Ria be | ww F. Dever & Co., 18 Square, Kisgston : Open Closed. olanuary 11th. Lo 94% 96 1104 110 1144 114 BY BB 1764 175 oF G4 'entral wen 1764 170% & Nashville 152% 1538 tan . 124 a t on hand and will sell at great reduc- gramme, consisting J éician,' De. Myke. EE i bond Mon. "Thomas Watson. The large, and ario Navigation cbm- a a position now thas Tua Toumin thas Surbus eanines "that su nto new hosts. Steady : from year to year handsome new Dusgen. pat on next spring will s. Itg friends wil about 90 by the mid An entertainment was held, Tueslay evening, in the Sons of Engl ad er ho 3 of C.0.C.F. council, No, 121. Aer a very interesting pro- of recitations, soigs and selections on phonograph, relreshments were served. During the latter sar of the evening installation of officers took place as folios? PC. 8. Donaldson: .C.C,, G. . Mylks, M.D; ye ¥. Bey: Ie cording (soere A . 4 pote recorder, Mrs. Pokos, , Mes. Fokes; warden, H. E. guard, A. Tryon; sentry, D. Evans; organist, Miss McWators phy- hy seamen in 8 a that Ld fin a flourishing condition financially. progress made during the past LT has been most satisfactory, the a Loring having nearly doubled. eS a ani. he y sasant social, under t A yoty gt 84. Luke's guild, was held Kar] street, the residence of Mr, tly lit rooms were tastefully with plants and flowers, and a gay appeatance, Mr J brought his gramaphone, which gave mach pleasure, and some known vocalists contributed their to make the evening a thor soloists were Miss A A Keeluo, pson, and Mr, Naylor, wh ted several songs. Six "Wade's. Money buck if not ild presided over the r ; somslusion a yote of a rufiosed by Mrs. Marsh, se conded by Mrs. Forneri, was passed 10 Mr. and Mrs. Watson, to Miss L. who acted as 0 the evening, and to the ntlom who helped to make the so- so completely enjoyable, Historic Information. Wanted. While in Toronto, Ald. N. C. Polson had a chat with J. Ross Robertson, propristor of the Toronto Telegram, andl whose contributions to the early history of Canada have placed his name in the front rank of Canadian literary men. Mr. Robertson was anxious to obtain fuller information regarding the origin and conduet dur- ing the carly period of the old grist mill at Kingston Mills. Undoubtedly there are many old residents and descendants of carly settlers, who might find among other papers some reforence to this historic mill. The Whig would be pleased to publish the information sought after, Leaving For The States. Rev. Hugh: Spencer, son of the late Canon Spencer, who did such good work as a mission priest in the back counties of Ontario diocese, and who has continued the good work both in Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.,, and in the diocese of Ottawa, where he has had charge of the parish of Winchester, intends returning to the states. Ho bas been prevailed upon by the Bishop of Chicago, to take a parish in that city and diocese. ----t ei The Pain Must Go. The worst aches and pains quickl disappear after Smith's White Lin ment has hewn. spulied. It quick penetrates, soothes the inflamed draws away the sq by Morr gi Nef as if bas ¥ "it handy. v Cost but aq. at tory, ------------ * Carbolic soap is sold Red Cross drug store. " § od following master, W. Miller, Trent mame, R. Powell, Belleville rise in the Fur Market just now means ues the equal to what we are selling a great deal more money another ds Tah ate x di we are not telling you fairy tales when we m to make t this season. yourself the present The investment i 10, Get it to-day and satisfac at Gibson's ha THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, AS RESULT OF SEIZURE OF - STOLEN GOODS. > Ss § Crown Refuses to Accept Bail in Goodman's Case--Wife Accused of Talking to Him in Hebrew. Toronto, Jan. 11.--A new robbery in Toronto, that had not been reported to the police, came to light, as the result of the seizure of nearly $2,000 of stolen goods at Chatsworth, and the arrest of Conrad Levie, a second: hand dealer, there, on the charge of receiving stolen property, While the police were going over, and sorting out the goods, a of the wholesale fikm of Debenham, Caldecate i & Co. ized among the silks some that had been stolen from theic warehouke. The firm did not, however, know what the total thefts amounted to. Levie came before the police magistrate, to-day, pleaded. not guilty, and was released on hail. o will appear again on Tuesday, when Joseph Mavin' and Charles Good- man,who are under arrest in connee- | tion with the same series of robberies, will come up for examination. Goodmans family and relatives, who- are wealthy, are making every ef- fort to have him released on bail, and to-day presented a doetor's certificate to the effect that Goodman was a sick man. The crown, however. has refused to accept bail, and claim that it was hy holding Goodman ih jail that they were able to secure such a quantity of the stolen goods. crown attorney charged Mrs. Goodman with talking to her husband in He- brew, when she was allowed to see him in jail, when Goodman wanted her to get cortain people out of the country. . i An order was granted; this morning, for the winding up of the North Bruce Lumber company, and D. M. Jermyn, Wiarton, was appointed permanent liquidator. The company was wefan: ized about a year ago by W. C, Thomson, W. J. Donnelly, who it' is claimed, represented they had timber on the Bruce peninsula, worth $25, | money due to him for liability contract. ed while a Union soldier during the civil The Remarks of the Toronto t Star. . The candidates in the Kingston bye election - 'have made an agreement to refrain from bribery, undue influences, extravagant expenditure, treating, betting, hiring vehicles, and persona tion of voters--in a word, not only to avoid the offences mentioned by the law, but to carry out the law to its very letter. : This is a highly commendable ar rangement, but only such as we would expect from two honorable competi tors. The unique feature is that a committee consisting of a bishop and two king's eounsel have been appoint ed to censor the election proceedings. They wiil serutinize the hills sabmit- ted by the agents of the candidates and will determine whether they are excessive, They will adjudge the ethi- cal questions that may arise,' and will keep the thing up to the high moral standard that a bishop can approve. WILLIAM 8. BLIIOTT, 1s a farnder dead Kokomo, Ind. Helis in comfortable circumstances, but by en means wealthy, yet has persistently re- fused to accept $16,500 of back pension 000, which they agreed to 4 into the war. t $15,000: Sharcholders a - -- oR a. Toronto, Oakville, The committee will be clothed with Walkerville, Owen Sound and Wiar- | full powers. It will receive complaints ton. The liabilities are $16,000 and the assets are $2,860, and an equity in the property, on which there is a mortgage of $2,500, Thomas E. Clarke, Detroit, to-day. issued a writ against the King Fd: ward hotel, claiming damages for in- juries received while in the hotel ele vator. Clark came here with the Knights of Pythias and while descend- | ing in the elevator, with: some fifteen other person, something gave way antl the elevator fell to the bottom. Clark Had both of his legs broken. of this city, "the dominion bantam champion, publishes a letter, to-day, in which be challenges Gus Hart, in- ternational bantam , champion, to meet Oswald at 110 pounds, ring-side day of fight, at Bufialo, if convenient, for the international bantam cham- i ip. Oswald, says he has, for some time, heen trying to get on a match with Hart, but hae failed and hopes that Hart will come out and meet him at an early date. It is understood that the provincial government does not propose to bring in any general measure of law reform at the com'ng session. Only some minor amendments which require im- mediate attention will he introduced. The awestion of law reform, however, is still occupying the attemtion of the government which is collecting infor- matim regarding the proposed changes, : The purchase by Cawthra Mulock of partridges out of season was respon- | 'Charles Burke, manager for Oswald, ! for thirty days after the election. If it decides that there has been any vio- lation of the agreement the member- elect will straightway resign, and thre will be a new election. The age of chivalry is not gone, as this arrangement clearly proves. For a member of the legislature to give up his seat on the word of a spiritual ad- viser, to give it «up without being {pried out of it, would be as unusual as it is edifying. It is to .be hoped that the bishop's presence on the com- | mittee wil keep everything straight, and that an cleetion so nearly allied with pravers will be a bright spot in our political history. . Of the king's counsel we have no particular fear. They are mon of the world. They have had some experiende of elections. But the bishop--may not his ideas be- too inflexitls ¥ May he not insist on too much perfection ? There is, perhaps, that danger. When the tribunal sits, we hope that the bishop will temper justice with merey, remembering that to err is human, and to forgive divine. At 'anv rate, the committee should think twice before it does "anvthing that will involve another bye-election in Kingston, and' the expenditure of enother five thousand dollars or there atouts by the taxpayers of Ontario. CURLING LEAGUE. The Annual Meeting Held, and Schedule Made. The annual meeting of the Central store for- your- drug JANUARY ii. OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED "IN BRIEF FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over~Little Of Everything Easily Read And Remembered. Robert J. Leitch fell ofi the new elevator at: Midland eighty feet to the ground, and was killed, Eight artillery officers of the St. Petersburg garrison have been arrest- ed, charged with conspiracy to cap- ture the fortress. Hearing of an action by the Domin- jon government against the province for' the recovery of £1.500,000 will be before the exchequer court. A league has been incorporated in New York State to promote the com- mercial and - financial development of the negroes of the United States. The treasurer of the municipality of Kildonan has received $140 conscience money from a man who mizappropria- ted. 35 while running the municipal ferry twenty years ago, but who is now pregehing in the west. At a"meeting in New York of the American | Committee on Olympic Games, to start at Athens next Ap- ril, it was decided that $25,000 would be required to éarry out the present plans for American participation. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. Anchor hose supporters 15c. York Dress Reform. Dates and figs, 5c. a pound; at Car novsky's, '"'on the corner." "Cuticura soap and ointment" are sold at Gibisgn's Red Cross drug store, David RR; Welbanks, Picton, was in town, yesterday, on busimess Playing cards, 135c, 2 for 10c. and 15¢. at Mahood's. Hot Bovril is dispensed free at Gib- son's Red Cross drug store. The county council January. session has been changed from the 16th to the 2rd. "Stop that cough."" A bottle of cough syrup from "Best's" will cure it. Every 'bottle guaranteed. Ald. Charles Pepper, a former Kings- tonian, has been elected chairman of the Ottawa water works committee of the city council. "Phone 230 Gibson's Red Cross drug needs. Prompt New cards delivery there. Dr. Knight's official report to the meteorological department shows that in December the highest temperature in Kingston was forty-three degrees and the lowest five degrees helow zero, ---------- Danger In Hat Bands. A "walk-clerk" "employed in a Lom bard street bank, having complained of scars on the side of the forehead, induced apparently by the wearing of a «ilk hat, and mentioning that a bro: ther clerk had complained of the same thing, a London press representative has consulted a Harley street physi cian on the subject. "Do mot condemn the tall hat hasti- ly" said the expert. "The fault pro- bably lies in the dressing on the hat- band. Some cheap hats have a highly glazed band, which owes its gloss to arsenic or perhaps zine. The warmth and moisture of the skin dissolves this dressing, and chemical poisoning results. This, if the source of irrita: tion continues, may even cause car- cinoma or chemical cancer. In Ger many this chemical cancer, in one in stance led to death," ------ A Bad Fall. Michael Gallivan, a carter, fell from sible for the fining of Ernest McCon- Ontario curling league, was held at| pig hay loft, a.drop of twenty or key, a wellknown restaurant man, the Hotel Randolph on Wednesday, thirty feet to the manger, below, last today. MeConkey was charged with January 10th. "Those present were i} night, when feeding his horses in the selling the birds and it came out in J. 8S. Hamm, J. W, Robinson, Na-| barn, Beside a severe shaking. up, his the evidence that Cawthra Mulock panee; Dr. Clair, Eastern Hospital, | shoulder was dislocated and he got was the purchaser. There were twen- Brockville; T. McCammon, J. David-| several cuts on the face. To-day, he 1y-one birds in all, but the crown son, Rockwood Hospital; Col, Ogilvie, | is resting quite easy, = attorney threw off one bird and Me- E. Lyons, Kingston. The election of ---- Conkeywas fined 85 each for twenty officers ulted : Pr sident, Dr. Mohr, Hynds Not Yet Found. of them or $100 in all. | Brockville; vice-president, Lieut.-Col. A report was current to-day th { G. H. Ogilvie, Kingston; secretary-| jp, Hynds, missing since Decenter Willetsholme Walfts. '! treasurer, E, Lvons, Kingston; repre 30th was found this morning, under Willetsholme, Jan. 10.--The sleigh- ing is very poor vet in this vicinity, not much snow having fallen and the high winds blow the roads nearly bare. William Wilson had a large bee drawing stone on Tuesday. The mem- bers and friends of Woodburn Sunday school spent a social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Brebner, on 4th inst. Games were indulged in and several phonograph selections were given, after which cake and ice cream were served, and a treat. of --Granges and _candy-distributed to the children who seemed to highly enjoy them- selves, Although the weather was very stormy, thera were over sixty guests assembled, The W.M.S. met at Mrs, John Wilson's on the 10th, where an Donaldson, Frankford; recording- seeretary, Wm. Lott, Bayside: tredsue- er, W. Reynolds, Frankford: D. of C., John Phalen, Trenton; lecturer, F. Elliott, Cannifton. Delegates were present from nearly every point in | South Hastings, -------------- Fell To The Pavement. St. Louis, Jan. 11. --Plunging from the terminal elevated tracks, at Carr street, a Pullman. sleeping car at- tached to a Wabash train, dropped sideways, fifteen feet, to the paving {of the Levee, this morning, and seven Passengers on board wire injured, one of them seriously. The remainder of the train continued to the Union station. Called To Germany. Copenhagen, dan. 11. All German citizens living in. Denmark, who are liable for military serviees in the fatherland have been warned to hold themselves in readiness to return Germany wpon three days' notice. 8 Red Cross store, interesting programme was carried Jan. 23.--Napance Va Eastern: Hos- ont. . ; pital at Eastern Hospital. 3 Jan. 23. Belleville = vs. Kingston : at Kingston. ¢ South Hastings Orangemen. Jan. 26.--Eastern Hospital. vs Belle- Belloville, Ont, Jan. 11. District | ville at Belleville, No. 1, South Hastings Orangemen | Jan. 30.--Kingston ver Eastern Hos- moet at Trenton, yesterday, and elect ' pital at Festern Hospital. the officers : District Jan. 30.--Belleville vs. Napanee at deputy Napanee, chaplain, | Feb, 9. Brockville vs. Belleville' at to the hair. ! Gioon's a Cod Liv on is fresh at sentatives, Dr. Mohr; Dr. Clair, J. S. Hamm, J. W. Robinson, J. E. Crys Jer, R. Craig, L. Henderson and S. R.: Bailey. The Belleville eurling club applied for membership in the league and was admitted. The following schedule for the sea- son, 1905-1906 was drawn up: Jan. 15 Napanee vs. Kingston at Kingston. . Jans 1fBrockville vs. Eastern Hos: pital at Eastern Hospital. Jan. 19.--Kingston vs. Brockville at Brockville. Jan. 19.--Napanee vs, Belleville, Jan. 23. Napanee vs. Brockville at Brockville. Belleville at Belleville. Feb. 2.--Eastern Hospital ve, King- ston at Kingston. Feb. 5.~Bolleville ve. Brockville at Brockville, Feb. S5.~Belleville vs. Rastern Hos pital at' Bastorn Hospital. Feb. R.--Fastern Hospital vs Napa- nee at Napanee, Feb. 13. Kingston vs. Napanee . at Napanee, Feb. 16. Kingston vs." Bellavill Belleville lle a Feb. 16.-~Brockville vs, Navanee, Feb, 20 Brockville vs. Fastern Hos. pital at Brockville, Napanee at -- : Cape Vincent Steamer: Until further notice, steamer will leave for Cape Vincent at 11.30 a.m, * Packer's tar soap is sold at Gu son's Red Cross drug store. It's. for Lemons and oranges, 15¢. a dozen, "ode, don't you ? straw in a corner of a back vard on upper: Princess street, The police have not been notified and as far as is known the report is false. ------------ Married In Picton. Miss Gertie Taylor was quietly mar ried to Thomas Heffernan, carly Tues. day morning, in St. George's, Roman Catholic eharch, Picton, by Rev. Fath- or Killen, Both partis are well known in their home town and in Kingston, -- I he number of persons now employ- ed in and around the departments at Washington is 25,081, and their ag. gregate yearly pay is $27,145,700. There are 1,840,280 more m women in the United State same men than : s, and the proportion prevails in almost every other country. _ The largest dry-fish in the world is at 15.000 square feet of floor space Hand * Sapolio "is sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, eee What sls Tontine Insurance 7? This --~Profits, u : . onder that come into possession of the insu vided he lives until his whether it be an bolicy. Do all policy holders survive the tern sslecte in profits ? We answer, YES @ Y 25, 1 take! the Cash value of their oll uy BUT if a man's health has failed, ) packing house Halifax. It has system, red, pro- policy matures, endowment or a life therefore, who d hy them, share he have his profits added ? Sun 3 » 4 in this Case: NO, and why ? ha MUST EMPHASIZE : ow > : D THE IMPORTANT on) LOTION to P'ontine Insurance, namely, that a pum- Ler of companies insert a clausk in their policy, IN "ERY FINE PRINT, TOO that if the insured wishes profits added to peticy, he must furnish the Company with a certificate of good health, Just so Now, let us say, and we mi we are 'blowing our own gen Seat giving it a good Square hlast ton, nanie- ly THE LONDON AND LANCASHIRE LIFE offers to the intending insurer a contract in black and white, and does not demand a certificate of health nt the end of the term, and does not insert a Droviso in fine type, that may if vou are in ill-health. deprive vou of the very best option as to profits. We think Such a contract as ours, . is the right or ve Soden fos Be, at Carnovsky's Special pHi t Now * York Dress Reform, + ew MILLS. & CUNNINGHAM District Agents ; |. London and Lancashire Life NEWS OF THE WORLD ¢ | cid THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE - ' To take the first kind be Whitewear that we could get our hands on "tis likely we could have offered a White Sale in December. But we were not satisfied to accept anything that could be had at once. We had our customers' interests in mind and simply ordered the latest styles, paying particular attention to the quality of the cotton, and then asked that they be rushed to us with all speed." And soon we'll be able to make a display of all the handsome ii, articles that we planned for your satisfaction. e assortment will represent the choice pro- duct of three of the best makers in the country, and to a large extent be exclusive to this store. Remember, we started planning for this last Septem- ber, and fag your own good interest and satisfactory pur chase, we say 'curb your impatience until next week, when we will have a showing of the newest Whitewear, and best of all with an extremely fine quality of cotton, which will more than repay you for the delay. WAIT FOR IT'! Many White Clouds LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WHITE CLOUDS, full 63 inches long and very convenient width, all nice and white, at 25c¢. : IN SAME MAKE, only wider, at 35c. And our special heavy soft white clouds at 49¢c. and 69. will be found the finest articles in Clouds, éver manufactured. Warm Overstockings LADIES' OVERSTOCKINGS, in black only and made from the best Scotch fingering yarn, without heels. CHILDREN'S OVERSTOCKINGS, in black and red both, best Scotch fingering yarn, also made without heels. CHILDREN'S RED MITTS, to match the red Overstockings, and. with such a combination surely' the youngsters need not get cold, for girls and boys from 1 to 8 or 9 years of agn Ladies' Dainty Underwear ENGLISH BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR. Many women are positively unable to wear the Woollen Underwear, and it is for these that we have secured a complete assortment of this famous English make; in the heavy winter weights. The garments are very soft and guaranteed to be positively un shrinkable. Those who have already worn them are very enthusiastic over the comfort and warmth of these new goods. And the prices are very reasonable too, being, per Tn 69c. Children's Sleeping Suits If your children seem quite successful in kicking all the warm bed-coverings off, thus running great risks of taking heavy colds this winter, you could do no better than get them sleeping- suits. Mothers have said that our "ACME" Sleeping-Suit 1s the greatest boon ever offered for the children. They all like it, and you can thus insure their safety and comfort at small cost. NATURAL SOFT WEAVE AND FLEECE-LINED, terial, properly shaped and with feet attached. and prices' according to size, increasing from 39c¢c. White Flannelette This is one of the departments of our store, that is known all over the county as being stocked with every color design from strong ma in all sizes, and every weight that could appeal to any 'user. One of the special values is in : WHITE FLANNELETTE FOR NIGHT GOW NS, very soft and warm, of good width and very heavy, per yard, at 10c. and 1214c¢. Also very pretty designs of White for trimming of same. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON 170 Princess Street, Kingston. Flannelette Embroidery MOCCASINS All kinds, All Prices. Men's 1st quality Buck, now $1.25. Ladies' 1st quality Buck, now $1.00. Boys' 1st quality Buck, now $1.00. Small Boys' 1st quality Buck; ro v 75¢C. Children's 1st quality Buck, now 65c. and 50c. Men's Waterproof Black Moccasins, $1.50. Boys' 'Waterproof Black Moccasins, $1.25. Small Boys' Waterproof Black Mozcasins, $1. wearers. These last three kinds are light and soft and splen- YEAR 73 ie 93 doz 90c. Ti To sell 4 4 SCHOOL for 2 Housecoat Continuing WEEK. E. P. Jenkins | CITY F To-night and To Movi Pictu Full of Fun, Froli making. Guaranteed never ¢ Canada. The oily gen in the Dominion. Miscellaneous Mc Full of fun, New Machine Wi and Sm Adinission--Adults. 2 Doors open 7 Canadian Biograph 4 We Make a |! Fitting Feet 1 you Faved fitted with Shoes | Wear "A Military Bo 84 Brock St. Sig MADE-TO Persian Lan Select You Quality, Style : equal McKAY FU humor a See Posters pan. | « BROCK 8 DO LIKE The Demon--Fire for the wise on cared their. policies from the financia represented by SWIFT'S REAL 1 ROOMERS AND TA Address "G."" ca A . COOK WASHIN Apply to Mrs. G street TWENTY GIRLS Kent Bros. Mica Prince: treet A GOOD NERA washing. Apply Queen's (X A YOUNG MAN, , and anake Avnlv at the' evenine GENTLEMAN TO suits pressed and hand ; also bring an up-to-date s way's, 131 Brock A TEACHER, WIT certificate and Protestant pref Apply to J. School Section «+ MEN AND BOYS W Plumbing Trade completing cour struction at hom Graduates admit Master Plumbers tions secured Practical" Scho Bricklaying, Nes Cincinnati, = St. logue. OFFICE WITH Clarence street 51 Brock street BRICK SHOP AN] 351 Princess st Possession imu Steacy & Steac: ---------- Telegram T Toronto News. Kingston, Jan. correspondent). worning that' w from the shoulder Mefntyre, Eminen called ip consulta: