prion 3 o fwere to-moirow, for the removal of a are now a are nov wien thelr bunkers hig the mercury below i fast. night, the outlook for fret clans ice at the covered rink wight; when St. George's and Queen's IT, moot in the second gawe of the junior O.JL.A, series is pronusing. = Saints think if they can overcome college bunch as - did Monday night by a soore of 1 on soft ice they can at least double the victory me Ww Jive Rt ae Sp will Yikely : Goal, Sinhon; point, yi cover-paint, ton; Eentees, Crawford, (captain), Metealte; wings, MeCartney, W. Gravelle. re---- | Vital Statistics For 1005. ; rth 1005, there were regis- | -- dhe city clerk's office these Hf vital statistics : Birthe, 378; mar- : 163; deaths, 366. The number i deaths it only a dozen, but that is better. than in 1904, . the defented muyor- 4 Junior O.H.A. recount, one. vou ean buy MeCon- ly. ; tn eadly. s Red | drug store, r Cent. Discount 'The largest and finest as- oie 2S & $8 returned, he | Cit, on oS ul bo aatablishod: to, Jan. 17.--8. A. Anderson MeN t & Uo., the money- nding I eat books were seized the crown sitorney, when charges eo sey to defraud the public, e inst the firms, are apply- s to have their books and the fwarraita | with. ication wi made drawn. An applicati ado on the grounds that the warrants re irregular, aud Jha no proper informations were laid. Se tr regent rom the Argonaut Rowing Club that the pro- ing to the court vincial government grant ial as- ot send an eight to Henley, this summer, Premier Whitney prac- tically promised, this morming, that assistance would be extended. A deputation from London waited Tolley seman Whitney, morning, to ask for the establishment, in that of a govérnment school of hygiene. The deputation were asked to forward plans, the government ising that if practicable, such a The Life Publishing compwhy applied before Chief Justice Mulock, to-day, for an order to restrain the F. W. Rose Publishing company from selling post cards upon which "are reproduc: tions of pictures by Charles Dana Gib- san. 'The plaintifis hold a copyright in London and claim = that said copy- right applies to this country. Canada being part of the British dominions. The defendants claim that the British copyright does not hold in this coun- try. The case was #et down for speedy trial. THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY Met in the Royal Palace of Ver- . sailles. Paris, Jan. 17.-The national as- sembly met, this morning, at eleven o'clock, in the Congress hall of the | royal yulace, Versailles, for the elec tion of a president of the republic, About 860, out of 990 members of the asstmbly, were present, making 430 voles necessary to elect a new presi- dent. Although several candidates were mentiohed for the offfee, in suc-! cession to M. Loubot, the real con. ' test was between M. Fallieres, presi- | dent of the senate, and M. Doumor, president of the chamber * deputies. | The voting resulted in the election of M. Falliores, the vote being : M. Fal- liorca, 446; M. Doumer, 371. M. Fallicres. the . president of the senate, just elected president, is sixty- fone years old, but still strong and ! vigorous, is 'a wealthy landowner, | fond of entertaining and inclined to he conservative, He is strongly in favor of the separation of church and | state and has a clean record, much cleaner 'sven than his predecessor, who. was somewhat implicated in Panama canal and legion of Honor scandals. He also hes a charming and very 'popular wife, who would make an excellent hostess, a fact worthy of consideration, Poodle Saves Savant's Life. Vienna, Jan, 17.--Two gourists, who were spending a holiday at Arco, Climbed Mount 8tivo, nearly 1,000 feet high, and when they reached the last path met a poodle dog, which barked and moaned pitifuly. The animal ran to the left and then returned to the tourists as though in viting them to follow it. They allowed themselves to be guided by the dog, and eventually arrived at the bottqm of a narrow ravine, where they found Prof. Bugvot: of Lubeck college, who, while seeking minerals, had fallen to the bottom of the ravine, his legs be- ing broken in several places. He was difficulty. But for the poodle he would have died in the ravine. To Dethrone King Peter. Budapest, Jan. 17.--A despatch to the Hirlaps from Belerade save that a military and political conspiracy has been discovered to dethrone King Peter and to elect Prince Joachim, the sixth son of Emperor William, king of Servia. in his stead. The con- spirators hoped by this to pave the way for German influence in the Bal kans and to promote a Balkan league, at Drawers # OW r oe i we 42a iscou eo J ot Diamond Wedding. Comwall, Jan, 17.--Mr. Joseph" Kyle, North Winchester, cently celebrated their diamond ding, Both were born their childhood. Mrs, was Samuel Law, Kemptville, Mr Kyle has been an elder of the Preshy terian church for thirty-four years, Boom For Free Coal. Montreal, Jan. dent intention on Sun, and a new daily. that is also t be started in " Glace Bay, O.B,, t {boom the cause, A Great Influx. Winnipeg, Jan, 17.-1t that the number of immigration officials farmers mostly. -- Last night there was an unusual panics, The shooting at vards mark was commented « | Peng particularly pond. *1t held rightly tog «8 shooting, and laroe number pf spoctatoes. attract W. H. Comstock, Brockville. the oitv this mornine. Grom dev ams. wae She Passed Away in Montreal, on Laidlaw, dry goods Kingston, died, home of her daughter, Montreal. Deceased was bee proves, and Laidlaw, fn Montreal, whe was in the dry goods husiness. 1885, the family: cam Mr. Laidlaw . establishing his business here, a business which grown four-fold. In the 'Decensed was aged forty years: and 'and a lady much esteemed. Very sin- the ! conveved to Arce hospital with some | and Mrs, re wed- in county An- trim, Ireland, and came to Canada in Kyle's father 17.~There is an evi en the part of Mr. | Whitney to start a free coal asitation in Canada, and it is understood that the movement will have the supnort of the Halifax Chronicle, the St. John | is expected 0 immigrants to come to Canada during 1906, will total 200,000, according to the estimate - of other, n in close touch with the movement. OF these it is cal enlated that 75,000 will be Americans, Thee prac: ones. tohd ben fg 15 at Gibson's Red fo -------- Tuesday: Mrs. Laidlaw, relict of the late John merchant of Tuesday, at the Mrs. Leslie, born in Que- married to Mr. where the latter About to Kingston, himself in on cam® api of 1902 occurred the death of Mr. laeidlaw. For the pest three years Mrs. Laidlaw res'ded with her dsughterdn Montreal. Surviving is her daughter and two sons, the latter being David G., of Kingston, and John, of Belleville. The burial will take place in Montreal, Thursday morning, in the family plot. The late Mrs. Laidlaw was a woman of many good qualities, cultured and gracious. She was always ready to assist in all good work, and was es- termed by all. her friends and neigh- bors. During her: long residence in Kingston, she was one of the leading workers in Chalmers church congrega- tion. The Late Mrs. Ash. This morning Henrietta Ann Hard- i ife h, 49 Arch street, J oe! ile ot J.B Ad ' illness of dia- A special from Russellville, Ark. posse extending over four months, | says that fire which broke out there » eleven months, Surviving are her hus- hand, caretaker of Queen's medical college; two sons, Dr. A. F. Ash; Duke's Centre, Pa., and, Clyde D. Ash, Rochester, N.Y., and one daughter, Effie, at home. Mrs, Ash was a mem- ber of Queen street Methodist chuxch, cere sympathy is extended to the ber- caved family, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. , Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. There are 2,177 acres in the limits of Kingston. kK. Fenwick, town to-day. \ J. 1. Shields, Woodstock, is at the Randolph Hotel. C. H. Cochrane, Ottawa, is a busi- ness visitor to the city. Buy Lydia Pinkham's Blood Purifier at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Mre. Woodruff and Miss-E. B. Wood- ruff, Sydenham, spent to-day, in town. Queen's Glee - Club concert, Grant Hall,, Jan. 93rd, Prices 25e., 35c., 0c. Rev. Dr. Fallon, of the Oblate Order, Buffalo, will be the St. Patrick's day orator' in Ottawa, 'this year. Mrs. W. J. Parker, returned to her home yesterday after a visit with Mrs. W. 8. Parkeér, Colborne street. Looking out upan the sample of winter, which is heing served, one is apt to quote "to be or nog to be." Mr. and Mrs, J. McKeown, whe were married 'in Napanee, this morning, were in town to-day on a trip further east, 5 . The Leader corps at the Y.M.C.A, "gym." ave doing excellent work in training junior members of the de ! partment. if The transportation eommission, in a report to the minister of public works, recomminds that Kingston be made a natural port. i "She is a wise mother" who buys infants' foods at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Fresh' there. Does any one own the R, C. prayer- hook and bottle of essence of lemon, which were found on the street last week, and are at the police station ? Abraham Shaw, Kingston, oceupied the pulpit of the Methodist church, North Bay, on Sunday, and cave a most interesting and practical dis- course, At a meeting of St. James' hockey team, Gordon Dick was elected cap- tain, and Fred. Evans manager. The The first game will take place Friday evening. "Wise mothers" Gibson's Red cures coughs. Enterprise, was in give their children Cross cough syrup, It WHY HE WAS CALLED. How a (Constable Chauffeur. How a constable eontrived to ge the better of a chauffeur is told in this story. The policeman was alert and ready as car No. YMG rushed head long to a stiff fine and costs. A per- piring cyclist shouted a warning, and the car slowed down with a jerk, un til it hardly seemed to move at all. Beat .a As it erawled fitiully to the position taken up by the constable, the driver was smiling with glee. But out step- the law. | "Well, constable, what is it?" asked the chanfieur. "T shall have to summon sternly-- ped the representative of vow," said the constable "Summon me ! Why, you're joking !' "No, I'm not" --RBut you can't sum mon me for travelling at the rate o are indulging in profanity. hecause am blocking the wav "-- "That's jus {it."" said the constable, matter; "T must summon vou for struction 1" Steamer Went To Cape. At 11.30 o'clock this morning, {h land, the river being open. She 0 9 noon. Tt is said that the [= is again clear of ior. be very happily married, Mrs, Lancy Place--Wh, A grizzly hear I've never shot, I've never raved a steer: And just for that, alas ! T'll not Be president, 1 fear. Wigg--What do the newspaners hostilities couse ? ~~ Wapg--Make foo ball reporters of them. 1 sunpose, a A mon is never suite wire EE --- N WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17. | OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED ters That 'Interest Everybody us Over--Little cased Ve has The perso Plectric Power and Light company have been awarded the town's lightin, to railway company for damages for the death of her husband. buildings 0 h ville, with a lot of valuable live stock, scalded by falling into 'a hot water tank at Hyman's {annery in London. ed at Cobourg, Ont., last night tween Peterboro and Cobourg resulted in a victory for Peterborg; score, 3 to for $81,000. last night, wiped out the entire busi ness district gate loss of £300,000, foreign affairs, opened five furlongs an hour. Why. there's a dozen cars: behind me, and the drivers finishing the oh- steamer New Island Wanderer left for Cape Vineent, via the foot of Wolfe Is was to arrive back at five o'clock this after- Batteau Mrs. Rittenhouse Saueer--They must De y ? Mrs. Rittenhouse Saueer--Oh | they see so little of each do ! ly with all the w nden hit. large turn-out for rifle practice at the a 28 , When Armomios, with "A"-and "B" com- the fity Nell--Miss Antiowe is awfully distant upon as in her manner. Belle--Yes; some one Sn. prac. 4550 @meance lends en. ! different chantment to the view. 8 whether » voman is worried bv hor own tréu- OF THE WORLD IN BRIEF FORM. ------ --~Notes From All ot : . * " and Remembered. : The Toronto police are asking for in- contract, Mrs. David King is suing the Toron- Fire destroyed the barn and other of Smith Bros., at Beach- John Watson was probably fatally The intermediate 0.H.A. match ploy: he- The contract for the new process of manufacture and agricultural imple: ment building at the Toronto Exhibi- tion was awarded to C. R. 8. Dinnick, and entailed an aggre Puke Almodovar, Spanish minister of the Moroecan conference, émphasizing the territorial integrity. of Morocco and the open door. French and German dilegates applauded his remarks. A sanguinary fight between neasants and gendarmes took place at Budapest in conpection with the election of a judge at the village of Bilke, in the Berveg district. Six peasants and two gendarmes were killed apd numbers were wounded, p-------------- A Manor House Ghost. The Old Manor House: at Knares borough, Yorkshire, parts of which were built 700 years ago, is a fine place with magnificent panelling in the rooms, a bedstead in which Cromwell once slept, an old oak which, its roots still intact, rose through the kitchen to a bedroon, where it cut*short a priest's hiding place, and aghast. The priest's hiding place is concealed by a spring door. Mr. Howes, the occupier of the house says that during the night sounds of footsteps are heard on the landing, and it i¢ impossible to keep the door of his rooms closed. On one occasion the footsteps were accompanied by a loud bump at the door of another roo. Aiter fifteen years' experience of the house, Mr. Howes is still at a loss to Phone 274. Royal Hous 101 flour. must be more than mere- ly appetising; they must be wholesome, diges HE 'success of pastry depends upon the read and pastry tible, nourishing. ul The flour depends pon the wheat and the way it is milled. ehold Flour is made from spring wheat only. It is milled .by the newest and best machinery. : It is purified by electricity. Use it and you get bread not only light, crisp and appetising, but also wholesome, digestible and nourishing. baling by buying vie's You will better your gil oyal Household Flour from your grocer. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Ltd. Montreal. Sh Jgnvies "Book fora Cook," cont reci fore, how to get it Nature's Best Tonic Labatt's London A natural product-- better than drugs. A health-giving, nourishing, brain and sinew- making beverage. . Not a medicine; but a Sterling Old Ale, made from the best malt and hops. JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, 339 and 341 King St. ns 130 pages of excellent some never published be- our gros: can tell you REE, account for the sounds. During some restoration he made, the skeleton of a woman was found buried at the foot of a staircase, A Trifle Personal. One gf the London newspapers hu; morously printed for sportsmen a list of "probable starters" for the political stakes : 1. Lord Rosebery's Lonely Furrow by Report, out of Laziness, 2. Mr. Balfour's Ministry, by Re- signation, out of Office. 3. John Bull's Free Trade, by Now, out of Date. 4. Mr. Chamberlain's Policy, by Dumping, out of Germany. 5. Mr. Redmond's Home Rule, by land, out of The Question, 6. Mr. Churchill's Defection, by Re- pute, out of Figue. 7. Sic. H. Campbell-Bannerman's General Election, by January, out of Necessity (d------ by Candidate, out of Pocket.) Ho ! For Mexico. A number of "persons have signified their intention of visiting Mexico on the special excursion which leaves Montreal by the Grand Trunk railway system, on January 20th next, among whom are several clergymen. The many features offerel on this tour which are not given by any other is recognized by the traveller, and the knowledge that it is the only one throngh the "Oldest Country in the New World," covering all., the princi- pal points, seems to have appealed to those who know a good thing. Ap- plication to J. Quinlan, district pas- senger agent, Bomaventare station, Montreal, will secure handsomely illus- trated literature and all particulars. Funeral Of R. C. Whitehead. The funeral of Robert C. Whitehead, the well-known carter, who died on Sunday, occurred, to-day, from his late home on Markland street, and was » | attended by a large number of his _| friends and members of the Long i | shoremen's Union. There were many pretty. floral pieces. The services in St, George's cathedral were conducted 1 by Canon Starr. The body was put tin the vault at Cataraqui cemetery. Belongs To Glenvale. Wrestler Ellerbeck, of Glen Park, N.Y., who hat issued a challenge, is a son of Joseph Ellerbeck, who lives near Glenvale, the same place where Joseph Hawkey was brought up. He is twenty-four years of age, and one of Hawkey's adapt pupils. The latter reghirds him as one of the best ama- tour wrestlers in the country. Hawkey, himsel, is to shortly meet Thomas Burns, of Worcester, Mhss., in a bout. Did Little Business. Here. The local office of W. ¥. Dever & Co., stock brokers, closed yesterday, the firm having suspended business, due, it is said, to shortage of stocks and the continued rise of the market. In Kingston, the company did little busi ness, and the loss to citizens here will probably not exceed $400 or $500. It is said that Belleville people are hard A> A Thirst For Ibnowleage. The Child (from. Lesden=1i The res 1-1 say, when you'vé fin- ished milking the cows, how do vou tuen it off 9° 4 ' $75. PPP POPPPPOPD POPP PPPP PPSPP IE Typewriter We have too many second-hand Typewriters on hand, You can get a Bargain for cash this month. No. 2 Smith Premier. Good as new. Goad value at 4 Sale price, $88. A snap. No. 2 Underwoods and No, 4 Williams at $80. No. 2 Remington and No, 2 Williams at $28. Jewetts at $80. A Dougherty or Hammond for $10. J. B.C. DOBBS & (0., 171 Wellington St.$ S559 $0800 004 $2004 iM Bargains American make, Warm House Shoe On Bargain Tables 1 table Women's Felt Juliet Slippers, Red, Brown and Black, regular $1, for ........c00n00reense.. 750 all I table Women's High Front Felt Slippers, the best colors, regular $1.50 for Sesser est isa anttenes ses hess nssans es $1.16 1 table Men's Felt Slippers, regular soc., for .... 25¢ I table Men's Felt Slippers, high front, regular 750 SOF iosovuisttagnansssivsrsrraninssrnsvss: DOG THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE USES SKELETON Owner Secures Signatures Many Relatives. could boast of undoubtedly the tained to more or less celebrity names, Among these were Von Moltke. Great Value In Clothing. overcoats to order, $13. sortment to choose from. tee first-class fit. in blis ar by those of her neighbaes, "Wise mot herg A Hd pads at Gllagnn Red Cross dre » AN 8 ed 'Fre ; Bove, ross drug "The St, James-Aberdemm city league match, postponed last nicht, unsatisfactory ice, will likely ol nest Tuesday night, & ai owing to be play- in Pp Burglars who have watch for them and AS ALBUM. of Berlin, Jan. 17.--The death nas just taken place at Berlin of a man who possessing 'what was most curious anto- graph album in existence. It consist ed of a human skeleton, whereof every bone was covered with the signature of his many relatives and friends, eéranium he regarded as the place of honor, .on which only such as had at- The in public life were allowed to write their the signa- tures of the late Prince Bismarck and Prevost, Brock street, will sell for Balance of this Season, at the follow- ing low prices: Splendid suiting made to_order,~$13750; pants to order, $4; endid as 'e guaran- dog to keep e+ the alarm when danger approaches are operating in Almonte, Cal., with success, / The police have a description of. the dogy SPOTTED CIGARS. No Value at All in the Specks Says Expert. "Little yellow specks on the wrappe® are positive indications of a cir excellence. Choose a speckled -cigal and you can't go wrong.' The speaker was a skate The tobacco salesman laughed salesman. at him. "Are vou a wietim _of that erroh 100?" he said. 'Listen and I'll te you all about -those little low specks, "We are in Cuba. In mile-long ro®® grow the tobacco plants in a blinding sunlight. Suddenly the sky is over cost, a shower fails, then the clouds disappear and the sun shines agai upon plants dotted here and ther with immense raindrops--raindrops peculiar to Cuba, as large as the largest pearls, . "These drope---beccrwe Surning Ue : n.tne sunlight. The same as re® lenses they concentrate the sun's heat and on the leaf bencath them the lit tle specks that you venerate, are burnt. These little yellow specks indi cate the tobacco's quality no more than freckles on a man's nose indicat? his ability. i "To choose cigars by their specks 1 salesmen by their freckles,' as foolish as it would be to choos? = YEAR 73. NO JANUARY SAI FURNITU 10 T0 20 PER ONT. REDUCTION 0) China Cabinets, M Cabinets, Sideboards, fetts and Combination fetts, Pictures and | Mirrors, Tea Curates, fen Stand, etc. Card Table and Chair te Robt. J. K 222 Princess Stre: 2 doors above Opera F Telephone 877 We Make a Specia Fitting Feet If tyou 'have difficulty fitted with Shoes come tc Wear '"'Alle Military Bootmakers 84 Brock St. Sign of Gol MADE-TO-ORDER Persian Lamb J; Select Your Skin Quality, Style and equalled. McKAY FUR H BROCK STREE DERS WILL BE REC he srsigned "up 10 12 o anuary the 24th for trade's works required to he wlacing the present defective the Council Chamber with a fications may be of the undersigned, whi nation may be obtained lowest or any tender vy accepted 1} J H. B. R. C MUST BE | A large variety of fire Heaters, Sheet-Iron Stove and Wood Stoves, Cook Ranges. Also a lot of F Carpets, everything cheaper TURK'S SECOND-HAM 398 PRINCESS STF Y. W. C. | TO-NIGHT AT CLASS IN ADVANCED course until M: $2 to non-me Fee for to members | MOVING DAY C is the time to for property s free to all Call SWIFT'S *=AL RUAN Now "Bulletin let It's and see. WASHING Gu to Mrs. Garrett, A COOK. Apply street y GIRLS A Kent Bros. Mica Princess street. T Wo GYRI Good Api FOUR BOYS AND in Cotton Mill, to all learners lextile Co., City ONCE, EXPERIEN keeper," for whole salary and give rely LY. 7." Whig office GENTLEMAN TO H!/ suits pressed and clean band ; also bring your an up-to-date suit 181 Brock stro way's, --e---------------------- MEN AND BOYS TO E © day after . completin practical instructibn our schools. Graduate linion. Positions N6 Bros. Co. Practical Sc and Bricklaying, New Cincinnati and St. Le alogue, S-------------- a TO-LET. Emre A LARGE FRONT ROC ed ; with board, at William street. VA Arn] OFFICE, WITH Clarence street. 51 Brock street. BRICK SHOP AND RI 851 Princess street : Possessiof immedial Steacy & Steacy. SIX ROOMED*® HOUS Joeality, five minut 'Queen's. conveniences "X.,"" Whig office. -- - Thomas Crawiord, sianad as president of Insurance company.