Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jan 1906, p. 3

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rmours Extract of Beef | simplify many household iculties, reduce your table enses, and add several dishes your daily menu without Callary Wriakies" tells how ise Armout's Extract of Beef he kitchen, with the chafing 5 98d 58 the Sick-tooes, Sent tpaid on receipt of 2c. stamp. old by druggists and grocers. ARMOUR LIMITED, Teremte. VOY SOUPS--12 Kinds. All Grocers. Wood's Phosphoine, The Great Englis Remedy, A positive cure for all form Sexual Weakness, Mental er hoi Seid hl of Abn Sen all of which I whi to Consumpti ly, Insaqity'and an ear] ve. ries | Six for $6 One will please, six wii} by a any price. Weta oes la Rain pon efor Pamphle!, od Medicine Co. Windsor, arc: Y MONEY AT HOME naries, More profitable than chickens. All indoors. » $2.50 to $5.00 eacli for young singers. Experience Te t you interested uick!, end iro BOOK (hustids said at Sonckly wocnr BIRD BREAD 10 CENTS, NARY vs. CHICKENS," showing how to make th canaries. all for 15c. stamps or colin, Address AM BIRD SEED, ,, st., Leader, oot, THE FRONTENAC N & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED 1863),> ent--Sir Richard Cartwright y loaned on City and Farm Pro. Municipal and County Deben- Mortgages purchased Deposits | and interest allowed, McGill, Managing Director, 97 Clarence Street, Kingston. SNAP IN WAISTS 1 only Navy, Brown and Black tre Waists, in plain and fan, rs, newnst styles, best quali ng in price from 1.75 1 0 each. sday we 'clear the lot _ai one e¢, each X) nelette wear Under- our stock of Flannel- Jnderwear on sale at lous prices on Tues- 8s Striped Flannelette Drawer age 3 to b years, ale, cach Srsssateriny 10 's Striped Flannelotte Drawer fit age 5 to 8 years. ale a Ie s Plain White or Pink Draw With embroidery trimming, izes... Striped Flannelette Drawers quality, UT THIS OUT SS LS = = ed al. t PEEL LPL2000000000000000 The 18 Letters lust Accom- any Answer. 8 | STANDS FOR SWIFT LEADING GOAL MAN, 19:39 p.m -- treat, RAILW AERA LER DRLL Tralos will Depot, Foot of Johnston street, Lve. City Arr. City | No. 5 Mail .. ..1245am. 1.15am i " 3 En 2.26 am. 3.05 a.m. | "1 wre 15 a.m. 9.47 a.m, | "1 Intern') Ltd12.16 noon 12.46 p.m ". TMail .. ..319pm. 35] pm | " 15 Local ... . 7.03 p.m. "7.38 p.m. | GOING EAST Lve. City Arr, City No. 8 Mail ... ...148am. 22am | *" 2Fast Exp. 226 a.m. 3.05am " 16 Local ...... 8.16a.m, 8.47am. | * 6 Mail .. ..12.16 noon 12.46 p.m. " 4 Fast Exp. 1.00 pm. 1.29 pm | " 12 Loeal - 7.03 p.m. 7.38 p.m d 4 run daily. Nos, 5 | xcept Monday. All other unday. Toronto, Peterboro, London, Detroit, | Saginaw, Montreal, | ort] ®t, John, | Yo! | | i For Pullman Accommodation, Tickets, an 0! r imformation, to J. P. HANLEY, nt. rig ohuston and Ontario streets. Kingston, Ont. { MBROK { SE | And around the corper RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC = RAILWAY TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON :-- etm gauiies, Che "Bx Paul, Wianipeg, Vancouver, Portland, and San Francisco. A' pm--~Local for Sharbot Lake, tounecting with C.P.R. east and west. | 8:10 a.m.--Mized, for Renfrew and in- termediate points. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12:30 -m., arrive in Ottawa at 500 p.m.; eterboro, 6512 p.m. Toronto, 7:30 , .m.; Bosten, 7:30 a.m, St. John, .B., 11:55 a.m. Full particulars at K+: & P, amd O. P, R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street, Fs CONWAY, ¥: A. FOLGER, JR. Gen; Pass, Agent Gen. Supt Bay of Quinte Railway y of Qu way New short line for Tweed, Napanee Deseronto, and all local points. Trains leave 'City Hall Depot at 3.25 p.m. F. CONWAY, Agent"B. Q. Ry., Kingston. LIVEKPOOL ai ALLAN LIN LONDONDERR) | ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. From St. John From Halifax Pretorian, Sat.. Jan. 13. Mon., Jan. Numidian, Sat., Jan. 20. Mon., Jan Corinthian, Sat., Jan. 27. Mon., Jan. 290 Sardinian Sat., Jan. 13 BOSTON TO GLASGOW. Sardiniar .. ... . Sat., Jan. 13. HALIFAX TO LONDON AND HAVRE Sarmatian ............ . Sat., Jan. 20. | pas Fi HANLEY, Agent, OTR. Clty Lt. 1LDER- | BLERDVI, Claretcs Sirbet; : i ARCHITECTS. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT; OF- fice, cond floor over Mahood's Drug store, corner Princes s and Bagot streets. trance on Bagot street Telephone, GOR ---------------------------- ees ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, QF- fice site 'of New Driil Hall, near cor: ner of Queen and Montreal streets. Sp-- POWER & SON, ARCHIT . MER chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. Phone, 212. HENRY ' Pp ete. Anc "Phone SMITH, ARCHITECT or Building, Market Square. MEDICALS. DR. McOARTHY, occupied by Dr N, treal and Brock streets. OFFICE ' Ryva corner Mon GIBSON, PHYSICIAN DR. WILLIAM Surgeon, ete. Late tesident House Kingston wral Hospital, Ce 2 ng o opposite Bank eal.' e, 43. 1 LIVE POOL. LONDON AND Insurance Company, Available 61,187,215. In addition to which the policy holders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. arm and city pro perty insured at lowest passible rates. Hefore renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. | amir -------------------------------- R POLICIES COVER MORE 'ON building and contents than any other company offers. Examine them at Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark- et GLOBE ) Ns A MEETING i OF THE ELECTORS OF KINGSTON | to promote * the Candidature of MR | | | | DONALD M. MCINTYRE, will be held in CITY HALL ----ON-- TUESDAY, Jan. 16th Addresses will be delivered by R. R. Gamey, "M.P.P., for Manitoulin, Mr, J. B. Lucas, M.P.P'., for Cestre Grey. Electors are invited to attend. Seits on the platform will * be reserved for Ladies. Chair to be taken at 8 o'clock. {Cenc GOAL} Tht fs the kind we wall---The kad you should burma U YOR wamt & satisfaction fire, We are filling orders mew for Winter supplies. Have you ordered Toute yo 2 'Phone Noy 188, BOOTH &CO. i * LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE | In Effect Jan. 2nd, 19086. | leave and alrive at City | GOING WEST { -| Tossed by the Bulls, end ripped by the | Harassed and worried by | Roaring and s! | Clauss' Shears and Razors | Stragh manifold cares, With stocks on the whoop that he thought would go down, about his He grabbed his hat, and chased EE loans That prodded him on with yicious Jusch, He rushed away for his noon-time He saw men lined at gilded bars, But be lmow. that the Fiend of that Cup And took it brimming, and spicy, and hot, From the pretty girl of the And bis soul was soothed, he forgot his cares, And was ready again for the Bulls and Then over the rim of his cup he gazed At the pretty girl as the draught he praised. " How do you make it, my maid ? "Use CHASE & SANBORN'S -- that's all | ** she said. CURE Bick Headscho and relieveall the troubles nel dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain in the Bile, &c. While their most kable success has been shown in curing SICK remari Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pie ave equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre- venting thi iagcomp) while they also correct alldisorders oft ho stomach stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only -- HEAD Ache they world bozlmostpricelesals those who suffer from this distrc sing complaint; bat fortu- natelytheir, néss docs potend here, and thoss whooncetry them will find these little pills valn- ble in so many ways that they will not be wil ling to do without them. But after alls::k head ¥ 38 the bane of so many lives that hero iy where we great boast. Our pills cureit while others do not. Carter's Littlo Liver Pills aro very amall and Ty easy to take. Ono or two piils makea dose. They-are strictly vegetable and fo sat gripe i urge, but by their gentle action please sll who Foe them, Th vialast 23cent frill. Sold by druggists everywhore A CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York, MEN AND WOMER Use Big @ for unnararg discharge s,inflammation. irritations or ulceration of mucous membrane Painless, and not astris L gent or poisonous. Sold by Draggisis, or sent in plain wrr.pper by express, prepsid, fo 81.00. or 3 botties $2.75. Circular cit on requ Me -@ NTER NOW For a Business, Shorthand or Civil Service Course. Kingston Business i! Head tea Street ¢ , Kingston - - - ¢ : : : Spacious equipment, graduates | in individual Canada apartments, complete excellent results, demand. Thorough instruction by com petent and experienced teachers in every department. Open through- out the whole year. Catalogue free. J.B. McKAY, H. F. METCALFE President Principal. TTA AY EES Prrrsssrrrsssessnreccll "THERE IS A TIME J FOR ALL THINGS." Now, while prices are low; is the time to fill your coal bin with best equality SCRANTON COAL from P. Walsh's Yard BARRACK STREET. MA EDW. J. B. PENSE Requests the support of all Lovers of Fair Play in his campaign for re-elec- tion to the Legislative As- sembly. UNIVERSAL MEAT CHOPPERS, Carvers in Sets, The New, Easy Washing Machine all guiranteed at J Timberlake, * the pastor 1] elxe. and the best of results invariably SAFE FOR PRESENT FUGITIVES ARE ON UNITED STATES SOIL. And Beyond Canadian Jurisdic- tion--Two Hockey Matches-- General News From Ganan- oque. Gananoque, Jan. 15.~The couple who registered at the International as Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Kingston, and left, during the night, were since lo- cated at Leek Island, on Saturday morning. Chief Ryan sent an ice boat with a relief party on board to bring them back, but the birds had flown, The smouldering remains of their fire were found, and their tracks leading to Grindstone Island. Theix identity is still & mystery. As Griddstone Island is in United States territory, the fugi- tives aré at present béyvond the juris- diction of the Canadian authorfties. The second game in the Gananoque hockey league series was played on the Maple Leaf rink, Friday evening, the opposing teams being Hogan's Al- ley and Queen's. The ice was in good condition, but the exhibition of hoe- key was not as good as in the Tues day evening game. The Queen's were completely outclassed by Hogan's Al- ley, the score standing nine goals (o nothing. The game was without roughness, An exhibition played on the < game of hockey was Maple Leaf rink on Saturday evening, between the King Edward hockey = club of Broekville, leaders in Brockville's trade league, aud the Star Bachelors® of this place. After a keenly contested game the Star-Bachelors won by a score of sev- en goals to four, ¢ vellie. Morris, of Portland, is visiting friends in town. Mes. Reid who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Reid, Charles street, for some months past, returned to her home in Davenport, lowa, last Thurs- day. Hon. R. LI, Borden will be accom- panied by Mrs. Borden, on his visit to Gananoque, next Wednesday, While here they will be the gues of Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, Sydenham street, Young "People's Society of Grace church held a devotional service in the church parlors on Friday even- ing. Dr. J. P. Sinclair will act as chairman at high school commence ment exercises, next Wednesday eyen- ing. G. F. Emery, M.D., of Ottawa, is in town. Thomas Middleton, King street, returned to Cobalt on Thurs- day. J. B. McKenzie has refused the posi- tion of auditor, to which he was ap- pointed at the council meeting last week. His refusal was on account of ill-health. George Jackson of Toronto, was hunting up old acquaintances in town on Friday. Rev. Joseph Cornell of Gananoque, east circuit, preached morning and evening in Grace church, Rev, Willinm taking Me. Cornell's appointments for missionary work. Stop Having Colds. Colds and the results of colds are necessary. Take in times. Wade's Cold Cure Tablets (laxative) prevent colds. Taken after a cold gets start ed the remedy cures in twelve hours. Just as effective for la grippe, head ache and constipation. A harmless, seientific remedy that can't fail. In boxes, 25c. Sold only at Wade's drug Money back if not satisfac store tory. Postmaster and Mrs, J, W, Brockville, have left on trop to Colorado Springs. Miss Blanche Huntingdon, of West Huntingdon, "and Walter Devolin, Ma- doe, were marrind on Wednesday, - BE READY Stage, a holiday And Insist on] Having the Time Tested Medicine, Dr. Chase's SYRUP Linseed and Turpentine It is not a question of whether you will need a _ treatment for colds and croup in your home, but the question is, will you sclect the most, effective medicine, or supply be satisfied to take whatever your drug- gist happens to hand out to you 7 Time and experience have proven that you can depend on Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine at such times. a It is_only~ necessary to remember thi®" Whig the critical time comes, and to insist on getting what you ask for, Should you have children who are subject to croup, you had better keep a bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin- seed and Turpentine in the house, for when the choking spasm comes on there is little time to send for doctor or medicine. It seems scarcely necessary to dwell on the merits of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentime as a cure for croup, bronchitis, whooping cough, ete, Most of us have known it from childhood up. It is almost as familiar as Dr. Chase's Receipt Book, G. N. Morrison, 34 Fuller St., Tor: onto, Ont, writes : "Gentlemen, --If it should be any satisfaction to you te know (as it certainly has been mine in the past) permit we tg say, that I have used Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin- seed and Turpentine in my family for vears, and found it from experience to be the best cough medicine, 1 suppose I have used eight bottles this past winter, my children will have noth coughs, ensne, I have also recommended it strongly, If this unsolicited testimoni al be of any service to you, the plea- sure is mine in transmitting it." Being pleasant to the taste, it is readily taken by children. Because it brings quick raliel to the sufferer fromi atthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, and all the most seriona. diseases of the throat and longs, it is invaluable FOR CROUP| ------ To Be Brought to Canada by Salvation Army. i The efforts of the Salvation Army Fon the lines of "iumigration 'were so |= successful last year 'that arrangements have been made for ten thousand peo- ple to leave' Great Britain, through the same agency during the coming season. These immigrants will be selected from a possible one hund- red thousand applicants, each case is thoroughly investigated and prefer- ence given to © those likely to make good settlers. Therefore, the offorts of General Booth's worthy movement will be 'thoroughly appreciated by Cana- diams. p The entire 'accommodation of three steamers has beet' chartered for this season's business, and the first organ- ized party of 1,500 will embark on the S.8. Kensington, March 1st, ar riving in Halifax ten davs later. Man of "these people are from - the agricol tural districts of Great Britaing in fact, the majority 'are coming to ('an- ada intent on emgaging in farm work, and will be distributed to farms in Ontario on arrival] Farmers who have not secured their help for the year should' write immediately to Brioadier Thomas Howell, secretary. Sal ation Army Tmmigration department, James and Albert streets, Toronto, Many splendid tributes have been One paid to the Salvation Army for the | known excellent class of mtn already brought to this eountry. A Splendid Waist Model. The ony gar wih the pros in the name "LORD TENNYSON?" Peer of 10c. Cigars Save the bands and secure a copy of the celebrated ploture by Asti. | . . S.DAVIS&SONS - Montreal, - 2 AGED CITIZEN DEA ET ------ WATERPROOF SHOES rx MEN | An ideal shoe for this kind of weather, made of Norwegian Grain Oil Tanned Leather, with ® Viscolized Soles, in Tan or Black, at $3.50. $4, $4.50 and $6. Try a pair and prove their worth, Jokn Cunningham Passed Away on Friday. of Kingston's old and well citizens, John. Cunninghans, passed away on Friday afternoon, at his home, 434 Princess street, in the J seventy-thivd--year--of--his--age----F our] years ago Mr. Cunningham suffered a paralytic stroke, and during that time has been practically confined to his home, Friday, he had eaten his noon day meal, and fecling tired, went to his room to rest; The end came at two o'clock, when surrounded by his family and' doctor, he breathed his last. Mr. Cuoningham was born in Kingston and lived here all his life. For many years he was in the sewing machine business and was the first . city. He started life in a small way, | 2 et mr-- pe to manufacture the machipes in this and worked up a successful business. Those who survive besides his widow are, five daughters, Mvs. I. H. Mec- Guire, wife of Judge McGuire, Prince Albert, NWT; Mrs. F. C. Baker, Prince Albert; Mrs. T. Ri Casey, Miss Carrie' and Miss Ida, city, and two song, John, Syracuse, and William, |. Dawson City, Yukon. The funeral took { place early this morning. In religion 'he followed no church in particular, but helieved that a life lived up to Christ's merit his reward. Share THAY ATISFY teachings woul | The illustration shows a good model either for separate waist or waist and skirt en suite. Crepe de chine is the material used in this instance, this fa New Factory Owner. Inverary, Jan. 13.--William John- ston will operate Dufi's factory next bric taking well the shirrings in the year, having leased it for a term of shoulder and sleeve. The popular sur- J five years, He held a cheese Auceting plice idea is carried out charmingly, the | Wednesday, January 10th, at which a shirred pull sleeve and the front hands } large number of patrons attended. being of a soft satin, mounted over a George Arthur, Sr, after an absence light-weight hair cloth, which gives | of nineteen years in Lowell, Mass., is the necessary body for heavy stitch- | here visiting his brothers, John amd ing. The chemisette and high cuffs of | Sampson Arthur, Mes. Ww. Dufi is 3 lace are separate, This affords an op somewhat ifproved. The nurse is still > ' . : portunity for the avearer to make fro- in attendance. Dr. and Mrs, Freeman ' 3 NE 3 WEN quent changes as fhe desires, The waist | very informally entertained, a. number -- , w-- -- na : can be wou withewt: "the cuffs and fof their friends on Thursday evening n { with the chiémisetts, or for more form: § and all who were present enjoyed RS SN dau (P 0 S al wear, the chemfisette may he re. | themselves very much indeed. Miss moved, and the surplice crossed hioh- | Fanny Arthur poured chocolate, Miss / er up, the sleeves wom either long or | Mabel Richards, tea, Miss Lulu Free 3 niin 3 chow length. man also assisted the hostess, The Boh ARR \ ) LRRNRN W nanaplaying of Mrs. R. Arthur asd / Ni R 8 h L Ne (0) y Miss Mabel Ric hards, was greatly ap. RAN A } [\ \ Y I Vv ¢ | \ i preciated, as wus also the singing of . COUGHS---ASTHMA-BRONCHITIS little Bes Freeman. - Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Stanley, Battersea spent Sun 3 It not only cures your cold but being a splendid tonic, restores you to perfect health. Large bottle, 3c. Atall dealers. JL MATHIEU CO. Prop. SHERBROOKE, PQ. 3-11-05 Submarine Signals. The new Atlantic' steamships, Em press of Britain and Ireland, will be fitted with the new™ appliances for re ceiving sound signals through the ) fy At certain important points in | Wile and two children, recently visited the St. . Lawrence river, submarine | at the home of his father, bells have been placed; which in thick | Shepherd, lately purchased a fine and foggy weather are sounded auto. [team of matched horses. matically by pneumatic pressure. In | the bow of the new etfipresses, and on 'the port and starboard sides, trans Oso, Jan. 12.-Who ean murmur | mitters will be fitted and connected J about the weather now ? The happy by wires with a telephone box in the | expressions of all are *What a beaut: | chart room, thus the officer in charge Jful winter we are having." A party was held at Mrs, Henderson's, Wed nesday evening. A large number were day at Thomas Arthur's. F. Colmes, George RETALIATORY LEGISLATION | HAIR NATURALLY ABUNDANT, Nothing To Grumble About. To Have Maximum and Minimum Tariff. New York, Jan. 15. Washington ad vices to the Times say that house and senate leaders have reached an agree ment to meet the retaliatory legisla tion of foreign countries with a maxi When It Is Free of Dandraff, It Grows Luxuriantly. Hair preparations and dandeulf cures, as o rule, are sticky or ierita- ting affairs that do no earthly good, Hair, when not diseased, grows na: turally, Juxuriantly. Dandruff is the mum and' minimum tariff, The mini- Le of nine tenths of all hair trou mum tariff "is to be the Dinglev law, fee and dandruff "is caused by. 'a The maximum tariff proposed is a 25 | 2°. The only way to cure dandefi per cent. addition to the Dingley sche. - 1* to kill the germ; and, so far, the dules. It ix the situation in Germany JPY hair preparation that will Dok which has brought about the decision | UY*1Y destroy the germ is Newhbro's Herpicide -- absolutely harmless; frie of the ship will hear the warning bells when they are still miles away, and be able to fix the position of his ship present, and had a very pleasant whatever the state. of the weather, | time. Robert Butler has left to take + Tnasmuch as the "submarine signals charge = of Mountain Grove school, travel throtigh the water without in: | while Miss Sarah Butler has returned terference. afe not subject to wind or a Attend high school. waves, and give an exact location of J. Kennedy Kingsville, bas heen visit the source of danger, it is apparent | ing at W. McPherson's. R. Henderson that they become an important factor | 1* home from camp on account of jll tpt Sydenham to act at this session. The form the : R » . alt} X CAR ilis . " from grease, sedimint 6 { of safety. The steamer James 8, Whit. | health. John, } ranch and William proposed legislation will take will be I'F groass, l nt, dye hatter or | f Bost when "rufining at full | McPherson, John Grant and John the enactment of a law authorizing dangerous drugs. It allays itching in. | ney sto) oo , i | BEY. of, Boston, by g : Kennedy, have left for New Ontario. Hap tel stantly, makes. hair glossy and soft speed, picked up these signals at cight I : | | the president at his discretion to is . v 4 F Good Tuck, hovs. Robert MeCharled ns silk, miles distance, and the officer in charge i X "Destroy the cause, you re sue a proclamation making the maxi . 81 y «winter i co 8 " : ) . effect MR + said the bell sounded distinctly, An T 3p Ping the -- ® in the Stutes. mam tariff applicable to any country uk My Phy Joe. ol by Jearling other captain reported that he heard and No. 10, Oso, opened on the: ded 1 hich unjustly discriminates against sample to. The Herpivide Co, Detrokt, these signals clearly in a gale, when inst., with Miss Pearl Taylor, Tati. | United States: products. Mich. G. W. Mahood, special agent. all other signals failed. The question mer, as teacher, and No. 1. Oso ------------------ of expense has never been considered by the Canadian Pacific railway when apnlianees can be Antroduced which will add to their passengers' safety "hool also opened with John Medeof, Sunlight conp is better than other Holland, as teacher. HUGGED ANu KISSED. soaps, but it is best when used in the . Sunlight way, Buy Sunlight Soap | Fondled Against Her Will William Swain, piano tuner. Orders | and follow directions, Hamilton Woman Sues received at McAuley's Book Store John T. Dickey, of Caintown, died Bultal i 15 Jy Secdes t Michael Corrigan, a Gananoque dry | on Monday morning. He had been ill ailale, a Berliy an ri _r oi goods merchant, 'was brought to [for some time. He was a man most substitutions a. atiorneys, 1 136 La 3 Hotel Dieu, on Saturday night with J highly thought of and deep regret is | Mrs. Alice E. 'Taylor, of No. 136 ok street, Hamilton, Ont., against Wil CRY Of wide over Py aril on all widis aver: hin death. | 1 atrooty, Hamilton, the Simuions-Baker company, of Niagara Falls, was re- opened here by Justice White in the supreme courte Mrs. Taylor is suing Baker for £1,000 damages for the al- leged +hugging and kissing of her against ber will. The case was origin- ally on the Lockport calendar. re, Taylor alléges that she borrowed money from Baker's company at ong time and later her husband was bad- ly injured, Baker went to her home to secure payment while the husband was in the hospital she claims, and it is alleged he kissed and hugged her, Latimer Notes. Latimer, dan, 12.--Sleighing is very good here. Those who on their ap ples to J. Quick, Napanee, were much shocked to hear of his death, and although, apparently strangers, ex tend sincere sympathy to the bereayed ones, Mr, and Mrs, J. Taylor and lit: tle Gladys have returned from their visit to Elgm, and Jones' Falls, While at Elgin they attended the' opéning of the new English church. Frank Wales, Mortan, and" Miss Bertha Baxter, Jones' Falls, returped, to their homes to-day, after several days visit at. J, Taylor's. Miss Eva Mc Dingee, Campbelliord, is. visiting her sister, Mrs. R. Dixon, Miss Pearl Tay lor, left last week for Sharbot Lake, to take charge of the.school, Mrs. W. Bruce, who has been ill, is on fair way to recovery, William and Samuel Tay- lor are spending hid week in the woods, at the North Shore. Mr, Tay- lor having 'purchased a wood lot, a few 'years mgo. "WME. CC Burt, Boonville, N.Y, is paving an extended visit at her brother's, R. Lyn. Master Macdonald, and Wise' May. Taylof, city, are home for a few days. abpendicitis, WN -- A Cardinal Tn Methodist Church. Baltimore, Md, Jan, 15. Cardinal Gibbons occupied a seat on the plat form of the Eutaw Street Methodist Episcopal church, in which a public mass meeting was hold under the alis- lit of the city committee of the prohibition party. The principal dress was made by William He Beery, state treasurer of Pennsylvania, who was clegted an the reform ticket last November, When the committee f itself unable to 'secure a hall enough for the meeting and was com- pellul to select the church, a member of the committee wrote to Cardinal Gibbons stating the case "and asked if he wished to have his name? with. drawn as one of the Viee-prosi g ' : In reply the cerdinal wrote ¢ Write Williduis Pidsio Co. Lui, Osawa, for copies of ilustrated bioklets [holding of | the. cums meeting jn a on the history atid construction of a Piano, orgedll at the 1o¢al warerooms. Protestant. church does not excite any is the result of care and anention given to each detail in the selection of the 'material for case and finish, the choicest woods and. varnich of the fine quality being used After vamishing every case is hand-rubbed to 'the brizhues: finish, which gives the brilliancy and durable finish, which is only one of their chief characteristics Ls \. "ls tone end srench of design are certainly very beauiful"-- Dr Edward Fisher. Masical. Director of Toronto Conservatory of Music ¢ Cape Vincent Steamer. Until further notice, steamer will leave, for Cape Vincend-at 14630 a.m. Napanee copncil has made these an- pointments : Board of health, G. A. Clifi; medical health officer, Dr. G. WH. Cowan; town solicit), W. 8. Herring- ton; chief of fire brighde. 8. T. Wood- cock: asvictant chief of fire brigade, ¥. Wagar; high schbol trustee, J. an's Hardware Stare. as-a household medicine, 25¢, a bottle, at-all dealers, > Boyes, J. 1. Grange and A. Alexan der, : # fo s Bis ; we asso Religions seruple "in al H. P. BULL, 267 Princess Street, Ringsfon, Ont ned i tamtion of thom

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