martin, Wormwith, Rideau School. ~Messrs. i Maigillivray. HO 00] Messrs. Wormwith, ns a Laturney, Orphans' Home. --Messrs. - Donnelly, Anghn, Martin. 2 . " Mr. Thompson asked the chairman of the cammitice, Mr. Elliott, to ex- plain why certain appointments and changes lad been made. The latter re- § [plied that all ke could say 'was that the committee had seen fiti to make 1 recommendations as read. Mr, Thompsoh wanted some explanation as to whether the chairman of manage- ment intended to carry through the proposed changes he advocated in re- gard to reduction of the public school teaching staff, If he so intended, then he would hove an amendment to the report. Mr. Elliott replied that the standing committee had unanimously slated him as chairman of manage- ment, and as such he would act. He had not" sought the place, 'but having been selacted, he would sook to fill the place to hest of his ability. e Mr. Thompson stated that he would he unable to give the . necessary time Fas chairman of Frontenae school, and suggested that one of the other two members be appointed chairman, The report. however, was adopted as pre- sented. Tn each case the first named is chairman, ---- | Communications Read. ¢ communications were read: "From J. J. Behan, secretary of sen: arate school board, stating that F. Lyons 'heen appointed as repres. ontative on the Board of Fdueation. W. F. Nickle resignine as member for St. Lawrence ward, under date De- ber ie Ella Vv, Evans, Garden Island, -- : tublie school A. Ramsay, Oshawa, statibg he JA, onde | LR hand for. Collagiate duty resignations had been accepted, and bs. 14 be gz reded as pr A a and Mr, Nickles resignation accept- ed Mr. Thompson held that the board should get legal opinion, so that ite members could vote intelligently. Mr, Meek said he was willing to vote for Mr. Nickle's resignation if the hoard had: the right to accept it. The question, an important one, was this: Could the board rightfully accept the resignation ? - Mr. Godwin pointed out that the ac- ceptance of the resignation would not make things any better for Mr. Nickle, The latter was illegally sitting as an alderman, as he was elected while he was a trustee, and any one, throughout the year, could take pro- ceedings fo unseat him. Mr. Thompson remarked that the non-attehdance of Mr, Nickle at the February weeting of the board would vacate his seat. He wanted to have it finally established whether or not a trustee had the right to resign. What had beén done hefore should not be taken as right. Let the right be made known, Mr. Elliott said all over the pro- vince resignations were accepted. He favored giving release to Mr. Nickle and then ascertain the law for future guidance. There was no penalty against trustees for accepting a resig- nation. Mr. Henderson said that Mr. Nickle had given the opinion, as a lawyer, that His resignation was quite legal. He had looked into the law carefully and was positive of this, It was finally agreed to accept Mr, Nickle's resignation. Mr. Meek's reso- Intion that the city solicitor be asked for a report on the legality of a re- sigifition by a public school trustee was also passed, was a vacancy in the Col. + Institute and need for the ac- coptance of an applicant the manage- ment ittee retired and reported the selection of George S. Bale, B.A, of Hamilton, as assistant master in English and moderns at $1,000 per vear. He is an. hopoyp graduate of To- ronto University and a specialist. The hoard passed the recommendation. General Business, The secretary reported public - school balance was Collegiate Institute deficit, surplus for 1905 of $563.63, On motion of Mr. Thompson, the thanks of the board was extended to Prof. Robertson for the services of J. W. Gibson as lecturer to the teachers on nature study. 4 On motion of Messrs, Elliott and Renton, Chairman Kelly, Prof, Mar- shall and Prof. Macgillivray were ap- pointed delegates to 'the Ontario edu- cational association convention in To- ronto next April, The secretary was motion of Mr. Meek, that the instructed, on to report upon the cost of printing the reports and minutes of the hoard, as is done for the city council. It is felt that the Board of Education members should have the same convenience in this re- gard as the aldermen. -------- . Thursday Market. The market to-day, was quite norm- al. The total absence of Wolfe Island. ers in 'the butter market, accounted for the small turnout. Butter is in. clined to go up in price, being quite going 2c. lower on the price per Ib. going 2c. lower on the price per fib. Considering the few in attendance, eggs were more plentiful than usual, at 30c. and 35c. a dozen. Fowl: were scarce. One woman had chickens at 75¢. a pair and turkeys (a few) were 12%¢c. a lb. On the square, butchers were the principal make-up, meat pric- os of the past two weeks ruling. If the ioe forms on the lake, the people from 'the island will likely be in the city in large numbers on Saturday, and it 18 expected the market will be a bumper house. . Enjoyable Dance. Last night those who attended the Court Earl Roberts' dance in the City Hall, had a most enjoyable time. Tus ory about three hundred and Lventy-ive present; who tripped the | light fantastic to the i Se which was rendered by Hackett's orchestra. The condition of the floor was the very best. When the going home téme cate each ands everyone voted the dance the most enjoyable of the series, given so far this season. ------ Cannot Place Him. The artillery authorities hero are af # Joss to account for iho supposed batteryman who disevpeared from the International hovel, Gananoque, last Sunday. No one. is at present Missing from the force. One 'man, who was © away, returned Saturday night. The police are of the opinion 1 t the girl who was in company with the man was one who served a form in jail here during last autumn, rh is botter than other Sunlight soap 1 soa TE TS Beat es ian other {PROVED A TRIUMPH FOR THE GREAT ACTRESS. Her "Toast of The Town" Won Favor--Largest Audience of the Season Greeted Her--She Has a Splendid 'Role. That Viola Allen won a warm and distinetive place with Kingston thea- tre-goers, when"on her first appearince on a local staged last June, in "Twelfth Night," wag! unusually evi- dent, last night, when she appeared as "Betty Singleton" in Clyde Fitch's play, "The Tonst of the Town." The elite of Kingston society, composing | the largest audience of the season, greeted Viola Allen and her capable company in but another of their Tong Jist of triamphe. : The story of the play : Betty Single- ton, an actress, when at the zenith of her fame, and "the toast of the town," marries the young Duke of Malmsbury, After her tamil swell on he stage she retiresito. Private ife and whet might be ted of such an al iance happens. But poor Betty, al- ter much stress--*all's well that ends well." . A striki novelty. is that of the first act, "Betty, on the night of her wedding day, gives her farewell as "Beatrice" in "Much Ado about Noth- img," the seens occurring in the green- room of the old Drury Lane theatre, London. The play over, the unseen audience clamor, "A gpeech! A speech I" Ta comply, Betty leaves the greonroom, then: ois darkness, and when next seen she is before the real audience, in front of a dark curtain as used dwming King George's time. She bestows her thanks to "the real audience, supposed to he the one in the old London theatre, and retires. It is a remarkably unique close to the act and made a strong "'hit'with the house. s : Miss Allen as a "star," shines in a firmament, apart by herself--a brilli- ant, never-disappointing success. To "Betty Singleton," she gave a finished artist's touch. As the duchess, she was queenly, beautiful to the world. To her tmsband, «wife of fove and purity as of a maiden sweetheart, all confiding, all forgiving. In the third act, she ran the gamut of all human emotions, with true feeling. Miss Allen, has a voice sweet and clear, whose diction is smooth and : soft, yet deep and dis- tinct of enunciation. She had to re- spond to continued curtain calls, A very excellent company surrountied Miss Allen, an interesting medhiber be- ing Teabel Irving, who gave up star- ring this season to become a member of the company and 'share honors." Miss Irving was a sprightly 'Mistress Roxana. Mrs. Pitt, in her part as the Dowager Duchess of Malmsbury, had a pompous dignified manner much in keeping. To Lady Charlotte, Miss Alice Wilson gave a sweet lovely touch of womanhood; she was a perfect type of the Gainsborough style. Conway Learle gave a fine manliness to the Duke, and was remarkably good 'when in his cups." OC. Tesslic' Allen, the seventy-five-year-old father of Viola, enacted to perfection two old-men roles, and as McLaughlin, the stage manager, was particularly good. During portions of ; the first three acts of the play, a quartette sang softly and with heautiful effect. One of the singers is Miss Northrup, of New York, who has a very sweet soprano ve ice, The scenery of the four acts was cor rect, tod minute details. In the third act, at the Red Lion, on the Thames, and as £he feclingly posed Drury Lane audience, we re- iterate to her that 'Kingston has a warm' heart for vou." said to her sup- '""Dora Thorne." What the Cincinnati Enquirer says of "Dora Thorne" : "A large audi- ence gave its seal of applauding ap- provak to this hit of stage literature last night. Judging from the ap: plause, the production is just what the fheatre-goers want. "Dora Thorne," as a story, is tog well-known for comment, but it must be admit- ted that the playwright has improv- ed upon the plot to such an extent that the play is far more interesting than the book. Dramatic license is STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Transacts a General Banking Business. Branches and Agents at all provin- sia points in Canada, United States nd Great Britain, Accounts of manufacturers, firms (wholesale and retail), societies, cheese factories, corporations .and in- dividuals welcomed. Notes discounted. s Sale notes cashed or = collected. Best © rates. Drafts bought and sold. Money rates : 85 and under... Over 85 to S10 .. Over 810 to 830 .. 10e. Over 830 to $30 .. ~wlde, Payable at any chartered bank Canada (Yukon Territory exoepted). SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of 81 and upwards received and interest allowed at highest cur rent rates. No notice of withdrawal necessary. orders issued at following . Ge. in Our employegs* are insured in the Guarantee Coutpany of Nogth America and are bound to Keep the customers' business with the ha secret, ht wav. Bay Sunlight S directions, pid pon i J. 8. Turner Manager. Corner, - Bagot and Sts, J RSDA¥, JANUARY fi. the setting: was. most gffcetive; the garden of roses, the river and in the distance, the castle-erowned hill. Dur- ing the course of the scene,. hoat- loads of merrymakers passed and swans were in the foreground on the waters. The costumes worn were rich and beautiful. Viola Allen's second visit to the Limestone City was all too fleeting, somewhat elastic at times, to say the least, and in the play the most dra- matic and exciting points of the book sre brought out with decisive action 'and clearness. Nor is the comedy found wanting: much humor is inter mingled = with the episodes of the drama, making as a whole a play, novel and interesting in the extreme, At the Grand on Frittay, January 12th, An Old Favorite. 0i all old friends none are more wel come than Henry Peck, "Peck's Bad Boy." This good-natured lad and his mischievous pranks, will always .be a warm place in the hearts of the old and young, For years he has amused and entertained the American public, and he comes now as full of merri- ment as ever. Dull care disappears like mist beneath the sun's rays when the bad boy sports with the funny grocéryman, annoys his ma, his pa, and makes love to his girl. A bright galaxy of specialty artists adds to the general excellence of the perform- ance, and nothing but the highest praise is heralded all along the route and crowded houses testify to the increasing popularity of the Leroy J. French Peck's Bad Boy company. Two performances at the Grand Opera House. Saturday afternoon and even- ing, January 13th. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Miss Margaret Muckler, Kingston, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hutchinson, Belleville. Abram Shaw, customs inspector, left yesterday for North Bay and Sud- bury on inspectorial duties. G. A. Robertson and party, of (Gavanoque,. were in the" city last night to see Viola Allen. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Singleton, New- born, were among those present to see "The Toast of the Town," last night. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. McNaughton and Mrs. M. B. Daniels, Sydenham, attended the performance of "The Toast of the Town," last evening. J. O'Connor has returned to re- sume his medical studies at Queen's, after spemding his. holidays very plea- santly at his home at Long Point. James McKenzie, who is here from Winnipeg on & short visit. was €eral member for Lakeside during the re gime of the Greenway government. Miss H. McGuinnes, gave an enjoy- alle card party for a number of her friends last night at her home on Bagot street. Refreshments were ser- ved. CITY PROPERTY. t------ A New Ceiling' for the City Council Chamber. The city property committee met yesterday afternoon, with Alds. An: grove (chairman), Couper, Harkness, Miilan, McCann and ('ooke in attend- ance. Accounts to the sum of $17 were passed. The auditor reported that the committee of last year had about; $130 to its credit. The trea- surer was instructed to prepare an inventory of the property in the con- trol of the committee. The city engineers letter regarding the nec ty of replacing the council chamber ceiling was considered, and it was decided to instruct the engi neer to call for tenders, The council will be asked to give the committee power to award the contract to the lowest tenderer. The request of George Adsit for paymentwi six dollars expended in levelling the dump on the fair grounds was granted. The question of market toll' rebate to Mr. Donaldson was left over till the next meeting for further informa- tion. The Retail Merchants' communi cation regarding market tolls will also he considered then. -------------- A Good Appointment. Bellefille Intelligencer. Robert Shaw, Kingston, son of Abra- ham Shaw, inspector of customs, in the freight department of G.T.R., in this city, for a couple of years, has been promoted to an important posi- tion in the G.T;R. offices in Ottawa, and left! for there last night. Mr. Shaw made hosts of friends with the public while here hy his obliging man ner and prompt attention to business, and in social life he and his wife were universally esteemed, Places For Registration. No. 1--Ontario, Sydenham and St. Lawrence wards, and its sessions will be in the council chamber. No. 2--Cataraqui ward, ice court. No. 3--Frontenac ward, at Dr. Me- Gill's office. 201 Princess street. No. 4--Rideau ward, at the law lib- rary, court house. No. 5-Victoria ward, chambers, court house, ---- at the pol- Judges' Public School Matters. The diphtheria scare in Williamsville has agam occasioned 'a material de- crease in the attendance at Rideau school, especially in the junior classes. The teachers. however, remain at their duties. In all of the public schools the teachers were evervone on hand, this morning. The supply of oecasion- al teachers has increased to ten in number. During the fall term but one supply teacher could be obtained Swift's Coal Competition. James Swift & Co.; are adopting a novel way of advertising. To the per- son making the most words ont of the letters in "Swift's Scranton Coal" they will deliver to the first, one ton of coal; second, hali ton coal; third, quarter ton coal. Hundreds of people are trying their luck, ---- Great Value In Clothing. Prevost, Brock street, will sell for halsncy of this Setson, at the follow- ing low prices: Splendid suiting mad. to order, $13.50; pants to ies Hy $4; SYarcauts to urder, $13.50--splendid as- sortment to choose from. W - tee first-class fit, ® furan -- Hard or soft corns cured with three applications of Peck"s C rn Salv, Suasanteed, Money back a oun actory. n. bo y De un es, 15¢c., at Wade's William Swain, pi r received at Mea horn gorders QUIETLY MARRIED WEDDING CEREMONY IN ST GEORGE'S CATHEDRAL. Another Graduate of the Royal Military College Carries Off a: Kingston Girl for His Wife-- Marriage Interested Many. o At high noon, on Thursday, the Dean of Ontario, in' St. George's ca- thedral, solemnized the marriage 'of Miss Loraine Marks Lesslie, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Willian Lesslic, and Robert Whish Brigstoeke, C.E., manager of the Drummond mines in the Cobalt district, and som of the late Archdeacon Brigstocke, St. John, N.B. X "The bride, given away by her father, wore a very smart tailor-made gown of broadcloth, in the new American Beauty shade. Inset in the bodice was a vest of tulls in the same shade and gold passementerie. The becoming tricorne hat was of tulle in the same coft shade, and was trimmed with roses, and an osprey. A fur-lined coat of the broadcloth, and furs of Isabella fox completed the costume. The bridal bouquet was of white roses and lilies of the valley. The. bridesmaid, Miss Frances Macaulay, woie cream home- spun and lace, her hat being of white wilte, with clusters of American Beauty voses, and her bouquet of the queen of flowers, E. Van. Lesslie, of Montreal, the bride's brother, perform- ed the duties of best man. Mrs. William Lesslie, mother of the bride, wore black silk grenadine, bro caded, over a petticoat of black taf feta, the whole costume being effec tively trimmed with passementerie and lace. A hat of black chifion, with white roses and white osprey finished the toilette. Mrs. Brigstocke, mether of the groom, wore a very handsome gown of black. From the cathedral, Mr. and Mrs Prigstocke went straight to the train. Though there were absolutely no invit- ed guests, a number of friends were present at the services, and wished the principles well at its conclusion. 'Lhe bride has been very prominent in the inner circle of Kingston's social world, and Mr. Brigstocke, in his old cadet days, was very popular at col lage and ip the city. Mr and Mrs. Brigstocke have gone on a trip to New York, by way of Montreal. The groom's gift to the bride was a heauntiful necklace of gold and pearls, with pendant of amethysts and pearls. The bridesmaid's gift was a eircle of gold with éntwined initials in pearls. ES a-------- The Rheumatic Group. When there is an excess of uric acid in the blood one of this group of af- fections is bound to appear sooner or latter : Rheumatism, gout, sciatica, lumbago or neuralgia. To expel any of these diseases the poison in the blood must be neutra lized and. expelled and the disordered condition of the kidneys and digestive organs must be removed. : If this is done the disease is' cured and its return prevented. Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure will do these neces sary things every time. Its action is prompt, certain and thorough. Price S0c. Sold only at Wade's drug store, This is the preparation that cured Almond Joslin, Wolfe Island. Doings At The Y.M.C.A. Last night examinations for\ promo tion in the boys' physical class was held, some forty boys entering into the competition. Work was done on the horse, parallel bars and buck, It is the intention to hold these examin ations monthly. There will be two basket-ball games in the Meadows cup series, to-night: Miners vs, Cres cents; Preachers ve, Ramblers. Fortnightly Club Dance. On Monday evening in the Whig hall the Fortnightly Club, will resume their little gatherings, the first of the sea son, But two of their jolly affairs were given last fall, and the young people have been anxiously looking forward ta the continuance of the gaiety ever since, Piles 14 Years Terrible Case Cured Painlessly With Only One Treatment of Pyra- mid Pile Cure. Free Package in Plain Wrapper Mailed to Everyone Who Writes. "'l have been a terrible sufferer piles for fourteen (14) years during all _this time you ean have an tea of ho® many kinds "of medicine 1 tried. But I found no relief whatever, 1 felt that there must be something that could cure me without havin to undergo an operation which might kill me, of and Now, after trying but one tre of your 'Pyramids,' 1 am free, iree to tell all sutierers of this dreadfl dis- rase tG try this medicine--the Pyramid Pike ure, It will cure when all others ail. Sincerely yours, George Branecigh. Schellburg, Pa.", git ances, Atyone suffering from {he torture, atment ; terrible y burning and itching of le will get instant relief from the treat. ment we send out free at our own ex- pense, in plain seafed package, to ey- eryone sending name and address Surgical operation jor piles is nerve. racking, cruel, and rarely a permanent success, Here You can get a treatment that is quick, easy to apply and inex- pensive, and free from the publicity and humiliation ; h you suffer by doctors' | examination. ba + TR : : Pyramid Pile Cure is made in the Jom of "'casy to use" suppositories. he Souing ola cure is felt the mo- ment vou begin to use jt 3 suffering ends, : + fang Your Q, o $ end Your name and address at onee to Pyramid Drug Co:, 11708 Pyramid Building, Marshall, Mick, and get, by return Wail, the treatment we will send you free, in il py - y plain, sealed wrap- > seeing for yourself what it can do, you can get a regular, full size package of Pyramid = Pile Cure from any druggist 'at 50 cents each or, on . > receipt of price, we will mail you sama For 33 Years Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the ef nh BR, this, together with the fact that its syle, BE incase Yar by you, ihe Shiloh - su; ih i | ] i 1s i i Crests and EMBOSSIN Headings for Paper and Envelopes ENGRAVING tire Cards and Letter Heads Besides all classes Criating from a card to a volume, ol Letter Press THE WHIG, Kingsto THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED 1863),2 President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City and Farm Pro. erties. Municipal and County Delen- tures. Mortgages purch; Deposits received and interest allowed, S. C. McGill, Managing Director, Office. 97 Clarence Street. Kingston. BIC. INVENTORY SALE Now Going On Special Prices On All Winter Goods Extra discountson Dress Goods, Flannels, Blankets, Comforters, Walking Skirts, Children's Coats and Ulsters, Underwear for men, women, girls or boys, Flannelette, Etc. In fact we can save you money enough on your purchase to make it 'very interesting. Will you give us the opportunity to de- monstrate the fact, NEWMAN & SHAW eae patent SOLPEPON SWIFT'S : ANESFORY © § Commencing Jan, 15th Three applications of Peck's Corn 0000000 OF THE LETTERS IN IT'S WORTH 3rd, One-quarter ton of Coal EE ------------------ ourselves if he should not have it. HOW MANY WORDS CAN YOU MAKE OUT SCRANTON GOAL 2 I oem ate JAMES SWIFT & CO. 99020000 pa eet THE SPORT REV i TIPE Ter ROCKWOOD WILL NOT LEAGUE. The Delegates to the C. R. I St. George's Hockeyists in Good = Shape -- G Sporting Notes. St. George's Junior 0.1.A: @ tion had 'a first class hour and) practice at the rink last nigh fourteen players on the ice. T) for Monday night's gan wi be : Chown; 'goal; Murphy, po ton, coverspoint; Gravelle, le Oldrieve, centre; MeCartney, wing; Crawford, rover. Of th who turned out last nigh Swift, Strachan, Fleming, Ro Metcalfe, Davis and" Hudson. ton and. Manhorne . were the 1 coachers om the sides lines. 8 ge's have 'the material for tepm, and with each practice 1 becomes mfich stronger: thev Queen's a run "for her mone games next week, %: smile Rockwood Curlers. The curltrs at Rockwood huve orgadized for the season ary president, Hon, W, J. honorary Wieespresident, Don McIntyre; president, Dr. Ryva president, Dx, Barber; secret surer, T. W. McCammon; mt ice, John Datidson. The clubrwill not. this seas pete in the Central Ontario Association's matches, To Attend The Meeti Dr. Etherington, president ter-collegiate rugby union, w the annual meeting of the rugby union in Ottawa on "Casey" BaldWin will 'also ter-collegiato representative, a McGill man. In order 10 the question of unification Dr. Etherington will move 1 intercollegiate game be adoy Canadian game, Sporting News. National Rifle association Jisley, begins on July 9th. Victorias look to be th bunch in the Federal Hocke Cobourg defeated Picton | O.H.A, game by 7 to 3. The in Picton. Motor boat rages: in Janu ronto Ray are sonfething 'tb down in history. "A chance red Tuesday, From the opinion expres Clancy, president of the Rygby Football Union, | ments which will be put fo 0. R. F. U. at the Canad seem to fill the bill : Jack Palmer, the Engl weight champian, is liable pany Jem Bowker, the cha L tamweight of the world, latter starts for this count months. O'Rourke is ar E match Palmer against 1 FE Jack O'Prien to battle for hampionship title at his C., just outside of Philadel Voorheis has been match special with Joho the Grand Central alleys February 5th, for $500 a s it a 87,000 purse. Koster for the best eight games but Voorheis and his ma that the mateh would be eleven or there wouldn't b When Battling Nelson McGovern meet in thei bout in Philadelphia, one test slugging matches, on probably result, says the Sun. McGovern is sure te with a world of punches idea of securing _a quick But as Nelson relishes t thing and can punch lil weight there are sure to he series doings from the first t gong. Terry has a we i that may mean his undoi 3 can outpunch the Batter not believed to be possi! from the interest the men will draw a There will he' plenty the bout will not ge Every Canadian athlete siders that he has a cha ing a place on the Canad team that - will represent at the Olvmpian gam . next summer, she name and address, with his best performgnees to man, the Capvadian mm committee that will sele His address is the U. 8. ce St. James street, Montres mittee that will select th been granted. $1300 hy committee towards defray but this ameamt will he by American and Cane organizations, , Fhe cor meet in'Nww York in th to pick the team, so th ambitious for 'places sho at once. shown &9 of the -------------- ¥'Sneez¢' this morn #"' Take twe cold hreakers hours for a day and all disappear: "Sold at "Be box. The present population 2,700,000. 'Samaria Sto His Dr improved a: --many, many thanks. Lowi will tell others.of my es and free partion and price stot in plain ih hdence cred) THR SAM XR Chembera, Al AKITA orden |