8,962.13 bili= rd). 700,499.31 $11,100,079.42 $337,875.27 385,238.65 15,000.00 623,677.75 $1,861,791.67 MACDONALD, Managing Director. "RS. $700,499.31 100,000.00 900,000.00 1,700,400.31 $6,298,858.00 6,002,122.00 42,500,350.00 Toronto, on Feb. 13, t in all the business ter the meeting. . MACDONALD, NAGING DIRECTOR. ORDHEIMER, Esa . OSLER. Ese, MP LIAM WHYTE, Eza . WILKIE, Esa TR TERI TR EXEXFEX EER 2 OES rx MEN : 9 Sue ind of weather, .- de anned Leather, with Black, at $3.50. $4. | prove their worth. *¥¥¥ EE EER CYS LSS \ SYSTEM L BRANCH TIME TABLE CAL Effect Jan. 2nd, 1906. | leave and arrive at City Rig g vil of Johnston street, GOING WEST Lve. City Arr. City 5 Mail ... ..1245 am. 1.15am ve 2.26 am. 3.05 am. 11 Loeal ...... 9.15 a.m. 9.47 a.m. 1 Intern'l Ltd12.16 noon 12.46 p.m 7 Mail .. .. 3.19pm. 3.51 p.m. 15 Local ..... 7.03 p.m. 7.38 p.m. GOING EAST Live. City 8 Mail .. .. 148 a.m. 9 Fast Exp. 2.26 a.m. 16 Local .... 8.16 a.m, 6 Mail ... ...12.16 noon 4 Fast Exp. 1.00pm. 1.29pm 12 Local .. 7.03pm. 7.38pm Nos. 1, 2, d 4 run Nos. 5 and 8 run daily except Monday. All other trains daily except Sunday. Direct route Torento, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, Sandon, aor, i ag 'Portland, St. John. ork. For Pullman Accommodation, Tickets, and all other imformation, apply to J. P. HANLBY, Agent. Cor. Johnstons ingston, Ont. Fo. 3 Express Arr. City 2.2% a.m. 3.05 a.m. 8.47 a.m. 12.46 p.m. No. ad Outaric pisetis, Kniss TLC LE EL: LUT RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY : ---- TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON :-- 12:80 p.m.--Express, for Ottaws, Mon- treal, Quebec, St. John, N.B.; Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, Ren- frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Pau', - Wimnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, ortiand,--and-San- Francisco. %- pm.~--Local for Sharbot Lake, gounecting with C.P.R. east and west. 8:10 a.m. --Mized, for Renfrew and in- termediate points, Passengers leaving Kingston at 12:80 p.m. arrive in Ottawa at :00 p.m; iPeterboro, 5:12 -p.m Toronte, _7:80 p.m. Bostem, 7:30 am, t. John, IN.B., 11:55 a.m. Full particulars at Ks & Pe aud CO. Py IR. Ticket Office, Ontario Street, s» CONWAY, Gen; Pass; F. A, FOLGER, JR: Agent "Gen: Smph -- | inte Rail Bay of Quinte Railway . New short line for Tweed, Napanee, Meseronto, and all local points. Trains eave City Hall Depot at 8.25 p.m. F. CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry... Kingston. Q. 8. 8. COMPANY BERMUDA Reached in 48 hours from New York iby the new Twin Screw 'Bermudian,'"' 5,500 tons. en days. EST INDIA CRUISE FROM NEW YORK "PRETORIA: 8,800 tons, sails 7th February, 1906, for Bermuda, the indward Islands, Trinidad, Jamaica, 'uba and She Bahamas. Rates for this raise, ocowpymg 30+ days. twenty y! the Tropics, $150, and upwards. For beauty of scenery and perfection climate this trip is unsurpassed. For lustrated pamplets giving rates of assage and all information, apply to 2 TERBRIDGE & CO., Agents New York: ARTHUR , Quebec, Canada, or to J. P. HANLEY, and EVE, Kingston. Steamship Sailing every 8.8. 9 Broadw AHERN, ¢ icket Ag . P. GILI RSLF LIVERPOOL and ALLAN LINE "V5 omar ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. From St. John From Halifax, Sat., Jan. 20. Mon., Jan. Sat., J 27. Mon., Jan Parsian, " eh. 3 Mon.. Feb Sicilian, at., Feb. 10. Mon, F BOSTON TO GLASGOW Mongolian Sat., Jan. 27 HALIFAX TO LONDON AND HAVRE Barmatian . vines Sat., Jan. 20. Js Pa HANLEY, Agent, G,T.R: City Pasotuges Depot. Jp Ps GILDER- BLEEVE, Clarence Street. Numidian, Corinthian ARCHITECTS. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- tice, second floor over Mahood's Drug store, corner Princes s and Bagot streets. lntrance on Bagot street. Telephone, 608. -------------------------- ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT fice site of New Driil Hall, per of Queen and Montreal streets. POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. -'Phone, 212. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, Anchor Building, Market Square "Phone LATELY corner Mon- DR. McCARTHY, OFFICE occupied by Dr. Ryan, treal and Brock streets. DRY WILLIAM GIBSON, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc. Late Resident House Surgeo Kingston General Hospital. Office--232 King street, opposite Bank of Montreal. 'Phone, 43. MONEY AND.BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND Fire Insurance Company, Available assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policy holders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and city pro- perty insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new husiness get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. ------------ et R POLICIES COVER MORE ON building -and contents than any other company offers. Examine them at Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark- et Salare. GLOBE "THERE IS A TIME FOR ALL THINGS." Now, while prices are low, is the time to fill your coal bin with best quality SCRANTON COAL fom & t P. Walsh's Yard | | {BARRACK STREET, : C. H POWELL CARPENTER AND JOBBER 103 Raglan Street: marci mmmavens| AS OF, NEIGHBORS t Every morning first of all Mother comes and gives her call : -- ¢¢ John-ne-e-e-e! " . Then I know that I can snore For.a half an hour more, Till brother comes to bang my door. For fifteen minutes more I lis, Waiting for. my sister's cry : -- ¢¢ John-ne-e-e-e! Then dad barks out, but I keep still, And on and on I snooze until I can hear the coffee mill. \ 0h, how good that coffee smells! Talk about your breakfast bells, For Johnay ! Quick I slip my panties on, You can always look for John 'Fore that Chase & Sanborn's gone. Guess I'm lazy! Pa says so. Ma says, " So tormented slow Is Johnny |' But 'tis Johnny-on-the-spot, Johnny for the coffee pot, THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY {8. ENTS TELL US. I ---- . i {The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What | People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. | Long Point Notes. i Long Yoint, Jan. 16.--J. LaRose | and o, Cross are busy with the saw- | ing" Machine through the neighbor | | hood at present. W. J. LaRose's little | girl, vy, is very sick with pneumonia. { i Dr. Elhott, Seedey"s Bay, 1s in al} | tendance, Miss Katie McAvoy is visit- | | ing friends here at present. Mrs. John | {' McDonald, Sand Bay, spent a few | | days with her sister, Miss E. O0'Con- { nor, last week. Mrs. Wright and Mrs. | Shearer, Lansdowne, Visited their | | brother, J. Moorhead and family, on | | Sunday last. ) | NHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- i | | te Prestonvale Points. Prestonvale, Jan. 16.--Our young | people intend taking in the entertain | ment given by Miss Pauline Johnsen, } {in the Orange Hall Drummond Centre, | | on Monday evening. George Horning, | | Bishop's Mills, called on friends here | recently. W. McLaren, Sault Ste. | | Marie, is spending his vacation at his | { home here. Miss Lena McNaughton of | the P.C.1., spent Sunday at her hom@ | here. M R. D. Halfpenny has been spending sometime visiting her par- | | ents in Carleton Place. Thomas Stur- | | goon is busily engaged hauling hay to | his farm which he recently purchased rom George Richards, Mr. and Miss | Green, Arnprior, visitied * W. Tennant | recently. | | + When that CHASE & SANBORN'S hot. | BLO HUMORS PIMPLES BLOTCHES ERUPTIONS Meany an otherwi beautiful and attr: tive face is sad ous other blood d cases, HUMORS ap". S-- | better now winter. Our arred 1 ; fur vy ns | been seriously ill Eruptions, Fleshworms | is slowly recovering. Alexander Blair, i FLESHWORMS ,.a Hamers, and vari- bot the firm of Goodfellow & Blair, is | | department | Westport Walts. i Westport, Jan. 16.--The sleighing is than at any time last jce races were a grand | success, this year, as the weather was {clear and fine. There was a large | crowd from Brockville and other parts | attended them. Wood 4¥ quite plentiful { now and prices are coming down. We 29 | are glad to see T. 1 again with his 1906 samples of paper. K. McCann around | wall | { Mrs. Joseph Kenoe, who has | for the past week | ise |in Gananoque for a few days this | Mrs. M. J. White, who has | week. Their presence is a squrce of embarrass. | heen ill for the past few weeks, is im- | ment to those afflicted, as well as pain and | proving, so regret to their friends. Many defaced, possessor rendered unhappy for yoars. Why, then, consent to rest under t cloud of embarrassment ? "There is an effectual remedy for all these | hour the defects, it is, BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS This remedy will drive cut all the impuri- ties from the blood and leave the. com- plexion healthy and clear. Miss Annie Tobin, Madoc, Ont., writes: | «7 take great pleasure in recommend your Burdock Blood Bitters to any one who | a cheek and brow--cast in the mould of grace and beauty--have been sadly fo attractiveness lost, and their also is Mrs. J.. J.1 | Speagle. Miss Johnanna Conners, who | has been the guest of her mother for | the past { home in his {is slowly January Stella last week. Our town | recovering from ithe shock af | 5th, 1906, when at an eaily sad news passed from house to house telling of the sudden death | of John Whelan, one of the oldest re: | sidents of the town, The funeral the largest ever held in St. Edward's church. Our town will miss him very much in business matters and we ex mily: Marysville Matters. M8 | Marysville, Jan. 16.--Miss Jettah may be troubled with pimples on the face. i) Gould, Napanee, spent last week with I paid out money to doctors, but ¢ould not | the Misses Emma and Jertha Gould, get cured, and was almost discouraged, and | and other friends here. Quite a num despaired of ever getting rid of them. thought I would give B.B.B. a trial, so two bottles, dott I had taken ti I was completely cured and have had sign of pimples since." Burdock Blood Bitters has been manu- | and Miss factured by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, | naining some for over 30 years, and has cured thousands | ; in that time. Do not accept a substit which unscrupulous dealers say is ** jus! good." 'It can't be." And now as to Diamonds ! It is not without reason that Canada's largest Jewelry house should bg known as Diamond Hall: All over the' Conti nent thisstoreis famous as giving unequalled diamond values. A permanent buying staff at Amsterdam ensures advantageous purchas- ing, and our customers receive the price benefit A' Diamond Hall guar- antee.meansan absolutely " perfect stone. RYRIE BROS. ee | MITE Dore 134-138 YONGE ST. TORONTO =- ONT. ' ------ eee 2 The Cuban Realty | One' =of Co's. Land 1s in the eastern, en of * Cuba, the soit is virgin "and fertile, drained and well tered. The Cups Railroa through' he property--Bartle, the t« site, being a regular station on the | with telegraph and express office estalr lished. ne Transportation facilities are very mortant factors. Hotel " 1s now available to settlers arriving Nursery is being established for the care and culture of voung trees, plants, et Where an investor or group intend buy- ine largely we will arrange or such per- sons to meet one of our purchasers whe | Ozone. has thorourhly investigated our proper son. We invite all who are gerade] 1 Properties to call our oflive a ® onr lands. write for Prospectus, Price of Lands 9% per cent. cash : 25 days : balance, at 6 per If you fave vat Ot Maps, Charts. cont The Cuba Realty Co. © LIMITED. J. 0. HUTTO! wii wt 254 Bagot St., King! bd where well v passes directly accommodation resarding own 0 Agent | and if he hasn't I | ber from hgbe attended the Star Club got |in Deseronto on Thursday night last. vem | Mr. and Mrs. Michael McAlpine have no {retuned home from Sarnia, accom { panied by her brother and sister, Mr. Sangan, who intend re time. Michael Fahey {has again resumed his studies in the ue | Rogiopolis, Kingston. Quite a num tas c.f ! 1 | ber from here attended the funeral of the late William Kelly, Deseronte Jagetion, who, while walking down » railroad to his daughter's, Mrs. A. Grooms, on Monday morning, {last week, { train not far from' his home and ir | stantly killed. He was quite deaf and {it is supposed never heard the ap | proac h of the train. The deceased was | vighty-four years of age, and had al- | ways lived about a mile east of | Marysuille, until last year, when he {movgd to Deseronto Junction. Much | sympathy is extended to his sorrow- {ing widow and family. Johnston, | after spending several weeks with his { uncle, Archibald Campbell, here, has | returned to visit his mother in Whit- {by. Mids Lilly Anderson, Napanee, is | visiting her mother, Mrs. L. Ander- lson. Miss Mary McGuinness has re | turned home after visiting friends in Deseronto. Harper's Weekly A member of | lates how | that | yer. | He Had Experience. | the bar of Balitmore re a witness in a trial shit in city once "got hack" at the law- who had been endeavoring to {| rattle" the witness by a severe cross: | examination. * | At a "certain point in the proceed | ings the witness suddenly interrupted | the ecross-examining lawyer "by v ex claiming : | | "Look here ! You needn't think you kin rattle me by askin' all them ques- | tions." "No 7" wag the sarcastic rejoiner. { "No, siree !" came in emphatic tone | from the refractory witness. "Your questions don't bother me at all. I've «| paised three sons an' two® grandions ! an' I've been in training a good many | | years." . BE the greatest problems of modern society is come: home late at night. * A Problem Solved. Ozone is ozone, and in buging it- the problem is to get the purest form. "Solution of Ozdne (the coupon kind)" is the purest form in which | Ozome is put up. In addition, each | bottle contains a coupon entitling you to a package of "Celery King' | Cc. free, and it is well-known that you | | should take "Celery King" along with wn { ine, fm- . A | we put "Celery King!' coupons in | in" | our Ozone bottles because mo other | Gem ean give "'Celery King" with Grane." fv buying "Salation of Ozone ete. | (the coupon kind)" you ges ihe pares $50 Per Acre | and most concentrated form of Ozone, per cent. in 90 | and, in addition vou save the the "Celery King ex- to | pense of buying Ar | ude with it. No other kind of Ozone offers this | advantage. Ask your druggist for it, | Drug Company, Bridgeburg, Ont. few weeks, returned to her jors hands, will be | those who was | tend our sympathy to his wife and fa- | was struck by a freight | i cha | thirt¥-seven years old, s | has wap _g*fortune of 8 stairs when you! | engages it write the Public | Sunlight ~ as = FASHIONS FORM. i ---- # ! Hooded Coat For the Wee Maid. { The large Capuchin hood is worn this year by those of 'all ages, from the small maid up. On this navy blue kersey loose model, with its centre back seam covered with a pointed | band of cloth, js a large hood of ker sey, which reaches out over the shoulder line in cape efiect. The hood is cut x¢~ that it comes down on the fronts of the coat in rever fashion, and when the little maid chooses to draw the hood snugly about her head, these rever portions turn up warmly abot the neck. A fine French flannel in vivid scarlet lines this gar ment, and also the hood, and the cnfis on the coat sleeves have insets of the flannel, The {fronts are double breasted fo - the neck, fastened with clusters of blue bone buttons. This smgll maid wears a navy blue beaver poke bonnet, trimmed with a huge bow of scarlet satin ribbon, a narrow- | er width in this same shade tying the bunch of soft curls on the right of the head. side PATENT MEDICINES. of Analyses to Published Shortly. Ottaws, "Jan. 18,--=The inland revenue' will: shortly publish the results of analysis that its chemists have made of afew of the best known patent medicines sold in Canada, in cluding headache powders. The inform ation, when it comes from the print available for all are desirous of knowing what these preparations contain, and some highly intefesting particulars are promised from the bulletin when it ap pears. Canadians at large will be able to see for themselves the risks at- tending the indiscriminate use of al | leged remedios whose properties they | in many cases do not fully realize. The | subject is now receiving a certain am- ount of deserved attention in the Un- { ited, States, and 'is being. pressed up- {on the notice of the minister of in- { land revenue by individuals who want | steps ten for the protection of the Canadian public from impositions and | frauds. The session before last, Sena tor Sullivan, Kingston, spoke of the excessive amounts of aleohiol that cer- tain preparations contain, and declar- ed it an evil thing for the government Ito be licensing 'certain persons to poison the people of the country. | "These compounds," he added, 'should be analyzed, anyway, and the manu | facturérs of them should not be allow- ed to mislead the public." It is stated that in certain of the stated the sale of preparations of a kind that might prove dangerous to the uninformed | has already been prohibited. In Ontario | there is a statute providine that in | the case' of medicines containing any of a long list of specified poisons, in | quantities sufficient to render them | dangerous to health or life, the pro vineial board of health may order an analysis to be made. After this has been done, authority is given the gov | ernor-in-council to impose the same restrictions upon the sale of the pre- | paration in quesiion as attach to the salg of any dangerous poison in a drug store. Unfortunately, the clauses in question seem to have proven but a dead letter, although there will be lit tle doubt but their strict enforcement | might prove a wise thing for the peo pl: at large. | In England there are certain restric tions enforced upon the patent medi cine trade and a tax is collected rang ing from a penny and a half to om shilling, according to the price of the | goods. Tt was recently brought to the attention?' of the inland revenue de partment that a well-known. house hold remedy enjoying a very wide sale both in England and in ° the United i States and Canada, uses a label on its { English goods 'essentially different from what we see on this side of the | Atlantic. Tn England its users are in formed that one of its poison, but Results Be elements is a here, apvarent!v, loft to find this the pur- re are out for themselves, po! IF HE ADVERTISES From Seventy-Five Tents to $150,000. Frank England, a Jersey City man, vs that he 50,000 by bet- tracks. He started a capital of seventy-five cents, ting at the race with { and has accumulated a sufficient sum comfort for the rest That's one case; for that will venture the prediction are 100 instances where to' keep Lim in of his life. one we that there { men have started with a fortune . of $150,000 and wound up with seventy- five conts as a result of gambling' on horse races. Every dollar that Mr, England won came out of some other man's pocket. The man who starts with seventy-five cents capital, ~ who in legitimate business and who, by good management and thrift, succeeds in collecting a sum cqugl to that witich" Mr. England possesses benefite the community. He helps to viva wealifl, ae B erp wins has merely enriched himself tirely at the expense of others. Mbit adie ganu i en" Sunlight soap is better than othér soaps, but it is best when used in the way, Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. "court to the girl, who accepted 1 room A -DESERTED TURK AK% REVENGE ON GIRL'S J \_ MOTHER. Plunges Kuife in Woman, Holding Her Responsible Because Daughter Fled Ffom His Brutality. Paris, Jan. 18. --Three years ago Yvonne Pluquet, a pretty dressmaker of the Rue de la Paix, made a deep impression "on a subject of Abdul Hamid, and although he was a mar ried man with two children he paid his attentions. - His wife obtained a divorce, and the Turk and the dressmaker established a "faux menage," which, as things turned out, was not remarkable or either harmony or happiness. Violent , and the girl, tired of heing beaten by the Turk, left him, He sought her everywhere and talked of killing her, The girl's mother tried to calm him. But he would not be calmed. A heat- ted discussion broke out, and Mme, Pluquet, thinking to spite the Turk, told what had become of her daugh ter. "My daughter is tired of your brutality," she said. "She has now gone to a place in the Plaine Mon- ceau, where she will receive $4,000 and no blow On hee the Turk became crazy. "It issyou who have taken her from me!" he erie. "Yon shall diets Taking a knife with a long blade from his pocket he plunged it up to the halt in the woman's hosom. Mme Pugiet. died affer a few min utes of frightful agony, and her mur derer gave himself up. The murdered woman was the mother 'of thirteen children. ; ing this Shock For. A Lady. Ladies' Homa Journal. Several vears ago, while the writer was stopping' at the Hygein hotel (then in existence) at Old' Point Com fort, Va, the following curred ; One evening after retiving to my I was seized with an atta of rheumatism, and, remembering an old-time remedy, 1 rang for the porter and ordered a hot stovelid from the kitchen range, distinctly stating that it he well wrapped in paper. A blank expression crossed fhis-- ebony counten ance, but he respaetinlly answered in the affirmative ant straightway dis appeared. In an incredibly short time he returned, with the following infor- mation : s "Miss, de barkeeper says he don't kriow nuthin' 'bout mixin' a 'hot stovelid," but hé can send up a 'hot stone fine," if dat'll do." incident oc Blood Will Tell. Of course the kind that is rich anc red always will tell, tells in. your face, in your ambition, your work, and your life--tells for success. Wade's ron Tonic Pills make, and keep the blood puré and rich. In boxes 25c. at Wade's Drag Store. Money back if not satisfactory. "Just As Good." She was a model of domestic careful. ness, has a special talent for. mak ing bread, and takes great pride in having her loaves turn out well, One evening she had set the bateh of dongh to rise in the kitchen, reading in the parlor, vear-old boy came running to her, crying, "Mama, mama, there's a mouse jumped into your bread pan!" The good woman sprang from her seat, and was when her six "Did you take him out ?"' ed, frantically "No, but I done just as threw the cat in, and she's ter him to beat the band !™ she ask good. 1 rring af Among the insects the gent those of the ant tril next to them rank wasps. Bees some way lower down the scale tles are hopelessly stupid, but they are not a and moths. intelli , while come Bee oven butterflies most are i bad ax rE ------ ETE TI I TR THE DANGER THAT LURKS IN COLDS And How Serious Results Can Be Avoided by Use of DR. CHASE'S SYRUP OF LINSEED AND TURPENTINE There is one way in which the ravag cs of consumption can be very materi ally lessened and that is hy the prompt and thorough cure of coughs and colds, While weak lungs disposal to lung trouble and consump tion, the beginning must always be with a neglicted cold. By directing your attention to Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- tine, we make known to vou the most certain and effeetive means of turing coughs and colds and preventing such diséas.s as bronchitis, consumption and pneumonia. This is not a new medicine, not an experiment, but a preparation which has successfully stood the test of time and has to-day by far the largest sale of any similar treatment. If we can only belp you to realize the danger of neglecting coughs and colds, we know that you will not run the risk of depending on any "cough mixture" the druggist may choose to hand you ont, but will insist on get- ting a medicine "with a reputation, such ns Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. Mrs. R. Hutton, 12 Claremont gtreet, Toronto, Ont., writes : "A year ago | had a bad attack of la grippe and all the doctor's pre scriptions proved of no avail. 1 was told to try Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine and found it a great blessing, as it thoroughly cured me, 1 told my doctor that Jntended' to recommend if to all my inchs, 1 would not ba without '#t in the house for many times iis cost.' It is impossible for a doctor to pre- cerive for man a more effective treat ment for eronp, bronchitis, whooping cough. asthma, eoughs and colds than Dir. Chess Syrup of Linseed and Tar- penting, ,25¢. a Botte, at all dealers, { undoubtedly pre * Bovril on the Dinner Table Any meal is the < better for the use of @ 3 | a little BOVRIL, It \ adds so much to the a flavor and nutriment of - so many dishes that it should be in every kitchen. - The mere odor of BOVRIL creates appetite, and it contains the nourishing element of prime beef that strengthens and builds up the system. Here is a BOVRIL-helped dinner dish: STREAK A LA CLA ey soak of an inch in k thickness, nd cook in u little butter, fen. after the hitter has i ti trated in 3 Eight pounds of prime beef is concentrat Deen poured off, Dour four ounces of BOVRIL. With horse-radish. Bovril is prepared enly by BOVRIL LIMITED, LONDON, ENG,, snd MONTREAL, CANADA vd By special appointment 2 Purveyors to His Majesty King Edward VIL Save Coupon over peck of Bottle and get Beautiful Premium Picture, A) SAY 8 , 1h Ve / DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYN ' | (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE). Golds, | Coughs. | | CHLOR ia admitted by the profession to be the most wonderful and yaluable rem edy ever discovered. is the best remedy known for COUGHS, \ COLDS, CONSUMPTION, BRONCBI- TIS, ASTHMA. D \ \ Eo like a charm in DIARRH CHLOR and io the only specific in CHOLERA, { i L 0 R 0 and DYSENT | o effectually cuts short all attacks of I 0 I PILEPSY, HYSTERIA, PALPITA- TION and SPASMS. is the only palliative in NEURALGIA, ( RHEUMATISM, GOUT, CANCER, TOOTHACHE, MENINGITIS, ote. Always ask for "DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE," and beware of spurious compounds or imitations. The genuine bears the words "DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" on the Government Stamp of each bettle. {Sold in bottles. Prices in England, 1s. 13d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. each (Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each bottles Sole Manufacturers :--J. T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON. Wholesale Agents, LYMAN BROS. & CO., Limited, Toronto, EVENING $ FOOTWEAR We have the largest assortment of Evening Footwear in Kingston in Strap or Lace Shoes --- : * by a . Women's one-strap Shoes, in Vici Kid or Patent Leather, $1.25 to $2.50. Wemen's two-strap Shees, $1.25 to $2.60. Women's six-strap Shoes, $1.76 to $2.78. Women's White Kid Strap Shoes, $1.50, $1.76. ; ; Women's Laced Kid Shoes, high or medi un heels, $1.25 to $3.50. "oy pe Women's Patent Oxford Shoes, light or heavy soles, $2.60 to $3.50. EXTRA STRONG HOREHOUND BARS: 20c. per lb. lbs, for 60¢. ; ' Ca St. a