From $1.00 Per Day Up AGE}: FREE EARS : afer for Bpacs i Medicine Co... Windsor, Ontario "| unless one had the opportunity of ex- | 8 changing government. This is "| which cannot be accurately described, | There are words which convey a very | direct. meaning, but they fail to ex- n Ligh atl Pater company for $172,500 in ok of th otic money 12 ey A "According 5 such a measure as licensing B. PENSE, THE DAILY Getting At The annual esulls. J plus of 81,915 for the year ended Sep- $2,378 for the previous year. § "So far so good," says the Brant- {ford Expositor, "but what reliance | is to be placed on the figures ? They are worth little or nothing until some reliable system of accounting, applic- able to all municipal plants, has been b) adopted." { " The whole story is in the concluding line of this quotation. Municipal ae- Jeounting admits of variations, and Jj amining in detail the receipts and ex- penditure, on the items of waste, de- terioration and impairment, he could not-get F TeRults. In the manufacturing establishments under advanced management there is now an expert analysix as to cost, so that every item of expense is duly ae- counted for," as well as every item of wear and tear and waste, The modern captain of industry can tell to a dol Jar what his plant is making. The municipal plant may be similar- ly treated, but it is hard to get a de- finite policy and a positive result from the grave defect which it is hard to over- come. With success in this respect the system of accounting could be easily etting Rich Quick. are some kinds of financing + at press the feeling of the individual when be reads of transactions such as this : "Examination for discovery before Official Examiner Bruce into the affairs of the Southern Light and Power. company has revealed the skyrocket course of the valug of certain lots on the owned by Mrs. Joseph lots for the , , $1,000, They were turned over to the Southern t t. "She obtsi amount of to the affidavit sworn to by Joseph Barrett the York Loan purchased or made advances Spon 12,000 bonds of the 8. I.. and « company, taking this land original- Iy Folue at $1,000 as security. to. advance money which was to give this land its value by development. "Mrs. Barrett testified in her exam. ination that her husband never had any money for development of the land." In the face of this one wonders at the effrontery of Mr. Phillips, who has posed as an injured person.. When ar. tostod for conspiracy he assumed an imocent air and worried some as to the nature of the charge that was pre- ferved against him. When he learned the facts he felt much casier. He was fearful lest he should "theft," and the very thought that gave him pain. be accused of of Yet he know about the awazing and fictitious values that, wore put upon certain lots, which originally cost 81, 000, and came to the York Loan even. tually as security for 8, L. & Bn bonds to the value of 8212,000, Nothing that has transpired in Wall street has surpassed this deal for the energy and zeal that were put into it by designing men. The stockholdess. of the York Loan, must be impressed with the financial genius that directed their business and promoted their in- terests. ------ oA Reasonble Demand. The Eastern Dairymen's Association, our opinion, while the dairymen of at its last meeting, passed a very im- portant resolution. It reads as fol. lows : ver "We bog leave to _report, that in Ontario may nt yet be prepared for cheese factories and creameries, wo believe that a thorough measure of sanitary inspection of cheese and butter fac- tories and dairies is in the interest of the dairymen of Ontario absolutely necessary, -and this association would most respectfully petition the govern- ment to provide such legislation as may be required to insure one cheese factories, creamoties and dairies being WHIG. Dicer." of 'the Guelph | street railway, which road ix now un der municipal ownership, shows a sur- | tember 30th last, as against a loss of their sugars and jams, with inferior goods, and sometimes with the ingre- chients that simply deteriorate their value, so some will add water to the not pure and healthy. which the people demand and the gov ernment will probably afford asked for. The demand - comes from a one, the agriculturists, Editorial Notes. Who is acting as chairman of the license board ? That is the question which a good many people are asking nowadays. Lord Hugh Cecil doubts the quality of Me. Chamberlain's logic, but he has no doubt of the desolating effect of his eloquence on his own party. London, like Kingston, will go slow this year about the building of artifi- vial stone walks. They' should only be laid where they are absolutely neces- sary. The rate of usarers in Winnipeg runs from 100 to 500 per cent. The money Jilers are generally called | "loan sharks." His a-fitting appella- tion. . Automobiles are doing great execu- tion in the English elections in draw- ing electors to the polls. There must be no law against the practice, and it must be very expensive. The politicians at Albany are miss- ing the House of Mirth this year. The insurance companies are saving money, thousands of dollars. But think of the fim the politicians are losing. : ---- The dissetiters are now getting in their work in England. For a time they were as the under dogs in the fight, but now they are as the upper dogs. They are voting solidly against the Balfour party. Government detectives are scouring the west and peaching on the hotel and saloon men. They are getting $2 and costs each day they are out. They may be expected in Kingston any day. They dre in very big busi- ness, In Manitoba the municipalities are petitioning for a closer inspection of muni¢ipal books. They want protec: tion from irregularities, and they do not, fake the ordinary precaution of seving 'that competent men are select- ed for the offices of trust. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Oh, She Don't ? Ottawa Free Pross. : Mr. Asquith is right. Canada needs no preferential treatment at the ex- pense of British workmen and work girls to keep her loyal to the mo- ther country. Object Lesson Handy. Toronto Star. The comuuttee of safety, which is to keep the Kingston bye-election on a high moral plane, is extremely fortun- ate in baving a penitentiary to point to as an object lesson. There .s A Difference. Te ronto. Globe. : : 'he Montreal street railway is re- ceiving small remittantes of conscience money. In Toronto the strain is all on, the conscience of the company, Kissed And Made Up. Montreal Gazette > Fitzsimmons and his little Julia has made it up, and are going to earn their living on the stage. From which it appears that Bob's advafee agent cheated us out of a Idk of genuine hu- man sympathy. Moral Reform Don't Pay. Fichange.. Reeves, the Toronto plumber, whose detormined resistance of the combine resulted in the exposure of its prac tices and the prosecution of the mem- bers has had to leave the city as Kis business was ruined. That is a poor recompense for having been instrumen- tal in saving the citizens thousands of dollars by his action. PRINTERS ON STRIKE. The Rock on 'Which Split Oc- curred. Hamilton, Ont.; Jan. 15.~Thel} threatened strike of the newspaper printers, who are members of" the local Typographical Union, went into effet at eleven o'clock, this morning, following an unsyccessful conference between the employers and the _ma- chine men. The job - printers' asked increases from $12.50 to $14, and the new scale with them was signed on Saturday. Advertising or "floor" men asked for 814.50, an increase of $1.50, and, it is said - the loyers were willing to grant this. The ma- chine men have beon getting a mini- mum of 313.50 a. week, bonuses, ete. They asked for $14.50 minimum. This is he rock on which the split ocour- red. DAILY y | Wilk. Others will use water which is Nothing but the rlosest inspection will guanantee the freedom from taint it by legislation Such as the dairymen have com- munity whose interest is a paramount It represents millions of dollars annually, and a growing cause among proved and "who later deserted her to | wmumber only six, shé has NOW MUST WALK THE SAD oN Vo ope Each Candidate May Have One . Cab, But They Mustn"t Be Twins--Star Goes for Repeal of Cab Hiring Clause in Elec tion Law. | Montreal Star, The two' partly organizations in Kingston have entered into an agree- ment to hold a pure election; and then they have endeavored to ensure the keeping of this t by naming a tribunal of three with power to un- scat the candidate of the party which | breaks it. It will be interesting to see how this results; and it is in- teresting already to note how it deals with the vexed election cab question. "The hiring of vehicles to convey electors to the polls" is iorbidden--as it is forbidden by the law--and, in or- der to make it easy to detect breach. es of this provision, "it is further agreed by the parties hereto, that to prevent any doubts as to the obsery- ance of the law no vehicle shall be volunteered, or used either in connee- | tion with the registration of voters to | take persons up to register or on elge- | tion day to take voters to the poll | to vote. Each candidate, however, 1s allowed to have one vehicle on elec tion day for "his personal use, which he may also employ to transfer his workers from one poll to another, but not to vote." -- . That is Kingstonians who wish to vote at the next election there will have to walk to the polls or hire their own cabs. If they take a friend in the cab with them, they will be in danger of voiding the election. if it can connected with either ofthe party or- ganizations, This goes far bevond the law; but it is the only, way* in which the law can be honestly enforced. If cabs can be "volunteered" on election day to the party committees. the door | is opened wide to the practical hiring of cabs through some indirection by the party committees. But these King- stonian reformers wot only say that cabs shall not be "volunteered" but that they shall not be "nsed"';' and, consequently, any party having cabs at its disposal to send for voters is by this very fact guilty of a breach of the agreement. a It is thoughtfully provided that each | t candidate may 'have ome cab; but that cab must not be twins, and--pre- sumably--it must be the same cab all day. There will thus be two busy cabs on election day in Kingston, while the other "cabbies" can drive people any- | t where they like but to the polls. Still | | suppose a "cabby' is an enthusiastic | ¢ party man and wants to drive a few of | F his friends to vote, he having, of course, no connection with his party | t organization, what are . the dread three going to do about it ? No one | I would be to blame but the "cabby"'; and they lack power to unseat him. Yet if all the "cabbies" were thus to develop partisan tepdencies for one day only, and still wefe to have no- thing to do with thé party workers, | ¢ but were to drive around with lists apparently of their own making, the situation would not differ much from that of old times; and still no one would be to blame. » A better and surer basis of reform would Be to repeal the ecab-hiring clauses in the election law. They are absurd as applied to a city election. No large amount of corruption can be distributed hy the mere hiring of cabs to carry voters to the polls; and it is the truth that many good citizens have become accustomed to being sent | for on election dav that they would | fail to vote were this formality omit: ted. © T d ¢ The "'grafters" and the bribed | 25¢. For sale only at Wade's drue and the telegraphers would all be on | store. Money back: if not sati factory, 'hand, bright and early; but the busy | man, up to his eves in his own af . : fairs in his city 'office, would either hr Yichadl { aliaghas, Visiting only vote toa late to head off the per or mt x n nois Sullivan, aml sis sonator, or not at all. We should | (07. 2 P. Devaney, Belleville, since stop playing the. hypoerite in this respect and make the hiring of elec tion-day abs legal, =. BARONESS A FLOWER CIRL. Driven Away by Parents Sh Works But Dies. Berlin, Jan. 15--~As a clever and beautiful girl of nineteen, Baroness Ir- | ma von HoJz, whose death has just | taken place, turned the heads of the counts frequenting the saloons of the best Berlin society! Driven from her home by her proud parents because gl her determination to marry a man of whom they disap- marry another, she took to selling flowers in the street, in Krens, where her parents resided. They had refused to 'give her any assistance. .. Finally the baroness brought an ac tion against her purgnts to force them |. to ackrowledge her gs their daughter. She won her case, but did not gain mych more than a little monetary assistance. She died of consumption, the result of exposure to all weathers in follow ing her calling of flower seller. 3 -- ' i Left 114 Descendants. } Wilkesbarre, Pa., Jan. 13.--Mrs, Ly- | dia Rantz, of Danville, who died ves- terday, is survived by 114 living des- cendants. Although her own children thirty-five grandchildren, sixty-four great-grand- children and nine great-great-grand- children, Among the great-grandchil- | dren are three sets of twins and one | sot of triplets, all wi the family, of Ker, grandson, James Wertman, of Dag. ville, 'who' has eighteen children. Mrs. Rantz, who was eighty-six 'WHIG, MONDAY, JANUARY 15 convention, be shown that that are in any way | edge of the clay land and several houses were precipit- ated by a landslide last. Mc have been blown up with dynamite, of Louisiana, who attained niuch toriety by with Midshipman James which the latter received fatal injuries has been placed e charge of hazing. at the Hotel burg, had a n sassination at the hands bed the knife, ly. after 3 ed by the dog scratching quiet but Ford arose to As he opened the door he by volumes of smoke. and awoke his wife. The ice to the home of fireman which did £3,000 Gyp. was found door. dinary kidney goes right to the affected i ta, and will visit friends en route. Cn IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW ies every day with aching backs that really have no business to ache. - A woman's back wasn't made to ache, Under ordinary conditions it ought to be strong and ready to help her bear the burdens of life. ng back. Hours of misery at- leisure or at work. If women Backache comes from sick kidneys, and | what a lot of trouble sick kidneys cause in the world. «0 "put on them than the; to be wontlered that th Backache is simply their ery for help. © PITH OF THE NEWS. Over The World, alone at Ogdensburg, was set fire to her home. sales agent of the Lehigh Valley Coal company, has resigned and is succeed ed by J. H. Hamilton, of Rochester. An epidemic of typhoid fever pre vails in the borough of Wilkinsburg, Pa. There are now over 100 cascg, and a number of deaths have result- ed. Seven theological students out of a party of twelve were overwhelmed hy an avalanche 'while on an excursion in the Hall Valley, in the Tyrol, Aus tria. v Lillian, five years, and Mildred, two, children, of Horace L. Sackett, were burned to death in Englewood, a su- burb of Providence, R.I. The father is held" pending an investigation. While picking coal from the Lake Shore eka tracks in the stock vards; Buffalo, Mrs. 'Mary Vreklinski, an octogenarian, was struck by a fréight train and probably mortally injured. A declaration for 13c¢. cotton with reducing of acreage in the form of diversification of crops was practically settled upon by the Southern Cotton association at Friday's sessien--of the Ex-Senator McClelland, Buffalo, N. Y., chairman of the board of apprais- ers, decides in favour of W. R. Lowes, Brampton, Ont., in the question of the seizure of four houses for under- valuation. The houses still standing on the pit, at Haverstraw, N:Yi, into which a large section of mday night Midshipman Minor Merriwether, Jr, no- in a fist fight R. Branch, in engaging under arrest 'on the The Korean war minister, staying De France, St. Petors- &ITOW escape from as: . of a young orean, said to be the minister's in- erpreter. The would-be assassin stab- minister eleven times with a ---- Saved Two Lives, Lost His. Bloomfield, N.J., Jan. horoughbred fox terrier, ives of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ford at he expense of his own at a fire in the ord apartments in State street short- am. They were asleep on he second floor when Ford was awak- at the door, animal to keep persistent, and the dog away. was greeted Ford retreated 1 couple had no ime to don théjr clothes, but were ompelled to flee across the snow and a friend. When the had extinguished the blaze, , dantage,. the faithful dead near his master's 15.--Gyp, a saved the le shouted to the Gyp was drive . ee ' Kidney Troubles Overcome. Peck's Kidney Pills do cure all or- and bladder troubles. is a scientific one. It « laces and ives prompt and certain relief. Bene t is usually 'noticed, from. the first Ose or two. The entire systom . js leansed and strengthened. 'he remedy In boxes, 'hristmas, after a twenty-vear absence as left for her home, in North Dako the 2 Days Thousands of women suffer untold miser- It is hard to do housework with an ach. only knew the cause, But they can't help it. If mere work is can stand it's not ey get oiit of order, DOAN"S KIDNEY i . « vears old, died in the home to which . fant in a clean gnd sanitary condition ee was taken as a bride. She never {with a pure water supply." A Liberal People. . 'Tode on a railroad or a trolley car, . Ss (The desite is to have the institu: | Windsor, Ont., Jan. 15.--Dedicatory | Put she boasted of having Seen a bal- | will help you. 'Ther're helping sick, aver. aE . AN bey ix Si Resi s n. In a recent interview. she de. | Worked idneys--all over the world-- tions in which any part of our food | services were held if All Saints Epis- v 4 4 makidg thou he " ! e 4 , | clared that she' did not believe in early ng strong, healthy and vigorous, tes made absolutely xopal, church, Jostindas, for the Bou marriages, nor did she beliove in large Mrs, P. Ryan, uglas, Ont., writes: "For t from its surroundings, Dike Srgan st Sstall and eo ae families unless parents are so situated Soa Jaonties 1 wan troubled with Jame ¢ . Curry As 0 Bo. taint of any kind, {choir seats donated by Miss Nelson, that Shey gh Fite them the proper | help. "I tried all kindy of plasters os Canon Dann, London, officiated, as- and educate them. liniments but they were no use. At last I Sisted id the rector, Mr. Chadwick. ---------- | haa ell of Dosn's Kidney Pills and I ive thousand dollar: were subscribed | A Guarante F | Miter three-quarters of the box it would a 3 two services towards the cost Itching, blind, odin » a WY back Nk 04 S 4nd wall 4s evar." KL . of the organ and minor repairs ro the ' piles. Drugygists are au to re. | _ Price 50.cents per box orth Bot hesitate: Ao tehurch nearly three thowsangd of which ! nd money if Pazo Ointment fails ol $1.25, all dealers or The Dose Rion hor was cash, cure in 6 to, 14 days, 500, + | Ce Toronts, Out. Rhee The Very Latest Culled From All The Toronto World says Sir Wilfrid Laurier's successor is known, and he is an Ontario man, not in politics to- y. Miss Mary A. Murray, who lived burned to death when an explosion of the lamp Col. J, H. Horton, General Northern | ask for = BIBBY'S Trouser Sale Trousers of grace, $2, $2 50, $3, $3.50, $4 to $5. We have excellent trousers for every need --dress, business, working, rough weather, (to save your best) or for any purpose a man ever wants trousers. Economy and Comfort Demand that every man should have one or two pairs of extra trousers. 'Step in and see how well we can please you. THE H. D. BIBBY CO. The Men's Wear Store. -- OUR BIG JANUARY SALE TO-MORROW we begin the third week in our January Discount Sale. Aftér two weeks of critical investigation and buying, this year's sale stands forth as the best in our line that Kingston has ever had. " Specials for This Week. Fibre Ware--Tubs, Pails, etc, 20 per cent. Dis- count. Heavy English Enamelled W are-- Beautifully finished, high grade goods, : 30 per cent. Dis- count. mnt AluminumWare--0dds and Ends in Saucepans, Cef- fee Pots, etc; Half. Price. : McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street, Kingston. v CGAOOCOOOIPOONRIG GG Ripe Bananas The Ripe Tomatoes Ripe Pine Apples A. J. REES, Princess St. RG (I (e DO NOT! Do not get your feet wet--W EAR RUBBERS. Do not get your feet cold-- WEAR OVERSHOES. If you- want the best in Overshoes or Rubbers CANADIAN We have many kinds 10 choose from. MOGCASINS, WARM FELT BOOTS NICE WARM FELT SLIPPERS for house wear * from 25c¢. to $1 25, The Sawyer Shoe 'Store - | 0 wn gn gn, a. §- NOPSIS®,OFf CANADIAN NORT HOMESTEAD REGULATI ny evem mumbered section of n La ovinces, Ty may be homestieaded upo: rson Who is the sole head a any male over 18 years of age tent of one-quarter section, be; Jaore or Jems. personall; > m n a ny nd office for the district e land to be taken is sivuated, mesteader desires, he may. on on to the Minisver of the tawa, the Commtssioner of I wu, Winnipeg, or the local a e district in wnich the land is thority for some one eive au he HOMESTEAD DUTIES tA set itions Lonbecta therewith mmde llowing plans : o Joke least six months reside Ind cultivation of the land in eo ring the term of tnree years. (3) If the father (or mother ther is deceased) of any persor igible to make a homestead e the provisions of this Act pon & in the vicinity of tered such person as ead, the requirements of this A sidence prior to obtaining pat satisflod by ach person resid tha father. or r.other. (8) II the settler has his p idence upon farming laad fm in the vicinity of his homes quirements of this Act as to ay shtisfied by residence id land. APPLICATION FOR-PATEN three Agent, Sub-Agen Homestead Imspector. Before making application fk he settler must give six month writing to the Commission: juinion Lands at Ottawa, of his g do ads YNUPSIS OF CANADIAN WEST MINING REGULATD Copal.--Coal lands may be pur 10° per acre for soft com! ami nthracite. Not more thas 320 acquired by one indivitluni pany. Royalty at the rate of er ton of 2,000 pounds shall be p the gouss output, 2 yuartzs.--A free miner's cert ranted upon payment in md 7.60 per annum for an indivic om $50 to $100 per annum fo) ny according ta capital. A free miner, having discoverec place, nay locate a clain ,500 feet. The fee for recording a claim ! At lesst $100 must be expende aim each year or paid to the u order in lieu thereof, When een expended or pu.d, the loca von having a survey made, a mplying with other requireme hase the land at $1 en acre. The patent provides for the ps royalty of 1 r cent on the PLACER mining claims ne 00 feet square ; entry fee $5, early. A free miner may obtain two for gold of five miles es erin of twenty years, renewab! scretion of the Minister of the eo Jgtnee shall have a dredge tion within one season from the he lease for each five miles. Ke annum for each mile of rive loyalty at the rate of a per cer d aa the output after it exceeds ie WwW. W. CO Deputy of the Minister of the N.B.--Umauthorized publicatio dvertisement will not be paid hat Is Tooting Insur This :--Profits under that ome into possession of the insu ided he lives" until his policy Hether it Le un endowment lic th ! We YES, their polic ho! he "tdi Ee ¥ its ? We unswer, ke the cash value of T if have his profits case NO, PHASIZE ORTANT Do' all t a man's health has fail d? adde « XM Mp namely, tha msert a clause FINE PRIN insured wishes profi he must furnish the ( certificate of good heajth policy, IN fhat if the » policy ith a 0. Now, let us say, and we ad: 'blowing our own hor a good square blast Lc > LONDON AND LANC! offers to the intending i ontract in black and white ot demand a certificate of healt nd of the term, and does not proviso in fine type, that ma re. ih ill-health, deprive vou ery best option as'to profits. | ith a contract as ours, is 1 ne, don't you ? ILLS & CUNNIN( District Agents London and Lancashir m. Murray, Aucti 27 BROCK ST. ew Carriages, Cutters, H ete:, for sale. S EO. NOB Plumber and Steam- fi Promptly Attend "17 Division Street. "Phone 635. -- KESWICK = RESTAU KING STREET OPEN DAY AND NIGH Meals of all kinds served. Dinner tickets, 25c., and ¢ Ovster Stew, 20c. Special Rates to Board Sale of Horses Every Orders Albert Edw. Norton - Pro 'Phone 493. BOOO0000000000000 R. J. FREE, CONTRA Estimates given for all ki Mason Work, Plastering Cement Work of all descript! 94 Division St. - "Phen BOORICOA00000ON0O0- New York_Chinese Ras 83 Princess St. OPEN DAY AND NIGH Meals of all kinds. Dainty Viands prepared hy a nCed chef, tastily served by ex Wiltresses. . Single 'meals, 25¢. : 5 meal: Special rates to permanent boa Teacher of China | WATER-COLORS AND OIL Yelation kiln to fire, Materials | Painters sold. China mended bolling water. Hand Painted ( Sale. Miss M. M. Brophy, 59 W Street, -- "Try Myers' "Home-M Head Cheese.