me ONDERFUL EFFECT «OF FRUIT, Fruit-a-tives" ¢Fruit Liver blets) 'are concentrated it juices. And it is these it juices that cure Const; on, Biliousness, Headaches ligestion, Palpitation of the . art and all Troubles of the mach and Kidneys, A ding Ottawa physiciay covered a process by w hich could combine the j juices Apples, Oranges, Figs ang mes and by adding another m' of bitter principle from Orange peel, completely inge the medicinal action he fruit j juices, giving the nbination a far more power. and more beneficial effect the system. "Fruit-a-tives" tablets made of this com. ation ot fruit juices--and v have made most wonder. cures 'of Stomach, Liver 1 Kidney Troubles and of og and Skin Diseases, 50¢ x.--Ask your druggist, n. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. 7 Carriages, Cutters, Harness, ie. for sale. of Horses Every Saturday Woolly ; (ria, Orme on of ons Sv n plain receipt of i fect) aint ol b oe stator Fungi he Sale i the eason 00 YARDS OF FANCY APPERETTES in pretty es of Pale Blue, Fawn, Green, Ys Brown, Rose, Cream, Ete. patterns in stripes, spots, es, good quality cloth, very able for Waists, Wrappers, onas, always sold at 10c. and .. a yard. Thursday morn at 8.30 we make a clean p of the lot at 5c. a yard t the same time we will sell extra good BLEACHED BLE DAMASK, full 66 es wide, handsome, hig value i ayard. For a Thursday a 49c. a yard iggest values in the city in ETINGS AND PILLOW 'TONS. sk to S¢e Them WMAN & SHAW She vede eet CUT THIS our ¢ COUPON 2 The 18 Letters Must Accom- pany Answer. STANDS FOR WEIGHT ET THE BEST THAT YOU CAN shor evar ab hh wy 8 OR ge oat wtb. Bo m------ a The' DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY JANUARY 17. : ERAT a A FUNERAL PYRE|_ 7 vont sve. |NEWS OF THE WORLD ee ~ MEDICAL EXAMINER Of the United 8 States Treasury Recommends | Pe-ru-na. : Prominent Physicians Endorse Pe-ru-na. R. LUBWELLYN Jo JORDAN, Medi- cal Examiner of the U, 8. Treasury Department, graduate of Columbis_Col- lege, and whoserved three years at West Point, has the following to say of { { Bl { i { | i + Peruns: « + » 'Allow meé to express my grati- | Stes Xais Sor dhe deselit A from your woade remedy. One } short month has brought forth a i vast change and I aow consider my- i self a well man after months of ! "Fellow sufferers, Peruna will cure yor." --Llewellyn Jordan. Doctors have been loathe to endorse a eatarrh remedy because catarrh and catarrhal diseases have puzzled the medical fraternity for many decades, ~ | Thé popular endorsements £ha! Peruna has received at the hands of the people have induced a great many dec- tors to try the remedy. More prominent physicians use and endorse Peruna each year. Dr. A. Morgan, 214 Gater Street, In- [8 dianapolig, Ind., writes: Be "Regular physicians deg rule, endorse patent medicines. | have, however, found in my. practice that Peruana is a notable ex and not at all like any other medi gen- epiily sold as 'patent medicine.' "In examining it I find that it is a scientifically prepared medicine, com- posed of herbal remedies of high medi- cinal value. "It is a specific for catarrh of the head, lungs or stomach, a fine remedy for female troubles, and invaluable to mothers and children. "After fevers or other-protracted H}- ness, itisone of the best tonics I know of to restore the system to normal condition' and I recommend it to convalescents, "It is a high elass family rémedy, good for young and old." --A. Morgan, Peruns occupies a unique petition in medical science. Itis the only internal systemic catarrh remedy known to the medical profession to-day. PR. LLEWELLYN JORDAN, | lf Medical Examiner United Statesfll | Oatarth § is 3 systemic disease curable only by systemic treatment, A remedy thatecures catarrh must atm directly at the depressed nerye centers. This is what Peruna does. mucous membranes. Then catarrh dis- appears, Then catarah is permanently cured. Pe-ru-na Contains No Narcotics. One reason why Peruna has found per- manent use in so many homes Is that it contains no narcotic of any kind. Pe- runa is perfectly harmless. 1t can be used any length of time without aequir- ing a drug habit, Peruna does fot pro- duce temporary results, Itis permanent in its effect, Robert R. Roberts, M. D., Washing- ton, D. C., writes: «Ti my own experience as well as that of many of my friends and acquaintances who have been cured or relieved of catarrh by the use of Hartman's Peruna, | can confidently recommend it to those suffering from such disorders, and and gradually eliminates catarrh by re- moving the cause of catarrh, There are a multitude of homes where Porunt has heen used'off and on for twenty years. Sueh a thing could not be possible if have no hesitation in prescribing it Peruna contained any drugs of a nar to my patients." -Robert R. Roberts. | |. = o4nce i -------------------------------- EMBOSSING S| ov comm Headings fog Pape and Envelopes ENGRAVING Gard a 'Woman . Has; Widower Sent to Jail. Jan. 17=A somewhat singu- has Just been disposed * Berlin, lar libel case of at Netze, A Than named Schmixd Cards and },0'" caused' #0: be discrited on the gravestone "of his wife, who disd in Letter Heads | September, tl following : "Hewe lies Besides all classes of Letter Press arie: Schiried She i th "h un Printing from a card to a volume, rupuloss treatment after long sof As the doctors wha had ied during: her wile attended Frau Sch last illne eriminal libel WC took action for ; THE WHIG, Kingston | R 4. FREE, CONTRACTOR | aginst Schmied. The latter, how Estimates civen for all kinds of @& | ¢Ver: . declared that he had no re Mason Work, 'Plastering and Babaiamm to. make against the doctors Cement Work of all descriptions. ! vho thereupon withdrew. their com 94 Division St. 'hone 402 ¢ | . | 1 idwife,. however, held | to her B3-00000¢ >O® | complaint, and aftor ering the oi ---- - | donew of the district doctor, Sehmied sentenced to fourteen days' im er -- prisonment Dandruff is Caused by a Germ That Saps the Hair's Vitality. a settled that dan | SCIENCE SETTLES IT. fra A Lyndhurst Win. It is now fact Sceley's «Bay. Jan. 16.--An intcrest- drufi is caused by a germ. Falling | ing gains ot hoekey was playad bere hair and baldness are the result - of | 1ast saturday - between the Lyndhurst dandruff, Dr. E. +. Beardsley, ¢ of {and dédey s Bay teams, the result be Champaign, 11, got hold of the new [Mg in favor of the Lyndhurst team, hair preparation, Newbro's Herpicide scare, 10 to 1. The defeat of the home the only one that kills the dandruff | team as casily. accounted for this be germ," He says: "1 used 'Herpicide for | Wg their first year of organization, wy dendrufi end falling hair, and 1 | Wmle the Lynanurst team have been am well satisfied with the result." Dr, | Playing for three years. o. Landon, ot J. T. Furate, of Urbana, Hl., says: | 84 Lyndhurst, am acted as: referee, "1 have used Herpicide for dandruff jana a#iso 8 rved as a coacher for his with excellent yesults. 1° shall pre | team. His decisions did not give satis scribe it in my practice." faction in some instanges, as he failed Herpicide kills the dandruff germ. Physicians as | 10 see. many of the goals which were well as. the general public say so shot ofi-side. 'Lhe weather permitting Sold by Teading druggists. Send 10c. | the return game. with Delta will be : | played. here next Saturday. A new in stanips for. sample to the Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W. special agent. Herpicide Mahood | Wharf is being built here near VW. Fk, Bracken s saw-mill, by Captain J, Randall, and A. Neal. The wharf will be 100 feet long and sixty | MEN AND WOMER | six feet wide, and when completed will | { | | | A. Use Big @ for t g i om PR i infisoynatiog | D0 free to. the gencral public, The intiationy. of eration work of construction was commenced Painloas, and tot pa. | last Monday, and will be rushed till , gent of poisunous, Bracken is getting gompleted. W. Fi Sold by Dragglen a asl . 24 oF tent 10 piuin wrowe his aw mill ready for sawing this by exprov pr 3 weak, George C. Moore is improving 81.40. or 8 bottle concert held in the Ma Friday, was well pat and a goodly sum realized, 3 | elo The Circular Lmt on requer | lowly. The mic hall last | rdnized, Died Of Diphtheria. Mississippi, Jan. 16.~The annual { meeting and tea in the Presbyterian church on the llth inst., was well at i tonded. Mrsi"C: H. Brook has been dlected ax "delegate to the Sunday | Maypole!" Atlast. Fere'sacake school - convention at Sharbot Lake of soap thet dyes--mot a powder that Takes mrss and trouble al over the house. May wields Lrilliant Sojors tiat cannot fade. "It dyes to any At last home dyeing 1s made Pleasant, sure, safe. Mi in Maypole tere Soap Dyes. hE and but 1c far Colors--ise. for Black. EASY MONEY AT HOME this week. N. Clark and grandson, of | Kingston, spent the holidays in the village. The villagers are putting in their supplies of ice this week. H. Mc | Kinnon a few days in the city { last week. His son Hugh left to re- same his work at Maberly a few days | ago, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Storms have returned from a ten days' sojourn in | Kingston apd other Miss Ma- belle Allan font a few days at River road lg week The complimentary given + hy the LO.OF. spent places. OVster suppl To, ore profitable than chickens. Al indoors. {on the 3rd inst, was enjoyed by all ho Er ani pd d Joi Wa send | PFRsent, es, Anpie Scott, Edith Hive Soldat 35: mad ¥wocakes | Fain and Gertrude elt for BIRD BREAD 10 CENTS, | Kingston (a for days to take 84 "CANARY va. GHICKRNS." showing how to make | AM ancatic me Loren COTTA anaries. all for s5c. stamps or coin. Address pg V3} ie 8! en N 3 i o i day t ol r At rs. ames AM BIRD SEED, _, st. testes, gat. | oldest daughter ' | Galehrist, died. very suddenly of diph- - 3 : "| theria pn January Ist Others in the TELCHER OF CHINA PAINTING family were stricken with it but are WA | voeoyerine. A trained nurse has been BER-COLORS AND OILS, RE- Plation : kiln to fire, Ma for China boitines sol. HN na wended tam Bale Water. Tiand Painted China pe - Miss M. M. Brophy, 59 Wellington in' attondanee False tooth for Paris, horses are a young that he | Death Peruna immediately invigorates the | nerve cenpers which give vitality to the | I on Monday i shoulder, It has no bad effect upon the system, | result of this inseription two | =s and al this winter, made in' | JLTED, HE : BUILDS ONE AND CUTS HIS THROAT. -- - Clerk is Rescued Before Flamps Reach Him and Revived-- Promises Not to Seek Death Again. ' ~ Paris, Jan; 17.--X clerk named Al- bart Bonne: attempted to take his life in a strange fashion. He had courted woman for some anonths. Finally, however, she rejected him. His dismissal was too much for him, and he determined to take fare well 'of his fife. He chose a very com- | plicated method of committing sui- | cide. Shutting himself up in his room in the Rue d'Artois, he made a heap of. the furniture, and poured pe- troleum upon it. Then he procured a rope and a butcher's knife. The rope was attached to a hook in the ceiling, the end tied to his feet, In this man- ner he was suspended, and while the burning furniture was crackling he was slashing at his throat with the butcher's knife. Luckily for the desperate clerk, a detective, who was in the street, ob- served smoke issuing from the win- dow. There was something wrong, he concluded, and gave the alarm. The door of the clerk's room was broken open, and he. was discovered half wiffocated hy the smoke and with seri ons gashes in his throat. He was immediately cut down and restored to consciousness, When his wounds were dressed he was taken before apolice commission- er, to whom he gave an undertaking would not make a seeond at- tempt on his life. NAPANEE NEWS. of a Richmond Farmer Couple Married. Napanee, Richmond, Jan. 17--Erastus Sills, met. with a serious pry last. He was in the act of going down cellar when he tripped and fell, breaking his arm near the Sidney Scott, Mink's Bridge, low with avpendieitis, and grave f are entertained for his recovery. A quiet - wedding was mnized, Monday evening, at the hoy of the bride's father, Ephraim Wagar, South | Napance, when his eldest daughter, Miss Estella, became the bride of Chas. {| Walters, Napanee. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. R. Real, in the | presence of only the immediate friends { of the contracting parties. {Thomas Cameron, a well-known fesj dent of Richmond, died at the resi- { dence of his son-in-law, George Rob- | son, Violet, yesterday morning, after | but a few weeks! illness. Deceased was fifty-nine years of age and leaves three daughters. The funcral will take place | to day, to the Newburgh vault. later {m nt will be later in the Hinch fam- ily plot. Napanpo poultry shaw opened vesier- day morning, andy judging fram tha number of entries find the quality of the birds on exhibition in the town hall yesterday, the show is an un- qualified Over 250 entries ! were made. ryone who has the birds pronounced them a fine lot. The prizes will all be adjudged to morrow, is very seen { INTERESTING FUNCTION. {Good Reports at Big Life Com- pany Luncheon. The Montreal Gazette, January 10th, 1906. | "A luncheon the London & vesterday for twelve in the board room of Lancashire Life given at which covers were lail attended by four of the directors; of the company and some of their leading policyholders of the city. At 'the conclusion of , the luncheon a synopsis of the business for the past year was submitted, and the prosperity of the company briefly reviewed by B. Hal Brown, the gene- ral manager. The applications sub- od, in round figures, the mitted re sum of $1,500.000.00, under which, de was | ducting declined and not completed | applications, policies have been issued in excess of 81,200,000, showing the handsome increase of upwards . of $375,000.00 in sums assured, and a corresponding increase the pro vious year in the new premiums. The | net income. of the company shows during the same period an jnerease of 2.97, and amounted to the sum 0,000.00. The amount paid to over Lt policyholders during the year shows lan increase slightly over £6,000.00, compared with 1901, and amounted, in round figures, to #213.500.00. The total expenditure amounted to $200, 000.00, which brings oitt an excess of income over expenditure for the year of $205,200.00. The ratio of expense to premium income for the year 19014 came out at 22.4 per cent., and for | 1905 at 21.8 per cent., the ratio of ex- pense to total income for the two years heing 15.9 per cent. and 15.3 per cent, respectively. The assets of the com {pany in Canada stand at $3,638 | 609.92, | The liabilities, including the | government reserves, stand at $2. | 578,000.00, showing a surplus - of 8], 0,609.92. which latter amount, com pared with the figures. for the year 1900, shows an increase of nearly 100 per cent. | The guests present included the di | rectors of some of the other lie com- | pay who were interested in the statement submitted, and warmly con- gratulated the directors of the com pany upon the steady progress shown, and the position attained by this sterling British office. The new busi- ness submitted at the directors" meet ing, which followed the luncheon, amounted. to £114,000.00: The directorate of the company for Canada comprise The Rizht Hon. Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal, chairman, "R. B. Angus. H. Stikemand+ LE. 1. Pease, C. R. Hosmer, and C, M, Have Honorary local hoards in the cities of Halifax and Winnipeg have been formed, and comprise the following well-known gentlemen : Hector Me Innes, H. BR. Silver, W. R. Mitchell, J.C, O'Mullin, J. M. Smith, in Haki fax, and W Allan, €. C. Chipinan, I | Mr Sprague, "M. Bull and A. » { Winnipeg. Mille & Con: ningham are the general agents far | Kings! on gnd district. Solution of Ozone $1 bottle and box . complimentary banguet , General oe on the Sports of the Season. Cleveland has adked ndivers on Lach from all the American league clubs. He is too good a man to leu slip out of the organization. the varsity directorate's td the Lana officers ol the took place last athletic dian champions, and Varsity rugby club, evening. : Chicago is organizing a team to play rugby football under English rules, nd Will have the assistance of several old international 'players who are now resident in the Windy City. Dr, ison, who introduced Rockey into Mic gan and the mining coun try, has, tired of his profession as re free in the professional league and quit the job. Me. is disgusted with the way the paid players conduct them. selves on the ide. "The New Year's match between the London Corinthians and = Glasgow Queen's Park, the most famous of am atenr. gld country association football teams, drew 20,000 spectators to Hampden Park, Glasgow. The Corin- thians won hy 2 goals to 1. Duilton Spectator ; With Rev. A Barr at the head of the Canadian PF. hn foothall union Yhere will not be the wrangling this © vear that there was last over the, Canadian champion CTJIMMEY'™ BRITT. See the Britt*Nelsoh Moving Pictures at the Grand. ship. Rev, Mr. Barr is a true sport aud a gentleman; 'dnd he will' gee to it that every team that qualifies to compte, for Canadidh hofiors, whether it helongs to the tario, Quebec, or Rev. Mr. Dare. Foot wy has been Abolished at Har vard pending a reform' in the game that will be acceptable to the board of overseers, according to an official an nouncément, from" the university. The discontinuance of the game is a alt of a vote taken last week at a meeting of the hoard of overseers, when it was decided that intercollegi ate football at Harvard would not be permitted until the rules' and regula tions have been so, changed and am ended as to what the over seers regard as the ovils of, the present remove game. Budget From Rockport. Rockport, Jan 15. Mer. and William Buell and Inmnily, Maxville, were the guests of Jol Dickey. Abel Root: has moved: back on, his farm on Star sland and Aflan. Burtch has rented Mr. Root's grocery store for the coming year. Our school is pro gressing fayorably under the manage ment of, Miss R. Dack.. Miss Lillie Hollingsworth 1 'engaged. to teach school at Resort. Miss Martha Davis, Poole"s Resort, spent Sunday with Miss Lizzie Cook. Miss Nova 'Tharret and Maggie Campbell have returned 10 Ringston, ater spending four weeks at their howe here, Fred, Huck made a business wip 'to Brockville on rrday Jast. in stallation of officers of Rockport council No. 101 COCK, took place January 1th, when the following of ficers were duly installed : Chief coun cillor, John Carnegie; vViee-coun George Slate; recorder, Julins Kahnt: assistant recorder, Maggie hahnt; treasurer, Hulbert Root; prelate, Mrs, J. Carnegie:, marshall, M, 0'Connor Ferguson; guard, F. Albert 'Root, Jr. Mrs, Holland, is spending a warden, Albert Huek; sentry, H. Stevans, few days with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hunt, Larue Island, spent a week with their daughter, Mr k Arthur Dickey, Be., received the death of his brother, Caintown. William H Pav, paid the vill- laxt Sunday. Plunkett. word of Thomas, at Hunt, Alexandria age a flying visit Stella's Coal Supply Small. Stella, Jan. 16.--At present the bay is not safe for skating. The supply of coal is nearly exhausted, bat there | a good sapply of grocerigs and provi gions, 80 we ean. hold The fort for some time vet: Some of the farmers ploughing ou New Year's day. the ground being entirely free from froxt, R. and (i, Henderson have re turned home from a vigit to Port Per- I were rv. Samuel Brown. an Old resident of the island, passed away, december Wh, Cant, 10 Robles ix here from Cleveland. Ohio, to sping the winter. W. Read intends sclling his farm apd moving to tha west in the spring with his family. W. J. Fleming, agent for Deering Harvesting company, was here area, hnd About ane-lRH the popula of Celery King, both for $1 at Best's, tion of the United States, i Intercollegiate: union, gots a fair deal. It would: I hard to find a bettor man for pres nt of the © C REO. than ' Mrs. for 'nw dave inet week. Mr. Wilson ro-- is vigiting at W, Moutray's Don't Forget Your Wife, - Asked von to order some Clark's Austria pe iy "madt lenient } Pork and Beans. Remember she won't i x pr Sn tél FE over won satisfll. unless vou bring her hire fina gutlt of miipdoy (PBGrk's. Plain or with chili or to- oO Per RE twenty three were put tod mato sauce. Sc. and 10e. tins. death. (nd yg " hy i mares ; South Ay SFwn La RATGRIR WIS he fashionably Sinmese goes to OCCURRENCES § RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody =-Notes From All Over--Iittle Of Everything Fasily Read And Remembered. Busglars robbed Father © Lecours, Longue Point, of a Jot of valuable furs. ! It is reported that the date for the opening of the legislature will be February 14th. ; Many thoysands of dollars, lost in Montreal through the Dever failure. Five offices closed there. The difference betwhen Ottawa and Hull regarding power interests on the Ottawa river have been amicably set. tled. Oke, the pent professional golf champion of Canadw, has ben! ap. pointed professional shire club. The condition of Marshall Field, of Chicago, is gradually getting worse, but although his case is eritical, it is not hapeless, Rev. W. N, Cleveland, Former President Grover. ix dead at Columbus, Oh venty-three wears, : A Montreal barrister threatens to prosecute the Salvation Army for holding street service, which he claims constitute a public nuisanee, It /is considered probable the gov- ernment will dispose of the present Toronto asylum for the insane and erect another near Toronto. Bye-clections for the commons in West -Assiniboia, Saskatchewan, and Sherbrooke will. be held. on February to a Warwijek: brother of , Cleveland, , aged ses 13th; nomination a week earlier On the order of President Lyneh,. of the International Union, the striking printers returned pending a Guelph yusterday, their ee The Dominion departme: nt of agricul ture announces that it is ready to re ceive applications for space for Can adian exhibits in the coming New Zea: land international exhibitions. Lester Nonawitz, a Philadelphia ma chinist, shot and fatally wounded his wife, attempted to kill the pro prictress of the boarding house where he boarded, and then committed sui cide, ~ s The political gossip of the moment is to the effect that almost immediate {ly an announcement will be made of the conferring of a senatorship on | Hon. George W. Ross, ex-premier, and leader of the opposition in the On- { tario legislatare. The body of Susanne Croppe, a landed propriotress at Aibbe, Liptau, Hungary, has been exhumed and $25, 000 was found in her coffin. The old lady's heir fled to America twelve jYenrs ago to escabe military service and nothisg has since been heard of to work. settlement of him Mes. Sarah Collis, N.Y, is trying to vig, her © brother, of Niawara Falls, locate David Tra: who disanpeared, tfrom St. John's, near St. Catharines, about fifty years ago. A stranger re- cently appeared at Niagara-on-the Lake, and claimed to be Mre. Collis' i brother, Point Road Pointers. Point Road, Jan. 16.-The snow has disappeared once more, and it makes moving around more dangerous as { wheels are quite out of place at this | season. Although when we look back one year ago, at this date, we were practically submerged in snow, having (10 tunnel] some parts of the road, we {certainly prefer this winter. The elee | ions passed off very quietly, The y sume old council was elected. The first | meeting was held one week ago, and officers installed. Miss N. O'Connor, , city, has been engaged as teacher in No 2 school. She is en pension at My and Mrs. P. Fowler's. Mr. Davis, city, is spending a few days at James Bax- ter's. V. Fowler is spending a few days in the city. P. Skinner, while walking in Barriefield, accidentally fell and collided with the pump and frac tured his nose. James Baxter had a sand bee, hauling sand for the erec tion of a new house. KE. C, Barrett has wen engaged sawing stove wood for the past couple of weeks. 8. Tier ney has arvived from Philade slphia, looking hale and hearty; he intends spending the winter here, Mrs. Bailie, who has been ill for some time past is somewhat better. The masquerade on ; the ice the other night was a grand success. CC, Rogers, (0. Seale, and W, ~ibbit have issued cards for an assem bly tobe held in Barricheld , hall it will be a grand success, as they are Sring no pains to make it {one of the best given there, E. Ferney i« slowly recovering from an attack of | appendicitis, town New Cheese Proprietor. Hartington, Jan. 1Q-Mr. De Wolt held hig last cheese "meeting in this | place last week. Mi. 'Garfett, the new | proprietor, will move 'here shortly, having purchased Mr, De Woli's house and factory. Mrs. Taylor, who has been ill for some time, ix slowly re covering. Mes, Charles Leonard is at Tamwdrth with her son, whose infant child is very low. Mr. and Mrs, Fre man entertained a large number of their friends on Thursday evening; a very pleasant time was spent in mu sic. song and gewes. ' Visitork: Miss and Mr. Davev, Odessa, at Herbert Jameson's; Mrs. Van Luven, at J, Tavior's; Mis Dillon is spendjng a fow days with friends in our vicinity, Use It On Stock. The best wav to make manure, or add substance to 'the manure heap, is through the body of the animal, Any thing that ean be utilized for food should be given to the stock and the better the materiel the more valuable the manure, It will he in better con diticn when made by the animal than when added to the heap and decom posed therein, 'hed at four in the morning and gets RUB "ON SUNLIG I SOAP hands, Oks perfect white, vvoolens soft pe \ 7 NT 5 hd Eo Hy Gz = The reason for thisis because Scelight Soap is absolutely gots. UTES contains -- indeed, nothing but the active, "'wlennsing, dirt-rei proper == ik | ||| ties of scap that is but 7 XQ / soap. Faso lel Sc. "inne Se, | | | AnH MONEY REFUNDED % Ls AL ty ony oF vou fod " RINSE WELL LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO 3 This is Stock=taking Time Turn your old Dross, Stereos, Electros, Type, Brass, Copper and other metals into money. Ship same to us and we Wal alow you Highest Market Prices. THE CANADA METAL CO, TORONTO, ONT. BORDEN AT ATHENS. marked, 'Canada will eontain within fifty years, more Brivigh Jeles," and t There Was a Big Gathering J Tuedday. Athens, Ont., Jan. 17. Despite die- ngrevabl weather a very hearty re ception. was given RK. L. Horden, in this town lust night. He was accom- on 1 appreciate the very: great vou are doing for our country in this high work of education, and may vou have even greater success in anied by D. Derbyshire, G. PP, G panied by | orb) shire, G. P. Gra your 'grand and noble purpose. ham and George Tavior, The oeea The humorous entertainment 5 sion marks the opening of the model iment | was wpular, y i school, 'The Brockville orchestra and Bop a The affair was a financial Mr. Fox, Toronto, were the taleat present, On arrival, Mr. Bordon was . driven to the hall, where he gave a Feldspar Mines Reopened. short address to the school children, | Godfrey, Jan, 16.-The Glendower after which he and Mrs, Borden were | feldspar mines re-opened on the 15th the guests of Mr, and Mrs, A, inst, after being shut down for the Donovan. past month. James Grey had his annual wood bee on Saturday last. A number from here attended the ball in Verona on the 12th inst. Others took in' the social in Burridge which James Thompson occupied the chair at night. Wr. Derbyshive delivered a short address on the advancement of education in his constituency. He promised Athens a new post office, | they enjoyed very mach, excep being Messrs, Dargavel, Taylor, Judge Me. | shot ut while passing throngh Sang- Donald, G. I'. Graham, Mayor Ste ster. Our school is progressing eler wart (Broghville), and Judge Rey: | the management of W. Wilkinson. T. nolds, delivered short addresses, H. Craig, Verona, returned to Bod: ford Station te resume hix duties as Mr. Connolly, * public school inspee operator. G. Assclsting and ©, Asscl. tor, in a short address, recommended domestic science for schools, stine, Dresden, are «visiting at A. Me. Borden spoke lenthily on the ad trown's, Miss T. Craig, Toronto. is vancement of Athens in lines of edu. [visiting her mother. Mr, and Mrs. cation, it being the foundation of | M. J. Haney, Toronto, spmt a few dave of last week with Mrs. €.. H. Godirey. Miss E. Hamilton, Whitby, has been renewing old © acquaintances here 'after an absence of ten years. Mier D, Howes returned home from visiting friends in Sydenham. Misses Hilla, Burridge, and Fermoy, spent Sunday at home, , x Canada as a coming nation, He al- lauded to President Roosevelt's remark, that wdueation alone cannot save the nation, but the nation cannot "be say- ed without education. Physical, * as woll as mental development, is neges sary thorough education, He gave a history of laws and law-mak- img. We have in Cunnda a very great country with boundless resources. He had no fear Yor the unity of the Cana to a For sprains or bruises try "Turpol." It touches the spot and pain ceases nt dian people if they understand each | once. Sold at the "Best" drug other. He bad travelled from the At. store, lantic to the Pacific and know Can The right hand is more sensitive ta ada's richness and conglition, arca | the touch than the It, but is loss sensitive than the latter to the eliect of heat and cold. vanfodaration, Montreal, re and advancement since Lord Strathcona, in standard of excellence in rubber foot- "wear forover half a century. up at three in the aiternoon, i ei a Em