he Veteran can Stage | at the Age Is His Aadi- ished Power. is Health and the e for the Benefit mself Expresses It. ood for the throat and lungs, b 3 for stomach troubles, and i . al tonic to the system. For checking mptons of the early stages of disease. ng ever Prescribed is s0 efficacious as ine. Sold all over Canada, by every ist in the Dominion, for $1 per bottle, oseph Murphy, Veteran Actor eem it my duty to make public the great [have received by taking PSYCHINE. atened with: Asthma, but it has dis- ed entirely, andl have only been taking dicine one weelts has given my king and singing voice renew. pwer, and 1 advise all public speakers, and singers never tobe without it. "JOSEPH MURPHY." 1INE SI-KEEN) rding to directions. Druggists hen asked for, as they know its druggist, or order from 179 King St, West, Toronto g All Competitors ARD VIL. oH: Distillers, A rqyleshire. (oT pa ~NO MORE SIY-1Y n at it, same address, since 187 eel Stamps, Co'pany Sesls. Rub- s for printing price cards. White § &e. Write us, we'll dotharest. 1-13 King St. W.. Toronto. \RGAINS & r large stock of ces slightly damaged, D AWAY DOWN © * to get our shelves @ ® w @ 20 Per Gent. Off © TEWARE is still @ ® @ ® 361-363 King St. © 0OEeECE §O00E fivered to you free, plain receipts, no promises, no papers tosign. It is free. SWISS MILK CHOCOLATE A Nutritious, wholesome, asily Digested Food, and an "irresistibly de- cious" avor, confection with the true chocolate Does not create thirst, Lamont, Corliss & Co.;27 Common Street, Montreal. rice of Land $25 per Acre Until January 1st, 1906. The Cuban Realty Co.'s Land is in the stern end of Cuba, where the soil is rein' and fertile, well drained and well tered. The Cuba Railroad passes directly hirough the property--Bartle; the town e, being a regular station on the line, th, telegraph and express office estabr ed. "I'ransportatipn facilities are very im. prtant factors, Hotel 'accommodation now available co settlers arriving. A irsery is being established for the care d culture of voung trees, plants, ete Where" nn investor or group intend buy- largely we will arrange for such per- ns to meet one of our purchasers Whe s thoroughly investigated our proper in person, We jnvite all who are in- ested in. Cuban Properties to call at r office and get information regarding r lands. II = you live out of town, ite for Prespectus; Maps, Charts, etc. e Cuba Realty Co. LIMITED. J. 0. HUTTON, AGENT. 254 Bagat Street, Kingston. YO NISTMAJESTY_THE KING + | Sit John Power& Son Lud. ESTABLISHED AD. 1701. THREE SWALLOWS IRISH WHISKEY Famous for over a century for its delicacy of flavor. Of highest standard of = Purity." It is especially recommended by the Medical Profession or account of its peculiar "DRYNESS" ollar Package | FREE an Medicine Free You can now obtain a large dollar size free ackage of Man Medicine--{ree on request. Man Medicine cures man-weakness. an Medicine gives you once more the gusto, e joyful satisfaction, the pulse and throb of hysical pleasure, the keen sense of man-sensa- on, the luxury of lite, body-power and body omfort--free. Man Medicine does it. Man Medicine cures maa-weakness, nervons bility, early decay. discouraged manhood, ncsional failure, vital weakness, brain fag. kache, prostatitis, kidney trouble and jer vousness. You can cure yourséif at home by Man Medi- ne, and the full size dollar package will be de- in wrapper, sealed, with ull directions how to use it. The full size dol r package free, no payments of any kind, no All we want to know is that you are not send- ng for it out of idle curiosity, but that you want be well, and become your strong natural self pnce more. Man Medicine will do what you fwant it to do; make you a real man, map-like, man: powerful. i Your name and address will bring it; all you have (00 is to send and get it. We send is free ta every discouraged ope of the man sex Inter- edy Co.¢7oluck Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Maypole Soap not only gives a fast, brilliant color but makes home ------ ving safe, sure, pleasant, easy. No mess or trouble. irs a cake of sosp y that washes and dyes with at ont aperation, Maypole Soap Made in England but old everywhere, roc. for Colovs--rsc. for Black, DRAW. CIASES OB CATARRH CURE... is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower, Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the rccorded, The Celebrated English Cocoa. EPPS'S An admirable food, with all its » natural qualities intact. This excellput Cacoa maine taine the: system in robust health, an 1 enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. COCOA The Most Nutritious and Economical. TTT RT ---- DRINKS DISINFECTANT Stomach "Devilish Bad Tarn." Berlin, Jan.| 12.--A laughable inci- dent happened [the other day, accord- ing to the Ostpreussische Zeitung, on the Gilge; a tributary to- the river Niemen, in Eastern Prussia, where, it appears, the precautionary measures against the spread of cholera are still being enforced. The medical bfficer charged with the sanitary supervision of the river craft Loarded a barge for inspection, and gave the © usapl instractions, accom- panied by a tin of whitewash for dis infecting purpgses, to the skipper. The latter, an irastible old sailor, growled that "he eould not he hothered about instructions. He knew all about it, as he had been through a previous epidemic." Some time returned up Gave after, the same barge stream, and the doctor on his visit was greeted with a tor- rent of abuse regarding the bad quality of the disinfectant supplied, which, "the sldpper "said, "had given his stomach a devilish bad turn," though he hat taken it diluted with water, The doctor's reply is not re. but it is r to assume that he was speechless for a time. Russian Blouse In White Sefge. For the small man from three to six years nothing has yét appeared to take the place of the Russian blouse suit, which is at once comfortable for the child, as well as becoming, and vasy to launder. In this one a broad twilled white or cream serge is used, the front having a broad box pleat down either side, under the left one of which is effected the closing with snap fasteners, and on these pleats are set at intervals white pearl button The broad stitched belt which confin the blouse at the waistline is fasten- ed with "a. mother of pearl buckle, smaller buckles of the same decorat ing the shiny black slippers worn with white stockings. The i is the re gulation pattern, tucked into the wrist and the full knickephockers have shoul der straps fastened to the belt. Population Of German Cities. The census which has recently been taken in Germany indicates that there are now 34 cities with over 100,000 in- habitants 48 of these having over 200,000, whereas thirty years ago there throat and manantly cures Catarrh and Bas Fever, Blower free, All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffale. were over 12 cities with a population of over 100000, and only four had over 200,000 inhabitants. Fins "id * # ' Rd Do whe me ome 1 ; wle me THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY. JANUARY 13; OUR EXPERIMENT THE HAMILTON SPECS VIEWS ON QUESTION, Hopes That it May Be Abund- antly Successful, and May In- duce a General Adoption of the Plan. 1t is to be hoped that the conscrva- tives and liberals of Kingston will faithfully carry out the agreement they have made with each other to make the coming election in that city «lean and honest. If the experiment succeeds it. will greatly encourage oth- er ridings to do the same thing for the burden of elections has become well nigh intglerable in this province, and throughput Canada, and nowhere, ap- parently, is the burden heavier than in Kingston. The developments at the recent election trial showed that the liberal party had been exceedingly corrupt, and men of that party claim that the conservatives were equally corrupt. Be that as it may, the elec: tion . trial revelations have set the Kingston people thinking, and if they are not ready, now, to go in for ab- solute purity in elections, it is doubt ful if they ever will. It is earnestly to be hoped, therefore, that the zeal- ous fools in both parties will be ro strained, and a clean election result, that a good 'example may be set which will undoubtedly be followed hy the sensible men of both parties in other ridings. The programme should recommend itself to all honest men, and to all men who have borne the burden of ¢leetion expenses. Looking at the matter from a purely business stand: point, onc' would imagine that' both parties would jump at a chance to 1id themselves of the necessity of sub- scribing and paying out of large sums of money, which," when done by both parties, gives ncither party an ad- vantage. Take the matter of cabs, for in- stance. Cab owners, either by prefer- ence, or as a matter of business, di- vide themselves among the two par- ties, and all are employed at fancy figures for election day. Each side having cabs, neither has any advan- tage, and the result of a heavy ex- penditure of money is the same as it would be if not a cab were hired. It may be said, incidentally, that the law 'should be so amended as to com- pel every elector to go to the poll-- unless he can show a doctor's certifi- cate or other satisfactory reason for kis neglect--the penalty being disfran- chisement. . That would obviate the necessity of a very large expenditure cf a very large share of what is look ed upon as the "legitimate" expenses «f an election--the money used in "getting out the vote." At present many good men .are prevented from being candidates because of the fact that they cannot afiord to pay the en- ormous "necessary" expenses of an clection. We chall watch the Kingston experi- ment with much interest, in the hope that it may be abundantly successful, that the result may induce a general adoption of the plan. As Viewed In Toronto. Toronto News. The Kingston election is a good -op- portunity for inaugurating a policy of tighting corruption by agreement. The majority for = the government is so large that the gain or loss of the seat is of little importance to either par ty. There are only local and personal interests to be considered, so that the Kingston people have the matter in their own hands. But a practice be- gun under these circumstances may be continued, and may be a' buttress against corruption in a time of stress and temptation. There is no doubt that corruption can be prevented by the agreement of the leading men of both parties, if they are in earnest. The disreputable eloment, composed of persons who actually handle the taint ed money, is small. But these persons believe that the so-called "better ele- ments" of the party really want their services, but are ashamed of them, and that their denunciations and disclaim- ers of corruption, are hypoeritical. Then there are politicians who 'desire to be honest, but who say that cor ruption will be used on the other side, and must be met. An agreement, be- tween men who trust each other ought to meet this difficulty. f An important part of the agreement is the appointment of Bishop Mills, R. V. Rogers, K.C., and J. I. Whit K.C., to investigate charges of violation of its terms. It may as well be admitted that none of the regular tribunals for tryving election cases have proved satisiactory. Trial by committees of parliament was discard ed because the conservative members of the committee usually all voted one way. and the liberal members the oth er. In trial by judges there are sever- al objections. The enormous cost of the proceeding affords a strong temp tation for "sawing off' so that the corruptions of the party is set off against the corruption of the other, and the more widespread the cor ruption, the less chance for investira- tion. The grand object of the parties is not .to expose and discourage cor ruption but to gain or hold a seat in parliament. The proceeding isa piece of private litigation, in which the ex- pense falls on one vartv or the other. Thére is © no public official who can compel the production of evidence, and if the parties arrive at an aoree- ment by which evidence is withheld, the judges are powerless. This is why the Kingston experiment is hopeful, It is an agreement. not to cover un cor ruption. but to prevent corruption and to expose it if committed. ing ing, A Business Deal. Ham ton Times.' : Tired of the iniquitous system, at the! instigation of the nfayor, the city council of Kingston has dropped the conducting of business on the political party principle, and will in future en- deavor to transact the city's affairs on business principles, -- Nell---They say she has written a hook. Bell--Yes, it is called The Inner Life. Nell--A religious work ? Belle No. a cook book. Rev. 8. Sellery, Brockville, united in marriage Miss Lora M. Pearson' and John F. Singleton, hoth ofifSew boro, (Continued from Page 10.) very materially inereasing' the sal- aries of teachers was shown us in a very emphatic manner. Let me add prompt and carefal Work must be continued along these lines to main- tain the efficiency of the service. To "Every one knows 'that a man's status depends a good deal on But I am not basing the claims for increased remuneration on merely per- sonal grounds; these claims must be boonceded if the province is to have efficient schools. « rise in the average salary for each grade of the profession will hot, however, meet the ease fully. A short time ago I complained to one of our university professors, that the men we are getting in the high schools from his department are too often inferior [in both ability and scholarship. His reply was--and he proved it to be true---that we are not getting the best men, simply because we do not offer them sufficient in- ditcements; their prospects are better in other employments. And what the professor said of his department 1 find to be true of the others. Our high schools db not n receive and retain their due share of. the first-class hon- or men. Mest of such men now enter other professions or they take post gratluato courses, which often lead to positions in the collegés and universi ties of the United States. Here they are lost to the province which edu- cated theyn and which sorely needs their secvices. 1 have no desire to in dulge in hysterical denunciations of our paymasters, but I now call public attention to what cannot but prove, as the years go by, a serious draw back to educationgl progress in this province. But, as™I have said, moke than an 'increase in the average sal ary is needed. It is not the average salary that induces able and ambi tious young men to enter a profession. 1t is the prizes at the top. Compared with law, medicine, the church, and even with politics--for politics has be- come a profession--what prizes are there for teachers ? The principalship of a city public school? of a col legiate institute ? © an inspectorship ? even a university professorship ? God gave the mark ! . #My next point is this: To give the teacher the status he deserves, a generous superannuation scheme, con ducted by the government, should form part of our educational ma chinery. The teacher has special claims; he is a public servant on a limited salary, which few can increase if they devote themselves faithfully to their duties, Many banks and other corporations now provide pensions and retiring allowances for their officers, and a superannuation scheme has veen established in connection with our provincial university Is the case of the university professor a more sorving one than that of the public school teacher or the high school teacher ? True, uridér the present min- ister of education, an act has passed giving school boards the right to grant pensions for faithful vices, But it will, 1 fear, be long Le for this provision becomes a vital function of our educational system. The province of Ontario contributes to the yearly salary of the teacher. To be logical, not to say generous, it should contribute to his pension. Ge neen S0r- School Accommodation. Let me remind the property comm- mittee of this year that its predeces sors barely escaped a crisis with re spect to accommodation. at the Col legiate Institute, by prompt and al most daring action on the part of the finance cominittee, and the members of last year's board. I am credibly in formed that the splendid extension and enlargements they so successfully carried out, barely meet present needs, and that it wonld be the part of wis dom and a economy to almost at once tuke steps to prepare for fu ture needs. I would also counsel prompt and vigorous action looking to the establishment of a training school for teachers here in Kingston in consonance with the ideas laid down by Dr. Knight and members of this board, at the recent dinner given by the retiring chairman, We have had lively times on the grounds of Queen's University in recent years, with extensions and vnlgrgetnents for the benefit of its students, and in view of the fact that we have abundant ground and other facilities for 'its erection and maintainance it seems to wise Always Uniform Always Reliable Everywhere Obtainable BAKER'S CHOCOLATE & COCOA have stood the tests of time and service for over 125 years Be sure that you get the genuine with thetrade-mark on thepackage. Directions for preparing more than > one hundred dainty dishes in our Choice Recipe Book, sent free on request. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Euablished 1780 Dorchester, Mass. 46 Highest Awards in Europe and America Branch House, 86 St. Pever St., Montreal, Can. continue in the words of the speaker: ; his. income, | { pal ee // in the old-fashioned way with boiler and hard rubbing. Sc. , Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. To appreciate the simplicity and ease of washing with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way you should follow directions." After rubbing on the soap, roll up each piece, immerse in the water, and go away. Sunlight Soap "will do its work in thirty to sixty minutes. Your clothes will be cleaner and whiter than if washed Buy ds seul fsllows 5c. Lover Brothers Limited, Toronto 163 S110 8Ea | be fmperative that steps be at once taken to approack the government for a grant to meet the needs of the teachers in training of this midland district, paces, if, as a board we are to hold our proud posi tion in the race for improvement. Permit & to remark that and other me Now the physical growth in our se hools is not to be compared with our mental pros gress: although by many it is sidered as important, if not and that we are rapidly retrograding in this particular. 1 have a very keen recollection of the more #0, singing ax car schools of and the influences on ried on in the other countries, ing and tion resulting have the past let u along these lines looking to the uplift ing and (nobling of our. people, In conclusion, allow invite England and most elevat the na While we spasmailic take "definite steps refining therefrom made some efforts in now moe your once wore to earnestly hearty co operation in carrying ov work of this board, to a forcement of the rules ) the great frict en and regulat which govern our deliberations, { continuation ot chair, the courtes 1 have ever 1 our debates s that redound thunk conferred upon our ay Lic weal. | 1 again the high honor vou HUNGARIAN PARLIAMENT. Great Excitement at Session. Jan, 13.=The was reconvened considerable with Opening of Wdajest, parliament Ther: connected Hungarian to-day excitement opening of the session and the extremely stormy, but had taken to preserve order, The announce ment 'was mg temporary wisn the re KOSSION Was precautions been le #t the opening that a agreement had been reach ed between the government and the op position and that the definite seftle ment of the existing differences would shortly follow. This announcement had a somewhat quicting effect but did not suppress the and excitement altogether. In certain quarters doubt is expressed that an amicable willl be reached upon the malcontents, irritation settlement Ho ! For Mexico. A number of persons have rignified L4heir intention of visiting Mexico on the special excursion which leaves Montreal by the Grand Trunk 'railway system, on January 20th next, among whom are several clergymen. The many features offered on this tour which are not given hy any other is recognized by the traveller, and the knowledge that it is the only one through the "Oldest Country in the New World," covering all the prinei points, seems to have appealed to those who know a good thing. Ap- plication to J. Quinlan, district pas senger agent, - Bonaventure station, , Montreal, will secure handsomely illug trated. literatute and all particulars. [| Home Needlework is a magazis HUFERA Gs gti nig] ES GCI /VA~ times a year, 96 pages I y [lustrated, 50 cts per year. ) 3 ents. Corticelli Silk Co,Ltd. St. John's. PQ. - I mpemenmene i Skirt Protector vz Sewed on flat --not turned over-will last as long as any skirt. ) INE Te iyivy Write for samp] EAA---- SKATING . BOOTS Now that the weather has turned colder we may expect good skating. Are you ready ? We can fit you out in short time with the Best Skat- MEN'S HOCKEY BOOTS--Made of Mule Skin or Box AMI ing or Hockey Shoes. Calf, Goodyear welted iii nines creer. 98:00 MEN'S PEBBLE HOCKEY BOOTS, .... $2.00 and $2.50 MEN'S LIGHTNING HITCH HOCKEY BOOTS .... $2.60 BOYS PEBBLE HOCKEY BOOTS .... .. $1.76 WOMEN'S SKATING BOOTS Fleece-lined, good soles, made of box calf ......... re eraskak RRA SAR Asnririetatenns y $2.00 WOMEN'S SKATING BOOTS--Unlined, in. box -calf or Fo $1.50 « $2.50 Jad reiriinrens orbs: sxsren Skates Attached Free of Charge ABE RNETHY'SS $05 SHIPIOTE SELHIIPS SITIES SHANNON FILES & CABINETS Transfer Cases. Card Index Outfits. Special "Patient's Record" Cards for Doctors and Dentists. Typewriter Ribbons and Carbon Papers, J. R. C. DOBBS & C0., 171 Wellington st, Typewriters for sale, to rent, repaired.